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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2002/11/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200370043-6 Approved For Release 2002/11/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200370043-6 SEMET AN ARMY INTILLIGENCE DOCUMENT THE SOVIET SURFACE-TO-SURFACE GUIDED MISSILE SCUD (SS-1B) (C) MIS 24-63 MAYY 1963 PREPARED BY 4 U. S.ARMY ;MISSILE COMMAND REDSYON#:ARSENAL, ALABAMA THIS DOCUMENT WAS COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY THE ARMY MISSIL( COMMAND AFTER REVIEW AND APPROVAL IN TNC P1CE OF THE ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF FOR INTELLI NCE AND THEREFORE CONTAINS AGREED DEPART OF THE ARMY INTELLIGENCE. I WARNING NOTIC.E SENSITIVE SOURCE "NI) METHODS INVOLVED 25X1 C SECRET SECRET 25X1 C (S) 1 S RD (U) (S) This report is-an analysis of the SCUD SS-lb Surface- to-Surface Guided Missile system, and represents an. evaluation of intelligence information available through May 1963. This document was prepared by the Directorate of Missile Intelligence, U. S. Army Missile Command. (U) Comments or queries regarding the material contained in this report should be.submitted to the Commanding General, U. S. Army Missile Cori. ALTN: AMSMI-Y, Redstone Arsenal, - Alabama. iii SECRET SECRET (S-NOFORN) TABLE OF CONTENTS (U) I, eral System Description (U) ----------------------- 1 A. Introduction .(U)--------------------------------- 1 System Characteristics (U) -----------------------1 II. Missile Characteristics (U) -------------------------- 5 A. General (U)-------------------------------------- 5 B. Airframe (U)------------------------------------- 5 C. Guidance and Control (U) ------------------------- 7 1. General (U)---------------------------------- 7 2. Guidance System (U)-------------------------- 7 3. Control System (U)--------------------------- 8 4. Guidance and Control Checkout (U)------------ 10 5 Autopilot Erection and Alignment (U)--------- 10 D. Propulsion System (U)---------------------------- 11 E. Propellant System (U) ---------------------------- 12 F. Main Paver and Pneumatic Systems (U)------------- 13 G. rformance Analysis (U)----Z-------------------- 13 1. General (U) ---------------------------------- 13 2. tbi Propellant Weight (U)------------------------------- 14 3. Propulsion System (U)------------------------ 14 4. ku; ro ynamic Heating (U) ----------------------------- 15 5. (C) Airframe (U) ---------------------------------------- 15 6. Range (U)------------------------------------ 16 H. Warhead (U)-------------------------------------- 18 III. Ground Support Equipment (U) -------------------------19 A%. kaj neral (U) --------------------------------------------- 19 B. Missile Ground Transporter (U) ------------------- 19 C. Propulsion System Test Equipment (U) ------------- 24 D. Electrical System Test Equipment (U) ------------- 24 E. Air Compressor Unit (U) -------------------------- 24 F. Electrical Power Supply (U) ---------------------- 25 G. Fuel Transporter (U) ------------------------------ 25 H. Oxidizer Transporter (U) ------------------------- 25 I. Washdown and Neutralizing Vehicle (U) ------------ 25 J. Fire Fighting Vehicle (U) ------------------------ 28 K. Crane (U) ---------------------------------------- 28 L. Transporter-Erector-Launcher (U) ----------------- 28 M. Meteorological Equipment (U) ---------------------33 IV. Or anization and Field Operations (U) --------------- 35 A. General (U) -------------------------------------- 35 B. Line of Vehicle March (U)------------------------ -35 C. Processing the Missile (U) ----------------------- 35 D. Field Deployment (U) ----------------------------- 37 E. Launching Site (U) ------------------------------- 37 F. Deployment (U)----------------------------------- 37 G. Comments (U) ------------------------------------- 37 iv SECRET SECRET X1 Assembl y and Checkout Procedure (U) ------------------ 38 oducti on (U)---------------------------------------- 38 X1 B. J Tes ting (U) -------------------------------------- 38 General (U)---------------------------------- 38 K1 38 Technical Positior (U) ----------------------- X1 Loa ding and Assembly (U) ------------------------- 38 1 Operations at the Fueling Point (U)--- ----- 38 . 1 ---- 39 * 2. Assembly and Joining Procedure (U) ------- ch (U) --------------------------------------- 39 x1 Missile Alignment on Launcher (U)____________ 39 2. Launch Area Tests (U) -------- 39 DO Aim ing Requirement (U) ------------ --------------- 41 X1 APPENDIX I. Supporting Analysi s (U)------- --------------- 43 APPENDIX II. (S) Heat T ransfer Analysis (U ) ----------- --------------- 60 APPENDIX III. (S) Airfra me Stress Analysis (U) --------- --------------- 66 APPENDIX IV. Transporter-Erecto r-Launcher V ehicle nalysis U Analysis-U )------------------ ) ------------------ ------------ ------------ --------------- --------------- 71 APPENDIX V. (U) Refere nces (U) ---------- - ------------- --------------- 75 APPENDIX VI. Glosasry of Terms and Symbols (U)------------ 76 APPENDIX VII. (U) Distr ibution List (U)--- ------------- --------------- SECRET SECRET X1. Fissure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 23. 24. 25. 26. LIST OF GRAPHICS (U) Paste (CONFIDENTIAL) Moscow Parade Photographs, 1 May 1960 (U) -------- viii (SECRET- (SECRET- (UNCLASSIFIED) (UNCLASSIFIED) (UNCLASSIFIED) (CONFIDENTIAL) (UNCLASSIFIED) (UNCLASSIFIED) (UNCLASSIFIED) (CONFIDENTIAL) (CONFIDENTIAL) (CONFIDENTIAL) (SECRET (SECRET. (SECRET) (SECRET) (SECRET) (SECRET) Parade, 1 May 1960 (U) --------------------------- Inboard Profile (U)_____________________________ Block Diagram of SCUD Guidance and Control System (C) -------------------------------------- ZIL-151 Standard Cargo Truck (U)----------------- ZIL-l51 Van Body Truck (U)---.------------------- ZIL-157 Standard Cargo Truck (U) ------------------ Missile on Transporter, Line Drawing (U) --------- Electric Generator (Generator Trailer) (U) ------- Rotary Converter (Transformer Trailer) (U) ------- Fuel Transporter, Line Drawing (U) --------------- A-Frame Crane, Photographs (U) ------------------- Transporter-Erector-Launcher, Photograph (U) ----- Transporter-Erector-Launcher with Missile in Launch Position (U)______________________________ Typal Layout of Met Station (U)---=------------------ Organizational Structure of SS-1 (SCUD) Guided Missile Brigade (C)-------------------------___ Typical Combat Formation of SCUD Missile 'K Battalion (C) ----------------------------------- Grid Circle of Collimator (U) ------------------ Center of Pressure vs Mach Number Curve for SCUD Missile (C) -------------------------------------------- Drag Coefficient vs Mach Number Curve for SCUD Missile (C)-------------------------------------------- Performance, Parameters of SCUD Missile with 1550 lb Warhead (C) -------------------------------------------- Performance Parameters of SCUD Missile with 2500 lb Warhead (C) -------------------------------------------- (SECRET) Skin Temperature vs Time History for SCUD Missile (C)-- (CONFIDENTIAL) SCUD Missile on Carrier (C) ---------------------- (CONFIDENTIAL) Artist's Concept of Firing Table (U) ------------- (CONFIDENTIAL) Exploded View of Firing Table Assembly (U)------- D LIST OF TABLES (U) 6 20 21 22 23 26 26 27 29 30- 31 32 34 36 40. 54 55 58 59 64 70 72 72 1. (S Propulsion System Data (U) --------------------------- 15 2. (S Missile Characteristics (U)--------------=---- 16 3. (S Weight Breakdown (U)--------------------------------- 17 4. (S) ated Tank Volumes and Propellant Weights (U)---------- 44 5. (S Propulsion System Performance Characteristics (U) ---- 47 6. (S Estimated Tank Pressurization System Weight 7. (S) Estimated Main Power Supply Weight Breakdown (U)------------ 52 vi SECRET SECRET 8. (S) Missile Skin Material Properties (U) ------------------------ 60 9. (S) Nose Cone Skin Temperature (U)------------------------------ 62 10. (S) Missile Body Skin Temperature (U) --------------------------- 63 11. (S) Fin Skin Temperature (U) ------------------------------------ 65 12. (S) Estimated Vehicle Weight Distribution (U)------------------- 66 13. (S) Estimated Airframe Weight Breakdown (U) --------------------- 67 vii SECRET SECRET GENERAL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION (U) Introduction (U) The Soviet Union has developed a second generation 150 nm missile system identified as the 8A61. This missile is designated the SS-lb and has been nicknamed SCUD A by western intelligence. It is a replacement for the Soviet V-2 type 150 nm missile. The SCUD A was first seen in the 1957 May Day parade. This probably a es the beginning of the development period in the 1953-1954 time period. I Intelligence information verifies that the SCUD A is heavily deployed in the Soviet Union, lightly deployed in GSFG and possibly deployed in other Bloc countries. A%k The SCUD missal ?is a highly mobile, extremely reliable, tactical weapon. transported, erected and launched from a transporter-erector- launcher. System Characteristics (U) The SS-lb (SCUD A) is a single-stage, surface-to-surface, all-inertial, guided-ballistic fissile. It employs a storable propellant combination of red fuming nitric acid (containing 181-22% N204) and kerosene. In addition, a starting fuel, "Tonka", is used (507. ksilidin and 50% tri- ethylamine). The trajectory for the all-inertial system is determined from a preset program and cutoff is determined by a velocity seeker. The tankage section is a full-monocoque welded construction, while the aft skirt and fins are of semi-monocoque riveted construction. 1 -1 Three t high-explosive, an nuclear. T at the forward end of the tanks explosive (HE) warhead, the its nuclear warhead, the missile ha nuclear warhead weighs approx In future references within thi warhead is in the missile, unle to lift-off weight, burnout wei I A brief s data is listed e ow. The phot parade were used, along with of system description and perfo Missile length Diameter Range (max) Thrust (vac) Specific impulse of warheads exist for the SCUD: chemical, warheads are attached to a structural member section. When fired with the 1550 lb high- ile.has a maximum range of 160 nm. With a approximately half range capability. The tely 2500 lbs and has a 10 to 15 kiloton yield. study, it will be assumed that the 1550 HE otherwise indicated. (i.e., with reference etc.) graphs (Figures 1 and 2) taken in the 1 May 1960 r intelligence information, in determining (vac) 34.4 ft 2.85 ft 160 nm 21,500 lbs 256 1 SECRET SECRET Propellant flow rate 84 lb/sec Duration of thrust 92 secs Lift-off weight 11,728 lbs Burnout weight 4000 lbs Cutoff acceleration 4.6 G's A 41 urn pogee Flight time 315 secs Cutoff velocity 4958 ft/sec Cutoff angle 36.5 degrees 3 SECRET SECRET The SCUD airframe can be divided into the following sections: (a) nose, (b) forward tank '(oxidizer), (c) instrument compartment, (d) rear tank (fuel), and (e) tail section. (See Figure 3 for schematic.) The nose section houses the warhead and fuse assembly. SCUD A employs an all-inertial guidance system that remains .systems. inertially fixed to the local horizontal and azimuthal orientations of the launch point. It has four carbon vanes, located in the jet exhaust, which are mechanically deflected by steering motors, for control purposes. The missile developes a vacuum thrust of 21,500 pounds and burns for a total of 92 seconds. The carrier vehicle consists of several main subsystems; the airframe, guidance and control, propulsion, propellant systems, missile power, and pneumatic B. Airframe (U) The center transition section contains an access door. Part of the missile guidance and the hot gas pressurization system of'the fuel pressure tank are contained in this transition section. The tail section skirt is a semi-monocoque riveted structure consisting of a structural frame and a thin sheetmetal covering. The loads of this section are carried by the framework, and the skin acts mainly as an aerodynamic cover. The thrust is transmitted from the engine through a welded frame mount of steel tubing to the aft support ring which is bolted to the aft skirt and to the tankage section. The tail section encloses the propulsion unit and provides fin surfaces and trim tabs for the missile. In addition, the tail section houses the electrical components of the control system, part of the guidance system, and the main power supply unit. The engine uses a liquid bi-propellant, has a sea level thrust of 18,500 7us, and is assumed to be an uprated German Wasserfall type. The forward transition section houses the hot gas pres- General (U) The forward and aft tank sections contain the missile propellants. Stainless steel (0.081 inch thick) is used to withstand the 500 psi tank pressure of the hot gases from the. gas generator pressurization systems. The tankage section is a full-monocoque structure consisting of a shell and additional frame support members.- The missile skin serves as the tank wall. The tanks are separated by a center transition section. All subsections of the tankage are welded together to form a complete unit. An oxidizer line runs through the fuel tank to the tail section. A conduit is located on the outside of both tanks to.carry the electrical cables and pneumatic lines to center and nose sections. SECRET SECRET rGUIDANCE SYSTEM: S R T YAWTRO r REQUENCY AND( VOLTAGE REULATOR I 50 V BATTERY MISSILE POWER SUPPLY 0 i v - -- PGIA C O N T R O L A M P L I F I E R it i 32 V BATTERY 4 ~ I 500', AC INVERTER L PITCH ROGRAM G G 8 B PROPELLANT - -a-- IV -- Figure 4. (SECRET 0 Tow V.