Career Service Panel Office of Research and Development 4 June 1973

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Approved For Release 199 -00317A000100060013-0 Career Service Panel Office of Research and Development 4 June 1973 0900 Room 607 - Conference Room 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 1. Review of agenda for 4 June 1973 2. Review of minutes for 14 May 1973 3. Report from Chief, Support Staff/ORD 4. Report from Chairman, CSP/ORD 5. Promotion Recommendations - GS-12 to GS-13 a. DSP/ORD b. PD/ORD c. TA ORD d. TA/ORD 6. Promotion Recommendations - GS-13 to GS-14 a TA/ORD 25X1A9a b. . TA/ORD 7. Trainin Request Approval - GS-15, TA/ORD Charge Coupled Devices: Physics, Technology, $ Applications 27 - 31 August 1973 Cost: $925 (Includes tuition, travel, per diem, etc.) EYES ONLY E2 IMPDET CL BY 464869 Approved For Release 1999/0910`f"C -RDP79*-00317A000100060013-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/ MIN11T P79-00317A000100060013-0 CAREER SERVICE PANEL OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 4 June 1973 Attendees: 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Executive Secretary Recording Secretary 25X1A9a 1. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 0907 hours. 2. The agenda for 4 June 1973 remained the same but the following suggestions were made: 25X1A9a a. was asked to discuss his request to delete GS-13, TA/ORD 25X1A9a from the GS-13 Promotion Recommendation List as part of Item 6 on the agenda. 25X1A9a b. was asked to discuss his 25X1A9a recommendation to send to the Charge Coupled Devices course at UCLA as a part of Item 7 25X1A9a on the agenda. 25X1A9a 3. moved that the minutes of 14 May 1973 be approved as written, seconded the motion? 4. Discussion followed on Item 16, minutes of 14 May 1973, as to whether the CSP/ORD should follow an alphabetical or numerical listing when preparing the final promotability lists for GS-lls through GS-14s. E2 IMPDET CL BY 464869 EYES ONLY Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00317A000100060013-0 Approved For Release 25X1A9a P79-00317A000100060013-0 made the following suggestions: a. An employee recommended for promotion ought to be considered not only against the personnel on the promotability list, but he ought to be considered against the availability of slots. He felt the CSP members ought to know when the slots are becoming available. b. The CSP needs to rewrite the Evaluation 25X1A9a Criteria Guidelines as it pertains to the promotability list. (Pre ared b the Shbpanel chaired by c. Delete the word "five" in Item 2 of the Evaluation Criteria Guidelines as it pertains to the number of personnel listed on the final promotability list. 6. The Panel concurred unanimously to approve the minutes of 14 May 1973 as written. 25X1A9a 7. moved that the personnel selected as the leading candidates for promotability be listed in alphabetical order with the understanding that this list will be considered 25X1A9a against any promotion action for that grade. seconded the motion. Concurrence of the Panel was unanimous. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 9. Leo excep Clerical and Secretarial Criteria Guidelines, and he stated that he didn't think it proper to fefer to the appearance of the secretaries as it is not listed as a point of consideration 8. reported the following: a. The Fitness Report Guidelines package has been prepared and sent to the D/ORD for his signature. b. There has been no further action on the Career Development Plan. k tion to one item in the for the professionals. 10. felt that the CSP should take another look at the Career Development Plan because of chanCgePs. felt that prior to redrafting the plan, the should get comments on the existing writeup from the D/ORD. Such guidance is mandatory if the final draft is to meet with his approval. EYES ONLY Approved For Release 199 0317A000100060013-0 25X1 Aga Approved For Release P79-00317A0001 00060013-0 N%W 25X1A9a 11. stated he had only one termination to report: Phys. Scientist-Res., GS-14, TA/ORD as of 17 June 1973. 25X1A9a 12. The CSP/ORD then discussed the promotion recommen- dations from GS-12 to GS-13. was asked to provide information on the availability of slots. calculated headroom availability as of 1 July 1973 would be as follows: 25X1A9a Four 13 vacancies Four 14 vacancies Six 15 vacancies 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a GS-13 for $ moved to recommend approval for PD/ORD; ix/ vicli; TA/ORD; and to add these recommendations approved at the 14 May 1973 CSP f h , at o to t meeting. seconded the motion. Concurrence of the Panel was unanimous. 25X1A9a 14. asked what the status 25X1A9a was on maintaining the slots for that the 25X1A9a now in process for DSP/ORD. replied headroom figures included these men and slots have been identified for them. 15. Review of the GS-13 promotability list: stated he is doing a good job, but he has not been in grade long enough. He stated it would befaat leasttion. 25X1A9a another year before he would consider P 25X1A9a questioned whether belongs on the promotability list at this time stated that the CSP 25X1A9a has to identify "comers," and as long as is on the list ORD should have a slot available for him. stated that has just completed the 25X1A9a Midcareer Development Course, and he would like to see how 25X1A9a uses this training and whether he has matured from it. felt that another six months will be required before considering for promotion. 25X1A9a pointed out that had stated in his promotability paperwork for GS-13s that he would not promote Approved For Release 1999 ONLY 79-00317A000100060013-0 Approved For Release 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 15. (Continued) Td t ) P79-0031 A000100060013-0 25X1A9a (Cop before December 1974. also pointed t that had been in grade only 16 months; the ?u 25X1A9a minimum time in grade for a GS-13 is 24 months. the absence of moved to consider 25X1A9a i n 25X1A9a the promotion recommendation for , TA/ORD from GS-13 to GS-14. seconded the motion. It was 25X1A9a the consensus of the Panel not to approve the motion because has not met the minimum time in grade criterion. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a stated he was a good GS-13 and a good project 25X1A9a officer. He also stated does not have the initiative and creat' it to starts new projects which talked . is on- 25X1A9a 25X1A9a sistent for GS-14s. about this, and he is fully aware of his shortcomings in this area. He stated that is going to be given 25X1A9a every opportunit to demonstrate the capabilities of a GS-14. 25X1A9a It may be that will recommend for promotion the next time the GS-13s are reviewed if he shows meaningful progress in the above area. The Panel discussed 25X1A9a the technical requirements for GS-13s and GS-14s in regard to 25X1A9a 25X1A9a might need a different in of assignment. 25X1A9a moved that TA/ORD be recommended for promotion from GS-13 to GS-14. 25X1A9a seconded the motion. Concurrence of the Panel was unanimous. 25X1A9a 16. told the Panel that it had really made substantial progress in conducting the activities of the Panel, and that the members were to be congratulated because now they were working as a Career Service Panel and not as a promotability 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Panel. 25X1A9a 17. moved to approve the training request for 25X1A9a GS-15, TA/ORD to attend the Charged Coupled 25X1A9a Devices: Physics, Technology and A lications Course, 25X1A9a 27 - 31 August 1973 at UCLA. seconded the motion. requested the Panel to consider sending 25X1A9a DSP/0RD to t is course since it will be beneficial to have both and attend. since is familiar 25X1A9a with the field and is getting new experience. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 18. moved takin into consideration 25XiA9a nomination of , that both 25X1A9a 4 Approved For Release 1999/Q S 79-00317A000100060013-0 ,r k !TUJV-TTffw r D'ES ONLY 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1 A?IDP79-00317A000100060013-0 25X1A9a EYES ONLY 18. (Continued) d attend the Charge Coupled Devices: Physics, an Technolo an Applications Course, 27-31 August 1973 at Concurrence of the d the motion d . e UCLA. secon Panel was unanimous. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 19. Discussion followed on the status of DSP/ORD who is on LWOP and is due to notify ORD on whether he will return to the Agency. The deadline date for his decision 25X1A9a informed the Panel that 1973 27 J . une is =0~ has not informer im as to whether he will return, but plans to come to Washington in the next few 25X1A9a weeks. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 20. progress in DSP/ORD was discussed. and he has a job as long tated he was doing well , s d t t e a as ORD has the in-house program. s ndition d thi d 25X1A9a ? s co erstoo 25X1A9a that he hoped that un 25X1A2d2 21. The next meeting for the CSP/ORD was scheduled for 2 July 1973. 22. Competitive evaluation of GS-14s will be done at the July meeting. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 23. moved to adjourn. seconded the motion. 24. Meeting adjourned at 1010 hours. 25X1A9a Executive Secretary, CSP Office of Research and Development 25X1A9a Chairman, Care Service Panel/ORD EYES ONLY Approved For Release 1 . T9-00317A000100060013-0