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In view of the importance of gravimetric observations and investigsa-
tions carried out in the U.S.S.R., an attempt has been made to collect and
systematize available information on this subject. This information came
to our knowledge in a more or less casual fashion while gathering informa-
tion for geodetic and astronomic control of the U.S.S.R. Because of the
close connection between geodesy and gravie.etry in the U.S.S.R., it has
been necessary to examine all gravimetric data emanating from the U.S.S.R.
The data themselves were of no direct value to the work on which we are
actually engaged, but because of the desirability of a systematic study
of gravity in the U.S.S.R. we considered it important to record the results
of our search.
The accompanying contains 408 items and represetx1nAzIis.1 which was
25XJiA5,Jlable in this country as of September 1, 1953?
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Any group facing the problem of obtaining the most reliable and the
most up-to-date information on Russian and Soviet gravimetry, is faced with
formidable difficulties which may be summarized as follows:
(a) The subject of gravimetry. because of its close connection with
geodesy, is considered by the Soviets to be of a defense nature and all
precautions are taken not to allow actual data on gravimetric measures to
leave the country. The actual number of pendulum observations reduced to
one system (so far as we know, it is still Potsdam) Is given in sources of
1952 (Z28) as being over 18.000 in number. The whole program, initiated in
1932, was set up to get at least one pendulum observation per 1,000 sq. klm.;
that is. something like a total of 23.000 observations. The results of in-
dividual expeditions, published freely before 1935? have not been published
since then in open literature. In source Z27. for instance, the positions
of places (often drifting vessels and floes) in the Arctic where gravimetric
observations were made are given but not the measures themselves.
From time to time, the Soviets issue definite catalogues of gravimetric
measures. of which one (G24) containing 532 determinations, is largely ob-
solete. Another catalogue, (K46) contains a total of 2,716 observations up
to the year 1933. Neither of these catalogues was originally available in
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the U.S.A., but were found elsewhere and are now in hand. There is still
another catalogue published in 1945, which is reported to contain about
10.000 gravity determinations but which is not available at the present
The best, or at least the most complete, source of information at the
present time at our disposal is a catalogue by Zhuravlev (Z30). This is
not an official catalogue and is, in fact, only an appendix to his essay
on the shape of the earth. It contains 10,712 measures of gravity deter-
mined over the whole surface of the earth up to 1937. About 7,000 of these
measures fall in the territorial limits of the U.S.S.R.
A comparison of Z30 with X46 at once gives rise to misgivings. Besides
very frequent misprints and poor typography in general (on page 86, for in-
stance. the right half of the entries were moved up one line in reference
to the. left half; the printing was done during the war), the two catalogues
often show differences in the. value of observed g, amounting to two or three
milligals. General agreement between the two catalogues is, of course, to
be expected since K46 was supposed to have been incorporated in Z30.
(b) In view of frequent mistakes and misprints in Soviet catalogues.
it is desirable to verify catalog entries from original sources when possible.
These refer mostly to the time before 1935, but they have additional advantage
of giving the location much more precisely than that given in the catalogues
and detailed description of procedure. Here we meet considerable difficulty,
since practically every source gives values of observed g quite differently
from that of the catalogues. This difference is usually of a systematic
character but its amount often varies very widely. A few such examples are
repeated here:
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Z30 - Source
Difference in g
No. of deter-
+ 5 milligals
- 20
From -5 to -29
- 14
From -11 to -18
- 12
From -10 to -18
- 144
From -10 to -22
The last item deserves a special,attention. It gives A g (free-air)
rather than g with a statement that it was derived from the new catalogue
of gravimetric data (published in 1945).
It is therefore evident that the values of g or A g given in source Z30
should be treated with considerable caution, a comparison with other sources
should be made (this can be done with about 3,000 determinations), and the
causes of discrepancy adequately explained.
In more recent sources gravity values (or A g) are sometimes given to
illustrate some point of theory. Such data are often based on the most recent
(End presumably more reliable) determinations. (See, for instance, source
G39 of 1952). From such sources some 400 gravity data can be collected which
are not included in source Z30.
(c) Another source of information concerning the gravity field of the
U.S.S.R. are gravimetric maps and profiles often printed in more recent pub-
lications. These are indicated in Part II if they are to be found in the
original paper. Some of these maps give not only iso-anomaly curves but
also the values of anomalies for points of observation not to be found in
the available catalogues. Such for instance is source M45 of-1948. Over
ip 16 VIM F
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200 such maps and profiles have been found, generally covering the area
south and west of the line Leningrad-Moscow-Irkutsk. This material, if
critically examined and reduced to one system and one kind of anomaly#
should give a fairly accurate gravity map of the region indicated but
the amount of work involved will be very substantial.
Finally, in view of complete lack of gravity data for the northeast
section of Siberia. the appearance of source Z28 of 1952 should be es-
pecially welcome. This source gives the average free-air anomalies for sec-
tors of 100 square degrees each in the whole world including Siberia. At
least some idea of the gravity field in that region can be obtained.
It should be clear that the treatment of gravity data in the U.S.S.R.
involves much preliminary work and careful consideration of the problem.
An investigator taking Soviet catalogues at their face value is likely to
start his investigation with incorrect data, and no matter how good his
mathematical technilue may be, the result will be incorrect. It is hoped
that this bibliography will facilitate the use of Soviet gravity data.
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page A 1
1. Abakelia. M.S.: Ob ismenenii sily tyazhesti vo vremeni v svyasi s
geotektonicheskimi dvizheniyami na Kavkaze$
On the change of the force of gravity in connection with the geotectonic
movements in Caucasus.
Problemy Sovetskoy Geologii, Vol. 5, No. 2,1936, pp. 117-122.
DLC V1-P7 my 1014-L P-197
Evidence of the change of gravity with time.
2. Abakelia, M.S.: V voprosu gravimetricheskoy (mayatnikovoy) izuchennoeti
On the problem of gravity (pendulum) knowledge of Caucasus.
Problemy Sovetskoy Geologic, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1936, pp. 360-365
DLC QE1.P7 MF 1014-N P-197
Gravity map of Caucasus, Scale 1:3.000,000
Abakelia. M.S.: Ob organizatsii gravitatsionnykh observatoriy v
On the organization of gravity observatories in Transcaucasia.
Problemy Sovetskoy Geologic, Vol. 6, No. 5, 1936. pp. 452-45+.
DLC QQ1.P7 my 1014-N P-197
14. Abakelia, M.: K probleme Kyurdamirskogo gravitatsionnogo khrebta v
Zakavkaz'ye: On the problem of Kyudamir gravitational range in
Transcaucasia. 40->~2 1937
Azerbaydzh. Neftyan. Khoz., Vol. 17, No. S-9, pp. ?
DLC T1860-AS, m7 190-G P-593
Agafonov, G.: Otnositel'nyye Opredeleniya Sily Tyazhesti po r.r.
Irtyshu i Obi I na poberezh'yi Karskogo Morya po nablyudeniyam
Prof. A.N. Nefed'yeva v 1923 g.:
Relative determination of the force of gravity along the river Irtysh
and Obi and on the coast of Kara Sea according to the observations of
Prof. A.N. Nefed'yev in 1923.
Zapiski po Gidrografii, 1936 No. 3, pp. 56-73
DLC VK798.R85
Determination of gravity at five points.
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6. Agafonov, G. and Nekrasova: Sila tyazhesti v Paratske,,iSviyazhske i
Rife v Tatarskoy Respublike po Opredeleniyam 1930 S e
aorce of gravity in Paratsk, Sviyazhsk and Raifa in Tatar Republic
according to detFrminations of 1930.
Izv. Astr. Ingel'hardt. Obs. Kasanskogo Univ., No. 15. 1932. pp. 80-96.
PU.PO Q.I23 R-67
Uch. Zap. Iazanskogo Univ., Vol. 92, Kniga 1
7. Agafonov, G. B. and Sokolov, B. A.: Otnositel'nyye Opredeleniya oily
Tyasheeti mezhdn r. r. Vyatkoy i Kamoy v 1935 godu:
Relative determinations of the force of gravity between the rivese
Vyatka and Kama in 1935.
Trudy Astr. Obs. Kazan' Univ., No. 28, 1936. pp. 97-123.
QU.PO Qm4.Ka 8--71
Gravity at 15 points 55?50' - 56?27' N; 51?38' - 53? 56' E.
Detailed reduction to Kazan'.
8. Akeenov, P. P.: Gravitatsionnaya Anomaliya v Balgorodskom Rayone
Kurskoy Magnitnoy Anomalii: Magnetic
Gravitational Anomaly in the Belgorod District of Kursk Magn
Anomaly. 65-~g.
Izvestiya Akad. Nauk. Otd. liz-Mat.. Ser. 7, Vol. 22, 1928, pp.
Investigations by means of torsion-balance vari.ometerofLgravity
anomsly in 100 points. Two maps and several diagrams.
ordinates determined by triangulation.
Aksenov. P. P.: Gravitatsionnaya anomaliya v Shchigrovskom rayons
Kurskoy magnitnoy anomalii:
The gravitational anomaly in the Shchigry region of the Kursk
magnetic anomaly. 593-608
Isv. Ak. Nauk. SSSR, VI-series, Vol. 21. 1927. PP-
OU AS262.P49
Anomalies in 31 points. Astropoint for No. 25-51?5O'53'?34 N.
Map 1:25,000-
10. Aksent'yeva, Z. N.: Otnositel'nyye opredeleniya silt' tyazhesti
Relative determinations of the force of gravity Odessa'-Poltava.
Izv. Vs. Tresta Osn. Geol. i Grav. Rabot
Vyp. 1, 1936. pp. 24-37
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11. Aksent'yeva, Z. H.: Sravneniye mayatnikov Shtyukrata S. Shterneka:
Comparison of pendulums of Sttckrath and Sterneck.
Isv. Os. Tresta Can. Good. i Gray. Sabot
Vyp. 1. 1936, pp. 102-117
12. Aleksandrov, S. E., Polusekundnyy manatnikovyy pribor konstrukt$ii
Al 1933=
Half-second pendulum apparatus constructed at the Astronomical
Institute in 1933?
.Bull. Astr. Inst. Leningrad, No. 39, 1935, PP. 366-379
oU.PO 4B4.Z56
Abstract in English
Apparatus designed for gravity surveys in difficult regions.
Precision S to 19 a1g. Comparison with Sterneck's pendulum.
Determination of gravity at S,andalaksha, 67?10' N; 32026' B.
13. Aleksandrov. S.: Gravimetricheskaya, Apparatura Stantaii "Severny
Gravimetric Apparatus of the station "North Pole".
Byull. Astr. Inst. No. 47, pp. 216-229
oU.PO 4B4.L56
Abstract in English.
Special pendulum installation for the determination of the force of
gravity to be used in the Arctic. Three half-tones and one diagram.
14. Aleksandrov, S. E.: Novyy Mayatnikovyy Pribor lonstruktaii Astrono-
micheskogo Instituta:
Nev Pendulum apparatus of the construction of the Astronomical
Astro. Zhurn. vol. 12, pp. 494-502, 1935.
0U.PO V1-A756
Abstract in German.
Description of the pendulum. Diagrams in text. The apparatus was
tested in gravity measures in Central Asia (43 points). Some data
given, no value of g.
15. Aleksandrov. S. E.: Opticheskiy Shahetchik Ionstruktsii Astronomiches-
kogo Instituta:
optical Co-incidence Counter constructed at the Astronomical Institute.
Byull. Astron. Inst. No. 37, pp. 293-299. 1935.
English Abstract
Description of the apparatus used for the pendulum observations of
gravity. Three cuts in text.
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16. Aleksandrov, S.: Chetvertisekundnyi Mayatnikovyy Pribor A.I.:
A quarter-second Pendulum Apparatus of the Astronomical Institute.
Byull. Inst. No. 47, pp. 215-217, 1939
OU.PO Q.1:.L56
Abstract in English
A smaller pendulum for observations of the force of gravity in difficult
regions. Two half-tones.
17. Aleksandrov,S.: Rezul'taty gravitatsionnykh nablyudeniy v Krivom
Roge v 1928 g::
Results of gravity observations in Krivoy Rog in 1928.
Trudy G1. Geol.-Razv. Upr., Vyp. 36
, 1931, pp. 135-139.
DLC QQ276.Al63 MF 135-B P-301
Pendulum observations at 22 stations with all details.
18. Aleksandrov, S. Ye., i Fal'kson, G.F.: Sverkhlegkiy mayatnikovyy pribor
Extra-li-ht pendulum annaratus.
Nauka i tekhnika, Vol. 17,No. 8(651+), 1939, p. 7
DLC Q14 N1428 MF 130-N P-123
19. Andreyev, B.A.: 0 geologichesko:n znachenii gravitatsionnoy katry Karelia,
Finlyandii i Leningradskoy oblasti:
On the geological significance of the gravitational map of Carelia,
Finland and Leningrad Oblast.
Materialy Ts. N.-I. Geol.-Razv. Inst.: Geofizika, Sbornik 7, 1938, pp. 1-27
DLC Q,500.L1+65 MF 95-J P-151
Geological interpretation of gravity anomalies gravity map 51+? - 62?N;
22?-1414?E, contour interval 10 mlg., scale 1:',000,000. 3 gravity profiled.
20. Anireyev, B.A.; Zakashanskiy,M.S.; Samsonov, N.M. and Fotiadi, E.E.;
Kurs Gravitatsionnoy Razvedki:
A course of Gravimetric Prospecting.
1941. pp. 1432
DLC TN26Q.Kg P-152
Detailed exposition of gr-?vimetric met,.ods of survey for oil and minerals.
Gravity anomalies:
p. 318 D,r opean Russia, Siberia and Central Asia, up to meridian 90?E
and parallel 58?1'. Contour interval 50 mlg.
r. 321E Ukraine 46?-5201'; 370-1}0;; contour interval 10 nig. Profile
p. 330 N,W, Vitrotean P t, contour interval 1C mlg. (same as A16)
P. 343 Profile Kan?,ysh.bosL:-^ava (Fer=_;ana Valley )
p. 352 RP"ion ?'art}, of Cas-ian Sen.- + ,-jo-60?L'; contour interval lOmlg.
p. 355 Emba Region 146?15'-19?N;520-?0'_ -:01;;-E; contour interval 4 mlg.
p. 367 Profile Allat-uvatovo-IsY:irnt_-~'evc-Smoknyevo
p. 369 Centr:.l Bashkiriya 55?i0'-53?30a1T; rco 1:F'-56?15'E; contour interval
2 -1`.
p. 376 Profile Kamenolomnya-Persia.novka
p. 379 Profile Man; c1:-Martynovka.-Pakla.novskaya
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21. Andreyev. B.A.: Ob usloviyakh primenimosti formul dvukhmernoy zadachi
pri interpretatiii ma;nitrykh i gravitatsionnykh anor~aliy:
Or. the conditions of application of formulae for the Interpretation
of magnetic Pnd gravitational anomalies.
Trudy Vses. 1aucb..-Issled. Inst. Razv. Geof.
Vyp. 111,1950. PP. 3-9
DLC Slav. Uncl. , MF 13`-II P 381+
2?. Andreyev, B.A.: Prostoy metod rascheta geofizicheskikh anomaliy na
Simple Meth o6 of Calculation of Gravity AnoTaalies with height.
Trudy Vses. 11-Issled. Inst. Pazv. Geof. V3-r. 3, 1950, pp. 3-9
DLC Slav, MF 135--Ii P-381
23. Aristov, G.A. and Zhuravlev,!:.F.: Soveshchaniya po Voprosam
Gr avim,etri I :
Conference or. GraviL:etry.
Geodezist, Vol. 1939, up. 71-79
DLC QB296.R?'13 ''F 78:r P-109
21. Arkhai.f,el'skiy, A.D.: f'ber die Beziehung Zwiachen d.em geclo~;
Aufbau and den Schwereano%kalien it Eurovaischen Tell der USSR:
On the correlation between the geological structure and gravity anomalies
in the European part of the USSR.
Baltic Geodetic Commission, 7th meeting, Comptes Rendus, pt. 2, pp. 367-378.
German text, no abstract.
General treatment of the subject. Gravity map of European Russia,
contour irterval 25 mlg.
2c. Arkhan~;el'sk:iy, A.D.: Znacheniye Gr:~.vinetrii v Geologic i Problema
Izucheniya Geolc-icheckogo Stroyeniya Zapadno-Sibirskoy Nizmennosti:
Significance of Gravimptry in Geology and the Problem of Study of
Geologic Structure of West Siberian Pl.aiii.
Pyull. Mosk. Obslacli. Ispyt. Prirody, Vol. 1+0, 1932, pp. 1+13-1+27.
oU g6o.Mg9
Abstract in French
General review of tl:P sub-'ect of g-ravimetric measures in connection with
g eoloj-icai structure. Auerjlication to middle and south Ural mountains.
Map of gravi ty~ anomalies 1470-5,3056o- h03 'D'E- Contour interval 25 mig.
Rf ~
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26. Arkhangel'skiy, A.D. and Fedynskiy, V.V.: Geologicheskiye Resultaty
gravimetricheskikh rabot v Vostochnom Azerbaydzhane:
Geological Interpretation of gravimetric observations in Eastern
Byull. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prirody, N.S. Vol. 40, 1932, pp. 1462-1169.
ou Q6o.M99
Abstract in French.
Anomaly map Lenkoran'-Nukha, 1:1,000,000. Contour interval 25 mlg.
27. Arkhangel'skiy, A.D.: Anomalii shy tyazhesti v SSSR i ikh geologicheskoye
Gravity anomalies in the USSR and their geological significance. ?
Sots. Rekonstruktaiya i Nauka. Vyp. 4, 1936, pp. 28-142
DLC T4. S7 MF 105-F P-157
Anomaly map of European Russia up to 60?E, contour interval 50 mlg.
29. Arkhangel'skiy, A.D.; Mikhaylov, A.A.; Fedynskiy, V.V. and Lyustikh, Ye.F.:
Geologicheskoye Znacheniye anomalii ally tyazheati v SSSR:
Geological significance of gravity anomalies in the USSR.
Izv. Ak. Nauk, Ser. Geologicheskaya, 1937, No. k, pp. 701-7142.
DLC AS262.A.621465 MF 106-G P-1714
A detailed consideration of the problem. Gravity anomaly maps ( free-
air and Bouger, scale 1:15,000,000) covering all European Russia. Central
Asia and Siberia between lat. 55?N and the boundary to Krasnoyarsk, and
then between Krasnoyarsk-Chita and boundary, with another area near
Blagoveshchensk. Contour intervals 25 mlg,
29. Arkhangel'skiy, A.D. and Fedynskiy, V.V.: Geologicheskiye resul'taty
graaimetricheskikh issledovaniy v Sredney Azii i Yugo-Zapadnom Kazakhetanet
Geological results of gravimetric exploration in Central Asia and S,M.
izv. Ak. N., Seriya geologicheskaya, 1936, No. 1, pp. 3-33.
DLC AS262.A621.65 MF lo6-F P-173
Anomaly maps of the area, contour interval 25 sll[.
30. Arkhangel'skiy, A.D.: Uspekhi izucheniya geologicheskogo stroyeniya
Yevropeyskoy chasti SSSR za pyatnadtsat'let:
Progress of study of geologic structure of the European part of the USSR
for the last 15 years.
Byull. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prirody, Nov. Ser., Vol. .40 ? 1932, pp. 367-391
OU Q60.M99
Gravity anomaly maps, contour interval 25 mlg.
(a) N.W. European Russia
(b) Ukraine and Caucasus
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31. Arkhan#el'akiy, A. D.: Geologiya i gravimetriya:
Geology and Grgvimetry.
Trudy N. I., Inst. Geol. i Min., Vyp. 1,
1933, PP-
9 maps 71/79; profiles 30, 31.
DLC Slv. Uncl. Ml' 1214-Q
Arkhangel'skiy, A. D.: Prichiny krymskikh zemletryaseniy i geologi-
sheskoy budushcheye Kryma:
Causes of Crimean earthquakes and geological future of the Crimea.
Byulletin' Moskovekogo Obshchestva Ispytateley Prirody. Otdel
geologicheskiy, Tom VII (1-2), 1929
Novaya seriya, tom XMII, pp. 501-502.
Title page only and 2 maps: $5, 96.
DLC Q60 MS M7 130-F P-390
33? Arkhang'l'skiy, A. D.: 0 stroyenii Rueskoy platformy:
On the Structure of the Russian Platform.
Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obehchestva Ispytateley Prirody,
Otdel Geol. tom XVIII (3-4), Novaya seriya, tom ZLVI II , 19110
DLC Q6O Mg, pp. 5-37. Map 89, btw. pp, 6-7 MF 130-J. P-1421
Map 90. ris. 4, btw. pp. 26-27
314. Arkhangel'skiy, A. D.: Geologicheskiye Rezul'taty Obshchikh Mag-
nitometricheskikh i Gravimetricheskikh Rabot v SSSB:
Geological results of the prospecting work in magnitometry and
gravimetry in the USSR.
Report of the XVII Session Int. Geol. Congress Vol. 1, 1937, PP-
OU QJ1.15, Maps btw. 251-252 Ma 107-L P-331
Scale of m,,ps: 1:10,000,000 amd 1:20,000,000. Gravity anomalies
in USSR, interval 25 mlg.
35. Arkhangel'skiy, A. D.: Znacheniye gravimetrii v geologic i problema
izucheniya geologicheakogo stroyeniya Zap.-Sibirskoy nizmennosti;
Significance of gravimetry in geology and the problem of investigation
ofgeologic structure of western Siberian Plains.
1932, pp. 22-23
DLC 01 R933 Mr 155-N P-397
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1. Balabushevich, I. A.: Rezul'taty Geofizicheskikh rabot v Prikarpat'ye:
Results of geophysical work in Carpatian Russia.
Trudy Nauchno-geologicheskogo soveshehaniya, 1949, pp.- 366-369.
Dc TN863?N33 MP 105-G P-159
One of the most recent surveys dealing partly with gravity. Reference
to extensive gravity surveys in this region during the German occupation.
2. Balavadze, B. K. and Abakelia, M. S.: Omparetskaya gravitatsionnaya
anomaliea i opyt yeye interpretateii: Ompareti gravitational anomaly.
and its interpretation.
Soobshch. Gruzinsk. Filiala Ak. N. SSSR., Vol. 1, 1940. pp. 583-587.
OU A8262.A39
Gravitational anomaly in the region of Ompareti on the river Supsa.
344 variometer measures, area 5 x 10 km. - 60 sq. km.. Only summary
of results, no actual measures.
Balavadze, V. K. and Abakelia, M. S.: K voprosu geologicheskoy inter-
pretatsii Omparetskoy gravitatsionny anomalii: On the problem of
geologic interpretation of Ompareti gravitational anomaly.
Soobshch. Gruzinek. Ti].. Ak. N. SSSB., Vol. 1, 1940, pp. 625-631
Anomalies only from +8.0 to -1.5 mlg. In Butami anomaly is +37 mlg.
Reference made to M. S. Abakelia: Gravitatsionnyye karty Gruzinskoy SSSR
Isv. Grus. Industr. Instituta, Kniga No. 11, 1939-
4. Baranov, V. A.: Gravinetricheskaya exspeditsiya Astronomicheskoy obser-
vatorii Kazanekogo Universiteta v 1934 g.