- SUBSYSTEM MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL BIAS CONTROL 2 POTENTIOMETERS FEEDBACK GAIN CONTROL CARBON VANE PENDULUM ROTOR, GYRO 2 MOTORS, STEERING SENSOR, ATTITUDE TORQUE MOTOR VALVE PROPELLANT TIME CUTOFF SWITCH VELOCITY CUTOFF SWITCH X YAW Y ROLL Z PITCH PGIA PENDULOUS GYRO INTEGRATING ACCELEROMETER Block Diagram of SCUD Guidance and Control System (C) _ 6 SECRET SECRET C. 1 -1 Guidance and Control (U) 1. General (U) The SCUD employs an all-inertial guidance system Guidance System (U) The autopilot consists of a baseplate, two gyros, a pitch gyro programmer, ana an integrating accelerometer. The baseplate is mounted to the airframe in the instrument compartment between the propellant tanks. This baseplate contains reference flanges for the mounting alignment to the airframe, missile vertical erection, and inertial component alignment. Gyros (U) The two gyros of the SCUD autopilot are bas- the German LEV-3 (V-2) autopilot; that is, they y are a two-degree-of-freedom, non-synchronous, ball bearing type.' icall copies of those The yaw-roll gyro is mounted on the base- that remains inertially fixed to the local horizontal and azimuthal orienta- tions of the launch point. During the thrust phase these orientations are inertially maintained. All outside control is removed at launch. Attitude deviations are detected by an autopilot, cutoff velocity is detected by an integrating accelerometer, and attitude and trajectory control are maintained by a control amplifier through steering motors and jet vanes. For a graphic description of the guidance and control system see the block diagram (Figure 4). plate with its spin axis perpendicular to the local vertical and to the firing azimuth. (This spin axis orientation permits the missile to program in pitch without affecting the yaw-roll reference.) An electromechanical pendulum and torque motor align the outer.gimbal parallel to the local vertical. The spin axis is aligned perpendicular to the outer gimbal by a torque motor and bridged potentiometers. The inner gimbal potentiometer provides the roll. attitude signal and the outer gimbal potentiometer provides the yaw attitude signal. (2) Pitch Gyro (U) The pitch gyro is mounted on the base- plate with its spin axis perpen cu ar to the local vertical and parallel to the firing azimuth. An electromechanical pendulum and a torque motor erect the outer gimbal parallel to the local vertical. A torque motor and inner -gimbal bridged potentiometers align the spin axis perpendicular to the outer gimbal. (This alignment eliminates yaw cross-coupling while roll cross- coupling can be tolerated to the mechanical limit of the gimbal freedom, approximately ? 200.) The bridged potentiometer of the outer gimbal axis is programmed around the pitch axis of the autopilot by a pulsed d-c motor. 7 SECRET SECRET The pitch gyro programmer consists of a step motor, sliprings, and bridged potentiometers. Pulses of d-c current from a timer energize the step motor and the pitch attitude potentiometer body is mechanically displaced around the pitch axis of the autopilot. (The potentiom- eter wiper is attached to the outer gimbal of the gyro.) Programming of this potentiometer does not affect the gyro's ability to detect missile pitch attitude deviations, but this displacement introduces an attitude signal in the pitch control circuits. This attitude signal will cause the missile to pitch over until this sensor is nulled. The pitch program, during the thrust phase, is controlled by this timer and the rate and duration of the program is based upon the selected range. The integrating accelerometer of the SCUD autopilot is a pendulous gyro integrating type. This thrust cutoff device is a velocity seeker that measures acceleration, integrates acceleration for velocity information, and initiates cutoff. This device is so mounted on the baseplate that longitudinal missile acceleration is sep,sed and, at a pre- determined velocity, the cutoff circuits initiate thrust termination in a single command. The baseplate of the SCUD autopilot is somewhat triangular in shape, has an adjustable capability on at least two of the three points of support, and contains two machined-flanges that are used for plumbing the missile after erection. The gyros and the accelerometer are initially aligned to these flanges and these machined surfaces are used as a reference for aligning the autopilot to the firing azimuth. Integrating Accelerometer (U) Control System (U) The control system consists of the control amplifier, four steering motors for the carbon jet vanes, four jet vanes, four feedback potentiometers, the timer, the propellant cutoff valve and trim tabs. The control system uses d-c attitude signals from the autopilot to control steering rudder movement by a magnetic control amplifier. Control Amplifier (U) The magnetic control amplifier consists of a preamplifier, mixer, and power amplifier for each of the three attitude signals. Provisions are made to utilize rudder position signals (feedback). The attitude and feedback signals are mixed and amplified by the preamplifiers to provide sufficient amplitude for mixing with a constant phase source in the mixer. Integrating networks of the preamplifier also provide rate and dis- placement information for the mixer. The mixer determines the amplitude 8 SECRET SECRET D5439A000200370043-6 by comparing the incoming signal with a constant phase source and the amplitude is the result of rectification and filtering. The mixer output is amplified by the power amplifier to energize the control relay of the steering motors. Steering Motors (U) The four steering motors are electrically- driven oil pumps controlled by a polarized control valve. The control valve is synchronized with the polarity of the attitude signals to provide vane deflection needed for yaw, roll, and pitch. The steering motor consists of a d-c motor, an oil pump, and a free-floating piston. The motor runs con- tinuously and provides an oil pressure through the oil pump to the piston cylinder. The piston's position, through linkage, determines the angular deflection of the carbon vanes. The control valve is a polarized relay that provides directional control of the oil flow to the cylinder. The control amplifier output is applied to each of the four control valves and the polarity of the controlling voltage determines the direction while the amplitude determines the angular deflection of the carbon vanes. The carbon vanes, located in the jet exhaust, are mechanically deflected y the steering motors. The carbon vanes control the missile in yaw, roll, and pitch; Vanes I and III in yaw, Vanes II and IV in pitch, and all four in roll. Two potentiometers are spindle connected to each of the four carbon vanes to provide a position signal for the control amplifier and also for test purposes prior to launch. The timer supplies the time reference for the pitch program and the burning time limit for the engine. (This timer is believed to be synchronized to the inverter frequency; that is, the 10th sub- harmonic of 500 cps.) Propellant Cutoff Valve (U) The cutoff valve terminates propellant flow on command of the velocity switch (PGIA) or the time switch (timer). Normally the velocity switch terminates propellant flow after the missile obtains cutoff velocity; however, should the PGIA fail to detect cutoff velocity, the timer terminates propellant flow prior to depletion. The use of trim tab control on the aerodynamic fins has not been ascert , but their utilization would be desirable. A close examination of the SCUD photographs indicates trim tabs on the rear portion .of the fins; however, this is not positive because of the detail of the photography. During the thrust phase, carbon vane erosion will introduce false torques into the control system. The guidance and control system is 9 SECRET SECRET capable of detecting and correcting these torques, but if trim tabs are used, the correction torques needed for the carbon vanes would be reduced. Guidance and Control Checkout (U) Q The SCUD guidance and control system undergoes many tests, alignments, and checkouts before launching. I Components of the guidance system are tested individually an as a sys em. The gyros and accelerometer are removed from the missile during horizontal checkout, but replaced before the missile is erected on the launch table. The guidance system functioning is tested with the control system to insure proper polarization, gain, and synchronization. The integrating accelerometer's capability to terminate thrust is also tested prior to and after the missile is erected on the launch table. For further checkout procedures see Section V. I I The control system does not correct for lateral and slant range errors during the thrust phase. Lateral errors due to wind shear forces are determined from firing tables and met data and corrections in azimuth are made prior to launch. Slant range errors are minimized by a nearly constant engine thrust; therefore, providing a flight trajectory that closely approximates the desired trajectory. A test sequence program is applied to the overall control system to insure that: (a) Th e polarity of the attitude signals is correct. (b) T he synchronization of. the carbon vanes provides roll (c) T he pitch program is started, locked-in, and terminated (d) T he emergency shutdown circuits are actuated. (e) T he fuze-arming signals occur at the predetermined (f) T he thrust is terminated by an on-board timer (92 seconds after lift-off) if cutoff velocity. the integrating accelerometer has not detected (g) The necessary final fuze-arming signals are applied Autopilot Erection and Alignment (U) When the missile is erected on the firing table with Fin I aligned downrange, two levels are placed on the autopilot baseplate reference flanges. The missile is leveled by a triangular leveling frame of the firing table (see Figure 26). The final aiming procedure employs the SECRET SECRET reference flanges of the autopilot and a collimator (Section V, paragraph E). A prism is employed to transfer (optically) the autopilot reference to the carbon vanes. I I The final aiming procedure requires that the auto- pilot be energize cted; that is, the gyros running and the gimbals aligned to their preset positions. The control amplifier must also be operating to center-position the carbon vanes. The pendulums of the gyros detect the local vertical and maintain the autopilot earth-fixed; therefore, the control system will center-position the carbon vanes. This guidance and control system's holding capability is remotely observed. A prism is mounted on and aligned with Fins I and III and'the collimator is employed to monitor the fin's ref- erence. After the autopilot compartment is closed, the autopilot's erection capability is remotely observed by the collimator and the prism. This observa- tion is conducted throughout pre-launch checkout and up to the moment of launch. The prism mounted on Fins I and III may be removed before ignition; however, the prism is believed to be expendable. Propulsion System (U) The power plant of the SCUD missile is a bi-propellant liquid rocket engine. The thrust is generated for a period of 92 seconds. The desired thrust is maintained by-a chamber pressure loop. Energy for this thrust is provided by red fuming-nitric acid ('containing 18-227. N204) and kerosene. Iodine is added to the acid to inhibit corrosion. A small concen- tration of iodine additive results in a negligible decrease in"performance. The combustion chamber cooling system consists of point connections for distribution of the nitric acid within the chamber walls. The chamber has a combined cooling system (circulation cooling and internal cooling -- a vapor curtain). This cooling system permits the maintenance of 930-1110?F temperature. The pressure in the compressed air tank located in the engine compartment i re 3) is equal to 3000 psia. A reducer lowers this pressure to 550 psia (this pressure is used to force the hot gas components into the gas generator, and the starting fuel into the injector). The propellants are pressurized and transferred from the missile tanks to the engine combustion chamber by gases from two hot gas pressurization systems. (See paragraph E below.) 1 -1 In summary, the propulsion system consists of the fol- lowing components: 1. Combustion chamber. 2. Fuel tank. 11 1.'e1 reed a5 'i-7. 4. Oxidizer tank. 11 SECRET SECRET 5. Oxidizer feed assembly. 6. Distribution net. 7. Tank pressurization assemblies. 8. Engine control assembly (pyrovalves, diaphragms, pressure relays, throttle unit, and the like). 9. -Engine assembly (piping system, delivery discs, and feed and drainage valves). 