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Apprpd SEC f lase 2003/06/20 : CIA-RDP78TO4759AO06900010020-0 PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION 'REPORT PROBABLE LONG RANGE SAM LAUNCH COMPLEX KRASNOYARSK, USSR 25X1 JULY 1967 COPY 1-1 12 PAGES Declass Review by NIMA / DoD 25X1 GROUP 1: EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION Approved For Relea%R0$jl0# f : CIA-RDP78T04759A006900(10020-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/06/20 : CIA-RDP78TO4759AO06900010020-0 Approved For Release 2003/06/20 : CIA-RDP78TO4759AO06900010020-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approveq For ReleaseTf 3&6CAE IA-RDP78T04759A006900010020-0 PROBABLE LONG RANGE SAM LAUNCH COMPLEX KRASNOYARSK, USSR Approved For ReleasT6r~ff ftfijIA-RDP78T04759A006900010020-0 Approved For Release 2003/06/20 : CIA-RDP78TO4759AO06900010020-0 fF DER 1j 1hN .....J" - Rei'oBIl x+ GERM ANIN SWEDEN EAU I GERMANY - ~? ~.~ F`l Ventspils F I N L A' L1e' ja ? uressaare t1 1 AR ILAN1) . ? ? Tallinn aliningrad Nw Leningrad swo% Borshchev Babayevo ? ? Plesetsk Kalinin * Cherepovets Ki ev Mon h^ ysk? &?0 r' or Kostroma Peres lavl-7alesskiv 0NCyu Sharya ? Murashi Feodosiya ? Nizhnyaya Tura Nizhniy Tagil ? ! tiF 5,, Volgograd ? Kapustin Yar ? AFGHANISTAN Sary-Shagan 1 ?? 2 :1..j ,-c CHINA .- j ? Probable long range SAM launch complexes ? Sverdlnvsk ? Chelyabinsk Tomsk . S IRAN 25X1 O 0 N m 5B5X1 25X1 Approved For lease 00310 0 : CIAiRDP78 04759. 06904 10020- 25X1 25X1 Approj ed For ReleaIQeOS W: 25X1 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D Krasnoyarsk Probable Long Range SAM (PLRS) Launch Complex, located at 56-34N 093-19E approximately 37 nautical miles (rim) north-northeast of the city of Krasnoyarsk, is oriented on an azimuth of approximately 25X1 D and lies at an elevation of approximately 800 feet (Figure 1). This complex, along with Tomsk, Angarsk, and Khaborovsk PLRS Complexes, represents the eastward extension of this system, along the Trans-Siberian Railroad, to the Far Eastern USSR. 1/ Not present on photography the complex 25X1 D was first identified on photography igure A detailed description of the existin r components of the complex, as seen 25X1 D on photography with annotated photographs and line drawings follows. All measurements provided in this report are approximate. Krasnoyarsk PLRS Complex, similar in configuration to the Kimry Com- plex (Category 3B), 1/ consists of 3 launch sites (A, B, and C), a tracking/ guidance facility, and a support area (Figures 2 and 3). North of the complex, a missile-handling facility (Figures 3 and 4) is also present within the single fence securing the complex. Construction of the foregoing components is in an early stage and there are no indications of missiles or missile-related equip- ment at the complex. An air-warning radar facility, normally associated with a PLRS complex, has not yet been identified. Launch Area Launch Site A (Figure 5) consists of 6 launch positions (Al through A6) and a control revetment. Construction of a single revetment has been com- pleted at 4 of the 6 launch positions. Arc-shaped revetments are present at Positions Al and A2, with the lengths along the outside of the are being [::] 25X1 D I respectively (for revetment dimensions see Figure 5). Rec- tangular reve ments of approximately equal size are present at Positions A5 and AS. Average height of the 4 revetments is approximately IISepara- 25X1 D tion of launch positions was determined by measuring the distance between the approximate locations of the launch points. Initial preparations are under- way for the construction of the control revetment. Launch Site B (Figure 6) consists of 6 launch positions and a control revet- ment. Construction of a single revetment has been completed at 4 of the 6 launch positions. Arc-shaped revetments are present at Positions Bi and B2, with the lengths along the outside of the arc being re- 25X1 D spectively (for revetment dimensions see Figure 6). Rectangular revetments of equal dimensions are at Positions B5 and B6. Average height of the 2 revet- ments for which a height measurement was obtainable is approximately 25X1 D Separation of 4 of the launch positions was determined as previously stated for Launch Site A. Initial preparations are underway for the construc- tion of the control revetment. Access and service roads at Launch Site B are not discernible on snow-covered photography, thus indicating an earlier con- struction stage than at Launch Sites A and C, or a different construction method (Figures 4 and 6). Launch Site C (Figure 7) consists of 6 launch positions (Cl through C6) and a control revetment. Revetments have been completed at 4 of the 6 launch positions. Arc-shaped revetments are present at Positions C1 and C2, with the length along the outside of the arc being respectively 25X1 D (for revetment dimensions see Figure 7). ec angu ar revetments of approxi- mately equal dimensions are at Positions C5 and C6. Measurement of revet- ment heights was not possible. Separation of launch positions was determined as previously stated. Initial preparations are underway for construction of the control revetment. 25X1 Approved For Relea~~0~ /~9 ~I: CIA-RDP78TO4759AO06900010020-0 25X1 Apl roved For Releaa@R0/aREQ: 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/06/20 : TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 D 25X1 D Appro Ived For Relea OSKAT. ROAD TRAIL FENCE BUILDING AREA U/C REVETMENT MISSILE-HANDLING FACILITY 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D FIGURE 3. LINE DRAWING OF KRASNOYARSK PLRS LAUNCH COMPLEX. Approved For Release TM8/ 7EREc f -RDP78TO475 a = 1355 b= 1410 c = 1750 d = 2915 e = 3800 f = 2800 BUILDING DIMENSIONS (FT) 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 25X1 25X1 roved For ReleJQ02 0 251 25X1 D FIGURE 4. MISSILE-HANDLING FACILITY AND LAUNCH SITE B, Kip' aSNOYARSK PLRS LAUNCH COMPLEX. 25X1 Approved For R jWes fI 25X1 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D Appro Ived For Releas ' OSV6 T 25X1 25X1 FIGURE 5. LAUNCH SITE A, KRASNOYARSK PLRS LAUNCH COMPLEX. ROAD TRAIL REVETMENT ^ APPROXIMATE LAUNCH POINT REVETMENT (FT)* 25X1 Approved For Release ?,QDIQIal-RDP78T04759A006900010020-0 ApI roved For ReIe4j2M 251 25XD REVETMENT DIMENSIONS (FT, 86 /'CONTROL REVETMENT I C ROAD FRAIL .w' REVETMENT ^ APPROXIMATE LAUNCH POINT FIGURE 6. LAUNCH SITE B, KRASNOYARSK PLRS LA VCH COMPLEX. Approved For RY61p% ffly 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 D Approved For Relealp20a8 foT 25X1 D FIGURE 8. TRACKING/GUIDANCE FACILITY, KRASNOYARSK PLRS LAUNCH COMPLEX. Approved For ReleaRMew. IA-RDP78T04759A006 25X1 25X1 25X1 A W I P I T F R E 25X1 25X1 D 25X1 D RC:j D TF4 IL REs ETMENT AF'-ROXIMATE 1 ' INCH POINT 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 25X1 A} `KdM lease 2003/06/20 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/06/20 : CIA-RDP78TO4759AO06900010020-0 25X1 D Approved For Release 2003/06/20 : CIA-RDP78TO4759AO06900010020-0 25X1 25X1 D Approved For Release 2003/06/20 : CIA-RDP78TO4759AO06900010020-0 TOP SECRET Tracking/ Guidance Facility The Tracking/Guidance Facility (Figure 8) consists of 3 radar positions and a control area. Indications of mound constructi~.n are present at the radar positions. Initial preparations are underway for : onstruction of the control area, at which is located an L-shaped excavati,,n. Separation of the radar positions and control area was determined by measuring the distance between the approximate centers of the construction areas. Missile-Handling Facility The Missile-Handling Facility consists of 2 paralh 1 roads and the possible construction site of the missile/missile component s' )rage buildings (Figures 3 and 4). No construction activity has yet taken place in this area. One build- ing, possibly associated with the Missile-Handling Fati ility, is under construc- tion within the complex perimeter road (Figure 9). 25X1 D 25X1 25X1 y{:AP.ti OR (:IIART.S series, y-:flr 1 2i)0.000 1)OCa?.IEN I Sammar, of Proh,,11 fl?! Ran,, S11.1 !,,, ,nG RY1Ot'IkL 1LIAXI' (:tA C1)[7-L34.22:i I'[C: 1'ROJ1"( 11245/67 Ipartial am,,otier 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/06 Approved For Release 20T:Op6/,%CRURDP78TO4759AO06900010020-0 Approved For ReleasETOP34% "CIA-RDP78TO4759AO06900010020-0