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Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060001-6 Subject copy is on file in DDP/PC Rm 1A11 , Hqs ext 7274 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060001-6 CLASSIFICATION PROCESS( G ACTION Rep, IS PAT C MARKED FOR INDEXING TO 25X1A All Chiefs a NO INDEXING REQUIRED 1NFO- ONLY QUALIFIED DESK CAN JUDGE INDEXING FROM Chief, 25X1 A MICROFILM ZLJBJECT Insurance ACTION REQUIRED ? REFERENCES IMPS NKCE : 22 November 1963 25X1A 25X1A 1. ld about the announced increase for in -patient hospitalization charges as of 1 January 1964. As a result or this announcemen , the undo r o Association Benefit Plan was asked to provide a schedule for reimbursement. The underwriter has established the following schedule for reimbursement, applicable only to hospitalization charges described above: APPORTION) IT OF DAM CHAd OF $37.00 FOR IN-PATIENT 3IIRQITCAL OR NON-d ICAL SERVICES a. High Option Plan will pay $20.00 per day as allowance for room and board for up to 90 days. Plan will. pay the first $202.50 of the difference between the rate of $20.00 per day and the total charges for confinement. Plan will pay 80% of additional charges above $202.50 up to $$000.00 for each 90 day confinement. The 20% in excess of the $202.50 may be applied to the major medical benefits. ($100 deductible) b. Low Option (NOTE: $20.00 of the $37.00 daily charge has been ~.~ established by the underwriter as the assessment for room and board, i.e., as if there was a daily charge for room and board of $20.00) r Plan will pay $13.50 per day as allowance for room and board p for up to 90 days. a Toone. will pay $6.50 per day for room and board for up to 90 days. y m Plan will pay the first $202.50 of the difference between the rate of $20.00 per day and the total charges for confinement. CROSS REFERENCE TO DISPATCH SYMBOL AND NUMBER DATE 23 DEC u 25X1A CLAS (CATION HQS FILE NUMBERNone. After the ' V% bgw~ dispatch has served its pur- e r e 000 : CI -RDP79-0 ~4(0$sY.~, d. ADDroved For Rel 006 25X1 C Approved For Rele Tt7 P79-00639A000100060001-6 CONTINUATION OF DISPATCH Plan will pay 80,E of adatiaaal charges above $202.50 to $5000.00 for charges repromented by the daily sharp ($37.00) aims $20.00 tiles the nmiber of days baapitslisod for sash ceo- fin~nt. The eaip1syes will pay the raaaJadar. c. 1laterzdU Benefits (Normal Delivers) (1) High 0ptiess Plan will pay $16.00 per day v'p to 8 days for roan and board. Plan will pay up to $100.00 of the difference between the above and the total hospital charges. (2) I OLtien Plan will pay $10.00 per. day up to 8 days for room and board. Plan will pay up to $100.00 of the difference between the above and the total hospital charges. N07Ss In case of Caesarean 3octioIor miscarriage, rates of r` s +roasnt will be made as sloWm,,la and lb for surgical or non-surgical services. 2. ZZLXn= s a. assume 11 I*X3 IN 1i03PIltiL WILE OR WI4800i 3 0 I'm IV HIGH OPTION WV OPTION qLams 9."" 11 x $37.00 $WUM-00 11 z $37.00 Hoiaburseanmt Roiabur .ma*t Roam & Beard Room & Board ailowaaoo U z $20.00 $220.00 11 z $33.50 Hospital zztras 187.00 Rom & Board paid by os*loyso $M nx $6.50 WAS" (Paid as hospital 187. Tow l to be paid by e00le7e9 $ . 0 roEM e?60 no (4?) .00 $148.50 Approved For Release 290 1:{9 FI k.k.0639A000100060001-6 497 25X1A Approved Fo. elease 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79K10639A000100060001-66 CONTINUATION OF DISPATCH ------------- 20 a $37.00 Re jubprstraient Room & Board 20 x $20.00 Halame Hospital Extras Hale 80% z $137.50 B.s-Q-"-T Assume 20 a 18 IK BD3PIhL WITH OR 1CTAOUT SUB= b . HIGH 0PTI0x LOW -OPMEOR charges $740.00 $740.00 20 x $37.00 Refit ~s #Di35o 227000 170.00 340,00 202.5o Ulan" Hoard to be paid by Roam & 1 0.00 13 enployee 20 x $6.50 ..E 137 50 00 340 . lalanae . !.x=00 Hospital Extras 202- JO To be =plied by 6091070e toward 100 dednotible # 2 0 25X1 Assmr 8IX 1UZ8 I11.PATIUT CL E. OPSIOH Balance 80% x $137.50 Hospital Iztras to be paid by emloy" Total to be paid by eerp1a s. $222.00 6 x $37.00 6 : #3a.oo I~,iba:*a.awt 6 a *16.00 96.00 6 :?QO 137.50 110.00 $222.00 $ 60.00 25X1A 100 00 8npplenaattal a7larana 10000 anpplamentsl alleWaiaoe OW-M To be.paid by esployee $_k2.. 