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Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00317A000200020018-8 0 I 'I TII_ - I TE N L IL'S E 0I L CAREER SERVICE PANEL OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 5 May 1975 1330 hours 607 - Conference Room AGENDA 25X1A9a 1. Review of agenda for 5 May 1975 2. Review of minutes for 7 April 1975 3. Report from the Chairman, CSP/ORD 4. Report from Chief, Support Branch, MS/ORD 5. Competitive Evaluation - GS-13's (Final Review) 6. Nominations for Senior Officer Schools 1975-1976 7. Nominee for the Advanced Intelligence Seminar - 11 - 27 June 1975 8. Selection of Employee Member to the CSP vice Term: 2 June 1975 - 7 June 1976 9. New business r iLUECLY Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00317A000200020018-8 10,111 it Approved For Rele tie O6Ct20018-8 CAREER SERVICE PANEL OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 5 May 1975 Attendees an RD C/DPR/ORD 25X1A9a TCR/ORD ORD C/PAS/ORD SR/ORD /ORD D g Secretary Absentees 25X1A9a AC/CDAM/ORD Executive Secretary, CSP/ORD 1. The meeting was called to order at 1335 hours. 2. There were two additions to the Agenda under New Business: a. Employee Representation on the Panels b. Statement of Intent to Promote 3. The minutes of 7 April 1975 were reviewed by the D/ORD and made a part of the CSP record. 25X1A9a 4. reported to the Panel as follows: a. The Special Panel postponed making a decision on a promotion recommendation until the clerical ratings are completed at the end of May. b. Career and Training Profiles for GS-9's and above were due on 1 May 1975. The Division Chiefs present stated that they were submitting profiles for GS-9's to GS-12's; the information submitted for the Roster of Candidates for Executive Level Development - GS-13 - GS-15, submitted in October 1974 would remain the same. It was noted that OT/ORD submitted profiles on OT employees; profiles are still to be submitted from DPR/ITD,fLSR/ORD, PAS/ORD, and TCR/ORD. EYES ONLY Approved For DATE: 101 : - T'N 91 3177 000200020018-8 ,~t i~~ "g 1 i tail' A~ k100020018-8 Approved For Re 1 ttj 5. Are ort Attached) P from the C/SB/MS/ORD was submitted. (Copy 1I /1) NOTED: ki9t:tf - DATE : $ Yy 7 ?( nun 6. The Competitive E (List Attnrha valuation for GS-13's was completed. rl /1 / i DATE: "/?S' 7. The Chairman stated that in view of the wide variance in ratin s ORD/CSP members should get more information on 2255NA gg and during the coming year so that 9a they will now more a out them before the next rating of GS-13's i q rlnnr- i I 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a NOTED: DATE: nun 8. ACTION GS-15, OT/ORD scheduled on the Development Plan) DATE : -4- 171 _ 10. ACTION Nominee for the Advanced Intelligence Seminar - 11 - 27 June 1975. APPROVED: 25X1A9a MAJORITY: 25X1A9a APPROVED: 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a MAJORITY: MAJORITY: Approved F Nominee for Program for Management Development, Harvard University, September 1976. DATE: Nominee for the National War College, August 1976 - June 1977. pment Plan) GS-14, TCR/ORD raining scheduled and added GS-15, DPR/ORD scheduled on the Development Plan) DATE: ~" 7S^ 61ft"000200020018-8 Approved For RttV~9N1WffV'ffl :.C[ - -0 7 EYES ONLY 25X1A9a 00020018-8 11. ACTION Selection of Employee Member to the CSP vice Term: 2 June 1975 - 7 June 1976 25X1A9a MAJORITY: 25X1A9a APPROVED: 25X1A9a GS-12, CDAM/ORD DATE : 25X1A9a 12. Discussion was held with on whether they had been asked by ORP employees to provide feedback on CSP activities. Both members stated that there had been some such requests, usually asked in a somewhat roundabout manner. In responding they had to use their own judgment in deciding what information they should or should not reveal. They do discuss CSP organization, procedures, policies, functions, etc., but they do avoid giving out specific personnel data. Each has tried to bring the concerns of both professionals 25X1A9a and secretaries to the Panel discussions. noted that he has talked with ORD employees about the promotion policy and the need for ORD professionals to make themselves known to ORD/CSP members. NOTED: A -4~ DATE : t3'"fh117.,_ ORD 25X1A9a 13. proposed additional secretarial 25X1A9a representation on t e Special Panel/ORD, in addition to who is now serving on the Special Panel. Discussion followed on the advantages and disadvantages of this type of representation, and the potential benefits such participation could provide for secretaries and for the Office. The Panel agreed that if this were to become the policy, those chosen to sit on the Special Panjp~l must use discretion regarding disclosure of informatio or hers. NOTED: DATE : 25X1A9a 14. ACTION: 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a NOTED: asked the Special Panel to review the recommendation made by and see, in fact, if having an additional secretary added to the Special Panel for the purpose of getting additional notice for the secretaries and recommendations from the secretaries would be beneficial. Approved For Red W. mn 11? A P79-00317A000200020018-8 Rml Approved For *css07.: 25X1A9a EYES ONLY 1#71~g0200020018-8 25X1A9a "-. -?~~-4F1 -rvl 1111 1 uII%,-L YY VLAL FIU VlU.G feedback on recommendation and report back to the 0 25X1A9a 16. MEMMEM thanked the Panel for their consideration 25X1A9a and help during his term on the Panel. The Chairman expressed the Panel's appreciati for contributions during the past year. NI Ue 25X1A9a 17. 25X1A9a DATE: 75- 18. The meeting adjourned at MAAAaurs. Uareer bervice Yanei. (~ NOTED: DATE: / d'( // //'Date C/MS/ORD Attachments: 1. Report from C/SB/MS/ORD 2. Competitive Evaluation List - GS-131s APPROVED: 25X1A9a Date Chairman, Caree ervice Panel/ORD EYES ONLY Approved For t` : No 9~%1 b, 0200020018-8 DATE : made a statement of intent to promote from a, G,S-13 to GS-14. 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00317A000200020018-8 Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00317A000200020018-8