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Approved For lease 2002/051o7 : -CIA- O79-'O 8,Aid 600100006-5 SUBJECT: Opinion Request - Water Resources A ' ay 7_ .._....__ ((..DArEE ) /l, Attached is self-explanatory material from the Department of State. May we have your opinion by 16AUG74 Please state degree of interest and whether we will receive requirements. DTS11 PUr0 % ? V L S I O ~~ '/BLS ~G r~ 1 ~ - ? c -e BESS T`~ ELLIE COMMERCE' LES SB CR5 - AF, ARMY' NAVY DI A E2 I:MPDLT CL T,Y : 007622 Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100006-5 C-0-1v -F--:t-:D_E-N--T-I-A-L ( ow*r A_~, RECORD OF U.S.-U.S.S.R. COORDINATORS MEETING ON PROJECT 111.2, "METHODS AND MEANS OF AUTOMATION AND REMOTE CONTROL IN WATER RESOURCE SYSTEMS" Washington, D. C., USA June 28, 1974 In accoruance with the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Agreement on Cooperation in the Fields of Science and Technology, signed May 24, 1972, and the Results of Discussions of the first meeting of the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Working Group on Scientific and Technical Cooperation in the Field of Water Resources signed September 30, 1972, the meeting of- U.S.-U.S.S.R. Coordinators was held in Denver, Colorado, on June 26-27, 1974, on Project 111.2, "Methods and Means of Automation and Remote Control in Water Resource Systems." Project coordinators who headed the U.S.-U.S.S.R. parties: The U.S.S.R. Party: Approved Foi lease 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-0079WO06001 0. A. Bilik Director of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Integrated Automation of Reclamation Systems The U.S. Party: E. F. Sullivan Assistant Commissioner - Resource Management Bureau of Reclamation The list of participants is. attached (Appendix No. 1). The following items were under discussion: 1. Coordination of the General Joint Program on the project for the period of cooperation 2. A detailed program to be executed during the first stage of cooperation for the period of 1974-76 Approved For Release 2002/05/07: CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100006-5 Approved ForQelease 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-00798,U00600100006-5 3. Preliminary itinerary for the visit of U.S. Group to the U.S.S.R. in September 1974 1. As a result of exchange of opinions and information on the activities executed in each country in the field of automation of water resource systems, the two Parties have discussed forms and topics of cooperation and are considering as a. basis the proposals by the U.S.S.R. side for a Joint Program of Works to be executed on the project (Appendix No. 2) during the period of cooperation, as well as a Detailed Program of Works to be carried out during the first stage of cooperation (Appendix No. 3). These programs may be subject to change or supplement .after tree visit of the U.S. side to the U.S.S.R. 2. The Parties have agreed upon the necessity of mutual preliminary coordination, in more suitable forms for every particular case, of stage priority of works to be executed according to Scientific and Technical Cooperation Program. 3. The preliminary itinerary for the visit of the U.S. Group to the U.S.S.R. in September 1974 has been discussed and agreed upon (Appendix No. 4). It will be corrected and specified as well as sent to the U.S. Party 1 month prior to the Group's departure for the U.S.S.R. 4. The U.S.S.R. Group has been acquainted with the work of some of the water economy organizations and firms, as well as of some technical solutions at a number of big projects and visited the following organizations and project sites: Nebraska automated gated-pipe irrigation system near Grand Island Central Nebraska Public'Power and Irrigation District automated canal and supervisory control center University of Nebraska North Platte Experimental Station Federal and state water resource features in Central Valley Basin, California California Aqueduct and Westlands Water District Approved For Release 2002/05/0'R: CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100006-5 Approved Foi elease 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-00799pt000600100006-5 USDA/ARS automation research at Palo Verde Irrigation District Salt River Project Bureau of Reclamation Engineering and Research Center Laboratories and data processing facilities 5. It is believed by the Coordinators that financing of all activities associated with the Joint Works provided by the program be realized in accordance with the decisions adopted by the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation. 