Gravimetric expedition of the Astronomical Observatory of Kazan'
University in 1934.
Trudy Astr. Obs.Kazanskogo Gos. Univ. No. 28. 1936, pp. 3-32
OU.PO QB4-K2 R-71
Gravity determinations at 68 points 54000' - 56030' N, 470 - 540 E.
Detailed reduction based on Kazan'. Map of gravity anomalies in this
5. Baranov, V. A.: Iznenyayemost' Kazanakikh Mayatnikov Sistemy Shterneka
i Metody raznosa nevyaski.
Variability of Kazan' Sterneck pendulums and methods of distribution
of errors.
Trudy Astr. Obs. Kazanakogo Univ., No. 27, 1934, Pp. 7-53?
OU.PO QB4.K2 R-70
Detailed discussion of pendulum determinations of gravity made by the
observatory in 1933 (59 Points), 1932 (54 points), 1931 (58 Points).
New reduction of observations made in 1899-1914 ( 44 points). Complete de-
tails of reduction,
Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00202A000100060001-0
Approved For Relea Irr
pate B 2
6. Bazuk, P.M.: Gravimetricheskiye raboty 1931 g. v Temirskom rayone:
Gravimetric work in 1931 in Temir region.
Trudy Neft. Geol.-Raze. Inst., Ser. A. Vyp. 47, 1934, pp. 3-24
DLC TN960.L37 my 110-M P-337
Anomaly map 49?45'-49?30'N;55?-57?E. Contour interval 2 mlg.
7. Belousov, V.V.: Gravitatsiya i tektogenez: Gravitation and tectogenesis.
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR,Ser. Geogr, i Geofiz., 1941, pp. 149-167
General consideration of the problem. Some application to USSR.
DLC A8262 A6246 MF 144-H P-426
S. Belyayev, T.I. and Kopylov, N.A.: Katalog Astronomicheskikh, Trig-
onoetricheskikh, Magnitnykh iGravimetritheekikh Punktov, Kazakhstana:
A catalogue of astronomical, trigonometric, magnetic and gravity
points in Kazakhstan.
Mat. Komiss. Ekspedits. Issled., Vyp. 6, 1928
DLC Q,115.A45 MP 1-E G-I
This catalogue containes 90 gravimetric points determined in the
territory before 1927.
Belykh, S.Ya.: Astronomo-Gravimetricheskiy Meted Obosnovaniya Melkomoshtab-
nykh Topograficheskikh S"yemok: Astronomic-4raYimetric Control of
Topographic Surveys of Small Scale.
Voyenno-Topograficheskiy Sbornik, No. 3, 1945, pp. 3-22
Maps of gravity anomalies for sheets L-L2,)43 and 1 44?-4S?N; 56o-g4?L_
MF 218-C P-682
10. Bogdanov, A.A., et al.: Anomalii Sily Tyazhesti i ikh Svyas' a Glav-
neyshimi Tektonicheskimi'!lementami Zapadnykh Oblasty Ukrainskoy SSSRz
Anomalies of the Force of Gravity and their connection with the most
immortant tectonic elements in the Western part of the Ukrainian Republic.
Izv. Ak. N. SSSR. Seriya Geograf. i Geofiz., Vol. 14, 1950, pp. 223-231
DLC A8262.A6246 MF lo6-B P-172
Several maps of gravity anomalies (Bouger) are given, which vary from +30 to
-90 mlg.
Area covered: 4S? - 51630+N; 22?-26?!.
Valuable references to recent work in this region.
Three anomaly profiles.
`,,t r,
- Of T
Approved For Release 1999/09/01 CIA-RDP79-00202A000100060001-0
- 14-
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11. Bogdanov, A.A. Datskevich, A.A. I Navrotskiy,N.M.: Ailaguvatovo-Novyy
razvedochnyy rayon Ishembayevskoy gruppy tresta Vostokneft':
Allaguvatovo - New region for investigation In the Ishimbayev group of
trust Vostokneft' 41-46
Neftyaniye khosyaystvo, Vol. 27, No.1,1935, pp.
DLC TN86o N465, Maps 108`109 mF 165-P
12. Bogdanov, A.A.: Solynyye Kupola Nizhnego Zavolzh'ya:
Salt domes of lower trans-Volga region.
Byull. Mosk. Obsh. Isp. Prirody, NS Vol. 42. 1934, PP- 315-368
oU Q6o.M89 MP 130-G P-381
Three gravity maps: (1) East of the lake E1'ton 49?05' - 49?20'N;
46?40' - 47?10' 9; contour interval 5 mlg. (4) LakeBaskunchuk 47??7'-
4Be N; 46045'-470; contour interval 2 mlg. (3) General map, contour
interval 10 mlg.
13. Bogo3epova. A.P.: Resul'taty Gravitatsionnykh Nablyudeniy v Uralo-
Embenekom Rayons v 1931-1932 g.g.
Results of Gravity Observations on the Region of Ural Emba in 1931-1932 .
Byull. Astr. Inst. No. 37. PP- 304-,311, 1935
English abstract.
Gravity measures-for 84 points, in the area of 25,000 square kilometers
in the region Dossor River Emba-Uil
14. Bonch-Bruyevich, M.D., ed.: Geodeziya, Tom 1, 1949: Geodesy
DLC TA545.G3 P-24 MP 41-A P-25
Examples in text:
p. 322: Tsioris-Tskhali 41?37!6N, 49?54:6 N, h 267 met.
g = 980.142. Isostatic reduction of this point. This is 27954
p?329: 6 groups of 71 stations in Caucasus, various corrections.
P. 337:Gravity anomalies in Baku region 38? - 420 N, 470 00 E.
given on map 1:100,000. Description p. 351, Contour intervals
?5 nlg.
P? 336: Gravity anomalies in Moscow region 54050' - 57?10'N, 360 - 39? 3.
given on map. Description on p. 351.
1. Borisenko.: Kratkiye svedeniya o rezul'tatakh gravometricheskikh rabot
na okrainakh S.K, Donbassa:
Brief communication in the resultsrfff ~ Work ih the 8.3. outskirts
of Donbas. Geologiya na fronts industrializatsii.
Vol. 3, No. 1-3, 1934. pp. 19-22
DLC Q!1 G4915 MJ' 148-BB P-387
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IPTRU CIA-RDP79-00202A000100060001-0
Page B 4
16. Borisenko,: 0 roll i zadachakh gravimetrii i seysmometrii v Geologo
Razvedochnykh Rabotakh na Okrainakh Sev-gav Donbassa:
On the role and problem of gravimetric work on the S.E. outskirts of
Donbas. 82_84
Geologiya na fronts industrializatsii, Vol. 2, No. 10-12, 1933, !op?
DLC 01 G4915. MF 148-CC P-388
17. Borisov, A.A. and Fotiadi, I.E.: Nekotoryye vyvody iz Obshchey Gravitatsionnoy
s"yemki v oblasti Prikaspiyskoy depressii:
Some conclusions from the general gravitational survey in the region of
Caspian depression.
Neftyanoye khozyaystvo. Vol. 18, No. 12, 1937, pp. 63-66
DLC TN860.N465 Maps 106, 107 MF 165-0 P-1402
18. Bronshteyn, K.G. i Babiyenko, D.V.: Magnitnyye anomalii tsentra i yuga
yevropeyskoy chasti SSSR.
Magnetic anomalies of Center and South of European part of USSR.
Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytateley Prirody.
Novaya seriya, tom XLIII (2).
DLC Q6O M8 pp. 264-272. Map 88, p. 265 MF 130-2 P-420
19. Bulanzhe, Yu.D.t Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti v rayons Moskovskoy
gravitatsionnoy anomalii.
Determination of the force of gravity in the region of Moscow gravitational
Trudy Seysmol. Inst., Ak. N. and USSR, No. 103, 1940 - p. 1-56
DLC QZ531.A45 MF lo6-Y P-463
Detailed investigation of 41 gravity points determined in 1939. General
discussion of the status of the problem and of previous determinations.
20. Bulanshe, Yu.D.: Novoye Znacheniye Uskoreniya Sily Tyazhesti dlya
Geofizicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR.
A. New Value of the Acceleration of the Force of Gravity at the Geophy-
sical Institute of Academy of Sciences, USSR.
Trudy Geofizich. Instituta, Ak. N. No. 5 (132), 1949, pp. 76-93
OQ Q.Z500.A4 My 74-A P-124
Grt?imetric Lab. of Geofiz. Inst., Moscow, 3 Pyzhevskiy Pereulok
the base of many recent determinations of gravity.
N.N. Pariyskiy determined for the gosudarstvenny Astronomicheskiy Inatitut
im. Shternberga in 1935 g = 991.559.1*O?74
g (Gos. Astr. Inst. Sht.-Geof. Inst.) = -12.3*o.14
Geofiz. Inst. g = 981.546.8#0.75
Detailes of determination, by Bulanzhe and Ryleyeva.
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Page B 5
21. Bulanzhe, Tu. D.: 0 Vychislenii Oshibki Gravimetricheskoy Svyazi
dvukh Punktov.
On the calculation of error for the grevimetric connection of two
Trudy Seysmolog. Inst., Ak. N. No. 99, 1940, pp. 1-23
DLC gQ531. A45 MY 106-BB Not reproduced
Improvement of Borras' formula. Application of V. new formula to the
results of several expeditions. Only errors are given, not measured
values of g.
22. Bulanzhe, Tu.: On the determination of errors of a grazimetric
connection between two stations.
Doklady Ak. N. SSSR Vol. 22, 1939, pp. 166-169.
OU AS262.P494
Article in Inglish
Development of Borras' method. Gravity for 5 Caucasian stations.
given : Lars, Kazbek, Gudauri, Pazanauri, Dashet..
23. Bulanzhe, Tu. D.: Predvaritel'nyye Rezul'taty Opredeleniya Garvi-
metricheskogo Punkta pervogo v seleniyi Obi-Germ.
Preliminary Results of Determination of a Graviietric Point of First
Oder in Obi-Garin Village.
Trudy Geofiz. Inst., A. N. No. 5, (132), 1949, pp. 94-99
oU q$500.A4 MF 74-A P-174
Expedition of the Geophysical Institute to Garm area in 1945.
Obi-Garm seysmological station of Tadzhik Filial of Ak. N.
38?42:7. 69042!3, h 1333 met.
Obi-Germ-Moscow ( Geof. Inst.) g = -2.010.6* 0.000.4
For obi-Garin 6 = 979.536.3 * 0.000.78
24. Bulanzhe, Yu. D.s Novaya Gravimetricheskaya Svyaz' Vsesoyuznogo
Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Metrologii a Pulkovom.
A New Gravimetric Connection of All-Union Scientific Research
Institute of Metrology with Pulkovo.
Trudy Geofizich. Inst. A. N., No. 5.(132), 1949-'PP- 100-111.
OU q3500-A4 M7-74-A P-124
Institute of Metrology, Leningrad, Mezhdunarodnyy Prospekt,
No. 19; Gravimetric laboratory.
Pulkovo - Inst. of Met. --g = +31.4 + O.lg mg.
For the institute g = 991.930.8 + 0.00059
25. Bullanzhe, Yu. D.: Mikhaylov, A. A. and Pariyskiy, N. N.
Formula/ i Tablitsy dly obrabotki gravimetricheski'kch nablyudeniyt
Formular and tables for the reduction of gravimetric observations.
Izd. Geod. i Kart. Literatury, Moscow, 1949, . 227
MC V 331.B8 MF 50-2 P-84,
Introduction pp. 9-69 gives the current methods and point of view
adopted in the USSR.
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26. Bulanzhe, Yu. D. : 0 Vliyanii sokachaniya pri nablyudeniyakh s
On the influence of swaying at pendulum observations.
