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Approved For Release 2T/p /1ttekP78T05161A000100010049-5 November 1964 Copy CIA/PIR-35/64 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY PHOTOGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE REPORT NORTH VIETNAM FIXED COMMUNICATIONS STATIONS, DECLASS REVIEW by NIMA/DOD TOP SECRET Approved For Release 200.3/U5114: Cl - 8TO5161A000100010049-5 GROUP I E.cI ded a~romarc 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP78TO5161A000100010049-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP78TO5161A000100010049-5 *p'p oved For Release 1093/i FIXED COMMUNICATIONS STATIONS, NORTH VIETNAM 25 25 25 25 Approved For Release f ?Q ,j0~tt kff PP78T05161A000100010049-5 25 1 1 Approved For Release T2 0 C R T P78T0516 A000100010049-5 F _j CIA/PIR-35/64 A search of photography of North Vietnam covering the period from 0 has revealed the presence of one large point-to-point transmitting` station, one large international receiving station, one large international broadcasting station, and 3 small point-to-point communications stations (Figure 1). This report locates and describes these stations, and furnishes pertinent mensural and technical data for each. 1 02? 10 4? 10 6? 108? C H I N A l La K ay o Lai Chau 22? Broadcas ing Mon Cay Station D ien Bien Phu (p Station ` Dien Bien Phu Statio cp Receiving Station ? io Transmitting Station : ?. 20? L A 0 S Thanh Hoa NORTH GULF OF VIETNAM TONKIN Vinh Z 18? F_ Dong Hoi Station THAILAND Dong oi OEMARCATIO LINE Railroad Road 1l ?-- S UTH 50 100 VI TNAM NAUTICAL MILES FIGURE 1. LOCATION MAP. -1- Approved For Release.Q?,/0r1DP78TO5161A000100010049-5 Approved For ReleT@ RO(i ,1K-j A-RDP78T0 CIA/PIR-35/64 HANOI POINT-TO-POINT TRANSMITTING STATION 105-46E. Two separate walled areas at the A large point-to-point high-frequency (HF) station are a control area and a support area. transmitting station (Figures 2 and 3) is situated The control area contains a transmitter build- approximately 5.7 nautical miles (nm) south- ing, 2 cooling ponds, and 7 other buildings. Approved For Release 00 /~5(4 f 61A0001000100 25 1 Approved For Releasel?P066R TF DP78T051614000100010049-5 CIA/PIR-35/64 _W_ SUPPORT AREA . Stick mast O Rhombic antenna --- Dissipation line Road -w- Wall -?- Power line ? Guard tower Drawn from oblique photography: scale varies N I The support area contains approximately 13 antenna, 2 medium-sized single rhombic an- administration and housing-type buildings. Sur- tennas arranged as a pair, 2 medium-sized rounding these areas are 2 large and 2 small single rhombic antennas, and approximately 27 double rhombic antennas arranged as pairs scattered stick masts. Pertinent mensural and for day-night operations, one double rhombic technical data are given in Table 1 . Approved For Release12 0 /f DP78T05161 000100010 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Approved For ReleT@ PO 1 TC A-RDP78T 5161A000100010049-5 I ?E_~ CIA/PIR-35/64 Yards at 21-03N 105-41E. The absence of cooling ponds and the presence of the large Hanoi point-to-point transmitting station indi- A large point-to-point receiving station cate that this is most probably a receiving (Figures 4 and 5) is situated approximately 8.6 station. It has a walled area that contains a nm west-northwest of the Hanoi Marshaling control building and approximately 17 other Approved For Release 2003/05/14: Cl -RDP78T05161A000100010049-5 TOP SECRET Approved For ReleaseT2?P0!S{- REC DP78T0516 A000100010049-5 CIA,/PIR-35/64 1 ? Stick mast Q Rhombic antenna Road -W- Wall -? - Powerline Guard tower housing and related buildings. Antennas are and 4 single rhombics. The antennas are dis- arranged in a roughly