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TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/09/26 : CIA-RDP78TO4757A000300010004-2 Copy 7 38 Pages 25X1 GMAIC R/163-5 19 December 1963 REPORT OF TRI-PARTITE WORKING PARTY ON Guided Missile and Astronautics Intelligence Committee of the United States Intelligence Board 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/26 : CIA-RDP78TO4757A00030001000412 DECLASS REVIEW by NIMA/DOD TOP SECRET Approved For Rele4O900 25X1 LK RAT IA-RDP78TO4757A0 03&f8 61004-2 REPORT OF TRI-PARTITE WORKING PARTY ON 16 - 23 September 1963 Washington, D.C. GMAIC R/163-5 19 December 1963 Guided Missile and Astronautics Intelligence Committee of the United States Intelligence Board SOVIET STRATEGIC SURFACE-TO-SURFACE MISSILE DEPLOYMENT Approved For ReleMP0?Vefft 030CIBU04-2 Approved For FfseS8?2 : CIA-RDP78T047 The National Photographic Interpretation Center furnished illustration, publication, and reproduction support for this report. Approved For Release 2003/09/2 - 7A000300010004-2 TOP SECRET Approved For Relea 0SffQ7RE.T A-RDP78T04757A00 3R&N004-2 Page List of Delegates ................................. v Agenda ....................................... vii Summary and Conclusions Intercontinental Balistic Missile Deployment ........... 1 Medium and Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile Deploy- ment ...................................... 3 Soviet Rocket Force Organization and Training .......... 6 Soviet Rocket Force Command and Control ............ 6 Annex 1 - Soviet ICBM Deployment General .................................... 7 Test Range Facilities Related to Deployment ........... 7 Deployed ICBM Weapons Systems .................. 10 Physical Description of ICBM Launch Sites ......... 11 Support Facilities at ICBM Complexes ............. 14 Timing of Confirmed Complexes ................ 14 Figure 1 - Basic Configurations, Soviet ICBM Sites .... 16 Annex 2 - Soviet MRBM/IRBM Deployment Test Range Facilities - Related to Deployment .......... 17 MRBM/IRBM Deployment ........................ 17 MRBM/IRBM Construction Timing ............... 18 Appendix A - Site Configurations ................... 20 Appenxix B - MRBM/IRBM Status .................. 20 Annex 3 - Soviet Rocket Forces Organization and Training ..... 21 25X1 Approved For Release, rCI -RDP78T04757A 0P10004-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/26 : CIA-RDP78TO4757A000300010004-2 Approved For Release 2003/09/26 : CIA-RDP78TO4757A000300010004-2 t Approved For RelefO120 ff 7R TC ? 1 Washington, D.C. 16-23 September 1963 1. Tyuratam Range a. Area Al and A2 b. Area B c. Area C (Cl and C2) (C2 and C3) d. Area D1 and D2 e. Area E f. Area F g. Area G h. Area H i. Weapon Association/Prototypes Monday P.M. (1300- 1630) & Tuesday (0900-1200 & 1330- 1630) 1. ICBM Deployment a. Locations b. Site signatures c. Construction timing d. Operational concepts and readiness e. Refire capability f. Hardening g. Weapon Association Wednesday A.M. (0900 - 1200) 1. Kapustin Yar Range a. Area E b. Area 2C c. Area 3C d. Area 4C e. Area 5C f. Others g. Weapon Association 1. MRBM/IRBM Deployment a. Locations b. Site signatures c. Construction timing d. Operational concepts and readiness e. Refire capability f. Hardening g. Weapon Association A-RDP78T04757 P 10004-2 Approved For Reletb P09/AMTCI - 03x004-2 25X1 25X1 Approved For F Wfse 433j26 : CIA-RDP78T04 57J00010004-2 25X1 1. Soviet Missiles in Cuba a. Deployment b. Equipment c. Operational Concepts and Readiness 1. Organization and Training (0900- 1100) 2. Deployment Indicators and Suspect Areas (1100-1200) a. MRBM/IRBM b. ICBM 1. Command and Control (1330-1500) 2. Standardization of Terms (Configurations and Names) (1500- 1630) 1. Summary and Conclusions 2. Preparation and Approval of Minutes 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/2 . 0fff10004-2 TOP SECRET Approved For ReleW P009, T IA-RDP78TO4757A A. General All three delegations were in general agree- ment as to the number and operational status of Soviet ICBM sites currently deployed in the USSR. There were no areas of majordisagree- ment regarding ICBM deployment although the SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 125X1 25X1 elegations do not believe that the SS-8 missile is operational at the present time. Certain other problem areas exist, and these are presented in the form of unresolved questions in Par III. B. Level of Confidence Through extensive usable 0 cov- erage of the Soviet rail system, all conferees have a high degree of confidence that the re- sultant assessment of Soviet ICBM deployment is accurate. 25X1 A. ICBM Soft Sites Hard Sites* I __]2sxi complexes located generally between 50 and 60 degrees north latitude and along the Soviet rail system. Of the 211 deployed launchers thus far identified, 142 are soft and 69* are hard. About 100 launchers are currently believed to be oper- ational, excluding the Tyuratam Test Range. The following numbers represent an assess- ment of the operational status of identified deployed 95 sites (211 25X1 Soviet ICBM sites through 0 C b00302M604-2 25 25X1 B. Future Trends The type IIC deployment program will prob- ably be limited to those sites existing at Tyumen, Kozelsk and Plesetsk. However, a recent start of a hard site at Kozelsk (Site C), if for the SS-8, would represent the first start of its kind since about the and would rep- resent continued deployment of the SS-8. Con- tinued deployment of SS-7 in both a soft and hard configuration is in evidence. C. Readiness/Refire/Salvo The Soviets have at least 102 deployed launchers (excluding TTMTR) which appear to be complete as of I Ifrom which ICBMs could be fired. It is believed that soft ICBM sites have a refire capability. The exact time to refire is undetermined, but could prob- ably be accomplished in about 10 hours. The hard sites do not have an immediate refire capability. Although the Soviets have demon- strated multiple ICBM launchings at TTMTR, we are unable to apply this information to Salvo capability of the field force. Information on Soviet doctrine, guidance, fueling techniques, missile reliability and launch options is such that it does not permit us to assess the Soviet Salvo capability. Approved For Relet 200g/Ae2 T 5%a ci010004-2 25X1 25X1 Approved For Ffse SQ26 : CIA-RDP78T047 7A00("" 0004-2 D. Construction Timing The SS-7 deployed sites (Type IIA, IIB)were constructed in about 12 to 15 months. Some Type IIC sites took as long as 18-24 months to complete, and hard sites are completed in about 2 years. Construction of the new Type IID sites will probably take on the order of one year to complete. E. Hardening Hardening techniques (bunkering) of build- ings have been observed in recent photography at some of the deployed IIC andllDlaunch sites. Hard silo type launch sites for the SS-7 and prob- ably for the SS-8 have been observed at 14 (in- cluding Tyumen) of the 18 ICBM complexes. Although studies were available on ICBM harden- ing, this conference did not attempt to assess the degree of hardening. The following questions cover problem areas where available evidence is either insuf- ficient to permit an evaluation or further analysis of existing evidence is required. A. Number of Launch Silos in Hardened ICBM Launch Sites and Mode of Operation 1. Background It is the position that hard ICBM 0 evidence to determine whether the 3rd silo is in fact a launch silo. 2. Questions a. What is the most likely function of the 3rd silo? b. Do the Soviets employ silo lift or do they fire directly from the launch silo? c. Is the missile maintained in a fueled condition in the silo, or are there under- ground storage facilities adjacent to the launch silos? B. Site Orientation Site orientation varies widely in an arc from West to East and there appears to be a uniform difference in orientation for each weapons system. 