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ApproW l cS ECi 2002/05/07: CIA-Rb8T0475WQ8 w 1007 ICBM PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERI Declass Review by NIMA/DOD USSR TCS-20036/68 JANUARY 1968 CO116 171 I'll" 1 1111 - 101 IR GROUP EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION Approved For CIA-RDP78TO4759AO083 KARTALY COMPLEX Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP78T04759A008300010072-7 This document contains Information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws U. S. Code Title 18, Sections 793 and 794. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person, as well as its use in any manner .prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States. It is to be seen only by personnel especially indoctrinated and authorized to receive Information in the designated control channels. Its security must be maintained in accordance with regulations pertaining toTALENT-KEYHOLE Control System. Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP78T04759A008300010072-7 Handle Via ved For Release 2002/0007 5 8U7@ 4F59A008300010072-7TCS-20036/68 Talent nt!~~LQ Control System Only PREFACE This report, one of a series prepared in response to CIA Requirements C-D15-82,972 and C-D17-84,251 requesting detailed line drawings, to scale, of elements of the complex, updates and supersedes TCS-80207/67, Kartaly ICBM Complex, USSR. 1/ The information contained herein is based on KEYHOLE photography through I Individual reports in the 25X1 D series will be updated periodically to reflect changes observed on subsequent photography. Handle Via Approved For Release 2002/Q.5347 :~IQ-~F,2 7~~Q~L759A008300010072-7 Talent-KEYHOLE ~~ 1111rr J[I.RC Urr Control System Only Handle via oved For Release 2002/69/O~:EIA~RDAB'f? 4 TCS-20036/68 Talent KET 0 759A008300010072-7 Control System Only KARTALY ICBM COMPLEX, USSR The Kartaly ICBM Complex (Figure 1) is in the west-central part of the Steppe Region, in the Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russian SFSR. Magnitogorsk, the nearest large city, is about 60 nm to the west-northwest. The complex support facility is 2.0 nm west of the city of Kartaly. The 31 launchers at this complex (all Type IIIC launch sites) are contained in 5 groups, all of which have their full complement of 6 sites, with an additional site at the rail-to-road transfer point. Three of the launch groups form a partial ring, open on the northeast quadrant, around the city. The outer limit of the ring is about 15 nm from the center of the city. The fourth and fifth launch groups fall outside this ring, to the south and southwest, with the southernmost site about 30 nm from the city. Kartaly is an industrial and agricultural city at the intersection of 2 impor- tant rail lines. The chief industries are metal working and locomotive and car repairing in support of the railroads. Terrain in the region is well-drained, gently rolling steppe with elevations ranging from 800 to 1,200 feet. Much of the land is devoted to agriculture. Trees are in scattered clumps and, although relatively sparse, are more prevalent than usual for this region. The bulk of the population in the general area surrounding Kartaly is concentrated in numerous small towns and villages at intervals of 5.0 to 10 nm apart. The Steppe Region is the warmest part of Western Siberia. Snow cover is normally limited to the period from early November to mid-April. The average temperature in January is about 0?F. Summers are quite warm, with little variation in temperatures. The average temperature in July is about 68?F. The region has an overall annual cloud cover average of about 60 per- cent. A substantial seasonal variation exists, with averages reaching a mini- mum in February and March, and a less definite minimum again in July and August. During these periods of minimum cloudiness, about one-third to one- half the days are clear. Maximum cloudiness occurs from October through December when one-fourth or less of the days are clear. Transportation of supplies and materials into the complex is provided by the railroad. The rail lines that intersect at the city of Kartaly are both double- tracked. The north-south line runs through Chelyabinsk, Kartaly, and Orsk. The east-west line runs from Magnitogorsk through Kartaly and Akmolinsk. The complex support facility and the rail-to-road transfer point are served by a spur from the east-west line, and also have ready access to the north-south line. A local network of roads connects the towns and villages in the area, but such roads are inadequate for efficient long distance, cross-country move- Handle Via Approved For Release 2002/q,~(Q~ :g~p~-fp7$-Qt4 ,59A008300010072 j Talent?KEYHOLE i VI" JCLrtC 1 Ru ontrol System Only Handle Via p Cdr t[[ Talent?KEYHOLE Approved For ReleaaPP00~F0'S)FTC~~IX+RDP78T04759A0083000T9-4136/68 Control System Only KARTALY ICBM COMPLEX, USSR Component Type Negated First Estimated Completion Geographic Seen Start Confirmed Coordinates Complex Support Facility -- Launch Group A Launch Site 1A"' IIIC Launch Site 2A IIIC Launch Site 3A IIIC Launch Site 4A IIIC Launch Site 5A IIIC Launch Site 6A IIIC Launch Group B Launch Site 7B JIM Launch Site 8B'111 HIC Launch Site 10B IIIC Launch Site 11B IIIC Launch Site 12B IIIC Launch Site 13B IIIC Launch Group C Launch Site 14C*` IIIC Launch Site 15C IIIC Launch Site 18C IIIC Launch Site 19C IIIC Launch Site 20C IIIC Launch Site 21C IIIC Launch Group D Launch Site 24D IIIC Launch Site 25D IIIC Launch Site 26D IIIC Launch Site 28D IIIC Launch Site 29D" IIIC Launch Site 30D IIIC Launch Group E Launch Site 31E IIIC Launch Site 32E1' IIIC Launch Site 34E IIIC Launch Site 36E IIIC Launch Site 37E IIIC Launch Site 38E IIIC 53-O1N 60-25E 52-56N 60-31E 52-55N 60-23E 52-51N 60-27E 53-OON 60-15E 53-04N 60-18E 53-09N 60-41E 53-08N 60-32E 53-09N 60-23E 53-12N 60-32E 53-14N 60-39E 53-15N 60-23E 53-OON 60-46E 52-57N 60-39E 52-51N 60-38E 52-53N 60-46E 52-57N 60-55E 52-51N 60-55E 52-43N 60-34E 52-41N 60-42E 52-35N 60-46E 52-46N 60-42E 52-36N 60-36E 52-31N 60-39E 52-47N 60-21E 52-42N 60-24E 52-47N 60-13E 52-42N 60-16E 52-36N 60-23E 52-36N 60-14E Launch Site A (Prob Dummy) Launch Site B (Prob Dummy) "Control Site "Control Site with L-Shaped electronics Handle Via Approved For RelIVp 2JAQ2~LQ5J.0,7 :I(Ur ,,t ,lp~-rDP78T04759A0083000j QP1719.4OLE VI' t~FCt I Control System Only 25X1 D Handle Via TOP SECRET RUFF TCS-20036/68 Talent-KEYHOLE Cootrel System Only Approved For Release 2002105107 : CIA-RDP78T04759A008300010072-7 MOSkVA 53 o5 COMMAND AND CONTROL FACILITY lA COMPLEX SUPPORT FACILITY KARTALY Road Complex main road Prob dummy road ,T Railroad Cable ^ Type IIIC launch site o Type IIIC launch site with control facility 0 Prob dummy Type IIIC launch site NOTE ALPHABETIC DESGNAT(JP5 INDICATE LAUNCH GROJO ti DC C?A TI Obi 6(045 1 FIGURE 1. LOCATION OF KARTALY ICBM COMPLEX. -3- Approved For RelealP40t&7T: &Jff~DP78T04759A008300010072-7 NAUTICAL MILES xPIc M-1450 Handle Via Talent-KEYHOLE Control System Only Handle Via Tnp C~rp~ Ql~~ S-20036/68 Tale nt-KEY~2proved For Release 2002/U5/(3~~:~1h4-XD~+ TV4759A00830001007 9 Control System Only ment. A system of improved roads is under construction within the complex. The sites within Launch Groups A, B, and C are all served by well-engineered roads, and similar road facilities will no doubt be constructed to the launch sites in the remaining groups as they approach completion. The Kartaly ICBM Complex was first observed in when the com- 25X1 D plex support facility and 5 of the sites in Launch Group were present in an early stage of construction. Since then, expansion of the complex has con- tinued at an increasing rate through =Construction at Launch Group B 25X1 D was initiated in the spring of 02 sites in Launch Group C were first ob- served in the fall of= and the remaining 4 in early Q Construction of 25X1 D Launch Group D was started in I and Launch Group E was first ob- 25X1 D served early in 0 The most active year at this complex has been 0 25X1 D when there were 13 new starts and 11 sites observed complete. No completed sites were observed prior to I the first year of construction, 6 25X1 D sites were started; 8 sites were started inrhere was a recession in starts 25X1 D during =with construction starting on only 4 silos. There also has been a decrease in the time necessary to construct a silo. The first sites, completed required 26 months in construction. Since then, the elapsed time for site construction has steadily decreased and sites recently observed complete were under construction only 17 months. At present, Launch Groups A, B, and C are complete. Launch Group D is ahead of Launch Group E, but both are generally in a midstage of construction. A new development, heretofore unobserved at any of the ICBM complexes, was identified at this complex in late 0 Two dummy site patterns were 25X1 D observed in One appeared to be complete, the other in a late stage of construction. At first glance, they seemed to be Type IIIC launch sites; further study, however, revealed serious discrepancies from normal sites. They were both negated in I nd first seen in If these 25X1 D were fully equipped Type IIIC launch sites, it would mean that one site had been completed in a period of 5 months. The shortest construction time pre- viously noted for a Type IIIC launch site was 15 months, and that (Aleysk Launch Site 12) was obviously a speeded-up project. Roads to the probable dummy sites, while clearly defined, do not appear to be graded nor are there bridges where the road crosses a drain. It is difficult, at this time, to predict the future role of this complex. There is ample space for additional sites in all directions from the complex support facility. The most likely area, however, is toward the south and south- west. It appears to be well-drained, easily accessible, and is the least popu- lated. The area to the northeast appears to be too poorly drained for the con- Handle Via Approved For Release 20?bp/t7E; t fCBurr (7rTt04759AO08300010072-7alent?KEYHOLE Control System Only Handle Via IWf% n ODU R~~IRRMfk8T04759A00830001D~ T-7036/68 Talent-KEYHOLE Approved For Releas Control System Only struction of silos, and the remainder of the surrounding area is more popu- lated. Supplies and construction materials presently stockpiled in the complex support facility are sufficient to complete the sites currently under construc- tion. A renewed buildup of these materials would be a definite indicator of continuing deployment. If expansion of the complex continues at previous rates, new sites should appear by the spring or early summer of 0 The slowdown in new site starts at the Type IIIC complexes, may indicate that these launch sites are in a terminal phase of deployment. There has been no indication, however, whether the Type IIIC complexes will be used for the deployment of follow-on missile systems. DOCUMENT 1. NPIC. TCS-80207/67, Kartaly ICBM Complex, USSR, Apr 67 (TOP SECRET RUFF) REQUIREMENTS CIA. C-D15-82,972 CIA. C-D17-84,251 NPIC PROJECT 11210/66 (partial answer) ,p~Bp Handle Via Approved For Releas~~Qp~Ef II(UI'r78TO4759AO0830001O 17 EYHOLE r Control System Only 25X1 D Approved For Release flW/GSiE`CRff -RDP78T04759AO08300010072-7 Approved For Release 2002/05 TOP /SEC RERDP78T04759A008300010072-7