SPECIAL MEETING Career Service Panel Office of Research and Development 22 February 1972

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Approved For Release 199 P79-00317A000100050020-3 Career Service Panel Office of Research and Development 22 February 1972 Room 607 - Conference Room 1. Delay of competitive evaluation of GS-12s until 3 April 1972. 2. Review of GS-12s aided by a series of 1/2 hr briefings by the GS-12. 3. Organize schedule for personnel folders distribution. 4. Consider a 3-man Sub-Panel Evaluation Committee. ""~ G~:rograding ahd_ ?1!, G^ciaa iua31u1 Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-001"OG0100050020-3 Approved For Release1999/09~CP79-00317An00100050020-3 EYES O 1tY Ati119a : he meeting before adjournment) ft the meeting at 1015 hours) Secretary 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a called the meeting to order at 0955 hours. 2. The Acting Chairman stated that the AC/AP/ORD had asked for a delay on the com etitive evaluation of GS-12s until 3 April 1972. pointed out that if the CSP were to delay competitive evaluation on GS-12s until April, this would "slip" the competitive evaluation on GS-13s, GS-14s, and providing backup information to D/ORD on the GS-15s. 3. stated he had discussed delaying the GS-12s competitive evaluation until April with the D/ORD. Mr. Chapman was not in favor of the delay, and he asked that the CSP follow the schedule as set up. 4. told the CSP that Mr. Chapman was not in favor of the 1 2 hour briefings by GS-12s because he felt the reviewers would be influenced by just the 1/2 hour observation of the individual as compared to the many hours of work performed by the employee. 5. informed the Panel that in order to use the ranking plan designated in memorandum to CSP members dated 17 February 1972 on Competitive Evaluation-GS-12s, he was distributing an additional matrix. This matrix would assist the reviewer in ranking the employee's job performance by introducing a weighing factor in re the CAREER SERVICE PANEL Minutes of the Meeting 22 February 1972 EYES ILY OrnlFrT eea+R I Ex a ? tram aUta n fly Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP7 -Oi 3 diiAfl0 100050020-3 decla-3flcaaan f Approved For Release 199 IA-RDP79-00317A000100050020-3 11 - 5. (Copt' d) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a evaluator's knowledge of the individuals, their performance and capabilities. 6. moved that if the CSP doesn't follow the proce ures they discussed as a Panel relative to ranking the GS-12s, the CSP should put off that kind of evaluation until a later time and continue the present ORD method of evaluation, seconded the motion. seconded the motion. Four members voted in favor of the motion, one member opposed the action and one member abstained. Motion carried. 25X1A9a way using the forms supplied by 7. moved to amend the motion made in Item 5 to rea at t e CSP rev'e t GS- hhe ORD standard way and use the rankin 4 in tal 8. The CSP then voted on the motion made by in Item 6 which was as follows: 25X1A9a moved that if the CSP doesn't follow t e procedures they discussed as a Panel relative to ranking the GS-12s, the CSP should put off that kind of evaluation until a later 25X1A9a time and continue the present ORD method of evaluation. econded the motion. Four members vo e in avor of the motion; two members opposed the action. Motion carried. 25X1A9a 9. The requirement date as specified by in memorandum dated 17 February 1972 - Competitive Evaluation - GS-12s, paragraph 5 was changed from 28 February 1972 to 2 March 1972. 10. CSP members were asked to delete (Quarterly) from the Projected Promotion Sheet under the PROJECTED PROMOTION DATE Column. Promotion actions are reviewed twice a year. 11. It was the decision of the Panel to review the GS-12s official file folder in the Support Staff office where accommodations would be provided rather than circulate to the reviewers. 2 .p EYES OP Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00317A000100050020-3 Approved For Release 41999/09 9-00317A000100050020-3 [s 12. The Recording Secretary was asked to include on the agenda for the next CSP meeting the following item: Consider a 3-man Sub-Panel 25X1A9a Evaluation Committee. moved that the meeting adjourn. seconded the motion. Vote unanimous. Motion 25X1A9a 14. Meeting adjourned at 1045 hours. 25X1A9a Executive Secretary Career Service Panel/ORD 25X1A9a Acting Chair; CSP/ORD EYES Approved For Release 19 9-00317A000100050020-3