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. pproved For Lase 2002/03/28 : CIA-RDP79-00798A04600100047 3.300 1.67.-Russia. j IN 291974 MM2r. L. A. Trubitain Chief, :min TTaclhzjca1 Adnx1n ,str.tti0n wiinistry of ElectAificatio-t and Po er gorky Stet, 2o.. 3.1 MOSCOW U. S. S. R- Dear sir. T ub.i.t:iin: "Please refer to a letter of NEW 25, 1973, to you from xir. W. A. eatinZ, them t' sista"nt Commissioner - Resource D,ve.lo t nt, of thw ]iure u of RPcla-mation avid now retired iron P'edexla`'erM*1entryr ri ce. a Sat letter reported on the first meeting of the ?x. x.-ti S s' y } Scientific an ethnical Cnoperatican and that one of t:ha nCoLaftissioll W, ine projects apDr4v+~"j. by the Join- Co r i tt In t'ir.;e fiald of ter:C~y ; esearci3 zd eawdo r-- ent. is "Design and Qperation of ',e Sj'~ :`1113 project his been separated into t o uh? xou s, Pt?Tr*t'T' i3`J9"h.`,."-1',7-q" )"~? ~'~?a and , Eyclro~, ctric txover Sy temta. "" It also ix.dicatad that Mr. Zeat:i_ng as to be the Project aoordinator for 'i ydroe1ec"tric Power SyatP. s" gor the U.3. and outlined our 'z'1derstand?n- of the areas. of coin interest. is is to advise you that S av nor been desi, hated Project Coord for the r " ~ : roel4C> 1'ic Power Syste--l$' 3aat~?r~1~~'s1~ vice 3r j oduicao tivae cxYocaietdi.oc z rtl3e receipt of ? our ter Mr- } r ~; aar ~i~;? am deter--Lining areas of common interest. filth you in J~- I an no in the Procese of -Coming a wt.-.ork- n , groun to he composed of a j representatives from rroWer cot- panje,,4 and various +Gj,)vern -r t:tt gV!,jc having an. Lw:t -r,~ tin ""R d "e -" s i :r -4,dro~~_. ctric osier yate~< ~ _inciuklir:c< Pup d ?to:araye 3y3t r.5:3.'" 1ilie working, ,7 , ~,rOt.n Will assiat ma In C--) a~sserir~:l.#.xisS technical literature to be a.ccb;? e as tirell as to consider your sug $ gc F4tioas on the most Productive technical prohi.ein areas for t Lis project.. It 13 believed that this cooperative program can be as benefic .,-A and productive as previous U.S.-, e :cna?anges. bc: jDr. Oswald H. Ganley Sincerely yours, Executive Secretary U.S.-U.S.S.R. Programs Sec ~"~L~ IANI F. GRAHAM ~4 ec v t &` elease 2002/03/28 : CIAQP79-00798A000600100047-0 e r meat o State ??'illiar:- F. C,`r.ana,n Chief, Divii,-Aon kii 'Power v xa1 L1/Li -3 LU. Lca iJt; Jai lIle 1t or the interior 'BURAU OF.RECLAMATION N tASHINGTON, D. C. 20240 Approvei or Release 2002/03/28 : CIA-RDP79-OAV98AO00600100047-0 DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF LANGUAGE SERVICES (TRANSLATION) LS NO. 40566 T-131/R-XVIII Russian Mr. E.F. Thomas Director of Operations Tennessee Valley Authority Chattanooga, Tenn. 37401 Dear Mr. Thomas: Thank you for your letter of January 11, 1974, your good wishes and the materials sent by you. In preparing for future meetings, the Soviet side reiterates its agreement to coverall expenses arising from the stay in the U.S.S.R. of American power engineering specialists involved in subject I, "Design and Operation of Thermal and Hydroelectric Power Plants". We are awaiting your communication in regard to the final decision on the problem of financing the stay in the U.S. of Soviet exchange dele- gations. We feel that such an exchange of delegations is particularly advisable in the case of the joint training of specialists for extended periods of Our proposals concerning cooperation in the field of designing and operating hydroelectric power stations will be sent you as soon as possible. Respectfully, [s] L. TrubiLsyn Director, Bain Technical Administrrt.on U.S.S.R. Ministry