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Document Release Date: 
February 11, 2003
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Publication Date: 
August 1, 1966
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PLANK NO0 47 clxs~cl Declass Review by NIMA/DOD 25X1 25X1 .g1,C .~O SHDPPO G CRATES AT ADFRAME o CIA /P M GERY N A LYS IS VISION DATE MP 59CWT COPY Approved For Release 2003/03/04: CIA-RDP78TO5161AO01000010054-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/03/04: CIA-RDP78TO5161AO01000010054-9 Approved For Release 2003/03/04: CIA-RDP78TO5161AO01000010054-9 RECORD COPY I COPY NO. i PUB. DATE I A6Vb Wd?PW fk~ l eas e 2003/0 3/04: I 6X DP 78TO ~l'di Xd01000t10054- h MAX 1 MUM CUT COP TO IES DATE 1-73 CUT TO COP I ES CUT COP TO IES CUT TO COPIES CUT COP 9- Z2 TO IES X1 lies t o Unit r41-50 Q al k- _a_oe SEC S. LOCATION :-:'710;:J T341 24.944 25X1 Appro `R" CIA/PIR- 7100 SHIPPING CRATES AT AIRFRAME PLANT NO. 47 ORENBURG, USSR 25X Approved For Rele-WROSHRET red For Rele Approved For Release 2003/03/04: CIA-RDP78TO5161AO01000010054-9 TOP SECRET CIA/PIR-71006/66 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 U.S.S.R. WESTERN SIBERIA 72 ! air 72 N KARA Railroad 8?g N SEA p T,y* Sg ~ pSSROV o ri+aut M~~es 190 8EL'r'r d If bmMera 30ti 0 y/e z `~ 4 L t MUr osT OSTROV KOwRO,,vV YAYGACH I A.' ~ naaf a ~ e Khal'mer-Yu Vorkut/a - ?~ s ...- ' 4'e Ar bytna ahgef (7rta8a e ff` ~r o. llkhta Ian G~ r y tJL~sk >? ~?.. 60 q 60 } Polunochnoye Khanty- Mansrysk G `vim ?s!avl 1ostroma s.{ a j ? ,,,. rOV ~ Neaervoo Pe Nizh Y Tavda 1Tagi T ~"~,_ ~-?~ Or'k lzhavs mil " yum L _ w ( ix aza Sverdlovsk , Ku n ano RyrArk Zlatou ran ~~ Ufaw-t 'Chelyabinsk eiroRavl bov ~enza / } kilo Magnitogorsk ' uyb at artaly ey $ -~ Saratch O bu 2 Urii'sk CTra! - Atbasar ? hun' S ~yunoiinsk rsk ~,! ' anda arag Aktyubinsk`t i r r 48 Kandagaeh 48 emu. 3 \ lkhas Gur' V ~8 D.j heZkazgan Astrakh Aral'sk [SH tlt `A'"'A,V . SEA ARAI. gp ease35378 10-61 48 60 72 TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/03/04: CIA-RDP78T05161A001000010054-9 Appro% 25X1 ed For ReleMPOSM"I I CIA PIR-7100 - SHIPPING CRATES AT AIRFRAME PLANT NO. 47 ORENBURG, USSR Airframe Plant 47 is located at 51-48N 55-07E in Orenburg, USSR. Between it was covered by 25X1 During this time the plant expanded from approx- imately 1.3 million square feet to 1.0 million square feet of floor space. No missiles or missile-related equipment have been identified within the plant confines, however, ood quality missions have revealed the presence of crates in the plant shipping area on the south side of the facility (Figure 2). These crates measure approximately Q 25X1 feet and have been identified as possible cruise missile crates. The following chronological crate count may indicate changes in the level of plant activity. 25X1 The increased productivity suggested by the plant expansion does not appear to be reflected in the crate count, nor is a new product suggested as the same type of crates have been present throughout the period of observation. This does not preclude the possibility, however, that products may be .shipped directly from other parts of the plant which are under roof and therefore cannot be detected. Approved For Relea POMMM: 25X1 Apprq ved For ReleM 2fQ IQ, Q,41 CIA PIR-7100' 25X 25X MAPS AND CHARTS USATC. 0236-2H'L, 3rd edition, January 1963, Series 200 (SECRET) (TOP SECRET REQUIREMENT c-cz6-83,734 CIA/IA.D PROJECT 31391-6 (Partial) 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Rele"F0 ~/e ?~GI~L/8:' CIA-RDP78TO5161AO01000010054-9 JC DOCUMENTS 1. -6'-C 0-Orenburg Airframe X1 (TOP SECRETI PIR-1864-Orenburg Airframe Plant No. 47, Orenburg,. USSR Plant No. 47, Orenburg, USSR Approved For Release IMP/04S C1 7rT05161A001000010054-9 Approved For Release QIP3IO$IcRTOSl61A001000010054-9