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Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RE P7 39 11YO060003-4 CQQRaD4ATION PAGE SUBJECT a bj Iaaurax ce CONCUR CE3 t Chief f ri oral. deg (Notes Coordinati m by DD/' Operat Divisions not required.) Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-19A000100060003-4 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060003-4 25X1A 25X1A2d1 25X1 A SU 13JECT: w Insurance REFERENCES: (a 29 August 1963 (b 22 April 1963 sociatton Insurance Programs, 31 March 1%0 1. Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. a. Reference (a) announced an open period for enrollment or changes in enrollment in a health benefits program for the period I through 15 October 1963. After the Notice was promulgated we learned that Executi it: Order I1116, 5 August 1963, estasblished the following charges forAhospital- ervices; also we have been informed tlat- elements have announced these new rates to be effective 1 January 1964: (1) Inpatient care, p*I*- # Ro a $ For employees of the United States who are citizens of the United States and their dependents $5. 00 (b) For all others $37.00 (2) Each outpatient treatment, examination, or consultation: (a) For employees of the United States and their dependents (b) For all others Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060003-4 $1.00 $8.00 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A0001DMm,AA3-4 b. Because these rate changes will affect KU K employees wb* 25X1A2dI are eligible to receive hospital KUBARK announces an open period for enrollment or change in enrollment (e. g. , from low option to high option) from s -wr roug 46 December 1963. c. If an eligible individual is unable to apply during the open period, a written justification to Headquarters is required along with the Health s Registration Form (S. F. 2809). 2. Parents Associated Medical Assurance. (PAMA) a. Reference (b) announced a plan to provide hospitalisation and surgical insurance coverage to eligible parents or step-parents and parents-- contingent upon the enrollment of 1000 parents during the initial enrollment period. We request that all personnel who 25X1A applied for PAMA, be advised that more than 1000 parents were enrolled, hence the program is in effect. If an individual authorized payroll de- ductions for PAMA, these deductions are being made and forwarded to the . mergencyTravelPl n. The Emergency Travel Plan coverage ranee branch. described in the booklet, "Association Insurance Programs,%, dated 31 March 1960 has been expanded to include round-trip travel from any location in the world to points anywhere else in the world for emergencies that involve named persons in the application. Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060003-4 Page 2 %Y 4LOiA Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000160060003-4 25X1A a, This concept recognises that emergencies may occur which affect the employee or the employees immediate fa post with him. The employee can purchase Emergency Travel Insurance and name himself and/or the other family met be s with him at the post to provide for the contingency of emergency travel which may not qualify for payment by OIYOKE. For exa=mple, the employee may become critically ill and be evacuated to PBPRIME or to OI3YOKE medical facilities at an intermediate location. Normally, his travel expenses would qualify for payment under KUR however, the employee's wife would have to assume the travel cost as a personal expense if she v4shed to be her husband unless she qualified as an attendant. Under the provisions of the Emergency Travel Plan if the employee is the first named he can designate his spouse as the person to make the trip. In the event he be- comes critically ill and must be evacuated, his wife, relying an the insurance coverage, can accompany him. A similar use can be made of the Emergency Travel Plan if the emergency involves the family members at the post with the employee. By naming these family :embers and paying additional premium, the employee can be assured of payment of travel expenses if he wishes to accompany a critically ill family member. b. The premium rates for the emergency travel plan are as Page 3 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060003-4 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000T00060003-4 25X1A Age of Named Person First Named Person Each Additional Persor 0 through 49 W. 00 $13. 00 50 through 64 $40.00 $21.00 65 through 69 $S0. 00 $31.00 70 through 75 (renewals only) $65.00 $46.00 c. The "Important Instructions" listed on page 33 of the Association Insurance Programs booklet must be followed to be assured that the application will be promptly approved. Page 4 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060003-4 Aooro M FoIIQA C/BSD r -10 X6872 f/ (~ Appro ve r~lA 01.0 4 IDENTIAL SECRET UNCLASSIFIED CONF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO 2 5E56 Headquarters DATE I N I s A DDS 4 7D-18 Headquarters 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Re rks: Early distribution of this dispatch will be appreciated. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: E, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. ATE FORM NO. 237 Use previous editions 2-bl ? U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1961 0-587282 5- Approved For Relea 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000lM060003-4 25X1A 25X1A2g REFERENCES: (a) 29 August 1963 (b) , 22 April 1963 (c) Booklet, Association Insurance Programs, 31 March 1960 1. Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. a. Reference (a) announced an open period for enrollment or changes in enrollment in a health benefits program for the period 1 through 15 October 1963. After the Notice was promulgated we learned that Executive Order 11116, 5 August 1963, established the following charges for hospital- ization and dispensary services; also we have been informed that elements have announced these new rates to be effective 1 January 1964: (1) Inpatient care: (a) For employees of the United States who are not citizens of the United States and their dependents $5. 00 (b) For all others (2) Each outpatient treatment, examination, or consultation: (a) For employees of the United States and their dependents (b) For all others $37.00 $1. 00 $8. 00 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060003-4 SF R g A Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000i 4 03-4 b. Because these rate changes will affect KUBARK employees who are eligible to receive hospital KUBARK announces an open period for enrollment or change in enrollment (e. g. , from low option to high option) from 25 November through 6 December 1963. c. If an eligible individual is unable to apply during the open period, a written justification to Headquarters is required along with the Health Benefits Registration Form (S. F. 2809). 2. Parents Associated Medical Assurance. (PAMA) a. Reference (b) announced a plan to provide hospitalization and surgical insurance coverage to eligible parents or step-parents and parents- in-law, contingent upon the enrollment of 1000 parents during the initial enrollment period. b. We request that all personnel who applied for PAMA, be advised that more than 1000 parents were enrolled, hence the program is in effect. If an individual authorized payroll de- ductions for PAMA, these deductions are being made and forwarded to the Insurance Branch. 3. Emergency Travel Plan. The Emergency Travel Plan coverage described in the booklet, "Association Insurance Programs", dated 31 March 1960 has been expanded to include round-trip travel from any location in the world to points anywhere else in the world for emergencies that involve named persons in the application. Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060003-4 Page 2 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : dt -00639A000 '0060003-4 25X1A a. This concept recognizes that emergencies may occur which affect the employee or the employee's immediate family who are at the post with him. The employee can purchase Emergency Travel Insurance and name himself and/or the other family members with him at the post to provide for the contingency of emergency travel which may not qualify for payment by ODYOKE. For example, the employee may become critically ill and be evacuated to PBPRIME or to ODYOKE medical facilities at an intermediate location. Normally, his travel expenses would qualify for payment under KUBARK however, the employee's wife would have to assume the travel cost as a personal expense if she wished to be with her husband unless she qualified as an attendant. Under the provisions of the Emergency Travel Plan if the employee is the first named he can designate his spouse as the person to make the trip. In the event he be- comes critically ill and must be evacuated, his wife, relying on the insurance coverage, can accompany him. A similar use can be made of the Emergency Travel Plan if the emergency involves the family members at the post with the employee. By naming these family members and paying the additional premium, the employee can be assured of payment of travel expenses if he wishes to accompany a critically ill family member. b. The premium rates for the emergency travel plan are as Page 3 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060003-4 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A0001 0060003-4 NITIAL "F DEIN Age of Named Person First Named Person Each Additional Person 0 through 49 $32.00 $13. 00 50 through 64 $40.00 $21.00 65 through 69 $50. 00 $31.00 70 through 75 $65. 00 $46. 00 (renewals only) c. The "Important Instructions" listed on page 33 of the Association Insurance Programs Booklet must be followed to be assured that the application will be promptly approved. CONFIDENTIAL Page 4 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060003-4