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May 6, 1972
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Approved For Rei se 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00WA001000120005-9
In the course of negotiations between the American and Soviet
delegations, held in Moscow May 4 - 6, 1972, agreement was reached
on draft texts of an Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Environ-
mental /between the Government of the United States of America and the
Government of the Union of Sovie-C toeiai' st Republics- and of a 'list
of possible areas of cooperation.
These drafts will be transmitted to the Govern ents of both
countries for their consideration.
Head of he
Head of the
U. S. Delegation Soviet Delegation
Gordon J. MacDonald K. V. Ananichev
member, Council on Environ- Director of Department,
mental Quality, Executive State Com7"ittee of the U.S.S.R.
Office of the President, U.S.A. Council of Ministers for
Science and Technology
Y %v cYFEdor lease 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798AO01000120005-9
Possible Main Areas of Cooperation
tween the UA and the USSR i, the
Xpproved For Reuse r? z OW800120005-9
The Parties agreed to conduct joint programs on the following
aspects of the problems:
- Air pollution, including the reduction of the content of noxious
substances in emissions from industry, transport and from other sources;
improvement of existing methods, equipment, instruments and the develop-
ment of new improved technology;
Water pollution, including purification of waste waters by
chemical, biological and other methods to prevent polluting water sup-
plies, and developing new.tec'hnologicai processes which would ensure
minimal net use of water, as well as processes based-on closed-cycle
water systems;
- Environmental pollution associated with agricultural production,
including the study and improvement of methods of using mineral ferti-
lizers, chemical and biological means of plant protection.,, splving the
problems of protection and improvement of soil productivity, as well as
disposal of the wastes of agricultural production, etc.;
Enhancement of the urban environment, including the solution f~
problem s
^-f urbv-.. planning,
taking into account the requirements of
environmental protection, transportation problems, questions of water
supply, transportation, treatment 'and utilization of liquid and solid
wastes, reduction of noise levels;
Preservation of nature and the organization of preserves, including
the study and preservation of natural ecological systems and existing
species of plant and animal life;
, poJ~tation, including the development of__e,ffective means
and methods of preventing contamination of the oceans by oil, heavy
AOjr]dved,9Fe r ,Rvlet8 OMIO5dr(PAAPPZ9-?19RAQQIPDA120?05-9
Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798AO01000120005-9
- Biolo ical and genetic consequences of environmental. pollution,
including the study of the toxicity of various substances, the influence
of various pollutants on the genetics of man, animals and plants, and
methods of controlling their effects, as well. as developing the scientific
and technological bases for permissible amounts of emissions on large
regions to ensure the normal viability of organisms and the preservation
of the environment, etc.;
- Influence of environmental, changes on climate, including the study
of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxygen and ozone, balance. in the
. .~ .:.~ ~.,;
atmosphere, the-role of suspended dust` h the.,atmsphere and reflectivity
of the earth, as well as local_glimatic changes due to urbanization;
_, includPntr
Earthquake prediction,/joint, studies of the mechanism of earth-
quakes and the search for phenomena preceding earthquake activity;
- Arctic and subarctic ecological systems, and the impact of human
activities on them;
- Legal and administrative measures for. protecting em: irc*vmental
Appro WP& Iee%W6MO0109#?06hedAi- P - 079?1 '67 120005-9
and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist
The Government of the United States of America and the Government
of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics;'
Attaching great importance to the problems of environmental protection
Proceeding on the assumption that the proper utilization of con-
temporary scientific, technical and managerial achievements can, with
appropriate control of their undesirable consequences, make possible
the improvement of the interrelationship between man and naturn-
Considering that the developmemt crf>nutualroo gration in the fi"hld,,,,
of environmental protection, taking into account the experience of,
countries with different social and economic systems, will be beneficial
to the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics, as well as to other countries;
Considering that economic and social development for the' benefit
of future generations requires the protection and enhancement of the
human environment today;
Desiring to facilitate the establishment of closer and long-term
cooperation between interested organizations of the two countries in
this field;
In accordance with the Agreement between the United States of
America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Exchanges and
Cooperation in Scientific, Technical, 'Educational, Cultural, and other
11elds in 1972-1973, signed April 11, 1972, and developing further the
principles of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries;
Have agreed ..s' f ollof'rs i
Article I
ApprovecrForR sea,20.00?A9100 cQ1 79 0~0' HAO0 1 `'' {.'' l {
17~ ~rrct ; ~n on the basis of equality, reciproW Aui '- Dent-it.
