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Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
Approved For Release 2001/08/13: CIA-RDP78TO5439AO
"1 (` v
1. VAIM E (560 24' 4r)" m 21." 5;71 30"K)
'Neo BEAGLE and about 44 FAGar or YJ E:">Cr, verc seen here in a restricted
observation. The runway it 2,250 ynr!la v.th a readiness platform at either
eni. It runs East - Wont. On tt;,p n,.~rt''. aldr is a taxyrgy with 32 hardetandinge:
There is a loop from thin taxyvv y vi tt; acr.rr further 12 Lftrdstandings, six are
smaller than the other 3B. Tt:' old -.W./0.E. runvsy on the north side of this
main taxq .y is used as a maintc-r.,snce an-a. No A.A. defences were noted here.
D . D. I.3/T23.37/6
1. T JR'iti- 'ERT?x
227n 33' 00" E
As is a grass airfield, sitlgle hanger in oouth corner, no' airr.raft.
2 . :' XRDA CTiT; :::
46032 ' oo" ri
Them! were 43 possible AEA;'T at 07502
e5050' 0o" A
23?'53'04"E approxlaately.
One Y CR2X was seen. It in a natural surface 800 x 20 yards.
A ratural aurfs-t'e arre, snit is appnr~" ntly unserviceable. There are two
du=y aircraft there.
Declass Review by NIMA/DOD
31 March 1957
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
C 304 )' 30" 9
Natural surface area 2,000 x 500 yards, and at 0746Z one CAB was in the
6. SA-117 MARE.
1h..is area is mm under cultivation.
28?37100" E
.There were no aircraft here at time of observation. There are three hangars
in the South East corner.
At 081OZ there were 4.8 unidentified single engined aircraft here, possibly
including 42 BEAST. These were In front of 6 hangars on the east side of tie
airfield. No clear landing strip seen.
9. FE.R;'TNA`-D
There is a single runway 2,500 x 80 yards N.E. - S.W. vith a parallel
taxyvsy with three hangars on the edge. The airfield lies across the
FERDI:ZAND - SYBIORIA road. The airfield barracks are to the West on the outskirts
of TERDINAND. There is a possible D/F station 50 yards to the cast of the south
end of the runway.
At 0834Z there were 4 BEAGLE on the readiness platforms at either end of-
the taxyvay. Also there were 31 FRESCO/FAGOT, 3 unidentified single engined
aircraft and 3 light aircraft.
There is a single runway :',500 yards by 260 feet N.E. - S.W. with a
parallel taxyvay readiness platfo*n at either end. An approach aid of two
sites is to the S.W. In line with the runvny. Two hangars are at the south end
of the taxyvay and a refuelling area to the north. The barracks are one mile
to the East on the outskirts of iIARATENI.
At 08182 there were 28 unidentified fighter aircraft; those have been named
as possibly PARKER (FACKl'MTE) but this is being checked.
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
The airfield has been r*constructed and there is one N.V. - S.E. runway
2,900 yards long. 28 BEADLE were here at 09~2Z.
At time of observation (O95ll) there were 20 FAG(7T, 3 possible BEAGLE, 14
BCK(being broken up), 2 unidentified single engined aircraft.
13. SWUM
At 0945; no aircraft were seen but this is not 100% certain. There is
one runway of 2,000 yards N.E.-S.W. Possible barracks are located to the North.
of the airfield and a possible D/P station in the N.E. corner of the area.
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
At 07002 there were 1.9 unidentified single engine jet aircraft in the N.E.
dispersal and 7 in the north vest. One aircraft airborne, possibly over bombing
target on North side of airfield.
19. PRA.-,0v
This is a grass airfield of two strips 1,000 and 1,300 yards. The latter
was 2,000 yards long but has reverted to agriculture. Only the 1,000 yard
strip appears in use. Nina unidentified single engined aircraft and possible
2 larger unidentified aircraft were seen at 0723z-
540 50'00"N
There is a possible D/F station 600 yards from the West end of the runway.
At 0902 there were 3 possible gliders on the airfield. r,
At 08487, there were 93 possible FAGOT, 3 unidentified single engine aircraft
and one unidentified twin engined aircraft on the north side of the airfield.-
A concrete runway app ro x i.*aate l y P,000 yards long runs East-West. The taa4lray
with 42 dispersal. points runs parallel on then rth side of the runvayl Four
hangars were noted on the North side. I
Approved For Releaser 29U?/08~ F3t' Tiet DP9`$1'~S 9~A000400050014-1
(Co-ordinates in report D.D.I.3/37/6 of 31st October were incorrect.)
At 0853Z a probable CAA
and A.W.-3.E. (1,400 yawls).
empty and unserviceable.
vas seen. The runways are N.E.-3.W. (1,200 yards)
TORUN/KATARSYhKA at 5 3002'00" N 18037100"E seemed
50048' 04" N
No aircraft were seen and the airfield appeared unserviceable. The South
East end of the runway van obstructed.
8. Unidentified Landing Ground (KOBXLCZYK)
2200'00"N) approximate
51?43'24"E )
This field is approximately 5 miles N.E. of DEBLIN/IREHA and approximately
30 miles H.W. of LUBLIN. There is a single N.W.-S.E. runway and a few small
buildings. At 0814 10 unidentified aircraft were seen. (Note: - This is
probably DIBLIN/ULEZ or PODLODOWKA, most likely the latter.-
--.._----------------------0....... ------------- --------------- ----------------- -------
31 October, 1956
(Map reference U.S. Target Complex Chart Series 100
032212-9901-100 VLONE (VALONA))
SATAN IST M (110030'N 19?17'E)
1. The harbour is protected by a mole (1,100 feet) on the North side and on the
South East and East by a headland and breakwater (2'2'00 feet). The harbour
entrance is 260 feet wide. There is hardstaandi on the shore side from which
a T-headed (15 x 90 feet) and a straight jetty project. Then!
is a small slip-way in the S.W. corner of the harbour. ere are five small
buildings in the harbour area. Once small craft &) feet along was alongside
the jetty.
