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25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 vaiZcthZe Approved For Release 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 PLAYJB9Y INTERVIEW: a candid conversation with the embattled district attorney of new orleans On February 17, 1967, the New Orleans States-Item broke a story that would electrify the world-and hurl district attorney Jim Garrison into a biller fight for his political life. An enter- prising reporter, clid I:ing s'ouchers filed with the city by the district attorney's office, discovered that Garrison had spent over ,,S8000 investigating the assassina- tion. of President Kennedy. "Has the district attorney discovered valuable additional evidence," the States-Item asked editorially, "or is lie merely saving some interesting nest' information that will gain for him exposure in a national magazines" Stung, Garrison counter- attacked, confirming that an inquiry into Kennedy's assassination was under way and charging that the States-Item's "irre- sponsible" revelation "has now created a problem for us in finding witnesses and getting cooperation from other witnesses and in at least one case has endangered -Ilse, life of a witness." On February 18, newsmen from all over the world converged on New Orleans to hear Garrison announce at a press conference: "We have been investigat- ing the role of the city of New Or- v'ans in the assassination of President Kennedy, and we have made some progress-I think substantial progress.... What's more, there will be arrests." As reporters flashed news of Garrison's statement across the world, a 49-year-old New Orleans pilot, David Ferrie, told newsmen that the district attorney had him "pegged as the getaway pilot in an elaborate plot to kill Kennedy." Ferrie, a bizarre figure who wore a flaming-red zuig, false eyebrows and make-tip to con- ceal burns lie had snijered years before, denied any involvement in a conspiracy to kill the President. Garrison, lie said, was out to frame him. Four days later, Ferrie was found (lead in his shabby three-room apartment in New Orleans, ostensibly of natural causes-though he left behind two suicide notes. The press had greeted Garrison's ini- tial claims about a conspiracy with. a measure of skepticism, but Ferrie's death was front-page news around the world. Garrison broke his .self-imposed silence to charge that Ferric was "a man who, in my judgrizent, was one of history's most important individuals." According to Garrison, "Mr. Ferrie was one of those individuals I had in mind zailien I said there would be arrests shortly. We had reached a decision to arrest him early next week. Apparently we waited too long." But Garrison vowed that Ferrie's death would not halt his investigation, and added, "My staff and I solved the assassination weeks ago. I wouldn't say this if we didn't have the evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt. We know the hey individuals, the cities involved and how it was done." On. March 1, Garrison eclipsed even the headlines from his presriotts press confer- ence by announcing the arrest of Clay Shaw, a stealthy New Orleans bu.siness- iiian and read-estate developer, on charges of conspiring to assassinate John F. Kennedy. One of New Orleans' most prominent citizens, Straw was a founder and director of the city's prestigious International Trade Mart from 1917 to 1965, when lie retired to devote his time to playwriling and restoring his- toric homes in the old French Quarter. The day after Shaw's arrest, Garrison declared that "Shaw was none other than Clay Bertrand," the shadowy queen bee of the New Orleans homo- sexual underworld, who, according to attorney Dean Andrews' testimony be- fore the Warren Commission, called him the day after the assassination and asked him to rush to Dallas to defend Oswald. Shaw heatedly denied his guilt: "I never heard of any plot and I never used any alias in nay life." But New Or- leans society, which had long counted Shaw one of its own, was stunned. On March 14, a panel of three judges heard Garrison's case in a preliminary hearing to determine if there was enough evidence against Straw to bring him to trial. Perry Raymond Russo, a 25- year-old life-insurance salesman from Baton Rouge who had once been Ferrie's "room-nsate," testified that in mid-Septem- ber of 1963, lie had attended a meeting at Ferrie's apartment where Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald and Ferrie discussed rnean.s of assassinating the President in a V "To read the press accounts of my investi- "A number of the men who killed the gation, I'm a cross between Al Capone President were former employees of the and Attila the Hun-bribing, threaten- CIA involved in its anti-Castro under- ing innocent men. Anybody who employs ground activities in the New Orleans area. those methods should be disbarred." The CIA knows their identity. So do I." - "President Kennedy was killed for one reason: because he was working for a rec- onciliation with the U.S.S.R. and Castro's Cuba. His assassins were a group of fa- naticanli-Cornrnunistsand Cuban exiles." Approved For Release 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 d4 ';triangulation of #gprgxpd(ftprRelea"lll0)0NP813&rA,-&rtlA~RDP(le9~f106t 2A0 01OOlflOOO7-Fork as an assistant second witness, Vernon Bundy, a 29- of the American public now believes district attorney until 1961, when'lie re- year-old forester narcotics addict, testified there zvas a Conspirwy to assassinate signed with a scorching attack on iblayor that in the summer of 1963, lie saw Shaw Kennedy, and "a major contributor to Victor H. Schiro, whom he charged with 14 Pass a sun? Of money to Lee Harvey Os- this swelling doubt is the investigation corruplion and failure to rigorously en- wald on the shore of Lake Pontchar- into tine assvissiriation b', New Orleans force the law. train. On March 17, after a four-day district attorney Jim. Garrison." Even Garrison entered the race for district hearing, Judges Malcolm- V. O'Hara., with public opinion on his side, Garrison attorney as a fiercely uncompromising Bernard J. Bagert and Matthew S. Bra- was running into difJierdties on several reform candidate, lambasting the "po- nig ruled there was sufficient evidence to fronts by early stunmer. Three witnesses litical machine" of Mayor Schiro and bold Clay Shaw for trial. Garrison's hand lie wished to question abonl their corn- characterizing the incumbent district was further strengthened on March 22, plicity in the assassinliori had fled Loui- attorney, Richard Dowling, as "the great when a 12-member grand jruy, of promi- siana, and lie, seas unahlr to obtain their emancipator-he let everybody go free." nent New Orleans citizens, em paneled to ext?arlitir ,t 'r.u t)rlratrs-a seldom- Garrison, six feet, six, and 210 pounds, hear Garrison's case, also ruled there encoru+lr..... .ault,lorl; hr credits to the was quickly dubbed the "Jolly Green were sufficient grounds to bring Shaw to CIA. "ra'ttle' hhaws that some of its Giant." He had no political organization court. Pending trial-which is scheduled former employees were involved in the and not much money, but his personal to begin sometime this month-Straw"' Kennedy as.sassinaliorr and is doing magnetism and refusal to compromise was allowed to go free on. ?510,000 bail. everything possible to frustrate my in- appealed to Ilie New Orleans elector- The American press remained dubious vesti,ation in order to preserve the ate. He defeated Dowling handily and about Garrison's ability to prove his Agency's good name." The CIA refuses promptly began convicting rain on charges in. court, and domestic coverage to comment o? Garrison's charges. charges his predecessor had dropped. of and comnienla-y on the district actor- Garrison was also under heavy fire Garrison's five years as district attor- ney's case thereafter was, at best, low-hey over the improper methods allegedly em- ney have been stormy. He outraged -at worst, contemptuous. But as News- ployed by his stag. The most blistering many of his former supporters in the week reported on March. 20, "In Europe, indictment of his probe was an NBC business community by launching a where thousands still cling to the con- television special on June 19, charging campaign against vice on Bourbon spiracy theory in spite of the Warren that Garrison's investigators had tried to Street, charging that B-girls were merci- Commission's conclusion that Lee liar- bribe three potential witnesses-Alvin Icssly fleecing naive tourists. Garrison vey Oswald acted alone . Garrison Beauboeuf, Miguel Torres and Fred Lee- cleaned up Bourbon Street himself, per- and his investigation have been the slug mans-to testify against Shaw; that Gar- sonally padlocking many honky-conks of page-one headlines." "I'm encouraged risorr's stag had altem.pterl to induce a and striptease clubs. But his toughest by the support Europe is bringing me," burglar, John. Cancler, to plant false evi- fight-until the current one-came in lie told a Paris-Alatch reporter. "Every deuce in Clay Shaw's home; and that 1962, when he announced that the re- day, I receive letters and telegrams from Garrison had allowed Perry Russo and fusal of the city's eight criminal-court all the capitals. I've even had six. tile- Vernon. Bundy to testify against Shaw judges to approve funds for his in- phone calls from Moscow." One was from even though they had previously failed vestigations of organized crime "raised Literaturnaya Gazcta, a prestigious Mos- lie-detector tests. NBC addend that its in- interesting questions about racketeer in- row literary magazine, which ran an in- vesligators had also unearthed the real fluences." The judges promptly charged terview with Garrison concluding that "Clay Bertrrnrd"; and ihongh NBC didn't Garrison with defamation of character there was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy name him, it said that he was no! Clay. and criminal libel-and a slate court but that Oswald "definitely wasn't the Shaw. Subsegm?rrlly, l'I;C might have fisted ]rim ?51000. Garrison appealed key figure in it." had second lhnngltts about its expose, for the case all the way to the Supreme Garrison also had his supporters in. the the network granted Garrison an ""price- Court, and on November 23, 1964, in a U. S. Boston's Richard Cardinal Cushing, dented 30 minutes of prime Saturday- landmark decision on the right to crili- father--confessor to the Kennedy family, evening cunt to rebel its own findings, cize public officials, the nation's highest Garrison charged that the three wit- said of the New Orleans probe on March tribunal reversed his conviction, contend- 10: auto r /aimed his aids had tried to irib , that "speech concerning public affairs "7 think they shvtild follow it through. bribe therm here perjurers. Ile also de- I never believed that the (tiled the Anti- Cotiuuutiis:n i.l:i.,u, the Caribbean. which was jilt ;c;i v tied by the CIA in the overthroir of tie (1: tteui:d;ui gov- crnnicnt in 195.1. 