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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 vw, %mit MEDICO-BIOLOGICAL STUDIES ON HYDROCARBON YEASTS Exerpts from the Russian-language book Mediko-Biologlgheskiye Issledovaniva Uglevodorodnykh Drozhzhey (English version above), Nauka Press, Moscow, 1972 CONTENTS Page Table of Contents . 1 Introduction 14 Results of Medico-Biological Tests on Hydrocarbon Yeasts (A, A. Pokrovskiy) 20 a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 "glise Table of Contents Introduction 5 Statement of Problem Pokrovskiy, A. A. Prospects for Using Proteins of Unicellular Organisms. 9 Pokrovskiy, A. A. Medico-Biological Aspects of Hydrocarbon Yeast Tests, 59 Yeroshin, V. K. and Dedyukhina, E. G. Hydrocarbons Syn- thesized by Microorganisms. 71 Studies on the Biological Value and Harmlessness of BVK* and Biolo ical Oil-Seed Meal ?riments on Small Laboratory Animals and Dogs Neyman, I. M. Some Considerations Regarding the Pos- sibility of the Cancerogenic Activity of BVK. 75 Neyman, I. V., Arkhipov, G. N., Kafeyeva, T. A? Mirzoyan, Ye. Ye. (deceased), Azhnina, G. V. On the Problem of BVK Cancerogenicity. 82 Shabad, L. M., Khesina, A. Ya., Serkovskaya, G. S., Ogloblina I. A.,and Fridman, Ya. S. Determination of 3.4-benzpyrene in BVK and Raw Materials Used in the Process of Its Obtaining. 89 Khesina, A. Ya. and Fedoseyeva, G. Ye. Spectral-Fluores- cence Methods for Determining a Number of Aromatic Polycyclic Hydrocarbons. 94 *BVK -- protein-vitamin concentrates Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Pokrovskiy, A. A. and Somin, V. I. Amino Acid Composition of Some Unicellular Organisms. 103 Pokrovskiy, A. A. and Timoshenko, V. A. Some Data on the Total Content of Nucleic Acids in the Biomass of Unicellular Organisms. 109 Solov'yev, L. M. and Ivashchenko, N. V. Biological Value of Proteins of BVK and Biological Oil-Seed Meal. 112 Solov'yev, L. M. and Somina, S. I. Content of Sulfhydryl Groups in the Tissues of Rats when They Are Given BVK Rations. 115 Solov'yev, L. M., Levachev, M. M., and Ptitsyna, T. M. Comparative Evaluation of the Indexes of Fat Metabolism in Rats Which Received BVK and Biological Oil-Seed Meal as a Source of Protein. 120 Levachev, M. M. The Composition of Higher Fatty Acids of the Tissues of Rats Receiving Rations with Different Amounts of BVK as a Protein Source. 126 Solov'yev, L. M. and Levachev, M. M. The Dynamics of Changes in the Composition of Higher Fatty Acids of Blood Serum, Liver, and Fatty Tissue of Rats after Changing Them from a Diet Containing BVK to a Standard Pelletized Feed, 136 Solov'yev, L. M., Levachev, M. M., and Ptitsyn, T. N. Studies on Some Indexes of Lipid Metabolism in Chickens Receiving Various Amounts of BVK in Their Food as a Source of Protein. 2 142 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Iwo mow Solov'yev, L. M. and Levachev, M. M. The Effect of BVK and Hydrolytic Yeasts on the Content of Cholesterol in the Blood Serum, Liver, and Aorta of Rats of Various Ages. Markelova, V. F? Tatsiyevskiy, V. A., and Levachev, M. M. Some Peculiarities of the Lipid Metabolism in the Livers of Rats Which Received Rations with 100 Per- cent Replacement of Protein with the Proteins of Biological Oil-Seed Meal. Solov'yev, L. M., Levachev, M. M., and Ptitsyna, T. N. A Study on the Composition of the Phospholipids of the Liver and Blood Serum of Rats Which Received BVK or Hydrolytic Yeast as a Source of Protein. Solov'yev, L. M. and Somina, S. I. Sugar Content in the Blood of Rats Fed with Addition of Protein-Vitamin Concentrates. Pokrovskiy, A. A., Shcherbakova, A. I., Litvinova, G. S? and Putyata, Ye. V. Effects of BVK on the Enzymic Spectra of the Livers of Rats, Pokrovskiy, A. A., Shcherbakova, A. I., Litvinova, G. S. and Putyata, Ye. V. Effects of BVK on the Enzymic Spectra of the Blood of Rats. Pokrovskiy, A. A., Shcherbakova, A. I? Litvinova, G. S., and Putyata, Ye. V. Effects of Biological Oil-Seed Meal on the Enzymic Constellations of the Liver and Blood of Rats. 146 150 154 158 161 167 172 3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 yore Pokrovskiy, A. A. and Korovnikov, K. A. The Protein and Isoenzymic Spectra of the Blood Sera of Rats when the Protein of the Rations is Replaced with the BVK Protein. 176 Pokrovskiy, A. A. and Korovnikov, K. A. Effects of Biological Oil-Seed Meal and Hydrolytic Yeasts on the Protein and Isoenzymic Serum Spectra of Rats. 181 Markelova, V. F. and Levachev, M. M. Dynamics of the Dis- tribution of C14-Octadecane in the Organs of Rats Fed with Rations in Which 25 Percent of the Protein was Replaced with BVK Proteins. 187 Markelova, V. F. The Inclusion Rate of 2-C14-Acetate of Sodium in the Molecules of Cholesterol and Fatty Acids of the Organs of Rats Receiving Rations in Which 25 Percent of the Proteins were Replaced with a BVK Oil-Seed Meal. Pokrovskiy, A. A., Andriasov, A. N., Basargin, N. N., 192 Levachev, M. M., Pozdnyakov, A. L., Levitina, N. A., and Zolotova, A. I. Hydrocarbon Content in the Organs and Tissues of Rats Fed with the Addition of BVK. 194 Pokrovskiy, A. A., Andriasov, A. N., Basargin, N. N., Levachev, M. M., Pozdnyakov, A. L., Levitina, N. A., and Somina, S. I. Hydrocarbon Content in the Organs and Tissues of Animals at Various Times after the Exclusion of BVK from Their Rations. 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 203 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 *411w krovskiy, A. A., Ushakova, T. M., Eller, K. I? Ponomareva, L. G., and Kuznetsov, D. I. Determination of the Content of Residual Hydrocarbons in Protein-Vitamin Concentrates (BVK). 206 11...rovskiy, A. A. Nikolayeva, M. Ya? Ponomareva, L. G., and Gapparov, M. MO GO Studies on Nutrient Yeasts for the Content of Aflatoxins*. 210 Pt krovskiy, A. Eller, K. Aft Ponomareva, L. G., Ushakova, T. M., and Kuznetsov, D. I. Determination of Hydrocarbons (n-alkanes) in the Tissues of Animals. 214 ?fremov, V. V., Maslenikova, Ye. M., Penar, 0. I., Gvozdova, L. G., Krayko, Ye. A., Vaynerman, A. Sh., Smirnova, A. N., and Soloveyeva, L. Ya. Effects of Protein-Vitamin Concentrates on Individual Indexes of Vitamin Metabolism in Rats. 218 YA'fremov, V. V., Maslenikova, Ye. M., Penar, 0. Gvozdova, L. G? Krayko, Ye. A., Vaynerman, A. Sb., Smirnova, A. N., and Soloveyeva, L. Ya. On the Study of Individual Indexes of Vitamin Metabolism in White Rats Receiving Biological Oil-Sc,ed Meal in their Rations. 223 rieJ tier, T. N. and Mikhlin, S. Ya. (deceased). Effects of Various Yeasts (BVK, biological oil-seed meal and -4-A found in available sources ? word transliterated from Russian. 5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 dry brewing yeasts) on the Secretory Activity of Gastric Glands in Dogs. 227 Zitler, T. N. and Mikhlin, S. Ya. (deceased). Effects of Various Amounts of BVK in the Rations on the Secretory Activity of Gastric Glands in Dogs. 236 Zitler, T. N. and Mikhlin, S. Ya. (deceased). Effects of Biological Oil-Seed Meal on the Secretory Activity of Gastric Glands in Dogs. 241 Laktayeva, T. V. Effects of BVK on the Exacrinous Activity of the Pancreas. 248 Laktayeva, T. V. Effects of Biological Oil-Seed Meal on the Enzyme-Secreting Function of the Pancreas. 252 Andriasov, A. N. and Levitina, N. A. Effects of Various Amounts of BVK in the Rations on the Conditioned- Reflex Activity of Rats (Report 1). 256 Andriasov, A. N. and Levitina, N. A. Effects of Various Amounts of BVK in the Rations on the Conditioned- Reflex Activity of Rats (Report 2) 261 Volgarev, M. N. and Kudryavtseva, L. A. Effects of Rations with Various Contents of BVK and Biological Oil-Seed Meal on the Hematogenic System (..)f Rats. 268 Meshkov, N, V., Skirko, B. K., and Asfagan, F. M. Mor- phological and Histochemical Changes in the Organs of Laboratory Animals Receiving BVK in Their Rations. 275 6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Nor Niew Meshkov, N. V. and hsfagan, F. M. On Pathomorphologic Changes in Experimental Animals Receiving BVK for a Long Period of Time. Gadzhiyeva, Z. M. Morphological Changes in the Viscera of Rats Fed with Biological Oil-Seed Meal. Gadzhiyeva, Z. M. Microliths in the Kidneys of Rats Fed with Biological Oil-Seed Meal. Experiments on Monkeys Andriasov, A. N., Gvazava, I. S., Andreyeva, A. V., and Dzheliyev, I. T. Clinical Indexes in Monkeys Fed with Rations Containing BVK. Annenkov, G. A., Andriasov, A. N., Pachaliya, N. A., Ivashchenko, N. V., and Solov'yeva, L. M. Blood Serum Proteins of Monkeys Fed with the Addition of BVK. Solov'yeva, L. M., Levachev, M. M., and Andriasov, A. N. The Condition of Lipid Metabolism in Monkeys Fed with the Addition of BVK. Pokrovskiy, A. A., Karpacheva, V. A., Shcherbakova, A. I., Litvinova, G. S., Petrash, L. Ye., and Putyata, Ye. V. Enzymic Constellations in the Liver of Monkeys Fed with BVK-Containing Rations. Pokrovskiy, A. A., Shcherbakova, A. I., Putyata, Ye. B., 284 289 296 301 309 313 316 Litvinova, G. S. , and Petrash, L. Ye. Enzymic 7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 *40.' Nov Constellations in the Blood of Monkeys Fed with BVK-Containing Rations. 319 Markelova, V. F., Levachev, M. M., and Dikovenko, Ye. A. Comparative Characteristics of the Absorption and Distribution of Octadecane in the Organs of Rats and Monkeys. Dzheliyeva, Z. N. and Andriasov, A. N. Effects of BVK on the Content of Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, and Folinic Acid in the Blood of Lower Monkeys. Kuksova, M. I. and Andriasov, A. N. Effects of BVK and Hydrolytic Yeasts on the Hematogenic System of Lower Monkeys. 330 Meshkov, N. V., Pozdnyakov, A. L., and Andriasov, A. N. The State of the Viscera of Monkeys Kept on a Diet with the Addition of BVK for a Long Period of Time. 336 322 326 Ii1212gio1 Value and Harmlessness of Animal Husbandry Products Obtained as a Result of Feeding Agricultural Animals with BVK and Biological Oil-Seed Meal. Experiments on Small Labs= Animals and Dogs Solov'yeva, L. M., Levachev, M. M., and Ptitsyna, T. N. Effects of Rations Containing the Flesh of Pigs and Chickens Fed with the Addition of BVK on the Lipid 'Metabolism Indexes of Rats. Solov'yeva, L. M., Ivashchenko, N. V., Nosova, O. Ael Korf, I. I., and Cheremnykh, Ye. G. Effects of Dairy Products Obtained from Cows Fed with the addition of 8 341 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Nor' BVK on the Changes in the Weight of Rats and Some Aspects of Metabolism. Solov'yeva, L. M., Levachev, M. M., and Ptitsyna, T. N. Peculiarities of Fat Metabolism in Rats Receiving Dairy Products from Cows Fed with the Addition of BVK. Pokrovskiy, A. A. Shcherbakova, A. I., Litvinova, G. S? and Putyata, Ye. V. Effects of Dairy Products from Cattle Fed with the Addition of BVK on the Enzymic Spectra of the Liver and Blood of Rats. Solov'yeva, L. M., Ivashchenko, N. V., and Mikhaylovskaya, V. PO Some Indexes of the Biological Value of Eggs Obtained from Hens Fed with the Addition of Various Amounts of BVK. Solov'yeva, L. M., Levachev, M. M., and Ptitsyna2T. N. Peculiarities of Lipid Metabolism in Rats Receiving Rations with Eggs from Hens Fed with the Addition of BVK. Solov'yeva, L. M., Levachev, M. M? and Ptitsyna, T. N. The State of Lipid Metabolism in Rats Kept on Rations Consisting of Sets of Products obtained from Agri- cultural Animals Fed with the Addition of BVK. Pokrovskiy, A. A. and Levachev, M. M. The Content of Higher Fatty Acids in Products Obtained from Agri- cultural Animals Fed with the Addition of BVK and 9 344 346 349 352 354 359 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Nee the Composition of Fatty Acids in the Tissues of Rats Receiving These Products. 