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Approved For Reiodse.2001/09/03 : A0?00040005-6 STATINTL REVIEW OF STATUS OF PROJECTS Stag Dot 1. Energy R&D 9 projects. 2 (MHD and Superconducting) will be covered in detail by project chairmen, as among promising projects, next on agenda. Remainder essentially still in initial stages of project group visits and efforts to define and organize cooperation. Specifics: Thermal\power stations (TVA) - US project group visited USSR last Fall; Soviet group will come later this year. Hydroelectric power stations (Interior) - Plans being discussed for project visits this year. Heat rejection (AEC) - Soviet group will make first visit here this month. Air pollution reduction and waste disposal systems for thermal power plants (TVA) - Soviet group here last December; return visit by US group later this year. UHV/IIVDC (Bonneville) - US group in USSR in February. Electric Power System Planning and Dispatching (TVA) - Soviet group here at end of May. Solar/Geothermal (NSF)- Preliminary discussions when US team visited Moscow in January; 2 Soviet groups due here this month but 1 postponed to October; US groups due to visit USSR in August/September. declassification & release instructions on file Approved For Release 2001/09/03 CIA-RDP79-00798A000300040005-6 Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300040005-6 2. Chemical Catalysis 5 Projects. 5 US Research Fellows nor in USSR for at least 3 months each. Will be discussed in detail later. 3. Computer Applications 3 Projects well defined, 2 others in process of further definition. US research materials sent; none received yet in return. Extensive schedule of visits over coming year, including attendance at some scientific conferences in USSR, developed by US WG Chairman (Aufenkamp). Soviet responses slow but recently more responsive; Aufenkamp is optimistic, in restrained way. One apparent problem: Soviet WG Chairman has been ill. 4. Water Resources 4 Projects. Beginning to move, although still sluggish. -Problems on US side include personnel changes in Bureau of Reclamation (Interior), which responsible for 3 of the projects. 1st project meeting held in May in Moscow; other 2 planned this summer. Re fourth project-;Cold Weather Construction (Corps of Engineers)--Soviets have proposed shifting to Energy area,.for bureaucratic reasons., 5. Microbiology 5 projects. Proposals to further define activities exchanged. Third Joint WG meeting began June 10 here in Washington. US Chairman believes should not be too hard to reach agreement and is hopeful that some joint work can soon begin. NSF fully prepared to fund. Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300040005-6 err' Approved Mw~ Release 2001/09/03: CIA-RDP79-OOWA000300040005-6 . Science Policy 4 projects. Dr. Beckler will describe later in agenda. 7. S&T Information 3 projects. Project teams have been organized on US side, and are developing specific program plans to send to Soviet side this month. Joint WG to meet in Moscow in September to review and approve project plans, so work can then begin. One project group will also meet there at same time. Forestry Research and Technology Soviet group had been due for return visit this month, but had to postpone. Now rescheduled for October. Nothing much has happened. 9. Metrolo y/Standardization Also little movement. US proposed in January that split into 2; Soviets have indicated agreement. 1LaQue will head US group on Standardization to visit Moscow later this month. 10. Electrometallurgy Soviet group here at end of May. Dr. Promisel will report on prospects. 11. Physics No information on whether steps have actually been taken by Soviet Academy to organize a "joint research organ" on problems of theoretical physics. 12. intellectual Property Apptreq iFe~fJe1 J00g1/etting A gDniz-edd798A000300"040005-6