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Approved For Release 2009409/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070W-8 P R O T O C O L of the Third Session of the Joint US-USSR Working Group on Electrometallurgy I. INTRODUCTION 1. This session of the Joint US-USSR Working Group on Electrometallurgy took place in the USSR from June 2-13, 1975. The specific meeting places, dates, itinerary, etc. are given in Appendix 1. The Agenda was as follows: a. Reports by the chairmen of the Task Forces on the work done in their specific fields of electrometallurgy on agreed subjects of the program from May 1974 to May 1975; b. Discussion, definition and signing of a joint pro- gram of work on the subject: "Joining of Materials in the Solid State", approved by the Joint Commission at their meeting in November, 1974; C. Brief presentation of new problems for further cooperative work in electrometallutgy; d. Other questions that might arise. 2. The composition of the USSR working group is given in Appendix 2, and the composition of the US working group is given in Appendix 3. 3. In Moscow, on June 2 and 3, the two groups reviewed the progress in carrying out the joint work to date. Reports were made on the following original subjects of the program; State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Novo, -2- - Electron beam evaporation of metallic and non-metallic materials in vacuum (by Messrs. Movchan and Bunshah); - Electro-slag technology (by Messrs. Emelyanenko and Flemings); - Plasma arc melting of metallic materials (by Messrs. Grigorenko and Wasilewski); Research and development of general and special purpose welding materials (by Messrs. Pokhodnya and Savage). Also discussed in general terms were the two new topics previously agreed upon and approved, namely, cryogenic. testing of materials (by Messrs. Yushchenko and Van Echo) and Joining of Materials in the Solid State (by Messrs. Kashin and Heckel). These two topics were discussed in detail at later meetings of the principal investigators during the various visits, and the conclusions are given elsewhere in this Protocol. A discussion took place on the subject of possibly ex- panding cooperation and adding new topics to the program of cooperation. Both sides recognized that the present program would have to be essentially completed before expanding it further, but proposals for expansion must begin soon (see "Conclusions and Agreements" below). 4. During the period of June 4 to 12 the United States delegation visited industrial establishments, laboratories of scientific-research institutes and institutions of higher education for more detailed discussion of their cooperation and a study of their accomplishments in the field of electro- metallurgy (see Appendix 1). The 4orking Groups met again in Moscow on June 13 to discuss and finalize Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Release 200{49/06: CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070QO-8 agreements on a series of problems and details of the program of work. 5. Both sides noted the deep mutual interest existing in the discussion of, and agreements on, all the subjects and the absence of significant differences of opinion, as well as the mutual cooperation in. arriving at conclusions and agreements. II. CONCLUSIONS AND AGREEMENTS ON THE COOPERATIVE TECHNICAL WORK (Note: In the following paragraphs, the numbers refer to the detailed items listed in the Appendices of the Second Protocol.) A. Both sides took note of the following status of work completion in reviewing the cooperative work done: Electron-beam evaporation of metallic and non-metallic- materials'in vacuum. Work on Part I of the subject is pro- gressing in a satisfactory manner. The Soviet side has provided samples of condensates. The U.S. side will provide similar samples in October - November, 1975, during the Soviet visit to the U.S. A further exchange of samples will take place in 1975-1976. Work under Part II is currently being delayed due to the absence of an agreed method of tool evaluation and a plan for the exchange of coated cutting tool bits. A plan is now under discussion and details will be arranged during the Soviet vici.t to the U.S. in October.