10. Atomizers (ball-valve type, jet and centrifugal). The orifice diameters are from 0.002 to 0.079 inches. The propellant system transfers the fuel (kerosene) and oxidizer (nitric acid). from the missile tanks to the thrust chamber under pressure. The systems consist of two hot gas generator systems, two tanks, two on-off control valves, a throttling control valve, piping, and the engine passages. I I The two tanks are made from high strength stainless steel. The x tank is located above the fuel tank. The oxidizer passes through the fuel tank (by way of a pipe) to the main on-off valve. After passing through this valve, the oxidizer enters the coolant manifold. This section directs the engine coolant fluid (the oxidizer in this case) around the nozzle and up through the engine wall to the injector. Fuel flow is direct to the injector head through the main on-off valve. The engine temperature and chamber pressure variations operate the automatic throttle to vary fuel comsumption. A propellant tank pressurization system supplies a pressure of about,500 psia for the oxidizer and fuel tanks. An investigation of a simple compressed air pressurized propellant feed system was conducted in an effort to determine the applicability of such a system. The study revealed that a simple on-board pressurized feed system would impose severe weight penalties on the SCUD missile. In addition it was found that the missile does not have the necessary free volume to carry the required pressure bottles. A minimum of 24.9 cubic feet is necessary as a gas volume require- ment. This also imposes a weight penalty of approximately 500 pounds. Therefore it is felt that two hot gas generator pressurization systems are the best candidates for a propellant pressure feed system. I It is assumed that a hydrogen peroxide gas generator- is used for the aci tank. The steam and oxygen gases from this reaction are compatible with the nitric acid at tank gas temperatures of 500-700?F. At lower temperatures the steam would condense to water and dilute the acid. At higher temperatures a prohibitive tank wall thickness would be required to contain the pressure. Higher temperature would also cause decomposition of prohibitive amounts of N204 in the acid. SECRET SECRET An ethylene oxide gas generator is assumed to be used for the fuel tank. The methane and carbon monoxide gases from this reaction are compatible with the kerosene fuel. A heating coil is attached to the head of this gas generator, near the injector, for ignition of the ethylene oxide. Nitrogen is used for pressurizing gas for the hydrogen peroxide and ethylene oxide containers. The nitrogen gas is stored in a sphere in the engine compartment. It is also.a possibility that fuel could be used as a coolant. There is enough fuel left as residuals for this purpose. However, nitric acid was chosen as a coolant based on U.S..state-of-the-art and also on the fact that the German.Wasserfall and Soviet R-113 engines use nitric acid to cool the engines. (There is a great similarity between the Wasserfall, R-113 and SCUD). The missile parameters would be altered very little if fuel was used. Main Power and Pneumatic Systems (U) A main missile power supply (MPS) is utilized in the SCUD missile to supply electrical power for the guidance system and hydraulic power for pneumaticovalves. Alternating current is supplied by a rotary inverter, while hydraulic power is supplied by a d-c motor-pump combination. The MPS is located in the engine compartment along with part of the guidance system and pressurization system. Hydraulic and nitrogen pressure lines and cables are routed to intertank and nose section through the outside cabling duct. G. Performance Analysis (U) General (U) The initial phase of the missile performance analysis consisted of calculating the design parameters of the SCUD A missile that would be required for a trajectory analysis. The results of this trajectory analysis were required to perform an aerodynamic heating analysis, to determine the drag coefficient, and to provide "g" loadings for use in the airframe stress analysis. n For the trajectory, an estimate of the propellant weight was made and thrU chamber parameters were determined. Using these estimated values, the propellant tank pressure needed was calculated. Estimates were then made. of the weight of the propulsion components, tank pressurization system, main power supply, guidance system, and warhead. Calculations were performed (see Appendix II) to determine the aerodynamic heating during re-entry of the entire vehicle. I I The results of this analysis, together with the estimated component weights and thrust level, were used as a basis for the first estimate of the airframe weight. Figures 1 and 2 were used to determine the skin thickness based on wrinkles and dents in the skin, the locations of riveted and welded sections of the skin, and the size of the welded joints. The trajectory analysis (Appendix I) was performed utilizing the preliminary 13 SECRET SECRET performance parameters, weights, and an estimated drag coefficient. Ranges of 150 and 80 nm were obtained for the SS-lb (SCUD) using the conventional and the nuclear warheads, respectively (see Figures 21 and 22). Utilizing the propellant tank arrangement (see Figure 3), the nitric acid weght in the forward tank and the kerosene weight in the aft tank were determined to be 6200 lbs and 1750 lbs, respectively. Propulsion System (U) The thrust level used as the basis for the performance calculations is considered as an approximation of the actual value. The effect of not knowing the precise thrust level of the SCUD A is not significant since missile range is not too sensitive to the exact thrust level. A thrust level of 18,500 lbs has been calculated from propulsion parameters. The only known engine available to the Soviets with a thrust in this s is the World War II German Wasserfall engine, which has a sea-level thrust of 17,600 lbs and a chamber pressure of 300 psia. However, it is doubtful that the basic Wasserfall engine-is used because of the rather large size of the engine in relation to its thrust level. It is possible, however, that the Soviets have continued the-development of the Wasserfall engine -- increasing the performance, and reducing the length of the engine to_ make it more compact. On the other hand, it is also possible that the Soviets have not made use of the Wasserfall engine and have developed a com- pletely new engine for use in the SCUD A missile. However, it is felt#that the SCUD A engine would utilize a low chamber pressure in order to use thinner chamber walls and reduce the cooling requirements. Low chamber pressures were used in the Wasserfall, the German V-2 and its Soviet counterpart, and the Soviet K-102 engine which operated at 310 psis. I For the SCUD A, the thrust chamber performance calculations were base on the use of inhibited red fuming nitric acid and kerosene at an injector mixture ratio of 3.4, a chamber pressure of 355 psia, and an expansion ratio of 5.15. The corresponding nozzle exit pressure is 10.3 psia, which results in good performance, considering the burnout altitude of about 100,000 feet. The nozzle throat area was chosen to provide a sea- level thrust of about 18,500 lbs. The motor has both regenerative and film cooling systems to maiptain a wall temperature of 930-1110?F. SECRET SECRET Sea-level thrust lb 18,500 Vacuum thrust lb 21,500 Propellant flow rate lb/sec 84 Sea-level specific impulse sec 220 Vacuum specific impulse sec 256 Expansion ratio -- 5.15 Mixture ratio lbs 3.4 Chamber pressure psia 355 Nozzle exit pressure psia 10.3 Duration of thrust sec 92 A heat transfer analysis was performed (see Appendix II) in order to helppTetermine the kind of material used and its required thick- ness to withstand the temperatures encountered by aerodynamic heating. The analysis revealed the maximum temperatures over a range of various skin thicknesses for locations along the missile beginning at the tip of the nose cone. A study of the SCUD A trajectory ahd its velocity revealed that aerodynamic heating was not severe until re-entry. Re-entry velocity of about 5,000 ft/sec results in an overall body skin temperature 9f approxi- mately 700-900?F, and the nose skin temperature of about 1,000?F. These temperatures are critical for aluminum; therefore, stainless steel is probably used. - L_J The width of the welds seen in the photography (Figures I and 2) tends to support the use of stainless steel. The waviness of the aft skirt skin is indicative of thinner materiel compared to the tank sections. The heat transfer analysis (Appendix II) and the airframe stress analysis (Appendix III) support the use of stainless steel for the SCUD missile airframe. The airframe weight analysis was based on the assumption that the SCUD a r rame is constructed of stainless steel of series type 300. Flight loads were estimated by making use of the propellant and component weights and their distribution, tank pressures, and the "g" loading curve from the preliminary trajectory. The skin temperatures at various locations along the missile were obtained from the heat transfer analysis. A general description of the structure of the SCUD airframe will help to clarify the results of-the airframe stress analysis. The structure consists of three distinct sections; the aft skirt, the tankage section, and the nose cone (Figure 3). The aft skirt is a semi-monocoque riveted structure consisting of a structural frame and a thin sheetmetal covering. It is felt that most of the loads on this section are carried by the framework, and that the skin acts mainly as an aerodynamic cover. The thrust is transmitted 15 SECRET SECRET through a thrust frame to the aft support ring which is riveted to the aft skirt and to the tankage section. The tankage section is a full-monocoque structure consisting of a shell and ring frames with no additional support members. The section consists of the two integral propellant tanks (the missile skin serves as the tank wall), an intertank transition, and a short transition section on either end. The aft transition section connects the fuel tank to the thrust unit, and the forward transition section connects the oxidizer tank to the nose cone. All the subsections of the tankage section are welded together to form the complete unit. The aft end of the warhead is attached to a conical support which, in turn, is attached to a support ring at the forward end of the tankage section. The nose cone is a metal shield which provides the proper aerodynamic configuration and protects the warhead from the heat generated during re-entry. The nose cone is connected to the tankage section just ahead of the warhead support ring. = For the stress analysis, the weights of the support rings, the aft skirt, and the fins were estimated by using previous experience with similar structures constructed of steel. The weights of the tankage section and nose cone, however, were determined from the skin thickness which provided adequate margins of safety for the most critical load on the section. For the tankage sections, it was assumed that the entire section was welded up from the same thickness of stainless steel. This facilitates construction of the section, results in good welded joints, and provides adequate although not excessive margins of safety for all points along the missile. The resulting thickness for the skin and bulkheads of the tankage section is 0.081 inch, while the nose cone thickness is 0.080 inch. Range (U) I I The computation of range is based on the estimated overall missile weight breakdown as tabulated in table 2. The zero-lift drag coefficient as a function of Mach number was based upon preliminary trajectory analysis to obtain the skin friction contribution. The final trajectory analysis was performed by making use of the estimated propulsion system data, missile weight breakdown, and drag coefficient. It is seen that for the 150 nm range, the most likely warhead weight is 1550 lbs. The design characteristics of the SCUD are presented in table 2. TABLE 2 . Length 34.4 ft Diameter 2.85 ft Missile dry weight 3,778 lbs Nose cone 1,550 lbs (Nuclear) 2,500 lbs Range 150 ran (Nuclear) 80 nm Apogee 41 nm Burning time 92 sec 16 SECRET SECRET MISSILE CHARACTERISTICS (U) (CONT'D) Flight time 315 sec Cutoff velocity 4,958 ft/sec Cutoff angle 36.5 degrees Cutoff acceleration 4.6 G's Lift-off weight 11,728 lbs*l Fueled weight 11,775 lbs*2 Burnout weight 4000 lbs*3 Thrust . 18,500 lbs (Vacuum) 21,500 lbs Specific impulse 220 sec (Vacuum) 256 sec Oxidizer 6,200 lbs*4 Flow rate 66.3 lbs/sec Residue 100 lbs Fuel 1,750 lbs*5 Flow rate 17.7 lbs/sec Residue 122 lbs Propellant flow rate 84 lbs/sec*6 Starting fuel 47 lbs I- TOTAL 11,775 lbs Oxidizer flow rate: 66.3 lbs/sec Total oxidizer burned in 92 sec Residue 6,100 lbs 100 lbs Airframe and nose cone weight Oxidizer flight weight Fuel flight weight Lift-off weight Starting fuel Airframe and nose cone weight Oxidizer and fuel residue 11,728 lbs 47 lbs 3,778 lbs 222 lbs *See weight breakdown (Table 3). 