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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200350126-6 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200350126-6 Copy viaaee NP IC/R- 132/63 12 Pages 25X1 C PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION REPORT USSR & SATELLITES PRELIMINARY STUDY, July 1963 SA-2 S'AM SUPPORT FACILITIES, DECLASSIFICATION REVIEW BY NIMA / DOD a{=:~ , C r T A ERFIRETITION Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200350126-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF 25X6 25X1 C A preliminary study of SA-2 support facilities in the USSR and certain European satellite countries was undertaken in order to determine the types and deployment of these installations (Figure 1). Because of the im- mediate need for additional intelligence regard- ing SA-2 support facilities, only a cursory inter- pretation has been accomplished, and the findings stated herein should be considered tentative. The SA-2 support facilities identified to date are believed to fall into two general types: rectangular and square. For the purpose of this report, they will be referred to as Types I and II, respectively. Of the 128 facilities considered, 76 are classified as Type I and 52 as Type II, as shown in Table 1. Type I was first observed deployed in while the Type 11 facility was not observed until the fall of _ There have been no Type I facilities observed under con- struction in the USSR since the first Type II 25X1 D 25X1 D deployment, while the latter has been observed under construction as recently as the summer of _ It is, therefore, logical to assume 25X1 D that the Type I has been phased out in favor of the Type II facility. Type I facilities (Figures 2 and 3) are generally enclosed by a rectangular fence line and have a similar basic internal road network. The road network consists of two main inter- connecting roads, which in most cases are parallel to the long axis of the facility. The servicing of the missiles (assembly, checkout and fueling) probably is performed in the various structures situated on or along one of the main roads, while the component storage areas are served by the second road. The largest building in the facility (200 by 70 feet) is designated as the receiving/ maintenance building and has a drive-through capability. It is positioned on the service road with its long axis perpendicular to the road. Low altitude photography of the support facility at revealed missile canisters being off-loaded in an area adjacent to this building. This observation, coupled with the fact that the building is always positioned near the main entrance, indicates a definite receiving capability. The building also was felt to have a maintenance capability be- cause of its size, its numerous entrances, and the fact that heavy equipment was identified in the immediate vicinity. A smaller drive-through building (55 by 30 feet) is located on the service road near the receiving/maintenance building. A number of van-type vehicles have been observed next to this building suggesting checkout operations of an undetermined nature. Located on a turnoff midway along the service road is an open shed 40 by 30 feet. Because of its construction and positioning within the facility, it is considered to be a good can- didate for liquid storage and transfer, either fuel or oxidizer. The final structure on the service road is a drive-through building 60 by 25 feet which is designated as the assembly building. Low level coverage of the Ladeburg SAM Support Facility at one time revealed two GUIDELINE missiles in various- states of assembly situated at either end of this building. The assembly operations observed included the attachment of the stabilizer fins to the missile and the TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF 25X1 C TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF probable mating of the booster and sustainer. In addition, a partially attached nosecone was observed on one missile which also indicates final assembly. Observation of the support facilities in Cuba bears out the assumption that the assembly functions are performed in either an open area or in a building