circular pattern surround- persed for diversity reception. In addition, ing the walled area, and include 3 large and 3 there are at least 14 stick masts scattered small double rhombics arranged in pairs for throughout the area. Pertinent mensural and day-night operations, 2 other double rhombics, technical data are given in Table 2. Approved For Release,2J~iQ~,(05/Jq.;,rJA- -78-051 A00010001 r- 7= 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Approved For ReleTo P0(~iK/W.JC A-RD P78T0 CIA/PIR-35/64 HANOI-ME TRI INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING STATION 105-47E. The station contains two large A large HF radio station (Figures 6 self-supporting lattice towers, each with a and 7), used for international broadcasting, 55-foot crossboom on top, supporting the is situated approximately 4.3 nm southwest director-reflector curtains of a horizontal cur- Approved For Release 2003/05/14 : - lA0001000100 TOP SECRET F__ I f 25X1 25X1 TOP A0 droved For Release 20 CIA/PIR-35/64 Stick mast Rhombic antenna Dissipation line Road Fence Power l ine Ditch Concrete slab Guard tower TRANSMITTER ISO 1 s,, 00 I 25X1 25X1 tain array. The station also contains 3 large scattered throughout the antenna area. Support and 3 small double rhombic antennas arranged facilities located within a large fenced area in- as pairs for day-night operations. Pertinent clude a transmitter building, a cooling pond, mensural and technical data are given in Table 3. and 8 other buildings; over 20 other buildings In addition, approximately 10 stick masts are are in an adjacent, partially fenced area. -7- TOP SECRET F- I Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP78T05161A000100010049-5 COOLING POND 25X1 25X1 Approved For ReI F05t5R4T IA-RDP78T 5161A000100010049-5 CIA/PIR-35/64 PROBABLE HORIZONTAL DIPOLE ANTENNAS Pole mast Road Fence ----- Cable scar Drown from oblique photography: scale varies DONG HOI POINT-TO-POINT COMMUNICATIONS STATION A small HF point-to-point communications station (Figure 8) is situated approximately 4 nm north-northeast of Dong Hoi at 17-32N 106-35E. The station consists of a fenced area, 6 control/ support buildings, and, immediately north-north- west, 4 pole masts that probably support two hor- izontal dipole antennas. Each probable antenna has a 145-foot mast separation and is oriented on an azimuth of A fenced area of unidentified activity is approximately 3,500 feet to the east-northeast and is connected to the station by road and by cable scar. DIEN BIEN PHU POINT-TO-POINT COMMUNICATIONS STATION A small point-to-point communications sta- tion (not illustrated) is situated approximately 3.3 nm south-southwest of Dien Bien Phu Air- field at 21-22N 103-OOE. This station has the same general layout and size and almost iden- tical components as the Dong Hoi station, and for this reason is not covered in greater detail. The two probable antennas are oriented on an MON CAY POINT-TO-POINT COMMUNICATIONS STATION A small point-to-point communications sta- tion (not illustrated) is situated approximately one nm southeast of the center of Mon Cay at 21-32N 107-59E. The general layout, size, and components are essentially the same as at the Dong Hoi station. The two probable antennas are oriented on an azimuth of 161A0001000100 Approved For Rele sOZ00 /9VE.l - REWMFT roved For ReleaseT2090 K. R TR P78T051 lA000100010049-5 -1 1 CIA/PIR-35/64 1 I 7 5? 9 0? 10 5? 12 0? ,~ L BAIKAL \ Karaganda MONG OLIA ~AR A L BALKHASN Q 5 , , - a Alma-At ~ S? J 1 Peiping .' ninon RE C H I A ~K ? ~ SHM1R ~ ,(In AFGHANISTAN ~" 1 Dispute) 1 O ` ' , I t rte l~ ' EAST PAKISTAN `~NewD NEPAL\ Ihii ?? r A cO C H I EA SEA ~ u '~? ;tom. 71N I Okinawa I NDIA ~A ISN. R~~~y BURMA MACAO oNc TAIWAN r?' LAOS ANO KONG BO bay A Y ` L??f?. Hainan ?. ETNAM O F 8 E N G ` THAILAND A L ari?n emO I;- O U T H 7 ? 