50, iii oilier words. these are the Last govs in tile world you'd expect to find tied up With left-wing or pro-Castro ac fig itic,, iaglu? And yet, when Lee Il;c icy Oswald set up his fictitious branch of ilic Fair Play for Cuba C:oniniittce in New Orleans, he distributed leaflets gi\ing the commit- tee's address as 544 Camp Street-Guy Bannister's office! Somebody must have pointed out to Oswald shortly afterward that lie was endangering his. cover by using this address, because he subse- quently changed it to 45107 Magazine Street. But it's certainly significant that at the inception of his public role as a pro-Castro activist, Oswald was utilizing the mailbox of the most.inilitantly con- servative and anti-Comnuinist outfit in the city. I might add that we have several witnesses who will testify in court that they saw Oswald hanging out at 544 Camp Street. I want to stress, however, that 11i:ne uo evidence that Bannister and Wait! Well involved in the plot to kill Kennedy. "]'heir office was a kind of way station for anti-Castro and right- wing extren,i:,t8 passing through New Orleans. ruin it's pcricctly possible than they were completely unaware of the con- spiracy being hatched by tutu like Ferric Approved For Release 'i16 PFq /28 : CIA-F~DP79-00632.4 PLAYBOY: Vcre : i'v 0 . i.' other tgurc5 1 II u 1r) M' ' LLJ Li L, L, .,l G- CAP 'GDUE e i`GY'U~L weather "Mustang." Tailored of an exclusive Buoy cotton. The rain-ond-stain treatment; ZEPEL.? T:, lining, raglan sleeves with adjustable cuffs, zip: pockets hidden under the front yoke, bold stit, moves well, "The Mustang." Harbor Master Ltd. A Division of Jonathon 0ngtea j 00b W Lorry's Metropolitan F: '" Dupont reg. T. M. for its Polyester Fiber i Dupont r,v ;0+- ill the alleged cotAy trb%iMl(F:d l ayt~leur _ ~_ A l v r some of Oswald's anti-Castro Bannister? crash, t mu,g i rumors a ways spit tl ~ t~ Wi and New Orleans GARRISON: Yes, David Ferric was a paid in a case like this. The only thing I will showed up in Dallas in October of 1963. investigator for Bannister, and the two say is that wiatcsses ill this case do have In a "Supplementary Investigation Rc- p+ men knew each other very well. Dur- a habit of dying at the most inconvenient port" filed on November 23, 1963, by 19 ing 1962 and 1963, Ferric spent a good times. I understand a Loudon insurance Dallas policeman Buddy \?Valthers, all deal of time at 544 Camp Street and firm has prepared an actuarial chart aide to Sheriff Bill Decker, Walthers he made a series of mysterious long- on the likelihood of 20 of the people stated: "I talked to Sorrels, the head of 'a W distance phone calls to Central America involved in this case (lying within three the Dallas Secret Service. I was advised from Bannister's office. We have a record years of the assassination-and found that for the past few months at a house of those calls. the odds 30 trillion to one. But I'm at 3128 Harlandale, some Cubans had PLAYBOY: Where are Bannister and Ward sure NBC will shortly discover that one been having meetings on the weekends now? of my investigators bribed the computer. and were possibly connected with the GARRISON: Both have died since the as- PLAYBOY: Was Oswald involved with Freedom for Cuba Party of which Oswald sassination-Bannister of a heart attack paramilitary activists and anti-Castro was a member." No attention was paid to in 1964 and Ward when the plane lie was Cuban exiles in Dallas, as well as in New Walthers' report, and on November 26th, piloting for New Orleans Mayor De Les- Orleans? lie complained: "I don't know what ac- seps Morrison crashed in Mexico in GARRISON: Olt, God, yes. In fact, many tion the Secret Service has taken, but I 1964. De Lesseps Morrison, as it hap- of his New Orleans contacts overlap with learned today that some time between pened, had introduced Clay Shaw to those in Dallas. Jack Ruby, who played seven clays before the President was shot President Kennedy on all airplane flight a key role in smuggling gusts to the anti- and the day after he was shot, these Cu- in 1963. Castro underground-on behalf of the bans moved from this house. My inform- ." Oswald had been to stated this that use before subject PLAYBOY: Do you believe there was any- CIA-was one of Oswald's contacts in ant was the thing sinister about the crash that killed Dallas. Furthermore, Oswald was virtual- last that was ever eard "f the mast the both Morrison and Ward? ly surrounded by White Russians in Dal- Oils Cubans at e h Harlandale. A eri- GARR150N: I have no reason to believe las, some of whom were CIA employees. nificant point in Walthers' report is his COC// N mention of the Freedom for Cuba Par- ty: This appears to be a corruption of the anti-Castro Free Cuba Committee of which Oswald, Ferric and a small cadre of neo-Nazis--including the man we believe was the "second Oswald"-were members. You may remember that on the night of the assassination, Dallas D. A. Henry Wade called a press confer- ence and at one point referred to Oswald as a member of the "Free Cuba Commit- tee" instead of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. Jack Ruby, who just hap- pened to be there, promptly chimed in to correct him. Ruby was obviously in the jail that night on a dry run prior to his successful murder of Oswald on Sunday -a possibility the Warren Commission never bothered to consider-and could hardly have been eager to draw atten- tion to himself. However, lie must have been afraid that if the press reported Os- wald was a member of the "Free Cuba Committee," somebody might begin an investigation of that group and discover its anti-Castro and ultra-right-wing ori- entation. And so lie risked his cover to set the record straight and protect his fellow conspirators. PLAYBOY: In regard to Oswald's role iii the conspiracy, you have said that "Ile was a decoy at first and then lie was a patsy and then lie was a victim." Would you explain what you meant by that? GARRISON: Oswald's role in the pro- posed assassination of Kennedy, as far as lie seems to have known, was strictly political: not to fire a gun but-for rea- sons that may not have been explained to him by his superiors at their planning sessions-to establish his left-wing bona fides so unshakably that after the assassi- nation, quite possibly unbekuowust to 162 "Well, all the sign said was, `Joe's Topless Restaurant."' hint, the President's murder would appear- Approved For Release 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 Approved,For Release 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 wing fanatic and thus allow the other plotters, including the n.en wi o ac'atally shot Kennedy, to escape police attention and flee Dallas. Though he may not have known why he was instructed to do so, this was undoubtedly why lie got the job at the Texas School Book Depository Building; we've learned that one of the members of the conspiracy was in a posi- tion to learn from perfectly innocent Dal- las business contacts the route of the Presidential motorcade more than a mouth before Kennedy's visit. The con- spirators-more than probably not in- cluding Oswald-knew this would place him on the scene and convince the world that a demented Marxist was the real assassin. PLAYBOY: Even if Oswald was unaware of his role as a decoy, didn't he suspect that lie might be double-crossed by his co- conspirators? GARRISON: We have uncovered substantial evidence that he was influenced and nia- nipulated rather easily by his older and more sophisticated superiors in the con- spiracy, and it's probable that he trusted them more than he distrusted them. But even if the opposite were true, I think he would have clone what he was told. PLAYBOY: Even if he suspected that he might be arrested and convicted as the President's assassin? GARRISON: As I said, I don't think it's decoy. But even if he was, it's probable that he would have been given some cock-and-bull assurances about being richly rewarded and smuggled out of (lie country after Kennedy's death. But it's even more probable, in my opinion-if lie did know the true nature of his role -that he wouldn't have felt the necessity to escape. He would have known that no jury in the world-even in Dallas- would have been able to find him guilty of the assassination on the strength of such tan.,parently contrived circumstan- tial evidence. PLAYBOY: That's debatable. But even if Oswald had been brought to trial for and acquitted of the assassination, what rea- son would lie have had to believe that he would also be exonerated of involve- ment in the conspiracy-which you've admitted yourself? GARRISON: I don't want to evade your question, but I can't answer it without compromising my investigation of a cru- cial new area of the conspiracy. I'm afraid I can't discuss it until we've built a solid care. I can say, however, that what- ever his knowledge of his role as a decoy, he definitely didn't know about his role as a patsy until after the assassination. At 12:45 P.M. on November 22nd, the Dallas police had broadcast a wanted bulletin for Oswald-over a half hour before Tippit was shot and at a time IMPORTE RAC.. ` SCOTCH Ouse 11 RA`RF SCO7dI `7iHIv'KY .3 D07% BLENDED SCOTCH WHI*pprove cFoip sec2OQ2iGW28R:a,C1A-RDP79-00632A000100`'1~ linking 0 wald to the assassination. The Dallas police have never been able to explain who transmitted this wanted notice or on what evidence it was based; and the Warren Commission brushed aside the whole matter as unimportant. I think it's obvious that the conspirators tipped off the police, probably anony- mously, in the hope-subsequently real- ized-that all attention would henceforth be focussed on Oswald and the Beat would be taken off other members of the plot. Wide have evidence that the plan was to have him shot as a cop killer it) the Texas Theater "while resisting ar- rest." I can't go into all the details on this, but the murder of Tippit, which f ant convinced Oswald didn't commit, was clearly designed to set the stage for Os- wald's liquidation in the Texas Theater after another anonymous tip-off. But here the plotters miscalculated, and Oswald was not shot to death but was merely roughed tip and rushed off to the Dallas jail-where, you may remember, lie shouted to reporters as the police dragged him through the corridors on November 22nd: "I didn't kill anyone-I'm being made a patsy." The conspiracy had gone seriously awry and the plotters were in clanger of exposure by Oswald. Enter Jack Ruby-and exit Oswald. So first Oswald was a decoy, next a patsy and finally-in the basement of the Dallas jail Oil Novtmbcr 24, 1963 A~Nro net For Relg jen,Pg2t0itj?8 n uc~t~t. 7rm0 0 t~a~q0tQj bQ0 ~~~oti4~iry. ho chid: PLAYBOY: Even if Oswald was a scapegoat smoking a pipe, which I interchange be- GARRISON: Our office has developed evi- in the alleged conspiracy, why cto you t ccn my hands, so I'll have traces of dente that the President was assassinated believe he couldn't also have been one nitrate on both hands but not on my by a precision guerrilla team of at least of those who shot at the President? cheeks. The morning of the assassins- seven men, including anti-Castro adven- GARRtSON: If there's one thing the War- Lion. Oswald was moving crates in a tuners and members of the paramilitary ren Commission and its 26 volumes of newly painted room, which was likely to right. Of course, the Ministry of Truth supportive evidence demonstrate conclu- have t traces of nitrate on both his concluded-by scrupulously ignoring the sively, it's that Lee Harvey Oswald did hands. Now, of course, if the nitrate test most compelling evidence and carefully not shoot John Kennedy on November had proved positive, and Oswald did selecting only those facts that conformed 22, 1963. Of course, the Commission have nitrate on one hand and oil his to its preconceived thesis of a lone assassin concluded not only that Oswald fired at cheek, that would still not constitute -that "no credible evidence suggests the President but that he was a marks- proof positive that he'd fired a gun, that the shots were fired from . . . any man, that the had enough time to "fire because the nitrates could have been left place other than the Texas School Book three shots, with two hits, within 4.8 by a substance other than gunpowder. Depository Building." But anyone who and 5.6 seconds," that his Manulicher- But the fact that he had no nitrate what- takes the time to read the Warren Report Carcano was a in accurate rifle, etc.-but soever on his check is ineluctable proof will find that of the witnesses is Dealey all these conclusions are actually in direct that he never fired a rifle that clay. If he Plaza who were able to assess the origin contradiction of the evidence within the had washed his face to remove the nitrate of the shots, almost two thirds said they Commission's own 26 volumes. By culling before the test was administered, there came from the grassy-knoll area in front and coordinating that evidence, the lead- would have been none on his hands and to the right of the Presidential lim- ing critics of the Commission have either-unless the was in the habit of ousine and not from the Book Depository, proved that Oswald was a mediocre washing with gloves on. This was a sticky which was to the rear of the President. A shot; that the Manulicher-Carcano rifle problem for the Warren Commission, but number of reliable witnesses testified he allegedly used was about the cram- they resolved it with their customary that they heard shots ring out from be- miest weapon on the market today; aplomb. An expert was dug up who hind the picket fence and saw a puff of that its telescopic sight was loose and testified that ill a Manulicher-Carcano smoke drift into the air. Additional evi- had to be realigned before Commission rifle, the chamber is so tight that no deuce supporting this can be found in the experts could fire it; that the 20-year-old nitrates are emitted upon firing; and Zapruder film published in Life, which ammunition he would have had to use the Commission used this testimony to reveals that the President was slammmed could not have been relied on to fire dismiss the whole subject. However, the backward by the impact of a bullet; in- accurately, if at all; that fire rifle quite inventor of the nitrate test subsequently less you abrogate Newton's third law of possibly was taken from Oswald's home tested the Manulicher-Carcano and found motion, this means the President was shot after the assassination and planted in that it did leave citrate traces. He was from the front. Also-though they were the Depository; that the Commission's not called to testify by the Warren Corn- contradicted later-several of the doctors own chronology of Oswald's movements mission. So the nitrate test alone is iucon- at Parkland hospital who examined the made it highly implausible for him to trovertible proof that Oswald did not fire President's neck wound contended it was fire three shots, wipe the rifle clear of a rifle on November 22nd. We've also an entrance wound, which would cer- fingcrpritnts-there were none found on found some new evidence that shows that tainly tend to indicate that Kennedy was it-hide the rifle under a stack of books Oswald's Manulicher-Carcano was not the shot from the front. In the course of our and rush down four flights of stairs to only weapon discovered in the Depository investigation, we've uncovered additional the second floor, all in the few seconds Building after the assassination. I recent- evidence establishing absolutely that there it took Roy Truly and Officer Marrion ly traveled to New York for a conference were at least four men on the grassy Baker to rush in from the street after with Richard Sprague, a brilliant man knoll, at least two behind the picket the shots and encounter Oswald stanch- ,who's been independently researching fence and two or more behind a small ing beside the vending machine in the technical aspects of the assassination, stoue wall to the right of the fence. As I employees' cafeteria. I could cite ad- and lie showed me a hitherto unpub- reconstruct it from the still-incomplete ditioual evidence proving that Oswald licized collection of film clips from a evidence in our possession, one man fired didn't fire a rifle from the sixth floor motion picture taken of the assassination at the President from each location, while of the Depository, but it would just be a and its aftermath. Part of the film, shot the role of his companion was to snatch recapitulation of the excellent books of shortly after one r. at., shows the Dallas up the cartridges as they were ejected. the critics, to which I refer your readers. police carrying the assassination weapon Parenthetically, a book on firearms There are a number of factors that we've out of the Book Depository. They stop characteristics was found in Ferrie's apart- examined independently during the for the photographers and an officer holds meat. It was filled with underlinicg and course of our investigation that also the rifle ill) above his head so that the marginal notations, and the most heavily prove Oswald didn't shoot at the Presi- inquisitive crowd can look at it. There's annotated section was one describing the dent. For one thing, the nitrate test ad- just one little flaw here: This rifle does direction and distance a cartridge travels ministered to Oswald oil the clay of the not have a telescopic sight, and thus call- from a rifle after ejection. Scribbled on a assassination clearly exonerated him of not be Oswald's rifle. This weapon was bookmark in this section, in Ferrie's having fired a rifle within the past 24 taken from the building approximately handwriting, were the figures, not men- hours. He had nitrates on both hands, 20 minutes before Oswald's Manulicher- tioncd in the text, "50? and 11 feet"- but no nitrates on his cheek-which Carcano was "discovered"-or planted- which indicates the possibility that Fer- means it was impossible for him to have on the premises. To sum tip: Oswald was fie had test-fired a rifle and plotted tie fired a rifle. The fact that the had nitrates involved in the conspiracy; shots were distance from the gunman to where the on both hands is regarded in the nitrate fired at Kennedy from the Depository ejected cartridges would fall. But to re- test as a sign of innocence; it's the same but also from the grassy knoll and appar- turn to the scene of the crime, it seems as having nitrates on neither hand. This ently from the Dal-Tex Building as well virtually certain that the cartridges, along is because so many ordinary objects leave -but not one of them was fired by Lee with the rifles, were then thrown into the traces of nitrate on the hands. You're Harvey Oswald, and not one of them trunk of a car-parked directly behind smoking a cigar, for example-tobacco from his Manulicher-Carcano. the picket fennce-which was driven from contains nitrate; so if you were tested PLAYBOY: If Oswald didn't shoot Presi- the scene some hours after the assassitta- right now, you'd haveq > (~Lga $u R@Ieasee~}d~z/a }8tlie n t] i~06 nA~~~l ~j~ ~c thorough search Approved For Release 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A00010p1 0007- of all vehicles in the vicinity of the grassy who was not involved in the shootnng )tit 11011 0 he resit nt's skull and killed knoll immediately after the assassination, created a diversionary action in order to him. Like most of the other conclusions this incriminating evidence might have distract people's attention from the snip- of the Commission, this one contradicts been uncovered-along with the real ens. This individual screamed, fell to the both the esideinc and the testimony of 4 authors of the President's murder. In ad- ground and sinuilated an epileptic fit, crycwitnesses. The initial shot hit the 19 dition to the assassins on the grassy knoll, drawing people away front the vicinity of President in the front of the neck, as at least two other met fired from behind the knoll just before the President's tno- the Parkland 11ospital doctors recogni'ed '~ the President, one from the Book Deposi- torcade reached the ambush point. So -though they were later contradicted by AN Cory Building-not Oswald-and one, in you have at least seven people involved, the military physicians at the Bethesda all probability, from the l)al'l'ox Build- with four firing at the I'resielent and autopsy, and by the 1Vanen Report. ing. As it happens, a man was arrested catching loin in a crossfire-lust as the The second shot struck the President it right after the assassination as lie left assassins had planned at Ilan otceting 111 the back; the locatiot of this wound can the Dal-Tex Building and was taken llavid Ferries aparuncnt nn September he serilied not by consulting the official away in a patrol car, but like the three It Was a precision operation and was car- autopsy report-0t which the Comtnis- other men detained after the assassina- ricd out coolly :nil with excellent eoordi- Sion based its conclusion that this bullet Lion-one in the railroad yard behind n hit Kennedy in the back of the neck and Y' ation: the assassins even kept in contact exited from his throat-hut by perusitg the grassy knoll, one on the railroad by radio. The President. of course, had overpass farther clown the parade route, no chance. It was an overkill operation. file reports filed by two 1`11,1 agents who and one in front of the Book Depository As far as the actual sequence of slots goes, were present at the 1resident's atnopsy Building-lie then dropped out of sight you'll remember that the Warren Conn- in Bethesda, Alarylaud, Both stated in- completely. All of these suspects taken mission concluded that only three bullets equivocally drat the bullet in giesuon into custody after the assassination re- were fired at the President-one that hit entered President Kcuncdy's bah allot did not continue through his body. I also rc- nrain as anonymous as if they'd been dc- just below the back of his neck, exited Ier YOU to photographs toe .'iko re taincd for throwing a candy wrapper on through his throat and then passed shirt u tot by the FBI, allot to a drawing the sidewalk. We have also located an through Governor Conually's body; one of the President's back wound made by Other than-in green combat fatigues that missed; and one that blew off a por- one of the ex;uniting physicians at Be- thesda; the location of the wound in both cases corresponds exactly-more than three incites below the President's neck. Yet the Conuuission concluded that 1 ' 1 -red in his neck This rn - . t 1(S NOUnt Uc e of course, was to make it more believable that the same bullet had exited 1ro111 the President's throat and slatted on down through Governor Connally. Even if this bullet 11(1(1 entered where the Com- mission claims and then exited from the President's throat, it would have been possible for it to enter Governor C:onnal- ly's upper had, at a downward an-le, exit from his lower chest and lodge fi- nally in his thigh-fired, as the Commis- sion says it was, from the elevation of ,I I,-ttnn, window of the Book De- pository-only if Connally had been sitting in the President's lap or if the btillet had described two 90-degree turns on its way (runt President Kennedy's throat to Goccrnor Connally's back. Clea ly, the President's throat wound was caused by the litst shot, this (tile from the grassy knoll in trout of the limou- sine; :and his back wound came Front the rear. I've already given you lily reasons for reaching this conclusion. PLAYBOY: If the first bullet was fired from the front, why wasn't it. found in the President's body. or somewhere it the Presidential Iintonsine? GARRISON: "f-he exact ualure of [lie Presi- dent's wounds, as well as the disposition of the bullets or bullet Ilagntcnis. :nc anion- the many concealed items ill this case. I told you earlier about the met on the grassy knoll whose sole Inuctiot we believe was to catch the cartridges as they were ejected from the assassin,' rifles. We also have reason to suspect that other members of the conspiracy may have been assigned the jot) of removing other cvi- '' deuce-such as traceable bullet ft i tncnts 166 Approved Fir F ases26b~1 /i8 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 -that might betray the assassins. In the chaos of November 22nd. Lbis Would not have been as difficult as it sounds. We know that a bullet. designated Exhibit number 399 by the Warren Commission, was planted on a stretcher in Parkland Iospital to incriminate Oswald. The Commission concluded that this bullet allegedly hit both Kennedy and Governor Connally, causing seven wounds and breaking three bones-and emerged with- out a (lent! In subsequent ballistics tests with the same gun, every bullet was squalled completely out of shape from impact with various simulated human targets. So, if the conspirators could fabri- cate a bullet, they could easily conceal one. lint to return to the sequence of shots: Governor Connally was struck by a third bullet-as lie himself insisted, not the one that struck Kennedy in the back -also fired from the rear. A fourth sllot missed the Presidential limousine com- pletely and struck the curb along the south side of Main Street, disintegrating into fragments; the trajectory of this bullet has been plotted backward to a The fifth shot, which struck the President in the right temple, tore off the Lop of his skull anti snapped him back into his seat -a point overlooked by the Warren Com- mission-had to have been fired from the grassy knoll. "I'here is also medical evi- deuce indicating the likelihood that an additional head shot may have been fired. ]'lie report of 1)r. Robert McClelland at Parkland Hospital, for example, states that "the Cause of death was due to mas- sive head and brain injury from a gun- shot wound of the left temple." And yet another shot may also have been fired; frames 208 to 211 of the Zaprudcr film, which were deleted from the War- ren Report-presumably as irrelevant- reveal signs of stress appearing suddenly on the back of a street sigma momentarily obstructing the view between the grassy knoll and the President's car. These stress signs may very well have been caused by the impact of a stray bullet on the sign. We'll never be sure about this, however, because the (lay after the assassination, the sign was removed and no one in Dal- las seems to know what became of it. Some of the gunmen appear to have used frangible bullets, a variant of the dumdum bullet that is forbidden by the Geneva Treaty. Frangible bullets ex- plode on impact into tiny fragments, as did the bullet that caused the fatal wound ill the President's heath. Of course, frangible bullets are ideal in a political assassination, because they almost guarantee massive damage and assure that no tangible evidence will remain that ballistics experts could use to trace the murder weapon. I might also men- tion that frangible bullets cannot he fired from a Mannlicher-Carcano, J ~t V 1~ ice! ve pleasure and peace of mind =I LT E 7Z d Id MS 66-baffle absorbent replaceable Medico Fil- ters trap juices, tars, nicotine-keep your mouth cleaner, cooler. Change filter and your pipe is clean. Selected, imported briar; nylon bits guaranteed bite-proof. For beautiful color catalog, Write Medico, 13 E. 54th St., N. Y. 1002?, 1'r1 t..1-2.2. Picase rurl~?.rc 10d for handling. Insist on MEDICO FILTERS 10 for 10c Also Menthol-Coot 10 for 15 illustrated GOLD CREST dark claret $8 (light cafe finish $9) Ebony AucievtBritycre Other Medico Filter Pipes $2.50 up - "ork"s Largest Selling Pipes ~,,ft. ICU 110 PLAYBOY COCKTAILS FOR TWO SET Perfect mixer for a perfect evening. Emblazoned in 22k gold. 16-ounce glass mixer, stirrer and two cocktail glasses. Deluxe set includes walnut snack tray with knife and tile for cheese cutting. Cocktails for Two Set, $5 Deluxe Set, $15 Both prices ppd. Shall we enclose a gift card in your name? Send check or money order to: PLAYBOY PRODUCTS 919 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60611 Playboy Club keyholders may charge by enclosing key no. such as the cA'PJYtb1@d Pdf 1444thse 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 167 Ap P v F r{~~ as / 8 C1~,Z 2l Pe iL 2 along with the ma or- OOA~OO?0~7 p+ Osw:ddl used to pdP tpTnc ~icsitlr~gi.:~~Qa~ Zc ]zit 7~t(JIo61~2AO06DI 1 C Also parenthetically, this type of bullet from their owit reactions-but it requires ity of the witnesses to the assassiu:uion, was issued by the CIA for use in anti- 2.3 seconds just to work the bolt on a he said the shots came from the grassy 60 Castro-exile raids on Cuba. Ito summa- Ai:unilicher-Carcano title. To escape this knoll, Ott Which Ile was standing (rout Lion, there were at least five or six shots dilemma, the Commission produced the behind the stone wall, which was 0111)' a fired at the President from front and magical bullet, Exhibit 300, which I few dozen feet from him, in the opposite rear by at least four gunmen, assisted by referred to earlier. Apart Iron the prix- direction troll) the Depository. Like the several accomplices, two of whom prob- tine condition of 3941, the whole time \Varreu Commission, CBS was scrupu ably picked tip the cartridges and one of sequence was the weakest link in the lously selective in its choice of evidence. whom created a diversion to draw people's Commission's shaky chain of evidence, Its broadcast wasn't a hatchet job like eyes away from the grassy knoll. At this and CBS seems to have taken it upon its the NBC show', bu: it was equally utis- stage of events, Lee Harvey Oswald was shoulders to resolve the problem by in- leading and, however uuiutentionally, no more than a spectator to the assassins- venting a new time setlueuce. What they dishonest. I'm not imputing sinister mo- tion-perhaps in a very literal sense. As did was to have a photo analyst, Charles tires to CBS; it appears that its greatest the first shot rang out, Associated Press \Vyckolf, examine the Zapruder film and handicap was its own ignorance of the photographer James Ahgens snapped a find that certain frames were blurred. assassination. picture of the motorcade that shows a Wyckoff arbitrarily decided that these PLAYBOY: To return to your own inves- man with a remarkable resemblance to blurs were caused by Zapruder's physical tigation of the assassination: Have you Lee IIarvcy Oswald-same hairline, same reaction to the sound of shots ringing Out discovered the identity of any of the lace shape-standing in the doorway of -although by the same logic, "Zapruder couspiiators you say were invohed in the the Book Depository Building. Somehow could just have Sheeted. Now, the actual shooting? or other, the Warren Commission con- Warren Co.uutissiou had concluded that GARRISON: I dlou't want to sound coy or eluded that this mail Was actually Billy Kennedy would not ha-e been visible to evasive, but I'm afraid I eau't comment Nolan Lovelady, an employee of the De- Oswald until Frame 21U of the /,apruder on that. All I can say is that this is all pository, who looked very little like film; until thou, lie was obscured by an ongoing case and there will be more Oswald. Furthermore, on the clay of the oak tree---and ',ras lust flit. in frame 222 arrests. assassination, Oswald was wearing a white or 223. But. Wyckoff detected a blur in PLAYBOY: Let's move oat to the events T-shirt under a long-sleeved dark shirt the vicinity of France 186; and on the that followed the assassimuuon. AVhat opened halfway to his waist-the same basis of this, CBS speculated that Zapru- reason (to you have for believing that outfit worn by the man in the doorway- der heard :.a shot at frame 186-the first Oswald didn't shoot Officer .1ippit? but Lovelady said that Ott November shot iii CBS' revised time schedule- GARRISON: As I said earlier, the evidence 22nd lie was wearing a short-sleeved, red- which Oswald allegedly fired at Kenne- we've uncovered leads us to suspect that and-white-striped sport shirt buttoned dy through the Lt'niclies of the oak tree. two men, neither of whom Was Oswald, near the neck. The Altgens photograph CBS even Speculated that the bullet were the real murderers of Tippit; Ave indicates the very real possibility that at lodged in the trunk Of the oak tree, and believe we have one of them identified. the moment Oswald was supposed to sent a team of then with metal detectors The critics of the Warren Report have have been crouching in the sixth-floor scurrying up it, but to uo avail; the pointed out that a number of the window of the Depository shooting Ken- commentator explained that maybe witnesses could trot identify Oswald as nedy, he may actually have been standing someday more sophisticated detection the slayer, that several said the murderer outside the front door watching the devices would be developed anti the but- was short and stluat-Oswald was thin Presidential motorcade. let would be found. Sure. "1'his scenario, and medium height-and another said d. The \1'ar PLAYBOY: Between June 25th and 20th, of course, gave Oswald sa'vcral extra sec- that two men were involve CBS telecast a series of four special Duds iii iv ':1 ii :o take careful aim and reti Commission's own chronology of shows revealing the findings of the net- fire fir- ,:.;'i n~ o shuts-cud thus let Oswald's movements also Jails to allow work's own seven-month investigation the CO~,:i.?,i;,n nld time hook. The only hits suflicieut time to reach the scene of the assassination. CBS agreed with troul.rlc I:,- mimat the people who con- of ?1-ippit's murder front the Book De- the Warren Commission's conclusion that ducted tlu? CBS randy--like most defend- pository Building. The clincher, as far Oswald was the assassin, that lie acted ers of the l1'arri i Report-didn't do all as I'm concerned, is that our car- alone and that only three shots were of their lioutewoik. They forgot, or ridges were cred at the scene of the fired; but it theorized that the first shot chose to ignore, that by the Commis Haying. Now, revolvers do not ejeeject, car- was fired earlier than the Warren Com- siOn's 01%711 admission, the bullet that tidgcs, so when someone is shot, you mission believed, thus giving Oswald suf_ missed Kennedy---the second bullet tit don't later find gratuitous hot, ges ficient time to fire three well-aimed shots the Gornmissiou's sequence-hit the at the President with his Mannlicher_ curb on Main Street near the railroad strewn over the sidewalk-uulcss the Carcano-and overcoming the implausi- underpass 100 yards ahead of the lim- murderer deliberately takes the trouble bility of the Commission's conclusion ousirte, shattering into fragments and to eject them. We suspect that cartridges that he had scored two hits out of three causing superficial. wounds on the face of had been previously obtained front Os- shots in only 5.6 seconds. Don't you con- a bystander, James Tague. But the tra- wald's .38 revolver and left at the mur- sider this a logical explanation of the jectory of :ally ballet fired from the sixth der site by the read killers as part of the discrepancies in the Commission's time floor of the Depository through the setup to incriminate Oswald. However, sequence? branches of the oak tree is such that it somebody slipped up there. Of the four GARRISON: I'm afraid it's neither logical could not conceivably hit within a city cartridges found at the scene, two were nor an explanation. In case your readers block of the underpass. So please excuse \Vinchesters and two were Remiugtons aren't familiar with all the ramifications me if I'm not overwhelmed by the in- -but of the four bullets found ill Officer of this question, the Commission's entire electable logic of CBS' presentation. And Tippit's body, three were Winchesters lone-assassin theory rests on the fact that just let inc add a footnote here: CBS and one was a Remington! The last all three shots were fired, as you point made a great deal out of its assumption time I looked, the Reiuington-Peters out, within a period of 5.6 seconds. Now, that the blurs out Zapruder's film indi- \lanufact.uring Company was not in the the film taken of the assassination by dated a reflexive reaction to shots ring- habit of slipping Winchester bullets Abraham Zapruder proves that a maxi- ing out. But they never asked Zapruder into its cartridges, nor was the Win- mum of 1.8 seconds elapsed between the about his statement to Secret Service chester-Western Manufacturing Corti- 168 time 1Ccnnedpt rf~r ~tF 2M/06126 H6oo~ooy1bsooot~-2 cmingtou bullets into its Approved For Release 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 "Here corms our analyst. A few more visits and we should have hit-n straightened att." cartridges. I don't believe that Oswald shot anybody on November 22nd-not the President and not '1'ippit. If our in- vestigation in this area proves fruitful, I hope we will be able to produce in a court of law the two men who did kill Tippit. PLAYBOY: How do you explain the fact that the Warren Commission concluded that the bullets in Officer 'ltppit's body had all been fired from the revolver in the possession of Oswald at the time of his arrest, to the exclusion of all other weapons"? GARRISON: The Warren Commission's con- clusion was made in spite of the evidence and not because of it. To determine if Oswald's gun had fired the bullets, it was necessary to call in a ballistics expert who would be able to tell if the lines and grooves on the bullets had a relation to the barrel of the revolver. The Commission called as its witness FBI ballistics expert Cortlandt Cunningham, and he testified, after an examination of the bullets taken from Tippit's body, that it was impossible to determine whether or not these bullets had been fired from Oswald's gun. Yet, on the basis of this expert testimony, the Warren Commis- Approved For sion concluded with a straight face that the bullets were fired not only from Os- wald's gun but "co the exclusion of all other weapons." They simply chose to ignore the fact that revolvers don't eject cartridges and that the cartridges left so conveniently on the street didn't match the bullets in Tippit's body. PLAYBOY: You mentioned earlier that a so-called "second Oswald" had imper- sonated the real Lee Harvey Oswald be- fore the assassination in an attempt to incriminate him. What proof do you have of this? GARRISON: I hesitate to use the words "second because they tend to lend eat ;idditional fictional quality to a case the ^lreatly makes Dr. No and Goldfus.,, look like auditors' reports. Ilowcvcr, ii is true that before the assas- sinatinu, a utlculatcd effort was made to implic;+~cc Oswald in the events to come. A young than approximating Oswald's description and using Oswald's name- we believe we have discovered his iden- tity-engaged iu a variety of activities designed to create such a strong impres- sion of Oswald's instability and culpa- bility in people's minds that they would recall him as a suspicious character after the President was murdered. In one instance, a man went to an auto sales- room, gave his name as Lee Oswald, test-drove a car at 80 miles an hour- Oswald couldn't drive-and, after creat- ing an ineradicable impression on the salesman by his speeding, gratuitously remarked that lie might. go back to the Soviet Union and was expecting to conic into a large sum of money. Parentheti- cally, the salesman who described this "second Oswald" was stibsequeutly beaten almost to death by unknown assailants outside his showroom. He later fled Dal- las and last year was found dead; if. was officially declared a suicide. In another instance, this "second Oswald" visited a shooting range in Dallas and gave a virtuoso demonstration of mark,,man- ship, hitting not only his own bull's-eye but the bull's-eyes of neighboring t;ugets as well-thus leaving an unforgettable impression of his skill with a rifle. The real Oswald, of course, was a mediocre shot, and there is ito evidence that he hail fired it rifle since the day lie left the Marines. Consequently, the fact that lie couldn't hit the side of a barn had to be offset, which accounts for the tableau at the rifle range. I could go oil and on re- counting similar instances, but there is no doubt that there was indeed a "sec- ond Oswald." Now, the 4Naireu Coln- mission recognized that the iudicidual involved ill all these activities could not be Lee Oswald; but they never took the next step and inquired why these inci- dents of impersonation occurred so sys- tcmatically prior to the assassination. As it turned out, of course, the organizers of the conspiracy needn't have bothered to go to all this trouble of laying a false trail incriminating Oswald. They should leave realized, since Oswald was a "self- proclairned. Marxist," that it wasn't uce- essary to produce any additional evidence to convict him in the eyes of the mass media; any other facts would simply be redundant in the face of such a convinc- ing confession of guilt. PLAYBOY: You've given your reasons for believing that Oswald, despite his leftist "cover," was involved with the conspirators and with the CIA. Do you have any evidence indicating that lie was also connected with the FBI, as some critics of the Warren Report have alleged? GARRISON: Let me preface my answer by saying that I believe the FBI was not given the full picture of Oswald's CIA involvement. I have nothing but respect for the,Btareatt and feel that if it weren't for the I-Bf reports still available in the Commission exhibits, the door would have been closed forever. While the CIA has behaved like a cross between the Gestapo and the NKVD, the FBI has worked assiduously in many different areas and gathered facts that have proved of great value to those interested in uncovering the truth about the assassina- tion. It isn't the FBI's fault that dozens Release .2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 of its reports have been classified top describes a policy interview with \Irs. information on subversion and it's going secret in the Archives by order of certain Teofil Mcilcr, a \1liiuc llussian ~rni~~rrr? to get what it needs not from Rhodes officials in the Department of justice. in Dallas who had bclrieuded ()scald and scholars and divinity students but from The trouble I face today is that, after Marina. Mrs. Muller resealed, recording apparently marginal figures like Lee Os- four years, not only are these documents to the report, that "she saw the hook Wald with an entree into the political unavailable but the trail has grown cold Kal)ital, which was written by Karl underworld. in many areas. Ruby is dead. Ferric is Marx, during one of these visits at Os- PLAYaOY: If you see nothing sinister in dead. Many other witnesses with Valuable wald's house and became very worried the FBI's relationship with Oswald, why information have either been murdered about it. Subject [Mr. iA[eller] said he slid you subpoena FBI agents Regis Ken- or fled the country. checked with the F13I and they told him nedy and Warren De Brucys to testify PLAYBOY: You still haven't answered the that Oswald was all right." So here you before the New Orleans parish grand question: Was Oswald involved with the have this "self-proclaimed Marxist," who jury? FBI? had defected to the Soviet Union, tried GARRISON: Regis Kennedy is one of GARRISON: Well, I just wanted to phrase to renounce his American citizenship and the FBI agents who interrogated David my reply in such it manner that it was now allegedly active in pro-Castro Ferric in November 1963, and I hoped wouldn't be misconstrued as a broadside activities, being given it clean bill of to learn from him what information the against the entire FBI. Oswald may health by the FBI. It's quite possible that Bureau had elicited from Ferric. But on have been a petty informer for the Bu- this clean bill of health was originally the instructions of our old friend Attor- reau, receiving small sums of money in issued by the State Department, which, ncy General Ramsey Clark, Kennedy return for information about left-wing in reply to an FBI request for informa- refused to answer the questions put to activities in the Dallas-New Orleans tion about Oswald's activities in Russia him by the grand jury on the grounds of area. But I must stress that there is no -this was shortly after his "defection"- executive privilege. Warren De Brucys is indication of any connection between assured the Bureau that he was a solid