-November, 1.975. It would Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Rse 2000/09/6 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 be elpful if both sides exchanged proposals on methods of re5 arch on tool evaluation (for hard metal cutting tools) bell re September 1, 1975. Also necess ry is the additional clarification of the and time pe iods for carrying out Part III by Airco- Plasma arc melting of metallic materials. {Note: G.M Grigorenko as replaced V.T. Lakomski as the Soviet re- spQ:Bible person,) It was noted that by June 1, 1975 the u...I and the Soy et sides had accomplished the following: Part I Po.` t 1 (a) The Paton Institute and Stanford University have ins sated work o the solubility of nitrogen in iron-carbon and iron-oxygen ystems. Po t 1 (b) ThelPaton Institute, the University of Michigan anllStanford University have prepared alloys and have started inpecific type of steels to check the previously developed methods of calcu ation. Point 1 (c) Sta ford University has initiated studies of the eff ct of surfac -active elements (oxygen and sulphur) on. the spe d of solubility and diffusion of nitrogen in liquid metals. Point 2 (a) The Paton Institute is carrying out research on the interaction etween nitrogen in plasma and liquid binary all ys of iron with copper and silicon. Iron-nickel alloys with carbon have been prepared for this Approved For Rel'~se 2000/09/?6 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Point 2 (b) The Baikov Institute has prepared experimental test equipment and has initiated studies of the interaction between carbon and oxygerf in-liquid metals during plasma arc melting. Point 2 (c) MIT (Professor King) together with the Union Carbide Company (Dr. Reed) have initiated study of the kinetics of interaction of nitrogen with liquid metal. Point 2 (d) The Baikov Institute has carried out a calculated evaluation of the surface temperature of the bath and has pro- vided the U.S. side with the results. Michigan University has started the development of a mathematical heat transfer model. Part II Point 1 The Paton Institute together with "Glavspetzstal" has developed technology of the preparation of steel electrodes with a low nitrogen content for plasma-arc remelting. Point 2 The Paton Institute and "Glavspetzstal" are doing research on alloying steels with nitrogen in plasma-arc re- melting in order to select the optimum parameters. At the agreed time (third quarter of 1975), a 300-500 kg ingot (approximately 0.7 percent N2) will be forwarded to the U.S. side to fulfill Point 3 of the work plan. The U.S. side will inform the Soviet side of the best port of entry into the U.S. Point 3 Battelle is preparing to undertake this task on receipt of the ingot from the Soviet side. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Rse 2000/09/6: CIA-RDP79-00798A00070019-8 were Meld var, the So iet responsible person, the main discussions Electro-sl technology.. In the absence of Professor held with r. Yu-G. Emelyanenko. In accord?rce i with the program of joint work on electro- technology, both sides agreed to conduct the necessary aimed at c cation of a mathematical model of the electro- Part I Work on Pa t I is in progress on both sides and it is that a j int Task Force meeting will be held in the U.S. in October-November, 1975, to review that work, to agree oft pr cedures for ooperation and to estimate the time at which th work will b~ completed. Cl Part II As regard Part II, Points 1, 2 and 3,the two sides have rifled the direction of the work to be done and confirmed target tim period in which the investigation is to be,com- eted. Both ides have noted that it is essential to obtain tensiva and eliable experimental data on the process of rmation of s4gregates, and also associated thermophysical data, order to de elop the desired mathematical model. Within the formation on the modeling methods and of investigations of fiide will, wit in the same two months, provide the Soviet side riod of two oaths, the Soviet side will provide the U.S. de with the data concerning investigations of the f~rmation of s gregations in electro-slag ingots. The U.S. segregatiOL processes in ESP, ingots. Further detailed dis- cLrssions ar? p anned on this subject at the-joint Task Force aeting in October-November, 1975. Approved For Releose 2000/09/Q6 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Release 20O 09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A00030007042#9-8 The two sides have arrived at the single opinion that the subject of Part III can be dealt with only after work on Parts I and II has been completed. 