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Document Release Date: 
September 9, 2003
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Publication Date: 
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78T05439A000500130021-3.pdf309.24 KB
Approved For Release 2003/12/09: CIA-RDP78T0YI4L3E 0500130021-3 Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000500130021-3 Approved For Release 2p03%fi2/09 : CTA~14A A'Q~~'5~~'f 30Q 25X1 -t?'i.i a rJi~7.~n:~ i'r~ %~~nr-,-L3AT sit s HF COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY KUROVSKOYE, USSR DECLASS REVIEW by NIMA/DOD CIA 25X1 3;:,-:mow:;, rr~3~iva~:Pr~3C *. =Ra ET. T L~`-: ' _ wwr~o.~~r+Yw+r'.Lawr Approved For Release 2003/12/09: CIA-RDP78T05439A000500130021-3 TOP SECRET 25X 25X1 HF COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY, KUROVSKOYE, USSR A large highs-frequency (HF) communica [ions facility is situated about 8 nautical miles east of Kurovskoye at 55- 35N 39- 11 E (Figure 1), and consists of 43 rhombic antennas, 2 con- trol buildings with a third under construction, a probable power station, and a support area con- taining about 17 buildings (Figures 2 and 3). The entire facility is probably fence enclosed but the exact lines are indistinct.. The northwest portion of the facility appears to be undergoing expan- sion, with 14 antennas and the third control build- ing under construction. Identification and orientation of the rhombic antennas, as given in Table 1, were accomplished by means of the characteristic diamond shape of the clearings and by the positions of guy-anchor bases, the small scale of the photography pre- cluding identification of individual' antenna masts; For this reason, the given azimuths and antenna dimensions are only approximate and are not considered accurate enough for ex- tended detailed study. Also, the possible corre- spondents, as listed, are simply the result of ex- tending great-circle arcs along the approximate azimuths and noting which locations they went through or near. 25X 25X1' TOP SECRET Approved For Release P 2/8t;(fD 78T0543 A000500130021-3 25X1 25X1 25X1 D FIGURE 2. HP' COMMUNICATIONS. FACILITY, KUROVSKOYE. t TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000500130021-3 TOP SECRET II 25X1 25X1 Road Power line Rhombic antenna Numbers are keyed'to Table 1 (Drawn from unrectified photography) CONTROL BUILDING FIGURE 3. LAYl UT OF HF COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY, KUROVSKOYE. -3- -TOP SECRET CONTROL BUILDING O 25X1 25X1. Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-R 000500130021-3 TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 D .-\Htenna \v,u bc?r Pu-- i hl,- Curr,?-pundont t nd,?t,-rn inc?d t-ndc-tonmined l nd,?tc'rnnn,?d l ntlet,?rnnin,?,1 l nd,?t,?rti in,?,l It i_:c L,?nin_r.ul L,?n-in_rud \?ril-k I-ndrr,?r::in,?d t ndotc?rr.i tied I ndc?t,?rn,inc?d I nd,?lrri inod h:, cc_n nd :, lfa 13:,1kluc-h. Or-k. \ta )r-k. \O:Ia-\ta krkhani_c?I - k t nd.?ic?r;:Iinc? i \I,?zc?n Or-k. \In ,a- \ta \nt,?nna ur:Ibcr l_' Major \\i- (ft, uppn)~) 73 t;GO I-I ' 9I., l:, 1;99- \linur \v- (ft. appru\) REEERE\('ES t-- _-Air Tarot Chart. -uric-- '00. .h(- t U119 -]11L. 1c1 ,?d. Ao% t;?. -(ale 1:200,00(o (SE( 1IET)- Major :\i- (ft, apprc, ) Minor \\i- (ft, appro\) 25X1 D Po--i 1, 1,? . Corry-pond(nt Or-k. Alma-Ata Kuchc-h,?c Ore-nhurg t'ndc?tcrinined Ki\o\ lock.--a I' ndt?t,?rmint-d I-cidotormineel Tuc-hkc-nt Ta-hkc-nt N oc o-Kazal in-k t-ndetermltied Tadzhik t_R Tadzhik ssR I'niletrrmined Saruto( \-trutkitan \ olgoUrad Lco~ Indotc?rminc?d Brest 25X1 D 25-X1 25X1D:?I 25X.1 _ TOP SECRET