Approved For Rel a 2000/09/06 CIA `RDP79-007-,WA001000120005-9
Article 2
This cooperation will be aimed at solving the most important aspects
of the problems of the environment and will be devoted to working out
measures to prevent pollution, tb study pollution and its effect on the
environment, and to develop the basis for controlling the impact of human
activities on nature.
It will be implemented, in particular, in the following areas:
- air pollution;
-'water pollution;
- environmental pollution associated with ag'ricultural'
-enhancement of the urban environment;
- preservation of nature-and the organization of preserves;
- marine pollution;
- biological and genetic consequences of environmental pollution;
- influence of environmental changes on climate;
- earthquake prediction; T ,..
- arctic and subarctic ecological systems;
legate and administrative measures for protecting environ-
mental quality.
In the course of this cooperation the Parties will devote special
attention to joint efforts improving existing technologies and develop-
ing new technologies which du not pollute the environment, to the intro-
duction of these new technologies into everyday use, and to the study of
their economic aspects.
The Parties declare that, upon mutual agreement, they will share
the results of ^uc coo ,
Approved For PeaseOPM6 ~( ~G9 '- tb 9BA001000120005-9
The Parties will conduct cooperative activities in the
field of
? Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-007Q A001000120005-9
- exchange of scientists, experts and research scholars;
- organization of bilateral conferences, symposia and
meetings of experts;
- exchange of scientific and technical information and
documentation, and the results of research on environment;
- joint development and implementation of programs and
projects in the field of basic and applied sciences;
- other forms of cooperation which may be.agreed upon in the
course of the implementation of this Agreement.
Proceeding from the
Artidle 4 ~~. 1
aims of this Agreement the Parties will
encourage and facilitate, as appropriate, the establishment and develop-
ment of direct contacts and cooperation between institutions and organi-
zations, governmental, public and private, of the two countries, and
the conclusion, where appropriate, of separate agreements and contracts.
Article 5
For the implementation of thisA.greement a US-USSR' Joint Cornnittee
aya .y pw
on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection shall be estab-
lished. As a mile this Joint Committee shall meet once a year in Wash-
ington and Roscow, alternately. The Joint Committee shall approve con-
Crete measures and programs of cooperation, designate the participating
organizations responsible for the realization of these programs and make
recommendations, as appropriate, to the two Governments.
Each Party shall designate a coordinator. These coordinators,
between sessions of the Joint Committee, shall maintain contact between
fieii.ercan and ,aviet parts, supervise the implementation of the
pertinent cooperative program^, specify the'individual. sections of these
Release 2000/09//06: CIA--RDP79 00 98AO01000120005 9
Appro'ved For Rese 2000/09/06 CIA-RDP79-008A001000120005-9.
Article 6
Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prejudice other
agreements concluded between the two Parties.
Article 7
This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature and shall
remain in force for five years after which it will be extended for suc-
cessive five year periods unless one Party notifies the other of the
termination thereof not less than six months prior to its expiration.
The termination of this Agreement shall not, affect the validity
of agreements and contracts between interested. institutions and
organizations of the two countries concluded on the basis of this
Done on May , 1972 at Moscow in duplicate, in the English and
Russian languages, both texts being equally authentic.
Approved For Release 2000/0.9/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A001000120005-9