other than the receiving/ maintenance building. One significant feature found only at the Type I facilities is that after the service road passes through the assembly building, it doubles back on itself to form a loop. This loop road indicates that after final missile assembly the unit may then be brought back in the direction W,___20' .X 15' FENCE 1630' X 655 25X1 C of the receiving/maintenance building. At some of the facilities where photo quality permits, a probable buried tank has been ob- served within the loop of the service road. At other facilities, a drainage ditch has been observed extending from the loop to a sump located beyond the fence line of the facility. Therefore, it is believed that the area may be used for some type of fueling operations and as a disposal area in connection with the re- cycling of missiles. The second main road serves three revetted storage buildings (85 by 30, 35 by 30, and 20 by 15 feet) which house the various components of the missile. It can be assumed that a supply FIGURE 3. SAM SUPPORT FACILITY 25X1 D 25X1 D TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Approved For Release TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF of all components is maintained at the facility; and the substainer unit, being the largest com- ponent, is probably stored in the largest of the three buildings. The other two would then be used to house other components such as warheads, boosters, and fuzes. There are two additional features which are requisite to the Type I facility. The larger of these is a probable vehicle shed which is positioned along one of the interconnecting roads between the service and storage roads. This shed measures 60 by 30 feet at the Volgograd facility which is used as an illustration in this report. However, these dimensions are not as constant as those of the other build- ings in the facility. 25X1 C A small revetment, enclosing two or more cylindrical objects, has also been observed at the Type I facilities. This area is generally located near the main entrance and may be conventional POL storage. At all SA-2 SAM support facilities, both Type I and Type II, there are buildings lo- cated outside of the fence line which are as- sociated with the installation. Because of variation in the number and size of these build- ings, an estimate has not been made as to the number of personnel employed at the facilities. In many cases facilities are located near exist- ing military garrisons which could be used for housing and logistical support. Type II facilities have been covered only by KEYHOLE photography; therefore, the in- terpretation is somewhat limited. The most obvious differences between the Type land Type II facilities are the internal road network and the perimeter fence line which are square rather than rectangular (Figures 4 and 5). There does, however, appear to be a correlation be- 25X1 D TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF NO FOREIGN VSS 25X1 C The most prominent feature of the Type II facilities is a straight road on which are located the receiving/maintenance building and the probable assembly building. The receiving/ maintenance building (190 by 65 feet) is again the largest structure within the facilities, and dimensionally it is similar to its counter- part in the Type I. At some of the square not used as a drive-through building. The probable assembly building is located at the opposite end of the main road within the facility; and although it is smaller (45 by 25 feet) than the assembly building of the Type I facility, its relationship to the receiving/ maintenance is the same. It is important to In addition, the open shed located at the midpoint of the service road of the Type I facility has not been seen in a corresponding position within the Type II. There is no apparent conformity in the arrangement of the other internal roads in TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Road Railroad, Double Track Railroad, Single Track 0 10 HPIC H-e3zi (7163) FIGURE 9. DEPLOYMENT OF SAM SUPPORT FACILITIES, SVERDLOVSK AREA. storage buildings of the Type 11 facilities are usually strung out along one of the supplemental roads. Each Type 11 