1 Research and development of general and special purpose welding materials. Part I The Soviet side transmitted and the U.S. side received, on the day of departure of the U.S. delegation from the U.S., proposals for the exchange of welding and base materials for research purposes. The U.S. side has established working relationships with the following firms: Chemetron, Hobart, Union Carbide, Airco and McKay and has obtained their per- mission to provide welding materials to the USSR and their willingness to participate in the program of experi.mpntation. On the Soviet side, because of licensing agreements, the Soviets have requested permission from Chemetron to furnish the U.S. two types of flux-cored welding wire. The U.S. side will in- form the Paton Instutute prior to August 1, 1975 of the materials and samples to be transmitted to the USSR and the estimated date of transmittal. The two sides will at the same time exchange information on the testing procedures to be used in testing the materials which they'received. The Paton Institute will, prior to the dates as agreed in Appendix 4ytransmit to the RPI steel samples and welding materials for the experiments. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Re a he 2000/09/ 6 : CIA-RDP79-00798A0?0000070019-8 f' (if 4i Approved For Rele The Soviet side informed the U.S. side that,in 1974, e Paton institute w lding materials. $lux-cored wir s of and Union Carbide exchanged representative Soviet side transmitted to that firm types IIII-AH4 and IIII-AH8 for welding also both fused and ceramic fluxes. i Receipt ij acknowledged on the U.S. side of fluxes IJinde-60" and "Linde-80", a ceramic flux and type C-707 ux-cored wir for welding in carbon dioxide gas. The testing these welds g materials will be completed in 1975 by bqth Part II The Paton Institute has prepared the following programs (a) Development of experimental procedures for methods predicting he hydrogen content inaweldments made with e E-7018 electrodes. (see Appendix 4a). (b) The development of.experimental techniques for hods of pre icting low temperature characteristics of dments with an austenite structure, as given in Appendix 4b. These pro rams and plans have been transmitted to the side, for submittal to four potential researchers from U.S. side fir, r a determination of their interest in per- fP ming the wor . The USSR will he informed of the na es of the potential researchers prior to August 1, 1975. it se 2000/09/96 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 vr~ The Paton Institute, during 1974-75, finished work on the subject: "Development of an experimental calculation method for predicting the amount.of.porosity in weldments made with type E-7014 electrodes". Part III The U.S. and Soviet sides have initiated research of low temperature properties of construction materials. Both sides determined the scope of research, the types of steels and alloys and agreed on basic low temperature tests. In connection with the interest shown by such firms as Alcoa, International Nickel Company and Armco Steel to parti- cipate in carrying out the tests, both sides agreed to clarify Part III. This has been done and the details are given in Appendix 5 of this Protocol. Prior to October 1, 1975, both sides will exchange the amount of materials necessary to carry out the experiments. Joining of materials in the solid state. Both sides agreed on a program of work in this field'(Appendix 6). This Appendix lists the subjects and work stages, the organizations and individuals being considered for carrying out the work on both sides, the time period assigned to the separate work stages, the target dates of the start and end of the various stages and the manner and forms in which their'completion will be reported. T'he target period allotted for this work is 1975?-1977. III. NEW PROPOSALS J. The U.S. side proposed the following additional subjects for joint study: "Analysis and development of test methods de- Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Rel a 2000/09/061: CIA-RDP79-00798AOO Q0070'019-8 ned to impr a the service properties of ferritic steels a!no welded joiits at elevated temperatures (ca.450? C)". it was ag eed that the U.S. side, by August 15, 1975, 11 present a program on this subject for consideration by toe Soviet sid 2. The si es agreed to exchange, prior to August 15, 1975, oposals for ew subjects for a further widening.of cooperation the field o electrometallurgy. 