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August 23, 1974
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Approved For ' Rel s$(2pp/ / b9wym Washington, U.G. 20230 *DOC Exemption Letter In ERU File* August 23., 1974 Mr. Boris V. Fedin Deputy Director of the U.S.S.R. All-Union Research Institute for Standardization GOSSTANDART, U.S.S.R. Teninsky Pr. No. 9 Moscow U.S.S.R. Dear Mr. Fedin: STATINTL I take pleasure in enclosing the signed copies of the Record of the First Meeting of the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Working Committee on Harmonization of Air and Water Pollution Standards under Area XI of the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection. I think that you will agree that the Record clearly indicates the substantial nature of the dis- cussions which took place during our joint meeting. It is our intention that the U.S. delegation will be prepared to present a tentative plan for a joint work program for consideration by the Soviet side during the next joint meeting scheduled to be held in .Moscow around the end of November 1974. We propose to present you with our tentative plan for a joint work program well in advance of the time for our next meeting and hope thereby to pro-; vide you with a basis for insuring that experts from the appropriate agencies of the U.S.S.R. will be available to join with the experts from our side in considering specific proposed work projects. In closing, permit me to express the sense of satisfaction and appreciation of our side for the very useful meeting with you and the other distinguished members of the Soviet AC 0 1 2000109106 ? CIA RDP79 00798 0010001)0004 9 'Sb TSPO 1bchnolo9Y t, t drove or a ease Q Approved For ' Rele 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-007901000130004-9 w 2 - delegation. May I also add my sincere personal appreciation and pleasure for your most welcome participation in the social event in my home.. Our side looks forward with keen anticipation to continuing the constructive discussions at the next meeting with the Soviet delegation. Sincerely, Sidney R. Galler Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environmental Affairs Enclosures bc: Honorable Russell Train Honorable John Busterud Honorable Frederick Dent Honorable John Tabor Dr. Betsy Ancker-Johnson Dr. Robert M. White Dr. Richard Roberts Mr. Christian Herter Dr. William Brown Dr. Bernard Steigerwald Mr. David Strother Dr. Walter Sadowski Dr. George Marinenko Dr. James McNesby Dr. Robert Miki Mr. Robert Grant Dr. Jack Tech U.S. Embassy Moscow cc: Dr. Boris Kuvshinnikov Main Administration of the Hydrometeorological Service Hydrometeorological Servicc of the U.S.S.R. Pereulok Pavlika Morozova 12 Moscow D-376 U.S.S.R. bc: Ambassador Wm. Tr~~ eart Mr. Ray Pardons Mr. Thomas Walsh Mr. Robert Ellert Mr. Nels Johnson Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798AO01000130004-9