facility contains a com- ponent storage building (95 by 20 feet) that is comparable to the largest storage building in the Type 1 (85 by 30 feet). At least one other revetted storage building is present" at the Type 11. The second storage building at the Orsk facility measures 35 by 25 feet. It cannot be determined if the same size structure 25X1 C FIGURE 10. DEPLOYMENT OF SAM SUPPORT FACILITIES, VOLGOGRAD AREA. is present at all Type Its because of the limitations of KEYHOLE photography. There are two additional objects at the Orsk facility which are probably present at all of the square support facilities. The function and shape of these unidentified objects has not been determined. As shown on Figure 4, one object occupies an area of approximately 30 by 25 feet and the other measures approxi- mately 20 to 15 feet. The evolution from the Type I to the Type II SAM support facility indicates a change in the missile handling procedures or a new concept in SAM support deployment. As shown in Figures 6 to 10 a general ratio has been established between the sup- port facilities and the number of sites they service. At present this ratio is considered TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF NO FORD" DKSEY f12/2A A "Man" A Type I SAM Support Facility Road Railroad, Single Track 0 10 25X1 C Approved For RRtseSGTRMOCIBEMRDRPO5439A000200350126-6 No coRElGN asSE11- 25X1 C to be 4-6 SAM sites per Type I facility and 2-4 SAM sites per Type II facility. Although the ratio given implies a lesser handling capability for the Type II facilities, this supposition is not borne out by a physical comparison of the two types. In terms of square footage, the area occupied by the Type II facility at Orsk actually exceeds that of the Type I facility at Volgograd. In addition, the similarity in the number and size of structures at the two facilities leads to the conclusion that the Type II facilities may in fact be capable of supporting an equal number of SAM sites. The transition from the Type I to the Type 11 is, therefore, most probably the result of a change in missile handling or the adoption of a new flow pattern within the facilities. Table 1. SA SAM Support Facilities in USSR and European Satellites Angarsk SAM Support Facility Baku SAM Support Facility Bratsk Dam SAM Support Facility Brest SAM Support Facility Chelyabinsk SAM Support Facility Cherepovets SAM Support Facility Dnepropetrovsk SAM Support Facility Dodonovo SAM Support Facility Dolon Airfield SAM Support Facility Donetsk SAM Support Facility Glazov SAM Support Facility Gomel SAM Support Facility Gorkiy SAM Support Facility Irkutsk SAM Support Facility Izhevsk SAM Support Facility Kaliningrad SAM Support Facility 1 Kaliningrad SAM Support Facility 2 Kasli SAM Support Facility Kasli SAM Support Facility (Kyshtym) Kazan SAM Support Facility Khabarovsk SAM Support Facility Kharkov SAM Support Facility Komsomolsk SAM Support Facility Kremenchug Dam SAM Support Facility Kuybyshev SAM Support Facility 1 Kuybyshev SAM Support Facility 2 Lvov SAM Support Facility Maanitogorsk SAM Support Facility Mingechaur SAM Support Facility Minsk SAM Support Facility Moscow (Probable) SAM Support Facility (Odintsovo) Murmansk SAM Support Facility 1 Nikolayev SAM Support Facility Nizhniy Tagil SAM Support Facility 52-32N 104-04E 40-24N 50-OlE 56-17N 101-40E 52-07N 23-37E 55-04N 61-22E 59-07\ 38-02E 4S-23N 34-58E 56-09N 93-21E 50-37N 79-13E 47-53N 37-47E 58-06N 52-40E 52-25N 30-55E 56-19N 43-44E 52-24N 103-59E 56-48N 53-23E 54-44N 20-04E 54-38N 21-05E 55-53N 60-41E 55-36N 60-36E 55-4SN 49-13E 48-22N 135-09E 49-56N 36-27E 50-33N 136-53E 48-59N 33-12E 53-17N 50-17E 53-30N 49-31E 49-47N 24-05E 53-21N 59-04E 40-45N 47-OUl 53-54N 27-40E 55-42N 37-1,.E 69-02N 33-14E 46-59N 32-09E 57-52N 60-02E TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF 25X1 C 25X1A 25X1 C Country USSR Nizhnyaya Tura SAM Support Facility Novosibirsk SAM Support Facility Odessa SAM Support Facility Omsk SAM Support Facility Ostrov/Gorokovkha Airfield SAM Support Facility Perm SAM Support Facility Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy SAM Support Facility Plesetsk ICBM Complex SAM Support Facility Poti SAM Support