of Power and Electrification Approved For Release 2002/03/28 : CIA-RDP79-00798AO00600100047-0 Approved f e - Release 2002/03/28 CIA-RDP79-OO A000600100047-0 Dear Mr. Thomas: I; have transmitted your regards to our colleagues who received you in the Soviet Union, and am providing you with their addresses: Deputy Director, Rostovenergo Rostovenergo Rostov-on-the-Don Vladimir Vasil'yevich Belyayev Vadim Aleksandrovich Makhlin Mark Mikhaylovich Prosvetov Nikolay Nikolayevich Fedor Vasil'yevich Skalkin Astemir Alekseyevich Salamov Yuliy Yakovlevich Kosoy Respectfully, Director, Dueproenergo Dneproenergo Zaporozh'ye, 10 Deputy Director, Dneproenergo Dneproenergo Zaporozh'ye, 10 Director, Khar'kovenergo Khar'kov Director Village of Nikolayevka Slavyansk Donetsk Oblast Head, Technical Department Institute "Teploelektroproyekt" Moscow Group Leader All-Union Heat Engineering Institute Moscow, Zh-68 Group Leader Institute "Teploelektroproyekt" Moscow L. Trubitsyn Approved For Release 2002/03/28 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100047-0 Approved FRelease 2002/03/28 :, CIA-RDP79-0074000600100047-0 N't,GfFt ',:fiFt tTtC[t%iv 11 .IIR:'_974 ].'ocrioAfuiy E.(l).T0i,. CY YnpaBJinIaijeMy no JHcnJlyaTaumt YnpaBJ1eH e , aJnmLi Te1I.Fiecii. uaralHol.'a, TeliHecN .371~OI CNA YBa}SaemEf , rocnoAhH% TwiiaC ! E.uaroAapio Bac 3a rIIClMO OT I7 7il:Bap5I I97t r. as Ao6pble n0? eiiaFimH X np1IcJIaHF17Ie Bai:IYI MaTepviaJlbl. I'aToB HOL IS Z4aJIBHe 11I'li:I LIau, COB eTClcaFt cTopo tia El-{o p. n0A`.~'J3op 52 aeT OBOe COrJIac'rIe HOCTi1 Boo pacxo.z u, C.'3r,vaimMe C ZIF c; 6bIBakimeP:I B CCCP aM;ISpIIHaFICISl'FX 3i epreTIIHOB no TeLle I "f100(D Tiioo BaIine, 1 3RCIuuiyaT'aI NIH TGIIJIOBLIX ITT rtiApaBJIn1 ,E)Ci{ IX 3.7IOiSTpD C`.iaHI ?, lMMbi ?icAeM BaL'Iero Coo6'-,' cliira oC7 oHOIILia`1".;J11," poc QII peluc':Iflira .i3afl ItiiiaHCl.pOBaiII1FI IIJeC IB' Ii&ifi QTBeT}IbiX COBOTCMIX AeJleraufl,`.= B Cli. . TaICaH f ophIa o6i;ieila AeJleraiiimr111, rio iialuemy MiieHwo, HBJIHCT 0C06eH-1110 I'eJI@CO06pa3H0ii IIp11 B'La ii:IHbIX CTa:s:I'ipoBI aX Ciiai iaJI; C; TO B Ha AJIImmTeJT i--ILIC Cponn. HauI1rI II~EAJIo cenkifi OTHOCiu`T'eTLIEO COTpy7u gOCTBa B 06:;raCT1i nPOeICTn.-0Ba1ZiiF1 J 3KCfJIyaTauf1i' rl'IAp O3JIe1STp0CTailr(iiyt ay,Ii~ `lam Han pa ,IeHn 3aM B 6Jizi?`cai:a1ee BpemH. C 11cISpeiIH11M yBa:iceriylens, Approved ~rllpa33JIuII;iH l`,I4iIIilCTer)(T',i.t 3I:~ UrC- T11IS1I I/I 3JLOL'iTplT(l;.Iiictll .idl U'''1?!' I. T'pYox'IubIH CIA-RD A Il3& 006' OO47t 0 TC S iiI:LieCISOrS Approved'FedpRelease 2002/03/28 : CIA-RDP79-0079000600100047-0 acmiI.' m - Tot::ac! rie_'eTc37- i~a'.(y 6!Iaru fa .II'Oc12L TODa .?Jl1 iiO:,.I Cu'i'uOU,-" 1-1 If 1-11 18C B CuB- TC1;:,,;i CJlo3u, Ii C.a a'i (Ica : T t -l [1 Z,J i t?is 'gyp 1 1 r' r ".t U-.1 ?~11 ! - a F , , i J,.~,vl tl ~eTlrte~ Bna I'i ~ i LaC : rL . : i 17 ..~,~~.;';i C r~ _ .; ~? , r.~,9rlJ0 Li, ilaXTIMH 3a,`~?yrl C9 iil'_. re 1: L ,ra:d 11 ~ i .r I , ai,_ IIIpOCECTOB ",ial:ic ,1i]XaMnOBi,I-I r.La -LILoB, I i I ) I,-0' , : Jn . IF ! CBeTlii'IICOB IIII%onai iilxOnacrb]ti. - ZiIi F,1 TO JtOatCL~Iica OO C rL, .';t riu}C'Cn u; iI CICa1IIii'IH `?er40: `80 Lf E'IY Ca ~a.'.+oB Aca~: rl AneICCe Byltl KOCO l iOiiIii i !!I~O3TI"BHtI Haua~I;IIIiIC TC Ilfitl`:cK ~_'_ Liociaa,11/ltiCTIN iT~'1' ?_lEui' 3Ti HjOICl - TKW30V.]Ti//~ TL r tyk 1V1UCIiia,ai'.-6U,..cecvi' it ?_- C - f.VICOBOLTr.!TC 1'J13C Iri 3, l'i ij CIT, I'i v+l` _..-. ,.~'r ... rl :: o IJ I{ C yEaZeF1Die tl JI .T YY; 111.1q Approved For Release 2002/03/28 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100047-0