17 SECRET 3,778 lbs 6,200 lbs 1,750 lbs TOTAL 11,728 lbs SECRET WEIGHT BREAKDOWN (U) (CONT'D) Fuel flow rate: 17.7 lbs/sec Total fuel burned in 92 sec 1,628 lbs Residue 122 lbs TOTAL 1,750 lbs Oxidizer burned during flight/sec 66.3 lbs Fuel burned during flight/sec 17.7 lbs TOTAL 84 sbl The SCUD missile is designed with a non-separating warhead. This war ead may be one of two existing types, i.e., a conventional HE charge or an atomic charge designated as a special warhead 8K11. These special warheads have 10 and 15 kiloton yields. The HE warhead consists of the nose fuze, the detonator, J the explosive material, the base fuze, cables, and the fuze arming device. L __ The explosive material consists of 60% trotyl (trini- trotoluene), 25% hexogen (RDX) (trimethylenetrinitroamine), and 157; aluminum. In addition to this 100% mixture, the explosive material has a 5% covering of chloronapthalene. Overall weight of the explosive charge is 1175 lbs, and the shell container of the warhead has three layers; a steel jacket - (0.1 in.), an asbestos carton, and a steel jacket (0.04 in.). By means of this protective arrangement of the warhead, the temperature at the surfaces of the explosive material does not exceed 175?F. The nose and base fuzes are installed and .the warhead joined with the missile at the assembly point in the technical area. 18 SECRET SECRET GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT (U) General (U) Ground support equipment (GSE) includes all equipment used Handle, test, service, and launch the missile. The smallest self-sustaining operational unit for this system is the battalion since the three launching batteries are dependent on the headquarters battery, the missile transport battery,-and the technical battery for support. For this reason, equipment is presented by area of employment on battalion level rather than at battery level, and only vehicles and equipment that have a technical function are included. GSE for the SCUD missile system is both road and rail trans- portable. addition, there is a capability for air resupply of missiles by either helicopter or conventional cargo aircraft. The basic vehicle used in ground support of the SCUD missile is the ZIL-151. The standard cargo version of this vehicle is shown in Figure 5 and the van body version in Figure 6. The ZIL-157 (standard cargo version shown in Figure 7) is used interchangeably with the ZIL-151. B. Missile Ground Transporter (U) The purpose of this vehicle cis to transport the SCUD A missile from the epot to the technical position; to serve as a dolly through test, checkout, fueling, and warhead installation; and to transport the ready missile to the storage area. The vehicle is a two-axle trailer consisting of chassis, front and rear cradles with rubber liners and straps, draw bar, guard rails, undercarriage, and brake mechanism. This vehicle has the following characteristics:. Load capacity 6 tons Weight 3.2 tons Length 32.2 ft Width 8.9 ft Height 5.9 ft Ground clearance 9.8 in A variety of prime movers could be used to tow this trailer; however, tost likely candidate is the ZIL-151 shown in Figure 5. Figure 8, which shows a trailer transporter carrying a SCUD missile, s based on a photograph that was taken.during a transport helicopter demonstration at the Tushino air show in_1961. The ground transporter described above is of the same general configuration but of more rugged construction. I 19 SECRET SECRET 0 ZIL-151?STANDARD CARGO TRUCK (U) CHARACTERISTICS (U) 1. Weight-------------------------------- 6 short tons 2. Wheel base---------------------------- 191 inches 3. Overall length------------------------ 22 ft, 9 in. 4. Width--------------------------------- 7 ft, 7 in. S. Engine-------------------------------- 92 HP 6 cyl gasoline 6. Speed--------------------------------- 41 mph 7. Cruising range------------------------ 413 miles 8. Payload------------------------------- 5.2 short tons 9. Towed.load---------------------------- 4 short tons Figure 5. (UNCLASSIFIED) ZIL-151 Standard Cargo Truck (U) 20 SECRET SECRET This equipment is mounted in the van body of a ZIL-151 truck similar to that shown in Figure 6. The purpose of the equipment is to provide a capability for a complete pressure testing of the propulsion system and its components. The equipment consists of manometers, a voltmeter, and an ammeter. Also included is equipment for filling the spherical tanks in the missile with compressed air to check the correct setting of the reducer, stands, piping, valves, etc. The electrical system test equipment, like that for the propulsion system test, is mounted in the van body of a ZIL-151 truck similar to that shown in Figure 6. Included in this van is a console and a mock-up of the missile electrical system for checkout of guidance system components, and a console for checking insulation of the cable net. Guidance system checkout includes check of pickup current of steering motors, check of functioning of the autopilot, and check of accelerometers. This unit is used for filling the missile propellant tanks with compressed air and for pressurizing the air bottles on the trans- porter-erector-launcher (TEL) (230 to 350 atmospheres). The unit. includes the power plant, compressor, air system, cooling system, regenerating unit, oxygen-water condenser, moisture absorber, and control panel. The unit Is mounted on a ZIL-151 truck and has the following.characteristics: A photoelectric automatic moisture indicator is used to control the humidity of the air delivered by the compressor or from the bottles. It consists of a measuring head with cooling system, an electronic unit, a power unit, and a front cover. The measuring head consists of a measuring mirror, illuminating bulbs, two photoelements, two objectives, and diaphragms. The cooling system consists of a throttle, a coil, a pre- heater, and a heat transfer unit. The power unit is fed with a 220 volt source. Propulsion System Test Equipment (U) Electrical System Test Equipment (U) Air Compressor Unit (U) Also included as part of the air compressor unit is an air preheater consisting of an electric motor driven blower, a gasoline burner, and grids through which the air is blown. The exhaust air temperature is_ 250?F. Overall weight 10 tons Weight w/o ZIL-151 3.5 tons Air delivery 53 cu ft/min Engine 55 to 60 HP Compressor speed 1250 to 1800 rpm Maximum speed of vehicle 25 mph Range (governed by fuel) 400 miles 24 SECRET SECRET 6X1 F. The electrical power supply for the SCUD requires two X1 - pieces of equipment in the test area. A gasoline electric generator similar to that shown in Figure 9 is used as the basic power source of 220 volt alternating current and probably has a capacity rating of 25-30 kw. The rotary converter or transformer trailer similar to the one shown in Figure 10 is used in conjunction with the generator as a source of direct current supply. The purpose of this vehicle is to transport kerosene is shown in Figure 11 and has the following characteristics: for the SCUD missile to the fueling site and there transfer it to the missile tank by means of the integral pumping system mounted in a compartment on the vehicle. Kerosene tanks are constructed of steel with a zinc coating. The tank and pumping system are mounted on a ZIL-151 truck chassis. This vehicle Weight loaded Capacity Working capacity Weight of contents Method of transfer Maximum working capacity 10 tons 800 gallons 780 gallons 3 tons Pump 95 gpm Oxidizer Transporter (U) The purpose of this vehicle is to transport nitric acid for the SCUD missile to the fueling site and there to transfer it to the missile oxidizer tank by means of the integral pumping system mounted in a compartment on the vehicle. Nitric acid tanks are constructed of aluminum and aluminum alloy. The tank and pumping system are mounted on a ZIL-151 truck chassis and in general appearance would be similar to the kerosene transporter shown in Figure 11. This vehicle has the following characteristics: Weight loaded 10.6 tons Capacity 810 gallons Working capacity 740 gallons Weight of contents 3.4 tons Method of transfer Pump Maximum working capacity 95 gpm 1 Washdown and Neutralizing Vehicle (U) The purpose of this vehicle is to provide equipment to remove and/or ren er harmless any propellants spilled during transfer to the missile tanks. The unit consists of a tank and integral pumping system with hoses mounted on a ZIL-151 truck chassis. Its general appearance would not be too unlike that of a fuel transporter, and it has the following characteristics: 25 SECRET SECRET Switch panel with cable plugs Figure 9. (UNCLASSIFIED) Electric Generator (Generator Trailer) (U) Automatic voltage regulator Figure 10. (UNCLASSIFIED) Rotary Converter (Transformer Trailer) (U) 26 SECRET SECRET Weight loaded 10.1 tons Capacity 500 gallons Working capacity 500 gallons Weight of contents 4200 pounds Pumping rate 250 gpm Fire Fighting Vehicle (U) The purpose of this vehicle is to provide equipment for fire protection for the technical area. The unit consists of a tank, integral pumping system for filling and emptying the tank, and suction and discharge hoses mounted on a ZIL-151 truck chassis. It has the following characteristics: Weight loaded Capacity Working capacity Weight of contents Pumping rate Crane (U) The crane is a truck-tractor and semi-trailer combina- tion as shown in Figure 12. It has a..30 kw alternating current generator and two electrically-driven motors. One motor is used to power the winch that controls the boom, and the other is.used to power the winch for the hook. The crane has the following characteristics: Weight of semi-trailer 7.8 tons Weight of truck-tractor 14.9 tons Length of combination 49.5 ft Height in mobile condition 10.5 ft Height in working. position 28.2 ft Width 11.5 ft Maximum lifting capacity 13.7 tons Hoisting speed 3.95 ft/min Maximum elevation of hook 23 ft This crane is used at the assembly point in mating the warhead with the missile, and is also used to transload the missile from the ground transporter to the TEL. The purpose of this vehicle is to transport the SCUD A missile from the ready missile storage area to the launch site, erect it on the launch pad, and provide facilities for final preparation and launching. It consists of: the body; engine mount; transmission; chain drive; suspension; missile booms; launch pad; test-launch equipment; aiming instruments complex; equipment for loading the missile with compressed air and starting fuel; the hoisting mechanism of the boom; general electric equipment; radio-equipment, with a range of approximately 25 miles; and fire fighting equipment. The TEL 9.8 tons 515 gallons 515 gallons 4300 pounds 250 gpm 28 SECRET SECRET is shown in figure 13 as it appeared in a Moscow parade, and has the following characteristics: Weight without missile Weight with missile Chassis length Length with boom Width Height in working position Maximum speed Cruising range Average specific pressure Maximum ascent and descent Lateral angle of tilt without missile Lateral angle of tilt with missile Capacity of tanks - fuel Capacity of tanks - oil Capacity of tanks - water Engine - 12 cyl tank diesel Fording depth Figure 14. (CONFIDENTIAL) Transporter-Erector-Launcher with Missile in. Launch Position (U) 31 SECRET Figure 14 shows the TEL with the 35 tons 41 tons 23 ft 94 ft .8 ft 9.4 ft 6 mph 187 miles 0.046 lbs/sq 25 deg 20 deg 16 deg 234 gals 34 gals 22 gals 520 HP 4.6 ft launching position, with the boom in the vertical position. SECRET NM4V;) 6 ti 32 SECRET SECRET 5X1 Heteorological Equipment (U) t rolo Leal station of the SCUD missile system h eo e me g I I Z is part of the equipment operated by a platoon of the battalion headquarters battery. The basic equipment for this station is carried in a ZIL-151, with a van body similar to the one shown in Figure 6, and includes standard thermometers, psychrometers, aneroid barometers and wind measuring devices. This vehicle serves as a processing point and is designated as a mobile met office. Vehicles for a meteorological platoon probably include one mobile met office; two cargo trucks, each towing an electric generator; and a radar with prime mover. An assumed typical station layout is shown in Figure 15. 33 SECRET SECRET W N W c O NW O m W xz= 5 C) O U C, Z Z O Q V Q J N J U W 2 ~ co J G 0 4) N 4) 00 w O 34 SECRET Approved For Release 2002/11/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200370043-6 SECRET 1 IV. 1 ORGANIZATION AND FIELD OPERATIONS (U) The tactical operational unit for the SCUD (8A61) system is the missile battalion. It is composed of a battalion command group, a a headquarters battery, three launching batteries, a technical battery, and .missile transportation battery. The headquarters battery consists of a surveying platoon, two signal platoons, and a mobile meteorological artillery station. The launching battery consists of a 20-man launching section, one 12-man electrical firing section, and an-8-man compressor and battery charging station unit. The technical battery is composed of three missile testing stations, a section for handling special fuel, and one assembly section. .The transport battery has two missile supply sections, one missile r.gging platoon, one section for supply of special fuels, and a dry missile depot. .By utilizing the one launch facility in each battery, the battalion has a capa- bility of launching three missiles simultaneously every 2 hours. The fueled missile normally moves by road on its JSU tracked vehicle from the forward missile storage depot to the launch area. It has an off-road capability and is air transportable. It is integrated into all Soviet tactical forces and is employed in troop maneuvers and other training exercises for the achieve- ment of combat effectiveness. Its relative short-range capabilities limit its use to front line objectives. B. Line of Vehicle March (U) al convoy of a launch section moving within rear i c I I A typ areas would include a command car followed by an instrument vehicle, a launching unit equipment vehicle, and the transporter-erector-launcher vehicles -- including a test launch set, a dry missile transporter;, a neutral- ization and washdown vehicle, and personnel carriers. Only the amount of ground support equipment required-to launch the missile would be moved beyond the forward dry missile depot storage area, which comprises part of an area the Technical Site. C. Processing the Missile (U) s are loaded in containers and moved by rail il i e ss I I The m to a forward area supply depot -- 3 missiles per special car and up to 60 missiles on one train. Nose. cones are transported separately -- five in 2-axle cars, and twelve in 4-axle cars. From the supply depot missiles are moved by vehicle to the Technical Site, approximately 50 km closer to the forward edge of the battle area (FEBA). Here the dry missiles are held temporarily in a storage depot until.preparation of the missile for firing takes place, in which event it is processed through a serieshofftesting points. These tests include the ground control equipment, fuzing system, the propulsion unit, and the guidance system. These.and other technical checkouts and services discussed elsewhere herein are made at the test points, the fuel loading point, and two points for the assembly of components (all within the Technical Site).