Career service Panel Office of Research and Development 6 October 1969

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Approved For RIease I 999/O d RDP79-Q 17AOOO1OOO4OOO5-1 AGENDA Career Service Panel Office of Research and Development 0900 hours Room 607 - Conference Room 25X1A9a 1. Review of agenda for 6 October 1969 2. Review of minutes for 15 September 1969 3. a. Promotion actions b. ORD staff changes or additions c. Advance notice of s ecial ORD training 25X1A9a 4. Discussion on Retirement Report 25X1A9a 5. CSP semi-annual report 6. New business Exclade6 tra7 astamatic 6D1";ngradEny and Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00317AO00100040005-1 11-L W 1'vi -1i Approved For Releas,1,1999/09/G"RDP79-0031700100040005-1 CAREER SERVICE PANEL Minutes of the Meeting 6 October 1969 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 2. There was one addition to the agenda for 6 October 1969: Ab 1. Acting Chairman, declared a quorum was present and called the meeting to order at 0905 hours. Acting Chairman Recording Secretary Discussion on Item 9, page 5 of the CSP minutes dated 15 September 1969. 3. The following correction was made to the minutes for 15 September a. Item 10, page 5 to read: 25X1A9a 25X1A9a "....Vote was 4 in favor and 3 not in favor of having the decision on promotion stand as decided on 8 August 1969. 4. brought up a point of order on the consideration of training for GS-16s by the Career Service Panel rather than the Senior Career Board. It is the policy of ORD that training for GS-16s be con- sidered by ORD CSP. tJurI Excleded free au#em~.#tc ae?~;,grau'~,; a;i Approved ~~_de For Release 1999/0610 ''. G1A P79 -00A4 25X1A9a Approved For Releas&1 999109161 `1ib-RDP79-003174Q00100040005-1 5. reported on the following: 25X1 A9a PROMOTIONS : a. Contract Negotiator, Contract & Audit Staff/OL, from GS-12 to GS-13, effective 7 September 1969. 25X1A9a QUALITY STEP INCREASES: a. GS-14, step .4 to GS-14, step 5, Phys. Scientist - Research. 25X1A9a b. GS-15, step 7 to GS-15, step 8, Phys. Scientist - Research. RESIGNATIONS: 25X1A9a a. GS-15, Phys. Scien. - Res., 19 September 1969. Will act as Director, Advanced Systems Planning Group, U. S. Naval Security Group Command. 25X1A9a b. GS-4, Clerk Typist, RP/ORD - 19 September 1969 to return home. ADDITIONS: 25X1A9a a. Mlerk Stenographer, GS-4, joined RP/ORI). 25X1A9a b. Clerk Typist, GS-4, joined AO/ORD. c. Phys. Scien - Res., GS-12 joined An/ORD- 8 September 1969. TRAINING: 25X1A9a 6. reported that he had run off ORD retirement: statistics and had talked with people in ORD on retirement. Generally, ORD people seem not to be concerned about the mandatory retirement age 25X1A9a being set at 60 years old. stated that he had asked various employees if they were aware of the mandatory retirement age of 60 and when were they made aware of this regulation. Quite a few of the employees told him they knew it was age 60 and "always knew" this. Most of the employees have been aboard for three or five years; one person has 25X1A9a been aboard 11 years. further reported that of the people on board for ORD at this time, at the age of 60, there will be 21. people with 40 years of service; 23 with less than 30 years of service; 9 people with less than 25 years of service; and one with less than 10 years of service. F r1F t 6 Approved For Release 1999/09L, 1 ?? CIA-RDP79-00317A000100040005-1 25X1A9a Approved For Releasg,1999/0910*) G1 DP79-00317AJ00100040005-1 7. stated that he would like to know what recourse an employee has for appeal if he was hired before the mandatory retirement age for the Agency was made to be 60 years of age. He asked what legal action can be taken for those people who want to work for the Agency until they are 65 years old, whereas in other places an employee may retire voluntarily at this age. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 8. stated that questions should be covered in 25X1A9a the memo being prepared by 25X1A9a 9. further stated that he didn't know whether other agencies anc ed their retirement policy under Civil Service as the Agency does or if they handle it in a different way. There are other "exception" Agencies who have the same kind of retirement policy as 25X1A9a the Agency but as unable to find out the names of these agencies. 