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Publication Date: 
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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000300120032-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000300120032-4 Ali,-UNIC t .CT~Tl1 or ,DSn.iTAL vamzmm- (v=-I) Cjeat 70.-? 10J Qtflm umearah m 3 Rw-'t.O ' 71M AZ Ac c c . AU,-U I I ,'.' Tvi OF 'I.M 1I}t}?t . WWZCZ' , (V=H) 25X1 D r 6 is eudadmod in a n wor to a request ft r Oct' r to TMX ~S- aaapply 3nfamatiar dart The A11 n ?~stit t Of saMaaeasui 33ts" 25XtD. (). The Latest ea is arx3 3. pt o ~ 3A amd a pimtomm-Ax which are attao)ied to this recce. That Pboto ana3avoU suds of the re. pmt 3ooat3 an of the I tituts 3r ae two fit. px sitlwe o cz , oo Posrtti . 2mati+ma of the ?srststntcr -Is :got 'pmdble Mrcuft a of djr of amrlai p~bn. Homew two areas am ad a& _tbe p Was Am" of Tho A1x $~btilatt of . F, r3 3 # . ( ) axed a oviatad 3n1 ~tttutea wed to be oaewtr tad M. 3tt of for inks In the two areas are of ar to -those et O"Olmeip U. S. 2'o. omlvh er mrd aat i tttaarti a. ' Is part ar true In area "A*. tit arm* bad the apaaasrs , im of 3a2ge t gust ^p sote a"tad to aa-_ ` 'e z'gc+ bndldL~s 25X1 D A". pans 3a17j eaa W. % dth no I ioatian of ~ waft the period of aerial o s e in mac were laid out bmL tat ac ted. tc hom for vr!:!p~ water =A ,,n sre& 83P w pmt throughout the ssrtal cov -ge. Icy of t muvt ' bta33dt, In areas "A* and v Jr bwo tea o m of otcsuge *boa and woit e1 * . ohe'k y of a t*u%xwuz7 nstwre. Them ma r inn cat_3 f of azr s ~ aattvjt c ng the pew of aaaial oa rage. A few on etoi go Via fps wra s oci t r ao . in the do pot, atoe a e, and bas-r ok . 0 25X1 D Ali we& to srrs~ad tv sun ate! and ! . UhLl ... tbo stswt woun if mt taau dMr+rrlx rl~, of 1 A U04" A" pO*, % 1 to i - Va. 2ii . _= l f of ydb11a ut3Iit3wm adualt bfa dwtc+ fiaQ V r1o ws bo rsudwe steravot, and dam araas am "d TAI assn +etaa+d itsatu . of the ba3ldtz and A O dotall ed &MIYsis Of tbs arcs t*i r a is pre od b* r. Tter unba* aM tettars are bored to tl t nsp nz t r! dML,,. '_a arm best Fits the dregs Ai an to t1 prrobsMs l,an ad' the Ica` part of T Al lijefl lbst3ttrto et raporJo. Mmta ) aLow (vI .). HLdIdInW 1 tIw gh 9 we 2oaat od t t1n W o mate and we daoari red boUms 1. _Pk'ob a aadml' tem. 1}5' x 300'. ." prababU axura#es pwo are ac ama t to tb2s wit .. 25X1 D 31 x OtO97 e i t ca t t y t___3di.w 340' Z We ' 1 ' aaesrtaR~rali>aer; uric apx~ raar eo+at+ SIX st.4W type tom. 2600'x 40', Saar awatimatic- bead oaeaetroat r aKa &t . 14 Yew 9 it 4 1 ttrat3's type bEtllilivSa 230' c'60'i -t attadrad tom., U61 it do'. S. TWO first tie band . 210' a $0'. two gsaaaaet type i b z114t e r f30' z ; 0' , a a casmsat. t WLng, loo' xto!* axe wst to a d Qc d. kir' tK% camtsimati Putt m AM V~ Wi:' a . =0 X E5'. _ s a a~Oad -ts3, twwdrgr ft w a ttt a3 ssw],lsr b x 3.4- SZWM In Ares A. .M 16 Attila B mmy represent At articrn of lie A 3,_! ttto t 7 i NU I a,ta1 raruclm- (Vi). lbrs 1t)1 it rams other inatit p 3j mad f%w the ~~ Hoots. egsa~rta Uftastfs that A be used tom w*rk In at,%Ao Av ru'. are 4' SnM 'law o actt . t tsstu+s on: WWOA ' err at 06 arra~rar~_. s mia. or cis db" n pavc3u& t-he fi~!!ZR'M[ of the ar~es tt p rposee ltar~ ---.~-~-~-, U through " +. 25X1 D sane 3,ocsted to t ash and are did b agms 11. ** A=7 wdi dstsuttve typo isti3 * 510' x 3Qi o uLno total ZF34' _z 35'. mndkw oaeasti Tani aartstrust3m 6. ad a brst3M p ti d5' x 5O'. "No MUVO stcr adrai 3stzatt s typo %ild=Xaa '~ t `65' ? $. 22. nest savsi,ats. :fix AW7 a atratt" it uduws ! ?x55'WIAC? ikra stor, tI at-at+ to to-i3. , 2-W x 80' 35' ? vt ' x WIN balUUM& With 3]A' x 95' WIZW., I ai3 nd A %Uvftr t scar Wired. 25. T * t 4 wj, 420' x 75'. 26. 200' X 45' **tid1xw vdth # 1ve foot dLuuter ata ck, b2Atix1 pt err. rdbm 27. 160' x 70' bull dial with three po a Ate, ps b. radio wrist* 180 230' x 35' tAildim- with a ulzx:. 223' x 708. 29. 170' x 359 bui:.i im with a 1i 245' x 35's for.-AM- _ ` "e am a * i to t 1ty five small air J214~_I d41 :in a B. Area C in it ulad as a -c area of q" w., te27 xwwer*yy I%vw 2Ad34n ` VwWing its also from ti e3,-;ht stm7 bu - ms's 350' x5 0' ? (bRii141ns 1G) to welt =W s*o buildds 3xaea~ than 2.5' x 2$'. x*a& siinC ZQ is of p$rtt 11* IrtAwast f r it 10 i 21otod ` .tJQo1y the buU4tTM lt- 3 At-. .V Vi tsa. is in the YtxwKm to3 phane dtreoto of 193 an the ac trees of The Qmtral Area F. f aruy std typ bu=dUlaw associated with the railroad vVUrv, AZV& G. Px'b vm4mrs q rters. Area h, tc gaa area. Area 3. Dapat =-a&, tiLdings 22 SXK 3 x be azsoaiated with the d o .o ik - the Serabraymu 1-km. 7he bbuilWnZa era i ,below. Z. tx story w istrative type baildinc? 4.$09 x 35', i h ? 2rwtitxxts of rp3.,d+e-- ..oloy and .araP, Colo (~: :i3. O&MIL Pz ble Workers ire. Area 7r. racks. A Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000300120032-4 SECRET SECRET D/G P 1- -55 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000300120032-4 25X1 D