0_0 To be by GM10 #a~00 4.14 sat u of an i1~?~ dependant are reinbarseable under ? wk~ ha ape a is required to pay the first #35.00. If MNMM the the par+visiaos of is Plan and the hospital is in a t is eo~-ered W the ?O?iat' am telteas s the #35.00 will ~ 25X1 C4a a. High Option the plan rill pay the $35.00 b. Law Optin - the. plan will p4 $28.50 and the WWI" Will py #6.54 1kApproved.s v nwsv~ov.For^.RT ele10M? =-m Approved For:Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP CLABBIFICATION DISPATCH SYMBOL AND NUMUM CQNTINUATION OF . DISPATCH Advance Autherit~ subject to approval by ce of official fiends dv t , an as a An employee may rsqu+ss an authorised approving official, for hospitalisation and related expenses in an amount not in exaess of that for which,, in the opinion of the approving official the e 1 ee riate t reimbursement under his health benefits plan. The approp will be =roded to specifically' authorise this type of advance; the issuance of such amendment this dispatch may be cited as authorisation for such advances. Such advances oust be repaid by the employee proeptly upon his receipt of notification that his claim has been settled. Authority for advances for hospitali- satien and related expenses for which reinborsement, is due an employee under the pro- visions of 25X1A ypg ' 25X1A2d1 25X1A2e FORM b?so 53d USE PRKVIOUf EDITION. (40) cijs$IIFICATION 34 0 it IP-T D CCWMNU= 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A ApprdMe or a ease 2000/06/07 CIA-RDP79-00639A0.00100060001-6- Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00 25X1A TO All Chief FROM Chief, SUBJECT . Insurance 25X1A REFERENCE: - 22 November 1963 25X1A 25X1 C4a 25X1A2d1 told about the announced increase for 25X1A 25X1 C4a in-patient hospitalization charges for as of 1 January 1964. As a result of this announcement, the underwriter of the Association Benefit Plan was asked to provide a schedule for reimbursement. The underwriter has established the following schedule for reimbursements Applicable only to hospitalization charges described above APPORTIONMENT OF DAILY CHARGE OF $37. 00 FOR IN-PATIENT SURGICAL OR NON-SURGICAL SERVICES a. High Option Plan will pay $20. 00 per day as allowance for room and board for up to 90 days. Plan will pay the first $202. 50 of the difference between the rate of $20. 00 per day and the total charges for confinement. Plan will pay 80% of additional charges above $202. 50 up to $5000.00 for each 90 day confinement. The 20% in excess of the $202. 50 may be applied to the major medical benefits. ($100 deductible) b. Low Option (NOTE: $20. 00 of the $37. 00 daily charge has been established by the underwriter as the assessment for room and board, i. e. , as if there was a daily charge for room and board Approved For Release 2600'769/6). CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060001-6 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-006' 9A000100060001-6 Plan will pay $13. 50 per day as allowance for room and board for up to 90 days. Employee will pay $6. 50 per day for room and board for up to 90 days. Plan will pay the first $202. 50 of the difference between the rate of $20. 00 per day and the total charges for confinement. Plan will pay 80% of additional charges above $202. 50 up to $5000. 00 for charges represented by the daily charge ($37. 00) minus $20. 