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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400300033-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400300033-2 This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meo-ng of the sspipnage lows J. S. Cods Title 18, Sections 793 and 794. The law prohibits its transmission or ttie rtvtlotion of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person, as well as its use in any manner pttiudic al to the safety or interest of the United States ?o' for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States. It is to be seen only by personnel especially indoctrinated and authorized to acute TALENT.K!YHOLE information. Its security must be maintained in accordance with KEYHOLE and TALENT regulations. Approved For Release 200p 1621 I,ft Fk76' 5439A000400300033-2 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only PINSK MRBM COMPLEX, USSR FIXED FIELD SITE Launch Area No '2 (TDI name: \lotol \1R13V Launch Site) -- T\pe I 52-12-45N 25-44-45E Pink Fixed Field \IRR\I Site (11)I nanit Lychko%ts% Fixed Field Pu_>ition) 52-15-00\ 25-21-45E Sochc ka/ TOP SECRET RUFF. r IXED FIELD SITE . TCS- 10585/64 NPIC/R-5054/64 LAUNCH AREA NO 1 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System'Only . Approved For Releasg(N?09@42kE?IAZWIF78T05439A000400300033-2 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only with the four padlike clearings being distinct - and appearing complete; a tent camp had been established and several buildings/tents erected. 25X1D This report supplements NPIC/R-.99/64, 1/ which discusses the Pinsk MRBM Complex, which previously consisted of . two Type I MRBM launch areas. The Pinsk Fixed Field MRBM Site (Figure_1) is located in a heavily wooded area at an approx- imate elevation of 230 feet, 2.0-nautical miles (nm) north of Lychkovtsy in. the Belorussian SSR. Pinsk MRBM Launch Area No I is 12..E nm to the southeast and Launch Area No -2 is 14.2 nm to the east-southeast. The rail yard at Ivanovo, 10 nm to the southeast, is the prob- able rail-to-road transfer point for Launch Areas No 1 and 2 and for the field site. It con- tains 15 tracks, a roundhouse, and shops. The field site is connected to the remainder of the MRBM complex, and to the rail yard, by primary and secondary, probably all-weather roads. The fixed field site can be negated in early which time. the basic road network and the four padlike clearings were present but in a rough form. The Pinsk complex had been long es- tablished at this time Launch Area No l being 25X1 D completed in and Launch Area No 2 25X1 D - 25X1 D. 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D being completed in One small possi- ble structure or object was also present in a clearing between two of the padlike clearings at this time. When next observed, again in late - the site showed no change. - The site was again covered in and although haze and clouds precluded a detailed interpretation, it was possible to determine that the padlike clearings had been enlarged and improved and that a possible tent camp and several possible buildings had been constructed. . When next covered, in early - the site showed continued expansion, When last observed, in the site showed no expansion or im- provement and did not appear changed but haze and cloud shadows preclude a detailed interpre- tation. The site (Figure 2) is situated alongside one --of the roads of the local road network and con- sists of four padlike clearings in a west-north- west/east-southeast line 1,575 feet long. The clearings are separated into two pairs of the clearings, starting with the westernmost, are: 71CS-10585/64 The azimuth of.the 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1D 25X1 D '25X1 D 25X1 D clearings is' approximately 235 degrees, which is close to the 225-degree azimuths of Launch Areas No 1 and 2. Located to the rear of the northernmost clearing is a probable tent/build- ing 120 by 30 feet. Approximately 1,160_ feet northeast of the center of the site. is an area containing an undetermined number of tents/ tent bases. Located - in this same area are several small clearings, one containing a small possible building or- structure whose size is un- determined, and one containing four unidentified objects. Two unidentified objects are located in two small clearings between the easternmost pair of padlike clearings. Between the westernmost pair of padlike clearings is a clearing containing two unidentified objects and a small possible building or structure whose size is undeter- mined. Also, adjacent to one of these padlike clearings are two unidentified objects. No se- curity fence is evident around the site and no erectors or activity have been observed on the padlike clearings. - Handle.Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control Systeml Only . ? TOP-SECRET RUFF - Approved For Release 20'DQ7 8/2WCCIK- RCPWflE05439A000400300033-2 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control, System Only TCS-10585/64 NPIC/R-5054/64 25X1 D - - Road Unidentified objects/structures TENTS/TENT BASES PADLIKE - ~ CLEARINGS PADLIKE CLEARING 25X1 D tia~C J-3l1~ 112 /6~1 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only PADLIKE CLEARING TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release'I?Q/OStlE#a7R-IRQFMT05439A000400300033-2 Handle Via - TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TCS-10585/64 NPIC/R-5054/64 25X1 D 1. NP}('. N-9!+ ri-}, !' , ,;- Nl?B}1 L (TOP sEC'KE:T NI'PS') G\1-%lC. :iii_ 4 a TOP SECRET RUFF - Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only -0