5 ANDAMAN IS ,.1. 7AMB [ C H I N A ? ? PHILIPPINES LACCADIVE IS 5 E A DEYLON NICOBA IS MALDIVE IS BRUNEI A L ?Y S I/Af '- o Borne . tra C AGOS D I N D O I ''$ S I A ARC IPELAGO ja , Java pL-'.^i?.c Christmas ? P projection in order to illustrate their general The azimuths of the antennas at the three orientation (Figure 9); because of the numerous Hanoi area stations, as listed in the pertinent technical limitations involved, these projections tables, have been plotted on their great-circle should be considered only as approximations. Approved For Releasefdp0S/lq;, 1A000100010 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Approved For Rele' j R0(9N TC Major Axis CIA/PIR-35/64 Major Axis Tilt Angle** (0 1) Azimuth (1) 1 Single 605 290 rhombic 2 Single rhombic 600 290 70 75 Bombay, India 3 Double rhombic 610 295 85 100 New Delhi, India 4 Double rhombic 730 345 100 115 Alma-Ata, USSR 5 Double rhombic 435 210 65 120 Alma-Ata, USSR 6 Double rhombic 850 405 110 135 Alma-Ata, USSR 7 Double rhombic 490 235 80 110 Alma-Ata, USSR 8 Single rhombic 540 340 80 90 Karaganda, USSR 9 Single rhombic 540 340 70 85 Karaganda, USSR obliquity of photography *All measurements are very approximate because of extreme difficulty in locating exact position of masts and Antenna Length (ft) Mast Height (ft) Tilt th A i Major Minor One Major Minor Angle** z mu (,) General Orientation No Type Axis Axis Side** Axis Axis (? ~l Double rhombic 435 Minor Axis One Side** rhombic 730 343 3 Single rhombic 600 295 4 Double rhombic 615 305 5 Double rhombic 425 200 6 Double rhombic 730 360 7 Double rhombic 610 285 8 Double rhombic .490 235 9 Double rhombic 850 400 10 Single rhombic 600 290 11 Single rhombic 610 295 12 Single rhombic 600 290 Minor Axis IA-RDP78TO4 *All measurements are very approximate because of extreme difficulty in obliquity of photography **Computed measurement ***Measurement precluded by photographic limitations Alma-Ata, USSR Alma-Ata, USSR Bombay, India New Delhi, India Alma-Ata, USSR Alma-Ata, USSR New Delhi, India Alma-Ata, USSR Alma-Ata, USSR New Delhi, India Djakarta, Indonesia Peiping, China Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA 161A0001000100 TOP SECRET r CIA/PIR-35/64 1 roved For Release 16W0 -7 Minor Axis Major Axis Length (ft) Curtain array Double rhombic Double rhombic Double rhombic Double rhombic Double rhombic Double rhombic 480 330 415 300 360 520 One Side** Tilt Angle** (o ') I Azimuth (O) Tower separation: 415 eet, tower height: 240 175 240 190 210 250 *All measurements are very approximate because of extreme difficulty in locating exact position of masts and obliquity of photography **Computed measurement Hanoi Area Stations CNO. US Air Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet 0616-19A, 1st ed, Jul 59, scale 1:200,000 (SECRET) Dong Hoi DIA. US Air Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet 0617-19HL, 2d ed, Jan 64, scale 1:200,000 (SECRET) Dien Bien Phu DIA. US Air Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet 0616-17HL, 2d ed, Sep 63, scale 1:200,000 (SECRET) Mon Cay USAF. US Air Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet S0615-16A, 1st ed, Jul 59, scale 1:200,000 (SECRET) REQUIREMENT CIA. C-DI-4-81,221 PROJECT C-1253/64 Approved For Release '0 ' 4- k fDP78TO51 Alma-Ata Area, USSR Alma-Ata Area, USSR Peiping, China Peiping, China 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Approved For Release 2003/05/14: CIA-RDP78T05161A000100010049-5 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET Approved For Release 200 CIA-RD 78T05161A000100010049-5 f