6. The Project Coordinators and the participants-of this joint meeting state with satisfaction that the talks were fruitful and held in the atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding and originated the beginning of personal contacts that will contribute to further development and extension of cooperation in the field of automation and remote. control in water resource systems. The present Memorandum was signed on June 28, 1974, in two copies, Russian and English, both copies being equally valid. J/ , t 1, n 0. A. BiliiP E. F. Sullivan Project Coorda11a-tr Project Coordinator The U.S.S.R !S'i'de The U.S. Side Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100006-5 Approved For `Release 2002/05/07: CIA-RDP79-00790600100006-5 June 16-27, 1974 Appendix No. List of Participants at Coordinator Meeting of U.S.-U.S.S.R. Sides on Project 111.2, "Methods and Means of Automation and Remote Control in Water Resource Systems" U.S.S.R. Party 0. A. Bilik, Theme Coordinator Directo", All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Integrated Automation of Reclamation Systems Frunze 720052 Kirgiz _ D. D. Koslov, Chief Specialist of Automatic and Power Supply Department "Sojuzvodproject" Moscow V. I. Kurotchenko, Chief of Technical Cybernetics Laboratory KSSR Academy of Science Institute of Automatics Frunze I. B. Khamadov, Chief of Operational Hydrometry and Hydraulic Automatics with Sector A.C.S. Middle Asia Research Institute of Irrigation named after V. D. Jurin Tashkent U.S. Party E. F. Sullivan, U.S. Project Coordinator Assistant Commissioner - Resource Management Bureau of Reclamation Washington, D. C. 20240 Reid Teeples, Associate General Manager - Water Salt River Valley Water Users Association Post Office Box 1980 Phoenix, Arizona 85001 Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100006-5 Approved For lease 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-0079WO0600100006-5 List of Participants - continued U.S. Part R. D. Dirmeyer, General Manager Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District Holdrege, Nebraska 68949 Professor P. E. Fischbach University of Nebraska Room 214 Agricultural Engineering Building Lincoln, Nebraska 68503 Leonard J. Erie Agricultural Research Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Water Conservation Laboratory 4331 East Broadway Phoenix, Arizona 85040 Charles A. Calhoun, Team Leader Water Systems Automation Division of Water Operation and Maintenance Bureau of Reclamation Engineering and Research Center Denver, Colorado 80225 Approved For Release 2002/05/0'p: CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100006-5 (d to lJ ?.l - ?,?t t i N w C. a t ,{ u 4 ovecE FT O o Release 2002/05/07 CIA-RC)M79 O 798A000600100006-5 a ro u 0 ?.1 (1) 0 (o w c +( E ?.1 f}. a 4) u t1 4J f N 0 U a O T { !) 11 V) U t1 :1 cn - a U r 44 '14 14 0 0 0 :3 0 ?(1 co N o U (1 44 a tD a U 0 O CS ~3 u ,g N C 0 I OO rt [. C .-( V) 0 u O .-1 N F. n U 0 N 0 0 N ?.1 r( N N {J f. rt O N f1. U o. , 1 0) 00 f 0 !J N aJ X. ?J 0 1 0 .n O O 11 a U OJ s 4 ~ CL N M u ri - O - (n n C. O. H H O '? a a t U f? {J b C w 41 a O O O O t7w a O ^ N td ..4 . , 4 13 0 ? { rl a f3 U Cl) a ti 0- 17 N CJ 11 N a {-, N H~[n a 3J (4 r u w f, N N Ia 0 cn w r+ p. U .,j p U'1 U J H ?.1 O 0 W O N 0 U ?,J U 4' N CZ _ ? -C .,- ey _ . N f N ? 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N 0 4 w ? 1 r1 u t3 m o7 U 1J 4-1 r? 41 Cl C) ,-1 .41 E: t) U U U W )1 ?{ ?J.) q 0 W a N N .u ed For Release 2002/05/07 CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100006,-5 -4 N E3 .-t u ?.t u U Approved Fof (ease 200/jdd07 : CIA-RDP79-007911, 00600100006-5 1 'U 1J N 'L7 C: N rJ C CI u U (J (1) - 0 C: ;S CO 3 :) C) iJ }t 4-1 C: 0) ^rl C O 44 O O vi U 0 0 C M ?,-1 >, :~, U , S rJ C: l (7 )l 10 +rl U 1) 0 11 f; d (1 O m r la C- 1-. 41 ?,i ?.-1 ,-) 1) C`) 1) () i) C: U 1) ?14 (4 N W ?..1 C) CJ CUl U $4.0 0 0 (: C1. ra O ?.+ r1 N 11 u 4) CL C4 41 u N W a. n. o }i n1 t: IJ ?d f3 a Q) to 41 tJ 11 r. 0 U 0 .-? r7 0 0 0 ro 1) ro ?.-t M 4) to u 0 N l- :1 y .4 M 0 N 0 x C N 'cJ ro r: }1 Cl CO C0 ?..I ('J 0 0 .0 'A f: f: 41 0 0 1) v) u 1' 0 .14 ( 41 e) }c (7 a ,a m O{; 'u u -,c; u > U 1-t 0 ?U C) 1) 1 C s 0 N u tJ ?rl Cl, 0 41 4-t N 14 ?,4 144 ..( .. 1J ?.l U '= 0 U r) rJ 1, 0) cJ U 5-t 05 f N A) C1 C E .r. JJ C1 U $4 4.)) o 00 h 0 14 u 11 P. N O r. '0.4 0 ,-l !ti IJ CJ 4) (0 0 iJ }. .t ( i U 7 0) O 0. o Ei v O O 4+ 'U 00. ?-4 U yl M ApprovedJ? For Release 2002/05/07 CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100006-5 ,-1 .?a ri .-t N V r ?^ N ?.1 C u 0 .-r U u p:..1 V u G y vt U V Ca u C N -4 0 N Approved l OE O O 0 u O C a) b N F+ C,) C G C U C. [:i O N cJ O r m 0) 3 U 'O tS +J JJ U :J JJ U u C) )+ 1+ U rt) cr +1 ?.1 Li .-+ .J ? U fi V U4 14 ,4 0 U N }+ V 0 u :J V C4 Os + 14 U co 0 0 N O 41 M U [: V N tO a N ?.r tJ G O ,.. ?+111 x F C) C. C. 3+ 'C1 > N U 0 ?ra of ?r+ 34-1 P. O ,C G C V )C M a u u a W ti ro C) ease2002/05/075: CIA-RDP79-00798 7W00600100006-5 N d u U y i3 N N 0) 0 ++ G C 14 )+ .+ G O O JJ ?V 4+~ O O N uv- O G C (7 L V ?nl o ? $4 Q. 1-. O+ [+ 0 C ? ?.+ O # )t + V (L V O 0) +3 U r M ?r ,4 F: u U M O U Z 13 s N H N y to V H N U Q `N G O O N k) -1 .,4 ?,4 ?.0 u d U CO VJ l m t H r ?.+ N t-1 ro G G 3 O 3 4 G u U ?.i M G U ?r+ >l N C?1 U k+ C 3 v+ v R) U ..S ? G O 4-1 ?'+ to.-I ? o?.l O ro o >. 1J O .--1 O 1~++ +1++ F+ M ?-+ .0 O V) U V U > .--f 4 j>1 1 G ?? $ c+ 4 o u C 0 N U .-t S. u O U G) LI U U ?.?) ?.-+ ??+ 3 G ro C 0 ur t-0u to O J+>4 ?.+ rt fi m C. O U ??a V V ?J ?O .-+ l+ v) V U ?O V rJ p. ?,+ cJ N to U JJ X 44 >, 4t C. N r .-+ 13 cJ U Li G o h ?.-1 U -G O 3 b .-+ ?.-4 4+ M N .?+ 1J U C 0. M G O N 0 o) + N 0 E3 U U ?.t rJ O O {+ v u 3 V t. >4 U 3< ii ' .-I O 41 { .? ?-+ G r-. O ?.1 O 14 r V V ..t P. o V co J.) U4 C ?3 1J i U ?.d ?.-i O C) ^ ?u +1 O V V r U r J+ to ?.+ v) V .-+ f. J.1 Ci U N V 0 C: !J J) iJ ?.1 m u a[ [: 3 CL.-+ O ?.i u] U >4 0 O rJ O 0 :J O V M U ,4 ??-i O >. c' u .-i t' ,-+ U rJ U O U ?[1 .-a M O V rJ ?,t O V )+ N 1+ :J t: Ei') aJJ t m?.t a3 N Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100006-5 N C) .f N iV N Ii ar Aorrroved For' lease 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-00798"00600100006-5 CS. N 44 N O_CO N 'C. 0 41 -A r-1 > 0 1: CA 0 U ?.1 11 O CO 'l) A. lJ N 1- (1. O 4> N N 'CS 11 C) r/ 1?i 01 31 O }I U 1--1 C) r-1 U h1 N '0 .ia $4 ?r1 1) 1 .J u w a. >-a -) OO yJ > H 14 w ? a f-> o ry ~ tea: -c 0 1+ N iJ 3 yJ M G C:O N V) a IN o 14 a w 1 4J O N N y-r y) C) C: 0 G ?rl (:) > N ?r> C) 11 N '-1 E: c> 1) ;, yJ N ?,+ '0 ) N cJ r. u r3 C O w y .U u 0 41 CS LI :., N 1.1 1> 10 G O O CL ?-1 U :-~ U 4.1 G Li -4 U 4-1 r1 O 14 C4 q N ?.y ?.1 N 11 O (4. C: Es U (4 yJ 01 iJ t Q ? d U 4) u O CJ ?.r-I O G .,4 G U U 1 d" N O C) U yJ 4) r--1 ?rl U 1) 'U 11 >1 0 U G aJ C> U G ? U O .-1 0 c) y> 1) O O ,.1 N 0 0. $4 IIJ W 1~1 S4 4A U P. Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100006-5 Approved For R lease 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100006-5 Appendix No. 3 PROGRAM OF WORKS To be executed during the first stage of cooperation on Project 111.2, "Methods and Means of Auta+na Lion and Remote Control in Water Resource Systems" Analysis and selection of experimental~rojects for mutual research, development and establishment of technical requirements for the automation means. The Coordinators agreed that it would be expedient to create experimental irrigation systems in both countries. The final objective for the creation of experimental projects for mutual research is to select and develop, as well as to test experimentally, a complex of technical and program means aimed at providing Optimum control of technological processes in automatic irrigation systems of different types. This work should include the development of recommendations on design and operation of similar systems. Taking into account various natural and design features, the projects must be typical from a technological point of view and located in a more typical and perspective area of farming under irrigation as well as include all the main technological processes. For the ur pose of implementation of works associated with the creation of erimentap9jeCts, both-sides agreed with the following: During the period of July-August 1974, the U.S.S.R. Party is to prepare the necessary technological and technical documentation on the selected project and to supply all the data to the U.S. Party as well as to elaborate on preliminary requirements on technological process in .automatic control systems (T.P.A.C.S.). The U.S.S.R. Party will present the possibility for the U.S. Party to get acquainted with these projects in the field. During the period of July-August 1974, the U.S. Party will prepare a list of organizations involved with production of water systems automation equipment. Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100006-5 Approved FoniQelease 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-0079SM00600100006-5 The Coordinators agreed that the detailed program for the second stage (1976) would be developed during the September 1974 meeting in the U.S.S.R. During the implementation of the second stage, it is expedient to arrange two meetings of the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Groups in 1975: the first one in September, USA to discuss and confirm the project of technical requirements on collecting, transmitting, and processing information, means and technological process control, as well as handing over the catalogs of the technical check and control means; the second one in October, U.S.S.R. to discuss and confirm the technical assignment to design the automatic reclamation systems. Each Group should consist of four or five persons sent for a period of 14 days. Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : PIA-RDP79-00798A000600100006-5 Approved For-Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-00791100600100006-5 Appendix No.14 Preliminary Program of the Visit to the U.S.S.R. of the American Delegation of Specialists on the Topic, "Methods and Means of Automation and Remote Control in Water Resource Systems" Organizati_o_n: Bureau of Reclamation of the Department of the Interior; USA Basis: Program of Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the U.S.S.R. and USA on Project III.? Number of members of delegation - 6 Purpose of the visit of - Acquaintance with the test- production the delegation production project for joint research, as well as development and confirmation of proposed program on fulfilling second stage of the work on Project 111.2. The period of time will be 12 days (from 14 to 25 September 1974).' Date and day Measures Host organization 14 September - Arrival in Moscow, RA-102 Saturday Sheremet'evo Airport, Registration at hotel, rest. 15 September - Visit to the American Sunday Embassy. Get acquainted with the sights of Moscow. -16 September - Reception of the American V/0 "Soyuzvodproekt" Monday delegation and official presentation of the participants at the Minvodkhoz U.S.S.R. Visit to "Soyuzvodproekt" Center for design of water management projects. Approved For Release 2002/05/07: CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100006-5 Approved Forlk lease 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-0079$W600600100006-5 Date and day Measures Host organization 17 September - Journey from Moscow to the Sredazgiprovodkhlopok, Tuesday city of Tashkent. GlavSredazirsovkhozstroi Registration-at hotel, rest. 18, September -? Visit to the Scientific GlavSredazirsovkhozstroi Wednesday Research and Design Center, Sredazgiprovodkhlopok "Sredazgiprovodkhlopok", SANIIRI. 19-20 September Thursday and Friday 21 September - Saturday . 22 September - Sunday 23 September - Monday 24 September - Tuesday 25 September - Wednesday Visit to the water management GlavSredazirsovkhozstroi projects of the Uzbek S,SR. Guests of the administration of G1avSredazirsovkhozstroi. Journey to the city of Frunze. VNIIKI\MS Free day. Seeing the sights of the city of Frunze. Visit to the water management Minvodkhoz Kirghiz SSR projects of the Kirghiz SSR. Visit to the Scientific VNIIKAMS Center, VNIIKAMS. Meeting of the U.S.S.R. and U.S. Working Teams. Development and confirmation of proposed program for fulfilling second stage of the work in 1976. Agreement on the test- production project. Flight from Frunze to Moscow. VNIIKAMS Flight from Moscow to New York. Footnote: The itinerary will be revised as discussed in Denver to extend it 2 or 3 days. Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : LSIA-RDP79-00798A000600100006-5