1. Questions a. What is the significance of the vari- ous site orientations? b. Can likely target areas be deter- mined from site orientation? C. Operational Concept Photography has provided considerable evi- dence of launch control bunkers, checkout or missile ready buildings and other structures at Soviet ICBM launch sites. Many facilities pres- ent at the launch sites have not had specific function ascribed, therefore, it has not been pos- sible to establish the internal concept of op- eration at the launch site. 1. Questions a. What is the function of the "missile ready building (s)" located at soft ICBM sites? Do both buildings serve the same function? b. How many missiles are kept on site, within the complex support facility, and in what readiness condition? c. Where is the ground support equip- ment kept, and how is it used in the operation? d. Do the Soviets use mobile ground support equipment, or have they gone to an integral system? D. Organization Approved For Release 2003/09/2 7A~~~3,P0010004-2 TOP SECRET Approved For Rele P10 ,2ffT IA-RDP78T04757 00~30'U010004-2 25X1 25X1 *Based on two launch silos per hard site. Should MRBM/ IRBM hard sites contain three launchers each the total would be 719. Should hard MRBM sites contain 4 launchers and IRBMs three, the total would read 740. A. General All three delegations were in general agree- ment as to the number and operational status of IRBM/MRBM sites currently deployed in the USSR. Areas of disagreement involved the num- ber of launch silos at hard IRBM/MRBM sites and the probability that all soft MRBM complexes will eventually be augmented by the addition of a hard site. B. Level of Confidence Evaluations of site deployment were based 25X1 on photographic, and other collateral information with a high degree of con- fidence. All three delegations believe it unlikely that more than a few completed deployed sites remain unidentified. Areas in which evaluations could not be made due to lack of evidence are included in paragraph III on page 4. A. MRBM/IRBM Site Status 1. Status as of A total of 190 MRBM/IRBM sites have been identified on 25X1 IIphotography. These sites contain a total of 678* launchers, including 82 in a hardened Approved For ReletWO09/A z r configuration. A total of 644 launchers, including 60 hard, are estimated to be operational. 2. Future Trend All three delegations agree that the con- struction of soft MRBM/IRBM sites is virtually complete, but that construction of hard sites will continue into j be- lieves that the final deployment pattern will provide for complexes of three sites, most consisting of a mixture of hard and soft sites. The delegations be- lieve that the MRBM/IRBM program will level off byith a total of 700-800 launchers (considering two launchers per hard site). Fur- ther, they believe that recent photography indi- cates that a hard launch site will not be added to more than a few of the soft complexes. B. Geographic Location IRBM/MRBM complexes are deployed pre- dominantly in the Western USSR and to a lesser extent in the Southern and Far Eastern USSR. (See GMAIC report "Evaluations of Soviet Sur- face-to-Surface Missile Deployment, 9th Re- vision," dated locations). C. Site Signatures There are two basic signatures for the soft MRBM and one for the hardened version. In the case of the IRBM, there is one basic soft and one hard configuration. With the exception of the earliest deployed MRBM sites, these component 25X1 25X1 25 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Ff@#be 4ffq34426 soft and hard configurations are observable at the Kapustin Yar Missile Test Range. D. Construction Timing It is generally agreed that MRE3M/IRBM soft sites require 12 months under normal con- ditions. Earlier versions may have taken as long as 18 months. As far as hard sites are con- cerned, 15 to 20 months appear to be required, depending on local conditions. E. Weapon Association 1. There is complete agreement that the SS-5 IRBM is the only weapon system deployed at existing IRBM sites, both soft and hard. 2. As far as MRBM weapons systems are concerned, all agree that the SS-4 SANDAL is the weapon system deployed on the majority, if not all, existing soft and hard MRBM sites. The SS-3 SHYSTER is obsolescent and few, if any, remain deployed. F. Hardness There is no direct evidence of degree of hardness of MRBM/IRBM sites. Therefore, the conferees did not address themselves to this question. G. Operational Considerations It was generally concluded that the observed mixture of soft and hard site configurations in both the MRBM and IRBM deployment programs provides a variety of options in the operational employment of these sites. Approved For Release 2003/09/26 TOP SECRET 67A;U300010004-2 2. Refire It is agreed that soft MRBM/IRBM sites have been provided with a capability to carry out at least one additional firing from each launch pad. Hard launch sites do not have an immediate refire capability. The following questions cover problem areas where either available evidence is insuf- ficient to permit an evaluation, or further analysis of existing evidence is required. In some instances, the lack of hard evidence has resulted in divergent views. In others, avail- able information is so scant that no firm po- sition has been taken by any of the delegations. In all cases, further evidence will be required to provide a firm basis upon which to make an evaluation. A. Alternate/Reserve MRBM Positions 1. Background Recent photcgraphy has revealed the existence of a few field-type sites, but it is not known if these are, in fact, alternate or reserve positions. All but a few fixed sites thus far observed are con- sidered to be primary sites. 2. Question Do alternate/reserve sites exist? If so, what do they look-like? B. Number of Launch Silos in Hardened MRBM/IRBM Launch Sites and Mode of Op- eration. 