-- including the warhead. The missile is then held at the ready missile storage point to be picked up by the using unit. -35 SECRET SECRET Field Deployment (U) Current doctrine for deployment of the SCUD missile battalion prescr es dispersion of two launch batteries along a front of 12 to 14 km. The Command Post, third launch battery, meteorological sites, and service units are echeloned in depth up to 8 to 10 km (Figure 17). This ? battalion area is normally located not closer than 30 to 40 km from the FEBA. Criteria for selection of the launch area is that it should provide for coverage of all assigned targets, deployment of all combat elements of the battalion, camouflage of all personnel and combat equipment, ease of control of fire, and convenient and concealed roads or trails. E. Launching Site (U) Batteries are normally held 15 to 20 km to the rear in a waiting a a pen g movement to the launch area. At this pre-surveyed position, little remains to be installed in the missile. Final operations include an inspection of the engine assembly and the guidance system, and a check of the insulation of the cable network. The missile is mounted vertically on the launch platform and the battery is installed. A collimator is fixed on a designated point and the missile is layed. Storm moorings are affixed when the wind velocity exceeds 20 mph, a gasoline generator and a quartz generator (a frequency control device) are started, and the missile is launched. Fu0 1 geodetic preparation for firing the missile requires 3 days far completion. Missile troops are deployed with the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (GSFG), the Southern Group of Forces (SGF), the Turkestan Military District (Turk VO), the Transcaucasian Military District (Zak VO), and the Far Eastern Military District (DVO). likely that the SCUD is operational throughout all of these areas. The USSR has probably supplied the conventionally armed SCUD missile system in small quantities to both East Germany and Communist China. it has been produced in the USSR in large quantities, is an efficient weapon, and is well suited for training of troops with little or no missile experience. c_ mumm (RI Tactical exercises involving Soviet missile troops during 1960 and 1961 revealed a weakness in combat readiness of missile technical units (Mobile Repair Technical Base - PRTB). At no time during these exercises were missiles delivered by the PRTB to the missile units in condition to be fired without undue delay. Soviet military leaders realize the necessity for developing close coordination and cooperation between missile units, missile technical units, and rear area service type units -- and they can be expected in the future to place extreme emphasis on correct- ing or at least greatly improving these shortcomings. I SECRET SECRET -ASSEMBLY AND CHECKOUT PROCEDURE (U) Possible deployment concepts of the SCUD have been presented in numerous publications since the missile's first public appearance. Although these various concepts cannot be verified, it is certain that the missile and its components must be thoroughly tested before launch. The actual deployment and checkout by troops in the field may be done in the following manner. The phases through which a missile must pass after manufacture are: Storage. All components are a ready state at a for the troops. Testing. After the troops are issued a missile system it to test all components together. Loading and Assembly. The missile is moved to the fueling area and the assembly area. Testing (U) After being issued at the supply depot, the associated components are transported to the technical position, an area some distance away from the launch area, where testing and loading and assembly are accomplished. The equipment is disassembled and prepared for testing. Individual tests are made on every unit of the guidance system and fuzing equipment as well as the leak test on the rocket motor, fuel tanks and associated plumbing and valves. The missile remains in a horizontal position for these detailed tests or'checks. The testing position is divided into two work areas, work area one for propulsion system testing and work area two for electrical system testing, where special checkout consoles are erected for sequentially operating flight components of the missile in individually controlled simulated flight tests. Loading and Assembly (U) Operations at the Fueling Point (U) Two working areas are organized at this point: one for fueling the missile with kerosene, the other for adding the oxidizer. The maximum loading speed is 250 liters per minute (66.25 gal/min). SECRET SECRET and joining point on a Assembly and Joining Procedure (U) After fueling, the missile proceeds to the assembly carrier. The warhead is brought up in a special con- tainer. The fuzes are also delivered to this point in special packaging. missile. A crane is used to-assist in joining the warhead to the missile. All connecting surfaces have been smeared with a fireproof substance. The entire missile is then placed on the tracked erector-launcher and moved to the launch area and turned over to the launching section of the firing battery. After the missile arrives at the launching area there is a sequence of operations which is conducted to assure a successful launch. First, a thorough inspection is made of the engine assembly, the guidance system, and the gyroscopic instruments which are already mounted in the missile. Missile Alignment on Launcher (U) The n the previously surveyed point wi th a collimator, which has been placed upon a point designated by the geodetic personnel. The missile is aligned,. with fin I in the direction of fire, and a vertical check is made. Leveling is probably accomplished by adjustments on the leveling frame on the launcher. Aiming the missile at the target requires more than just orienting the body of the missile. The gyro plate must be leveled and properly balanced and the missile must be perfectly vertical. Balancing the gyro plate implies the orientation of the gyro plate, together with the gyroscopes mounted thereon, with respect to the stabilizer fin surfaces. measuring the angle A rod and an optical quadrant which are designed for of inclination of the stabilizer surfaces to the horizontal are used to balance the gyro .plate. The rod is fastened to the adapter of the gas-jet vanes. The optical quadrant, which consists of the body, a dial, and the traversing mechanism of the dial, is fastened on the control plate of the rod. A scale in degrees is painted on the dial. There is also a vernier of the. dial which has a grid with 1-minute angular graduations. The optical quadrant provides a measurement of the angles +120?. In aiming the missile at the target, an instrument set is used. The whole set is comprised of the collimator (as one unit of the set), a horizontal sight, two illuminated aiming stakes and two magnetic levels. These magnetic levels are for determination of the magnetic deviation peculiar to the particular launching site and will indicate the magnetic dip. Continuity checks are made of the cable networks by a megohmmeter. The main missile batteries are installed and the grounding 39 SECRET SECRET The final launch operations include a number of checks of the missile that cover the pyrocartridge circuit, the guidance system and a first and second general check. These checks are made with auto- matic test equipment and consist of a series of sequential events that are initiated by the test equipment; test results are indicated in a go-no-go display on the launching consoles. connection is made. Storm moorings are attached if the wind velocity exceeds 10 meters/sec. I J It would appear that no problems should exist for the launching crews after the missile is erected and aligned and the plug connections are made. The high-pressure feed connections appear to be an integral part of the erector launcher and are most likely connected at the time the missile is placed on the launcher. Otherwise the actual firing is automatic and controlled by a console. Aiming Requirement (U) The geodetic survey of the launch point requires about 3 days which indicates that a first order survey is mandatory in order to achieve the target accuracy required of the guidance system. The use. of a collimator, an instrument to measure horizontal and vertical angles and to determine the aiming point, in the survey supports the conclusign that this high-order geodetic survey is a necessary measure. The collimator consists of a tube, a sight, au upper plate, a dial (or angle-measuring ring), a lower plate with a fixed section, together with adjusting screws and auxiliaries. There is the usual tripod, small battery (2.4V), and a cover. The optical system of the collimator consists of an objective and a grid. I Objective. The objective, consisting of three sections, is a cone at one of whose focal points is placed a small source of light. Rays diverging from this focal point emerge from the objective lens in a parallel beam. Grid. The grid is painted on the surface of the lens of the third objective section and is placed in the focal plane of the col- limator objective. The grid circle is divided into 76 vertical stripes. On the left half of the grid, numbers are inscribed in a vertical and horizontal arrangement from 1 through 18. The right half is filled with 18 very narrow letters which are also arranged in the same manner as the numbers,- (See Figure 18.) A ground glass provides uniform illumination of the grid. The grid is illuminated by :a bulb when working under night conditions and is illuminated' during the;'day by means of a reflecting mirror. I ILevels. A cylindrical level and two spherical- levels are used to level a collimator horizontally. The cylindrical level is graduated to 1 minute;lthe spherical levels are graduated to 20 minutes. 41 SECRET SECRET 1 -1 Sight. A panoramic sight, consisting of an objective, a rotating prism, grid and eyepiece, is fastened to the body of the collimator tube and is used to aim the missile at the target. The angle of the field of vision is-10 degrees. The limit of the horizontal measurement is 60-00; the vertical angle is +6-00. The grid has an upper raw of numbers used for aiming at the target and a lower row of numbers for balancing of the horizontal. The horizontal sight is balanced when its optical axis, in the zero settings of the angular scale, is in the plane with the perpendicular control stripe - of the table. For a horizontal balance, the collimator must be fastened to the control table so that,. markings on the collimator are superimposed on identical markings of the horizontal plate. The horizontal plate is turned with its head down (to 1800). By means of the angular scale of the horizontal, the identical markings of the collimator and the horizontal plate are super- imposed. The reading of the angle is taken from the horizontal angular scale. Screw clamp. A screw clathp, made up of a body with supports, a swinging mechanism, a telescope socket, two cylindrical levels and a control table, makes it convenient to balance the horizontal plate and install the collimator on either a tripod or the launcher. The above aiming procedure is based primarily on the V-2 type procedure. (Reference: Operation Backfire.) 42 SECRET proved For Release 2002/11/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200370043-6 SECRET SUPPORTING ANALYSIS (U) Introduction (U) This appendix includes all calculations used in the evalua- tion of t e soviet SCUD missile with the exception of the Heat Transfer Analysis and the Airframe Stress Analysis. Fr-6 Conclusions based upon these calculations are found in the body of t y. II Discussion (U) Airframe Dimensions (U) re 1 shows a side view of the SCUD missile taken F fi gu ~~ at the 1960 Maguey' parade. This photograph vas utilized to determine the distances between the major circumferential welded joints, the length of the nose cone, and other pertinent data needed for this analysis. The overall missile length and diameter were obtained from the photo intelligence study of the SCUD A missile seen at the 7 November 1957 Moscow parade. Tankage (U) The tank volume calculations are based upon the end closure locations and missile diameter, as shown in figure 3.` Two end closures, one on each tank, are assumed to be hemispheres. The remaining two closures are assumed to be of the 2 to 12 semi-elliptical typse. The volume of the fuel tank (V fuel) is : D2L + f r' + D3 Ir' V fuel = where: D = Diameter, ft L = Length, ft Vfuel = 3.14 (2.8)2 (4.4) + 3.,714 (2.8)3 + 3_.14+ (2.8)3 Vfuel = 6.16 x 4.4 5.7 = 27.1 + 5.7 + 4.2 = 37.0 ft3 75 for feed line volume through btract t . su From the 37 cu ft, one mus fuel tank, and 1.85 cu ft for unusable residue. Therefore, 34.4 cu ft is the usable fuel volume. . The volume of the nitric acid tank, V RFNA' - VIRFNA = 6.16 x 9.0 + 5.7 + 4.2 =.65.3 ft3 + 0.75 for feed line volume = 66.05 ft3 SECRET SECRET where Using a 1+;'% ullage,the total weight of fuel is: W = p x v x 0.96 = 53 x 34+ . 