Career Service Panel Office of Research and Development

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Approved For Release 1999/09/0 317A000100050021-2 Career Service Panel Office of Research and Development ?A4 February 1972 0900 hours Room 607-Conference Room 1. Review of agenda for i14February 1972 2. Review of minutes for 10 January 1972 3. a. Promotions b. Staff changes and additions c. Advance notice of special ORD training d. Nominees for the Federal Executive Institute for FY-73 4. ORD Career Develo i lan 5. ORD Career Review Techni ues 6. DD/S&T General Notice 122 System 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 7. New business Approved For Release I 999/0 = 101AJRDP79-00 GROUP I haluded from automatic cownjradln$ tnd 0021-2 Approved For Relege 1999/09 I .BP79-0031000100050021-2 EYES Y CAREER SERVICE PANEL Minutes of the Meeting 14 February 1972 A25$9 : Chairman Secretary 1. The meeting was called to order by the Acting Chairman at 0904 hours. 2. There was one addition to the agenda for 14 February 1972 as follows: Item 7. New Business 25X1A9a a. ORD Promotion Procedure for 25X1A9a 3, explained why the promotion recommen a on from GS-14 to GS-15 f r o naa been withdrawn at this time a QSI had been given to in April in fart h -~ e t 25X1A9a 25X1A9a felt a promotion action at this time iwould b he would present the recommendation again at the CSP1meetiand ng in August 1972. 4. There was no formal approval of the minutes for 10 January 1972. CRaw 1 Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP 24 ~' 'b 0100050021-2 25X1A9a Approve~ctaelease 1999/09/ n .` "- yP79-00317A000100050021-2 j 5. reported the following: 25X1A9a ADDITIONS 22 February 1972 Contract Negot., GS-11 from OSA to PMS/ORD on PROMOTIONS hys Scien-Res., An/ORD from GS-12 to GS-13 on 9 Ja ar 1972 25X1A9a ys Scien-Res., AP/ORD from GS-12 to GS-13 on 9 nu y January 1972 Secretary Steno, An/ORD from GS-4 to GS-5 on '9 January 1972 Secretary Steno, MBSD/ORD from GS-6 to GS-7 on 9 January 1972 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a REASSIGNMENTS GS-15, Phys Scien-Res., RP/ORD to DD/S&T, Washington, D. C Field, Domestic Field Staff, Deputy for Research and Development as of 30 January 1972 S-13, Phys Scien-Res., SPG/ORD to office above, same date 14, Phys Scien-Res., RP/ORD to OEL as of 21 January 1972 GS-15, Phys Scien-Res., SPG/ORD to RP/ORD as Deputy Chief on 14 February 1972 GS-15, C/PMS/ORD to DC/PD/OL on 28 February 1972 3-14, C/PMS/ORD from DC/PMS/ORD on 28 February 1972 3, DC/PMS/ORD on 28 February 1972 RETIREMENTS - None 0 GS-13, Phys Scien-Res., to FMSAC from An/ORD on January 1972 for three months Secretary Steno, GS-5, An/ORD. Returned to home area. TRAINING NOTES Date for Performance Appraisal Workshop to be conducted by OTR for ORD Career Service Panel members and others who prepare and review fitness reports has not been scheduled. More information on this date will be obtained from OTR by the next CSP meeting. SPECIAL NOTES 25X1A9a a. Quality Step Increase for GS-13, DC/PMS/ORD has been approved by OP but has not been officially presented to him by D/OL. b. Competitive Evaluation of GS-12s will be done in March. Reviewer assignments were made as of October 1971. 25X1A9a c. Phys Scien-Res, GS-15, An/ORD has been nominated by t e Agency to atten Program Management Development Course, Harvard University starting 10 September 1972. EYES ONLY Approved For Release 1999/09(Q~ -RDP79-00317A000100050021-2 Approved For Release 1999/ / 25X1A9a '1 DP79-0031000100050021-2 6, stated that he has become aware of the fact that t e Support Staff/ORD is not being kept informed of various activities being done within ORD divisions which are pertinent to the Support Staff operation. As a consequence, the Staff has been put into embarrassing situations at times because of this lack of information. He requested Division Chiefs to keep this in mind. 7. The following nominees were considered by the CSP for the Residential Program in Executive Education, Federal Executive Institute, FY 73: a. b. c. d. e. 25X1A9a The CSP selected the following to be considered by D/ORD for nomination to the above course: 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 8. moved that the CSP recommend approval for the follM~lA9taraining : 25X1A9a a. GS-13, Phys Scien-Res., to attend. ac i Egge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tenn., Radioisotopes in Research Course scheduled for 3 April 1972 to 28 April 1972. Tuition, travel and per diem - $1,700. b. Phys Scien-Res., GS-15 to attend the same course scheduled in September 1972. Cost - $1 700 , . 25X1A9a seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. Motion 25X1A9a 9. reported that in accordance with the motions carrie at the last CSP meeting that no further action had been taken on the Career Development Plan. 25X1A9a 10. 1111 stated that he had briefed D/ORD on all matters iscusse in the CSP meeting on 10 January :1972. Approved For Release 1999/OS% RDP79-00317A000100050021-2 Rome Approved For Release 1999/09/01 ?CTA- 79-00317A000100050021-2 I~q 9 X1 qa EYES OL 25X1A9pI stated he and his committee and h ced by the CSP members to brief the D/ORD on FMSAC informational material and discuss the FMSAC employee evaluation plan for the purpose of sounding out the D/ORD of the .ility of implementing such a 25X1A9a plan for ORD. reported that to date briefing of the D/ORD on e ac ua FMSAC material had not been accomplished. 25X1 A9a 21 A9a 12, moved that the CSP delete 25X1A9a requirement, passe a the last CSP meeting that and brief D/ORD on FMSAC informational material. There was no second. Motion not carried. 13. The CSP then discussed the following: a. ORD Competitive Evaluation Procedure b. FMSAC Ranking System c. Advisability of continuing with the present ORD competitive evaluation procedures until a ranking system for ORD could be worked out. d. Problems of creating a ranking system for ORD. e. Need for indication of slot situation in ORD from D/ORD. Time in grade and headroom information should also be made available. f. Need to know the actual program goals 25X1Aba objectives of the R&D program. 25X1A9a using figures from a report made by s a ed that the CSP should check FMSAC resu s in compe itive evaluation against the evaluations done by ORD. His chart was as follows: FMSAC ORD Comers 19.5% A - 11.0% Comers Average 50.6% B 48.0% Average Below Average 26.5% C 28.0% Below Average Goers 3.4% D .3% Goers W .5% 9.5% Not Graded 25X1A9a question was whether CSP/ORD wanted to replace t e way t ey were evaluating ORD employees with a new manner of evaluation when ORD was coming out with a breakdown similar to that of FMSAC. L ONLY Approved For Release 1999/0914 DP 79-00317A000100050021-2 1~ &Z Approved For Release 1999/0 P79-00317A000100050021-2 low 0r,V1 A an tvs 25X1A9a 15. pointed out that the CSP/ORD was trying to set up some equitable career service techniques where the employee would be evaluated with respect to his performance against his "peers" over a long period of time. 16. stated he felt the problems facing the Panel cou, e separated into three groups and that they should be considered separately rather than as one program. He listed them as follows: a. The Career Development Plan should be written. It should be separated from the problems of the Office. b. Decision on how to evaluate ORD personnel. Should it be the numerical techniques of FMSAC or the present letter method now used by ORD? 25X1A9a 25X1A9a c. The need to know ORD office requirements and promotion vacancies coming up in the next few years. 17. moved to table efforts on the Career Development Plan, Career Review T iques Program and any other further efforts. seconded the 25X1A9a motion. There were no members in favor of the motion and two members abstained from voting. Motion not carried. 18. stated that due to a slight infraction of parliamentary rules of procedure he reo ened the 25X1A9a discussion on the motion made by in Item 17 and a vote was taken again. Five members voted against the motion and two members voted in favor of the motion. Motion not carried. 25X1A9a 19. 25X1A9a left the meeting at 1000 hours. 20. The Chairman directed the Recording Secretary to delete a motion made by 25X1A9a 21. requested to prepare a report reflecting the broad techniques of evaluation now used by 25X1A9a ORD as against a proposed new techniques of evaluation so that the CSP members could r benefits derived from the proposed method. stated he felt this was not needed since he had done this when reviewing the FMSAC informational material. 