Standardization of the Use of Organizational Titles within the Agency

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Approvpq 591 9 se_1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00317A000100060005-9 ?. M40RAUDiJMS FOR: Director of Personnel SUBJECT : Standardization of the Use of Organizational Titles within the Agency 1. The basic principle underlying position classificat on is that of equity. Proper application of the class:if icatien system will also result in the orderly grouping of positions according to type, lmo-tiled es and skills required, and grade level. Thies grouping is essential for recruitment, placetecn., and similar administrative purposes. A related advantagc ; hich the classification system offers is that of the uniform titling practice which calls for the development of standard position titles to form an understandable -and uniform terminology. 1 believe that this practice of uniform titling of positions should now be extended to the titling of the various organizational elenents within the Agency, a step which is P.robabl;y long cver:?h:e. 2. At present, there are no formal guidelines available w?ri;en organizational titles are established. This lack of information has lead to inconsistencies in the use of organizational titles and has contributed to misunderstandings of what an organizational title should provide, i.e., a descriptive identification of the organiza- tional unit and a clear indication of the rank or echelon of the unit. The lack of consistency in titling of organizational units within the Agency, and the resultant confusion, is evidenced. by the Approved For Release 1999/09/01 CIA-RDP79-00317A000100060005-9 Approved For Release, 999/09/01 99/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00317A000100060005-9 - review relating to ntutbers of positions, organizational echelons,'and oreani~ational titles: 25X9A2 c. Title DDI DD? ?,5 DDO DDS&T Office Group Division Branch Staff As can be seen from the above, there is no relationship between organizational titles and size of organizations between directorates as well as within the directorates. a. Ranee in Nii b?crs of Po !tion:s by Or. gani zational ';? eme:it by Di rcc toratc b. ?Organizationai . Titlesand Echelons by Directorate 1st Off ice Office Division Office 2nd Group/Staff Div. Deputy/Staff Group/Staff Staff Division Branch Division 3rd Branch Division Branch Branch Branch Section 4th Section Branch- Section Unit Section Section 5th Unit Unit ---?---- Unit As indicated above, there nre significant variations between Approved`for"ke~easeWi?/a9'Fo1e itf 6 i` 66~_0000Odv=9L;.'cA Ech-~lon Approved For Release-,V99/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00317AO00100060005-9 confuse the picture, in some offices or divisions the title cf Group is being used to identify the first echelon and branch to identify the second echelons in a portion of the office. For the remainder of the office, the title of branch is being used for the first echelon and section for the third. 3. Accordingly, I recommend, that formal guides on the application of.-organizational titles be issued to provide a framework for uniform titling and standard terminol.oi based on the follurang definitions and rationale. q.. OFF ICI; : The first sub-division of a direct-o.-ate consisting of two or more operating divisions and support elements. Normally an office should have a minimum of 200 or more positions. b. DIVISION: The first sub-division of an office and consisting of two or more branches with a minimum of 50 Posit ions c. BRANCH: The second sub-division of an office and consisting of 15 or more positions. Branches may be broken out into sections when the number of positions are sufficientLl y large to require subordinate supervisors. d. SECTION: The third sub-division of an office and consisting of five or more positions. Sections will only he established when there is a need to identify unique functions of sufficient size to require a separate superrvisor. C. . UNNIT: The fourth sub-division of an office. T :he Approved Forb ap~g1 ppp Q_9191 ic~ZlAo~4~ rR- 4t.~ 7~Q0~.,1~~41oQ9 r , ~? Approved For Release-,V99/09/01 CIA-RDP79-00317A00(100060005-9 f. ST'AF'F: An title used to idcnluify elements which provide advi,;ory or support services. The staff element title may be used at any echelon but normally will not be found below the division level. When used within a given organization it will ecrUate to the first level breakout of the organization. Example : the support staff or an office will be considered at the same level as a division of the office. A staff in a division will be considered at the same-level as a branch of the division. 1~. As a rule, organizational. elements should be established to reflect supervisory levels and sirnificent functional breakouts. Size or numbers of positions alone should not be the controlling factor in establishing new organizations. However, in the interest of good management and;;er utilization, size should be given consideration in the development of organizations. IT., establisl-L~ent of unnecessary organizational echelons only tench to slow dorm the flow of work and adds to overhead cost. 5. In general, organizational elements should not be established if they do not contain the minimum positions indicated in the definitions. In some areas, such as medical, engineering, legal, etc., it may be necessary to establish an office with less than the minimum indicated in the definitions because of the unique, highly professional_ nature of activities involved. As a rule--oY-th,,3nb the ratio of supervisors to workers will increase proportionally ~ n C h`: c ~ in t _~ t c ~ technical or professional nature of ~ .a wor:: to the insra:' Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00317A000'100060005-9 -Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00317A000100060005-9 ?1,~M ,~~ tt n Titles such as "Area") t l ~ 1'G~ ~ Cr.~ ~ ~p D ,JIM "Facility", etc. i.rhich have no meaning in tcrms of orb, niz ztio.: 1. echelon have bcten excluded from consideration in the proposed. organizational titles to be used by the Agency. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00317A000100060005-9