4 x 0.96 = 1750 lb W = Weight, lb = Density, lb/ft3 Using an 7% propellant-tank-volume outage, the usable weight of fuel is: W = 1750 x 0.93 = 1628 lbs is calculated L By the same procedure, the total weight of nitric acid W =.P x V = 93.9 x 66.05 = 6200 lb (ullage included) Using approximately 1.6% propellant tank volume outage, the usable weight of nitric acid is : 11 = 6200 x o.984 = 6100 lb It is felt that the Soviets could easily attain the ullage and outage figures quoted above; therefore, the analysis is conservative from a propellant utilization point of view. Since approximately 9 % of the nitric acid flow rate is used for filing of the thrust chamber, the amount entering the injectors is: W = 6100 x .91 = 5551 lbs The mixture ratio at the injectors is: 1,..R. =5551=3.4+ 162 _ A s:ary of the propellant weights and volumes is - - - provided in tab l e PT. TABLE 4. CALCULATED TAUK VOLU1.ES A:-JD PROPELL4 TT ? TEIGHTS (U) OXIDIZER FUEL U1,TITS (F',i, ITA (Iff '.OSE;1E) TOTAL Propellant tank volume ft3 66.05 34.11. 100.11-5 Total propellant weight lb 6200 1750 7950 Usable propellant weight lb 6100 1628 7728 Propellant flow through injectors lb 5551 1628 7179 ?ilri cooling lb 549 0 549 Outage lb 100 122 222 44 SECRET SECRET The thrust chamber performance calculations are Performance Calculations (U) Thrust Chamber (U) based upon the following values: Chamber pressure (Pc) = 355 Asia nitric acid/kerosene. For a mixture ratio of 3,4 and a chamber pressure of 355 psia, the theoretical value of characteristic exhaust velocity (C-) is: C=am- = 5415 ft/sec (C:: = PCAt = PcAtg = 355 (39.8) (32.2) = 51+15 ft/sec) For the ratio of _peclfic heats (k) of 1.18, and the expansion ratio of 5.15, the ratio of nozzle exit pressure (Pe) to chamber pressure (=c; is: Pe = 0.02901 Pc- Thus, the nozzle e:cit pressure is: Pe = 0.02901 x 355 = l0.3 psis For k = 1.18 and E = 5.15, the theoretical value of vacuum thrust coefficient (Cf ) for a 15-degree, half-angle, conical nozzle is: VAC C = 1.522 fVAC The theoretical sea-level thrust coefficient (Ci is: SL P.. CfSL CfV:~C PC E Propellant combination = inhibited red fuming Mixture ratio (bi.R.) = 3.1+ (at injectors) Throat diameter (Dt) = 7.118 in = 39.82 in (At) Exit diameter (De) = 16.2 in = 2052 in Expansion ratio (.E) = 5.15 45 SECRET SECRET where: Pa = Ambient pressure, psia Cf = 1.522 - 14.7 x 5.15 - 1.522 - 0.213 - 1.309 The sea-level and vacuum. specific values (Isp)Gcan be calculated as: Cf C* Isp = SL = 1.309 x 5415 - 220 sec SL g 32.2 Cf C* Isp VAC = 1.522 x 5415 = 256 sec VAC g 32.2 For the throat area (AT) of 39.8 in2, the thrust can be calculated from: T = CfPcAt T = 1.309 x 355 x 39.8 = 18,500 lb SL T = 1.522 x 355 x 39.8 - 21,500 lb VAC The weight flow rate (w) can be calculated as: T = 18,500 - 84 lb/sec Isp 220 From the total propellant flow rate, mixture ratio at the injectors, and percentage of the nitric acid used to film-cool the thrust chamber, the oxidizer and fuel flow rates are calculated as: wIRFNA = 66.3 lb/sec *fuel = 17.7 lb/sec TOTAL = 84 lb/sec b. ^ Performance Characteristics (1) T = 18,500 lb -- T = 21,500 lb SL VAC (2) 1 For the usable propellant weight of 7728 lbs, the t = 7728 lb = 92 sec 84 lb/sec SECRET SECRET (3) The overall specific impulse is the net thrust divided by the tot ropellant flow rate: IS= 18,500 = 220 sec pSL 84 (4) 'sr' A summary of the performance characteristics of the SCUD propulsion sy~is shown in table V. TABLE 5. PROPULSION SYSTEM PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (U) Oxidizer Red fuming nitric acid Fuel Kerosene Mixture ratio at the injectors 3.4 Chamber press ure psi 355 Total propellant flow rate lb/ ec 84 Sea-level specific impulse sec 220 Vacuum specific impulse sec 256 Sea-level net thrust lb 18,500 Vacuum net thrust lb 21,500 Duration of thrust - sec 92 4.. Propulsion System Weight (U) The propulsion system weight can be calculated based upon current Unite tea state-of-the-art and multiplying this value by a factor which takes into account the differences between current United States and early 1950 Soviet state-of-the-art. The factor can be determined by comparing the calculated weight to the actual weight of a known Soviet propulsion system; for this comparison, the Soviet K-102 engine was chosen. It is believed that this engine is essentially a V-2 engine with the thrust increased from 56,000 lbs to 80,000 lbs at sea level. The increase in thrust was obtained by in- creasing the chamber pressure, maintaining essentially the structure of the original V-2 engine. Since the known Soviet engines produced during the development'of the SCUD missile were of the same state-of-the-art as the K-102 engine, the calculated weight of the SCUD propulsion system could be approxi- mately correct. Based on current United States state-of-the-art, the weight of the K-102 propulsion system, less tutbopump, would be about 1140 lbs, while the actual weight (assuming that it is a V-2 engine) is 1360 lbs. Thus, the ratio utilized to convert current United States state-of-the-art propulsion system weights, less turbopump, to early 1950 Soviet state-of-the-art is: ratio = 1360 = 1.2 1140 Isp = 21,500 = 256 sec VAC 84 47 SECRET SECRET Based upon current United States state-of-the-art, the weight of the S propulsion system, less turbopump, is 460 lbs. Increasing this weight by 207 to convert to early 1950 Soviet state-of-the-art, the weight is: However, this weight is based upon an expansion ratio of 3.4, as used on the V-2 engine. For a more probable expansion ratio of 5.15, the weight would be increased by about 30 lbs. Thus, the estimated total propulsion system weight is approximately 580 lbs. 5. + 1 Propulsion System Vol$me (U) From the tankage location (Fissures 1 and 3) the length of the propulsion compartment is 7.2 feet. The forward 1.4 feet of this length is occupied by the rear bulkhead of the fuel tank. The apparent nozzle exit is about 0.4 foot within the aft end of the missile. Thus, the usable length of the propulsion-compartment is about 5.4 feet. L With a sea-level thrust of 18,500 lbs, a chamber pressure of 355 psia, and-a] characteristic chamber length of about 100 inches (the same as that of the German Wasserfall engine), the approximate length of the thrust chamber is 4.0 feet. Subtracting the 4.0 foot thrust-chamber length from the 5.4 foot usable length of the propulsion compartment leaves 1,4 feet between the thrust chamber and tankage. There. is adequate room between the thrust chamber and tankage to house the pressurization bottle, the MPS, and the autopilot amplifier. It is concluded that the available propulsion compartment is of the prope ze to house a conventional pressure-fed thrust chamber with a sea-level thrust in the range of 18,000 lbs. Nitric Acid Tank Pressurization System (S) The nitric acid tank is assumed to be pressurized by hot gases from a small hydrogen peroxide gas generator. The water and oxygen of these gases are compatible with the acid. These gases are produced in ac- cordance with the following equation: 2 H202 f 2 H2O + 02 Therefore, two moles of liquid are required to produce three moles of gas. The resulting mole ratio is: The number of moles of gas required to pressurize the 66.05 cu ft acid tank to 500 psia can be determined from the following equation: n = P V R T 48 SECRET paved For Release 2002/11/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200370043-6 SECRET where: P = Tank pressure, psis V = Tank volume, cu ft Tank gas temperature in OR A 937. hydrogen peroxide (H202) monopropellant is used in these calculations. It has a density of 88.7 lb/ft3 and a chamber temperature of 1483?F. A tank gas temperature of 540?F (1000?R) is assumed. n = 500 x 66.05 = 3.08 lb moles 10.73 x 1000 Pound moles of R202 = 2/3 (3.17) = 2.05 lb moles The weight of hydrogen peroxide required is: = 3.05 (35) = 71.8 lbs Wg202 The volume of hydrogen peroxide required is: Vg = 71.8 = 0.81 cu ft 202 88.7 The diameter of two spheres containing this volume is determined by the fol- lowing expression: D= 6 V 2 = 6 x 0.81 = 0.918 ft 3.14 (2) Using a material similar to 321 or 347 austenitic stainless steel, with a yield strength of 180,000 psi and a factor of safety of 3.0 the design stress (s) or 60,000 psi is used. The thickness of the sphere is calculated as: t = PD = 710 x .918 x 12 = 0.0326 in We 4 x 60,000 The total weight of the two spheres is: W = 21rD2t1 = 2 x 3.14 x ?(0.918)2 x .0326 x 489 = 7.03 lbs 12 The weight of the hydrogen peroxide spheres is therefore estimated to be 10 lbs. The weight of the gas generator, which is 3 inches long and 3 inches in diameter, and the piping and control valve is estimated to be 5 lbs. 49 SECRET SECRET Kervseue Task ~essurl I Ic,a 0-vAtaa %) The kerosene tank is assumed to be'pressurized by hot gases from a small et lene oxide (C2H40 gas generator. The methane and carbon monoxide from this reaction are compatible with the kerosene. These gases are produced in accordance with the following equation: C2H40 C H4 + CO Therefore one mole of liquid is required to produce two moles of gas. The mole ratio is: mole ratio = 1/2 The number of moles of gas required to pressurize a 34.4 cu ft fuel tank to 500 psis is determined by the following expression: n = 500 x 34.4 ? = 1.603 10.73 (1000) This calculation is based upon 1900?F chamber temperature for C2H40 and a tank temperature of 540?F, or 1000?R. The C2H40 has a density of 54.3 lb/ft3 at 60?F. Pound.moles-of C2H40 = 1/2 (1.603) - .802 lb mole Weight of C2R40 = .802 (4.5) = 36.1 lbs Volume of C2H40 = 36.1 - .665 cu ft 54.3 The diameter of two spheres containing this vol- is determined by the following: D = 3 x .665.= 0.866 ft The total weight of these two spheres, the gas generator, control valves, and piping is estimated to be 15 lbs. Summary (U) The total pressurization system weight is 140 lbs. A detailed breakdownhis figure is given in table 6. TABLE 6. ESTIMATED TANK PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM WEIGHT BREAKDOWN ITEM NITRIC ACID TANK FUEL TANK TOTAL Monopropellant 71 lb's 39 lbs 110 lbs Propellant bottles, valves, 15 lbs 15 lbs 30 lbs and gas.generator TOTAL 86 lbs 54 lbs 140 lbs 50 SECRET (U) SECRET The tank wall (also the missile skin) is assumed to be 0 Propellant Tank Weights (U) Nitric Acid Tank (U) constructed of a marial similar to heat-treated 4130 austenitic stainless steel. This steel has excellent weldability; its joints and weldments are exceptionally tough and ductile. Heat-treated 4130 steel has a yield strength of 160,000 psi at 600?F: A factor of safety of 1.5 is used to get a design stress(s) of 106,600 psi. The thickness of the steel cylindrical wall is calculated as: t = PD = 500 x 2.8 x 12 = 0.0788 in 2s 2 x 106,600 The thickness of the steel domes are calculated as: t = PD = 0.0812 = 0.0394 in The total weight of the acid tank is: W = 11D2tA0 +fDLtf 3.14 x 2.132 x 0.0394 x 489 + 3.14 x 2.8 x 9 x 0.1288 x {+89 12 W = 40 + 254 = 294 lbs thickness of this tank is the same as the acid Th I I e tank since it has Lu same diameter, is made from the same material, and contains the same pressure. The total weight of the fuel tank is:. W = 3.14 x 2.82 x 0.0394 x 489 + 3.14 x 2.8 x 4.4 x 010788 x 489 2 12 W = 40 + 124 = 164 lbs 8. II Missile Power Supply (U) The missile power supply (MPS) is assumed to be a battery- IJ powered system comparable to the system on the V-2 missile; that is, alternat- ing current is supplied by a rotary inverter. For the guidance system, it is estimated that approximately 65 watts of power are required, 907. of which is supplied by an alternating current power supply. Thus, a-c power supplied by the rotary inverter is 65 x 0.90 = 58.5 watts. Rotary inverter efficiency is about 607.; therefore, the power input is (58.5 x 0.60 =) 75 watts. A separate 50 VDC command voltage supply is used for attitude sensor voltage, actuator feedback voltage and 51 SECRET SECRET velocity cutoff circuits. The total current required will be 2 amperes or less. Power required for this supply is provided by the inverter (rectified and filtered). The power requirement for the missile command voltage is 100 watts. DC actuators for a missile of this range during this time period re- quire peak currents of 100 amperes. An average current drain of 30 amperes is considered conservative; therefore, power needed for the actuators would be (32 volts x 30 amperes =) 960 watts. The total battery output power is: Power for autopilot 75 watts Power for actuators 960 watts 6 Power for command voltage 100 watts TOTAL 1,135 watts Using a 50% margin of safety for the battery, the total battery capacity should be at least (1,x35 watts/32 volts =) 35 amperes for about 2 minutes. Batteries for this capacity during this time period are known to have weighed about 20 lbs. Two such batteries could'supply more than sufficient power for the rotary inverter and actuators. Battery weight is estimated to be: Rotary inverter (100 watt class) during this time period are estimated to have weighed 15 lbs. The weight of the four servo actuator assemblies to control the jet vanes is estimated to be 80 lbs. The MPS weight summary is shown in table VII. TABLE 7. ESTIMATED MAIN POWER SUPPLY WEIGHT BREAKDOWN (U) ITEM Batteries. Rotary inverter Frequency regulator Miscellaneous 5 70 52 SECRET SECRET Figure 19 shows the center of pressure vs Mach number for the SCUD missiT-eJ The center of pressure is considered as that point along the axis of the missile where the total lift force is acting. The missile has two major components contributing to the lift of the vehicle near the zero angle of attack. These components are the nose cone (with its attendant carry-over on the body) and the fins. The lift of the nose cylinder at supersonic speeds was estimated by interpo acing curves in reference 1, Appendix V. These curves show good correlation with experimental data for this application. For