2. Barracks. The barracks are situate4 at a point just vest of spot height 3,27.
3. Coastal Guns. Four gun costal battery at south end of island (occupied).
One four gun coastal. battery is under construction at north end of island.
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
4. Electronics. A possible radio or radar station is at spot height 1.091
(highest point of island) with road to northern battery and to harbour.
5. Submarine :shelters. There are five possible shelters along the West coast
of the island; two have levelled areas of rock forming small wharves.
6. Coastal Guns. There is a four gun coastal battery at the north end of the
peninsula (IMP I OJUNEZES); the guns are apparently in turrets. Four
earplacerents to the rear contain a control post and, possibly, coast watching
radar. There is no -lad access and there is a small wharf for sea supply to
the North East. In addition there are two turretted guns on emplacements at
UP I SHES SHNIT. There are other unidentified c=placements nearby.
7. Possible 3ut rine Shelters. There are possible submarine shelters, one
about 1 nautical mile North East of KEP I OJJI{EZEJ and the other at the small
bay south of height 2,402.
16 November, 1956
25X1 D
1. At the time of observation 20 FAGOT or FRESCO and one BEAGLE were seen. The
forever 1,950 yards (approximate],y)FJXr-WEST runway is no longer in use and a new
runway 2,850 yares (approximately long is to the south and imnediately along*ide;
it is 95 yards (approximately) wide. There is a ULVvay to the north of the '
runway with additional aprons to those shown in the diagram i to the
north. In addition there are the following other differences:-
(a) Hardatandings have been constructed at the east end of the taxyway for
about 30 aircraft.
i i
(b) A curved system of dispersed hardstand.ings connected by a tux way has
been constructed to the south side of the runway at the east end and is
connected to the runway. The dispersal would hold about 25 aircraft.
Th.r readiness platforms are as abown in the diagram.
2. This airfield referred to in is 23/4 miles south east of TATEC{
There is a partly cocxpleted runway here u. no recent construction has been
carried out on this site.
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
4 December 1956
1. YgRSVAN/YEVGARP, The surface here is probably natural - no concrete runway
and is probably serviceable.
2. NAXHICHEVAN. No aircraft were seen here, There is a paved N.W.P.E. runway
7000 x 200 feet. There are 1.6 fighter revetments; 20 vehicle revetments and
one possibly occupied six gain medium A.A. battery.
3. LKNIRAKA,N. Here there is a N.S./S.W. paved runway 6,200 x 175 feet. Seventy
KIG typaircraft were seen. There arc revetments on the north and south side of
the airfield, with extensive camp facilities on the north.
4. ALYATY (39051'N, 49Q23'L). There were no aircraft here. There are two
rummys .N.E./S.S.W. - 7,OOO x 250 feet, and N.E./S.W. 3,500 x 250 feet. There
are 49 revetments, connecting tax vays and barracks.
5. GINDARKR. This is a grass field 7,400 x 500 feet orientated East/West and
In good condition. There are apparently six semi-buried fuel tanks on the north
6. NASOSNY. Thirty four BEAGLE, 1 BADGER, 41 probable FRESCO, 3 FAGOT
cm possible FAGOT was seen. There is a N/3 runway 7,800 x 250 feet and a
N.V./S.E. 3,600 x 250 feet used for parking. In addition, there are 80 revet-
ments, a large barracks area and administration area. There are four eight
gun anti aircraft emplacements.
7. KYZYL-AGACH. Thirty two FRESCO, four FAGOT and one unidentified aircraft
were seen. There are two parallel runways N.W./S.E. 6,700 x 200 feet and
3,160 (x 1,085 corrupt?) feet (the latter used for parking). There is a probable
radar (electronic) site to the south west of the field. There are three buried
storage tanks and numerous small tanks above ground. There is an eight gun
A.A. battery, which is probably occupied.
8. SAN GAC'RALY. Here 59 FRESCO and 3 possible FRESCO were seen. The runway
is N.N.E. S.S.V. 6,900 x 210 feet. The runway is N.N.B./8.S.W. 6,900 x 210 feet.
There are 58 revetments and 42 hardstandings. The barracks and administration
area is large. There are 1,2 semi buried fuel storage tanks. The unoccupied
air defences consist of one eight gun position.
9. Kf1TRflARMIR. The aircraft count here was 23, and one possible, FRESCO; 20.,'
and five possible, FAGOT; one probable CREEK. The runway is of concrete B/W ,--
6,100 x 190. There are 44 hardstandings and 11 semi-buried fuel tanks. The
barracks area and administrative areas are large. The anti aircraft defences``
consist of one eight gun and four six gun positions.
10. SALYANI. Fifty five, and five possible, FRESCO were counted here. Ther*
are two concrete runways H.E./i.W. 6,700 x 245 feet and N.N.E./S.S.W.
3,400 x 245 feet. There are 53 revetiments'and 31 hardrtan4ings. There is one,
and two other possible, fuel storage areas. There is a possible ammunition
storage area, The barracks area and administration areas are large. The anti
aircraft defences consist of three eight gun emplacements; one is posabily occupied.
