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Publication Date: 
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paO~OC~G3Qpa0Q ~ D [~~~~~ Declass Review by NIMA/DOD 25X Gv~ GERY ~~ LYSIS ~ ISI?N CIA/PIR pprove or a ease 2003/ I P78T05161A00 I I ,~~ . Vim. ~ ~~.~ ; GROUP I ~/l~~U V~~ E.c lud.d lrom d.rnyndiny and d cl.?soli< Approved For Release - o~~~~doc~~~c~~ Q~poa~ 25X Approved For Release 2003/03/04 :CIA-RDP78T05161A000900010050-5 This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States, within the meaning of Title 18, sections 793 and 794; of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 2003/03/04 :CIA-RDP78T05161A000900010050-5 Approved For Release 2003/0 RDP78T05161A000900010050-5 CIA~PIR-67243 MERCHANT SHIPPING-HAIPHONG, NORTH VIETNAM Approved For Release 2 ~ T T05161A000900010050-5 25 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/03/ ~~i#2DP78T05161A000900010050-5 CIA~PIR-67243 25X CIA IMAGERY ANALYSIS DIVISION 25X1 MERCHANT SHIPPING-HAIPHONG, NORTH VIETNAM A study was made of aerial photography covering the Haiphong Harbor Area in order to identify all ocean-going vessels and to attempt to determine whether these ships are loading or unloading. The study also included an attempt to identify the type of cargo these ships are handling and whether or not lighters are used in loading and unloading activities. 25X 25X are of insufficient quality to accurately identify any ocean-going ships. All interpretation in this report was accomplished from Six ocean-going vessels are observed in the Cua Cam. Five of these ships are moored adjacent to the Haiphong Chamber of Commerce Wharfs. It cannot be determined whether these ships are loading or unloading. How- ever numerous lighters are observed in the harbor area and it can be assumed that lighters play a major role in the loading and unloading of ships in the Haiphong Harbor. However, no definite lighter-shore contact points can be identified. A large coal storage area is located adjacent to the Transit Wharf, and two probable apatite storage areas are located adjacent to the coal storage area and the Chamber of Commerce Wharf #l. All three areas are served by, or accessible to, a rail line. Miscellaneous cargo storage is observed throughout the area (Reference Figure #l~. A seventh ocean-going ship is observed in the Song Bach Dang. Four lighters are observed tending the ship. It cannot be determined whether the ship is loading or unloading, nor can the nature of the cargo be determined (Reference Figure #2~. Approved For Release 2 - T05161A000900010050-5 25X Approved For Release 2003/0~7~R~1~-RDP78T05161A000900010050-5 KEY TO ANNOTATIONS (FIGURE # l~ 1. Cargo vessel, probably the Bezhitsa (510' LOA), located adjacent to Chamber of Commerce Wharf#l. CIA~PIR-67243 25X 2. Cargo vessel, probably the Chelyabinsk or Izhma located adjacent to Chamber of Commerce Wharf #l. 3. Cargo vessel, probably the Divnogorsk (505' LOA), located adjacent to Chamber of Commerce Wharf ~2. 4. Cargo vessel, possibly the Atlanticstar (420' LOA, located adjacent to Chamber of Commerce Wharf 2. 5. Cargo vessel, probably the Przyjazn Narodow to Chamber of Commerce Wharf 3. located adjancet 6. Unidentified stack-aft cargo vessel (270' LOA), located in the Cua Cam. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/03~~/~-RDP78T05161A000900010050-5 D zsx Approv TO 0.091i b # 1 CUA CAM HAIPHONG HARBOR NORTH ~TIETNAM 205200N 106~+140E PROBABLE APATITE STORAGE AREA PROBABLE APATITE `~ STORAGE AREA ?, ~,~... Approved For Release 2003/03/5~~~~RDP78T05161A000900010050-5 D FCJY TO ANNOTATIONS (FIGURE #2~ CIA~PIR-67243 2 5X 1. Unidentified cargo vessel (450' UJA approximat e in the Song Bach Dang. Obliquity and 1ac~c of stereographic coverage precludes ident- K ification. All measurements have been made by the CIA~IAD project analyst. Approved For Release 5161A000900010050-5 25X1 Appio~e ~le ~~ 0 - ` ~ ~~ .~ F ~` ~~~~.. ~.. . u ' ~ SC?NG BACH UANG HAIPHONG HARBOR NORTH VIETNAM 2o5z5oN 106-55oE LIGH'T`ERS " ~ ~ L a~~ X003/03/04_. GIA-RDPZ8T T Ofl10050-5 A ro ~ Approved For Release 2003/Q~fA-RDP78T05161A000900010050-5 REFERENCES 25X1 25X1 CIA~PIR-67243 Port Plan and Berthing Diagram, Haiphong, North Vietnam, January 1961 (SECRET) April 1964 (SECRET U.S. Air Target Mosaic, Series 50, Sheet 50616-2015 MA, Second Edition, U.S. Air Target Mosaic Series 50 Sheet 50616-2016 MA, Second Edition, April 1964 (SECRET 25X1 ONI 35-7A Merchant Ships of The World, Alphabetical Listing (CONFIDENTIAL) ONI 35-9 Merchant Ships of The World, Graphic Profiles (CONFIDENTIAL) - 5 - Approved For Release 2003/0~'~~~sT4-RDP78T05161A000900010050-5 Approved For Release 2003/0 -RDP78T05161A000900010050-5 25X CIA~PIR-67243 CIA IMAGERY ANALYSIS DIVISION REQUIREMENT C-RR6-83,277 CIA~IAD PROJECT 30733-6 - 6 - Approved For Release R - T05161A000900010050-5 25X 25X1 gpproved For Release 2003/03/04 :CIA-RDP78T05161A000900010050-5 Approved For Release 2003/03/04 :CIA-RDP78T05161A000900010050-5