sub- sonic and transonic speeds,_a slender-body theory was used for the nose con- tribution. The carry-over of lift from nose to cylinder was estimated by extrapolating experimental data of reference 2, Appendix V. The supersonic lift of the fins and the fin centers of pressure were determined by linear theory and the design charts and methods of reference 3, Appendix V. Lift of the fin at Mach 6 was determined by the ex- pression derived in reference 4, Appendix V. The subsonic fin conditions were determined from wind-tunnel data presented in reference 5, Appendix V. These data were for a fin with the same planform, but with an NACA 63A series, 4%- thick airfoil instead of the 4%-thick, single-wedge fin of the vehicle. This discrepancy is of small effect, however, since the fin planform is much more important than fin profile in this case. The cabling tunnel was ignored in the aerodynamic analy- sis. Its contribu n to the total lift is very small and, because of its length, it would have little effect upon the center of pressure. It may cause some-turbulent flow over the fins, but this would be minor as its height is small, the area of the fins near the body is in turbulent flow, and the cabling tunnel is interdigitated about -5 degrees with respect to the fins. The methods used in determining the center of pressure of the total vehicle give an accuracy of ?5% of the body length. U Figure 20 shows the zero lift drag coefficient versus Mach number curve used for the SCUD missile. c. = Range Optimization (U) (1) 1 Method of Analysis (U) The trajectory analysis was based on the following equations. The rate o change of missile velocity is given as: 53 SECRET SECRET is 2 3 4 5 MACH NUMBER Figure 19. (SECRET) Center of Pressure vs Mach Number Curve for SCUD Missile (C) 54 SECRET SECRET Cd 2 3 MACH NUMBER Figure 20. (SECRET) Drag Coefficient vs Mach Number Curve for SCUD Missile (C) 55 SECRET SECRET V = T (cos,* )-D - g sin (v = rate of change of velocity g = go (r /r)2 go = acceleration of gravity at sea level ro = radius of earth r = ro + altitude 40= Angle between missile velocity vector and local horizontal. T = Thrust (sea level). + (Po-Pa) Ae Po = Sea-level pressure Pa = Pressure at altitude Ae = Engine exhaust exit area Angle between thrust vector and missile velocity vector. D = i V2 Cd A P = Atmospheric mass density at altitude m = Missile mass V = Velocity Cd = Drag Coefficient A = Cross-section area of missile The rate of change of a is: 9 = V a cos 9 + $ + T (sin,B ) im - ; --.( V The program allows the missile to proceed vertically for 6 seconds at which time B is changed at the rate of 0.875 degrees/second 56 SECRET X = ro V cos 6 5rprp oved For Release 2002/11/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200370043-6 SECRET (56?/64 sec). The thrust misalignment remains constant for 10-20 seconds to cause the missile to start to pitch over. Then O is reduced to zero and the missile undergoes zero angle of attack until cutoff (92 seconds). The value of,& was chosen to produce a pitch program that permits maximum range. for trajectory analysis. Results of Analysis (U) I I A detailed trajectory analysis utilizing warhead weights of 1550 and 2 s conducted to provide performance parameters shown in figures 21 and 22. Since the range of this vehicle would be affected only slightly by the rotation of the earth, non-rotating earth programs were used SEERET SECRET ACCELERATION VELOCITY ALTITUDE 2 O aN NOSE CONE WT. 1550 LBS. C.30 a O O 100 200 30,10 TIME (SEC) Figure 21. (SECRET) Performance Parameters of SCUD Missile withl1550 lb Warhead (C) 58 SECRET Approved For Release 200SECRCl RDP78TO5439A000200370043-6 80 3000 20 I 60 4O ACCELERATION E- U. I- V 0 J TIME (SEC) Figure 22. (SECRET) Performance Parameters of SCUD Missile with 2500 lb Warhead (C) T 300 59 SECRET SECRET HEAT TRANSFER ANALYSIS (U) The purpose of this analysis is to obtain heat transfer data needed to perform the stress analysis of the SCUD missile. Specifically, maximum skin temperatures vs thickness at various sections along the missile are desired. Temperatures along the nose cone and cylindrical section of the missile were obtained directly by the use of an IBM 704 computer. The computer printouts were also utilized to estimate=the heating which occurs at the tip of the nose cone'and the skin temperature of the fins. The basis for this analysis is the missile configuration (Figure 3) and the trajectory (Future 21). It was assumed that the missile skin was AISI 347 stainless steel with physical properties as shown in table 8. TABLE S. ITEM MISSILE SKIN MATERIAL PROPERTIES (U) Specific heat Thermal conductivity Surface emissivity Density I Discussion UNITS VALUE Btu/. lb ?F 0.13 Btu/hr ft ?F 10.2 0.30 Lb/ft3 494 Method of Analysis (U) The basic equations of the IBM 704 computer program are as follows: The heat transferred from the missile skin by radiation is: qr = e 0'(T.)4 where: qr = Heat transferred by radiation, Btu/ft2 hr e = Vehicle surface emissivity 6 = 8 Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 0.173 x 10 Btu/ft2 hr?R4 TV.= Wall temperature, The heat transferred to the skin by convection is: qc = h (Tr - TO 60 SECRET SECRET qc = Heat transferred by convection, Btu/ft h = Heat transfer coefficient, Btu/ft2 hr OR Tr = Recovery temperature, OR The heat transfer coefficient, h, is: 1/3 ? 0.5 h = 0.332 k* x (Pr*) (Re*) (for laminar flow) . 1/3 0.8 h = 0.0296 k* (Pr*) (Re*) (for turbulent flow) x where: k* = Thermal conductivity at T*, Btu/hr ft ?R T* = Reference temperature, ?R x = Distance from leading edge, ft Re= Reynolds number at T* The recovery temperature is: 02 Tt = Too + R 0 V 2g JCp To = Ambient temperature, ?R R = Recovery factor Voo = Free stream velocity, ft/sec g = Acceleration of gravity, ft/sec2 J = Mechanical equivalent of heat, ft-lb/Btu Cp = Specific heat of air, Btu/lb OR The reference temperature at which fluid properties are evaluated is: T* = Too + 0.5 (Tw = -Too) + 0.22 (Tr - Too) SECRET SECRET Results of Analysis .(U) I I 1S[71ca +, 's function of s in hickness for various locations on the nose cone, missile body, and fins, respectively. Temperatures on the nose cone and missile body were obtained from the comp printouts, while fintemperatures were estimated by hand calculations based upon the computer printouts. gu -skin temperature time history, in this case for an.081 inch wall and 8.2 feet from the forward end of the missile. n It is seen that the skin temperature at this location does not exceed 20v?~ during take-off, but that it rises very rapidly upon re-entry to a value of about 820oF and then decreases to about 770?F upon impact. II MISSILE BODY SKIN TEMPERATURE (U) DISTANCE FROM SKIN MAXIMUM SSILE THICKNESS TEMPERATURE TIP OF MI (IN) (?F) (FT) 8.2 0.081 820 0.100 750 0.125 675 13.2 0.060 855 0.070 800 0.090 725 18.2 0.060 835 0.070 775. 0.090 700 23.2 0.060 810 0.070 760 0.090 690 28.2 0.060 920 0.070 750 0.090 670 33.2 0.030 1020 0.050 850 0.070 745 63 SECRET. SECRET zoo 1 100 1 200 1 300 Figure 23. (SECRET) Skin Temperature vs Time History for SCUD Missile (C) 64 SECRET SECRET DISTANCE FROM SKIN LEADING EDGE THICKNESS (FT) (IN) MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (?F) 0.050 963 0.100 581 0.050 1280 0.100 738 0.050 1590 0.100 894 The most forward station for machine calculations was at a 1-foot distance from the tip of the nose cone. The heating rate at this point was extrapolated to obtain the heat transfer rates from the 1-foot distance to the tip of the nose cone by the method of reference 6, Appendix V. This heat- ing rate is maximum at the leading edge and decreases with increasing distance from the leading edge. The ability of a solid cone to absorb heat per unit surface area, however, increases with the distance from the leading edge. At the tip of the cone, the metal has a small heat capacity, and the temperature approaches the melting point. Further aft, the metal has adequate heat capacity to absorb all of the transferred heat and remain well below its melting point.- At a distance of 0.1 foot from the tip of the nose cone, the metal reaches a maximum temperature of about 1000?F. Thus, a solid tip about 0.1-foot long has adequate capacity to absorb the heat transferred during re-entry and main- tain structural integrity. Because of the rounded leading edge of the fin, the tempera- ture does no h the high values of the nose cone tip. The temperature 0.3 feet from the leading edge of the fin can be considered about equal to the temperature of the leading edge (table 11). 65 SECRET SECRET APPENDIX III AIRFRAME STRESS ANALYSIS (U) ^ This analysis provides the estimated airframe weight of the SCUD missile. It takes into consideration loads imparted to the vehicle and flight erection carrier during transportation and loads occurring during of the missile. Tankage and transition sections are considered to be of full-monocoque welded construction, while the aft skirt and fins are of semi- monocoque construction. The airframe is assumed to be constructed of a material similar to 321 7 austenitic stainless steel. Paragraph 9, Appendix I, assumes that the propellant tanks are heat treated. No heat-treatment is needed to improve physical properties after welding for the thinner sections encountered in the SCUD airframe. n The SCUD configuration is shown in figure 3, and the overall weight theweight breakdowncomponent re12 shows the sulting weightmissile break is shown in table showsTable dis air- dstribribut ution, and and table 13 frame components. Tank pressures used as the basis for this analysis were 500 psia for the oxidizer tank and 500 psia for the fuel tank. The acceleration of the missile (g's) was obtained from the trajectory (Figure 21). The missile skin temperature as a function of thickness was obtained from tables 9. 10, 11. TABLE 12. ESTIMATED VEHICLE WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION (U) INITIAL WEIGHT (LBS) BURNOUT WEIGHT (LBS) PROPULSION COMPARTMENT 168 Fins 168 Jet vanes 90 90 Jet vane actuators _ 80 80 Trim motors 30 30 Engine 580 580 Inverter/batteries (MPS) 80 80 Autopilot amplifier 30 30 Nitrogen pressurization system 12 12 Ignition pressurization system 30 30 -Engine support frame 30 30 Aft transition 30 30 Aft support ring 9 9 Aft cylinder structure 122 122 Misc & power distribution 73 73 TOTAL 1,364 1,364 FUEL COMPARTMENT 164 164 Tankage 122 Fuel (kerosene) 1,750 TOTAL 1,914 286 66 SECRET 66 60 54 SECRET ESTIMATED VEHICLE WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION (CONT'D) (U) INITIAL WEIGHT (LBS) BURNOUT WEIGHT (LBS) INTERTANK TRANSITION Intertank transition 66 Autopilot 60 Fuel pressurization system 54 OXIDIZER COMPARTMENT Tankage 294 294 Oxidizer (nitric acid) 6200 100 TOTAL 6494 394 FORWARD TRANSITION Oxidizer pressurization system 86 86 Ballast 63 63 Forward cylinder structure 43 43 Forward support ring 9 9 Warhead support structure 25 25 TOTAL 226 226 NOSE CONE Warhead (HE/nuclear) 1175 2125 Structure (shell) 375 375 TOTAL 1550 2500 LIFTOFF WEIGHT . . . . . . . . . . 11,728/12,678 lbs. BURNOUT WEIGHT . . . . . . . . . . 4000/4950 lbs TABLE 13. ESTIMATED AIRFRAME WEIGHT BREAKDOWN (U) ITEM WEIGHT Warhead-support _ 25 lbs Forward support ring 9 lbs Forward transition 43 lbs Oxidizer tank 294 lbs Intertank transition 66 lbs Fuel tank 164 lbs Aft transition 30 lbs Aft support ring 9 lbs Tail section structure 122 lbs Fins 168 lbs Miscellaneous 73 lbs TOTAL 1003 lbs SECRET SECRET The weights shown in table 13 for support members, aft cylindrical structure, and fins were estimated using previous experience with similar 0 . The nose cone must withstand the aerodynamic heating and pressure differential across the skin created during re-entry of theovehicle. For a skin thickness of 0.080 in.l maximum pressure different fiumption that the static p pressure.