Career Service Panel Office of Research and Development 9 July 1973

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Approved For Release 1 999/ I P79-00317A000100060012-1 AGENDA Career Service Panel Office of Research and Development 9 July 19 73 0900 Room 607 - Conference Room 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 1. Review of agenda for 9 July 1973 2. Review of minutes for 4 June 1973 3. Report from Chief, Support Staff/ORI) 4. Report from Chairman, CSP/ORD a. Special Panel - Time Schedule F Rating Sheets 5. Promotion Recommendation - GS-12 to GS-13 DSP/ORD 6. Competitive Evaluation - GS-14s (RANKING ONLY) F'. Nominee for Midcareer Development Course a. #37 - 26 August - 5 October 1973' b. #38 - 4 November - 14 December 1973 8. Request for Training - , TA/ORD UCLA The Engineering & Management Course 10 - 15 September 1973 Tuition, Travel F Per Diem - $993 9. New business E2 IMPDET CL BY 464869 Approved For Release 1 . 9 fi : - DP79-00317A000100060012-1 Approved For Release 191i~/~ 9-00317A000100060012-1 EYESW"'~ --Wr MINUTES CAREER SERVICE PANEL OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 9 JULY 1973 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Chairman Executi Executi Recording 25X1A9a 1. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 0910 hours. 2. The following items were added to New Business on the Agenda for 9 July 1973: a. Nominee for the Agency Senior Seminar b. Semiannual CSP Report 3. moved that the last sentence, Item 17, CSP minutes o June 1973 be amended from: 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a requested the Panel to consider sending , DSP/ORD to this course since 25X1A9a it will be beneficial to have both attend since is familiar with the 25X1A9a field and is getting new experience. 25X1A9a to 25X1A9a 25X1A9a requested the Panel to consider 25X1A9a sending DSP/ORD to this course since it will be beneficial to have both attend. ~~yyCC n~~ E2 IMPDET Approved For Release 1999/ 8/9$-; ~tll'l~r DP79-00317A00V10b~b6'b~l 1 nllnlr~n ntr~ r 25X1A9a ve Secretary Secretary Approved For Release 199 / 9; 9-0031 ZA000100060012-1 25X1A9a 3. (Continued) seconded the motion. The Panel reached a consensus. Motion passed. 25X1A9a 4. moved to a rove the minutes of 4 June 1973 as amended. seconded the motion. The Panel concurred. 5. The report from the Chief, Support Staff, ORI) was as follows: ADDITIONS: None PROMOTIONS: Promotion actions on the following were approved by the D/ORD but final approval from Office of Personnel has not been received: GS-12 to GS-13 GS-13 to GS-14 25X1A9a 25X1A9a RETIREMENTS: GS-15, Acting Chief, LS/ORD on RESIGNATIONS: 25X1A9a 25X1A9a GS-16 on 30 June 1973. GS-13 on 30 June 1973. GS-14 resigning from LWOP, effective 27 July 1973. 25X1A9a GS-07, Secretary Steno, DSP/OR]) pending Disability Retirement. 2 ~r rul-ft Approved For Release 1999/091DP79-00317A000100060012-1 ~r~nrntri 1- ~ 25X1A9a Approved For Release 199 9- 00317A000100060012-1 25X1A9a 25X1A9a EYES ON 5. (Continued) TRAINING NOTES: , C/PD/ORD has been selected by the Agency Training Selection Board to attend the Federal Executive Institute - 1974. (2 January - 22 February 1974) SPECIAL NOTE: on TDY with LS/ORD from Office of Technical Services was converted to Contract Type A employee, LS/ORD on 1 July 1973. 25X1A9a 6. stated that the Special Panel Evaluation and Promotion Schedule for Secretarial and Clerical Personnel and the Clerical Rating Sheets were distributed to the Career Service Panel members for their information. He further stated that the information contained in the rating sheets had been included in the Performance Appraisal Criteria for 25X1A9a secretarial and clerical personnel dated 30 April 1973, but the point system had been omitted. pointed out to 25X1A9a the Panel members that the sheets now contain the points in various categories for each grade level. Appropriate clerical rating sheets, stated will be sent to each division by C/SS/ORD. The Panel members were requested to complete 25X1A9a these sheets and return them to C/SS/ORD as soon as possible. stated this was a test and if each person who would normally fill out a fitness report would complete the rating sheet, the Special Panel would com ile the figures 25X1A9a and come up with a ranking list, also assured the Panel members that the Special Panel would also review the fitness reports done on the secretarial personnel. He also told the Panel members that as this system of evaluation of secretarial personnel enters into a regular schedule, 25X1A9a appropriate ratin sheets will be issued with the fitness reports. told the CSP members that the Special Panel has benefited greatly from the work done in the CSP, and the Special Panel is using many of the techniques that have been generated in the Career Service Panel. 25X1A9a 7. The Panel then discussed the promotion recommendation 25X1A9a for DSP/ORD, from GS-12 to GS-13. 25X1A9a stated that had been in training and in Vietnam; 25X1A9a he also had been in grade for 53 months. felt that the CSP/ORD should consider the promotion action for 25X1A9a in line of the fact that this "out-of-sight, out-of-mind" concept may have occurred in his particular case. The Panel 3 Approved For Release 1999/09/ ~tl P79-00317A000100060012-1 Approved For Release 1999109'/0'1':`CtA'Rl PT9-00317A000100060012-1 11 EYES ONLY 7. (Continued) 25X1A9a discussed the memorandum written by ORD-3000-73, 25X1A9a dated 3 July 1973 on comments made by the Chairman, CSP in his memorandum dated 29 June 1973, relating to the consideration for promotion of The Panel reviewed the grade 25X1A9a level of young professionals with a Ph.D., entering on dut with the Agency which is a GS-12. It was noted that was 7th on the ranking list for GS-12s. It was the general 25X1A9a opinion of the Panel that the promotion was being recommended because of time in grade, that he had performed 25X1A9a well in the past as his fitness reports reflect and he had done well in Vietnam and in his training. training at George Washington University from Januar 1972 - March 1973 was discussed. It was noted that has not received 25X1A9a his Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degree in electrical engineering, but has completed the course requirements and passed his 25X1A9a qualifying examinations. It was noted that has completed two-thirds of the research required and has stated that he believes he can finish the remaining research in 25X1A9a evening classes in about six to nine months. commented that if ORD sends people off to training that activity is as much a direct assignment as having a man take on a project. He also stated that there is headroom available. The Panel was told that has returned to duty and 25X1A9a is working on copy security measures. 25X1A9a for be approved and sent to the D/ORD. secon ed the motion. The Panel members present 25X1A9a concurred. Motion passed. 9. The first discussion on the Competitive Evaluation of GS-14s was then held. The members discussed the ranking 25X1A9a 25X1A9a as shown on the summation of the first review results on the ranking worksheets for GS-14s. (Copy attached) Deviations in ranking were noted by on and 25X1A9a The general opinion of the Panel was that these men were not known and most of the members were not familiar with the work performance of these men. Most of the Panel members seem to feel that they didn't know certain individuals well enough when they were doing their competitive evaluation. 4 Approved For Release 1999/09'jE, P79-00317A000100060012-1 Approved For Release 1 9 9 971791U1I RDP79-00317A-Iqgw 0001000600 &X11 A9a 25X1A9a ...> EYES ick'Y X1A9a 10. felt that had been mis- 25 evaluated robabl because he was misassigned. He stated 25X1A9a that capabilities have not been used properly. stated he has been given duties in 25X1A9a PAS/ORD, other than what is being done by 25X1A9a and he has performed his job with thought and planning. felt that this isolation might have been the 25X1A9a reason why people do not know him and what he can do. 25X1A9a further stated he felt that 25X1A9a should be rated ahead of also felt that he should recommend to the D/ORD that 25X1A9a 25X1A9a should be transferred to other ORD divisions for greater exposure and top men such as 25X1A9a perhaps be moved into the Programs Analysis Staff in order that 25X1A9a they might gain this experience. 25X1A9a 11. thought that might also be in the same category as where people did not know them or the job they were performing. 25X1A9a He also stated that is carrying a very heavy 25X1A9a management load, and he regularly sits in at staff conferences in another office. 25X1A9a 12. stated there are too many people on the GS-14 list who are in management and technical jobs, and they are being rated together. He felt that these people were engaged in activities that were too diverse to be compared to one another. 13. The Panel members prepared the following chart: 5 Approved For Release 1999/09/0Eel 79-00317A000100060012-1 Approved For Release 1 9 9 970-910 1 : tTA-RDP79-00317A000100060012-1 EYES ONLY %Wf 25X1A9a 13. (Continued) stated that the dashed lines drawn above indicated in his mind the men who probably would never make another grade jump. Under the TECHNICAL category, he felt these men should be scientists in the true sense, and they should become scientific specialists. He further stated that he felt the Panel had two sets of problems: 1) to get these 25X1A9a men rated properly, and 2) what will the Panel do about the two categories of people we have. He asked the Panel if the supervisors should talk to these people about the two paths to follow or should ORD try to merge the two categories. 25X1A9a stated he felt that and would have to change, or t ey would never make another grade. The Panel also discussed people such as 25X1A9a who might be more suitable for one category than the one the Panel might list him under. 25X1A9a 14. stated that he felt the Panel needed some office guidelines for people in the technical and management categories because the GS-14 level becomes critical as these people move up to the GS-15 level. felt the CSP members should take more time and get away from the office to further evaluate these people. He also suggested that he felt the Panel should think about a system whereby each 25X1A9a member would receive a certain number of names from the evaluation lists in order that he might study them and get 25X1A6a to know them. inquired of the Panel if they wanted to take the time away from their assignments and go down to to do this. Some of the members felt it might be 25X1A9a worthwhile. stated he would give further thought to the matter. 25X1A9a 15. stated that as a result of the discussion above, he woul request the CSP members to go through their competitive evaluation ranking lists again and generate their promotability list for the next CSP meeting. The members were asked to submit this paperwork as soon as possible. 16. The following ORD nominees for the Midcareer Executive Development Course were selected: Course #37 - 26 August - 5 October 1973 25X1A9a GS-14, DSP/ORD, Principal GS-12, TA/ORD, Alternate 6 Approved For Release 1999/09/0.Y E-0, M* 79-00317A000100060012-1 'VVrTM L- 111 1 11 1 L. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a i Approved For Release 199 -00317A000100060012-1 -live W-I 16. (Continued) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a EYES UNLI #38 - 4 November - 14 December 1973 , GS-12, TA/ORD, Principal No alternate was selected moved that the above nominees be recommended for 25X1A9a Midcareer Executive Development Course and sent to the D/ORD. seconded the motion. The Panel concurred. Motion passed. 25X1A9a LJ/~ I /~JQ 17. EE%moved to submit recommendation to the 25X1A9a D/ORD for GS-15, TA/ORD to attend the Engineering and Management Course at UCLA, 10 - 15 September 1973. seconded the motion. The Panel concurred. Motion passed. 25X1A9a 18. moved to nominate Chief, 25X1A9a TA/ORD for the Senior Seminar scheduled from 16 September - 25X1A9a 21 November 1973, and submit to the D/ORD. seconded the motion. The Panel concurred. Motion passed. 25X1A9a 19. was asked to prepare the semiannual CSP report to ORD employees and submit to the CSP members for review and approval. 25X1A9a 20. moved to adjourn and motion. Meeting adjourned at 1130 hours. seconded the 25X1A9a Executive Secretary, CSP Office of Research and Development APPROVED: (Draft Approved) Chairman, Career Service Panel, ORD Approved For Release 1999/09/ 9 25X1A9a 79-00317A000100060012-1 Approved For Relea `19 9-003100100060012-1 CAREER SERVICE PANEL OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMPILATION OF COMPETITIVE EVALUATION DATA GS-14s 9July 1973 Eyre La XiL 6 I (Ranking Discussion Only) titlI F M Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00317A000100060012-1 Approved For Releg,~~;'1999/091 CIA-RDP79-003'1 0001000600124 SUMMATIOIDF FIRST REVIEW RESULTS ON RANKING WORKSHEETS 25X1A9a GS-14s 25X1A9a TOTAL RANK 1 1 4 1 5 2 14 1 11 3 2 2 4 1 23 2 7 4 5 3 6 5 30 3 6 5 11 6 1 4 33 3z 4 8 2 3 5 13 6 373G 5 3 7 12 4 3 1.1 40- 3s 6 2 9 13 8 2 1.0 44cl 7 5 6 10 7 8 9 45 413 8 16 11 1 10 15 3 56S-5- 9 13 10 7 15 11 7 -63 41 10 10 8 9 11 14 1.4 660 11 12 13 8 12 7 1.6 68-4 12 4 15 18 9 16 1.2 7 13 19 19 6 19 9 8 &9- 14-- 9 17 14 17 12 1.3 -82 79 15 ,y 15, 12 17 14 10 1.7 -85-'S' z 1-6-)5- 14 14 16 13 19 15 .9-1--f8 1-7-1C 17 16 15 16 18 19 101Jg I.8)7 18 18 19 18 17 18 108 tar L 1 9 ' Y EYES {.jj ( CL BI YP005452 Approved For Release 1 79-00317A000100060012-1 rry Approved For ReldglWe 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-0031 7A000100060012-1 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00317A000100060012-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00317A000100060012-1 25X1A9a RANKING RESULTS GS-14s RANK 1 2 3 - 4 5 6 7 8 i 9 10 11 12 1 3 1 4 15 16 1 7 18[ 19 1 1 0 1 O 0 0 0 0 0 dd i 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0! O O 0 00 3 = 0 0 1 1 2 1 ! l 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 of 010, 1 0 1 0 4 1 0 o f 1 11 2 0 i 0 0 0i 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 l i 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0i 01 0 0 n_ 6 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0` 0i 0 " 7 0 2 0! 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1% 0 01 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1! 1 1 0' 0 0 0, 0' 0 0 0 0 9 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 ? 1 I f 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 01 1 Oi 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0i 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1! 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 01 2 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0' 2 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 ?0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t - n- , 0 0 --O T-1 4 1 E2 IMPDET CL BY 005452 IT 1,1% X111 Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00317A000100060012-1