00 times the number of days hospitalized for each confinement. The Employee will pay the remainder. c. Maternity Benefits (Normal Delivery) (1) High Option Plan will pay $16. 00 per day up to 8 days for room and board. Plan will pay up to $100. 00 of the difference between the above and the total hospital charges. (2) Low Option Plan will pay $10. 00 per day up to 8 days for room and board. Plan will pay up to $100. 00 of the difference between the above and the total hospital charges. NOTE: In case of Caesarean Section or miscarriage, rates of reimbursement will be made as shown la and lb for surgical or non-surgical services. Approved For Release 2000/06/07 CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060001-6 2 Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00 39A000100060001-6 2. EXAMPLES: (a) Assume 11 DAYS IN HOSPITAL WITH OR WITHOUT SURGERY HIGH OPTION Charge s 11 x $37. 00 Reimbursement Room & Board 11 x $20.00 Hospital Extras LOW OPTION Charges 11 x $37. 00 $407.00 QMMMNM~ $407.00 Reimbursement Room & Board allowance $148. 50 11 x $13. 50 $220.00 Room & Board paid by employee 11 x $6. 50 71. 50 $220.00 187.00 $407.00 Balance (paid as hospital extras 18 7. 0 0 $407.00 Total to be paid by employee $ 71.50 qwrvm~ Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060001-6 Approved For Rel'rase 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060001-6 (b) Assume 20 DAYS IN HOSPITAL WITH OR WITHOUT SURGERY LOW OPTION Charges Charges 20 x $37. 00 $740. 00 20 x $37. 00 $740.00 Reimbursement Reimbursement Room & Board Room & Board 20 x $20.00 400.00 20 x $13. 50 270.00 Balanc e 340. 00 Balance Hospital Extras 202. 50 Room & Board to be paid by employee 20 x $6. 50 130. 00 Balance 137. 50 Balance 340. 00 80% x $137. 50 applied To be by employee toward $100 deductible 110.00 $ 27. 50 Hospital Extras Balance 80% x $137. 50 Hospital Extras to be paid by employee 202. 50 137. 50 110. 00 $130.00 27. 50 Total to be paid by employee Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060001-6 9 Approved For Re1Lsase 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060001-6 (c) NORMAL DELIVERY MATERNITY BENEFITS Assume SIX DAYS IN -PATIENT CARE HIGH OPTION LOW OPTION Charges Charges 6 x $37. 00 $222.00 6 x $37.00 $222. 00 Reimbursement Reimbursement 6 x $16. 00 $ 96.00 6 x $10.00 $ 60.00 Supplemental allowance 100. 00 Supplemental allowance 1 00.00 $196. 00 To be paid by employee $ 26. 00 25X1A $160.00 To be paid by employee $ 62. 00 3. When hospitalization expenses of an eligible dependent are reimburseable under the provisions of the employee is required to pay the first $35. 00. If the dependent is covered by the Association Benefits Plan 25X1C4a and the hospital is in the $35. 00 will be reimbursed as fol- lows: (a) High Option - the plan will pay the $35. 00 (b) Low Option - the plan will pay $Z8. 50 and the employee will pay $6. 50 25X1A 4. Advance Authority An employee may request an advance of official funds, subject to approval by an authorized approving official, for hospitalization and related expenses in an amount not in excess of that for whixh, in the opinion of the approving official, the employee may expect reimbursement under his health benefits plan. amended to specifically Approved For Release 2000/06/07 CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060001-6 Approved For Re1ase 2000/06/07 : CIA-RDP79-00639A000100060001-6 25X1A authorize this type of advance; pending the issuance of such amendment this dispatch may be cited as authorization for such advances. Such advances must be repaid by the employee promptly upon his receipt of notification that his claim has been settled. Authority for advances for hospitalization and related expenses for which reimbursement is due an employee , Overseas Medical Benefits, is now reflected in that 25X1A c Approved For Release 2000/06/07 : I R[7PJ9=000 AM00060001-6