3. Some d'scussion was held with respect to including ?mark on shaped ESR castings; for example, such products as rge valve b ies for power plants. This possibility will explored f rther by both sides for inclusion as stated: the previo s paragraph. 4. The s des agreed that new projects agreed upon by oth sides ar subject to approval by. the Joint US-USSR ommission. t was also agreed that the expansion of the rogram shoul be carried out as a function of the work chieved in t e present program. EXCHAI4GE OF VISITS, SPECIALISTS AND SEMINARS FOR SR?ECTED PARTS OF THE PROGRAM In accor ance with the existing agreement to effect periodic xchangcs of roups of specialists who would view the conduct work,or a complish it, as appropriate, at its various stacjes and discuss he results achieved, as well as for an exchange of informati n, the U.S. side agreed to examine the possi- bil.ity of re in the U.S. the following: (a) A g oup of four to five rpecialists for a period of lease 2000/06/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Release 200Q09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070QW-8 "Plasma arc melting of Metallic Materials". The group would acquaint itself with methods, with equipment and with results of research conducted by the following organizations: -- M. I. T . in Cambridge, Massachusetts; - Union Carbide in Tarrytown, New York; - Battelle in Columbus, Ohio; - Michigan University in Ann Arbor, Michigan; - Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. (b) A group of Soviet specialists on electron-beam evaporation and condensation, consisting of four persons, up to 15 days, during the October-November period, at the Oregon Graduate Center, UCLA, Manlabs and Airco-Temescal. The objectives of their vists would be to develop a single method of testing coated cutting tool bits and to agree on arrangements for the order of exchange and testing of the cutting tools and for the balance of the program. (c) Two specialists from the Paton Institute for a. period of up to two months in the fourth quarter of 1975, for carrying out research (in accordance. with Parts I and II of the subject) in the RPI and at Lehigh University. The problem of carrying out the work at ITTRI and at the Hobart and Airco firms will. be explored by the U.S. side, and, before July 1, 1975, the Paton Institute will be informed of the results in this connection. (d) With Lne. object of clarifying and defining further details on the subject of "Electro-slag Technology", the sides agreed on a meeting of three-four specialists in October- NovorJr_.r, 1975, at M.I.T., and other locations to be agreed upon. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Rele se 2000/09/6 : CIA-RDP79-00798A 030 00070019-8 thr1e Arnyc of Ir (e) As regards Part III, in the fourth quarter of 1975, specialist from the Paton Institute, at Lehigh University, , National ureau of Standards and Alcoa, for a discussion Research methcjds in the conduct of low termperature tests. The Soviet Tide agreed to examine the possibility of (a) A grou4 of up to five U.S. investigators in Sep ember-Octobe , 1975, for a period of one week on the subject. "Joining of Materials in the Solid State". (b) A grow of four to five specialists in the fourth qua ter of 1975, in Kiev for a period of one to two weeks inI he field of elding and welding materials. (c) A poss.ble meeting in the USSR of U.S. specialists inj he field of lectro-slag technology, to be decided after the October-Nov., er meeting in the U.S. The dates a d places of the visits and the composition: of he above del,gations will be arranged by correspondencebe- twt n the appropriate Task Force chairmen and responsible peg ells. It was agr 'd that, at appropriate stages in the imple- men ation of th work, limited seminars would be held in both tries on selected topics. The dates, locations and arrlangements fo~ these seminars would be decided as progress cgnltinucs in ?thcl various parts of the program. t i result.,. oht ined. h6 d in Kiev in the Paton Institute to cover the work done and it was als agreed that in 1976-1977 a symposium would be Approved For Relelase 2000/09/Q6 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Release 2 % : S'ej cRQo7iR6Q97t W 909c7e -25f the Joint US-USSR Working Group on Electrometallurgy during the period of May 15 to June 15, 1976 in Washington, D.C., for the purpose of examining the status of work done and to outline the direction of continued cooperation. V. COMMUNICATIONS Both sides have noted the delays in the receipt of correspondence (up to 2 1/2 months). The two sides have agreed to take appropriate measures to speed up the cor- respondence and transmittal of research materials. VI. This Protocol has been prepared in the English and Russian languages and signed on June 13, 1975. The texts in both languages are equally authentic. N.E. Promisel S.R. Antonov Chairman Chairman U:S. Side of the Joint Soviet.side of the Joint US-USSR Working Group US-USSR Working Group on Electrometallurgy on Electrometallurgy? Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Release 20QQf09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A00030QO Q 9>-8 Itinerary for the vi&it of the American delegation to the USSR June 1, 1975, Sunday Arrival in Moscow (Rossiya Hotel). June 2, Monday. Session of the Joint Working Group in Moscow on the premises of the Committee ott Science and. Technology. Evening at the Stanislavsky and Nemir.ovich-Danchenko Theatre (ballet - Swan lake). June 3, Tuesd Continuation of the session of the Working Group. Visit to Quality Alloy Experimental Plant. Visit to Metallurgical Institute. Visit to the Problems Laboratory of the Meat and Dairy Industry Institute. Visit to workshops and laboratories. Technical discussions. Departure by train for Kiev. June 4, Wednesday Arrival in Kiev. Check into Dnepr Hotel. Delegation received by the President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, academician B. E. Paton (at the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Uk.SSR). Visit to the Rigidity Problems Institute of the AS (Academy of Sciences) of the Uk.SSR. (Wasilewski, Heckel). Visit to the Casting Problems Institute, of the AS of the UK.SSR (Flemings, Van Echo). Technical discussions at the Electric Welding Institute. June 5, `'bnrsdav Discussions at the Electric Welding Institute. Visit to the Rigidity Problems Institute (Stout, Van Echo). Visit Lo the Kiev City Hospital (Promisel.). Continuati.oa of technical discussions on boat during ride on the Dnepr. Flight to Odessa. Check-in at Chernoye Morye Hotel. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Re e e 2000/09/ 6: CIA-RDP79200798A0 00070019-8 June 6, Friday Visit to Odessa Steel-Rolling Plant. Technical discussions with the plan director and in the workshops. Visit to Odessa Opera Theater(ballet - Gisele). June 7, Saturd Y Sightsee ng`in Odessa. Visit to Odessa Catacombs. ContihUa ior: of technical discussions with the directors of the Odessa S eel-Rolling Plant during boat trip on Black Sea. June 8, Sunday Work on rotocol of Third Session of Working Group. Free time. Additional sightseeing in Odessa. Flight t Donetsk. Check into Druzhba Hotel. Promisel and Tatishch v remained in Odessa to work on English text of Protocol. June. 9, Monday Visit to Special Electrometallurgy Problems Laboratory of the Donetsk olytechnical Institute. Technical discussions in the laboratory. Sightseeing in Donetsk. Flight t Zaporozhye. Check into Zaporozhye.Hotel. Departur of Prof. Flemings by plane to Moscow and then on to U.S. June 10, Tuesd Y Arrival rom Odessa of Messrs. Promisel and Tatishchev. Visit to "Dneprospetsstal"' Plant. Technical discussions with chief plant engineer and in workshops. Sightseeing in Zaporozhye and environs. Flight t Leningrad. Check into Leningrad Hotel. June: 1], G_edne dad Sightseeing in Leningrad and environs. Visit to S. M. Kirov Opera and Ballet theater (ballet - "The Leggad o '.ove"). Approved For Rele se 2000/09/6 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Release 200W9/06: CIA-RDP79-00798Ab00300070W-8 June 12, Thursday Visit to the Hermitage. Visit to the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute. Departure for Moscow. June 13, Friday Arrival in Moscow. Check into Rossiya Hotel. Continuation of Session of Joint Working Group on premises of Committee on science and Technology. Signing of the Protocol of the Third Session. Sightseeing in Moscow. June 15, Sunday Departure for U.S. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Release 20000,9/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070( ppendix 2 LIST of members of the Soviet delegation participating in the work of the Third Session of the Joint Soviet-American Working Group on Electrometallurgy S. P. Antonov - Division Chief, Committee on Science and Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences (Head of Delegation) . I. K. Pokhodnya - Chief Scientist-Secretary, Presidium of the AS of the Uk.S,S.R., Corresponding member of the AS of the Uk.S.S.R. B. A. Movchan - Division chief, E. 0. Paton Electric Welding Institute, Corresponding Member of the AS of the Uk.S.S.R. V. I. Kashin - Deputy Director, Metallurgical Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences L. V. Kovalenko - Chief Specialist, Committee on Science and Technology, Candidate of Technical Sciences S. N. Glebov - Expert, Committee on Science and Technology G. M. Grigorenko - Senior Scientist, E. 0. Paton Electric Welding Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences S. A. Fomina - Senior Engineer, E. 0. Paton Electric Welding Yu. C. Yemclyancnko - Senior Scientist, E. 0. Paton Electric Welding Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences M. Kh. Shorshorov - Laboratory Chief, Metallurgical Institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences K. A. Yushchenko - Senior Scientist, E. 0. Paton Electric Welding Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Release 200&9'9/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A00030007QP.U-%& 3 LIST of members of. the American delegation participating in the work of the Third Session of the Joint Soviet-American Working Group on Electromet.allurgy N. E. Promisel - Chairman of U.S. Working Group, Formerly Executive Director, National Materials Advisory Board, National Academy of Sciences R. F. Bunshah - Professor, University of California at Los Angeles M. C. Flemings, Jr. - Professor, of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology R.W. Heckel -Professor of Metallurgy and Materials Science and Head of Department, Carnegie-Mellon University W. F. Savage - Professor and Director of Welding Research, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute R. Stout - Professor, Lehigh University" Deputy Branch Chief, Fuels and Materials, U.S.,Atomic Energy Commission R. J. Wasilewski - Section Head, Materials Research Laboratories, National Science Foundation Alexis B. Tatistclieff , Interpreter Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For,ReleApe 200$9/06: CIA-RDP79-00798A00030007 ~= m ro .. ti I-)NP,.ci -P 0 0 P 'r_I ri rt r-. c3410m a0 p1i) N ?r-1 (n C4) 043 U3 -ri cJ'd .N h) 1--4 H-Pc c1 1) ri 4.) 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H r-I (D. a) d a) rn h ) r-1 1n tvH 4-I Fl on) 4-1 .4' 0 fl of0 f LfN CO O Iz- rte, , " o .1 1 C^ 0 C c` I I ? fc-I o"d a) M'r1 'd al I H LA 0 Cr{ O 4-I P1'zj .r1 (.3 1 ri -PO r.1 t.0 =a14H P-4 0 o c L(\ _ CJ Cl i 'd d ? Cl 0) P CO .Is 11-1 rl U O 'd 0 1~ O ?r1 ?r{ o P 11 e) 4-1'd N (3 c3 7' U) .r1 O 4) :Ci O H F; r1 .J C) P I' (0-,-l C) (D C0 c) 0q (I.) -P4) P a) H . H 400 A a) a) P N P1 0.11 d ?r1 ?rl O -0 O m 4 ?rI' 0 : EQ H `--ta Fa 1 ci PI 4-5 ?r1 u? O bo Cl ry f t11 I 0 1-3 p h0 I -P ?rl PI 1 0 -p 0 ?rI -H F1 U N O.4 O)V) Cd1'? t_0 f 4., CFI i 0 L0 Prrl U) { ?rl O P-1 CI O -P,,-1 7. C 4=4 F1 ?r1 ?r1 CU = ; 11) rJ O 'd co 1n r) P. icl U r-1 r:. m 1) i. C) ---I C) ,:1 S.i V?..I q'1 CJ -H t: ? Fi cr-P O -I, C3o CH C3N.41>41 :7 C'3 rd -l' q O 'LS -,10.-I F; i- i 'd ?10 C) c3 a) of al al ,C1 r Cl Cl ?I 3 U - I P F-I (3) O F-1 r-1 r-I `) :'SU)' . .-INC)O ri1 0 w ~- -C, - 4' ;r .4' L0 a3 C) 1 .4 O .AU) '4 0 J 0 .c1- F4 rl ?,-I F' CH I co 41rn a) 11 O ,sl d 0?l~ a C1) cis 4-3 r c) J r.rN ?1) 4~ r-1 rl G) r1 F:I ,C1 0 CJ r3 Cl) 0 FI ?r11-' `/-I11-1``- u -riN (1) 51 c3 h- yC7 .y, 1i 4) EU Onl C) U O r f 1 O C- CJ rd Cl 0 I P,r1' Lh l:. z ?rl r:1 N Ca i- ?ri N Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Rele Approved For ReId 6 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000360070019-8 ' c) I .U 4P 0 I O -C7 F U 4-i 'd 0 'd Li Q) H? L~aCAI e) 1)1'x?. tt bI^ U iI C 'd .ri E=i, ?ri O U) H .-.I 0 S.4 r-I -P ;C) S 1' C UfU -P -4-) 4-I ?r1 0 11 C) 'd c) f]1 ri p T~ I I E:') co GJ :. I S-i G) t:J ? 1 4: H) ?r i 'd p4 1-i ~i 0 c 4- 4 ri r-I C] Ci U 0 H ? 1 -P Nrdz ?ri CO O?C, r3 i U] I ^ 4) O rd c-~ 0,0 . 15 ] o c tr-iM 0 4 C14) 4-)C1 4-I'dc)0 C-1 1c: f~ -P 0 C) :N Cs--N 'd 'd O?'t 0;;'td rE~. 0- i C 3 C 1~ U c- am11 n'd P c l f-, -P c-I0-J-p?ri 0 C) 71 ,7)04-1 k O II OH -?U! rl 0 -rl c3 U W r-i -r.t 0 c) I llkP-P-IWfr4U,O t0 I I SO Fi sa , I r .N ? I c--P ?;0-4P 4-I 'U 0 r ?ri - 0 1Ur)'d0;^'r-1 'U r) J C ?ri r2 r) ci f!) rI [] 1-a" ;:'d co (t) rd C3 ?rI r-i y >y (i 0,C) P c i P1~ Oil 4~ Ci . r C' ,'^ I 'H i] fC r] 1 O C7 y. ~) 4) c> ri c )Y-. ,O .i 1 rd e) ?r1.U" . --i si /) 1 r t.i.) c) 14 51-P 0,-I--) )... ?r{ 4; C6 O~ 11 r3 -1~ 1-1 .,I C tt7 CS 4i 14 C)il~ .u L 4~ '~ cH Fi ?ri C) ~J -P Q C: 04) ii G) C) C) ?I) C3 Fi~n 1~?t1j ? t t-. ? 