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
U. LtOIIALI (400 291N 4f) 351E). There in a paved HIS runway 2,800 x 200 feet.
There are 2323 haristan:lings $nri 40 revetments.
12, KA ZT-MAGCEMKD. Seven unidentified, possible single engined, aircraft were
seen here. The paved N.N.W,/S.S.E. runvsy is about 5,200 x 150 feet. There
are 39 revetments, am 61 hardstandings (32 of which are revotted). There
are 3 possible eight gun and 1 possible six gun ersp1accmente.
13. Airfield 12 n.m. N. of SALYANY (390 51'N 480 58'E). There are no aircraft
here and the present N.W. ;l.E. ruiw y 5,700 x 170 feet is being extended to
8,700 feet (approximately). There is a parallel runway 2,800 x 170 feet
connected by taxyveyn. There is a "rra.xitnu security area" near the north vest
end of the runvey with a connecting taxy strip. There is an oblong hatdstanding
outside the fence and a circular hardetanding inside. There are 30 semi buried
fuel tanks. The anti aircraft defences consist of 4 six gun medium A.A. ascplace-
ments (possibly occupied). There are ladder type parking aprons at each end of
the runway.
14. AJ Seaplane Base. There were four possibly four engined flying boats here.
15. It is considered that this report may provoke comment and there may be sorae
delay before cocmcnts can be answered.
12 December 1951
1. Bzr}lARE r/FOPESTII/LEOADENI. Seven CAB/C.47 were seen as veil as 6 unidentified
small aircraft. There are new hangers and 18 new miscellaneous buildings in'the
S.B. corner.
2. BUCHARE?r/PIPBRA. There were two possible aircraft seen at this grass field.
-------------------------------------------- ?-------------- ----------- .......... r...
12th December, 1956
1. OAAROVWTi'SA. Thirty two FAGOT were counted. There is an E/w runway of 6,000 z
190 feet; 1,^ feet overrun at west end; 800 at east end. There IS a godifigd
aprons, 30 hardstandings, twelve of which are already revetted and fifteen are
under construction. These rervettraente are 100 feet across. II.3 is fitted for ih.
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
western appr arh aM there Is a possible amcrunition storage south of the runway,
2. ~ 3. Thirty two unidentified aircraft and one FAGOT were seen. The
E/W rune, is 7,< x L -~0 feet.
3. CIA 114ARIT:3A. Fifty probable XAGC' were seen here. The runway is
V.A.W. .13. . 7,(kK) x 2(0 feet. There are 29 revett.ments approximately 100 feet
across located along a modified loop taxyway connecting both ends of the runway.
There are four finger type parking areas with four fingers each; total length of
each area is 1,700 feet. At the north cast crud of the field there is a revetted
storage area. On a tayyvay of length 1,000 feet extending south from each end of
the runway there are two paring aprons. One hanger and numerous workshops are
located on the north side and there is IL3 at each end of the runway.
4. 9OnA/tT.t7NDEANA. One BEAGLE, 3 CAB/C.47, 1 CRATE and 5 unidentified single
engined aircraft were seen. The E.N.E./W.S.W. runway is 6,800 x 250 feet.
5. TIOEXUKRIN. Four probable BEAGLE, 8 RAT, 1 unidentified small aircraft and
5 unidentified single engined aircraft were seen. The N.N.W./S.S.E. runway is
8,500 x 275 feet; there is a modified loop taxyvay to the east with four links
tsxy eys. There are 30 haristanrlings, a ccrspana swinging base, firing butt.
A possible electronic site is at the north end of the airfield.
6. TELISH. There vas one unidentified single engined aircraft at this grass
airfield. There is a "low frequency" range station ~ mile north of the airfield.
Sam of the F.N.W. area of the airfield has been ploughed.
7. BAI.CIIIK. Here were seen 2 FRESCO, 10 FA(3CT and 11 probable aircraft crates.
The concrete runway Is N.N.W./3.8.E. 7,200 x 200 feet. There is a modified 1"
ta.xyvay on the vest side with 3 link taxyveys. There are 52 hardetandings, 14
of which are revetted. There Is a gun firing butt, compass base, alert aprons.
There are 3-hangers and 1 workshop. A possible electronics site is located on
the north side; 14 vehicles. The position of the POL and arsnunition stores was
not determined.
8. STALIN/TOPC3i.I. This grass airfield held 2 CAA/C.47 type aircraft. There it
a hanger, control tower and nine other buildings. There are 8 vehicles.
9. CORM I1ABNIK. This grass airfield is apparently serviceable but abandoned.
10. STALIN/LAKE DEVYNA. There are no aircraft here but 3 shed type hangers,
2 jetties and 15 miscellaneous buildings.
U. f!IALIN/SE13 f3EUME.9. The airfield is serviceable. There is 1 hanger and 20
miscellaneous buildings.
12. KOLAROVGRAD. This old airfield is in use as a training area.
13. IZVECH. This airfield is probably serviceable. There art 3 hangers, 10
barrack type buildings. Fifty five vehicles were seen and the airfield Is
probably used by ground forces.
14. Note: The following correction is made to our D.D.I.3/TS.37/7 dated
4th December, 195'. Paragraph 13 "airfield twelve miles North
of SALYA..r - position should read.
39" 51'N and not 48 ? 48'N
Approved For Release 2 01/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
1'1th December, 1956
1. TIRANA. One probable PEATO, one FAGOT, one CRATE were seen. There are
two five gun A.A. positions (one was occupied).