363 Pokrovskiy, A. A., Shcherbakova, A. I., Litvinova, G. S., and Putyata, Ye. V. Effects of Products from Agri- cultural Animals Fed with the Addition of BVK on the Enzymic Spectra of the Liver and Blood of Rats. 369 Solov'yeva, L. M., and Somina, S. I. Sugar Content in the Blood of Rats Receiving Rations of Products , Obtained from Agricultural Animals and Poultry Fed with the Addition of BVK or Biological Oil-Seed Meal. 373 Kudryavtseva, L. A. The State of the Hematogenic System in Rats Kept on Diets of Products Obtained from Agricul- tural Animals and Poultry Fed with the Addition of BVK. 376 Skirko, B, K. and Meshkov, N. V. Morphology of the Viscera of Rats Fed on Products Obtained from Agricultural Animals and Poultry Receiving Rations with BVK. 380 Pozdnyakov, A. L. Effects of Nutrient Products Obtained from Agricultural Animals and Poultry Fed with the Addition of BVK on the Structure of the Viscera of White Rats. 10 385 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Nee Experiments on Monkeys Andriasov, A. N., Gvazava, I. S., Andreyeva, A. Z., and Dzheliyev, I. T. Clinical Indexes of Monkeys Receiving Products Obtained from Agricultural Animals and Poultry Fed with the Addition of BVK. 391 Annenkov, G. A., Andriasov, A. N., Pachaliya, N. A., Solov'yeva, L. M., and Ivashchenko, N. V. Effects . of Nutrient Products Obtained as a Result of Adding BVK to the Food Rations of Agricultural Animals on the Blood Proteins of Lower Monkeys. 401 4olov'yeva, L. M., Levachev, M. M., and Andriasov, A.N. The State of Lipid Metabolism in Monkeys Kept on Rations with Dairy Products and Eggs Obtained from Agricultural Animals and Poultry Fed with the Addition of BVK. 404 t.,okrovskiy, A. A., Karpacheva, V. A., Shcherbakova, A. I., Putyata, Ye. V., Litvinova, G. S., and Petrash, L. Ye. Effects of Products Obtained from Agricultural Animals Fed with the Addition of BVK on the Enzymic Constellations of the Liver and Blood in Monkeys. 407 bzheliyeva, Z. N. and Andriasov, A. N. The Content of Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, and Folinic Acid in the Blood and Liver of Lower Monkeys Receiving Products from Agricultural Animals Fed with Addition of BVK. 412 11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 'Nov -gore Kuksova, M. I. and Andriasov, A. N. Changes in the Hematogenic System of Monkeys Fed on Products Obtained from Agricultural Animals Receiving BVK as a Part of Their Rations. Pozdnyakov, A. L., Meshkov, N. V., and Andriasov, A. N. Morphological Characteristics of the Organs of Monkeys Fed with Products from Agricultural Animals Whose Rations Included BVK. Control Experiments of Volunteers Pokrovskiy, A. A., Andriasov, A. N., Loranskaya, T. 1., and Levitina, N. A. Control Observations on the Health of Volunteers Using Meat Products Obtained from Agricultural Animals Fed with the Addition of BVK. Loranskaya, T. I. and Andriasov, A. N. Indexes of Protein-Fat Metabolism in Volunteers Using Meat Products Obtained from Agricultural with the Addition of BVK. Pokrovskiy, A. A. and Zikeyeva, Some Enzymes in Volunteers Pokrovskiy, A. A., Andriasov, A Animals Fed 416 423 427 436 V. K. The Activity of Using New Meat Products. 440 . N., Loranskaya, T. I., ? Zikeyeva, V. A., and Levitina, N. A. Control Obser- vations on the Health Conditions of Volunteers Using Subproducts from Agricultural Animals Fed with the Addition of BVK. 12 443 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1 lfte NEW Pokrovskiy, A. A. Results of Medico?Biological Tests on Hydrocarbon Yeasts. 449 13 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/14: CIA-RDP79-00798A000400090013-1