'I u~0 tr,O I r (IF) 01 U"% U: 11 U l 1 1'. C~ CC fC ';j r) l J r-I~~ r4J~ i=a t lCi IC\ I 0fH C] I u ?r? 1 Ci .r1 Cl 00c-i '1400 O'd O CSI C; C; C) ?H 1 cs f= U ~ Fi r4 Si -P 1-I c7 0 p (D Cl C)) If JC"CQO 4-i ?U) O U .,-I . ' 0 (IN .,A U]cR tR U]rr-1 O ?N N O C) -t~ c -1P R~ 2S ii f 'H "4 Ci 0 CJ O +) o co Q r-'I UO U .13 0 UC- d C) C7 OC-N Ur OOrd 1 r-I r--I'd r-i rA ?ri ?ri Ci F1 () W W 04-1 U] 4-I 0 4i ci O J U p. ~ ~?ri-F~ C'7 U) FJ c) E=0 t3 r O tflt 4)rd + F=1 U S4 0 ni C) r-1 O Nzt -P CI)Ulc' r,) t1 'd Fa ciC) CH 4-1 00 H t~1 Fa ?r-I N 'ri tIA C) c- rd c^ 1-I t '?O I C''5) 4~ w ? .3 CI.1 Approved For Release 200%W/06: CIA-RDP79-OO798AOOO3OOO7OQJ -8 < r, ?ri ? Fi .,-1 Ori-P ni T4'd 14-11 eF4 a) a) ?c{ tbN ! ociiro,rj ~4 ' rl U I 4-1 0 o i H k0()Fi J o r-~ 1.3 till 0 N N IF' L` rn O PH * N N rl 'd ci 'U S=! -i 0-H a)It'd s! a) (I) I'13 1!1 (54) r-i F1 w C) C) r-! (rE.1) ry.1 Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798AO00300070019-8 Approved For Release 20(19 9/06: CIA-RDh & ?9 F1QdQ 07DW-8 of the 30vict 5ido. cording to the prot;ra:t of tiC.1,(' 1$:i.:L:LC- l t.l.~].11i C3! coop ' u~;!_on on ,`.1L1Lboa arid o Je :.,.'11 Lind upo,;~.J..i- jai-_i.kJo c wcid__1)6 "Development of calculated-e:~:periment;zl raothod. for predic?- ting the hydrogen content in weld. petal made with the typo 70113 01ert:rodec'i"I: is ?,..,.... ., cf-foct- zition (content of CaF2, CaC03, SiQ2, I:,gO), its basicity, nature of d.eo:idation (various ratio of ferro-silicon and Ferro-tjtanium in the coating), amount of iron povwder, humidity of coating on the hydrogen content in deposited metal and to develop the calcu- lated method of predicting the hydrogen content on the basis of exoerimental data. The suggested ranges of changing the calculated composition of the coating are given below: Ce003 - 25 -} 55` Cap2 _ 5 +,30,-, Si02 -1104303% Mgo - 0.4 10 Fe,Si - 2 -F 155% FeTi '!3-3?0;0 Fe n - 5 The humidity of coating is chan,aa by,cintering the electroacs at temperatures .300?C, 350?C and 400?C. The addit-_'Lonal coed ti?onb for 00: :lip tlic.-Olan Of L---. 3 2 2 (FeSi ?Fe'.iri) = 15 ij Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Rele 2000/09/06 The? 'estigations The coeffic ent of coat ng mass is con tb~~ut and equals w 4Q-o, coating t) 41 ness is 1.1 mm, del. "core P',4 1.55. It is; Isug ested tol study the effor.{~ of iron po^rder, its tent in t1 coating bei~-g a:rn n' ed to () '; 20 %; 40 n. In ir:i duction of iron powder into the coatiTIL t+ho amount 04' all ing const uents propo 4 tid-pally decreuiac+..1. Weld condition 4E waldint; is carl'it d out with asemi-uut.c~. matic mac z ne at. d..c.: i* reversed polu.Vi iy. The welding currurlt value shots d be equal terninatio of hydroge is carrie out only wi Deter: a) I:etho4 samplinG mended b) Dote I cord1i by an4 c) Deters method CIA-RDP79-00798A000 0Q70019-8 are made using t;lir3 4 a. electrdel,:,,, o , 180 A. Thu vAtage is nominal. content in thu rWPosited metal the h a first half or an electrode. nation of hydrogen content f> the depositrd c:t ,) in accordance wi t:h a methodoltN"; r cr ?.: to the ciet her methodo ffusion hydrogen -'%MOUnt is carriel odology reco=011~9~j3 by IIWc (in Wcrc::: , ,. ogy, providing tlth trusty results. e residual hydrosc>" is carried o::: IL! lting. N.E Promisel ,,jQ Antonov Chia rman airman U.S Side of the Jo yviet Side of its US~?- -USSR Workimi OI9 a Electrometett`,' Approved For Rolease 2000/n 'Approved For Rel6as6-Z4Q%09/06: CIA-RDP79-06798A00030067 19-8 Fer ro- Cc;j.4 ' 9 ;Marble silicon Ferro- titanium, Iron powder Ferro- :.Cinterin@; fianganesd temperatureC 0 ...~=y..I00 r.,.. .. 55.0 15.0 p 0 5 5 400 IU,O 0 25,0 15,0 0 25 3'6 0 0 5 400 0 j1 , , I5,0 10,0 55,0 15,0 15 40 0 0 0 0 5 400 . 0 , ;>0~0 10,0 , 0 0 5 400 8 0 5 00 ;,0 u 0 T5,0 r 0 0 0 0 5 403 10 0 16 30,0 30,0 TS '0 0 0 5 400 13 0 T 0 ( 0 ];0 0 55,0 - 2,6 13,0 0 0 5 300 ' 'u+ '30,0 25,0 25,0 2,0 0 ? 2 13,0 0 13 0 5 300 0 15,0 30 10,0 10,0 55,0 4,0 , 2,0 , 0 13, 0 0 5 5 300 I) 0 5 0 0 30 0 35 2,0 0 I 0 0 5 300 0! 5 b0 , 20,0 , 15,0 2,0 , 13,0 0 55 300 300 10 0 I(~,0 30 0 d 30,0 3 0 2,0 9 0 13 0 40 3 300 ,0 3,0 6 6 , 3 0 , 0 40 3 0 0 I8,0 ,0 1 15. , 0 40 3 300 0 90 . 6,0 0 6 33 234 0 9 9, 0 40 3 300 0 0 18 8,0 3,0 ., 18,0 , 21,0 9?0 9 0 40 3 3 300 6, 15, 18,0 27,0 ,0. 9 0 40 3 00 3 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 16 0 , 9 40 00 0?0 ,0 3,0 ,0 18, 6,0 0 I5 , 33,0 0 15 , If 2 . 708 7 40 40 3 3 400 . 400 400 18 80 , 6 0 , , 7,8 40 3 400 0 0 ? 0 24 2 1 7 8 40 3 400 0op x3,,0 11 25,0 , 1 2 1,2 , 7 8 7,8 40 3 400 6,0 3,0 12,0 27,0 I,2 z 2 7,8 40 40 3 3 400 400 0t0 4, 16,5 33,0 8 i 5;2 0 2 4 350 1 ' 5 12 6 4? 14 4 29 0 6,6 592 20 4 350 350 4,6 , , 36,9 6,8 5,2 2 20' 4 350 3,I 24,0 I2,3 24,6 6,8 6 5 20 4 350 4,5 ,7 I 4+0 25,0 8 6 5 2 4 350 3 3? I 13, 124 5,5 31,0 ~2 b 20 350 350 9 3,9 6 13,6 I5,5 31,0 1,6 5 8 10,4 5 6 20 0 4 5 350 4 t1 I7,0 1914 33.8 , 5 1 , 3 9 40 3 350 ?3,() 10,2 11,6 23,2 , 6 0 6 "?00 3,9 13,6 15,5? 31,0 ,0 g 5 2 20 4 600 3, 33' I3 5 26,5 2'0 Id,0 0 5 400 ,0 0 10 0 5, , 30,0 0 45 I6v 0 0 0 5 400 300 0 0 0 r 0 30 0 , 5,0 ~ 2 a 4 133,0 0 5 400 1 0 30,U 10,0 0,0 x0 1 13 0 0 5 300 , . 50,0 30 +0 0 18 30,0 9,0 , 0 40 3 400 0 310 8 1 , 27,0 0 5 0 :0 0 30,0 10,0 30,0? 16,0 0 8 4 0 30 , 3 13 1 31,9 12 400 00 F.% T0,5 , 10,0 53,8 2,6 I3,0 ,00 3 1 1 i,i JrU i +0 I'2 0 `3 40 3 5 13(00 0 1.7,5 (),0 42,5 2'0-._ I J,o 1 20 3`~0 , 3,9 13 5 15 3110 8 6 5 1 2 20 4 350 ,, 9 6 13,6 , 16,5 31,0 , i 0 6 5,2 2 5 20 20 t~4 350 350 3.9 13,6 .15,11) 31,0 , , Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Release 200f9/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070Qj,9-8 Appendix 4b P fl 0 G R A M for "Pred.i.cLi.on of LOW Temperature Properties of high--Alloy -Austenitic Welds" To establish a mathematical model, based upon published data aril so;:c c.:perimenttxl data, relating low temperature service properties to the chemical composition of weld metal and processing variables. l? >er. montal, Model 1. A search of the published literature properties of austenitic wolds at low temperatures is to be made for the following systems: Chromium - nickel Chromium - nickel - molybdenum Chromium -- nickel - manganese Chromium - nickel - nitrogen Chromium - nickel - molybdenum - tungsten Chromium - nickel - molybdenum aluminium (titanium) 2. Agreement is to be made on a test matrix system for processing on computers. 3. Exchange of information on materials and their properties is to be made. 4, l?c vc l.opme>>t. of algorithms for programs on statistical modelling is to be made for forecasting weld properties. 5. Statistical processing of data will be made for determination of mathematical relationships of chemical composition (alloying elements) with the mechanical properties and structure of the weld. 6. Develop methods for predictive control of austenitic weldmen+t properties. Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For R le e1000/09/ cI -RD _ ''ra :~? m r' 0 0} ~+ N ja ~ Fi H O t a)' _ Q N j + t rl C7~ .) ' O N ci 4-1 ` rl Z t i 1 ' u) _ U I 1 i N o N O p4 O of rl N ?-' o U I 4-t I rd co ri f, bDd 4'4 7 0 P 05 FA I 1 x9 r J 1] 1 1 P N 0 o O co Eli 0 W 0) t 'i ow U CR El ~Iv~Q I U Nb 79 IM8AOOQ3000? rl ?rl ro o 4-t CQOEl 0019 4 c qec~ o: -8 d ~ r1n?,x-4h t4 O 0) 0 $4 CQ U ?rl 0 a) U?-'4 } rl $4 rl P 0 co a) 0X X s p U m 0 n O.> Rfs~~ni~a) ~4 4J '0 0 ~nxm,ernw?`a4 e??ouroa~ x 4J r -I N P4 N 0 x u) M .-1 .u ? N0?"?1ri V) .">.? 0 >4 H?,A HxO-ro0aiNW'0 Jui~wqui`W ./"? ,'"-', j)1 P H;' /ri-(A 1 ,y Ri U Z A a 117 H S-: 0" N )U r) '0 ,y CO 4-) f0' 43 4p?) d?) 4) 44 44) 14 ra ?r4 N S4 4 Ux zs I 0 w 1 raa N N 0 N [i w 0'U + H 1 0 0 (1 4-4 3?If zy?u o a) ' q) O ?'1 O [a w 4J ~4 4J '0 0 0 ~ -i U) to In rp r7 0 .,4 tP N L: w 0 w?r4 .,.4 0 041 Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For R se 2000/09/Q6 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019.-8. ri r ro LI 0 0 to ro w G i C9 G O N N ?.f f4 {i ?ri U .H i U U ?V O N C) N N N M C. F. 93 $1 N 4.3 O 4J f~i 4 r4 >1 N Zil b 4 r-4 ~P (P r ro i: 4 0 V. 1-4 N?G Hri C. H N , co xy+ro+ A -1 0 C3 1.4 ri 0 F~ 4 5 d N 41 0 .H -r1 o N 4) i??1 Si N 41 3 0 -P ~ ?rl W Z 40J N ri Si W xw c1 $4t43 4 0 44 4j IOdN S.I td W 'H 'H 00.00009 .H rl d z? q E .$4 > aHrs. m Approved For ReI~ ~se 2000/09/16 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8 Approved For Release 2 .1 v .n 0 a) 04 tA Q a. 9/06: CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070Q1 9-8 H .i > QO Q N U, N 01 N m H 0440Id 0 O N O -4 a-1 4.) 4) 001 a) 4J C) 4.1 -i 44 0 0 N 0 ., F., H +1 w (0 O4'0.0>N H 4.)-N 4)( ?-I0P0AU 0 U 9 v N N -.1 0 1a 4) G) 0 .i :0 'O 4J 0 0 0 1(04-I U+~I-P R1 0 O ?.1 Cl) C)44 0 0+1 .-1 O 0 0 -.1 $4 -.f 0. 0 -?1 +1 ) OON --4 0 (4 44 1 E N 0 0444-1 U Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070019-8