Career Service Panel Office of Research and Development 12 March 1973

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Approved For Release 1999/09//0 79-00317A000100060026-6 Career Service Panel Office of Research and Development 12 March 1973 0900 Room 607 - Conference Room 1. Review of agenda for 12 March 1973 2. Review of minutes for 12 February 1973 3. Review of minutes for 21 February 1973 4. Report from Chief, Support Staff/ORD 5. Report from Chairman, CSP/ORD 6. Agency EEO Pro ram 25X1A9a 7. Fitness Re orts 25X1A9a 8. CSP Evaluation of Mar inal Employees 9. Training Request - and Mechanics of Natural Flight 30 April - 4 May 1973 UCLA 10. Nominee for Fellowship in Congressional Operations - 1973 - 1974 11. Competitive Evaluation - GS-12s 12. New business 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a E2 I14PDET ~~~~ C L BY 464869 Approved For Release P79-00317A000100060026-6 Approved For Release I 999/0 ~+ lDP79-00317A000100060026-6 E~ 1 MINUTES CAREER SERVICE PANEL OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 12 March 1973 Chairman 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Executive Secretary Recording Secretary 25X1A9a Special Visitor: EO/ORD (EEO Program) 25X1A9a Absentees: 1. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 0950 hours. 25X1A9a 2 25X1A9a . inquired whether the Chairman had received the romotion recommendation for f p rom GS-12 to GS-13 li d h h 25X1A9a . rep e t at t e recommendation had been received and was being held by the Executive Secretary, CSP at his direction because promotion recommendations on 25X1A9a GS-12s are usuall reviewed in May and November. The Chairman suggested to that if he wished to make it an item of new business, he should recommend that it be added to the agenda. 25X1A9a 3. recommended that the following item be added to the agenda for 12 March 1973 under new business: 25X1A9a Submission of the Promotion Recommendation for from GS-12 to GS-13 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 4. moved to approve the minutes of 12 February 1973 as written. seconded the motion. The CSP members present concurre with the motion. E2 IMPDET CL BY 464869 11 W 0% TPX M NLY Approved For Release 1 P79-00317A000100060026-6 Approved For Release 1999 -00317A000100060026-6 NW 5. The Chairman told the Panel members that the minutes for 21 February 1973 were held and distributed at this meeting because of the sensitivity of the information contained in them. He stated two alternatives on how to handle these minutes: 1) reading them at the meeting and attempting to review the comments made, or 2) move the approval of the minutes to the next meeting in order that the proper review might be made. 25X1A9a 6. moved to table the minutes of 25X1A9a 21 February 1973 for approval at the next CSP meeting. concurred. 25X1A9a 7. ADDITIONS: None reported the following: 25X1A9a PROMOTIONS: Admin. Asst. $ Training Officer, SS/ORD from GS-8 to GS-9. REASSIGNMENTS: None QSIs: None RETIREMENTS: None 25X1A9a RESIGNATIONS: , GS-15, Physical Scientist-Res., PD/ORD on 2 March 1973 to the Naval Electronics Command. 25X1A9a TRAINING NOTES: a. GS-15, Phys Scien-Res., PD/ORD was approved by D/ORD and OTR to attend the Advanced :Intelligence S h 25X1A9a eminar sc eduled for 14 March through 3 April 1973. b. , GS-14, Phys Scien-Res., PAS/ORD was approved by D/ORD and OTR to attend the Executive Mgmt. Program, 1973, Pennsylvania State University from 24 June to 20 July 1973. 25X1A9a Board f c. was selected by DD/S&T Career to attend the Midcareer Executive Development Course 25X1A9a rom that 22 April - 1 June 1973. The Board strongly recommended , DSEfP/ORD be submitted as ORD's principal nominee for the next course. seconded the motion. All members present Approved For Release 19991 : - kYRDP79-00317A000100060026-6 Approved For Release e11999/0910'1 CIA RbP79-00317A000100060026-6 EYES 7. (Continued) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a U. GS-15, C/PD/ORD has been recommended to attend the Federal Executive Institute, 1973. No word has been received from Office of Training as to the Training Board selection. R _ wanted it made part n f the record trot 25X1 9 a he would in no way support for nomination to the Midcareer Executive Development Course. Discussion followed 25X1A9a between working hours and the difference of opinion on judging a man in part on how he observes the regular reporting hours: 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., or one who mi ht re ort in late but is in the office after 5:00 P. M. relates working 25X1A9a hours to job discipline, a consideration of significance when one thinks of the organization first. 9. The following report was made by the Chairman: a. The Career Development Plan has not been signed by the D/ORD. He is not in disagreement with it, but he feels that if the Division Chiefs are going to discuss these matters with employees, ORD must have some kind of follow-through. b. The Personnel Development Plan, discussed at the CSP meeting on 21 February 1973, has been postponed until the situation becomes more stabilized in the Agency. The results of the discussion at the CSP meeting on 21 February 1973 will be very valuable as base-:line work when ORD resumes discussion on this Plan. c. A promotion recommendation for Secretary Steno, GS-6, LS/ORD was recommended for approval to the D/ORD by the Special Panel on 9 March 1973. 25X1A9a d. The Special Panel made the decision that GS-4, Clerk Typist., IP&A/ORD be recommended to D/ORD for approval to attend the Better Office Skills and Service Course given by the Civil Service Commission when it is next on the schedule. e. Competitive Evaluation for GS-13s will be done in April. Worksheets should be returned to C/SS/ORD by 27 March 1973. f. Promotion actions for GS-12s come up for consideration in May and November. 25X1A9a 10. joined the meeting at 1015 hours and briefed the CSP members on the Equal Employment Opportunities Program for calendar year 1973: ~ vv Approved For Release I 999/0 1E KDP79-00317A000100060026-6 i'-003I Approved For Release 1I7A000100060026-6 25X1A9a 10. (Continued) EYES ONLY I am not proposing to give you a status report. As you can see from the memorandum, ORD-1268-73, dated 8 March 1973, distributed to you, that ORD's personnel time for planning and implementation of the EEO program for 1973 is expected to total approximately 105-man hours for the remainder of the calendar year. It would be expected that the Career Service Panel would average one hour per meeting on discussion of this program. The CSP will probably spend more than one hour when they start to think about specific programs ORD might need to get this program started. The fact that we need a program is evidenced by the way Mr. Colby has been actively pushing this 25X1A9a program. I am ORD's representative to the DD/S&T on this program. is actually called the DD/S&T representative. The representatives from DD/S&T have met twice and both times Mr. Colby has met with us, which attests to the fact that the Agency is really serious about this program. William Bavis is the Agency's Director of the EEO program. He is a senior official on the IG Staff; and they keep pointing out that this office is part of the DCI's staff. Recently, the have added a woman to the overall Agency organization, 25X1A9a who is functioning as the Deputy Director, rogram. In addition, she has been appointed the Federal Women's Program Coordinator for the Agency. Mr. Bavis has five senior officials reporting to him. There are four full-time professional counselors. These people are tied in with Personnel, but they work more closely with the IG Staff. There has been no quotas established in the Agency that you have to hire say 2% or 4% of the black or minorities, but this does not mean stress isn't being put on this. The Agency has made a positive commitment. Mr. Colby states that he doesn't worry about intentions that show up in a good plan, but he plans to do his grading at the end of the year by the results. What he stresses is that we don't do much good unless we show we have more people on board in these areas such as the GS-9 or above black professional, or the professional woman at the GS-12 and-above level. In the 25X1A9a memorandum, we have added Spanish-surnamed professionals to the statistical area of interest. At the same time, we have asked about Orientals, because we do have one professional, We need to look at all of it. The only reason I am presenting this is to be sure you understand that there is high-level push on this. As the CSP meets, they must come up with various types of programs. I have outlined some of the things you might want to consider: a. Identification of needs. Where in ORI) can we use the black professional? You might want to talk to b. Where can ORD put its recruitment efforts? 25X1A9a professional women. , Chief of Recruitment emphasizing the need to recruit blacks and Approved For Release 1999/09/0' -00317A000100060026-6 Approved For Release 1999/09700;;,,A;RPBT9-00317A000100060026-6 25X1A9d0' (Continued) (Cont'd) c. Discuss training plans for people who are 25X1A9a already on board such as , GS-12. What are 25X1A9a ORD plans for in the future? Perhaps you might consider the Midcareer Executive Development Course for her. d. ORD should look at the training programs for the people on board and come up with a follow-up plan. The goals of Mr. Colby are: a. Recruit qualified black professionals, GS-9 and above who have potential to move up. b. Upgrade status of black professionals, GS-9 and above who are on board. c. Enhance status of women professionals, GS-12s and above, with particular emphasis on providing every opportunity for advancement. Also, for those women who are especially qualified, try to help them get to the GS-14 and higher level. The Agenc 's hi hest level woman and probably the only one is , a 25X1A9a GS-17. All of this means is that ORD will have to encourage meaningful assignments and pertinent training programs for any black personnel brought on board, and better assignments and career development planning for professional GS-12s and professional women, GS-12s and above, we can get on board. If we are successful in earmarking areas and come up with a qualified candidate, there is a possibility that ORD can get a slot to take care of such a recruit. They might add one on this year, but nothing has been said about the next year. If we can show results and come up with a candidate in a minority area, there was indication at the last meeting with Mr. Colby that they would consider very favorably coming up with a slot if we were over our ceiling. One thing ORD