Geodezist, Vol. 15, No. 12, 1940, pp. 35-42.
DLC QQ296.R813 MF 65-I P-105 (also MY 72-J P-112)
Detailed discussion of the swaying of support.
27. Bulanzhe, Tu. D. : Ob opredelenii vysot gravimetricheskikh punktov
metodom barometricheskogo nivelirovaniya:
On the determination of elevations of gravimetric points by the
method of barometric levelling.
Geodezist, Vol. 15, No. 6, 19+0, pp. 24-30
DLC QB 296.R813 M F 68-P P-102
Aneroids of Fuess and Metpribov compared. With the latter,elevations
can be determined within 1 met., which is considered satisfactory for
gravity surveys.
28. Bulanzhe, Yu. D.: Vliyaniye Magnitnogo Po.ya Zemli na Invarnyye
Influence of the Magnetic Field of the Earth on Invar Pendulums.
Tr. Geofiz. Inst. No. 2 (129), 19)48, pp. 32.
DLC M F 75-I Not reproduced
Variation in the magnetic field of the earth may produce systematic
errors of the order of 4 mlg.
29. Bulanzhe, Tu. D. : Ob uchete vliyaniya sokachaniya pri mayatnikovykh
On calculations of the influence of swaying with pendulum observations.
Trudy Seysmol. Inst., Ak. F., No. 107, 1941, pp. 41-55
DLC Q$531.A45
30. Bulanzhe, Tu. D. : Opredeleniye temperaturnykh koefitsientov mayatnikov:
Determination of temperature coefficients of pendulums.
Trudy Seysmol. Inst., Ak. N., No. 92, 1940, pp. 1-36
DLC QX531.A45 M F 106-AA Not reproduced.
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- 18 -
Approved For Release 1 IM-RDP79-00202AO00100060001-0
Bulanzhe, Yu.D. : Ob uchete vliyanii variatsii khoda khronometra pri
mayatnikovykh nablyudeniyakh:
On the influence of variation of chronometer with pendulum observations.
Trudy Seysmol. Inst. Ak. N. No. 117, 19145.
DLC 0531.A145 MF 106-cc, my 811-7 P-201
32`.. Bulanhe, Yu.D.: 0 vekovykh izmeneniyalch sily tyazhesti:
On secular changes in the force of gravity.
Trudy Soveshch. po Metodam izucheniya dvizheniy I deformately Zemnoy
19118, pp. 175-182 DLC R-52
Comparison of values of g in 114 stations in Caucaus made with the average
interval of 25 years. No secular changes evident, contrary to Abakelia.
Bulanzhe, Tu.D.t 0 tochnoeti I izmereniy anomaliy sily tyashesti
gravitatsionnym variometroms
On the precision of the measurement of the force of gravity by means
of gravity variometer.
Trudy Seysmol. Inst., No. 117, 191+5, pp. 3)-?
DLC 0J531. A145 P4.?. 106-CC, MF 811--7 P-201
314. Bulanzhe,Yu.D.: Opredeleniye sily tyazhesti v tsentral'nom rayon
Moskovskoy gravitatsionnoy anomalii:
Determination of the force of gravity in the central region of the
Moscow gravity anomaly.
Trudy Seysmolog. Inst., No. 91, 19140, pp. 1-314
DLC QE531.A45 MF 106rZ 93162 Gravity map brought up to
31 gravity points determined in 1937.
1938. 55020' - 56?N; 37?-38?$.
Bulanzhe, Yu.D.: 0 tochnosti izmereniy anomaliy sily tyazhesti
gravitatsionnym variometrom:
On the precision of the measurement of the force of gravity by means of
gravity variometer.
Izv. Ak. N., Ser. Geogr. i 0eofiz., Vol. S, Ro. 5, 19144, pp. 285-291.
MF 106-L P-177
Two maps of anomalies for Spasekiy and Pokrovka, in Ishimbay region.
Contour interval 1 mlg.
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- 19,-
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36. Bulanzhe, Tu.D.: Chetvertaya Teeeoyuznaya konferentsiya po gravimetrii:
The fourth all union conference on gravimetry.
Izv. Ak. N., Ser. Geogr. i Geofiz., Vol. 11, 1947, pp. 509-510
DLC AS262 A6246 MP 105-AA P-164
37. Bulanzhe, Tu.D.: Ob obrabotke mayatnikovykh nablyudeniy.:
On the reduction of pendulum observations.
Geodezist, vol. 14, 1938, No. 5, pp. 49-54
DLC QB 296.R813 MP 11S-L P-244
Bulanzhe, Yu.D.: 0 Tokotorykh Sistematicheskikh Oshibkakh Kvartzevykh
Gravimetrov s Gorizontal ':goy Nit ' yu:
On some systematic errors of niartz gravimeters with a horizontal wire.
Izv. Ak. Y. SSSR, Seriya Geofizich.,1952, No. 2, pp. 31-37
Gravimeter of Novgorod is investigated. MY 190-A P-493
Bulanzhe, Tu.D.: Ob uchete vliyaniya variatsiy khoda khronometea pri
mayatnikovykh nablyudeniyakh:
On the influence of variation of chronometer on pendulum observations.
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Ser. Geogr.i Geofiz.1945, pp. 49-62
DLC AS262 A6246 MF 144-K P-369
40. Bulashevich, Yu.P.: Svyazf mezhdu elektricheskimi i gravitatsionnymi
Correction between electric and magnetic anomalies.
Trudy gorno-geol. inst., Vyp. 19, Geofiz. Sbornik No. 1, 1950, pp. 3-13.
DLC Slav. Uncl. MP 199-P P-500
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Pie B 9
41. Buynitskiy, V.:
Scientific Observations made during the drift of the icebreaker
"Sedov" In the Period 1938-19)+0.
Doklady Ak. N. SSSR, Vol. 27, 19+0, pp. 122-127
OU AS262.P494
Article in English
During the drift from Novo-Sibirskiye islands to Greenland, 66 gravity
observations were made by I.D. Zhongolovich.
No data in this article.
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Page D 1
1. Dyukov, I. A. et al i Opredeleniya oily tyazhesti v oblasti Vyatskikh
uvalov i na Urals v 1931 g.
Determination of the force of gravity in the region of Vyatskiye Uvaly
and in the Urals in 1931.
Isv. Astr. Engelhardt Obs. Lasanskogo Univ. No. 15, 1932. pp. 1-S0.
Uch. Zap. Kazanskogo Univ. Vol., 92, Kni,a 1.
oU.PO gB4.a23
Abstract in German.
Gravity in 58 point&. 53? 17' - 58? 19' N.. 48021' - 69?25' B. Same
material in G7. All details of reduction. 4 anomaly profiles.
2. Dabovskoy, B. V. : Obosnovaniye gosudarstvennykh s'yemok v masehtabe
1:100,000 1 1:200,000 na astropunktakh.
Controls for maps of scale 1:100,000 and 1:200,000 based on astro-
Geodezist, Vol. 16, 1940, No. 11, pp. 12-20
DLC QB296.B813 M F 72-I P-102
Area 4o? - 44? N. 57? - 62? E is considered. The existing network
of gravimetric and astronomic points makes it possible to establish
the deflection of the vertical with a mean error 1"56 in NS and 1!68
in BV direction which is considered adequate for controls-of 1:200,000
Map of deflections.
Dubyago, A. D.: K voprosu ob integrateti gradientov silt' tyazhesti:
On the problem of integration of the gradients of the force of
Isv. Ak. N., Seriya geograf. i g eofis., vol. 8, 1944, pp. 57-60.
DLC A8 262,A6246 M P-1-36K P-176
4. Dobrokhotov. Tu. S. : Differentsial'nyy barometer D. I. Mendeleyev:
Mendeleyev'e differential barometer.
TiNIIGAIK, Sbornik No. 3. 1939, pp. 75-58.
Application to gravinetry.
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Page E 1
1. Erola, V. : On the structure of the Perth's cruet in the neighbor-
hood of the Fergana Basin.
Pubi. of the Isostatie Institute, No. 10, 1941, Helsinki, pp. 77.
Based on 195 gravity determikstions 1902-1932.
Gravity anomaly map 37? - )4o N; 66' - 76? E. Contour interval 25 mlg.
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Page F 1
1. Fedorov, E. Jr. : Geophysical and Astronomical Observations.
Dokiady Ak. N. SssR, Vol. 19, 1938, pp. 594-587
oU A8262.P494 R-59
Article in English.
21 gravity observations obtained at the North Pole Station ( drifting
floe), 71.50' - 89025' N, May 21, 1937 - Apr. 10, 1938.
2. Fedynskiy, V. V. and Molendenskiy, M. S. : Tridtsat' let Sovetskoy
Gravi:netrii (1917-1947):
Thirty years of Soviet Gravimetry
Izv. Ak. N., Ser. Geograf. i Geofiz.. Vol. 9, 1947, pp. 395.408.
DLC AS262.A6246 M F 15-2 P-32
A detailed reveiw of the progress of gravimetry in the USSR both
from the theoretical and practical points of view.
Extremely useful.
ledynskiy, V. V. and Shreydev, I. A. : S mayatnikami po T go-
Zapadnoy Turkmeni1:
With pendulums in S-W Turkmenia
Mirovedeniye, Vol. 22, 1933, PP- 32-46
DLC Q,B1.R933 M F 1o6-Q P-181
General description of work near Nebit-Dag.
4. Fedynskiy, V. V. : Kratkiy otchet o gravimetricheskoy svyazi Neft.
Geologorazv. Inst. s podvalum Astro. observavorii Moskovskogo
Brief report on grgvixetric connection of the Oil Research Institute
with the basement of astronomical observatory of Moscow University.
Izv. Vs. Tresta osn. Geodes. i Grav. Rabot.
Vyp. 1, 1936, pp. 100-101
5. Fedynskiy, V. V.: Barometricheskiy effect v gravimetrakh:
Barometric effect in gravimeters
Izv. Ak. N., Ser. Geogr. i Geofiz. 1945, pp. 108-111.
DLC As262 . A246 M F-141+-L P-369
~-'- C"A I I
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Page 7 2
6. Potiadi, Z. E., Zd.: Geofisicheskiye Metody Rasvedki v Arktike:
Geophysical Methods of Survey in the Arctic.
Trudy Ark. Inst. Vol. 151, 19110. pp. 104
DLC G600 L4 M7 17-J-K P-132
Geophysical work in Nordvik, Ust'Port, Tugorskiy Peninsula.
Magnetic survey in Aldych-Tana region. Gravimetric, electromagnetic and
seismological methods of surveying for deposits. List of all surveys up
to year 1939. Gravity anomaly maps ( contour interval 1 mig.) : (a) Ustt
Port, 69?30' - 69?421 N; 81+?151 - 950 E (b) Turung Tames 73?57' -74?04' I;
111? - 1110110' E (c) Bay Kozhevnikova 73035' - 73045' N; 1100301 -1110 !.
Frolov, A. I.: 0 dinamicheskom temperaturnom Koefficiente Mayatnikov:
On the dynamic temperature coefficient of pendulums.
Sbornik NT i PS Vyp. 24, 1949. pp. 35-39
DLC Q,B301.Rg P-12
Experiments with twelve pendulums in 1940-115. Influence of stratification
of temperature.
9. Frolov, A. I.: 0 Vliyanii Vertikallnogo Temperaturnogo Gradienta na
Opredeleniya Sill, Tyazhesti Svobodnymi Mayatnokami:
On the influence of temperature gradient on the dbtermination of gravity
by free pendulums.
Sbornik YIPS, Vyp. 16, 1949, pp. 9-22
DLC QB301.RS P-8
Discussion of errors obtained with various instruments. 8 determinations
of g for 1E places in Eastern Siberia are given (1936-43). Adopted g:
Takutsk 982.047 Isit' 981.927
Ust'Kut 991.513 Olekminsk 991.881
Approved For Release 199949/6"CiA-RDP79-00202A000100060001-0
- 25 -
Approved For Releas E9~ CIA-RDP79-00202A000100060001-0
P e G 1
1. Galushko,P.T.: Do Pitannya pro Beregovy Anomalii:
On coastal anomalies.
Analy Astronomichesnoy Observatorii, Kiev, Vol. 6, pt. 2, pp. 169-1S3, 1936
oU.PO QB4.K45
Ukrainian text, abstract in Russian and English. Derivation of formulae
for computation of gravity anomalies at sea-shore or on islands.
2. Galushko, P. Ta.: 0 proiachozhdenii solyanykh kupolov:
On the origin of the salt doves.
Trudy ATeftyanoy Konferenteii 1938 goda, pp. 217-226.
DLC TN863.N4 my 105-F P-159
Two gravity anomaly maps; contour interval 10 mig.
(1) Ukraine, scale 1:4,000,000, 46?-52? N; 26?-41? E.
(2) Dnepr-Donets Depression, scale 1:2,000,000, 4$03O'-52?301i3=
30?-37? E.
Gravity profile: Priluki - Romny
3. Gamburtsev, G.A. andFolikarpov, M.I.: Vychisleniye defekta massy po
gravimetricheskim nablyua&eniyam na Shuvalovskom ozere.
Calculation of defect of mass on basis of gravimetric observations on
Shuvalovo lake.
Zhurnalprikladno,T fiziki,
vol. 7. vyp. pp 5, 1930, pp. 13-36
DLC QG1.z176 MY 126-E P-415
4. Gamburtsev,G.: K izucheniyu Kurskoy gravitatsionnoy anomalii.
On the Study of Kursk gravity anomaly.
Zhurnal prikladnoy fiziki
Tom 2, vyp. 1-2, 1925, pp. 95-100
DLC Qc1 Z476 MF 126-L P-416
5. Gamburtsev, G.A.: Ob opredelenii elementov zaleganiya beskonechno
proatirayushchikhsya tel po gravitatsionnoy nablyu.deniyam.
On the determination of elements of infinitely extending bodies on
the basis of gravimetric observations.
I2vestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Ser. Geogr. i Geofiz. 1940, No. 3, PP. 363-372
Izd. Ak. Nauk. SSSR, 1940
DLC AS262 A6246 MF 144-C P-370
Approved For Release 19997 I -RDP79-00202A000100060001-0
- 26 -
Approved For Relea
'ffcnE I ?v~&e G 2
6. Gamburtsev, G.A.: Ob odnom sposobe.opredeleniya raspolozheniya podzemnykh
mass na osnovanii magnitnykh i gratitatsionnykh nablyudeniy.
On the method of determination of position of subterraneous masses on the
basis of magnetic and gravimetric observations.
Zhurnal prikiladnoy fiziki, Vol. 8, Vyp. 2, 1930, pp. 103-105
DLC QC1', 2476 MF 126-A P-415
7. Gamburtsev, G.A.: Geologicheskaya interpretatsiya magnitnykh i gravitatsionnykh
nablyudeniy s pomishch'yu priborov dlya mekhanicheskikh vychisleniy:
Geologic Interpretation of magnetic and gravitational observations by means
of instruments for mechanical computation.
Zhurnal Prikladnoy fiziki, Vol. 6, Vyp. 1, 1929, pp. 62-67
DLC QCl 2476 MF 126-D P-416 and 417
8. Gamburtsev, G.A.: Geologicheskaya interpretatsiya gravitatsionnykh i
magnitnykh2&bi7adeniy s pomoshch' yu priborov dlya mekhanicheskikh
Geologic interpretation of magnetic and gravitational observations
by means of instruments for mechanical computation.
Top. V, Vyp. 3-f+, 1928, pp. 227-2314
DLC Qpl z476 M F 126-E P-1417
Gaykin, V.: Organizatsiya i znacheniye obshchey osnovnoy gravimetricheskoy
Organization and significance of the general fundamental gravimetric survey.
Geodezist, No. 1-2, 19314, pp. 18-25
DLC Q,B 296 8813 MF 131-P P-1429
10. Gaykin, V.A.: Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po razvitiyu. geodezicheskikh
rabot vo vtroroy pyatiletke.
All-Union conference on the development of geodetic work in the Second
Five Year Plan.
Mirovedeniye, Tom 21, No. 6, 1932, pp. 45-51.
DLC 01 R933 My 155-N P 397
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Page G 3
11. Gel'fand, I.S.: Pryamyye metody interpretatsii gravitatsionnykh
I magnitnykh anomaliy of dvukhmernykh tel.
Direct methods of interpretation of gravitational and magnetic anomalies
produced by tyro-demensional bodies.
Pryamyye metody interpretatsii gravitatsionnykh I magnitnykh anomaliy
of trekhmernykh tel.
Direct methods of interpretation of gravitational and magnetic anomalies
produced by three-demensional bodies.
Trudy gorno-geolog, instituta Vyp. 19,
Geofiz. sbornik No. 1, 1950, pp. 51-80
DLC Slav. Uncl. MF 199-F P-500
of gravity in N'M region in 1927.
1929. pp. 10-12.
Gravity measures at 10 points S.
Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti v Severo-Zapadnoy Oblasti
Determination of the force
Byull. Astr. Inst. No. 21,
0U-PO q+.1,56
Abstract in German
v 1927 g:
of Leningrad. Map of gravity anomalies.
13. Gizhitskiy, A.: Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti na Belom More v 1910 g:
Determination of the force of gravity in the White Sea in 1910.
Byull. Astr. Inst., No. 49, 1939, pp. 273-275
OU.PO QB4.L56 R-82
Abstract in English
4 gravimetric points, measures recently reduced.
14.. Gizhitskiy, A.: Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti Vdol' Mariinskoy Vodnoy
Systemy i v Prilegayushchikh Rayonakh v 1913 g.:
Determination of the force of gravity along the Mariinskaya Water System
and in neighboring regions in 1912.
Byull. Astr. Inst., No. 49, 1939, pp. 275-277..
OU.PO QB4LL56 R-82
Abstract in English
Measurement of the force of gravity in 6 -Points.
15. Gizhitskiy, A.: Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti na o-ve Alande v 1914 g.:
Determination of the force of gravity on Aland. Island in 1914.
Byull. Astr, Inst., No. 49, 1939, pp. 277-279
oU.PO QB4.L56
Abstract in English
Gravity at one point on the island.
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Approved For Release 199/9'9!0'-RDP79-00202A000100060001-0
~ , to r< E Page G 4
16. Gizhitskiy, A.: Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti Pdol' Linii Zheleznoy
Dorogi Vologda-Arkhangelsk:
Determination of the force of gravity along the Vologda-Archangel
Byull. Astr. Inst. No. 149, 1939- pp. 279-281
OU.PO QB4.L56 R-82
Abstract in English
Gravity at 5 points
17. Gizhitskiy,A.: Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti na Urab i v Prilegay-
ushchikh k nem rayonakh v 1931 g.:
Determination of the force of gravity in Ural and neighboring regions in
Byull. Astr. Inst. No. 33, pp. 176-1914
oU.PO QB14.L.56
Abstract in English
Gravity measures at 5g points 53?53' - 59?19' N; 148?21' - 69?25' E.
made by Dyukov (Dl).
142 points by Tkhorzhevskiy; 23 by Pariyskiy; 27 points by Tsukervanik
and 25 points by Musselius.
18. Gizhitskiy, A.: Opredeleniye Tyazhesti na Urale.
Determination of gravity in Ural region in 1921.
Byull. Astr. Inst. No. 9, 1935, pp. 63-67
ou.PO QB14.L56 R-92
Abstract in German
Gravity at 10 points 57?27' - 57?41'1: 56?55' - 59?491X.
19. Gizhitskiy,A.: Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti v Bashkiria v 1926 g.:
Determination of the force of gravity in Bashkiria in 1926.
Byu11. Astr. Inst., No. 15, 1928, pp. 213-215
OU.PO QJB4.L56 R-92
Abstract in German
Gravity at 6 points 55?06' - 56?03'N; 60?13' - 61?o0'E.
20. Gizhitskiy,A.: Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti po r. Severn. Dvine i
Yeye Pritokam v 1928 g.:
Determination of force of gravity along the river, North Dvina and
its tributaries.
Byull. Astr. Inst. No. 23, pp. 25-28, 1929
OL. PO QB14. L56 , No. 21-110
German abstract
Gravity determination in 9 points, latitude 61?27' to 61+01+2' N;
longitude 142?314' to 149?17' E.
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Page G 5
21. Gizhitskiy,A.: Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti po Sukhone, Vychegde I
Sev. Dvine:
Determination of the force of gravity along the Sukhona, Vychegda
and North Dvina.
Byull. Astr. Inst. No. 3. 1924
Yerkes Observatory, William Bay, Wis. Q)+.L538
French abstract
Gravity in 11 places: six astronomical determinations of coordinates.
22. Gizhitskiy, A.M.: Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti na Ladozhakom Ozero:
Determination of the force of gravity on Lake Ladoga.
Byull.. Astr. Inst. No. 49, 1939, pp. 271-273
OU.PO QB4.L56 R-82
Abstract in English
Determinations made in 1908 but more recently reduced; 4 points.
23. Gizhitskiy, A.M.: Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti v Leningradskikh
Iskhodnykh Punktakh:
Determination of the Force of Gravity in the Leningrad Fundamental Points.
Byull. Astr. Inst. No. 39, pp. 361,366, 1935
OU. PO Q,B)-. L56 , No. 21-40
Abstract in English
Determination of the force of gravity in Leningrad Astronomical Institute,
Institute of Metrology and Standards and Astronomical Observatory at the
24. Gizhitskiy, A. I. Savkevich,P.: Katalog Punktov Gravimetricheakikh
Opredeleniy Proizvedennykh v Rossii do 1922 g.:
Catalogue of Points of gravimetric determinations made in Russia up to
Rueskoye Aatronomicheskoye Obshchestvo, 1923, Moskva - Petrograd.
A detailed catalogue of 532 gravimetric determinations.
25. Gizhitskiy, A., and Yakhontov, E.: Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti v
Severo-Zapadnom Rayone v 1923 g.:
Determinations of the force of gravity in the N.W. region in 1923.
Byull. Astr. Inst., No. 5, 1924
OU.PO QB4.L56 R-92
Abstract in English
Gravity at 9 points S.W. of Leningrad
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Page a6
26. Gizhitskiy, A. M.: Opredeleniye sily Tyazhesti v Zapadnoy Sibiri v
1930 g.:
Determination of the force of gravity in Western Siberia in 1930.
Byull. Astr. Inst., No. 30, 1931, pp. 109-113
OU.PO gB'.L56
Gravity in 14 points between Chelyabinsk and Petropavlosk.
Gravity profiles Ziatoust - Omer.
27. (`.tzhitskiy, A. M. : Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti v Vyritse i Detskom
Determination of the force of gravity in Vyritsa and Detekoys Selo.
Byu11, Astr.Inst. No. 30, 1931, pp? 10$-109.
Ou.PO QB4.L56
28. Gizhitskiy, A. M. : Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti po profilyam: Kotel'-
nich - Perm' i Vyatka - Kotlas:
Determination of the force of gravity along the profiles Kotel'nich -
Perm' and Vyatka-Kotlas.
Byu11. Astr. Inst., No. 33, 1931, Pp. 163-168.
OU.PO a 4.L56
Gravity in 17 points.
29. Gizhitskiy, A. M.: Gramitricheskaya svyaz' Pulkova s Kazan'yu i
iskhodnymi punktami v Leningrade:
Gnwiaetric connection of Pulkovo with Kazan' and fundamental points
Izv. Vs. Tresta Osn. Geodez. I Grav. Sabot
Vyp. 1, 1936, pp. 53-71
30. Gorshkov, P. M.: Uspekhi Gravimetrii:
Achievements of Gra.vimetry
Ak. N. 1936, pp. 122
DLC *331.G6 P-16o
A semi-popular exposition; pp. 60-101 deals with determination of
gravity and a general survey of tie gravity field in the USSR from
Leningrad to Vladivostok. Rather detailed descriptions of individual
gravity regions and a catalogue of 112 points isostatically reduced.
Also a gravimetric survey of the Volga delta with 10 points given.
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31. Gorshkov. P.M.: Gravimetriya i Figures Zemli:
Gravimetry and the figure of the Barth.
Izv. Vses. Geograf. Obsh. Tom 78, Vyp. 3, 1946, PP. 307-324.
DLC G23 R6 MF 42-D Not reproduced
32. Gorshkov, P.M.: Zadachi Gravimetric v Arktike:
The Problems of Gravimetry in the Arctic.
Arctica, Kniga 5, 1937, pp. 103-116
DLC G600-A75 MF 105 R-50
A list of 46 gravity determinations North of 62? N. in the Soviet
Arctic known up to 1935.
33. Gorshkov, P.M.: Gravimetricheekaya S"yemka Kuzbass i Gornoy Shorii
1931 g.:
Gravimetric Survey of Kuznetskiy'Basin and of Mountainous Shoriya in
Trudy Soveta po Is. Proizv. Sil: Ser. Kuzbaskaya, No. 1, 1932, P? 38
Gravity measures in 38 points in the region are given with all detail.
34. Gorshkov, P.M.: Gravimetric Investigations of Priirtysh'ye
Bol'shoy Altay vol. 2, PP- 38-57, 1936
DLC Q6o.A6 MF 105-B P-155
Report on the Gravimetric survey along the river Irtysh. Data for 62
stations are given. Gravity map: 51? N - river Irtysh; S0?30' - 85? B.
Gravity Profile: Karaganda - Semipalatinsk.
35. Gorshkov, P.M. and Gorshkov, G.P.: Gravimetricheskaya Kharateristika
Odnogo is Uchastkov Severo-Zapadnogo Kavkaza:
Gravimetric Characterization of one of the sections of N.W. Caucasus.
Izv. Vses. Geograf. Obsh. Vol. 79. 1947,pp. 57-63
DLC G23.R6 MF 29-A P-465
6 gravity determinations. Gravity anomaly in the Sukhumi region
.isouseed. Reference made to the catalogue of gravimetric points in USSR
Vol. 1, 1944.
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36. Gorshkov, P.: Gravimetricheskaya s"yemka of zapadnoy granitsy SSSR
do Vladivostoka:
Gravimetric survey from the Western boundary of the USSR to Vladivostok.
Izv. Vs. Geograf. Ob. Vol. 53, 1931, PP- 379-1401.
DLC M P 66-c P-103
An outline of the problem. Gravity profiles: Leningrad-Vladivostok
and Sverdlovsk-Omsk. 12 gravity measures for the latter.
Gorehkov, P. M.: Geofizika Zapadnoy Sibiri po gravimetricheskim danrym
Akademi Nauk SSSR:
Geophysics of Western Siberia on the basis of gravimetric data of Academy
of Sciences.
Trudy pervogo vsesoyusnogo geogra.ficheskogo a"yezda. Vyp. 3, 1934. pp.
DLC G56 V8 M B 1140-3 P-371
Govorova: Opyt kratkovremennogo opredeleniya oily tyazhasti:
Experience of determination of the force of gravity in a short interval
of time.
TaNIIGAIK, Sbornik No. 7, 19111.
Gromov, S. V.: Ob odnom metode Regulyarizatsii Zemlii:
On a method of regularization of the Earth.
Trudy Astr. Obs. Leningrad Univ., Vol. 16, 1952, pp. 194-276
oQ.J?o 014 . L56k
Inversion method of Rudzki considered and developed. Tables and
application to 86 gravimetric positions in USSR for which are given:
coordinates, altitudes,,Ig by method of inversion,..d~,g ( free air) by
Eelmert's formula,A g by International formula.
140. Gromov, S. V.: Inversiya i Ukloneniye Otvesa:
Inversion and Deflection of the Vertical.
Trudy Astr. Obs. Leningrad Univ. Vol. 16, 1952, pp. 277-322
O'U.PO QB14.L5614
Application of theory developed in proceeding article.
~i 0~1 1
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Page G 9
41. Grushinskiy, N.P.: 0 Temperaturnom Dinamicheskom Effekte v Gravimetriii
On the Temperature Dynamical Effect in Gravimetry.
Tr.idy TsNIIGA i K, Vyp. 51, 194g, pp. 117-134
DLC q,B215.M64 P-78
Theory and experiments with gravimeters not supplied with a thermostat.
42. Grushinskiy, N.P.: Ob Ispol'zovanii Gravimetrov dly Opredelei-iya
Punktov I i II Klassovs
On the use of gravimeters for the determination of points of I and II
Sbornik NT I PS, Vyp. 23, 1949, pp. 16-21
DLC Q,B301.R8 P-11
I order m.e. less then 1 m1g. II order less then 2 mig. Gravimeters of
Molodenskiy and Norgaard used. For Kiyev Observatory g = 981.072.3 ? 0.78.
;.g Moscow Airport - Goo. Astr. Inst. Shteynb. -28.1.+ 0.20 mlg.
Poltava - Observatory + 1.1 0.16
Kiyev - Observatory + 3.9 + 0.18
First order points at presents Pulkovo, Moscow, Kazan', Poltava, Tbilisi
43. Gubkin, A.M.: Vtoraya neftyanaya baza soyuza i Uralo-Embenskiy
Neftenosnyy Rayon:
Second oil base of the union and Emba oil region.
Sots. Rekonstr. i Nauka, Vyp. 2, 1936, pp. 31
DLC T11. S7 MF 105 P-156
Gravimetric maps of (a) Makat (47040' N; 520 55' E)
(b) Baychinas (47?14' N; 52?55' E)
Contour intervals: 2 mig.
44. Gubkin, I.M.: Nevaya. neftyanaya baza SSSR na vostoke:
A New Oil Base of USSR in the East
Goo. N. Tekh. Gorno..Ceol. Neft. Izd., 1934
DLC TN874 R9 V6
4 maps at end of book: 80,81,82,83. Maps photost. MF 125-U P-357
45. Gubkin, I.t Doklad o Kurskikh magnitykh anomaliyakh.
Report on Kursk magnetic anomalies
Gornyy Zhurnal, God XCVIII. No. 10-12, pp. 453-454
Izd. Glav. Upr. Gorn. Prom. V.S.N.Kh., 1922
DLC TN4 G8, No maps, photost. my 127-B P-376
f- T
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1. Idel'son, N. t Uber die Bestimmung der Figur der Erds Aus Schwerkraft-
On the determination of the shape of the earth from gravity measures.
Baltic Geodetic Commission, 7th meeting, Comptes Rendus, Pt. 2, pp. 9-23.
Text in German. Same in Russian Trudy Baltic Geod. 8omiss.Vyp. 1, pp. 21-32
DLC Slavic Uncl. P-414
A general survey of the problem with a special attention to Russian
2. Idel'son, N. and Malkin, N.s 0 Vyvode Formuly Stoksa Isla Rasstoyaniya
Mezhdu Geoidom i Ellipsoidoms
On the Derivation of Stokes' Formulae for the distance between Geoid
and Ellipsoid.
Byull. Astr. Inst., No. 26, 1931. pp. 68-70
French Text.
OU.PO Q1)4.L56
Derivation of Stokes' Formula for, g without the introduction of
spherical harmonics.
3. Ivanov, V. K.: Ob Opredelennii Germonicheskikh Momentov Vozmnshchayushchikh
Mass po Proizvodnoy Grevitatsionnogo Potentsiala, Zadannoy na Ploskosti:
On the determination of harmonic moments of perturbing masses from the
derivation of the gravity potential given in a plane.
Isv. Akademii Nauk SSSR
Ser. Geograf. i Geofiz.
Tom 14, 1950 pp. 403-415
DLC A262.A6246 M F 106-C Not reproduced
4. Izotov, A. A.: Razvitiye Geodezicheskoy Nauki Za Gody Sovetskoy Vlasti:
Development of Geodetic Science in the years of Sovet Power.
Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 21, 1948, pp. 19-35.
DLC QB301.Rg P-9
Considerable portion of this review has a bearing on gravimetry,
Izotov, A. A.: Forma i razmeny zemli po sovremennym dannym:
Shape and dimensions of the earth according to modern data.
Trudy TsNIIGAiK, Vyp. 73, 1050, ,gyp. 20k R-75
6. Izotov, A. A.t Opredeleniye razmerov.zemli cdlya geodezicheskikh rabot SSSR:
Determination of the dimensions of the earth for geodetic work in the USSR.
Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 20, 1948, pp. 3-46
DLC M F 19-D P-205
Application of gravity
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1. Katalog Spravochnik.laboratornykh priborov i oborudovaniya:
Reference catalogue of laboratory instruments and equipment.
Vyp. 36, 1948
DLC my 1011-E Not reproduced
Detailed description of (a) Universal pendulum apparatus; (b) gravity
No. 5-20; (c) Molodenskiy's gravimeter GKM - NIIPG-5
2. Kazanskiy, I.A.: Anomalii Sily Tyazhesti v Moskovskom Rayons:
Anomalies of the Force of Gravity in the Moscow Region.
Russ. Astr. Zhurnal, Vol. 2,1925, Vyp. 4, PP- 36-56.
OU.PO QBl.A756
Abstract in German
Gravity measures for 8 points.
Kasanskiy,I.A.: Soobrazheniya ob Ustanovienii Osrednennogo Znacheniya
Absolyutnoy Sily Tyazhesti dly Mirovoy Gravimetricheskoy S
Determiration of the figure of the ,eoid of the non-regularized earth.
Astr. Zhurn., Vol. 10, 1933, pp. .21-1429.
Abstract in English.
OU.PO Q31.A756 R-99
Derivation of formulae in case the. inner or extraneous masses over
theadopted geoid are not removed.
33. Molodenskiy, M; S. : 06novnyye Toprosy, Svyazannyye.BVypolneniy(m
Astronome-Craavimetricheekogo 21ivelirovaniya na bollshoy Territoril:
Fundamental Problems connF?cted with the organization of astronoiic-
gravimetric leveling in a large territory.
Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 4, i9U , pp. 3-s 1.
DLC QB30l. RS R-1.
34. Molodenskiy, tf. S. Rat)oty -Po GravimetricYieskorsn Inat,rtunentostl oyeniyu:
Work on construction of gravimentric instruments.
Geodezist, Vol. 15, 191+c, pp. 21-22 No. 5.
DLC QB296.FE13 M F 6c-0 P-102
35. Molodenskiy, M. S.: 0 Reduksii Sily Tyazhecti k Urovrl;u Morya d y
Neregulyanizovannoy Zeml.i:
On the Reduction of the Force of Gravity to Sea-Level for the nrn-
regularized Earth.
Trudy TsNIIGAi$, Vyp. 13, 1936, PP. 73-81
DLC 0275.m64 M F 74-E P-123
Abstract in English
Theoretical discus,.-,ion of the problem.
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Page M S
36. Molodenskiy, M. S.: Eestimmrng der Gestalt das Geoida enter gemainsarser
Anwendung Astronomischgeod0tischer Lotabweichengen and Sehwereetcru en:
Determination of the shape of geoid with simultaneous applicati.)n of
sstronortic-geodetic deflection of the vertical and gravity devi.:tions.
Baltic Geodetic Commission, Comptes Rendus, 9th meeting, pp. 20 -223,
German text.
Tor this problem astronomical points should be 7C-100 Ian. dista. t from
each other on plains, 10-20 km. In mo_.ntainous regions.
Molodensky, M. S. and F'edynskiy, V. V. : Tridsat' Let Sovetskiy
Gravimetrii (1917-1!;47):
Thirty years of Soviet gravimetry (1917-19)47).
Izv. Ak. N., Ser. Geotr. S Geofiz., Vol. 9. 1947, pp. 395-409
DLC AS262.A6246 P32
A detailed review of the status of avimetry, field work, theoretical
investigations and instruurentation.
Molodenskiy, M. S.: Cpredeler.iye Fi;;-ury Geoida pri sovmestnom ifpol'zovr1.nf3
astronomo-geodiziches):ikh ukloneniy otvesa I karty anomaliy si13~ tyazhEsti:
Determination of the Figure of the Geoid by means of astronomic-geodetic
deflections of the vertical and of a map of gaa.ity anomalies.
Trudy TsNIIGAIK, V~ . 17, 1937, pp. 9-32.
NNk 704; DLC 275.M6l+ m -P 86-Ei P-150
Abstract in English
39. Molodenskiy, M. S. and Lozinrkaya, A. M.: Astronomo-gravimetrich'-.skoye
neviliroveniye po 51-y i -.5 parar Ilel a
yam of 30-go 00 56-go mer
_ miana
TsNIIGAIX, Sbornik Lo. 3, l9 9, pp. 26-)45. Astronomic*;'3a-vimetric leveling along
the 51-st and 5'-th parallel from 3C-th to 56-th meridian.
40. Molodenskiy, M. S.: Vnf a neye gravita.teionnoye pole I figura fizz chesknv
poverknosti zemli:
External gravity field and the figure of the physical surface of the
Izveotiya Akademii 1Cauk SSSR, Ser.-Geogr. I Geofiz., Vol. 13, No. -~, 1949.
pp. 193-21
DLC AS262 A6246 M :r 135-F P-'93
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41. Molodenskiy, M. S. Gravimetriya:
Article in Bol. Sov. F,ntsiklopediya, Vol. 12, 1952, Pn.374-378
OU AE55-B7
An excellent exposition of the status of gravimetry in the USSR
42. Molodenskiy, M. S.: Osnovnyye Voprosy Geodezicheskoy C-ravimetril:
Basic problems of geodetic gravimetry.
Trudy TeNIIGAiK, Vyp. 42, 191.5, pp. 107 R-49
Detailed exposition of application of gravity data to geodetic
Two maps of influence of zones 300-1000 km. for the derivatior
of the deflection of the vertical, extending to longitude 92?E.
One map of the elevation of the geoid over the Krasovskiy ellips}id
covering the same area.
43. Molodenskiy, M. : Zur Aufgabe der Berucksichtgung der Mitschwingens
des Stative bei Gegeneinanderschwingen sweier Pendell
On the problem of for the oscillation of supuort with 'wo
oppositely swinging pendulums.
Baltic Geodetic Cpwmissicn, 7th meeting, Comptes Rendus, pt. 2,
pp. 307-31g, 1935.
German text.
Theoretical investigation of the problem.
44. Monin, I. F.t K Voprosu Iesleciovaniya Figury Geoida Gravimetricheskim
On the problem of Investigation of the Figure of the Geoid by
Gravimetric Method.
Izv. Ak. N. SSSR, Ser. Geofiz ch., l452, No. 2, pp-38-45j
M P 190-A P-493
Study of N. K. Migal's formula. AMS translation available.
45. Mudretsova, E. A.t Izostaziya I yeye roll v deformatsiyakh Zemnoy Kory:
Isostasy and its role in the deformation of the terrestrial crust
Trudy Soveshchaniya po Metooa Izucheniya Dviaheniy i Deformatsiy
Zemnoy Kory, Geoisdat. 1948, pp, g0-n0 R-52
Gravity anomaly map of central Asia, 36?551 - 42?42'N; 03?l0'-714?r5'E
based on 167 gravity points reduced isoatatically.
Gravity profiles: Bogorak-Sary,amysh (37037,i c; 69?50'1C 4104E+h'; 7-~:? 74' )
Kurgovad-And:zhan (39?25'3; 71?05'2 -40?145'N;7`?22'g)
Surkhan-Chaailag (37044$N; 670311E -40?57'N; 7('?45'E)
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46. Mushketov, D. I. and Nikiforrv, P. i Gravimetric and Seismic
Expedition to Central Asia.
Article in English.
Trudy Says. Inst. No. 1, 193C pp. 499-502
DLC gg531.d1.5 M F 55-H Not reproduced.
Gravity at 16 points in Fergana.Vallpy determined in 192g.
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1. Nechiporenko, P. K.: Do Fitannya Pro Geologichne Tlume.chennya
Gravitatsionnykh Anomalies
Geologic Interpretation* of Gravitational Anomalies.
Analy Astronomichnoy Observatorii, Kiev. Vol. 6, pt. 2, pp. 147-.:67, 1936;
Ukrainian text, abstract in Russian and English.
OU.PO gB4.K45
Article of a generhi nature on the recessity of isostatic compen--ation
based on detailed discussion of Crimea, Caucasus and Ukraine.
2. Nechiporenko, P. K.t Vyznachennya Zburen' Drugikh Pokhidnykh Potintsiale,
Evaluation of Perturbations of second derivatives of the potential of
Analy Astronomichnoy Observatorii, Kiev., Vol. 6, pt. 2, P. 115-1 6, 1936.
Ukrainian text, abstract in Russian and English.
oU.PO gB4.K45
Evaluation of topographic infJ.nence 'on the force of gravity. Use of
Leontovskiy's device for calculation.
Nechiporenko, P. K.: Gravitatsionnaya karta Ukr?.iny:
Gravity map of Ukraine.
Problemy Sovetskoy Geologii, Tom 5, No. 11, 1935, pp. 1035-1043.
DLC QE1.P7 M .1' 9S-H P-170
Based on 450 gravity anomalies. Two maps of isogams ( free-air aid
Bouger), contour interval 10 mtg. Local anomaly at Dovzhik (near
Chernigov) + 1C4 mlg.
4. Nepomnyashchikh, A. A,s Logarifmicheekiye Gravitatsionrye Paletki
Logarithmic Gravitatsional Nomograms.
Izv. Ak. Y. SSSR, Ser. Geofiz. 19r,2, No. 1, pp 40-46
DLC Slavic Unclass. M !" 161 _K P-395
Neklyudova, N. F.s Ob odnom methoe operdelenlya figury Zemli:
On a method of determination of the shape of the Earth.
Byull. Inst. Teor. Astron., Vol. 4, 1c5cO, No. S. (61),
Oa.Po 04.L56 pp. 409-4l,".
Theoretical discussion of formulae of Stokes and of Molodenskiy.
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6.All Nikiforov, P. M.: Problems izostazii:
Problems of isostasy.
Dokiady Sov. Deleg. VLL Konf. Baytiyskoy Geodz. Iromisaii, Vyp. 7 1934.
pp. 53-59
DLC M F 65-0 Not reproduced.
General consideration of the problem.
7. Nikoforov. P. s L'anomalie de la grs.vite dane la region de Kurekx
Gravity anomalies in the region of lurek.
Izv. Fiziko-Mat. Inst. Ross.
Akademii Nauk, tom I. 1,1922
DLC Slavic Uncl. pp. 1-57 M F 16S-D P-305
8. Nikitin, M. P.: Opredeleniye Sily Tya.zhesti v Voetochnoy Sibiri v
1915 godu:
Determination of the force of gravity in Eastern Siberia in 1915.
Zap. V. T. 0. Vol. 73, pt. II, pp. 103-118
DLC QB296.R8 M F 5E-A P-71
Gravity at 12 points based on Irkutsk.
9. Numerov, B. V. : Reduktsiya Plablyudeniy Gravitatsionogo Va.riometrf 'Q
Correction of the observations with a gravitational variometer for
Byull. Astr. Inst. ;+o. 17, 1'27, pp. 193-210
Abstract in English.
Ou.PO QBk.L56 R-92
Treatment of observations made with a torsion-balance vairiometer.
Extensive tables. 2 diagrams.
10. Numerov. B. : Issledovanie. Temperaturrogo i Dinanicheskogo Koeffitaientov
Pribora Shtyukratta:
Investigation of thermal ,.nc'_ d,ynanical coefficients of Stuchrath' a~ -naratu
Byu.1l. Astr. Inst., No. 6, 1925 Pp. 3E-11-0.
Abstract in French.
ou.Po Q$.L56
Investigation of Stuckrath's pendulw used for gravimetric work
8 t, I ET
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page r. 3
11. Numerov, B.:
On the problem of the Determination of the Geoid on the Basis of
Gravity Observation,
Doklady Ak. N. SSSR, Vol. 6, 1935, No. 1, pp. 21-25
Development of a method for calculation of the derivatives of the
force of gravity with respect to height. Reduction to a height o
500 meters.
Article in English
OU. As262.P1t94
12. Numerov, B. V.: K Voprosu of opredelenii geoida na osnovanii
gravitatsionnykh nablyudeniy:
On the problem of determination of the geoid on the basis of
gravimetric observations.
Doklady Ak. N. SSSR, Vol. 6, 1935, PP. 1722.
oU. As262.P491
Abstract in English
Discussion of various methods of reduction.
13. Numerov, B. V.: Grundsatse der Methodik der Bestimmung des Geoids
auf Grund Gravimetrischer and Astronoa+*sch-geodatischer Bedbach-
Foundations of methods for the determination of the figure of the
geoid from gravimetric and astronomic-geodetic observations.
Doklady Ak. N. SSSR, Vol. 12, 1936. pp. 269-270
OU. A$262.P494
In German
General consideration of the problem.
14. Numerov, B. V.: Resultaty Gravitatsionnykh labl'yuden4y v
Groznenekom Rayons v 1928 godu:
Results of gravimetric observations in the Region of Grosny in 1128.
Byull. Astr. Inst., No. 23. 1929, pp. 21-23.
Abstract in German
OU. PO Q$1-.L56
Report on large program of gravimetric observations in the region of
North Caucasus. Actual data rnzblished elsewhere, (see No. 33). 3mal1
scale map of anomalies.
15. Numerov, B. : Uchet Vliyaniya Topograficheskikh Mass Na Nabliude-iya
$ Gravitatsionnym Variometroan:
Calculation of the Effect of Toppgravhic Masses on the Observations
with a Gravitational Variometer.
Byuil. Astr. Inst., No. 26. 1931, pp. 60-67
Abstract in English
tables for calculation of the effect of the outside gravitational
masses for work with a torsion balance.
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Pa, ,e ) 4
16, Nuinerov, B. T.: Gravitatsionxyy Varimetr a Tremya Rychagamit
Gravitation Torsion Balance with three arms.
Byu11. Astr. lust, No. 30, pp. 103-107, 1931.
Abstract in English
OU.PO 04.L56
A new variometer developed by Numerov and constructed b1t the
Bamberg Firm in Germany. Two half-tones showing the instruments.
17. Numerov, B. : Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti na Belom 1921 gods:
Determination of the force of gravity on the White Sea in 1921.
Byull. Astr. Inst., No. 5, 1924, pp. 25-26
Abstract in French
OU.PO q B4-L56 'R-92
Gravity on island, Bhabarka (64036'N; 4o'43'z) and Sosnovets
(660291x; 4oo44'!).
19. Numerov, B. : Obshchaya Sharakteristika Gravitatsionnogo Metoda Razvedki
po Babotant b. Geologicheskogo gomiteta 19255-2L 6.:
General description of Gravitational Methods of Survey based on the
work of the former Geological Committee in 1925-192g.
Trudy Glavnogo Geologo kazv. Upr., Vyp. 36, 1931 pp. 3-8
DLC q 276.A163 Also NltL 701
85 pendulum measures ant 4. 543 variometer measures were made.
Several articles on gravimetric methods and practice follow thin. general
survey (see N25-135; A15 and S15).
19. Nurnerov, B.: Normal'noye Deystviye Zemnogo Xllipsoida Na Proiav,dnys
of Potentsiala Sily Tyazhesti:
Normal Rffect of Earth ellipsoid on the Derivatives of the Potektial
of the Force of Gravity.
Byull. Astron. Inst., No. 26, 1931, pp. 59-60
Abstract in English.
OU.PO Q #4.L56, No. 21.40
Short Theoretical note on the calculation of the intensity of gravity
as a function of latitude.
20. Numerov, V.: Interpretatsym Gravitatsionnykh Nablyudeniy:
Interpretation of 'graviinetrio observations.
Byull. Astr. Inst., go.: 15, 1.927. pp. 165-167.
OU.PO Q,B4.L56 R-92
Three methods for the reduction of the observed force of gravity are
discussed. Two diagrams in the text.
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P, 1Te N 5
21. Nuxnerov, B. : Vychisleniy e ilkloneniya Otvesa i Vtorykh Proizvodn.-kh
of Potentsiala p0 :Nabiyudeniy:am Sily? Tyazhesti:
Calculation, of the Deviation of Plumb-Line and of Secon* Derivat ves
of the Potential from observation of the force of Gravity.
Byull. Astr. Inst. No. 34, 1933, pp.195-212.
Abstract in "anglish,
OU.PO C 14--L56
Derivation of the for aulae a.r.d an example of calculation. The d >rivative=
may be calculated by using a ,gravity map with isogra::ns or from tho ob-
servations with a tors ion-'balance.
22. Nurnerov, B. V.: Gr'tficheskiy Metod Ucheta Topografichealcoy Popra'ki I
Vliyaniya Podzemnylch Mass na Gravitatsionnyye Nablyudeniya:
Graphic Method of calculation of the topographic correction and he
influence of subetrraneous masses on gravimetric observations.
Astro. Zhurn., Vol. 2, No. 32-36, 1925.
Abstract in German.
OQ.?O QB1.A756
Corrections to gravimetric observations with torsion balance are
evaluated graphically.
23. Numerov, B. V. and ghrarnov, P. N.: Ob Opredelenii Fi?ury Geolda la
Osnovanii Nablyu.deniy Sily T;razhesty:
On Determination of the Figure of the Geoid on the basis of observation
of the Force of Gravity.
Byull. Astr. Inst., No. 4c, 1936, p . 385-.397.
Abstract in German.
OU.PO Of.L56
Development of the potential of the force of gravity by means of
spherical harmonics inclsdin4; the terms of fourth order.
21+. luierov, B. V. and I rarov, : Uber die Bestinmrung der Figur des
Geoids $chwere-Nessunk:en:
On the determination of the figure of the geoid on the basis of gravity
Doklady Ak. N. SSSR, Vol. 12. 1936, ply. 265-265
OU. As262.P491+
In German.
Development of expression for force of gravity as a function of :_ E;
In this article is giver.: 12-.) gravi:=tetric treasures in ten Ukrai: e by
Polkava. Observatory 1926-1930; 17 made in 1926-27 by Voyenno-To;,o o-
Upr. and 3 made by Astrcinomicheskiy Institut. Also gravie:etric crap of the
Ukraine 46?-52? N; 27?-39? 1. Iso-anomalies each 25 mi11iLals.
Appr 8lFa I re "f99&-0 6 WI4F *ft.~bb202A000100060001-0
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Pause 0 2
6. Orlov, A.Ya.: Opreeieleniye sily tya%hesti v Gorr_on Altaye v 191=.
i 1917 ggi
Determination of the force of gravity in Mountain Altay in 1916 ~:nd
Izv. Vs. Tresta Osn. Geodez. S Gravirn. Rabot
Vyp? 1, 1936, PP. 7-1s
7, Orlov, A.Ya.: Uskoreniye sily tyazhhesti Poltavy, Glavnoy Palaty M er
i Vesov i Chernigova:
Accelleration of the force of gravity in Poltava, Mahe Office of
Weights and Measures and in Chernigov.
Izv. Vs. Tresta Osn. Geocez. I Gr+v. Rabot
Vyp? 1. 1936, pp. 39-40,
8. Orlov, A.Ta.: Opredeleniye :ily Tya.zhesti v Zapectnoy Sibiri.:
Determination of the force of gravity in Western Sibiria.
Trudy Astr. Obs. Novoross. Uriv. No. 1, 1414
0U.P0 QQ4.024
Gravity at nine points deternined in 1912.
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P iC e P 1
1. Par.enago, P. P.: Istoriya Gosuciarstvennogo Astrononichesko;;o
Instituta im. Shte.rnberga: 1931-19'9:
History of the Shternberg State Astronomical Institute 1931-193).
Uch. Zap. Moskovsk. Goo. Univer., Vyp. 59, 1940, pp. 1391-163-
DLO g6o.M86s
History of gravimetric wore is given on pp. 1443--144. During th9
years 1933-37 Sorokin made f{ubmaiine measures of gravity; 120 paints
in the Black Sea, and 169 points in the Okhotsk and Japan Sea.
Detailed study of the loacow gravi,,y anomaly was carried out.
2. Pariyskiy, N. F.: Acceleration de la pesanteur clans le point
gravimetrique principal de Transcaucasie a Tbiliasi:
Acceleration of gravity at the principal ,Tavimetr:ic point of
Transcaucasia at Thiliei.
Doklady Ak. N. SSSR, Vol. 4(:, 19445, pp. 2E--30
OU AS262.P1t1)4
Article in French.
Determinations 1903-1936 di f'cussed. Place: seismological station of
the Georgian Ak. Sc., Plekhznov Avcnte 41o4:31GS'INd., 1~1to4~7~ t ~ .+
h.400.7 met. Adopted value g. 990.1771 # 1.0 mig.
3. Pariyskiy, N. N. : Teoriya cinanicheskogo temperatur] o o koefit:3aenta
Theory of dynamic temperature coefficient of pendulum.
Geodezist, Vol. 1, 193;, .'a. 11, pp. 32-47
DLC q&296.R?13
Comparison of theory with lr;boratory results obtained by Bulansze
and others.
Pariyskiy, I . t. : Uskoreni a Tyazhesti v osnovnykh Punkte thh
Pulkove, Moskve, Poltave i I:Uzani:
Acceleration of the Force of Gravity in basic points of the Uxdan:
Pulkovo, Moscow, Poltava rni' Kazan.
Izv. Vs. Tresta Osn. Geodez. i Grav. Rabot, Vyp. 1, 1935
Detailed reduction of gravity determinations at the four stations
to the Potsdam system.
5. Pariyskiy, N. N. and Kazans1iy, I. A.: Cpredeleniye Fi1y tyazhe,ti
v punktakh ro razezu P. K. Shternbcrga v oblasti Moskovskoy grevitateionny
Determinations of the force of gravity at 6 points in the Sterroerg
section in the region of Moscow gravitational anomaly.
Astro. Zhurn. Vol. 9, 1932, pp. 236-263
OU PO.gBl.A756
Abstract in German. Detailed disc&zsion of the problem. Beside the
new six points other determinations of 17 points are given and liscussed.
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6. Pariyskiy, N. N.: Uskoreniye Sily Tyazhesti v Tbilisi:
Acceleration of Force of Gr=,vity in Tbilisi:
Tr&d.y Geofiz. Inst. A.N. No. 7 (134), 1940, PP. 93
DLC P'. F 74-G P-122
Detailed investigation of 10 dete -iinatioas 1903-P1936 incluclinf
connection with Moscow male by Abakelia. (1936) and Teyer:erly (1137).
Final results for Tbilisi q i0. 177.7 t 0.9 mtg. ( See P2)
7. Pariyskiy, N. N. and Sorokir, 1. V.t Opredeleniye Sily Tyazhesti
v Rayons Moskovskoy Grs vi tatsiornoy Anomali v 1926 e,.:
Determination of tr:e force of gravity in the region of Moscow
gravity anomaly in 1926.
Izv. Assoc. N. L. Inst, pri Fiz. Mat. Fak. MGU, Tom j, 1930.
Vyp. 1-2g, pp. 3-3` .
DLC c e.MS695 NN. F 143-D Not reproduced
Detailed determination of evity in 6 points.
9. Pariyskiy, N, Y.: Graivimetr:~Iya v Sovetskom Soyuze za 20 let:
Gravimetry in the Soviet Union in the last 20 years.
Mirovedeniye, Vol. 26, 1931,pp. 3 3-3147.
DLC QB1.p933 r. F x.06-T P-193
Pari.yskiy, N. N.: 0 vliyani' mikroseysm na opredeleniye sily tyazhesti
metodom kacha.niya mayatnikovt
On the influence of microse:isms on the determination of-the force of
gravity by oscillation of pendulum.
Trudy Geofiz. Inst. Ak. Y. '-o. 12, (1 9), 1950, pp. 3-21
DLC tt F 124--J P-367
Theoretical treatment. Posti;ible influence 0.3 mlg.
10. Permyakov, I. G.: Usloviya zalena.niya nefti i dal'nee,-sheye napravleniye
razvedki v Embers ,1-om rp-: ene:
Conditions of oil deposits in Emba region.
Neftyaniye Khozyaystvo, No. 14, 193 pp. 26-30
DLC TNS60 N1+65, Map 103. 1! F 165-F P-401
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11. Poletayev, S.: K Voprosu int-rnretatsii Grr:.vitatsionnykh Nablyuteniy:
On the Problem of interpretarion of gravity observetione.
Byull. Astr. Inst., No. 31+, }933. pp. 212-218
Q4 .L56, OU.PO
Procedure for calculation of anomalous gradients of gr-vity in cases
when the perturbing mass has the shape of a layer.
12. Poletayev, S. P.: Kupo1. Shubar-Kuduk:
Dome Shubar-Kuduk
Trudy Neft. Geol. Razv. Inst., Ser. B , Vy-c. 440 193+.
DLC Txe6o.I.37 MF 110-f P-339
Anomaly map 1+9015'-1+902011, 560451- 70E. Contour interval 1 mlj.
13. Poletayev, S. P.: Graviiretricheskiye nablyudeniya v Berekoyskom
neftenosnom rayone v 1927 1 1928 g :
Gravimetric observations in P_erekoy oil region 1927-1928
Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, Vol. 1=, No. 10, 1930, gip. 33x-391
DLC TNS6o v465, pp. 3S5-.")" l .Maps 110,111. M F 165--Q P-1104.
14. Poletayev, S. P. : Gr:tvitatsionnaya razvedka v Turkmenistane:
Grd,vity reconnaissance in Turkmenietan.
Neftyanoye Khozyastvo, 1,70- 2, 1935- Pp. 32-37.
DLC TNS6o.N1+65 M F 109-0 P-334
15. Poletayev, S. P.: Razvedka s gra.vitatsionn;m variometrom v Fergciiskoy.cioline
Reconnaisance with a gravity varlometer in Fergana. Valley. (In _931-33'
Neftyanoye Khozyastvo, No. 7, 1934. pp. 37-42
DLC TN860.N465 M F 109-R P-336 and P-400
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purye p I .
16. Popov, N. A.: Gravimetricheskaya svjaz' Poltava-Lvov:
Gravimetric connection Polta-ra-L'vov.
Trudy Poltavek. Gravin., Obs. Vol. 2, 194. pp. 54-105
Perkins Observator,t.
g for astronomical observatory 950.