Facility Riga SAM Support Facility Rostov SAM Support Facility Saratov SAM Support Facility Sarova SAM Support Facility Sevastopol SAM Support Facility Severodvinsk SAM Support Facility Shcherbakov SAM Support Facility Sovetsk SAM Support Facility Sverdlovsk SAM Support Facility Tallinn SAM Support Facility Tambov Regional Military Storage Instal- lation SAM Support Facility Tyura Tam SAM Support Facility Ukraina Airfield SAM Support Facility Verkhne Neyvinskiy SAM Support Facility Vladivostok SAM Support Facility 1 Volgograd SAM Support Facility 1 Volgograd SAM Support Facility 2 Yaroslavl SAM Support Facility Yurya ICBM Launch Complex SAM Support Facility Yuryuzan SAM Support Facility Zlatoust SAM Support Facility Tirane SAM Support Facility Czechoslovakia Bratislava SAM Support Facility Ostrava SAM Support Facility Prague SAM Support Facility Budapest SAM Support Facility Miskolc SAM Support Facility Chorzow SAM Support Facility Warsaw SAM Support Facility roved For 58-40N 59-38E 55-06N 82-50E 46-32N 30-39E 54-59N 73-32E 57-19N 28-23E 58-02N 56-1SE 53-04N 158-46E 62-49N 40-40E 42-14N 41-46E 56-54N 23-56E 47-17N 39-40E 51-24N 46-10E 54-55N 43-15E 44-34N 33-32E 64-37N 39-49E 58-02N 38-43E 55-OSN 21-55E 56-52N 60-49E 59-20N 24-47E 52-40N 41-27E 45-53N 63-25E 51-04N 128-20E 57-16N 60-04E 43-OIN 132-26E 48-52N 44-38E 48-26N 44-30E 57-33N 39-50E 59-10N 49-25E 54-50N 58-27E 55-13N 59-44E 48-16N 17-19E 49-39N 1.8-20E 50-O1N 14-03E 4T-32N 19-20E 48-OIN 20-45E 50-25N 18-33E 52-03N 20-39E TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF P- 2nni Inllge-IM WA 25X1 C 25X1A Approved For Rele jb~00g&ffT: C& g78W 39A000200350126-6 25X2 25X1 C Anadyr SAM Support Facility Arkhangelsk SAM SupportFacility Astrakhan SAM Support Facility Balakovo SAM Support Facility Baits Regional Military Storage Instal- lation SAM Support Facility Barano-Orenburgskoye MRBM Complex SAM Support Facility Berezniki SAM Support Facility Borshchev MRBM Complex SAM Support Facility Bryansk SAM Support Facility Chita SAM Support Facility (Probable) Kalinkovichi SAM Support Facility Kamyshin SAM Support Facility Khada Bulak SAM Support Facility Kishinev SAM Support Facility Kiyev SAM Support Facility Kizyl-Arvat SAM Support Facility Kovel SAM Support Facility Krasnoyarsk SAM Support Facility Liepaja SAM Support Facility Lutsk MRBM Complex SAM Support Facility Lugansk Possible SAM Support Facility Magadan SAM Support Facility Makhachkala SAM Support Facility Mukachevo SAM Support Facility Murmansk SAM Support Facility 2 Nakhodka SAM Support Facility Nebit Dag SAM Support Facility Nikolayevsk-Na-Amure SAM Support Facility Novaya Mezinovka Regional Military Storage SAM Support Facility Novorossiysk SAM Support Facility Olenya SAM Support Facility Orsha SAM Support Facility Orsk SAM Support Facility Pechenga SAM Support Facility Penza SAM Support Facility Petrozavodsk SAM Support Facility Sary Shagan AMM Complex SAM Support Facility Shuchuchin Airfield SAM Support Facility Sovetskaya Gavan SAM Support Facility Spassk Dalniy SAM Support Facility Stanislav SAM Support Facility Sterlitimak SAM Support Facility Stryy SAM Support Facility Tashkent SAM Support Facility Uman MRBM Complex SAM Support Facility Ussuriysk SAM Support Facility Yevpatoriya SAM Support Facility Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk SAM Support Facility Zaporozhye SAM Support Facility Vladivostok SAM Support Facility Voronezh SAM Support Facility 64-48N 177-45E 64-31N 40-43E 46-26N 47-56E 52-OON 47-48E 44-27N 131-22E 59-23N 56-52E 48-46N 26-02E 53-21N 34-17E 52-04N 113-30E 52-11N 28-55E 50-03N 45-21E 50-43N 116-07E 46-57N 28-52E 50-19N 30-24E 38-57N 56-18E 51-ION 24-36E 56-10N 92-58E 56-31N 21-06E 50-45N 25-09E 48-32N 39-10E 59-36N 150-48E 42-56N 47-33E 48-21N 22-4???~E 68-50N 33-08E 42-54N 133-05E 39-28N 54-19E 53-31N 26-56E 44-ION 37-46E 68-13N 33-49E 54-29N 30-25E 51-24N 56-02E 69-45N 32-06E 53-12N 44-56E 61-48N 34-04E 46-03N 73-26E 53-35N 24-59E 48-58N 140-12E 44-12N 133-10E 48-35N 24-36E 53-3.9N 55-49E 49-14N 23-53E 41-20N 69-24E 48-43N 30-17E 43-51N 132-02E 43-01N 131-47E 51-33N 39-OSE 45-12N 33-23E 46-52N 142-46E 47-44N 35-15E TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF 25X1 C