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,55r`~ ~ -y3~~ Approved For Release 2002/05 DP79-00639A000100010004-8 t0RAtdl F f DepufW Director (Support) ArnmOt : Revastiouaa Control Staff action to preserve the contents and purpose of the Dispatch i scree Dispatch w still ourrent and valid, they were, requested to i i the initiating office determined that the es .al purpose of the 9 N I' 1961 1. ginning in April 191 the r/tP Records tianage*nt )f fie er, in an effort to reduce the files of the Analysis Section, Records Integration Division ( /AN), and Bradquartare and Field Officer, requested that all Book Dispatches be reviewed by the i ni.tis," office to determine it they could be destroyed. In those cases where a percent form. It was suggested that thin be ao"Us ed either 3.ication as a part of the Agcy Regulatory Systeme, or by eeteblis it of an official subject file to incorporate the subject mattere iaarolwned. f3f' thd.a a +er 102 were returned to RII /AR to be destroyer MAmm were robnrzed for action outside the Support Cowponents. It 2. This office was asked to process all Book Dispatches initiated by the Support Offices and proceeded to check each of the t c Dis- patches with the initiating ecaaponont to determine the disposition or d by the initiating offices that 18 of the Dispatch" contain*d current information. ioh they agreed to incorporate into issuances. Seven of the Dispatches were ce min d incorporated into Agency regulatory issuance ts- bs valid, and 'current it mat ded that thmV remain in their present format as an official subject file. 3. Following is a list of the 18 Dispatches whith are to be a. . 801. dated 18 duly 1958, initiated by fP in process, is pablieherd. Approved For Release 2002105101 IA-RnoZMQ63-Q82?f 0001O004-8 Approved For Release 2002/05/0P P79-00639A000tO 1? 06 25X1 C 25X1A b. No. 1744, dated 19 Febr r 1960, initiated S ssb3 t Payment of Text Obligations Against 25X1 C It is roonampirlied that this Book Dispatch relied t the revised is publiab*d. a. No. M o dated 18 April 19$8# initiated by the ?)nJee of Logistics, anbw a fisinatto s of Supply ftp*rtL'~4 be included in the revised Type I Suppler 3.s published No. 628 end be No. 1008, dated 12 Deese 1958, ixdtiated by of Logistics, setbJ t Seesiannua . Stock Status Report a s of 1 Jan ary 1959. This Dispatch should be rents and SuppU Forms. This subject matter is flied when the revised Type I ftan&ook is published. ?. No. 372, dated 23 August 1957, initiated by SSA 4)D/S, sub3 t Bem-apera i. Air Cargo. The Office of Logistic s have agreed to republish this subject matt* in an Ag=W regaut issuanse, at which tines this Boac should be carumnede - Office of Logistics will Meer in an Agency regulatww7 issuance, at Tessa of Log stics will republish as an Ages regu- lat ' ice,, at ch time this Book Dispatch should be destroyed, aSA-YDDfS, snb, i 8bipment, of Alsetboli a 8a raps. to No. ;11;37, dated 23 April 1959, initiated by Household Effects VD/S, snbj s Shipment of 1*9~ Frivat ly Owwd Au bites time this Bo* mepatch may be cans led. g. No, 1237, dated 2 Jassy 1959, initiated by b. Sc* 53a, dated 24 Jemmy 19.50 initiated by Oe of kgietice, dais Infer matien. The Off loo, of logistics will republish as an ;tom ism, at wM h time this Book be desfircgrsd. No. 72k* dated 13 Jum IM i d,tiated by ths of Lagistlss* BUb j a Field St Statue Reports. ? of Logistics have determined that the submit be included to the revised 'type I Supply %nftodk. Back Dispatch No, 724 AbOVI+d be destroyeed revised Handbook is public. Approved For Release 2002/05/ RDP79-00639AO001006.1X OO4-8 C FEN 1IA Approved For Release 2002/05/04 Me. 1332, dated 21 Ju4 199, initiated by the Nam c~e3 $taft, s j i Nedtsal Information. The kcal gtet`t` have determined that this subject matter vin be inaerpcarated into the Modica Manual, at which time this Book Dispatch should be destroyed* k. No. 118, dated 20 Uwndwr 195'?, initiated by the Office of Sew try, subj s Nitrate r1la $t ra . and Han The Office ftwAtV have detex-mined that this subject matter wain be republished in an AgomW regulatory i ssuan+ee, at which tip this book Dispatch std be deatr ye' NO. U75, dated 21 J04 1959, initiated by N, subj s bsrrgsnr Dcamant Destruction. OfflAo of uritt have date tined that this subject swatter mil be republished an an ASsaW issuance, at which time this Book Dispatch may be best ed. a. No. 969, dated 31 Awsabor 15,58 iaaritiated by SsA. 3/$, subj a Conduct and ortin cot 25X1 A ra"LoUre Inspections at 25X1 C The Of e of Securi r bans de r>et xa ? ss sec matter w be rep blished as an Agency issuance, this BoDispatch ab d be doetrcoyed, n' No. 679, dated 6 JU * 19550 initiated by the Office of Personal ( +efits and Casual Division),, subj a -so tton wit Credit Union $ oun . It is r" amended that this -k match be doxUa d when the now pr! sod edt an tact Book (Field Asetlvitiea) is published as an Age a k. 25X1A 0. No, 7, dated 12 July 1961, initiated by subj s I itia tan of Ifforts in the fisU to IdSn Potential Candidates for the JOTP. It is assumed that ocVU* of this book Mmpatch sent to the field have been adsestrsagmd mdse a suet authorising destruction after reading is in the Dspatch. Noesver, it in room.. that this Tdapsteh with the attached list of b.,eetedd Criteria be retained by 1X Al. p. Suk '~atch No. 17 s dated 28 March 1963? bdt&&Ud by /S, subj: ~ Sqppwt Guidwe, is d J n t7 Book DispaUbso No. No. 25o6,* dated 7 April . dated 19 . It is re s decd that these there Boa Dispatches be consolidated and republished as an Agency Now or . oche, at which time bss. 1739, 2018 and 2506 s head be des Lm 3 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : Cl DP79-0 6310?kODQ IQQ0I.,0004 8 -00639A00100010004-8 A It of is sieven Dispatches id .ch it is . A, format as an official eject -Wx t a. No. a, dated 9 septa r 1960, initiated by the $..edt . Staff, sit Approved eel Facili t b. No. 1.23s dated 29 July 1954, initiated by a,ubj t Public Service Aid Secie1. G. No. Mil4v dated 16 March 19.s, initiated by MO/r, stb j t Separation of s= *p2= Persowma . d. No. 1233, dated 12 )UW 1959, initiated by -DD/ ,: e j :.Adahd atmid.4e Travel - KTLPers. S. No. 2243,, dated 3 Yawasbor 1960, initiated by Dm, sub j a A d r d.stra iv'e Repceti by 0010- f. No. 2383, dated 23 January 194, initiated by :fit,-DD/S, subj i 2nereaee in Berm Travel Insure d. No. 2377, dated 13 februa y 1961, initiated by SSA-DD/8, sub j t Rest and Rehabilitation Travel of I B mss of the 18 book i'dspatchae mentioned in pare Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : C 'ate atUdInd for your review. As the subject matter o C M&MW W%M6+aIWv -W ~r----- - -- be sppreoatted if you would so advise us by returning the attraohad copies with a request that t be cancelled. Acting . A. DD S Attacbmnts As stated tebove. SSA-DD/S:FPB/ms (8 Nov 61) Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee, w/Atts. (official file cys) 1 - DDP/Q w/o Atts. 1 - Chief, OPSER/RID, w/o Atts. 1 - Chief, DDPA w/o Atts. 1 - SSA-DP/S Sub7, w/o Atts. w" ApprovedF9rr%L ,2@Q Q1 : C -RDP79-00639q ?Q0i '1A.b04-8 w/o Atts.