2. DURREN/SHI.TK. This old airfield Is no longer in use and has returned to
3. P'f E Z . A runway N.N.W./3.3.E. appn)xtr.~atc1y 7,000 x 190 feet is under
construction; about 1/3 is being paved. PeriLeter taxyvay and 32 hardatandings
are being constricted.
14th Decef*pr 1956
Airfield& and Electronic Installations
1. A'IiMARITSA. Sixty five fighters aircraft - 26 KI0 type and 39 probable YAK.23
(FLORA were seen. There are 12 new revettaents east of the north vest
end of the runway. The airfield is equipped for instrument landings (IL3) and
there is a six gun heavy A.A. battery. The whole of the airfield was not
2. VRAZffDEB.'A. Fifteen aircraft were seen here - 2 BEAGLE, 1 KIG type, 6
unidentified single engined aircraft and 6 crates. 1L3 is fitted here.
NQte_- The difference in time of observation's in our report of even reference
dated 13th December, 1956, and the above is Wt known.
3. PLOVDIV. Thirty eight aircraft - 35 single engint-d trainers and 3 unidenti-
fied single engined fighters were seen. There is no runway here. There is a
probable T MN on the hill within the city area arid overlooking the airfield.
';here are two 8 gun heavy A.A. batteries, (probably served by a WHIFF) and one
4 gun reedit A.A. battery.
4. G"2 ND7JWCNO (41056:4 25?35'10. Nineteen 1410 type aircraft were seen. The
runway ii 7,300 x 200 feet; them are 25 revetted hardstanding.s and a possible
fuel storage is under construction.
5. GRAF IG ATIEV. Twenty nine FAGOT and 11 FRESCO were seen and 9 unidentified D
jet fighter size. There were 14 aircraft crates on the taxyva.y leading to the
varm-up apron. The runway taxyvay and hardstandings are being re-surfaced. The
runway meawares 8,300 x 65 feet and there are 6 large hangers. ILS is fitted.
6. Airfield 5 n.m. North West of 1OFTA. This airfield with no runway is at
42? 1XTX 2 WE and measures 3,300 x 3,500 feet. There are 5 hangars about
200 x 80 feet. Theire are : eight gun heavy A.A. batteries near the airfield.
Approved For Releae%lIca E gflf $439A000400050014-1
7. Airfield 9 n.m. r-knuth Ft i'. ' :;t?FIA. This airfield of grass is 6,600 x
1,100 feet and 0 CHAT'; and ;,.e liaison aircraft were seen.
8. Airfield li n.m. North of A:-.b'NCVV1AD (4?? 0l N 240 52'E). This In a Ems
airfield with barracks nearby; 53 sirgle engir.ed trainers were seen.
9. B$?l1ER. This airfie.li1 was not fully seen, no aircraft were seen. The
runway is about 13,000 x .250 feet. There are at least 30 hardsta.Mlings with
taxy loop.
10. ? LEVI:aCiORAD. This is a grass airfield 5,000 x 2,900 feet. There were
6 unidentified aircraft and 2 l a rge7,, 4 =all hangers.
11. Airfield 15 n.m. W.l?.W. of YAM.ROL. One light aircraft was see - the
grass surface measures 6,000 x 111200 feet and there are 4 small hasdars.
12. Antenna Farms. Two antenna fares were observed; these were ats-
(a) This is 6 n.m. south cast of :30FIA (42? 28'N 23? 26'E). This
farm covers about 150 acres and is security fenced. There are six
buildings, perhaps two storied and numerous masts.
(b) This farm is 19 n.m. south cast of Sofia (42? 34'N 23? 42'1). The
installation is on an area of about 330 x 450 feet. There are 8
steel towers about 650 feet high arranged in a V. There are
other masts and the area is iccurity fenced.
concrete runway and taz vay lying E - W.
22nd January, 1957
1. ASIAU (510 18' 40"N 150 44' 20"S). This airfield now has a probable
2. SAGAN. (510 37' 45"N 15? 24' 00"E). Eight probable single engined fighteers
were seen at this airfield. There are signs of extensions at both ends of the
r=v" (this is believed to be already known).
3. # )CHA7zw/BTZLICE (520 11' 55"N 20? 17' 50"E). Sixteen ,BEAGLE were seen
4. SZPRGTAWA (510 33' 40"N 15? 35' 05"E). 8cventeen swept wing fighters were
seen here. The E.N.E./W.8.W. runway has been extendeai from cards to
2,300 by a section fl
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
23rd January, 1957
1. RARANOVICIII (53P 06' 00"N 280 04' 00"2) (5th July)
(a) Thirty three BADGER, 75 probable FAGOT, 2 CART (this is being
checked), 2 possible CAB and oth*r small aircraft were seen.
(b) There is one N.E./S.W. runv&Y 3,400 x 100 yards. There are large
aprons and dispersals on the N.W. side of the runway.
There is a semi underground store 2 miles to the south on a metalled
road from the airfield. Five miles further dawn this road and at
its end there is a large underground store heavily fenced and double
ditched, which is concealed in woods.
(d) BARANOVICHI EAST airfield could not be seen.
2. BERFA (52? 33' 00"N 24? 52' 00"B)
(a) Twenty four BEAGLE and 46 FACOT/1IRESCO and FARMER were seen. Fiore
fighters were at readiness.
(b) The runway is N.W./S.E. 2,000 by 60 yards. There is a rail spur
under construction to the airfield.
(c) There are two 6 gun H.A.A. batteries here on the airfield.
&mio0V (54? 16,x 28? 31' oo" E )
This is a sma11 natural surface airfield. Twelve probable MAX or MI1QC
were active.
