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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/05/11 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000300330159-1 Approved For Release 2000/05/11 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000300330159-1 :copy a 3 6 Pages May 1964 Declass Review, NIMA/DoD Handle -Via TALENT - KEYHOLE Control- Only OSTROSHITSKIY GORODOK BARRACKS AREA ?OSTROSHITSKIY GORODOK, USSR -BELORUSSIAN . MD This document contains cloirsified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage Iowa U. S. Code Title 18, Sections 793 and 794. The low prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person, as well as its use iri any manner prejudicial to the sof * or interest of the United States or for the 'benefit of qry -foreign government to the detriment of the Unfted States. It is to be seen only by personnel especially indoctrinated and authorized to receive TALENT-KEYHOLE information. Its security must be maintained in accordance with KEYHOLE and TALENT regul43.n's. ?.P TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF I his report is one in a series on t Ground } orcc and logistic installations hein_ prepared for a I)L\ IA Pane1. the series is being coordinated, puhlishcd and disser-cJ by APIC. The photographic analysis is being performed by the Nli: Photographic Analysis Group, the CAA Photographic Intelligence Division (\111C), and the Production Center 1 Plc cI)1A I he photographic analysis for this particular re- port Was pcrforntc'd by the AI'1C: Photographic Analysis Group. In the interest of uniformity, the titles and letter designators for the facilities observed at these installations arc identical with those appearing in the project rcduircn M. Wien a specific facility is not observed both its title and letter designator arc omitted in the report. Iitlcs and letter dcsicnator: for the various facilities arc as follow s: (A) railroad service, l13) road service, (C) landing strips, (H) administrative and troop Housing areas, (E) storage areas, (F) am- munition storage areas, lG) P()1_ storage areas, (H) other buildings and facilities. (J) ctluiptncnt stora_c;ntaintcnancc areas, (K) athletic fields, C) small amts firing r-ul_cs, Alt driver training areas. ('\) tank assault dun firine ranges, (P) flat trajectory firing ranges, (?)'artillery emplacements (batteries), (R) infantry or combined arms field train- ing area or courses, (- special training facilities, (-1) unidentified facilities or tracking. activity. TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF OSTROSHITSKIY GORODOK BARRACKS AREA (54-02N 027-47E) OSTROSHITSKIY GORODOK, MINSKAYA OBLAST, USSR BELORUSSIAN MD TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF This barracks area is located S kilometers (km) southeast ofOstroshitskiyGorodok 1-04~ 027-42E1 and 7 km northwest of the Minsk- Borisov highway. Major military camps are lo- cated in the Minsk and Borisov areas. The area covers approximately 370 acres and includes six administration buildings, four barracks, five storage buildings, IS support buildings, and two vehicle sheds. It also includes a possible communication tower, a probable swimming pool and an athletic field. Traininc facilities include a small arms firing range and 25X1 D 25X1 D a wheeled-vehicle driver training course. 'I he area is covered by = TALENT pho- I tography and six KEYHOLE missions between The installation, not present en i \I _ENT photography, was first observed on - KEYIIOLE coverage; however. tiie poor quality of this coverage pre- cluded determining the construction status. A review of later photo coverage revealed the in- stallation as complete in The instal- l: n appeared active with a consistent level of usage between Railroad Service The installation is located 7 km northwest of the Minsk-Borisov railroad. Road Service An all-weather secondary road provides access to the Minsk-Borisov highway. Administrative and Troop Housing Areas Area D1 contains three multistory bar- racks/administration buildings, two multistory administration buildings, four multistory bar- racks, and seven support buildings. The number of multistory administration buildings and the formal, neat appearance of the area suggest a military headquarters. Area D2 contains one multistory adminis- tration building. Heavy trackage indicates all buildings are actively used. General Storage Areas Area E l contains one storage and to support buildings. Area E2 contains four storage and six support buildings. The four storage buildings are separately secured. Other Buildings Three support buildings are located south of the administrative area. Equipment Storage/Maintenance Area Area J contains one vehicle shed 285 by 75 feet and one vehicle shed 230 by 55 feet. Athletic Fields Area K is an athletic field. The excavation north of Area D1 is identi- fied as a probable swimming pool. Small Arms Firing Range Area L is a 1,050- by 2S0-foot firing range. Track activity indicates constant usage. Driver Crew Training Area Area M is a 2.600- by 1,000-font wheeled- vehicle driver training area comprised of a large closed circuit and three small closed circuit figure "S" courses. The area apparently receives a constant level of usage during the summer months, with a reduced level having been observed during the winter months bet ween 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF 25X1 D TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF 25X1 D TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF