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Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200300113-5
N P IC.` R-11,62/ 63
March 1963
~ RC -" i/5
Declassification review by NIMA/DOD-
25X1 C
NPIC/R- 1162/63
5- 4$7G2-
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
O Ihis photographic interptation report has been prepared as
a partial ans~,wLr to a general requirement for a detailed analysis of the
Kapustin 1'ar -'Vladimirovka Missile Test Center. "I he purpose of this re-
port is to present a detailed photo analysis of Launch Complex B, one of
several comprising the Surface-to-Surface Missile Facilities. Analysis
also is under wav on Launch Complexes A and C. Each of these remain-
ing complexes or facilities will also be the subject of a subsequent
Insofar as possible, this report includes a comparison of-
hotography, and the line drawings portray in
green all changes and additions subsequent to the_coverage. All
reported azimuths are referenced from true north, and the term miles
refers to nautical miles.
25X1 C
The Surface-to-Surface Missile (SSM) Fa-
cilities, which are located primarily in the cen-
tral part of the Kapustin Yar/Vladimirovka Mis-
sile Test Center (KYMZ C) and constitute its
largest group of facilities, comprise the follow-
ing eight complexes: Launch Complexes A, B,
C and E; Troop Training Launch Complexes F
and G; the Rocket Launch Complex; and the Test
and Support Complex. The former V-2 Launch
Site, now abandoned, is also located in the area
of the SSM Facilities. All these complexes are
supported from Kapustin Yar with tRft? exception
of Troop Training Launch Complex G, which re-
ceives support from Vladimirovka.
Launch Complex B of the Kapustin Yarj
Vladimirovka Missile Test Center is located at
4S-41N 46-16E, 1.3 miles south of Launch Com-
plex A (Figure 1). It is situated at the terminus
of a 1.1-mile branch road off the all-weather
main road which extends southeasterly from Ka-
pustin Yar 6.5 miles to the Test and Support
Complex and then northeasterly 21 miles to
Launch Complex A and L. In addition, the com-
plex is served by numerous unimproved roads,
trails and buried cables leading to other com-
plexes in the center. Encompassing an area of
approximately 70 acres, Launch Complex B is
roughly I-shaped with bar oriented north-south
representing the three launch a reas and the stem,
situated lust to the west, representing the Support
Area. All four areas are contiguous and are en-
closed by a single fence (1-igure 2).
Launch Areas 131 and B2 were operational
at the time of the first photographic coverage of
Kapustin Yarj but Launch Area
B3 was constructed during the period
Launch Complex B, the most compact of the
major SSM launch complexes at the center, con-
sists of three launch areas and a large support
area all enclosed by a single fence. This com-
plex probably i*capable of supporting launchings
of aerodynamic cruise missiles and small, tac-
tical ballistic missiles. Compared with the other
launch complexes at Kapustin Yar, Launch Com-
plex B is unique because tl3e support area is ad-
jant to the launch area and because all areas
are enclosed by a single fence. Moreover, there
is an apparent absence of any instrumentation
directly associated with this complex outside of
that in the immediate vicinity of the launch area.
that elapsed before the next photo ra hic cover-
age of the area was obtained in
(Figures 3 and 4).
The three launch areas lie within a rec-
tangular-shaped fence measuring approximately
2,530 by 700 feet (Figure 5). The rectangular
area is oriented generally north-south with
launch pads and roads placed so as to facilitate
firing to the east. Launch Area BI, the most
northerly of the three launch areas, is used for
testing aerodynamic missiles. In -Launch
Area B1 included two rectangular launch pads,
but by late _ additional concrete had been
poured so that the two pads were connected.
Also, two inclined rail launchers were present
on the pad area in_he middle launch area,
Launch Area B2, includes one large square pad
with vertical structure positioned at its center.
Launch Area B3, constructed between-
-onsists of a large concrete hardstand with
an inclined launcher and a probable launching
structure below ground. Supporting facilities at
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 C
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 C
25X1 C nnonojjjjj~~~
25X1 D
25X1 C
all three launch areas, which are separated by
fences, include hardstands, hunkers, instrumen-
tation points, and a system of connecting roads
with wide-radius turns.
The support area, situated immediately west
of the launch areas, contains the logistical and
administrative support facilities for the com-
plex. Access from the Support Area to the launch
areas is provided by road, the gate of which is
located at the northeast corner of the Support
Associated with Complex B, but not within
the confines of the fenced area, are two small
storage buildings that are located along the main
entry woad to the Support Area. In addition,
there are two large rectangular ground patterns
forward of the launch areas which because of
their location and configuration are included with
Complex B. These patterns were present in
are outlined by earth scars 10 to 15 feet
wide, and measure 7,650 by 1,525 feet and 4,400
by 1,100 feet, possibly to delineate former firing
(Figure 2).
An abandoned area of activity was noted on
thmcoverage 1.25 miles west of Complex B.
This area consisted of a number of small build-
ings, a group of tent bases, and a number of ex-
25X1 B
25X1 D
cavations. Late in this area was still 25X1 D
abandoned, but another area immediately north-
east of it showed evidence that a group of tents
had been erected. The latter is probably an
abandoned bivouac area (Figure 2).
A possible water line paralleling the branch
road from the all-weather main road may provide
water for the complex. Approximately 2 miles
to the west another water line branches from the
possible water line from Kapustin Yar and ap-
parently enters the complex at the northwest cor-
ner. Although an overhead power transmission
25X1 C EmElibm=
line has been identified running to Complex A, no
connection to Complex B has been noted. The
identification of a large possible diesel power
plant in the support area suggests that power is
provided locally.
Buried cables lead from the vicinity of the
support area and connect with Complex A to the
north and with Complex C, 4 miles to the south.
These cables probably represent part of die land-
line communication system which extends gener-
ally north-south in the rangehead. Ihese cable
lines also probably represent the instrumenta-
tion lines from the instrumentation stations as-
sociated with Launch oComplexes A and C, and
some of these stations probably monitor the fir-
ings from Launch Complex B. Moreover, it
should be noted that the trace of the cable line
leading to Complex A appears to be oriented to-
ward the probable range control center and com-
munication site of Launch Complex A, indicating
that range control center and communication site
of Launch Complex B may be provided by the
facilities at Launch Complex A.
Two groups of tent bases, which probably
were used to house construction workers when
initial work on the complex was proceeding, are
located south of the Support Area and west of
Launch Area B3 (Figure 5).
25X1 D
Launch Area B1 (Figure 6), the more no-
erly of the three launch areas, probably is
for the launching of cruise missiles from in-
clined rail launchers and,, or for the launchingof
small, tactical ballistic missiles. I he launch
area, which measures 75(1 by 670 feet and en-
compasses an area of 11 acres, is within the
common fence of the complex and is separated
from the Support Area to the west by a wire
fence and from Launch Area B2 to the south by a
solid fence. At this area, which has undergone
significant changes sinecure located two
concrete launch pads. I wo inclined rail launch-
ers, which are the items of major significance,
are located on the northern pad. Also located at
this facility are another possible launcher, two
drive-in control bunkers, a third probable con-
trol bunker, and a number of associated hard-
stands and instrumentation Ix>ints.
25X1 D ln-thcre were two identical launch pads
at this area, one of which still exists virtually
unchanged. This is the pad on which the inclined
rail launchers are located. I he other launch
pad has been extensively modified, the result
being the large square pad now present. I he in-
sert in Figure 6 shows the layout of Launch Area
B1 as it was in
Movement into Launch Area 131 is byanun-
paved road which passes through a gate of the
Support Area and continues east for about 300
feet to the concrete pads. Just east of the gate
to the Support Area another road, constructed of
concrete, branches to the south and services
Launch Areas B2 and B3. Heavy trackage indi-
cates that vehicles servicing Launch Area B1
proceed to the east of the concrete pads, turn left
and swing around to the north edge of the paved
area, there returning to the improved road.
The following is a detailed description of
Launch Area BI, and item numbers are keyed to
Figure 6.
Item I - Concrete Launch Pad: This launch
pad is rectangular, measures 175b\, iWfcct, and
X1 D
25X1 B
25X1 B
25X1 D
25X1 C
25X1 C
25X1 C
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 C MENiiiMM
is constructed of concrete. It is laid out gener-
ally in an east-west direction and has located on
it two inclined rail missile launchers. A hard-
stand measuring 40 by 30 feet is located just
forward of a drive-in bunker (item 4) 150 feet
north of the launch pad and connected to it by a
concrete road. The hardstand no longer appears
to be functional, because a probable control bun-
ker (item 5) has been constructed over a portion
of it.
Item 2 - Inclined Rail Launchers: Two iden-
tical inclined rail missile launchers, positioned
100 feet apart and oriented on an azimuth -
degrees, are located on the rectangular launch
pad (item 1). These two launchers are 85 feet in
slant length, are inclined at an angle of 15 de-
grees from the horizontal, and have a height of
at the forward end of the rail. On the
orwar part of each launcher is a thin object 40
feet long, which appears cylindrical, that could be
either a small missile or an integral part of the
launcher itself. Figure 7 is a perspective of
Launch Area 131 showing the rail launchers and
the position of the possible missiles on the
launchers- If these objects mounted on the
launchers are missiles, they are ejther small,
tactical ballistic missiles or cruise missiles
that do not yet have the wings and empennag@
Item 3 - Concrete Launch Pad: This con-
crete launch pad is roughly square, measuring
200 feet on a side. Situated on this launch pad are
three unidentified objects. A launcher is lo-
cated near the center of the pad, measures
45 by 15 feet, and is oriented with its long
axis running east-west. The main body of
this launcher appears to be cylindrical and to
be placed on a solid base resulting in a struc-
ture that is not readily mobile. A crane is
adjacent to the launcher. The perspective
drawing of Launch Area B1 shows the con-
figuration of this launcher (Figure 7). The
unidentified object of undetermined configuration
is located in the shadow cast by the solid
fence separating Launch Area B1 from Launch
Area B2.
Item 4 - Control Bunkers: Two drive-in,
earth-mounded control bunkers, each measuring
40 by 30 feet, are located in this launch area.
Each bunker is served by a concrete access road
leading down and apparently into the east side of
the structure. The more northerly bunker has an
entrance road wide enough to accommodate two
vehicles side by side, whereas the southern bunk-
er has an access road wide enough to allow entry
of only one vehicle. InMthese bunkers could 25X1 D
each readily be associate with a launch pad,
each being 175 feet from the center of its re-
spective pad. AlMhowever, cable scars in-
dicate that both bunkers are associated with the
inclined rail launchers.
Item 5 - Probable Control Bunker: A prob-
able earth-mounded control bunker measuring 40
by 30 feet is located a few feet from the southeast
corner of the northern drive-in control bunker.
This structure, not present in also appears
to service the incl'lned rail missile launchers but
does not have a drive-in capability.
6 - Parking Apron: A concrete parking
apron measuring 75 by 70 feet is located just
northwest of the rectangular launch pad. No
vehicles were observed on this hardstand at the
time of either photographic coverage.
25X1 D
25X1 D
Item 7 - Hardstand: An irregularly shaped
hardstand 40 by 20 feet is located adjacent to the
west edge of the large square launch pad and is
probably used as a parking place for missile-
handling or servicing equipment.
Items 8 and 9 - Small Buildings: Two small
buildings are present in this area. One (item 8)
of these buildings is constructed between the
launch pads, and at the time of the_photog- 25X1 D
25X1 C Mmmdiw~~~
raphy, it had a vehicle parked immediately to the
west of it. The other structure (item 9) is a
small shedlike building located at the intersec-
tion of the access road from the support area and
the square launch pad.
Items 10and 11 - Instrumentation Sites: Two
pre-surveyed instrumentation sites are associ-
ated with this area, one (item 10) is located
northwest of the large hardsjand near the rec-
tangular launch pad. Cable scars lead to this
site from four different directions, including one
that was present in=rom the northern drive-
in control bunker. the other instrumentation site
(item 11) is located 2-50 feet outside of the peri-
meter fence line to the east of the launch area.
The cable scar from this point leads to the poss-
ible launcher near the center of the square launch
Launch Area B2 (Figure 8) ' .? roughly
rectangular, measures 950 by 670 feet, and en-
compasses an area of almost 15 acres. This
launch area is within the common fence of the
complex and is separated from the Support
Area to the west by a solid fence, from Launch
Area B1 to the north by a solid fence, and
from Launch Area B3 to the south by a wire
This launch area contains a launch pad,
25X1 C
three control bunkers, a probable propellant
servicing revetment, two separate large un-
identified objects, and a number of hardstands
and instrumentation points. In_this launch
area was undergoing expansion, the old solid
fence on the south having been removed and a
wire fence constructed to enclose an area ex-
tending 300 feet farther south. The changes
resulted in the launch area now in existence.
Only two major items were added between the
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
two dates: (1) a large earth-mounded control
bunker near the north edge of the launch area,
the construction of which necessitated offsetting
a portion of the solid fence between Launch
Area B1 and B2; and (2) a concrete road
extending from Launch Area 132 to the new
Launch Area B3 immediately to the south.
Access to the launch area is by a con-
crete road that enters the area from Launch
Area 131 through a gate in the solid fence
near the northwest corner of the area. the
following is a detailed description of Launch
Area B2, and item numbers are keyed to
Figure S.
Item I - Launch Pad: -1 he concrete pad
positioned just north of the center of the launch
area is roughly square and measures 200 feet
on a side. It is serviced by four concrete
roads entering the pad at the northwest, south-
west, and southeast corners and midway along
the north edge. A hardstand with an instru-
mentation point is at the northeast corner.
Item 2 - Unidentified structure: At the
center of the large square pad is a vertical
structure-in overall height, the function
of which cannot be positively determined from
either the photography. The
structure appears to consist of a vertical com-
ponent in height, irregularly shaped,
and tapere toward the top that is placed on
a large square concrete base 40 feet on a side
and high. The sides of the base are
vertical o. the first ~Itnd then are py-
ramidal for the remaining, distance to a point
where the base meets the vertical segment
of the structure. At this juncture is an object,
either ringlike or bulbous in configuration, that
joins the vertical component of the object to
the base. Figure y is a perspective of Launch
Area 132 showing this object. Lven though,
as previously stated, the function of this struc-
ture cannot be positively determined, it may
25X1 C
be either an erected missile ready for vertical
firing or a ship motion simulator with a firing
tube placed on top.
The taper of the vertical component of this
structure that is indicated by its shadow .suggests
an erected missile ready for firing. It would
be highly coincidental, however, to find a missile
ready for launchin- on the same launch pad
in both The object as seen on
the M photography gives more of an im-
pression of being a vertical launch tower than
it does on the photography. It is possible
that a tower was at this location in-
?and, with the development of new missile sys-
tems, that it was later removed. Further-
more, it is possible that a missile was erected
at the time of thMphotography. lio,. ever,
it would be highly coincidental that a tower
should be replaced by a missile with the same
dimensions and general appearance. On the
other hand, the solid appearance and irregular
shape of this structure detract from its inter-
pretation as a launch tower, which would most
likely be an open lattice-type of structure with
straight vertical sides.
the massiveness of the base in relation
to the total height of this structure could
indicate that there is a large amount of equip-
ment inside it. This reasoning carried a step
further could indicate that the base contains
a ship simulator for creating motion in pitch,
roll, and yaw. Attached to this simulator
through the bulbous object on top of the base
could be a missile firing tube similar to the one
Items 3 and 4 - Electronics Structures:
Located near the southern edge of the large,
concrete pad are two probable electronic struc-
tures. These structures do not appear to be
any known type of standard Soviet electronic
devices and probably are highly specialized
antennas designed specifically for use with
25X1 B
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25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 B
25X1 B
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 C
missile systems that are under development at
this launch area. One of the structures (item
3) is a large rectangular antenna which ism
high, mounted on a ped-
estal 5 feet tall. This instrument was present
in but was located 70 feet west of its
present position. The other probable electronic
structure (item 4), which was not present in
-appears to be_in height including
an unidentified object on top.
Item 5 - Drive-in Revetment: A drive-
in revetment, which is of concrete construction,
abutts the western edge of the pad 100 feet
50 by 40 feet, is served by a concrete access
road 40 feet wide and probably functions as
llant servicine revetment
drive-in control bunker (item 6) is located
200 feet north-northwest of the center of the
pad and is earth covered. The outline of the
underlying bunker measures 30 by 30 feet.
A concrete road 30 feet wide leads downward
and apparently into the structure from the west
side. A new, large earth-mounded control
bunker measuring 50 by 40 on the top (item
7) has been constructed since near the
north boundary of the launch area. The po-
sitioning of this structure 350 feet from the
object at the center of the pad appears to be
significant because 0a 150-foot section of the
solid fence separating Launch Areas B1 and
B2 was offset 20 feet to the north to allow
construction of the bunker at this point. In
the process of constructing this bunker, a con-
crete road 40 feet wide, which in-connected
the launch pads of Launch Area B1 directly
with the large square pad at' Launch Area
B2, has been destroyed. The remainder of this
road functions as a link between the new control
25X1 C
bunker and the square launch pad at Launch Area
B2. Cable scars connect the new control
bunker with both the structure at the center
of the pad and an instrumentation point on a
concrete hardstand located off the northeast
corner of the square pad. -1%%o structures are
located on top of the new control bunker and prob-
ably are either vents or periscopes.
Item 8 - Large Unidentified Object: South
of the large square pad is a large road-served
hardstand measuring approximately 180 by 100
feet on which has been constructed a long
unidentified object oriented in an east-west
direction. A concrete road enters this hard-
stand from the northwest and exits at the north-
east corner and extends to the square launch
pad, entering it at the southeast corner. It
cannot be determined whether the flow of traffic
proceeds in this manner or in the opposite
direction, which would be first to the square
launch pad and then to the rectangular hard-
stand. 1he large unidentified object is ir-
to consist of two components separated by a
eastern part is high.
Both ends are of irregular shape and appear
to be of complex design. Figure 14 shows
the configuration of this object.
25X1 D '
25X1 D
25X1 C
X00 O 1OO 200 300
1 I 1 I I
25X1 C
25X1 C
25X1 B
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 C
25X1 C
Item 9 - Revetment: A large revetment
is located 200 feet south-southwest of the large
unidentified object, and cable scars indicate
that is has an association with this object.
This revetment, opening to the west and measur-
ing 50 by 25 feet, is large enough to accom-
modate large vehicles, but there is no road
or indication of heavy trackage leading to it.
One of the scars leading from the revetment
to the object on the hardstand possibly is a
pipeline, which might indicate that this revetment
functions as a storage facility for fuel in mobile
tanks. Furthermore, a small structure located
at the southeast corner of the revetment ~it
the point where the possible pipeline enters
it might be a small pumphouse.
Item 10 - Possible Control Bunker: A
possible control bunker, measuring 30 by 20
feet, is located approximately nAdway between
the object at the center of the square pad and
the object on the hardstand to the south of it.
It is road served from the hardstand but does
not have any indications of cable lines extending
from it to either of the above objects. It is
possible that this structure is not a control
bunker, but rather a new buried utility build-
Items 11 and 12 - Hardstands: There are
two hardstands in this launch area that are
not related directly to any structure or in-
strumentation point. One of these hardstands
(item 11) that was not present in= is located 25X1 D
in the northwest corner of the launch area
between the access road and the fence and
measures 100 by 90 feet. This hardstand
probably functions as a location to hold equip-
ment and missiles. The other hardstand (item
12) is located off the road connecting the large
square launch pad and the new control bunker.
This second hardstand measures 60 by 30
feet and is oriented east-west with its south-
west corner adjacent to the northeast corner
of the drive-in control bunker. The second
hardstand probably is used as a vehicle servic-
ing or temporary hold stand. In=a vehicle, 25X1 D
possibly a truck-mounted crane, was positioned
on this hardstand.
Vehicles: In_at least 4 vehicles
were situated at various positions in the launch
25X1 D
Construction of Launch Area B3 (Figure
10), the most southerly of the launch areas
Yar and was either near completion or com-
25X1 D after the- photographic coverage of Kapustin
25X1 D
started sometime
This launch area
measures 790 by 730 feet and encompasses
an area of 13 acres. 'The launch area is with-
in the common fence of the complex and is
separated from Launch Area B2 to the north
by a wire fence.
The main feature of this launch area is
a concrete pad measuring 540 by 120 feet,
25X1 C
generally rectangular in shape, on which two
launchers and a blockhouse are located. One
launcher is at the south end of the pad and
is on a large concrete ramp, whereas the other
is at the north end and appears to be situated
in a rectangular pit. Both launchers are
oriented on an azimuth of 'I he 25X1 D
blockhouse is located in the center of the pad
midway between the two launchers. Also located
here is a semiburied tank, a run-off basin,
a mobile crane, and several small unidentified
objects. A concrete road leads from Launch
Area B2 into Launch Area B3. 7 his is the
25X1 C
to Figure 10.
Item I - Inclined
only road access into the launch area.
the following is a detailed description of
Launch Area B3, and item numbers are keyed
in use either for constructing the launcher or
as a clamshell shovel.
Item 2 - Possible ' Twin-Cylinder" Missile
Launcher: Located on the northern part of
the concrete apron at Launch Area B3 is a
possible twin-cylinder missile launcher which
is in a horizontal, subsurface position. -I he
launcher is housed within a rectangular concrete
pit which measures 95 by 40 feet overall.
An accurate depth of the pit cannot be de-
Within the pit is a possible launcher with
two tubelike objects 55 feet long and
in diameter that are rounded on each end.
These tubelike objects are about apart
and appear to be connected near t eir western
end by an item that is at least 15 feet long
and tapered at each end. This item could
possibly be the tilting mechanism for elevating
the tubelike objects. The top of the tubelike
objects is below the level of the apron. T here
is at least 5-foot clearance on all sides of the
on the southern part of the rectangular con-
25X1 D Crete pad on an azimuth of is a
large inclined launcher. I his launcher, possibly
25X1 D
a concrete ramp
consists of
high at the front edge. Constructed on this
ramp and supported at three points is a heavy
lattice framework which resembles a self-
supporting lattice tower laced on its side.
At the forward end of this lattice work, barely
discernible on the photography, is a heavy cy-
lindrical steel framework, which is positioned
,50 to 50 degrees from the vertical as shown
on Figure 11. "I he top of this framework
stands approximately 40 feet above the ground
at the forward end of the launcher. Positioned
just to the northwest of the launcher is a crane
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 C
25X1 C
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
apparatus within the pit. \o method of cover-
ing the pit was observed.
" I he sighting of four E-class probable SSGN
submarines revealed three pairs of inclined
the deck which had a diameter -
of 40 feet.
nd a visib
Previous sightings, late of a twin-
cylinder W-class, probable SSG submarine and
a photo in the military paper Red Star reveal
similar configurations._. / The possible launcher
within this pit may fall within the category
of the launchers observed on these E-class and
W -class submarines.
A small building measuring 25 by 10 feet
is situated at the edge of the concrete pad
80 feet to the north of this probable launcher. A
cable scar connects these two objects.
Item 3 - Blockhouse: Located r tdway be-
tween the two launchers at Launch Area B3 is a
blockhouse that is 5() feet square. I his structure
has a flat r(x-)f and a personnel entrance on the
west side. Cable scars connect the blockhouse
with the subs urface'apparatus and with a probable
camera station at the west perimeter fence
around Launch Area 133. An unidentified small
object is on the roof the blockhouse.
Item 4 - Semiburied lank: A semiburied
tank 30 feet in diameter is located immediately
to the west of the large concrete apron. This
tank could be used for either fuel or water
for flushing. A ground scar connects this tank
with the large revetment in Launch Area B2.
Item 5 - Run-off Basin: An oval run-
off basin 100 by 50 feet is located in the area
between the concrete pad and the access road
to the launch area.
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 B
The Support Area (Figure 12), -located
contiguous to and to the rear of the launch
areas, contains the administrative and logis-
tical -support facilities for Launch Complex B.
The .Support. Area is roughly square, is within
the common fence of the complex, and measures
1,165 by 1,065 feet. It is located on the north
side of the enclosure and provides the only
improved access to all four fenced areas of
the complex. The Support Area, which has
undergone little change since-contains
missile -assembly and checkout facilities, a pos-E
sible power plant, administrative facilities, per-
sonnel housing, possible, propellant servicing
facilities, and shop or maintenance facilities.
Several smaller structures, mounds, and other
objects also are visible in the area. A much
larger number of vehicles was observed in
the support area on the _coverage than
The following is a detailed description of
the support area and numbers are keyed to
Figure 12.
Item I - Assembly and Checkout Building:
A drive-through assembly and checkout build-
25X1 C
25X1 B
ing is located adjacent to the administrative
and personnel housing facilities. This step-
roofed building measures 130 by 65 feet, giving
9,800 square feet of floor space, and is 25
feet high. The building has a gable-roofed,
end of this building a concrete hardstand has
been constructed which extends the full width
of the building, and unimproved or gravel-
surfaced roads connect this facility with the
the area on the hardstand at the east end
of this building was marked by considerable
activity. Present were 3i grouping of pieces
of equipment including a possible missile 45
feet long on a trailer, 3 trucks, and several
pieces of missile-handling gear. One piece of
gear had a vertical member attached that was
A drive-through maintenance or checkout build-
ing is located 250 feet south of the assembly and
checkout building (item 1). I his gable-roofed
building measures 100 by 60 feet and is 20 feet in
height. It probably functions as a shop-type vehi-
cle maintenance facility, or possibly as an auxil-
iary assembly and checkout point. Concrete
hardstands 65 feet wide adjoin both ends of the
building. in _three vehicles were noted on or
near the hardstand at the east end as compared
with only one vehicle noted near the west end
on the photography.
hwo unidentified structures arc located to
the south of the maintenance and checkout
building. Lach is approximately 5 feet square
and 20 feet hizh. I heir function cannot be
determined at this time.
This facility is an arch-roofed building=
-feet and about 30 feet high. This build-
ing has four vents on the roof, two shed ex-
tensions 20 by feet on the east side, and
Item 7 - Administrative Building: This
is a gable-roofed administrative building that is
70 by -50 feet. This building is situated near
the entrance to the support area. A mast or
thin stack is adjacent to this building.
The barracks each have two entrances and could
provide billets for approximately 1(Xi persons.
Item U - Security Building: This facility
is a single-story, hip-roofed security building
that is 60 by 4() feet with a wing 15 feet square.
This building is situated at the entrance to the
complex. I=our vehicles are parked adjacent
to the outside portion of the fence.
Item 10 - Lnidentified Building: Ibis is
25X1 C
10, HIGH
25X1 C
25X1 C Mmmiik~~~
roof of the building is partly gabled and the other
section is flat. A ground scar leads from this
building to Item 5.
Item 11: 1_ nidentificd structure 2(1 by 15
feet by 10 feet high.
Item 12: Small revetment or blast wall 10
Item 13: Five probable missile trans-
porter vans, each 45 feet long.
Item 14: Motor pool area that contains
at least 13 vehicles and a possible fuel storage
bunker. Other equipment of an unidentified
nature is lying about the general area.
The size and configuration of Launch C~bn-
plex B, coupled with the proximity of the
Support Area to the launch areas, suggest t:zat
is is designed mainly to accomplish the follow-
ing missions:
Aerodynamic Cruise Missile Launchings--
1 he configuration of the inclined launching
structures probably indicates aerodynamic mis-
sile firings. Ihey are the only SSM launchers
found in the Kapustin Yar Rangehead that are
designed primarily to support angular rather
than vertical missile firings. In addition, the
absence of associated instrumentation forward
of the launch areas contrasts markedly with
the tracking stations situated just downrange
from the ballistic missile complexes located
to the north and to the south. Whether or not
this absence of instrumentation forward of the
launch areas is a valid criterion, the fact
remains that the combination of the forward
0 e-
tracking stations of both Launch Complex A
and C could and probably does meet some of
the needs for Launch Complex B.
In addition to the aerodynamic rnis ~1~,,
these inclined launchers probably- could uppo::
firings of short-range tactical missoIL.S of Ih;
nonaerodvnarnic type.
Naval Simulators -- This probably is the
basic reason for the existence of Launch Com-
plex B. Firs' would come the development of
missiles that could be utilized by the ,a%-\-
and then the development of shipboard en-
vironmental simulators to launch these same
missiles. The existence of a probable super-
structure of a submarine simulator, coupled
with the existence of a possible ship motion
simulator for ballistic missiles, both located
in Launch Area B2, lends credence to the
hypothesis that Launch Complex B is primarily
naval associated.
25X1 C
25X1 C
25X1 C
25X1 D
CIA. DDI "ORR.'E. R-&4,59
CIA.- DDL ORR. E. R-b4."59 Supplement
CL-%. DDI. OSI. R-114. "63
25X1 C