a former FBI agent based in New Orleans Oswald and the FBI with regard to the citizen. So I don't see anything sinister who also questioned Ferric in 1963. Bc- assassination, and that his position with in all of this, at least as far as the FBI tween 1961 and 1963, Dc Brucys was the FBI was in no way analogous to is concerned. The Bureau has to obtain involved with anti-Castro exile activities his position with the CIA; the FBI re- tains hundreds, perhaps thousands of such informants across the country and is no more responsible for their over-all ternal Revenue Service is responsible for the behavior of its confidential inform- ants on tax-evasion matters. Oswald's possible tics to the Bureau are never mentioned in the Warren Report, but a member of the Commission, Congressman Gerald Ford, revealed in his otherwise undistinguished book, Portrait of an As- sassin, that the Commission was informed by Texas Attorney General Waggoner Carr and Dallas D. A. Henry Wade that Oswald had been employed by the FBI as an informant since September of 1962; his salary, they revealed, was 5200 a month and his FBI code number was 179. The Warren Commission acted promptly on this information from two responsible Texas officials: Chief Coun- sel Rankin told the members of the Commission that "We have a dirty rumor that is very bad for the Commission .. . and it is very damaging to the agen- cies that are involved in it and it must be wiped out insofar as it is possible to do so by the Commission." The Commission then launched one of its typically thor- ough investigations: J. Edgar Hoover .was asked if the alleged assassin of the President of the United States had been an employee of his; Mr. Hoover said "No"; and the Commission closed the case. If Congressman Ford hadn't devel- oped writer's itch, we would never even have heard of tile incident. Once again, the Commission made an unwise choice between tranquility and truth. There is also other evidence linking Oswald to the FBI-though, again, not in any conspira- torial context A Dallas police investi- gative report dated AI prryeld,Fi*6Release 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP19U6 2AO '0100100007-2 171 Approved For Release 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 @4 in New Orleans and was seen frequently afraid, in t!ti, cage, we weren't as efficient estingly enough, the DIA is the abbrevia- 0 at. meetings of the right-wing Cuban as two young, gills who moved into Nov- tion for the Defense Intelligence Agency, Democratic Revolutionary Front. I'd like ci's apartment a few weeks later and, a top-secret group set up after the Bay to find out the exact nature of Dc Brucys' during it thorough house (leaning, found of Pigs to supervise the CIA and en- W relationship with Lee Oswald. As long as a penciled rough draft of ;: letter under a sure increased Administration control of 19 Oswald was in New Orleans, so was Dc strip of linoleum on Lite kitchen-sink CIA activities-a task at which it has ave it to irls of the essful l O d i b l l g g . . ne oare y unsucc ra n ar proved spectacu When Oswald moved to Dallas, Brueys . Dc Brucys followed him. After the assassi- her boyfriend, a student at Tulane Uni- PLAYBOY: Novel subsequently fled New Ps nation, De Brueys returned to New vcrsity, and lie in turn passed it oil to Orleans and took refuge in Ohio. Orleans. This may all be coincidence, one of his professors, who subsequently Why were you unable to obtain his but I find it interesting that De Brucys showed the letter to Iloke May, a report- extradition? refuses to cooperate with our office- er for the New Orleans States-Item.. May GARRISON: The reason we were unable significant and frustrating, because I feel had the letter examined by an independ to obtain Nextradition from Ohio he could sited considerable light on Os- eat handwriting analyst, Gilbert Fortier, -the reason Novel's l ratable to extradite wald's tics to anti-Castro groups. who compared it with other samples of we are with this case-ts that are connected PLAYBOY: On March 23, 1967, you or- Novel's writing and determined th~it the anyone reason powerful wforcei in Washingt tiered the arrest of Gordon Novel as a draft had been written by Novel-a fact material witness in the conspiracy to as- that was confirmed by Novel's attorney, ton who find it imperative to conceal sassinate President Kennedy, and you who said that "everything in the letter as from the American public the truth have subsequently sought his extradition far as Novel is concerned is actually the about the assassination. And as a re- from Ohio. What role do you believe truth." This letter makes fascinating stilt, terrific pressure has been brought to Novel played in the alleged conspiracy? reading. It is addressed to a Mr. Weiss, bear on the governors of the states in- GARRISON: I can't go into all aspects of Novel's apparent superior in the CIA. volved to prevent them from signing the Novel's activities, because we have a live Novel tells Weiss: "I took Lite liberty of extradition papers and returning the case against him. Novel worked closely writing you direct and apprising you of defendants to stand trial. I'm sorry to say with David Ferric and the anti-Castro current situation expecting you to for- that in every case, these Jell-o-spined Cuban exiles. In 1961, he raided a muni- ward this through appropriate channels. governors have caved in and "played the Lions bunker in Houma, Louisiana, with Our connection and activity of that pc- game" Washington's way. To give them David Ferric and a prominent anti-Castro rind involved individuals presently about the benefit of. the doubt, I suppose it's exile leader, and the weapons seized were to be indicted as conspirators in Mr. also possible that they just didn't want subsequently shipped by CIA agents to Garrison's investigation." Novel goes on to aid and abet an investigation that the counterrevolutionary underground in to warn that my probe was in danger of every official effort, overt and covert, has Cuba. He also worked for the Evergreen exposing his tics to the Double- Chek been made to discredit as irresponsible Advertising Agency in New Orleans, a Corporation in Miami, which the book motivation, CIA front that alerted anti-Castro agents The Invisible Government exposes as a and unfounded. Rhodes of Whatever Ohio, his name one, to the date of the Bay of Pigs invasion by CIA front that recruited pilots and sabo- placing coded messages in radio commer- tours for the Bay of Pigs and subsequent has said that he would allow me to extra- cials for Christmas trees. Novel himself anti-Castro adventures. Novel writes in elite Novel to stand trial on charges aris- was a paid employee of the CIA. As I the letter: "Mr. Garrison ... is unaware in, from the CIA-inspired burglary of mentioned earlier, Novel's own lawyer, of Double-Click's involvement in this the ammunitions bunker in Houma, Stephen Plotkin, has admitted that his matter but has strong suspicions." He Louisiana-but that I would not be client is a CIA agent. On May 23, also adds that lie lied to the FBI: "I have allowed under the stipulations of the 1967, Plotkin was quoted in the New been questioned extensively by local FBI extradition agreement to question him Orleans States-Item as saying that "his recently as to whether or not I was in- about the assassination! In other words, client served as an intermediary be- volved with Doublc-Chck's parent hold- it's OK for me to'send a man to jail on tween the CIA and anti-Castro Cubans ing corporation. . . . My reply on five it burglary rap, but I mustn't upset him in New Orleans and Miami prior to the queries was negative. Bureau unaware of if he killed the President. April 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion." And Double-Click association in this matter." by I'm inqalluiirin ng f iaf he of protecting Pr dent. that same clay, the Associated Press, The letter indicates that Novel was grow- 1 which has hardly served as my press agent ing edgy, because he complains: "We have Pendant's civil rights, but this is straight in this case, reported: "When Novel first temporarily avoided one subpoena not to out of Alice in Wonderland. fled from New Orleans, lie headed reveal Double-Click activities. . . . We PLAYBOY: The New Orleans States-Item straight for McLean, Virginia, which is want out of this thing before Thursday, of June 14, 1967, quoted Novel as say- the Central Intelligence Agency suburb. 3/-/67. Our attorneys have been told to ing that if he were granted immunity This is not surprising, because Gordon expect another subpoena to appear and from the assassination investigation, lie Novel was it CIA employee in the early testify oil this matter. The Fifth Amend- would be willing to testify on a number Sixties." There is no doubt that Gordon merit and/or immunity and legal tactics of points, including "international fraud, Novel was a CIA operative. will not suffice." In case the CIA decided mysterious intelligence activities from PLAYBOY: If Lite CIA, as you charge, Novel was expendable, lie seems to have November 1959 to date in the Southern not only refuses to cooperate with you taken out it kind of insurance policy: quadrant of the U. S. A. and certain is- but has actively obstructed your investi- "Our attorneys and others are in posses- lands off Florida, seditious treason, hot gation, how are you in a position to lion of complete scaled files containing. war games and cold munitions transfers, know about Novel's activities on behalf all information concerning this matter. ten 1950-111odel Canadian surplus Valli- of the Agency? In the event of our sudden departure, pile jet supporter fighter aircraft and GARRISON: The people of Louisiana pay either accidental or otherwise, they are my investigators to investi ate. But in instructed to simultaneously release same certain Cuban-Anglo-Preach sabotage this specific instance, we've benefited for public scrutiny in different areas." affairs of early 1961." Why did you re- by sheer luck. After Novel fled the city Novel concludes his little billet-doux jeer his offer? in March, my investigators and the city by urging the CIA to take "appropriate GARRISON: These are all intriguing aspects police both scoured his apartment for counteraction relative to Garrison's ill- of Novel's career as a U. S. intelligence evidence, but~,~1 z save erg?C~{ tr}} ilitat agent, and I'd love to hear about them 191YraYt0e0f'~~~'i knowledge of seditious 172 covered his trail pre~ttyef?ive'lyeige ~li'fi4fi 1'sBJdti-ft Robert Perrin, a gun runner and one- time narcotics smuggler and, through police intervention, secured a job as a bartender at Ruby's Carousel (,III]). She quit soon after and didn't see Ruby again until one night when she and her hus- band, as she tells it, attended a confer- ence of anti-Castro exiles )resided over b a lieutenant colonel-all colonel she thought. She testified that Robert Per- t rig was offered S10,000 if he would run she haggled the sum up to 525,000. When call was made and, shortly after, 'Mrs. Rich recounts, "I had the shock of my life. . . . :\ knock comes on the door and who walks in but my little friend Jack Ruby.... You could have knocked me over with it feather . . . and every- body looks like . . . here comes the Savior." Ruby was the CIA bag man- or paymaster-for the operation, and he ]eft immediately after handing over a large sum in cash to the colonel. 