- This assumption ence gained with the Aerobe The compressive stress (fc) f = pr = 7.5 , the maximum skin temperature is 940?F and the 1 is 7.5 psia. This figure is based upon the as- ssure within the cone is equal to the local ambient s essentially been substantiated through experi- c t cos a 0.0180 x 0.981 where: p = Pressure, psi r = Radius, in t = Thickness, in Q = Cone half angle, degrees Conservatively, by assuming a cylinder 72 inches long and 33.6 inches in diameter, the critical buckling stress is computed as follows: ZL = L2 (1-1I2) 1/2 where: Z = General length range parameter L = Length, in /4 = Poisson's ratio ZL= (72)2 (0.954) = 3680 psi 16.8 x 0.080 in The ratio of radius to thickness is: r/t = 16.8/0.080 = 210 From a curve of K. (buckling coefficient) vs ZL for r/t equals 210, Kc = 70 68 SECRET SECRET critical buckling stress, Fcr, is calculated from: Fcr = Kc 112E (Lt )2 12 (1~ Z) L where: E = Modulus of elasticity (23 x 106 psi at 940 ? FF Fcr = 70 (3.14)2 (23 x 106) (_g.080 52 = 1800 psi The margin of safety, M.S. = Maximum allowable stress Actual stress M.S. = Fcr = 1.12 fc The actual margin of safety is higher because a cone is more resistant to buckling than a cylinder; therefore, the skin thickness of the nose cone is sufficient. SECRET SECRET @eneral (U) This appendix contains a detailed description of the carrier vehicle kndLaunching equipment used with the SCUD missile system. This analy- sis is based upon the 1960 and 1961 Moscow parade photographs of the vehicle and missile, and is supported by other intelligence data. Basic Vehicle (U) The basic chassis used for this vehicle is the same as that used for the Joseph Stalin tank and also for the JSU-122 assault gun. C. Erector-Launcher Assembly i 1. Operation (U) The mechanical operation of the erector-launcher assemblies depends on use -o=:he two hydraulic pistons for erection, and the winch cable and pulley arrangement for return of the firing table to the transporting po- sition. The. missile is supported on the transporter-erector carriage by a retaining strap assembly near the nose cone, and by alignment fixtures at the aft skirt section. The carriage is held on a 3-point support, the rear pivot points, and a lock forward on the hutment. I The operation necessary to erect the missile and complete the mission is as follows (refer to Figure 24 for items in parentheses below): Position erection clamps (6) around missile and lock in place on lowering jacks. Release carriage lock (38). c. I I Activate lifting piston (11) -- rotating missile, carriage and firing to le assembly about pivot point (39). Disengage and store carriage locking arms (16). f. II Position missile in cross level for alignment with firing table (17), using alignment fixture (13). i. clamp (6) assembly. Release retaining strap (1). Raise support feet (18) to contact lugs on missile Transfer missile to firing table with the erecting SECRET SECRET Figure 25. (CONFIDENTIAL) Artist' HORSESHOE WELDED FRAME FLAME SHIELD (FOR ADJUSTMENT SCREW THRUST BEARING) THRUST BEARING HOUSING LEVELING SCREW ADJUST AND BEARING ASSEMBLY FRAME RETURN FULLY TRIANGULAR LEVELING FRAME INNER AZIMITIH RING OUTER AZIMUTH RING Exploded View TRANSFER RING SUPPORT FOOT SUPPORT FOOT LOCK CABLE TIE DOWN RING CABLE TIE DOWN RING LOCK :MISSILE TIE DOWN CLAMS LEVELING SCREW HANDLE RING SPACER of Firing Table Assembly (U) 72 SECRET SECRET Disassemble erecting clamps and stow. Fine level missile. Lower carriage to horizontal. M. After launching, the baseplate assembly is. winched into the transporting position. Althrough the lowering jacks are not visible in the I _J photographs, the presence of the two erecting clamp assemblies on the trans- porter indicates that the jacks are probably on the inside of the carriage beams. In addition, this is the only method available in the system to position the missile on the launch table. It cannot definitely be determined whether the alignment fixtures are used in the role indicated above, however. It is possible that the table may not be leveled until after the load of the missile is placed on it. It is possible to lower and adjust the firing table assembly separate from the carriage using the win2h. Since the load of the missile is held on the carriage, however, the firing table can as easily be lowered and adjusted at the time of missile erection (see Figure 25 for artist's concept of firing table). Firing Table Assembly (U) The horseshoe-shaped pipe frame is the basic i structural member (Figure 26). To this, a triangular, welded member is attached by adjustable collars. Two of these are screw adjustments for cross leveling while the third collar provides leveling in the fore/aft direction, a 3-point support system. The next major component is a set of two circular rings separated by spacers. It is believed that the first ring contains the azimuth rotating mechanism while the second ring with the four support feet is probably only a load transfer plate. Azimuth adjustment is verified by- mis- examination of photographs. The blast deflector, hold-down clamp, cellaneous support pieces complete the baseplate assembly. Both-the baseplate assembly and the launching carriage are supported an hinged at the same point at the rear of the vehicle. Mechanical stops prevent the-angle between baseplate and launching carriage from becoming less than 180 degrees. 3. Transport Carriage (U) U t ans ort carriage is made up of two major r p I I T e structural members; the side pieces. The-supporting structure includes those members necessary to tie the major structural-members-rigidly together and the tubular steel framework forward of the retaining strap. A ladder built on the carriage beams is provided for servicing the missile when in the vertical position. ort carriage is supported by the aft trans Th p e carriage supports' t e y raulic lifting arms and, when in the horizontal L_ I 73 SECRET SECRET position, the hutment of the vehicle. Just forward of the hutment the launching carriage release provides a position lock, holding the launching carriage to the vehicle. 4. I IHydraulic Lifting Mechanism (U) The hydraulic system which provides erecting service to the system is compose of two large extensible hydraulic pistons, a reservoir, a pump, and associated fill and bleed lines. The extension pistons permit erection to the vertical position and are well within design limits for this operation.- Hydraulic exit orifices are controlled so that these same lifting pistons slow the descent of the launching carriage when it is lowered into the carrying position. The power for the hydraulic system is controlled by the driver who activates the auxiliary engine. Miscellaneous Launching Equipment (U) Winch (U) I The winch is located on the top of the hutment. This item is used to manipu ate the baseplate assembly from the carrying posi- tion and return. There is a bar lock for securing the baseplate on the right side of the vehicle in the carrying position. Power for the winch is taken from either the main engine generator or the auxiliary engine generator. Cylindrical Tanks (U) The purpose of the cylindrical tanks along either side c. I I.Remote Checkout Gear (U) Due to the nature of the missile,. the vehicle, and the of the hutment is not specifically indicated. Most probable uses, however, based on the needs of the missile are for storage of cold gas for use during pre-launching checkout and for pressurization. Inert cold gas is necessary for tests during the checkout period. If these external tanks carry nitrogen at an assumed pressure of 2940 psi, the size of the tanks is such that pres- surization and checkout requirements are met and exceeded by a small amount (possibly an allowance for leakage due to field operation). launching equipment,'mr'is deemed unsafe to fire the missile while the crew is on the vehicle. Thus, remote equipment, both for radio operation and last minute checkout and firing, is essential. The opening on the right side of the hutment, covered by a hinged access plate, could be used to house this remote gear. It is believed that this remote equipment is-used beginning approximately 5 minutes prior to launching time for final go-no-go circuit checks and for initiating tank pressurization. 74 SECRET SECRET APPENDIX V (U) REFERENCES (U) 1. (U) Syvertson, C. A., and Dennis, D. A., "A Second-Order Shock-Expansion Method Applicable to Bodies of Revolution Near Zero Lift" (U). NACA: Report No 1328, 1957. (UNCLASSIFIED). 2. (U) Purser, P. E., and Fields, E. M., "Some Research on the Lift and Stability of Wing-Body Combinations" (U). NACA: Report No RML 55GO6a, 2 July 1957. (CONFIDENTIAL). 3. (U) Pitts, W. C., Nielsen, J. N., and Raattari, G. E., "Lift and Center of Pressure of,Wind-Body-Tail Combinations of Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Speeds" (U). NACA: Report No 1307, 1959. (UNCLASSIFIED). 4. *(U) Dorrance, W. H., "Two Dimensional Airfoils at Moderate Hypersonic Velocities" (U). Journal of Aeronautical Sciences. Vol 19, No 9, 1952. (UNCLASSIFIED). 0 5. (U) Emerson, H. F., "Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Effect of Clipping the Tips of Triangular Wings of Different Thickness, Camber and Aspect Ratio-Transonic Bump Method" (U). NACA: Report No RNA 53L03, 3 February 1954. (CONFIDENTIAL) 6. (U) Knapp, R. L., "Analytical Procedure for Estimating Aerody- namic Heating" (U). Aerojet-General Corporation: Technical Memorandum 112 SRP, 19 February 1959. (UNCLASSIFIED). 75 SECRET DVO GRAU GSFG KP PAMS Station Panoramic Sight PRTB - Quartz generator RV SGF Siting Area SP S/S Technical Site Turk VO Waiting Area Zak Vo SECRET GLOSSARY OF TERMS AMID SYMBOLS (U) A component of an instrument set that is designed to measure horizontal and vertical angles, and also is used as the aiming point. Far Eastern Military District Chief Missile Artillery Directorate Group of Soviet Forces in Germany Command Post Mobile Meteorological Artillery Statioll A component of an instrument set used to aim the missile at the target. First letter of the four Russian words meaning Mobile Repair Technical-Base. Frequency control device Missile troops So?athern Group Forces Launch position area Siting position or launch point Supply depot Forward area missile storage and checkout area Turkestan Military District Forward holding area occupied temporarily by units prior to moving forward to siting area. Transcaucasian Military District Another Soviet designation for the SCUD missile 76 SECRET SECRET APPENDIX VII' (U) DISTRIBUTION LIST (U) , 25X1 C 25X1 C State Department----------------------------------------------- 1 U. S. Intelligence Board--------------------------------------- 24 (8) (8) Central Intelligence Agency------------------------------------ (8) National Security Agency--------------------------------------- 5 Secretariat State Def Mil Info Control Committee--------------- 1 Secretary of Defense------------------------------------------- 1 Assistant Secretary, Research and Engineering------------------ 1 Joint Chiefs of Staff, J-2------------------------------------- 1 Defense Intelligence Agency--------------------- 24 Weapon System Evaluation Group-----.---------------------------- 2 Defense Atomic Support Agency--------- ------------------------- 1 Commander-in-Chief, Europe------------------------------------- 1 Commander-in-Chief, Pacific----=------------------------------- 1 Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic-------=-----=--------------------- 5 Commander-in-Chief, Strategic Air Command---------------------- 2 Commander-in-Chief, Strike Command----------------------------- 1 Commander.US Forces, Rorea------------------------------------- 1 National War College------------------------------------------- 1 Disarmament Command Staff-------------------------------------- 1 Industrial College Armed Forces-------------------------------- 1 a National Photographic Intelligence Center---------------------- 7 (Central Registry) (5) (Army Group) (2) Air University (Army Member) ----------------------------------- 1 Air War College (Army M,ember)---------------------------------- 1 Air Force Intelligence----------------------------------------- 10 U. S. Marine Corps--------------------------------------------- 2 U.. S. Marine Corps School-------------------------------------- U. S. Forces Japan--------------------------------------------- ~Ink~r* Undersecretary of the Army------------------------------------- Assistant Secretary, Research and Development------------------ Office of Chief Research and Development----------------------- Deputy Chief Staff, Military Operations------------------------ Deputy Chief Staff, Logistics---------------------------------- 77 SECRET Approved For Release 2002/11/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200370043-6 SECRET Office of Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence-------------- 26 (US Army Attaches) (11) Headquarters, USCONARC---------------------------------------- 2 U. S. Army Caribbean-G-2-------------------------------------- 3 U. S. Army Europe--------------------------------------------- 1 U. S. Army Pacific-------------------------------------------- 1 U. S. Army Alaska-G-2----------------------------------------- 1 U. S. Army Japan---------------------------------------------- 1 Eighth U. S. Army--------------------------------------------- 1 CG, XVIII Airborne Corps-------------------------------------- 1. U. S. Army Materiel Command----------------------------------- 9 (FSTC) (8) (R&D). (1) U. S. Army Mobility Command--=-------------------------------- 1 U: S. Army Munitions Command---------------------------------- 1 U. S. Army Weapons Cc -nd-------------- ----------------____-- 1 U. S. Army Test and kvaluation Command------------------------ 2 U. S. Army Electronics Command-------------------------------- 2 U. S. Army Combat Development Command------------------------- 1 U. S. Army Combat Development Command Experimental Center---- 1 CG, Fort Bragg, N. C., Staff LNO, Sec 9----------------------- 1 CG, Fort Ritchie,.Md., Det F, Sec 9--------------------------- 1 Army Photo Interpretation Center------------------------------ 3 U. S. Army Security Agency --------------------- ---0----------- I U. S. Army Map Service---------------------------------------- 1 U. S. Army War College---------------------------------------- 1 U. S. Army Military Academy----------------------------------- 1 U. S. Army Command and General Staff College------------------ 1 U. S. Army Artillery and Missile School----------------------- 1 U. S. Army Special Warfare Center----------------------------- 1 U. S. Army Signal School-------------------------------------- 1 U. S. Army Ordnance School------------------------------------ 1 U. S. Army Artillery'Board------------------------------------ 1 U. S. Army Armor Board---------------------------------------- 1 U. S. Army Infantry Board------------------------------------- I U. S. Army Airborne and Electronics Board--------------------- 1 U. S. Army Missile Command------------------------------------ 30 (AM:4II -R) (10) (AMSMI-I) (1) (AMSPII-s) (1) (AMSMI-X) (1) (AMSAII-XB) (2) (AMSIII-XG) = (3) (ANcPM MA) (1) (AMCPM-MB) (AMCPM-z8) (1) (9) 78 SECRET WARNING NOTIC THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGFr LAWS, (18 USC 793,794), THE TRANSMISSION OR REVELATION OF WHICH IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW.