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AT vUeRETIease 2001/09/01 : P78 200 Declass Review By N I MA/DOD handle ? control o.. PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETA GROUP I EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING ANO DECLASSIFICATION 200010031 .7 n _= Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP78TO4759AO042000.10031-7 This document contains information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage lows Ua S. Code Title 18; Sections 793 and 794. The Ydw prohibits its transmission or the revelation, of its contents in any tnonnet to an. unauthorized person; as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States at for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States. It is to be seen only by personnel especidlly indoctrinated and authorized to receive Inf ormation in the designated control channels. Its security must be maintained in accordance with regulations pertaining toTALtNT?KEYHOLE Control System. Ap roved For release :2001/09/01 ;CIA-RQP78T04759A004200010031-7, Handle Via Approved For Release 20?bP/?EcRftR?OV$T04759A0042000100 I1 80475/66 Talent-KEYHOLE Burr Control System Only DESTROYER ESCORT (DE) IN SHANG-HAI AREA, CHINA The recent discovery of an unidentified DE in Shang-hai, China, has lead to speculation as to whether the ship represents new con- stuction or the modification of an already existing Riga-class DE. In an attempt to answer these questions, the major shipyards of China (Fig- ure 1) have been searched to determine where the vessel (Figures 2 and 3) was constructed or, if modified, where it was modified. The following major shipyards, capable of producing a ship as large as or larger than this DE, were searched for construction: Shang- hai Naval Base and Shipyard Kiangnan Dock Company Shang-hai Ship- 25X1A yard Shang- ai Dockyards (International Dock); Lu-ta Shipyard Darien Wu-chang Shipyard; and the Ta-ku Shipyard Hsin-chiang. In addition, the Lu-shun Naval Base and Shipyard Naval Dockyard FAST CM \ 'A WA Handle Via TT~~ r Talent-KEYHOLE Approved For Release 2[ F/O~ki4RETA GF8T04759A0042000'kAG1t3o11-9'ystem Only Naval Base and Shipyard Hu-tung Handle Via Approved For Release 2JVF09Ati i- T04759AO0420001OO is78o475/66 Talent-KEYHOLE Control System Only searched for evidence of any modification to an existing Riga-class DE. A search of all available overhead photog- raphy from - to the present provided no evidence that a DE was under construction at any of these shipyards. A DE was observed 25X1 D moored at Hu-tung in 25X1 D _ The negation date for the presence of 25X1 D this DE i DE's were observed 25X1 D 25X1 D at International Dock, in the graving dock in Mand moored at a wharf during - No relationship can be drawn between these vessels. The first sighting of a DE on either a building or repair way is in - at 25X1 D Kiangnan (Figure 4). Coverage of revealed this DE to be either a Riga-class DE undergoing modification or a new-class DE in late stages of construction. Objects which re- semble certain sections of the DE's superstruc- ture are alongside the buildingway (Figure 5). Construction under covered buildingways without detection was considered and only the Wu-chang and Hu-tung yards have these facili- ties. Hu-tung does have a secured area which encompasses approximately half of the northern 2 buildingways and utilizes weather/concealment sheds. The only time the total length of these sheds approaches the overall length of a Riga- class DE is in . At this time, an 25X1 D unidentified DE was observed at Kiangnan. Because the launching transverser at Wu-chang is onl there a e t b 25X1 D y pp ars o e little possibility of DE construction there. In addition, an attempt to account for more than 4 DE hulls at all yards and bases on any one mission proved negative. Only once have 4 DE's been observed on one mission. Gaps of as much as 18 months exist in coverage of each of the major yards and bases. Some examples of these gaps are as follows: Shang-hai area Wu-chang Ta-ku Ching-tao Lu-shun Lu-ta If this is a completely new DE, no evidence of construction can be obtained from overhead photography, but there is insufficient photo- graphic evidence to definitely negate it as new construction. Handle Via Tip r C Talent-KEYHOLE Approved For Release 2U'r~1/05h4R PF8TO4759AO042000106841-System Only Handle Via Talent-KEYHOLE Control System Only Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP78TO4759AO04200010031-7 TOP SECRET RUFF I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I i I 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Scale in feet FIGURE 3. SCALE DRAWING OF CHINESE COMMUNIST DE, PENDANT NO 209 (Naval Reconnaissance Technical Support Cente, -3- TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP78TO4759AO04200010031-7 TCS-80475/66 Handle Via Talent-KEYHOLE Control System Only Approved Handle Via Talent-KEYHOLE Control System Only 'rCS-80475/66 -mr. --RDP'78T044759A0042dOO10031-7 TOP SECRET RUFF FIGURE 4. SHANG-HAI NAVAL BASE AND SHIPYARD KIANGNAN DOCK COMPANY, SHANG-HAI, CHINA, FIGURE 5. SHANG-HAI NAVAL BASE AND SHIPYARD KIANGNAN DOCK COMPANY, SHANG-HAI, CHINA, -4- TOP SECRET RUFF Handle Via Talent-KEYHOLE Control System Only Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP78T04759A004200010031-7 Ha nt-I iys 25X1D Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP78TO4759AO04200010031-7 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP78TO4759AO04200010031-7 Handle Via Approved For Release 2"{i19 ff f- T04759A0042000100-36s7.80475/66 Talent?KEYHOLE Control System Only ACIC. US Air. Target Charts, Series 200, Sheets 0381-7A, 1st ed, May 58 (S); 0381-24AL, 3d ed, May 64 (S); 0381-9A, 1st ed, Jul 58 (S); and 0492-2A, 1st ed, Jan 58 (S). 1. NPIC. R-81/65, Shang-hai Naval Base and Shipyard Kiangnan Dock Company, Shang-hai, China, Apr 65 (SECRET/ 25X1 C No Foreign Dissem 2. NPIC. R-86/65, Shang-hai Naval Base and Shipyard Hu-tung, Shang-hai, China, Apr 65 (SECRET/No Foreign Dissem 25X1 C 3. NPIC. R-175/65 Darien (Lu-ta) Shipyard, Lu-ta, China, May 65 (SECRET/No Foreign Dissem. 25X1 C 4. NPIC. R-241/65, Shang-hai Port Facilities, Shang-hai, China, Jul 65 (SECRET/No Foreign Dissem 25X1 C 25X1 C 5. NPIC. R-244/65, Lu-shun Complex, China, Jul 65 (SECRET/No Foreign Dissem 25X1 C 25X1 C 6. NPIC. R-249/65, Lu-ta Port, China, Jul 65 (SECRET/No Foreign Dissem REQUIREMENT 25X1 C Handle Via T I t-KEYHOLE Approved For Release 2J fbS tRflF-R 6T04759A00420001f~RoV ystem Only Approved For Release 2001/ 8TO4759AO04200010031-7 TUP faRET