'Mrs. Rich and her husband subsequently bowed out of the gun-smuggling deal, because, in her words, "1 smelled an clement that I did not want to have any t part of." Afraid of retaliation, she and Perin fled from Dallas and hid out in several different cities. winding um finally "They just don't make tzuo-way mirrors like the)' used to." in New Orleans. A year later, lie was found dead of arsenic poisoning. Though it would be difficult to pick a slower and more excruciating way to kill yourself, it was officially declared a suicide. There are h i ' Approved For Releas 20 2/08/28 ; IA_.kPZ9 0063t2A00 1 00007; It as In 1. I with her husband, er nstances of Ruby s anti- u?cason-but that isn't the subject of my I have solid evidence indicating that too many ot investigation. Ruby, Ferric, Oswald and others involved Castro activity to go into here. Ruby PLAYBOY: Let's move on from Gordon in this case were all paid by the CIA to appears to have been the CIA's bag maul Novel to Jack Ruby, who you claim perform certain functions: Ruby to smug- fora wide variety of anti-Castro adven- murdered Oswald to "silence" hint. Do gee arms for Cuban exile groups, Ferric to tares. In this connection, let me point out you have any evidence that Ruby and train theta and to fly counterrevolution- that one of the documents classified top Oswald knew each other? ary secret missions to Cuba, and Oswald secret in the Archives is n CIA file entitled GARRISON: Though Ruby and the Warren to establish himself so convincingly as a 1 he Activities of Jack Ruby." Perhaps Report denied it vehemently, there is Marxist that be would will the trust of this will become a Book-of-the-Month simply no question about it. We didn't American left-wing groups and also have Club selection in September 2038. even have to do a great deal of investiga- freedom to travel as a spy in Communist PLAYBOY: Even if Ruby was associated five digging: connections popped up countries, particularly Cuba. But I have with cert:un Cuban exile groups, as you everywhere we scratched the surface. reason to believe that none of them claim, couldn't all of this be totally un- PLAYBOY: What evidence do you have was a salaried agent operating under related to the assassination? to support. your charge that Ruby was a direct chain of command. In this GARRISON: Ii could be, but it isn't. As involved in anti-Castro exile activities particular case-though, as with the oth- a result of our investigation, I can say, with Oswald and Ferric? ers involved, it seems to have been unre_ with the same certitude that I can say GARRISON: We have evidence linking lated to his CIA work-Ruby was up to the stn will rise in the cast tomorrow Ruby not only to aniti-Castro exile activi- his neck with the plotters. Our investiga- morning, that lack Ruby was involved ties but, as with almost everyone else tors have broken a code Oswald used and in the conspiracy to kill John Kennedy. involved in this case, to the Cl.' itself. found Ruby's private unlisted telephone Much of the evidence we've uncovered Never forget that the CIA maintains a number, as of 1903. written ill Oswald's :'bout Ruby's involvement relates to our great variety of curious alliances it feels notebook. The same coded number was court case against Clay Shaw. so the serve its purposes. It may be hard to found in the address hook of :mother canon of legal ethics prevents Inc from imagine Ruby in a trench coat, but he prominent figure in this case. We have broadcasting it before trial. But I will seems to have been as good an employee further evidence linking Ruby to the give you one bit of evidence, recently of the CIA as lie was a pimp for the conspiracy, but it involves testimony to uncovered by our office, that links Ruby Dallas cops. Just let me add parent:heti- be given in court in the future, so I can't to the conspiracy. Four days before the cally that I stress the word "employee" reveal it here. On the broader point of assassination, on November 18th, 1903, a here as opposed to "agent." The CIA Ruby's involvement with anti-Castro exile young woman from Dallas named Rose employs many people in many different activity, there can be no doubt what- Chet-amie was thrown from a moving car capacities, sometimes just on a retainer soever. Let me refer you here to the tes- on a highway outside Eunice, Louisi:uta. basis, and these individuals do not fall timony of Nancy Perrin Rich before the She was badly bruised and taken to the under the over-all authority of the CIA. Warren Commission. This lad arrived East Louisiana Hospital in Jackson, Loui- Approved For Release 2002/08/28: CIA-RDP79y 00632A000100100007-2 Approved For Release 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 siana. When she came out of sedation, on November 19th, she was distraught and sobbed that she had been thrown out of the car by associates of a man named Jack Ruby in Dallas. She claimed to have been sent by Ruby from Dallas to Miami to pick up a shipment of narcotics. When asked by a hospital attendant-who fortunately took notes of her remarks, in case the police had to be called in-why she had been hurled from the car, she replied that narcotics smuggling was one thing, but she drew the line at murder. The President, she said, was going to be killed in Dallas within a few days. At this point, sadly enough, the hospital authorities seemed to dismiss her as hysterical and lost interest in her story, although she repeated it in detail the next day. After the assassina- tion, of course, people in the hospital be- came interested once more, but she had already checked out, leaving no forward- ing address other than Dallas. Texas. There the story stood until a few months ago, when we began searching for Miss Clicramic, but it was too late. After the assassination, she was killed by a hit-and- run driver on a highway outside Dallas. PLAYBOY: If Jack Ruby was really the sinister and cunning figure you paint him, why would lie kill Oswald in the Dallas city jail, where his own appre- hension and conviction for murder were inevitable? Wasn't this more logically the act of a temporarily deranged man? GARRISON: First of all, let me dispose of this concept of the "temporarily de- ranged man." This is a catchall term, employed whenever the real motive of a crime can't be nailed down. In the over- whelming majority of instances, the ac- tions of human beings are the direct consequences of discernible motives. This, is the fatal flaw of the Warren Report -its conclusion that the assassination of President Kennedy was the act of a tem- porarily deranged man, that the murder of Officer Tippit was equally meaningless and, finally, that Jack Ruby's murder of Oswald was another act of a temporarily deranged individual. It is, of course, wildly improbable that all three acts were (,;incidentally the aberrant acts of tein- uorarily deranged men-although it's most convenient to view them as such, because that judgment obviates the lie- -,situ of relentlessly investigating the ~ssibility of a conspiracy. In Jack .,by's case, his murder of Lee Oswald ic,is the sanest act lie ever committed; if Oswald had lived another clay or so, lie very probably would have named names, and jack Ruby would have been convicted as a conspirator in the assas- sination plot. As it was, Ruby made the best of a bad situation by rubbing out Oswald in the Dallas city jail, since this no doubt in Ruby's mind that he would be arrested, he could very well have en- tertained hopes of escaping conviction. You've got to remember the atmosphere in Dallas and across the country at that time: when word was flashed to the crowd outside the jail that Oswald had been shot, they burst into wild applause. Ruby's lawyer, Tome Howard, spoke for a sizable segment of public opinion when he said, "I think Ruby deserves a Con- gressional Medal," and the largest- circulation newspaper in the country, the New York Daily News, eclitorializecl after Oswald's death that "the only good murderer is a (lead murderer and the only good Communist a dead( Commu- nist." In the two days between his arrest and his liquidation, Oswald had been convicted by the mass media as the Presi- dent's assassin and as a Communist, and Ruby may well have felt that lie would be acquitted for murdering such a uni- versally despised figure. It turned out, of course, that lie was wrong, and he be- came a prisoner of the Dallas police, forced over a year later to beg Earl War- ren to take him back to Washington, be- cause lie wanted to tell the truth about "Wily Illy act was committed, but it can't be said here . . . my life is in danger Jere." But Ruby never got to Washing- ton, and lie's joined the long list of wit- nesses with vital information who have shuffled off this mortal coil. ?LAYBOY: Penn Jones, Norman Mailer and others have charged that Ruby was injected with live cancer cells in order to silence him. Do you agree? GARRISON: I can't agree or disagree, since I have no evidence one way or the other. But we have discovered that David Ferric had a rather curious hobby in addi- tion to his study of cartridge trajectories: cancer research. He filled his apartment with white mice-at one point lie had almost 2000, and neighbors complained- Wrote a medical treatise on the subject and worked with a cumber of New Or- leans doctors on means cancer in mice. After the of inducing assassination, act could be construed as an argument < that lie was "temporarily deranged." But 510118 W611s (10 not a In-ison 'nulke, bill throul in I differ with the ass n) i n of,}j r c t s- Q9'71]e(l ~'11(G1-(iy and a renera(l Inch riot, because, while tli i ~oulPd`Pi ~~etelPtlease 2002/08/2?f:(9IAn 79rft0 33R 410 9WAQ D7)tR'." Approved For Release 2002/08/28: CIA-RDP79-00632A00010 1000-7- 4 one of these physicians, Dr. Mary Sher- in the Archives. Then we'll all have a hemorr sage. au you subsequently re- B man, was found hacked to death with a chance to see for ourselves how clear solved the discrepancy in your points of kitchen knife in her New Orleans apart- it is that Ferrie wasn't involved. Every view? 7 merit. Her murder is listed as unsolved. scrap of evidence we've uncovered-and GARRISON: Dr. Nicholas Chetta is an a Ferrie's experiments may have been pure- it hasn't been difficult to lied--reveals excellent coroner, and inasmuch as he 19 ly theoretical and Dr. Sherman's death not only the fact of his involvement but found a total absence of traceable poi- completely unrelated to her association the reasons for it. His politics were ultra- sons or barbiturates in Ferrie's system, I 14 with Ferrie; but I do find it interesting right wing, as I indicated earlier, but would respect his opinion that it was a W that Jack Ruby (lied of cancer a few we've been able to determine conclu- natural death. On the other hand, I can't weeks after his conviction for murder lively that his motivation was closer to help but lend a certain weight to two had been overruled in appeals court and that of the Cuban exiles on the "op- suicide notes Ferrie left ill his apartment, one of which said how sweet it Was to he was ordered to stand trial outside of erative" level-a burning hatred of Dallas-thus allowing him to speak Fidel Castro. AVhen Castro was it guerrilla finally leave this wretched life. I suppose freely if lie so desired. I would also note ill the Sierra Maestra, Ferrie is reliably it could just be a weird coincidence that that there was little hesitancy in killing reported to have piloted guns for him. penned two suicide died Ferric na pentural causes. Lee Harvey Oswald in order to prevent But in 1959, when Castro started to the notes, nilie of ght Irian from talking, so there is no reason to show his Marxist colors, Ferric appears PLAYBOY: Your cynics have charged that suspect that any more consideration to have felt betrayed and reacted our releYous investigation r Ferrie would have been shown Jack Ruby if he against Castro with all the bitterness of a y had posed a threat to the architects of suitor jilted by his girl. From that mo- and the publicity the press gave to your the conspiracy. menu on, lie dedicated himself to Castro's charges against him induced the state PLAYBOY: You've claimed that many of overthrow and began working with of hypertension that was said to have the people involved in the conspiracy exile groups such as the Cuban Demo- caused his fatal hemorrhage. Do you feel were "neo-Nazi" in their political orien- cratic Revolutionary Front and planning in any way responsible for Ferrie's death, tation. What would motivate Ruby, a airborne missions against Castro's military GARRISON: I had nothing but pity for Jew, to work with such people? installations. He was, reported to have Dave Ferrie while he was alive, and I GARRISON: Money. As far as my office been paid up to $1500 a mission by an have nothing but pity for him now that has been able to determine, Jack Ruby ex-Batista official named l.ladio del he's dead. Ferric was a pathetic and tor- had no strong political views of his own. Valle. But I haven't been able to check aired creature, a genuinely brilliant man Historically, of course, there have been a out Del Valle's involvement with Ferrie, whose twisted drives locked him into his number of self-hating Jews who abetted because on February 22, 1967, the same own private hell. If I had been able to their own tormentors: Adolf Hitler's day Ferrie died in New Orleans, Del Help Ferric, I would have; but he was mentor in Vienna, Karl Lueger, was born Valle's head was split open by a hatchet in too deep and he was terrified. From a Jew, and I understand that one of the and he was shot through the heart in Mi- the moment lie realized we had looked leading pro-Nazis in New York City, a ami. His murder is listed as unsolved by behind the faSade and established that retired millionaire who finances anti- the Miami police. In any case, Ferrie was Lee Oswald was anything but a Commu- d Jewish activity across the country, is the recruited by the CIA, which employed Dist, from the moment he knew we had son of a rabbi. But I don't believe Jack hundreds of such people in their network discovered the role of the CIA and ai Ruby falls into this category; he was just of anti-Castro exile activities. From the Castro adventurers in the assassiaio ti- a hoodlum out for a buck. I will say- Bay of Pigs oil, he hated Kennedy as much Ferric began to crumble psychologically. with the understanding that it's pure as lie did Castro; he felt that J. F. K. Fe answer your question directly-yes, speculation-it's not impossible that Jack had betrayed the invasion brigade by not 1 So, to suppose I may uave been responsible for Ruby developed certain guilt feelings in sending in air cover. As the events I Ferric's death. If I had left this case prison over his role in the plot. Remem- described earlier led to a delc-nte between alone, if I had allowed Kennedy's mur- her his repeated lament, "Now there will Russia and America, and as the FBI- derers to continue to walk the streets of be pogroms. They will kill all the Jews."? under Kennedy's orders-started crack- America unimpeded, Dave Ferric would Most people assumed this was just the ing down on the CIA-supported and, probably be alive today. I don't feel per- fantasy of a crumbling mind. But maybe Castro underground, Ferric's hatred for sonally guilty about Ferric's death, but I Jack Ruby knew better than the rest of Kennedy grew more and more obsessive. do feel terribly sort' for the waste of all- its what the master-racist authors of the Let me add here that this isn't just specu- other human being. In a deeper sense, assassination had in mind for the country. lation on my part; we have a number e Ferrie died on November PLAYBOY: Let's move on from Jack Ruby of reliable witnesses who were privy to tthoufghQ, DavFe o that moment ve be to David Ferric. Wesley Licbcler, the Ferries thoughts at this period and saw couldn't save himself, and I couldn't Warren Commission counsel who handled his hatred of Kennedy develop into a him. Ferrie could have quoted as the New Orleans end of the inquiry, said driving force. After the assassination, as save epitaph m the lcst words of the Serb Ferrie "was picked up shortly after the a matter of fact, something psychologi- er asta words ifovitch b b assassination and questioned by local tally curious happened to Ferrie: He ps fore Tleadshoe him for i khailo itch: e- officials of the FBI. I remember spe- dropped out of anti-Castro exile activi wits Tito it n ill the ales of history." cihclly doing up a substantial stack of ties, left the pay of the CIA and drifted Was Swept t Mally of sip ii the professional le of h cFBI reports on Ferric that we reviewed aimlessly while his emotional problems Pf the PLAYBOY: Warren Commission appear critics i be in order to make our determination." He increased to the point where he was 0iotai ~ted b political onva ear to be states that the FBI reports on Ferrie were totally dependent on huge doses of trap the left l are b anxious to prove Kennedy not included in the Commission's 26 quilizers and barbiturates. I don't know Was Murdered by a cousproseKe within the volumes of evidence, "because it was so if Ferric ever experienced any guilt as mureed conspiracy the ithin are clear he wasn't involved." Why do you about the assassination itself; but in his establishment; and the assassination those Oil ghs are refuse to accept this explanation? last months, he was a tortured man. eager to 1) all GARRISON: I think it's a lovely explana- PLAYBOY: After Ferries death, you called act of "the international Communist con- tion. Now perhaps Mr. Liebeler will in. it "an apparent suicide," but the coroner spiracy." Where would you place your- tercede with the Department of Justice announced that the autopsy showed death self on the political spectrum-right, to release 25 )ages of the FBI report on was clue to a ruptured blood vessel at the left or center? 1 is a question I've asked 176 Ferrie that 1t+iF~l~"c~WQ s~it~'(1R leartS~ 2002/N/28 -POIA-RtiF' 9-10063`2A'6601 ibbvo - a `1 Approved For Release 2002/08/28 : CIA-RDP79-00632A000100100007-2 P4 myself frequently, especially since this is my profession, I've always wondered now dominates every aspect of our life. 0 investigation started and I found myself about the judges L,41-oughout Germany The power of the states and Congress in all incongruous and disillusioning who sentenced tncn to jail for picking has gradually been abandoned to the battle with agencies of my own Govern- pockets at it time when their own govern- Executive Department, because of war ment. I can't just sit down and add up meat was jerking gold from the teeth conditions; and we've seen tile creation my political beliefs like a mathematical of men murdered in gas chambers. I'm of an arrogant, swollen bureaucratic sum, but I think, in balance, I'd turn up concerned about all of this because it complex totally unfettered by the checks somewhere around the middle. Over the isn't a German phenomenon; it.'s a hu- and balances of the Constitution. In a years, I guess I've developed it somewhat man phenomenon. It can happen here, very real and terrifying sense, our Gov- conservative attitude-in the traditional because there has been no change and ernment is the CIA and the Pentagon, libertarian sense of conservatism, as op- there has been no progress and there with Congress reduced to a debating posed to the thumbscrew-and-rack con- has been no increase of understanding society. Of course, you can't spot this servatism of the paramilitary right- on the part of men for their fellow man. trend to fascism by casually looking particularly in regard to the importance What worries me deeply, and I have seen around. You can't look for such familiar of the individual as opposed to the state it exemplified in this case, is that we in signs as the swastika, because they won't and the individual's own responsibilities America are in great danger of slowly be there. We won't build Dachaus and to humanity. I don't think I've ever tried evolving into a proto-fascist state. It will Auschwitzes; the clever manipulation of to formulate this into a coherent political be a different. kind of fascist state from the mass media is creating a concentra- philosophy, but at the root of my con- the one the Germans evolved; theirs tion camp of the mind that promises to cern is the conviction that a human grew out , 1 dcl:ressio; and promised be far more effective in keeping the popu- being is not a digit; he's not a digit in bread and sn,ik. while ours, curiously lace in line. We're not going to wake up regard to the state and lie's not a digit enough, nu, to be emerging from one morning and suddenly find ourselves in the sense that he can ignore his fellow prosperi:p. ;ut in the final analysis, it's in gray uniforms goose-stepping off to men and his obligations to society. I was based on powcr and on the inability to work. But this isn't the test. The test with the artillery supporting the division put human goals and human conscience is: What happens to the individual who that took Dachau; I arrived there the above the dictates of the state. Its origins dissents? In Nazi Germany, he was day after it was taken, when bulldozers can be traced in tine tremendous war physically destroyed; here, the process were making pyramids of human bodies machine we've built since 1945, the is more subtle, but the end results can outside the camp. What I saw there has "military-industrial complex" that Eisen- be the same. I've learned enough about haunted me ever since. Because the law hower vainly warned its about, which the machinations of the CIA in the th t thi i n l n e k now g past year to a s s o o r the dreamworld America I once believed in. The imperatives of the population explosion, which almost inevitably will