This airfield is now agricultural laza9.
5. DUSR0VN0 (54? 33' 00"N 30? 40' 0CT'9)
This airfield is now agricultural lawn.
(a) Eighteen probable BEAGEI, and 4 V 00T/FAE3C0 were teen and also 80 90
probable jet fighters which could not be recognised.
(b) The runways are fl-E./S.W. 2,700-by 90 yards and A.N.W./ll.B.S. 1,290 by
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA=RDP78T05439A000400050014-1
L091tNI'i'fA (54? 1rt' (X :i P8? 49' 00' E )
This airfield is nov agricultural lsani.
8. MISS (MM) (5 3? 521 00"N 2(? 32' 00"9)
(a) The runvay here is 2,000 by 66 yards. Eleven CAB, 4 CRATE/COACH,
1 COLT, 17 CHOW and 3 unidenttttei light aircraft were seen.
MZNSK/MACHULISIIcHE (53? 47' 00""t Z TO 35' oo"E)
(a) Fourteen MISER, 13 BEAGLE, 25 BULL, 52 FRED O/FAGOT or FAAF(EA,
2 possible CAB, 2 possible FIA31[LIGHT and 16 light aircraft
were seen.
(b) There are tvo large sent undergrournl explosive type stores, one
on the East side and one on t,h4 Went side of the airfield.
MIRSK/EASr (530 54, 00"N 27? 38' 00-"E)
One CAB, 27 light aircraft includin, 2 gliders were seen.
11. ORMIA (54? 26' 00"3 300 18' 00"E) - ''
(a) Forty one BADGSR, 2 KILL, 3 CAE were seen.
(b) There are two large storage areas possibly for explosives in the woods
to the East and West of the airfield.)
(c) oR to EAST (540 31' 00"N 300 30' 00"E) and ORSHA/LIFKI (54? 32' 00"E
30? 27' 00"E) are now agricultural land.
12. MINSK/BOROVAYA (530 57' 00"E 270 39' QO"E)
Nine light aircraft were seen here using the grass area; the old concrete
ruuvay is used as a road.
13. M013COW FILL (550 26' 00"N 370 29' 00"E)
No aircraft were set'n here on
14. moscMM/TEPLY ;;PAN (550 37' OO"N 370 7' 00"E)
15. MOSCOW/0.3TAF VO (5 ? 30' 00"N 370 30' 00"E)
Five BULL were seen here but no other aircraft noted.
16. MOSCOWIPOD01,.UK (5 5? .-8' 00"N 37? 32' oO" E )
This is an Inc ten inate grass surface. Aircraft were seen but no
observations can be given.
17- MOSCOW/AITT N0 (550 38' 00"N 37? 36' Oo" E )
Eight FRE sCO/FAGOT and two other aircraft (unidentified were seen).
18. M01C0W/LY1rBERT-5Y (550 41' 00"N 37? 51' 00"E)
At least 13 COACH and CRATE were seen in a fleeting observation, sad the
same applied to MOSCOW I4YACHKOVO (550 34' 00"N 370 59' 00"E)--
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
19. ii0l9cc*jJ n ((TJ(1
(a) A total of 2 CAXEL, 59 COACH/CRATE and 10 CAB were seen.
(b) The E.W.E./W.S.W. rummy is being extended by about 1,550 feet.
20. p oI (/iti*RRoIYrmy (55? 25' 00"N 370 29' 00"E).
This is an Irregular natural su.r.*ace area and an unidentified aircraft was
21. SB.&RAPAVO (550 36' oO" N 370 of oor E).
Three i CAB anti 48 light trainers were eeen here.
22. SHIRBIS1iTNA (SHEBARMTSD) (55? 37' 00"N 350 59' 00"E).
This former airfield is now agricultural land.
23. SwLEfiaK/NoRTii (54? 49' 00"N 3?0 02'00"E)
Thirteen probable CAB, 72 possible FAGOT or FRESCO and one MULE were seen.
24. IWIMSKISOMF (540 45' 00"N Po 04, WE)
Up to 2 MAX and 8 possible COLT were seen at this natural surface airfield.
25. VYAZXA/DYGYEVKA (55? 09' 00"F 34? 23' 00"g)
Two runways one E/W and the other N.E./S.W. are here. Thirty five FAGOT/
FRESCO, one CAB and one light aircraft were seen.
23rd January, 1957
(Pe r i A fo and
1. aARANcriICfiI (530 06' 00"N 28? o4' oo"E)
(a) Thirty three BADGER, 75 probable FAGOT, 2 CART (this I. being
checked), 2 possible CAB and other small aircraft were seen.
(b) There to one N../$.W. runway 3,400 x 100 yards. There are large
aprons and dispersals on the H.W. side of the rummy.
There is a semi underground store 2 wiles to the south on a metal]$
road from the airfield. Five miles further drpvn this road and at,
Its end there is a large underground store heavily fenced and dout a
ditched, which Is concealed in vooda.
BARA.NOVICiBI EMI' airfield could not bd 'seen.
2. Bai A (520 33' o0"x 240 52' 00"9)
(a) Twenty four IiEACLE and 46 FAG(1T/FRESCO and FAE)4KR were seen. Five.
fighters were at readiness.
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
(b) The runv*y to ... .', O0o by fig') yards. There in a rail spur
under constniction to the airfield.
There are tvi-1 6 gun H.A.A. batteries here on the airfield.
3. BORI80Y (54? 16'i 280 31' oo"E)
This is a srnal.1 natural. surface airfield. TVelve probable MAX or MINK
vere active.
4. D2UD0VO (540 19' 00"ic 28? 54'
This airfield is nov agricultural land.
5. URRovi o (540 33' oa"N Sob 40' WE)
This airfield is nov agricultural lend.
(a) Eighteen probable BEAGLE and 4 FA60T/FRESCO were seen and also 80 - 90
probable het fighters which could, pot be recognised.
(b) The runvays are N.E./3.W. 2,700 by 90 yards and N.N.W./8.8.E. 1,290 by
190 yards.
7. LOS'fiitri (540 16' oo" N .,8o 49' oo"E )
This airfield is now agricultural land.
8. Mrii z (soum) (530 52' 00"N 27? 32' oo"B )
25X1D (a) The runway here it Eleven CO. 4 CRATE/COAL
1 COLT, 17 CROW an 3 unidentified light aircraft were seen.
9. MQ1i:~C/iAc r I.I3ncHE (53? 47' 00":7 27? 25' 00"E)
2 possible CAB, 2 possible FLASHLIGHT and 16 light aircraft.
(b) There are two large semi underground explosive type stores, one
on the East side and on- on the West side or the airfield.
10. MQAaK EAST (530 54' 00"N 270
38' o0"E)
One CAB, 27 light aircraft including 2 gliders were seen.
11. ORSHA (54? 26' 00"N 3a? 18' oo"E)
Forty one PAMER, 2 BUULL, .3 CAB were seen.
There are two large storage areas possibly for explosives in the woods
to the E at and Went of the airfield.
(c) ( irIA Ur (i4? 31' 00"N 300 30' oo"g) and OPMA/LIM (54o 32' 0001E
300 tl E are now agricultural land.
12. 1[I 1[ 2FZBOR0VAYA (530 57' 00" E 270 39' WE)
Nine light aircraft verge seen here usint the grass area; the old concrete
runway In used as a road.
13. MW OW FTIT (550 2' 00"N 37? 29' 00"E3
Approved For Releale OQ1/G&C`irATLC"F&A000400050014-1
1 #- . MO IN .. Y STA!1 '55' 31' W" N 37? ,'j' OO" E )
No aircraft could be seen here on
15. Mo iJOOTArrgyo (550 30' 00"N 37? 30' 00"E)
Five BULL were seen here but no other aircraft noted.
16. NWCOW/I -'x (550 :8' 00"N 370 32' oo"E)
This is an indeteriairAte grass surface. Aircraft were seen but no
obssrrations can be given.
17. attar. c*J A NTNO (550 38' 00"" 37 ? 321 00" E )
Eight rARACO/FAGM and two other aircraft (unidentified were seen).
18. MOSCOW/LYUB,F. M Y (550 41' 0O"N 370 51' Oo"E)
At least 13 COACH and CRATE were seen in a fleeting observation, and thb
same applied to MOtWO MYACHKOYO (550 341 00"N 370 59' 00"E) where one unidentified
vas seen.
(a) A total of 2 CAME., 59 COACH/CRATE and 10 CAB were seen.
(b) The E.W.E./W.S.W. runway I. being r'xtended by about 1050 feet.
20. P DOUX/DtJBROYIT3Y (550 25' 00"N 370 29' 00"1) This is an irregular
natural surface area and an unidentified aircraft vss seen.
21. SHA.RAPAVO (550 36' 00"N 37? of oo"E)
Three ?CAB and 48 light trainers were seen here.
22. SWIRBISHINA (SHM AR8Hilf4) (55? 37' 00"N 35? 59' 00"E).
This former airfield is now agricultural land.
23. sKaL SK/JORTH (54o 49' 00"N 320 02' 00"s)
Thirteen probable CAB, 72 possible FAGOT or FRESCO and one MULE were seen.
24. SMal. K K/t Jttli'FI (540 45' 00" li 3220 04' WE)
Up to 2 MAX and 8 possible COLT were seen at this natural surface airfield.
25. yri1cA/DYOYEYKA (55? 09' 00"N 34? 23' 00"g)
Two runways one R/W and the other N.E./S.W. are here. Thirty five FAGOT/
FRESCO, one CAB and one light aircraft were seen.
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
30 J snuary, 1957
(Pe ri o4 on or about
Previous Report Correction
1. MRA.4C7TTCHI. Please refer to our report ^f even reference of 23rd January,
.1957, for 2 CAR " react "2 BULL".
Present Report
2. DAIXIAVPILS/ORIVA ands ME7A. 55? 52' 00"H ;,60 32' 00"E. Both airfields
appear to be probably abandone1, though there Is doubt about GRIVA.
3. MO. 57? 47' 00"N :9? 59' 00"E. The airfield appears serviceable but no
aircraft were seen.
-. D0BBIN3XOYE. 56? 14' 00"N 400 35' 00"E. Here the N.N.E./W.S.W. runway is
2,4 0)by 60 yards. Fifteen EAGLE, 1 CAB and about 28 FAGOT/INSC0 were seen.
5. IVANOVO WE.'T. 57? 03' 00"A l+0? 59' 00"E. Twenty five BULL and 17 CAB were,
seen. There is a E.N.E./W.S.W. runway of probably P.S.P. here 2,400 by 55 yards.
6. IVAINOVO NORTH. 57? 03' 00"N 40? 59' 00"E. Twenty five BULL and 17 CAB were
seen There Is a E.N.E./W.S.W. runway of probably P.S.P. here 2,400 by 55 yardLs?