5 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1999/09/0 W79-00317A000100050021-2 Approved For release I 9",%0 1 P7A-RDP79-00317A000100050021-2 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 22. moved that identify the particular elements of the FMS p an so that the Panel could make recommendations to specific elements one at a 25X1A9a time, seconded the motion. Four members voted in favor o t e motion, one member opposed the motion, and there were two abstentions. Motion carried. 23. The CSP then took a short intermission and reconvened at 1130 hours. 24. When the Acting Chairman returned to the meeting, 25X1A9a he informed that a meeting with the D/ORD to brief him on FMSAC informational material had been set up for 1400 hours, this date. 25. Discussion continued on identifying the elements of the FMSAC plan at this meeting and then listing them on the agenda for the next meeting for more detailed discussion. 25X1A9a 26. identified the elements as follows ITEM I 1. 2. REVIEW OF PRESENT ORD PROCEDURES AS TO COMPETITIVE EVALUATION AND MAKE ANY RECOMMENDATIONS OR CHANGES. LEAVE THE "FIELD OPEN" FOR ANY OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS IN TERMS OF COMPETITIVE EVALUATION. ITEM II 1. FMSAC 10 YEAR STAFFING PROJECTIONS 2. FMSAC PROJECTED PROFESSIONAL LOSSES DURING FY 71-80 3. FMSAC PROJECTED CUMULATIVE PROMOTIONAL HEADROOM DURING FY 71 -80 4. FMSAC PROMOTIONAL READINESS OF PROFESSIONALS DURING FY 71 - 80 5. ORD PROJECTED OFFICE STAFFING REQUIREMENTS AND HEADROOM (See Item Z9) ITEM III WHAT WOULD CSP/ORD ESTABLISH TO RESOLVE IDENTIFYING PROBLEMS SUCH AS: 1. RECONSIDER TIME IN GRADE PROMOTION CRITERIA 2. CONSIDER AND ADOPT A TRULY COMPETITIVE EVALUATION SYSTEM 3. ESTABLISH THE YEARLY INPUT LEVEL OF JUNIOR OFFICERS TO OFFSET THE ANTICIPATED GAP IN GS-11 LEVEL IN FY 72-80. Approved For Release 1998 YA-RDP79-00317A000100050021-2 ULUHL Approved For ke,Iease 19 1I A-RDP79-00317A000100050021-2 26. (Cont'd) ITEM III (Cont'd) 4. CONSIDERATION OF JOB ROTATION AND TRAINING NEEDS OF JUNIOR PERSONNEL 5. RECOMMEND ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN FOR EMPLOYEES IDENTIFIED AS "GOERS," I.E. DOWNGRADING, INITIATION OF SELECTION OUT PROCEDURES, ETC. 6. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION FOR "COMERS." 27. It was decided by the Panel to review Item 26 - ITEM I and ITEM II at the March CSP meeting and Item III at the April CSP meeting. 28. It was agreed that the CSP would review the above items and then go back to reviewing the previously submitted report on the Career Development Plan by 29. Office St 25X1A9a Item II. voted in moved that discussion on ORD Projected ments and Headroom be added to seconded the motion. Three members avor of the motion, two members voted against the motion, and there was one abstention. Motion carried. 25X1A9a 30, asked for the following clarification on DD/SST enera o ice #122, dated 26 January 1972 on the DD/S&T Vacancy Notice System: a. Definition of junior personnel. Does this include personnel up through GS-13? 25X1A9a Answer from Includes anyone from GS-O1 through GS-13. b. If recruiting above GS-13 level, can the Office recruit from the outside? Answer: No c. Can the employees look for other Agency opportunities on his own? Answer: In most cases they do. d. Interpretation of paragraph 7. Answer: Administrative Officer will notify DD/S&T components on how many copies will be needed on vacancy notices. Approved For Release 1991OX-RDP79-00317A000100050021-2 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release, 1 999/09/ f TP79-00317A000100050021-2 ' L - 25X1A9a 31. proposed a review of planned promotions wi in or the next 18 months. No decision was made o 55th1i49Xroposal. 32. X made a statement of intent to promote Phys Scien-Res., from GS-12 to GS-13. n (An/ORD) 25X1A9a r_v~ n n_ 25X1A9a 34. The next meeting of the Career Service Panel was scheduled for 6 March 1972. 33 made a statement of intent to promote ys Scien-Res., from GS-12 to GS-13. 25X1A9a 35. moved to adjourn the meeting. 25X1A9a seconded the motion. Vote unanimous. Motion carrie . 36. Meeting adjourned at xecu ive Secretary y Career Service Panel/ORD 25X1A9a Acting airm CSP/ORD 25X1A9a Approved For Release I 999/09/O_I I Pr79-00317A000100050021-2