could do would be to look at professional blacks in the GS-9 to GS-11 level or higher and transfer them laterally. There is no indication that we would reduce our qualifications and requirements just to bring on these people. Colby has stressed that he wants results and not just good programs. Do you have any comments or questions that I might answer for you? Approved For Release 1999/09/EYIgtP79-00317A000100060026-6 Approved For Release 199 25X1A9a 10. (Continued) EYES ONLY 25X1A9a 25X1A9a =00317A000100060026-6 25X1A9a There is an engineer, in OSI that I would like to have. He is working in certain communications areas. He went to one of the better schools - Stanford, I believe, I can't recall. He would be useful to ORD. If we could offer him a better opportunity for advancement, this would be in the Agency's favor, but it would not help the Agency overall. It has been difficult to find black professionals with the current image the Agency has. The Agency will have to change the image. Mr. Colby has been on recruiting sessions where he has talked with qualified educators from black colleges where they have stressed black recruiting. Mr. Colby has said that it gets embarrassing when a man says, "You tell us this now. What was your record a year ago, and what is it now." When we answer this, they say, "You see, you weren't interested in getting them on board." When the Agency gets a man who is qualified and is interested in coming on board, he will ask about the type of people he will be working for and the opportunities for advancement. He will also say, "You tell me this now, but show me how this has worked with the blacks in the past." This is a very serious program, and we might say this is reverse discrimination; but we still are faced with emphasis, push, and stress in this particular area. 25X1A9a with assistance from and 25X1A9a 25X1A9a reports in a standardized way so that theratings 1areymore realistic. He requested that the committee come up with a report in a 2-month time frame establishing a mechanism for it. 25X1A9a 12. The Chairman then took up the matter of the CSP evaluation of marginal employees: It has been my concern in the past that the employee at the "bottom" of the evaluation list be told so that he recognizes that he is there. The employee should be told that he has been rated by the CSP, and the Panel regards the need for improvement in his performance or necessary action will be taken. Does ORD have plans to have a "selection out" 25X1A9a If an employee happens to be #8 in a rating of very excellent and outstanding individuals, being #8 does not mean that he is not performing well. My concern is with the marginal employee who is not carrying his weight. Approved For Release 1999/0sC,k,[)P79-00317A000100060026-6 f?f13~1Cl~'1r?n~TO n i Approved For Release 1999/09/01 CIA-RDP79-00317A000100060026-6 WWO, 1 - ' I -1.1 14" ?. 1AAW 14W EYES ONLY 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a The rating "Marginal" is also reflected on the fitness reports. I would like for the committee I have appointed to devise a uniform procedure for rating the employees. At this point I do not want to prescribe a technique, but one could consider a bell-shape curve or equivalent distribution. First, in order to initiate action for severance, it is necessary to establish a record that indicates the employee's performance is marginal. This puts the person on notice. This evaluation does not necessarily mean that the person is not performing, but only that he is not performing as well as others. 25X1A9a Dr. Stevens wants the supervisor to tell t e employees if they are marginal. It is the supervisor's responsibility to tell these people where they stand. 25X1A9a I would like the CSP to let each individual know where he stands and why. If there is to be feedback, I recommend it be for people on. top and for people on the bottom. I feel they should be informed and encouraged so that there is not just a negative feedback from this Panel. 25X1A9a 13. The CSP discussed the training request for to attend the Mechanics of Natural Flight course at UCLA from 30 April - 4 May 1973. 25X1A9a told the Panel that he had talked to and suggested that he attend this course. EYES ONLY Nd V 9 ` Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00317A000100060026-6 Mae, POW A UV ULI Approved For Release 1999/09/01 CIA-R ~ 9- 00317A000100060026-6 5X1A9a 13. (Continued) EYES ONLY 25 1A9a moved that the CSP recommend approval for to attend the Mechanics of Natural 1g t course at UCLA from 30 April - 4 May 1973; he also requested the CSP approve attendance seconded the motion. Four members concurred one member abstained. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a the motion; 14. moved to recommend that be nominated for a Fellowship in Congressional Operations, 1973-1974, provided he has an interest in attending. Motion died for want of a second. 15. Competitive Evaluation - GS-12s (See attached sheets). 25X1A9a is responsible for the Image Enhancement Lab. It bothers me to see him 8th on such a list because he is doing a good GS-12 job. This could be understandable though since we have some good people in this group. His visibility to the Office is low and the rating reflects this. We should provide him visibility through briefings. Unfortunately, this has been displaced by other activities that consume our time. As a consequence, we see this happen. We should give him an opportunity to make a presentation on his work. has no "fire." He has no goal. He 25X1A9a doesn't want to "rock the boat" and get a promotion. He likes what he is doing. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a He told h 11 -1 it it d 25X1A9a 25X1A9a remain in a GS-12 slot. ng e will you a no fire no fire and had no ambition? Yes. He is happy with what he is doing. We don't adequately know the people we are rating. That is not my impression of the individual. He seems content and comfortable in what he is doing. He is doing a good job running that particular lab. He seems reconciled to the fact that if he remains doing what he is doi h Tlm Approved For Release 1999/09/' a I 79-00317A000100060026-6 Approved F251 1 We 999109/01: CIAR fP79-00317A000100060026-6 t nrvA nn_ 16? On 25X1A9a is a physicist and has worked for me almost since the time he came on board for ORD. He has definitely been underexposed. When he first joined ORD, he was "green" about a variety of things. He has a good technical. and academic background, but he also has the kind of nature that makes him want to do his own wiring and other things of a practical nature. I had him in the field in charge of making certain field installations in a complicated way, and that has been the sort of thing that complements his technical, theoretical background. described the work 25X1A9a 25X1A9a has been doin for OCS.) I want to put the 25X1A9a point across that may not be the best in making an outward projection of himself, but he is a very strong man in a broad sense. 25X1A9a 17. On 25X1A9a 25X1A9a To question on the rating of #6 by his 25X1A9a supervisor, I feel that is very immature and has shown lack of judgment. I do not want to assail his 25X1A9a ~5X1A9a technical abilit - it is great then read a memo written by on recommending that the 25X1A9a appointment to Career status for be delayed until 25X1A9a 1 December 1973.) told the Panel that this 25X1A9a memorandum was going to Dr. Stevens for his signature as per new regulations on preparation of fitness reports. (Copy of memorandum is attached.) 25X1A9a 18. asked to withdraw his 25X1A9a memorandum in li ht of past practices with peer 25X1A9a 25X1A9a group. said that he would not do this because 25X1A9a we are suppose to rate harder. stated that it was the responsibility of the Panel to (1) identify if there is a problem with regard to an employee, and (2) identify the origin of the problem and determine if the individual is at 25X1A9a fault or the situation he is in is causing the problem. stated if the Panel didn't like the memorandum being submitted to the D/ORD, it can recommend that it disagrees with me. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 19. Discussion followed on _ and Comparisons were made to 25X1A9a A good technical man with a very solid background. Very strong in the micro high density digital storage systems. 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1999/0 _ / {' 79-00317A000100060026-6 Approved For Release 199 19. (Continued) EYES ORL 25X1A9a 25X1A9a -00317A000100060026-6 He is a doer and technically strong. Should get his MS and Ph.D. It is felt he will be more of a manager than an engineer. Quiet and highly competent. Working in soft areas when compared to physical science activities, 25X1A9a has a wide range of mathematical skills which she uses effectively on project activities requiring close coordination with DDI offices. 25X1A9a Has a lot of potential. Will be well qualified when he completes his training. noted that the extended training has not improved his competitive position in the short term. 25X1A9a 20. moved that the members of the CSP who so wish to submit a revised ranking order on GS-12s, do so and have tally the results; if it changes the order in any way, let it become a part of the record. seconded the motion. The Panel concurred. 25X1A9a 21. It was the decision of the Panel that in future competitive evaluation exercises, the Panel would complete 25X1A9a the ranking worksheet, submit to for tally, and then discuss at the CSP meeting. After discussion, the CSP would then complete the paperwork on evaluation such as the final ranking and promotability list. Competitive evaluation will now be a 2-month exercise. Competitive evaluation of GS-13s will follow this new procedure. 25X1A9a 22. made a statement of intent to 25X1A9a promote from GS-12 to GS-13. 25X1A9a 23. In a coordinated effort announced their intent to promote GS-12 to GS-13. 25X1A9a , from 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 24. stated that had also stated he wishes to promote from GS-12 to GS-13. 25X1A9a I 'A Approved For Release 1999/09/O A1W 79-00317A000100060026-6 16-0 L-1 V-V11 11- Approved For Release 1999103 P7'9-00317A000100060026-6 25. The Chairman stated that the promotion actions on GS-12s would be considered at the May meeting. 25X1A9a 26. The next CSP meeting was scheduled for 2 April 1973. 27. moved to adjourn the meeting. seconded the motion. All concurred in the motion. 25X1A9a 28. Meeting adjourned at 1150 hours. 25X1A9a Executive Secretary Career Service Panel/ORD APPROVED: 25X1A9a Chairman, ar er vice Panel/ORD Approved For Release I 999/09% 11 -IMF P79-00317A000100060026-6