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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 24, 2003
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Publication Date: 
November 1, 1965
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78T05161A000800010056-0.pdf1.58 MB
Approved For Release DAIREN (LU-TA) SHIPYARD DA I REN, CHINA Declass Review by NIMA/DOD T05161 A AL'S CIA / PI R 67135 DATA ICE COPY MOVS. 56.0 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP78TO5161A000800010056-0 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP78TO5161A000800010056-0 X1 Appro red For Releaseldp3/S'@*Eisl CLA PIR-67135 DAIREN (LU-TA.) SHIPYARD DAIREN) CHINA 25X 25X 25X Approved For Releasel83/5 9RE4IA-RDP78TO5161AO00800010056-0 For Release 20tkft DP78TO5161A000800010056-0 SHIPYARD : D IREN (LU-TA) SHIPYARD LOCATION : DAIREN, CHINA GEO COORDS: 38-56N 121-39E KEY TO ANNOTATIONS 1. Probable US "LST-l" Class LST (LOA approx 330'). 2. Merchant ship (LOA approx 440'). 3. Unidentified possible SS in graving dock (could not be measured). 4. Possible GORDYY Class ODD (LOA approx 370'). 5. Unidentified SS (LOA approx 250'). 6. Merchant ship under construction (LOA approx 350'). 7. At least six possible small surface combatants under construction (LOA of each approx 130') and one possible tugboat trawler under construction (LOA approx 100'). See annotation 1,1 1 8. Thirteen probable small surface combatants under construction (LOA of each approx 130'). See annotation 2, II 9. Probable "G" Class SSB (could not be measured). See annotation 11, 10. Merchant ship (LOA approx 380'). NOTE: All measurements have been made by the CIA/IAD project analyst. They should not be construed as being mensuration data compiled by the NPIC Technical Intelligence Division. 25X 25X 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 20Y0 /S?CR ~ DP78T05161A000800010056-0 Approved For Release yII/OS.r 4LMT05161A000800010056-0 Approved For Release T /06E?-R T05161A000800010056-0