25X1A9a 10. further stated that the Agency hiring policy is becoming very firm. An employee will be given a Reserve appointment if say, for example, he comes into the Agency at the age of 50, and will have 15 years of government service at the age of 60. He must retire at the age of 60; he cannot receive extensions to stay until age 62. 25X1A9a 11. - stated that he felt report should be 25X1A9a sent to the Inspector General's office asking for the current policy on extending retirement or the ground rules for retirement extensions. 25X1A9a 12. stated he felt the basic questions raised by the CSP committee on retirement to be answered were: a. Is the Agency policy on retirement under the Civil Service Retirement Act, a punishment as compared to other agencies? b. If there is an unfairness in respect to other agencies, what are the dimensions of unfairness? c. Is it unfair in respect to Civil Service applicants and, if so, what way is it being unfair? d. If the Agency is being unfair, is it not proper to get legislative relief? 25X1A9a 13. stated he felt that a man at 60 has many assets to offer an office, and it seems as if the Agency is pushing this'but of the door." Approved For Release 199919 ~-RDP79-00317A000100040005-1 Approved For Releas&,1999/0/Qt : CAA-RDP79-003170100040005-1 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 14. stated that it has been established that retirement extensions can be obtained for one year at a time up to age 62. 15. stated that the Agency is not putting out a structure of rules as to how the Civil Service retirement program is going to be implemented. The Agency has established a retirement policy outside CIARD. Civil Service administers it. He further stated that one of the objectives of the Career Service Panel report is to see what kind of response the Panel will get from the employees of ORD. 25X1A9a 16. asked the Panel about the employee who does not want to retire at age 60 and wants to continue working after age 60. The question that remains is how many people are going to have 30 years at the age of 60, and how many people desire to retain the option of working uA Aby are 70 years old. 17. stated that the regulation states the policy of retirement very clearly and that it is the policy of the Director of the Agency. He pointed out that the CSP had agreed that if such questions were to b~J} e~da they should be given to the Senior Career Board. 18. I stated that it might be proper to seek legislative relief for those who must retire at the mandatory age of 60. It was suggested they might receive a slight increase in percentage to make up for additional years they are not able to work and give the individual monetary relief. 25X1A9a 19. pointed out that the average age for the Agency is 25X1A9a 37, and the DCI intendes that it should go down. stated that 10 years ago it was 32. 25X1A9a 20. moved that the Executive Secretary/CSP be asked to identify the inequities that exist between the implementation of the Agency's retirement program and other government agencies under the 25X1A9a Civil Service retirement program. seconded the motion. Four members voted for and one member opposed the action. Motion carried. 25X1A9a was asked to do the following: a. Compare FBI, State Department, DoD, NIH, HEW, NSA (have similar ground rules on retirement as CIA), and other major agencies of the government. There may be other inequities other than mandatory age of 60 for retirement. b. Find out which agencies in the government are "excepted" and how they implement Civil Service retirement. Approved For Release I 999/09 1 (A RpP79-00317A000100040005-1 Approved For Releasg&l 999/09101 CFA'-'f [3P79-00317 QrQ00100040005-1 21. (Continued) c. Find out any other additional data to support ORD CSP case that the Agency's administrative handling of Civil Service retirement is unique. 25X1A9a 22. moved that the CSP approve the release of the CSP semi-annual report to ORD employees with two revisions, if necessary. Motion seconded. Vote unanimous. Motion carried. 23. The next meeting of the CSP was scheduled for 3 November 1969. 24. Meeting adjourned at 1000 hours. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Acting ChairmanY-eSP/0RD Career Service Panel/ORD Approved For Release 1999/09/01 CIA-RDP79-00317A000100040005-1 4._