7. JERABPILS. 56? 24' 00"N 25? 48' 00"E. This airfield has been abandoned.
8. . 5T? 44' 00"N 340 07' 00"E. A poor ?-iev of this airfield shored
28 FAGOT 0. The concrete runway A.N.W./S.S.E. is 2,150 yards with a
parallel taxgrvay. The barracks, control toyer and workshops are on the vest side.
9. KAU;CAS/KAR ELAVA . 540 58' 00-m 240 05' 00"9- Eight FAGOT/FRESCO were not~d
in a partial view and the runway is E.N.E./V.S.W. of at least 1,960 yards with a
ta:7vay and parking area to the North. The runway may be being lengthened.
10. .KAMAS/ALEKSO'TAS. 54? 53' 00"N 23? 53' 00"E. An incamplete*view shoved
U. KRt15TPIL LATGALE. 50? 53' 00"N 25? 53' 00"3. A. partial view shoved 15
BEAGLE, 30 FAGOT FREssCO and 5 un i f e n t i f i ed &t rc raft .
12. PARNIJ. 580 24' 00"N 240 28' 00"E. An unsatisfactory observation shoved that
aircraft were here. The N.N.S./S.S.W. stain runway has 'been extended to the north
and a shorter A.W./S.E. has been built at the south end. The airfield is
surrounded by a taayvay with 40 dispersal points in pairs to the North West of
the grain runway and 12 dispersal points in pairs on the South last side.
26' 00"E. No airfield was found at this sites
PS1C0V. 57? 48'
Twenty seven COACH/CRATE,, seven probable single engined trainers and 76,o,
believed, Type 24 gliders.
15. PSK0' L!1E 3T PA NIXI 5'T? 47' 00" N 24P 13' 00"1-
5 ' 00"N 300 05' 00"8.
Both these airfields have been abandoned.
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
26. SOL".`SY. 580 08' OC"!i 300 1-9' 00"E. The runway here in H.W./e.E. about
2,730 yards with parallel taxyvey. Thera is a taxy loop with hardstandings on.
the West Side.
17. erARATA RLti.`3A. 57? 58' 00"N 31? .3' 00"E. Forty o :e CAB were seen at this
grass airfield where one very large and 3 smaller hangars have recently been built,
18. moo. 56? 51' 00"N 10? 31' 00"E. About 16 aircraft, probably transports,
were seen and there may have been others.
.9. VIADDaR SMA7IN0 560 06' 00"i 40? 18' 00"E. Ten possible MULE and 9
probable -W were seen.
20. yrwLRX VOLOrHEX. 570 3)e' 00"N 34? 42' 00"E. A bad view of this airfield
suggested that the site appears dien*ed.
21. 7EDROVO. 570 520 00"A 330 1+0' 03"E. This grass airfield was fleetingly seen
and one possible BULL noted.
D.D. I.3/Ti3.37/7
12th February,, 1957
39 BADGER; 65 FAGOT/FRl3C0, 2 PULL and la CAB were seen.
38 BADGER, 2 MAX, 21 FAGOT/FRESCO were seen. A new runway of 3,500 is
located vest of the old runway. New hardstandings and tax7vays are to the East
of the old runway where the former hangars were situated. There is a large
bomb dump vest of the new runway with an A.A. site between it and the runway.
At the north end of the runway is a night landing system. BOBRUISX/NQRTii airfield
at 530 11' 00"N 290 13' WE is overgrown.
38 BADGER, 1 BULL, 2 CAB and a light aircraft were aeon. The airfield has
been completely reconstructed. The stain runway in X.W./S.B. - 2,800 yards. There
are hardstandings to the last and a bomb dump to the vest of the runway. A new
road connects the airfield to an unidentified fenced area some 3 miles to the
West. A.A. defences surrumnd the airfield.
26 BEAGLE, 27 TAGOT/FRE3C0 and 2 CAB were seen. The original runways are
In use as hari.tandinga with a new concrete runway N.A.B./S.S.W. of 2,240 yard to
the vest. A new taxyvsy links the North end of the new runway with the oiwnsi
5. KVATM (530 07' 00"M P40 04' WE)
This airfield is no longer in use.
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
6. NDRiY.c%AYA (590 52' 00"N 30? 18' 00"E)
7. GOREI.(7VC1 (59? 46' 00"K 30? oo' 00-9)
50 or more FA00T/FR&.n3CC were seen. The V.N.W./E.3.E. rummy has been
extended westwards to about 2,800 yards. The N.N.E./B.S.W. runway is no'v in
use as a hardstandiing. There is a taxyvs.y around the N.E. side of the airfield
with hardstendings.
6 possible CAB seen.
NoRrx _(, a3 (59" 49' OOM N 300
09' 00"E)
No activity noted here.
One MOLE was seen.
KAMEJOCA (59? 48' OOP H 300 18'
00'x0 )
15 CAB, 2 BUZZ/CART and 5 unidentified single engined aircraft were seen.
There is a single concrete runway N.N.W./S.S.E. - 2,000 yards long with parallel
hardstandings to the East.
12. KOMME'QDAYMOYE (60? 00' 00"N 300 17' 00"Z)
1 BULL, 3 BEAGLE, 3 CAB, 2 possible FRESCO; 30 unidentified aircraft --possibly
BEAST and 2 possible 0.11 gliders were seen.
13. MAIAYA/'VIStER (58? 49' 00"N 320 15' o0"E)
This airfield appears to be abandoned.
14. NINALA (610 33' 00"N 300 19' 00"E0
This airfield vas seen at long range - it may be in use as a military
training area or construction work may be in progress.
39 BADGER and 3 CAB were seen.
16. OSIFC?7ICHI (530 18' o0"N 28? 36' 00"E)
This airfield is in use for military training.
