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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP78T05439A000300340029-4 Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP78T05439A000300340029-4 2 3 -MAR-1999 17:43 0er frAir ? CoPY 6 PaO4s , 11011?40?11WT I OTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION REPORT ScreenScan NPIC/R-388 64 June 1964 ,rvitiNsk SUPPLY DEPOT EAST MINSK. USSR BELORUSSIAN MD Declassification Review by NIMA/DOD CIA DIA Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control Only WARNING This docurn' ent contoins classified Information ofierfing the nationat Seturity of the United States within the meaning of the espionage itnekt.. S. Code Title 18. Sections 793 and 794. The low prohibits its transmiseian or the revelation of its content in any manner to an unauthorized parson, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or int rest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States, It is to be seen only by personnel especially indoctrinated and authorized to receive TALENT-KEYHOLE information. Its security must be maintained in accordance with KEYHOLE and TALENT regAations. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER ?I altifammiAseRrf ,Yes t!,?Sf;V:..74177i:?'1:17:::?,???. TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF NPIC/R-388/64 PREFACE This report is one in a series on Soviet Ground Force and logistic installations being prepared for a DIA,,C1A Panel. The series is being coordinated, published and disseminated by NP1C. The photographic analysis is being performed by the NPR: Photographic Analysis Group, the CIA Photographic Intelligence Division (NPIC), and the Production Center 1Plc (IMA). The photographic analysis for this particular re- port was performed by the NPIC Photographic Analysis Group. In the interest of uniformity, the titles and letter designators for the facilities observed at these installations are identical with those appearing in the project requirement. When a specific facility is not observed both its title and letter designator are omitted in the report. litles and letter designators for the various facilities are as follows: (A) railroad service, 03) road service, (C) landing stDips, (D) administrative and troop housing areas, (L.) storage areas, (F) am- munition storage areas, (G) POI_ storage areas, (H) other buildings and facilities, (J) equipment storage/maintenance areas, (K) athletic fields, srnall arms firing ranges, ,"\I) driver training areas, (Ni tank- ' assault gun firing ranges, (P ) flat trajectory firing ranges, ()) artillery emplacements (batteries), (R) infantry or combined arms field train- ing area or courses, (S) special training facilities, (T) unidentified facilities or tracking activity. - 1 - TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF NPIC /R-388/64 25X1A TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF rr MINSK SUPPLY DEPOT EAST (53-54N 027-34E) MINSK, MINSKAYA OBLAST, USSR BELORUSSIAN MD AL No: 4 25X1C COMOR No: None ?53?54.? Railroad, double track --- Railroad, single track Road \ o 2 KILOMETERS FIGURE 1. LOCATION OF MINSK SUPPLY DEPOT EAST, USSR. - 2 - TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF ECR PT CHESS RUFF SUMMARY Minsk Supply Depot :last is located in the central section of Vinsk ,53-54N 027-34E, and is served by a spur from the Minsk -Horisov rail line Figure 1). N':insk Army Barracks L'ruchye AL-1) is located 10 kilometers ?km ) northeast and Minsk Army Barracks Northwest AL-6) is located 7 km northwest. Other 1111IliCITV IT-ItL11- 13tions are in the Minsk area. The installation covers 36 acres and in- cludes two administration buildings, seven bar- racks, 10 storage buildings, two vehicle storage maintenance buildings, and inns 'Figures 2 and 31. The area is covered by tographv and KEYHOLE NT'IC 10 35'64 25X1D nine support build- 25X1D FAI 11F1 pho- missions 25X112) Comparative analysis 7-%-.-ealed the same general level of usage over this period, with reduced usage during the winter. Significant changes since include the addition of one administration building, five barracks, two storage buildings, and two support buildings. DESCRIPTION OF INSTALLATION Railroad Service A rail spur from the Minsk-Horisov rail line serves the installation. One probable rail-end dock is alongside a 340- by 100-foot building, re- ported in Army PIE-TK-122-63 to he a cold- storage building. Road Service Urban streets provide access to the in- stallation. Administrative and Troop Housing Area Area I-) Figure 31 contains two administra- tion buildings, seven barracks, four storage buildings and five support buildings. One ad- ministration building, five barracks, and two T 25X1D storage buildings were first observed onilim coverage. The extensive billeting capacity in this in- stallation suggests the possibility that personnel associated with other installations are quartered here. General Storage Area Area E contains six storage and three sup- port buildings. Two of the support buildings were first observed on coverag25X1D Equipment Storage/Maintenance Area Area J contains two 260- by 60-foot vehicle storage 'maintenance buildings and one support 23-MAR-1999 17:45 NPIC 'R-388(64 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF 1 ' % ? t ;1 II ' i Z.:I A c r i./i , ,? t l ic, CI.- ' ,.....1 , v ?' ........ .. . , . ., , ., 7 .,? 0.10.,-.,40,,,, .. , )1 . -14i, A 1..:? a t ; dr! 0:01 ScreenScan = cog*- , i E - ?F , I '4. ' 14, - FIGURE 2. miNS. SUPPLY DEPOT EAST uSSR, 25X1 D - 4 - TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF '148. E 84 2 3 ?MAR-19 9 9 17 4 6 ScreenScan . min :1---iiHnigi man: a: alpfusgrar, I:a : : us .ff OP ? e tril v-i 4-1_, , I ti t '1 Ii Iii; , 111,11..1 - ...... ii ? idiiiiiii b t Itz It?L'I Hi?hqii r:194 iiiiii Hp..i ?:: ? r II. in 1 ? 1 ?... .p,-, it I ii I l 11 ,, , It 1 if 1, 1 . .92, , 4 ? ? ' :Pilllii h ? '8 ii - Raido, 1,doi( trick Rrd sre,le trJc.r, Road Area aet'rrle FIGURE 3, MINSK SUPPLY DEPOT EAST USSR. 5kecomp ied 23-MAR-1999 17:48 ScreenScan ? e- REFERENCES NPIC/R-388/64 LC20, SECRET CHESS RUFF PHOTOGRAPHY 25X1D MAPS OR CHARTS US Air Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet 016S;',(1 Dei ISECIt ) IS ,tir Target Chart, Series 100, Sheet man-999i 1004,, 2d ed, reh :'v_!(( (1N \ NIL) I'S Target Complex Mosaic, Serie`, 25, Sheet 01t1h 9997 1 25MA, ;4d ed, Ma liii DOCUMENTS Army. PIR-TK-1:22-63, Mallory In,tallati,m, thti ttk t (3 ( ti r rXET UES RIIt'F) 25X1C 25X1C DIA. pc ?225 1 1-63, I,itj!lit,,, 1t. ;rtiund b 1 Out 6:1 (SF:CliF:T Fereign REQUIREMENT C-RR-4-61 ,111 (partial ans55iir) NPR' PROJECT N-236 64 - 6 - TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF ?