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Document Release Date: 
July 6, 2000
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Publication Date: 
October 18, 1963
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78T05439A000200400029-8.pdf99.73 KB
ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/08/04 :CIA-RDP78T05439A000200400029-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/04 :CIA-RDP78T05439A000200400029-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/04:CIA-RDP78T05439A000200400029-8 Declassification review by NIMA/DOD MSKQRAl~(M FOR: ATrErtTlox: THRO~H: FRCM: SUB,7TsC'1': RNCE: Chief, Military-Economics Division, ORR 25X1A Chie~~ Requirements Branch, Reconnaissance Groug~~ CGS ChieY, CIA~PID (PPIG). Possible SA-3_Launch Site at Mys Set Novolock, LSSR a) Requirement C-RR-3-80,667 ~b) CIA~PID Project C 1+02-63 1. This memorandum is in response to your requirement dated 9 October 1963 which requests correlation oi' ground photography o~ a reported possible SA-3 launch site at Mys Set Rovolock on the Kola Peninsula with the best available maps and vertical photography_of the area. 25X1A 2. After a thorough examination o~ applicable ^ mAr.~*r and KEYHOLT photo- graphy the following statements can be made . 25X1 A 25X1D s. The basic road patterns and the number oY buildings present at ~ Set Novolock has remained virtual]ryy unchanged sincePhoto.coverage of _ Unless specifically dated in this m.emorandimm, it can be concluded that 25X1D items shown on the attached line drawing, which was prepared f'rc~ - coverage, were evident on the ~Torld War II photography. 25X1D b. The installation where the missiles were photographed is located on a hint at 69-23-52N 33-29-3 (~P reference: ACIC l: 0000 photo mosaic 0051-18~9~. There was no activity at this location in however 25X1D ' coverage of revealed activity of an unidentified nature at this point. -later KTsYHOLE coverages of the installation revealed no recog- nizable changes Prom the _ mAT.~am photography. This installation does not appear similAT to any BA-3 site identified in the USSR, to date, on KEYHOLE photograpby, however it is defYnitely the location where the missiles were observed on the grotmd photography. The attached line drawing indicates measure- ments between unidentified items on this hilltop as imaged on KEYHOLE photography. 25X1 D 25X1 D -Approved For Release 2000/08/04 :CIA-RDP78T05439A000200400029-8 S~7EC7T: Possible SA-3 I~a~ch Site at_ TCS 4581/63-~ I~ys Set 1Qovolock, USSR M/EB 450/63 25X1 D c. They F~1'yFACF radar is located on a hilltop at 69-23-27N 33-27-42E (map re~erenee: C 1.50,000, photo mosaic 0051-18/Ba+IA). -In here was activity_at this location, probably coastal defenses. On coverage a possible 25X1C radar site is located on this hill. The subsegwent small scale SEYHOLE coverage does not reveal any additional in-POrmation. JJ ..r \~~~r~ -- y 25X1 D - c-02) was present in No revious grapY~r exists o~ this area. On mar,~a+r photography oP sa anti-aircraYt artillery battery is positioned at the present location o~ the 3A-2 site. -lone o~ the associated buildings were constructed at this tame. 25X1A 3 ? Th,e photo analryst on this project is rho may be contacted on extension 2078 should yon have any further q~7Pstions concerning this r0 ect. P ~ 4. This pro3ect is considered to be complete. 25X1A Eaclosure: 1 - Dine Drawing (~IA/PZD/MEB-p-219/63) ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/08/04 :CIA-RDP78T05439A000200400029-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/04 :CIA-RDP78T05439A000200400029-8