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December 6, 1973
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" Approved For Releagtr2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP79-0079854000300020006-7 Princeton t fruversity DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 08540 December 6, 1973 Dr. Royal Wald SCI-SA, Room-830 State Department Washington, D.C. 20520 Dear Dr. Wald: I am sending by separate mail two samples to be transmitted to Dr. Tech of the U.S. Embassy, Moscow, Dr. Krylov of the Institute of Chemical Physics. The can be looked at. They are essentially neutral water slight amount of platinum and gold particles. There danger of breakage. If there is any leakage, it will picked up by the porous surrounding material. These will be transmitted by Dr. Krylov to Dr. Sokolski of Institute of Physical Chemistry at Alma Ata. Thank you ,for your courtesy in this matter. JT:dhl Encs. cc: Dr. T. W. DeWitt, NSF Dr. E. D. Stevenson, AEC Prof. W. Keith Hall Dr. Ealdeschwieler Sincerely yours, John Turkevich for samples with a is no be samples the State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file Approved For Release 2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300020006-7 /Cie 4if ? Approved For Releaftr2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP79-00798*00300020006-7 DEPARTMENT OF STATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP CLASSIFICATION UNCLASSIFIED DATE3.2/19173 TO Amembassy MOSCOW FortheAth9mionof SCIATT FROM Department of State TO THE FOREIGN SERVICE 70 THE DEPARTMENT [5il For Transmittal to Addressee at the Discretion of Post ri Post Information Only ElTransmit to Foreign Office Submit Report EI Reply to the Individual El Dept. Information Only El CERP Publications r=l Enclosure to Previous Airgram El Reply to Department Request ID Transmit to (U. S. Agency) EDinform: REFERENCE ITEMS/REMARKS Letter to Professor O.V. grylov fr. John Turkevich, 12/6/73. & package. Please initial and return. Registry No. 813735 IN REPLY REFER TO FILE NUMBER AND DRAFTING OFFICE FILE NO. CLASSIFICATION uncLAssIFIED FORM 12-64 ..?????? SIGNATURE Royal Wald OFFICE SCl/SA * U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1973-725-341/417 3-I Approved For Release 2000/08/31 :,CIA-RDP79-00798A000300020.008-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300020006-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300020006-7 Approved For Relevue 2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP79-0079JA000300020006-7 Princeton University DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 08540 Professor O. V. Krylov Deputy Director Institute of Chemical Physics USSR Academy of Sciences Voroblevskoye shosse, 2 Moscow, USSR .Dear Oleg Valentinovich: December 6, 1973 I just received your letter of October 26 via the State Department. It seems to take them longer than by direct communi- cation. I am sending this letter to your directly and a copy for transmission by the State Department. I am also sending via the State Department two samples of colloids: one of gold 200A, and another of platinum for transmission by you to Prof. Sokolski at Alma Ata. These samples are monodisperse and have been well char- acterized by us. He had been planning to do some electrochemical experiments on them. If Professor Gryaznev wishes some platinum or gold colloids, we shall be able to furnish him also with these. We are in the process of preparing 107 dispersion of gold 201 and of platinum 301, in the following: gelatin, polyvinyl alochol and polyacrylic acid. We have found by color observation that the gold is not coagulant on evaporation. These materials can be used ? for preliminary work on Mtissbauer effect, small angle x-ray scat- tering and wide angle x-ray line shapes. Once these preparations are finished we are going to do the same thing for platinum. We have looked at the catalytic nature of platinum particles on Baymol (fibrous alumina) and have indications that in our simple preparation the platinum particles are clustered. We have used gol as a test colloid and are developing techniques in which the gold seems to remain dispersed without coagulation on the Baymol. Catalytic samples Of ethylene, propylene, cyclohexene, and benzene gave us on poisoning about 10% of the surface atoms of platinum. We do not know yet whether this number represents the fraction of platinum atoms that are active or is due to a decrease in area due to clusters and sintering. It is of interest, however, that the number of centers for ethylene hydrogenation is the same as for hydrogen deuterium exchange. Approved For Release 2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300020006-7 -Apprcived For Release 2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP79-00748A000300020006-7. ,Prot. 0. V.vierylov 2 December 6, 1973 I learned that Professor Cryaznev's group did not come to the United States in November. As I mentioned before, I shall be very happy to see you, Professor Gryaznev and other Soviet col- leagues at Princeton. lam JT:dhl Eric. Enclosed please find a spectrum of the materials. With best wishes to yourself and to Zenida Leonidovna, Sincerely yours, John Turkevich cc: Dr. Royal Wald, State Department Dr. T. W. DeWitt, NSF Prof. W. Keith Hall Dr. E. Dee Stevenson, AEC Prof. J. D. Baldeschwieler, Cal. Tech. Approved For Release 2000/08/31 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300020006-7 ' 0.0 O. 0.2 (D.3 0.4 0.5 u0.6