26 BADQF.R, 19 BULL, 1 CAB, 11 probable FAGOT/FRESCO were seen. The concrete
riurrsy of 2,400 yards long has extensions and orerahoots for a total length
of 3,600 N.W./E3.E. The runway is surrounded by a taxyvs1y with 66 hardstamdings.
There are two explosive storage areas to the S.W. in the area of lake OOOXI.
Approved For RelelsQPOAiT3'U-RDP7P5439A000400050014-1
This former airfield has a N.E./S.W. runway in an advanced state of
19. PETRO1NORET1 (590 53' 00"N 27" 53' w"S)
This forayer airfield has been abandoned.
20. POLO C (530 30' oo" N 30 45' 00-E)
No aircraft were seen. There is a single runny of 2,4W yares (N.W./9.E.)
with hardstandings to the West.
66 BEAGLE, 33 FAGOT/VRESCO, 1 BULL were seen.
22. RIL'B ..; (58? 04' oo"N 300 05' oo"E)
23. SEYYABTE (60? 16' oo"N 29? 07' oo"E)
A possible runway R.W./3.E. is in a very early stage of construction. Top
soil is in process of removal and levelling is in progress.
25. SOLT' $f
BADGER and 1 BULL were reported here.
26. SVISLOCH (53? 02' 00"N 260 01' oo"E)
This airfield is now under cultivation.
Over 60 Type 0.11 gliders were seen here and some vaty small. single engi ed
aircraft. No taring aircraft could be seen but the airfield appears serviceable.
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
21st February, 1957
1. DIEVUClW (DzIINCN) and KAKP (t). These Airfields/Flying Boat Bases appear
2. KOLREJKOLORR7Ea. at 1200Z no aircraft were seen here
and work on reconstruction was in progress on a new runway (R.E./6.W.) to the
north of the old runway. At the northerly end of the onld runway there is as
ts.xy ay to the new runway. The length of the new runway is about 2,300 yards.
3. POVIDZ. No aircraft were seen to be present. The runway is W.R.W./5.8.8:
about 3,550 yards by and Is of corscrete, surfaced with perhaps, tarmiac.
There is runway lighting, and possibly some form of FIDO, but this may have been
an impression due to the recent fitting of the lighting. A fuel storage of '
10 tanks about 60 feet in diameter is situated 6,000 yards S.W. of the runway
centre. This was still under construction. Two parallel taxyvays are on
the north side and are connected to 14 hardstandings. Tugrways and runway
appeared to be ready for use but other work was still in progress. The barracks
and administrative buildings lie to the N.C. of the runway centre, c,
---------------- ------------------------ -+------------------------------------------
*)RA1 U11WTRAWA. (490 42' 00"N 18? 07' 00"9)
D.D.I.3/T8.37/3 ,
20th February, 19'"57
1. No aircraft were seen here where a ne9 airfield was at an early stage
of construction. There 14 a runway, with parallel ta:gtrack, 3,700 yards
long being laid W.E./O.W. A further 470 yards is being levelled on the
south side of a single track railway, making a total length of 4,170 yards.
D.D.I.3/TS.37/7 .
22nd February, 1957
2. Barrack accommodation is located on the East side of the airfield.
------------------------- 0----------------------------------------- ---------~--r,----..
1. BA1TX:ZJN0VTIF. Airfield and Flying coat base. (54? 37' 00"N 19? 53' 00~l)
When observed there were 7 KADGE, 3 HOLE or MUG and 19 FAGOT or FRESCO aircraft
seen. The R.E./3.W. runway is about 2,200 yards with a all overshoot at the
R.B. end am 700 yards at the S.W. and.
25X1 D
Approved For Release 2001/08/13 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400050014-1
25X1 D
25X1 D
2. BORRtMIN. When rbs+'rir : at about 0900Z on 48 ?AiXiEA, 6 BULL,
1 CAB and M FAGC1 or FRESCO were seen hare.
3. CHERNYA1TOV, C. (540 37' 00"N .110 48' 00"E) A new runway E.N.E./W.8.W.
about 2,750 yards has been added to the former runway which is now used for.,
parking. About 50 aircraft were observed, possibly fighters.
4. DUXtIAOA. (57? 31' 00"N 2 ? 21' 00"E) This old airfield is now ploughed uip.
5? (58? 411' 000% 28? 0121 OO"E) When observed at a distance on
OOOZ) about 55 aircraft, possibly bombers were seen. The runway runs
.5 R.E. and the nirfield is 8iailes North East of GDOV, 5 miles east of the
CVARDEVSK (540 36' 0o"N 210 03' 00"e) This old airfield is no longer in use.
JEL.GAVA. (560 41' 00"N :3? 42' 00"E) Forty FAGOT or FRESCO were seen here.
8. JESAU. (54? 34' 00"N 20? 36' 00"E) About 35 FRESCO or FAGOT as well as
other aircraft were seen. The existing runway has been extended by 1,000 yards.
9. JOEVILLOEVNA. (59? 19' 00"N ''7? 24' 00"E) This old airfield is no longer
in use.
10. KALINI* RAD/OURYEVSK. (54? 47' 00"N 20? 37' 00"E) While this grass
airfield was in use, no count of aircraft can be given.
11. KALSNINORAD (no name . (54? 50' 00"N 20? 10' 00"E). Seventy five BEAGIX
and 1 CAB were seen here. The runway is about 2,100 yards N.E./S.W. with a
parallel taxy track and hardstandings on the north side and connected to either
end of the runway. The airfield is Ut miles N.E. of FIS