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Appr4\&p FSE 4 e 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP78TO4759AO09300010038-4 PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION REPO_RT_ SVERDLOVSK-TYUMEN, SVERDLOVSK-KURGAN, AND SVERDLOVSK-CH ELYABINSK TELEVISION/MICROWAVE RELAY LINES USSR Declass Review by NIMA/DOD MAY 1969 COPY 100 6 PAGES 25X1 25X1 GROUP I EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION Approved For ReIeyV0sftM. CIA-RDP78TO4759AO09300110038-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP78TO4759AO09300010038-4 Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP78TO4759AO09300010038-4 Approved For 4elease 2TW0WUA- i INSTA I.LAT ION OR ACTIVITY NAME Sverdlovsk-Tyumen, Sverdlovsk-Kurgan, and Sverdlovsk-Chelyabinsk Television/Microwave Relay Lines NA I See Below E NUMBER See Below 26x1 COMIREX NO. NIETB NO- None See Below MAP REFERENCE ACIC. USAF Jet Navigation Chart, Sheet JN-11N, 5th classified ed, scale 25X1A 1:2,000,000 (CONFIDENTIAL) REQUIREMENT NSA/SOC/R-123-69 NSA/SOC/R-132-69 ABSTRACT This report locates and describes 15 television/ microwave facilities comprising three microwave relay lines which link the city of Sverdlovsk with Tyumen to the east, Kurgan to the southeast, and Chelyabinsk to the south. INTRODUCTION Collateral reports have indicated the existence of microwave relay lines extend- ing from Chelyabinsk north to Sverdlovsk, from Chelyabinsk east to Kurgan, from Tyumen south to Kurgan, and from Tyumen west to Sverdlovsk. A search of photography reveals the presence of 1) a television/ microwave line extending from Sverdlovsk east to Tyumen, 2) a television/ microwave line extending from Sverdlovsk southeast to Kurgan where a television/microwave transmitting tower is located, and 3) a microwave relay line extending from Sverdlovsk south to Chelyabinsk (Figure 1). No evidence is found of a line from Tyumen to Kurgan or from Chelyabinsk to Kurgan. __ ~hotography of fair-to-good inter- 25X1 The entire search area is covered byF 25X1 25X1 D Approved For Release 20f~1/ttCRft TDP78T04759A009j0001 App Foved Fo1 IeSECRW4 01/15: CIA-RDP78 04759AO0 300010038-4 I 25X1 Approved Fof glegttOM4 - T047591 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved Fq r Releasfgp0SgMT IA-RDP78T0475 A0093000100 BASIC DESCRIPTION 25X1 D 25X1A 25X1 D The following are the only communications or electronics facilities observed in the search area. Tower heights are considered accurate to within plus or minus 20 feet. The orientation of the microwave elements cannot be determined from the photography. Photographs of representative installations are shown in Figure 2. 2. Bazhenovo Microwave Facility 56-43-15N 061-21-10E This facility is secured and consists of one 250-foot self-supporting lattice-type microwave tower, a control building, and two support buildings. The small scale of the photography precludes identification of microwave elements. 3. Kamyshlov Microwave Facility 56-51-05N 063-43-02E 25X1A 25X1 D 25X1A 25X1 D This secured area contains one self-supporting lattice-type tower and one support building. The small scale of the photography precludes determination of tower height and identification of microwave elements. 4. Troitskiy Microwave Facility 57-03-40N 063-47-40E This secured facility consists of one self-supporting lattice- type microwave tower and one control building. The small scale of the photography precludes determination of tower height and identification of microwave elements. Approved For ReleasJ70047Ct1cJ .T IA-RDP78T04759A 093000 0038-4 25X1 25X1 25X1 d For RIVr Mlfl 5. Tyumen Probable TV/Microwave Facility 57-13-20N 065-29-55E This area is secured and contains one probable self-supporting microwave tower, a probable control building, and one support building. The interpretability of the photography is not good enough for positive identification of the facility. 6. Loginovo Microwave Facility 56-35-30N 061-18-35E This secured area contains one 315-foot self-supporting lattice- type microwave tower, a control building, and one support building. The small scale of the photography precludes identification of microwave elements. 7. Kamensk-Uralskiy Microwave Facility 56-26-05N 061-50-15E This secured facility consists of one 265-foot self-supporting lattice-type microwave tower, one control building, and one support building. The small scale of the photography precludes identification of microwave elements. 8. Dalmatovo Microwave Facility 56-15-45N 062-50-OOE The area is secured and contains one 185-foot self-supporting lattice-type microwave tower, one control building, and two support buildings. The small scale of the photography precludes identification of microwave elements. Approved For ReTWse G&5T/j5 : CIA-RDP78T047~9A009~ 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For R lease 20N&MMW RDP78TO4759AO09 25X1 25X1 25X1 D 12. Verkhniy Ufaley Microwave Facility 56-04-20N 060-15-20E 25X1A 25X1 D This secured facility is located on high ground and consists of a microwave tower 175 feet high and a control building. The small scale of the photography precludes identification of microwave elements. 13. Kyshtym Probable TV/Microwave Facility 55-42-20N 060-32-40E 25X1A 25X1 D 1 This facility, located on a main street in the center of the city, consists of a probable lattice-type TV/microwave tower 290 feet high with four possible buildings. The small scale of the photography precludes identification of microwave elements. Approved For Release 2P(WM(R? RDP78T04759A00 3000100 25X1 25X1 Apps roved FoTAIeSU l 14. Ishalino Microwave Facility 55-25-OON 060-59-30E - 04759AOO300010038 25X1A 25X1 D 25X1 D The secured facility consists of one self-supporting steel lattice tower 290 feet high and one control building. The small scale of the photo- graphy precludes identification of microwave elements. Approved For.F33 EeQQ AJq RIT 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/TOPCIS%R 04759A009300010038-4 Approved For Release 2004/01 /1tJpI . e 04759A009300010038-4