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Approved For Release 2003/11/26 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400010059-6 Approved For Release 2003/11/26 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400010059-6 Copy -9 Pog.s . July 19 1 PHO!OOO*PP4VC PNTt*PP TATft *EPO*T BORISOV ARMY BARRACKS SOUTH BORISOV, USSR BELORUSSIAN MD 25X1 Declass Review by NIMA/DOD WILM46 If 1 TOP SECRET 25X1 This report is one in a series on Soviet Ground Force and logistic installations being prepared for a DIA/CIA Panel. The series is being coordinated, published and disseminated by NPIC. The photographic analysis is being performed by the NPIC Photographic Analysis Group, the CIA Photographic Intelligence Division (NPIC), and the Production Center 1P1c (I)IA). The photographic analysis for this particular re- port was performed by the NPIC Photographic Analysis Group. In the interest of uniformity, the titles and letter designators for the facilities observed at these installations are identical with those appearing, in the project requirement. When a specific facility is not observed both its title and letter designator are omitted in the report. Titles and letter designators for the various facilities are as follows: (A) railroad service, (B) road service, (C) landing strips, (D) administrative and troop housing areas, (E) storage areas, (F) am- munition storage areas, (G) POL storage areas, (H) other buildings and facilities, (J) equipment storage/maintenance areas, (K) athletic fields, (L) small arms firing ranges, (M) driver training areas, (N) tank/ assault gun firing ranges, (P) flat trajectory firing ranges, (Q) artillery emplacements (batteries), (R) infantry or combined arms field train- ing area or courses, (S) special training facilities, (T) unidentified facilities or tracking activity. TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET BORISOV ARMY BARRACKS SOUTH (54-10N 028-29E) BORISOV, MINSKAYA OBLAST, USSR BELORUSSIAN MD TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET NPIC/R-479/64 Borisov Army Barracks South is located 2.5 kilometers (km) south of Borisov (54-13N 028-30E) on the south side of the - Borisov- Minsk rail line (Figure 1). It is served by spurs from the Minsk-Borisov rail line and has all-weather road connections to the Borisov- Minsk highway. A military training area (TA-2) adjoins the installation to the south. Borisov Army Barracks and maneuver Area West (AL-i and TA-1) is located approximately 3 km north. A direct road connection leads from Borisov Army Barracks South to the barracks and maneuver area. The installation (Figures 2 and 3) covers approximately 1,200 acres and contains seven administration buildings, 23 barracks, 31 storage buildings, 118 support buildings, 44 officer and dependent quarters, and three vehicle storage/maintenance areas containing a total of 10 storage/maintenance buildings. An additional eight vehicle or equipment mainentance buildings can be identified at various locations in the installation. The installation also includes-a secured ammunition storage area with 10 unrevetted buildings, a POL storage area with six tanks, and two athletic fields. Training facilities within the installation include six small arms ranges, a probable wheeled-vehicle driver training course, and a wheeled/tracked vehicle training area. The area was covered by I holog- raphy and missions^ Com- parative anal sis revealed the same general level of usage = with reduced usage during the winter months. Significant changes Include the addition of six large vehicle storage/main- tenance buildings, three large storage buildings, one large ammunition storage building, and 29 dependent quarters. Aside from one of the storage buildings not present all of the buildings were erected 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 .25X1 25X1 ' 25X1 Railroad Service A spur from the double-track Borisov- Minsk rail line divides into three tracks, one serving the POL area and one serving an unidentified area in the northeast section of the installation. The third spur which extended II barracks area. Road Service A probable all-weather secondary road con- nects with the Borisov-Minsk highway. Aircraft Landing Strips A 1,600-foot sod airstrip was identified in the 3,775-foot athletic field. on E:J= 25X1 photography. Administrative and Troop Housing Areas Area D1 (Figure 3) contains one adminis- tration building, 10 barracks and nine support buildings. Area D2 contains three administration buildings, 11 barracks, 17 support buildings, and two storage buildings. Area D3 contains one administration build- TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ? 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET ing and two barracks. Area D4 contains two administration build- ings. Consistent track activity throughout the in- stallation indicates probable occupancy of all the buildings. General Storage Areas Area El contains 12 storage buildings and one support building located near rail sidings. Area E2 contains 11 storage buildings served by a rail spur which was apparent on p otography). Three of these I Area E3 contains six storage buildings and is located near a motor pool. Ammunition Storage Area This secured ammunition storage area (F) .contains seven 65- by 50-foot buildings, one 45- by 30-foot building and two 170- by 40-foot buildings (one building added) Track activity has remained at the same indicating occupancy of the buildings. POL Storage Area Area G contains six tanks in diameter I ' : (dimensions from photography) and 2 support buildin s. l spur under construction inllappeared complete in F- Seventy-nine support buildings are scat- tered throughout the area. Ten multistory officer and dependent quarters (one added since five officers' quarters, and 29 dependents' quarters (all addedi are located in the west section of the installation. Equipment Storage/Maintenance Areas Area J1 contains six 190- by 40-foot storage/maintenance buildings (four added 25X1 one 120- by 40-foot storage/maintenance building, and eight support buildings. Two 210- by 160-foot vehicle- parks, apparently occupied, were observedE:::~rack activity extends from Area J1 to Borisov Training Area 2. No change noted in the level of track activity. Area J2 contains two 150- by 55-foot storage /maintenance buildings, possibly as- sociated with the 430- by 80-foot vehicle park located about 500 yards north Trackage pattern 25X1 indicating occupancy andusag asshown 25X1 no change. Area J3 contains one 160- by 40-foot stora a maintenance building, and was identified on photography as a vehicle maintenance area. No change has been observed in the general level of track activity. Area J4 contains three 165- by 50-foot storage/maintenance buildings (two added = one 105- by 20-foot and one 85- y 20- It storage/maintenance building, and two support buildings. The area was identified as a vehicle. maintenance area on photography. No change is noted in the genera level of track activity. Area J5 contains two 150- by 50-foot storage /maintenance buildings. An approxi- mately 100- by 30-foot area adjacent to one 0 Area J5 was identified as a vehicle photography. Athletic Fields The installation contains two a tic fields, .K, 3,775 feet and 1,070 feei-ip Zircum ence, and both apparently in use in 'Small Arms Firing Ranges The following revetted small arms firing .ranges were observed: L1, 780 by 110 feet; L2, 370 by 80 feet; L3, 330 by 60 feet; L4, 350 -by 50 feet; L5, 300 by 30 feet; and L6, 630 by 100 feet. Scarring indicates use of all ranges. 25X1 TOP SECRET photography but not apparent on 25X1 25X1 25.X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET- 0 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET-II TOP SECRET 25X1 OFFICERS AND DEPENDE QUARTERS 25V 25X1 TOP SECRET 25X1 TOP SECRET -25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Area Ml, a 1,700- by 750-foot probable wheeled-vehicle driver training course, con- tained four figure-8 courses and a number of straight and curved courses on photography. Straight and curved courses cou be identified The level of track activity has not change Area M2 is a 2,200- by 600-foot wheeled/ tracked vehicle driver training area, probably used for local unit training. The area was still in use in Ii as indicated by the con- stant level of track activity. MAPS OR CHARTS US Air Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet 168-15HL, 2d ed, Nov 62 (SECRET) DOCUME\TS Army. PIM 136-63, Borisov Military Installations, Aug 63 (TOP SECRET Army. PIM 16-63, Borisov Military Installations, Feb 63 (TOP SECRET Army. PIB-D62-62, Borisov Army Barracks South, Jun 62 (TOP SECRET Army. DPIR-12-56, Military Installations Borisov, Apr 56 (TOP SECRETr Army. SPIR-15-57, Borisov Military Training Areas. Mar ,7 (TOP SECRET DIA. PC 425/1-1-63, Installation List, Soviet Ground For. r.,. I Oct 63 (SECRET REQUIREMENT C-RR4-61,111 (partial answer) NPIC PROJECT N-216 "64 TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 9