1. Background 57A~3~0010004-2 CIA-RDP788 _10 25X1 Approved For ReIejiOROQSffj IA-RDP78T04757 0OZ56110004-2 2. Question a. Is site orientation indicative to primary targets? b. What are the limits of the primary arc of fire? others believing that both contain two, ossibl three, launch silos. p cause of differences in technical- I analysis, reserve in their opinion pending fur- ther study. The mode of firing from silos can- not be determined at the present time. 2. Questions a. What is the function of the third (lower left) silo at both MRBM and IRBM hard sites? b. Is there a fourth silo at MRBM hard sites? If so, what function does it per- form? c. Where is the personnel and equip- ment entrance to MRBM/IRBM hard sites lo- cated? d. Do the Soviets employ silo lift or fire directly from the launch silo? C. Organization D. Site Orientation 1. Background Site orientation appears to be uniform for each weapons system, and it is believed that a directional relationship exists between site or- ientation and target areas. E. Salvo Fire 1. Background All sites have a theoretical capability to salvo fire. However, it is not known whether the weapons systems involved have inherent restrictive factors preventing the simultaneous firing of more than one or two missiles from each site. 2. Question What is the Soviet capability for salvo fire from MRBM/IRBM sites? F. Manning of Soft MRBM Sites 1. Background The operational manning of all soft MRBM sites would require personnel levels which appear to be inconsistent with current estimates of SRF overall strength. On the other hand, all but a few such sites appear to represent primary positions. 2. Questions a. How many of the soft MRBM sites are operationally manned? b. If all are not currently manned, which ones are not, and in what manner, and over what time period will they be manned in the event of an emergency? c. What is the overall strength of the SRF? G. Unusual Site Configurations 1. Background Five isolated and unusually configured soft MRBM/IRBM soft sites have been identi- fied. None have support facilities in the im- mediate vicinity. 2. Question What is the function of these sites? I5X1 5X1 hard sites contain three launch silos. C 5X1 25X1 E__ 25X1 Approved For Rele~00~09/zTC 25X1 25X1 Approved For a qf3ff1R : CIA-RDP78TO4757A CMISM10004-2 25X1 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The strategic rocket forces are responsible for operational ICBM, IRBM and MRBM. systems as well as the test ranges at Kapustin. Yar and Tyuratam. The planned number of SS-7 launchers to a division may be as many as sixteen, al- though twenty-two (excluding possible hard site Kat Yurya) launchers have been identified at one complex. In the case of both systems, combinations of hard and soft sites are to be found within a division. IRBM and MRBM di- visions are believed to consist of at least three regiments, the battalions of which are deployed in various combinations of hard and soft sites. The foregoing is based mainly on photographic evidence. From this source it has only been possible to deduce a skeleton structure at regi- mental level, and little is therefore known of the detailed organization. Very little progress has been made in the past year in determining the level of training in the strategic rocket forces. Although the speed and facility with which SANDAL missiles were deployed in Cuba gave a good indication of the state of training of the forces engaged in this operation, it is not possible to determine from available intelligence the number of trained crews available for the weapons systems in the strategic rocket forces. III. PROBLEM AREAS a. What is the current operational strength of the SRF and how is manpower allocated be- tween the various weapons systems? b. What can be done to improve collection of intelligence on the state of training and the detailed organization down to battalion level of the various components of the SRF? SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 25X1 25X1 There was complete agreement among the delegations on the command and control system for the deployed strategic missile complexes. There is believed to be an operational chain of command from Khrushchev, acting as Com- mander-in-Chief of the Supreme High Command down thru the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense to the Commander of the Strategic Rocket Forces, and then directly to the de- ployed complexes. We have not definitely seen command and control of strategic missile units in 0 which is believed to serve the Strategic Rocket Forces, but to date, insufficient evidence exists to allow us to label it definitely as a command and control network (see Annex). It is expected that landline, microwave and MERCURY GRASS normally constitute the pri- mary means of communications in command and control system, but high-frequency radio will provide back-up. What is the function of the radio network mentioned above and what other communication facilities are available for use by the SRF? i 25X1 I Approved For Release 2003/09/26: CIA 17A000300010004-2 25X1 TOP SECRET Through extensive usable ~ov- 25X1 erage of the Soviet rail network (which amounts to about 90percentsince a total of 18 deployed ICBM complexes have now been identified, with a total of confirmed launchers of three basic configurations in various stages of construction. (See Figure 1) About 100 of the confirmed launchers both soft and hard, are currently believed to be operational excluding the Tyuratam Test Range. The number of con- firmed launchers by type and operational status* The following table represents our estimate of the cummulative number of observed launch- ers that will be completed and probably op- erational by Quarter: Table 0. ANNEX 1 - SOVIET ICBM DEPLOYMENT as of Approved For Rele'J?F0 Table 1 Estimated Status of Confirmed* ICBM Launchers at Deployed Complexes LAUNCHERS COMPLETED 'QET *Does not include possible sites at: Omsk - Launch Site B Yurya - Launch Site K "Considering Type III Sites as having 3 launch silos. It is I I that type III sites probably have 3 iauncn i o er, feels that there is insufficient evi ence to e ermine w e er the 3rd silo is infact a launch silo. ***Figures exclude R&D and prototype launchers at the Tyuratam Missile Test Range (TTMTR). 002NQI 0004-2 1. TEST RANGE FACILITIES RELATED TO DEPLOYMENT A. TTMTR Launch Facilities Soviet requirements for the concurrent test- ing of three different ICBM systems, space ve- hicles, as well as the introduction of hard sites has caused an extensive expansion of Tyuratam launching facilities from the original, single launch pad to a present total of 14-18 completed launchers with associated ground support equip- ment. Much detailed information on the chron- ology of test range expansion and the nature of range facilities is known from repeated photographic coverage, supple- mented by other technical and clandestine col- lection means. Based on the general character- istics of the ICBM systems, the firing schedules and telemetry usage at the range head and the missile and space tracking reports passed by Soviet radars downrange, the probable relation of launch areas at Tyuratam with the ICBM programs follows. Approved For Relet ~00gp&gft 00~W004-2 25 25X1 25X1 Approved For Ff@pe g 3ff1j26 : CIA-RDP78T0475 A00TS)(g10004-2 I 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Launch Complex A: The original, massive, rail-served A-1 launcher with pit has been used for all R&D firings of SS-6 missiles and most space boosters. An adjacent, smaller, flat pad A-2 has also been available since The launcher consists of a concrete pad approxi- mately 150 feet square. Two small structures are located adjacent to the pad, one on each side. The separation distance between the two structures is about 165 feet or slightly greater than the pad width. The rail served facility at A-2 has several distinct similarities to Launch Area E and probably was used to launch the SS-8 missile and the first 5 months 0 In addition to its function as R&D launch 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 area for the SS-6 and SS-8 missiles, Launch Complex A serves as the space facility at Tyuratam. Launch Complex B: This is a large, rail- served launcher, similar to the original at Launch Area A. The area was first observed under construction in was ready for operational use bylnd may have been operational as early as F____ Additional facilities were added between Several SS-6 missiles have been reliably back- tracked to Launch Complex B and these facil- ities probably have been used for troop train- ing and quality control firing of the operational SS-6 missile system. Two new large buildings 25X1 are being added to the complex Launch Complex C: At the present time this Launch Complex has three launch pads and an associated support facility. It has, however, undergone two modifications since completion of the original launch facilities and has been used for research, development, production quality control and troop training firings for the 25X1 SS-7 missile system. Since Oa total of nineteen SS-7 missiles have been reliably stage of construction. I it was almost complete, and probably became opera- tional shortly thereafter. At this time it had two road served launch pads within a secured launch site, and an extensive support facility with rail and road service. In late I he launch complex was observed in the process of expansion. Con- struction of a third launch pad was initiated afterl 25X1 and probably was complete by the This new launch pad, C-3, was added about 900 25X1 feet east of C-2 and had the same alignment. A new access road had been built from the main road, and ran midway between C-2 and C-3. The second modification of the C area in- cluded the addition of canted structures at launch pad, C-2. These structures have been observed at a new type of deployment system (II D) in the field; however, their specific function is not known. It has been suggested that these struc- tures may serve as propellant storage. This new construction phase was initiated in and completed in the first Launch Complex D: This launch complex consists of two road served hard launch facil- ities, each containing three silos. It is the Q hat it is more likely that all 3 silos are launch silos. feels that there is insufficient evidence to determine whether there is in fact a third launch silo. Al- though initial traces of construction activity at D-1 were present in the photography of he area was first identified in I Construction of the facility was definitely complete by I hen two missile firings were backtracked to this launch area. However, the facility may have been operational as early as t I 25XI 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 I 25X1 25X1, 25X1 25X11 Approved For Release 2003/09/2 - ?000300042 TOP SECRET I ' U, U"' "' T bX Approved For ReleeQF20(SMET IA-RDP78TO4757 O M610004-2 25X1 25X1 25X1 125X1 t 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 external finishing work was required from the D Launch Complex. Construction at D-2 was initiated in late or about one year later than D-1, and it will probably become operational late in the third quarter or the fourth quarter I Launch Area D-1 became operational too late to play a part in the initial R&D test phase of the SS-7 ICBM. It probably was used for R&D of the missile for the hard configuration as well as troop training and quality control tests. In Ithere was an attempt to fire three SS-7 missiles at 5 minute intervals. These may have been simulated operational firings from a single launch facility and could have been a test of the launch facility at D-1. Launch Complex E: This area has 3 soft launchers within the launch site. Two of these launchers are identical, and were constructed concurrently. The third, E-3, was started con- siderably later but has the same basic features of E-1 and E-2. Similar features include the size and spacing of three structures surrounding the pad, and an unusual rail connection from the mis- sile ready building to the launch pad. However, at E-3 the structures are mounded and the road pattern is slightly different. Two probable pylons approximately 150 feet high are located at each pad area. The entire area is road served and has only a very small support site, and is not con- nected to the main complex rail system. Con- struction of Launch Complex E began in the third quarter Iand two launchers became opera- tional in Launcher E-3 started con- struction in and probably was The distinct Launch Complex F: This launch site desig- nated Type III B, is a hard facility with three silos. Construction started about Iland the facility should have reached opera- tional status by II At F there is a heart- 25X1 25X1 25X1 shaped road pattern about 1,200' across, and along the north edge of the area are three silos in a line. The silos are spaced 180 feet between center and a control bunker about 240 feet from the line of silos. This facility is different in configuration from the hard sites at the D area. Deployed sites resembling this prototype have been found at two complexes in the field. At one complex, Kozelsk, it is found with launch areas similar to Area E at TTMTR. Therefore, we believe Launch Complex F maybe the hard operational prototype for the SS-8 missile. Launch Complex G: In the 25X1 Soviets had begun building a road and a rail line out towards an area NW of Launch Area F. This area now incorporates several secured areas under construction and a large support area. Two rail served launch areas are currently under construction and the first may be ready to launch missiles as early as the fourth quarter of = The evidence indicates that this 25X1 is a facility for a new system; however, there is insufficient evidence to determine whether this is for a new ICBM, or a follow on space system, or both. No deployed facilities of a similar con- figuration have been identified. Launch Complex H: This facility is a launch 25X1 area identified in 0 in an early stage of construction and probably started in 25X1 Located 1.8 miles east of Launch 25X1 Complex C, it is a partially secured area con- taining at least 12 buildings, a possible bunker, one shallow irregular excavation and two smaller rectangular excavations. The installation is rail and road served, the rail being an extension of the spur next to the assembly and checkout build- similarities between A-2, Launch Area E and the sites observed in the field indicate they are re- lated to the same missile system. Two SS-8 missiles have been backtracked to the E area. Because of these factors we believe that area E is the soft prototype launch site for the SS-8. Approved For Releasp ft~ - 0300010004-2 25X 25X1 Approved For Fi a gW3 f 2 : CIA-RDP78TO47 7A2Mth0010004-2 25X1 ing at the support site of Launch Complex C. The area was last observed ml I The pur- pose of this facility is unknown. Two additional areas, one between launch area A and E, one between launch area A and B are in early stage of construction. B. Relation Between Facilities at TTMTR and Operational Complexes The configuration and utilization of test range facilities at Tyuratam provide a key to recognition of deployment in the field. The test- ing of ICBM systems at Tyuratam involves, not only R&D on the missile itself, but also the de- velopment and proving out of compatible ground support equipment for use in deployment com- plexes and, later, quality control and operational training firings. From the chronology of the ICBM programs, it appears that Soviet practice is to develop missiles and ground support equip- ment concurrently as a complete weapon system. We believe that field support equipment is some- what less complex than corresponding R&D equipment, and the differences between the SS-6 launch facilities at Tyuratam Areas A and B, and the SS-7 facilities at the original C-1 and C-3 installations provide support for this belief. The program for each of the launch site configurations associated with each missile system has followed a discernible pattern in- volving test range and field activity overlapping in time. In the case of the SS-7, construction activity had commenced at a number of locations in the field before the first test firing of the missile at TTMTR. To date, all confirmed ICBM launch sites in the field are recognizable outgrowths of prototype facilities at TTMTR. A. SS-6 ICBM Deployment System 1. Soft Sites At Plesetsk we have identified four large, soft launchers, each served directly by rail from missile ready buildings and a central support area. Their rail service, close sim- ilarity to the launcher at Tyuratam Complex B, and evidence that construction was in progress confirms that these launchers are 25X1 for the first generation, SS-6 ICBM system. They have probably been operational 25X1 and the latest photography, indi- cates the sites are still active. 25X1 Plesetsk. is the only deployment complex at which launchers of this type have been identi- fied. The operational SS-6 deployment config- uration and its resemblance to the test range facilities are clearly recognizable in good quality, cloud-free 0 photography. Photography of this quality has been accumulated on over 95 percent of all rail lines in the best suited regions of the USSR OThere- fore, we believe that SS-6 deployment exists only at Plesetsk. 2. Special Role of Plesetsk The Plesetsk ICBM Launch Complex has held a special position in the Soviet missile pro- gram since the beginning of the deployment pro- gram for long range strategic missiles. It was selected as one of the sites for the deployment of the first Soviet ICBM, the SS-6. When further deployment of the SS-6 was cancelled or cut back, Plesetsk remained as the only SS-6 de- ployment location. As new deployment systems came into being they were also deployed at Plesetsk. With the introduction of soft SS-7 sites it became ap- parent that Plesetsk performed a special role in the missile program, perhaps an operational training facility. Although the Soviets con- structed both R&D and operational prototype launch facilities at the Tyuratam Test Range, it is quite possible they had an additional re- quirement for a field operational orientation and training of SRF troops, or for deployment system refinement under more realistic conditions than 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/26 - 57A000910004-2 TOP SECRET Approved For Releii I 25X1 25X1 25X1 I SCI -RDP78T04757A g00 existed at Tyuratam. Whatever its mission, Plesetsk occupied a unique position in the mis- sile deployment program. This special role D Neither the hard III B or latest II D soft configuration has made its appearance at Plesetsk. No new construction activity is currently apparent at Plesetsk, nor does there appear to be any effort to modify any of the existing launch areas. Although the evidence suggests the training role of Plesetsk has changed, the complex has maintained its operational role. Possibly the Soviets concluded that the training facilities at Tyuratam were sufficient for their current needs and that continuation or expansion of the training role would have seriously hampered its function as an operational launch complex. B. SS-7 ICBM Deployment System The SS-7 ICBM system is being deployed at fifteen field locations in the USSR and Plesetsk. One of the field locations, Gladkaya, where two soft launch areas were identified under construction was converted to the SS-7 system in Although each complex contains a number of variations, an SS-7 complex typically con- sists of three basic elements; a complex sup- port base, a rail-to-road transfer point and a number of launch areas. The launch areas in- clude the launch site, the technical site, and a housing facility. The SS-7 is being deployed in launch sites of both a hard and a soft config- uration, but there has been no apparent attempt to harden either the technical site or the housing facility. The soft launch sites contain two launch positions and the hard sites contain at least two, and probably three, launch positions. Of the fifteen confirmed locations of SS-7 de- ployment, four contain only soft sites, two only hard sites and nine contain both. 1. Physical Description of ICBMLaunch a. Soft Type II Sites Each soft launch site occupies from 85 to 116 acres, and is enclosed by a double security fence. It contains two elongated launch pads, (approximately 1,000 feet apart), missile ready buildings, '2 to 4 major structures in the central area, an unidentified structure adjacent to each pad and several smaller buildings. Guidance and alignment equipment, handling and fueling facil- ities, and a control bunker are probably within this area; a second missile for each launcher may also be available in the area. Evidence at some sites suggests that facilities may be located below the pad level. A road branches from the main service road and leads to the operations area of the launch site and links the two pads with other directly associated facilities. Soft sites have appeared in the field in three deploy- ment modes, A, B, and D, which reflect sequen- tial modifications in the SS-7 system. A fourth variant C appears to be intended for the SS-8. (1) Mode A These sites represent the earliest deployment mode for the SS-7. Only five of these sites have been identified. Yurya A and B, Plesetsk A and Verkhnaya Salda B and C. At these sites, the two missile-ready buildings (approximately 170 by 105 feet) are parallel and are situated on a concrete apron along the center road. (2) Mode B The principal difference apparent between Mode A and Mode B sites appears to be the positioning of the two missile-ready build- ings. At Mode B sites these buildings are lo- cated directly to the rear of the launch pads and are a drive in type. In most instances where the stage of construction and quality of photography has permitted measurement, these buildings are 170 by 125 feet and 170 by 105 25X1 Approved For Rele e10 ft - 0 010004-2 25X1 25X1 Approved For F I psegP 26 : CIA-RDP78T047 feet, with the wider of the two buildings canted 25 to 35 degrees from the long axis of the pads. (3) Mode C Sites described as Type IIC exist at three known locations within the Soviet Union, Plesetsk, Kozelsk, and Tyumen. In ad- dition an ICBM complex with two soft launch areas of this type was begun in Gladkaya near Krasnoyarsk, but was later con- verted to the III) site assessed for the SS-7. The total number of launchers at the IIC site identified to date in the field, not including the cancelled sites at Gladkaya, is 16 soft. The soft site is a fenced rectangle generally about 1800' by 1700' containing a loop road pat- tern, two launch pads with fixed equipment, two missile ready buildings and some additional structures. The sites can be distinguished from soft SS-7 sites by several major differences as follows: the orientation differs from SS-7 sites; pad separation is about 800' as compared to 950'; there is a ready building lined up to the rear of each pad; the direct connection between the ready building and pad does not appear to be a finished road as to SS-7 sites but may be a railway of about 800'; and finally an interferometer with 1,200 foot legs serves each launch site. In ad- dition, there is a small triad or plus configura- tion, about 300' wide, to the rear of the launch site. We do not know the function of this facility. (4) Mode D Mode D launch sites represent the most recent modification for deployment of the SS-7 in a soft mode. A few of these sites are considered complete and while similar in general configuration to Mode A anb B, appear to have the following differences: there are two canted structures, 30 x 90 feet, located inboard of each launch pad; there are two structures along the center access road; and there is a larger pad area. A definite pattern has not emerged as to the number and arrangement of missile ready p7M(l300010004-2 buildings at Mode D sites; however, it is apparent these buildings will differ in size and number from those found at the older sites. The pattern varies from three buildings behind one pad, to one building behind each pad, to two buildings behind one pad and one building behind the other. Al- though dimensions of the buildings vary, inmost cases the individual buildings are smaller than at the Mode A and B sites. In addition, a group of three buildings, perhaps with a special func- tion, has been consistently identified to the rear of the launch site. While the road at Mode A and B sites forms a loop pattern in the forward area at Mode D sites, the forward road is absent and turn around is allowed only by the en- larged pad. b. Hard Type III-A Sites The average size of the secured area at the hard launch sites is 1,600 by 1,400 feet. When completed, these sites are characterized by an oval road pattern, approximately 850-890 feet long and 360 feet wide, surrounding three identical silo covers, approximately 80 by 40 feet, and a mounded control bunker. A prob- able spray pond is located outside the oval road pattern to the rear and left of the control bunker. When the site is in a mid-stage of construction, it is characterized by a rectangular excavation 500 to 600 feet long and 150 to 200 feet wide, with a notch about 200 by 150 feet nearly centered along one side. The excavation contains three silos in a straight line separated by approximately 180 feet on center. The ex- cavation also contains two rectangular equip- ment and/or fuel bunkers, 70 by 50 feet, between the silos. The notched portion of the excavation to the rear of the silos contains the control bunker which appears to be a concrete structure about 100 by 120 feet. Two probable buried tanks have been identified outside of, and to the side of the excavation. Although three silos have been identified Approved For Release 2003/09/26 TOP SECRET T7AJe ff 010004-2 t Approved For RelefO200 rd 39004-2 in the excavation, the arrangement of the two equipment bunkers, the appearance of one silo as larger than the others on some coverages, and the indistinct appearance of one silo have raised the possibility that one of the three silos is not a launch silo. However, the spacing of the three structures and the identical appearance and dimensions of the silo covers after the excavation has been backfilled provide strong indications that all three probably are launch 25X1 silos. here may be only two launch silos. c. Hard Type III-B Sites The most advanced deployed hard site, not yet complete, is secured by a single security fence and covers an area about 2,000' x 1,400'. The site is road-served, and although a finished road pattern is not yet evident, a cardioid pattern is suggested. The site contains three probable launch silos similar in appearance, with an inside diameter of 30' and about 160' apart. The control bunker is centered to the rear of the silos and is 80' by 120'. One hundred feet in front of the three silos, there is one and prob- ably two equipment bunkers measuring 25' x 130'. When backfilled, they appear as a single bunker 85' x 140'. A possible spray pond, 100' x 135', is to the left of the equipment bunkers. A triad structure, similar to the "plus" configuration at the soft sites, is situated 4,200' to the rear of the launch site. Its purpose is not known, but it probably has the same function as the triads at the soft sites. Hard sites have both similarities and differences to Areas D and F at TTMTR. The launch silo separation appears consistent with that at both D and F, however, the location of equipment and control bunkers the s ra and P 1 ; location, the road pattern, and the overall orientation resemble Complex F rather than D, indicating that F may be the hard prototype for the SS-8. d. Complex Support Facilities asso- ciated with Type II C Sites The complex support facility at these complexes are very similar to the support fa- cilities associated with SS-7 complexes. it is one of the first identifiable features of a launch complex, and during the construction stage, serves as a base for building supplies and ma- terial for the rest of the complex. After the construction phase, it serves as a logistic and maintenance center for the entire complex. These complex support facilities are similar in size and developmental pattern to the present SS-7 complex support facilities and suggest that they were originally designed to support an equivalent number of launch areas. A separate railroad transfer point is also present and is probably used to transfer missiles and propellants from rail-to-road. It differs from the transfer point seen at most complexes in that each contains an extra spur at the same relative position branching at the same angle. 2. Assignment of SS-8 to Type II C Launch Sites The principal basis for the assignment of the SS-8 to these configurations stems from the activities and physical arrangement of Tyuratam and our ability to relate features at Tyuratam to systems noted in the field. Trajectory backtrack has established with a high probability that SS-6 missiles are launched from Area A or B, and SS-7 missiles are launched from Area C and D, and that SS-8 missiles are launched from Area A and E. The physical arrangement of these facil- ities and the timing of their construction paral- lels this grouping. Areas A and B were the first completed and are centrally located. Areas C and D are located to the east and use a common support facility. Their construction timing fol- lowed that of Areas A-1 and B. Areas A-2, E 25X1 Approved For Rela? - 00300010004-2 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For F pse, p and F which run to the west also followed A-1 and B in time and were completed in that order. The completion date of A-2 is consistent with the early testing of the SS-8 and the backtrack data of that period. The first backtrack to Area E coincides with the photographic evidence of site completion in 0 The strong re- lationship between the SS-6 and the SS-8, stem- ming from their common design heritage, is consistent with the use of Complex A support facilities in the test program for the SS-8, and explains the construction of pad A-2 and the placement of E with its transport connections to the Complex A support area. The physical characteristics of the de- ployed Type II C sites and a few hard sites are consistent with launch Complexes E and F and show major differences from all other areas at Tyuratam. All remaining configurations in the field, equate to facilities at B, C and D at Tyuratam. Considering the physical and geographic relationships at Tyuratam, the similarities with deployed systems, established Soviet practice in other missile systems, backtrack data, and the lack of any reasonable alternative, we believe that the SS-8 missile system is intended for Type II C and III B sites. 3. Support Facilities at ICBM Complexes a. Complex Support Base The complex support base is one of the first identifiable (although not unique) fea- tures of a launch complex. During the construc- tion stage, it serves as a base for building material for the complex and then serves as a logistic and maintenance center for operational units. A typical base has 3 to 4 rail spurs, and all weather roads. However, the absence of wide radius turns and its location indicates that it is not a weapons handling area. A large area of barracks, family-type housing and administra- tive-type buildings is also associated with the 0004-2 5 7 A 9 complex support base and provides quarters and facilities for officers, troops and dependents. Its location varies from about 1 1/2 to 21 nm from the nearest town and does not appear to be affected by security factors, since some of these bases are very near large cities and main highways. b. Missile Transfer Point A reasonably consistent road and rail pattern is evident in this facility at all SS-7 complexes. An improved road enters from the launch areas, parallels the rail spurs and forms a turn-around before joining the main road in a wide radius turn. The equipment for transfer from rail-to--road has not been identified at the operational launch complexes; however, some detail is available on Launch Area C at Tyura- tam. A spur terminates at an L-shaped pro- jection of a loading dock which is about This secure installation probably is used to transfer missiles and propellants from rail equipment to road equipment. Warheads also may be transferred in this area. Its sim- plicity indicates that no additional functions are involved. 4. Timing of Confirmed Complexes a. Construction Cycle (1) Soft Type II Sites Our estimates of the timing of con- struction of launch sites are based on a very large number of repeated photographic observa- tions of confirmed sites and we believe that such estimates for the hard and soft SS-7 systems are highly reliable within 1 or at the most 2 months. To date, 69 soft launch sites con- taining 138 launchers have been identified in various stages of construction at deployed complexes. Some 80 of these launchers are currently believed to be operational. We have estimated that construction of these sites re- quired between 12 and 15 months. A later con- Approved For Release 2003/09/26. A000300010004-2 TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 I Approved For Relej?[2003 RTC A-RDP78T04757A0 O26(Y0l10004-2 25X1 served launch site for this system contains hard underground facilities, including at least two and probably three launch positions, of a silo type. Construction of a typical type III launch site takes between 21-24 months from the be- ginning of construction to the completion of in- stallation of equipment. C. Suspect ICBM Deployment Areas There are a number of locations within the USSR that are or have been suspect ICBM de- ployment sites. These locations have been identified through occurrences of FPN numbers from groups associated with the Stra- tegic Rocket Forces, the scheduling of SRF as- sociated air flights to these locations, the apparent location of a possible SRF communi- cation link terminus in the general area, and the appearance in photography of U/I construc- tion and/or rail spurs of a suspicious nature. Many of the locations with some of these deployment indicators have been negated by photographic coverage of the area. The presence of the indicator remains unresolved in some of these instances. However, current estimates of the Soviet deployment program indicate that there may be 1-2 additional SS-7 complexes still undiscovered. An examination of all available evidence indicated two areas as the most likely suspect locations for ICBM deployment. These indicators, however, do not permit us to identify the possible missile system at these sus- pect locations. We have reexamined the possibility that there are SS-6 deployment complexes still un- identified in the USSR. However, locations with missile indicators during the time of SS-6 de- ployment have largely been negated by photo- graphic evidence since that time. This factor, plus the obvious cancellation of the SS-6 de- ployment program, makes it very unlikely that there are unidentified SS-6 complexes in the USSR. Saransk - Kovylkino Area FPN 01425, FPN 41706-B, 25X1 25X1 25X1 This area cannot be negated by photography for the time period of the On la suspect rail spur was noted east of Kovylikino. The area has not been observed on cloud-free photography. Approved For Releffj~0a~ / t - 00309f. l 404-2 figuration (II-D) is estimated to take on the order of twelve months. (2) Hard Type III Sites To date, 19 hard SS-7 launch sites have been identified in various stages of con- struction at deployed complexes. Five of these appeared to be complete and probably operational 25X1 by 0 The currently identified road- 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/26 : CIA-RDP78TO4757A000300010004-2 Approved For Release 2003/09/26 : CIA-RDP78TO4757A000300010004-2 Approved For ReIJ s 20 r IA-RDP78T04757 003300010004-2 25X1 ANNEX 2 - SOVIET MRBM/IRBM DEPLOYMENT 1. TEST RANGE FACILITIES RELATED TO DEPLOYMENT A. Kapustin Yar Launch Facilities Complex C in the southern portion of the rangehead is positively associated with the de- velopment of the MRBM/IRBM weapons systems of the Soviet Strategic Rocket Forces, as well as with space launchings. Complexes A and B are probably associated now only with shorter range missile systems, although it has been suggested that the two "hump" structures in complex A may have been utilized in the early development of a hard launch configuration. B. Launch Complex C This complex consists of five launch areas. When first seen in this area comprised the two launch sites now known as to those operationally deployed and are utilized for unit training. They may also have a limited R&D function, since no other hardened facilities have been identified on the range. 5. Launch Area 5C consists of two soft launch facilities. The northern facility, 5C1, is associated with the'IRBM system, while 5C2 to the south is linked to MRBMs. Both these fa- cilities are utilized for unit training. A. MRBM 1. General: MRBMs are deployed in both a hard and soft configuration. While these sites are compatible with both the SS-3 and SS-4 sys- tems, the SS-3 is now obsolescent and few, if any, remain deployed. 2. Complex Description: MRBM com- plexes consist of up to three launch sites, usually a mixture of one hard and two soft, the majority of which have their own support facility. A few sites have a common support area. While some complexes contain only soft sites, none con- taining only hard sites have been identified. 3. Site Description: (See appendix A for detailed explanation and typing of site configura- tions) Sites 1C and 3C. In a third site, 2C, of two launch pads was noted. This area was at that time under construction and had probably not been brought into use. a completely new launch site, 4C, was observed in about the mid-stage of construction. I It was estimated that the site was in the late to final stage of construction. On the same date that 4C was first seen, 5C was also noted although it was not until the later cover I Ithat it was recognized that there were two separate launch sites. 1. Launch Area 1 Cis the only rail served launch area on the range and is probably being utilized for the launch of space vehicles. 2. Launch Area 2C is associated with R&D firings of the SS-5. 3. Launch Area 3C can be associated with the development of MRBM weapons systems. 4. Launch Area 4C consists of two hardened launch facilities. The southern fa- cility (4C2) is for IRBMs, while to the north, 4C1 is for the MRBMs. These sites are similar Approved For ReIetbo00 /p1zf t a. Soft sites: While there is a variety of configurations at deployed sites, all have four launch pads. Early versions usually have two missile ready buildings, while sites of more recent vintage have a ready building for each launch pad. Most of these the consensus of opinion that all but a few of these confirmed sites are primary. How- ever, it is possible that all are not fully manned. The view was expressed that a number of the sites might be manned by IA-R O~gXj 0004-2 25 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For ffe0he SEONT26 : CIA-RDP78T04757 000 6'0011 0004-2 D cadre strength units which maintain equip- ment and facilities and form the nucleous for expansion to operational strength when directed. Documentary and other evidence indicates that deployment to field-type al- ternate sites is a part of Soviet operational doctrine. Furthermore, evidence from Cuba shows a capability for this type of deploy- ment. Recent photography has revealed the existance of a few field-type sites, but it is not known if these are, in fact, alternate or reserve positions. b. Hard sites: MRBM hard sites con- tain a number of silos arranged in a H con- figuration around an underground control bunker. is firm in its analysis that these sites contain four identi- cal launch silos. There are differences of with a possibility of a third. Ibecause of differences in techni- cal analysis, reserve in their opinion pend- ing further study. Most hard sites are connected by an access road to an off-site support facility. The extent of this facility is not known. It is possible that the hard site relies to some degree on the support installations at or near the two soft sites within the complex. This is particularly such facility has been identified at any MRBM installation. c. Status of Deployment: See appen- dix B. B. IRBM 1. General: IRBM's are deployed at both soft and hard configurations. The SS-5 is the only IRBM currently deployed. 2. Complex Description: IRBM com- plexes consist of up to three launch sites. Each complex has its own support facility. While the majority of complexes contain both hard and soft sites, three have been identified which con- sist of three hard sites only. 3. Site Description: (See appendix A for detailed explanation and typing of site con- figurations). a. Soft sites: Only one basic type of soft IRBM site has been identified. It consists of four elongated launch pads, arranged in-line and characterized by a wider pad separation than is present at MRBM sites. Each launch pad has an associated missile ready building and a fifth building of similar size, centrally disposed among the other four. All of these sites are considered primary. b. Hard sites: IRBM hard sites con- tain three silos arranged in an L pattern 25X1 around a central control bunker. 25X1 and part of the elieve that all three silos have an identical launch function. 25X1 Other are uncertain as to the function of the third silo, since in their view photographic: evidence appears to show dif- ferences from the other two during the con- struction stage. cause of differences in technical analysis, reserves in their opinion pending further study. Support facilities for IRBM hard sites are not yet clearly defined. C. MRBM/IRBM Construction Timing: 1. IRBM/MRBM Soft Sites a. Launch sites are almost invariably located in wooded areas requiring a fair amount of logging and clearing operations before con- struction work proper can begin. Adequate sources of construction material i.e. sand, gravel, timber are usually locally available. Approved For Release 2003/09/26 - - 7A000300010004-2 TOP SECRET 1 7~1 25X11 25X1 i 25X1 Approved For Rele1102005 T IA-RDP78T04757A OM 610004-2 Considerable use is made of preformed con- crete sections prefabricated off-site (as seen in construction of Cuban sites). b. For access purposes, new roads have been added and, where possible, existing roads have been improved. In a number of cases new rail sidings appear to have been built to facilitate the delivery of construction mate- rials and equipment, otherwise existing sidings have been enlarged. c. Estimate of Site Construction Time (1) Although hard evidence on the length of time required by the Soviets to construct a soft site in the USSR is not available, interpre- tation of a limited amount of sequential, photog- raphy provides a fair bases for the follow- ing estimate: Early Stage Logging, clearing and marking out; provision of access road and construction camp; delivery of construction material for foundations, etc. Mid Stage Concreting of internal roads, launchers and aprons, construction of buildings, bunkers, se- curity fence,etc. Late to Complete Stage Provision of permanent plant, generators, wiring fuel storage,etc. (2) Soft MRBM/IRBM sites gen- erally have required a construction period of from 12-18 months. Currently the lesser period generally applies, except where local conditions are unfavorable. The upper limit is more ap- plicable to earlier site construction, before adequate experience was garnered by construc- tion personnel. (3) Based on Soviet Cuban deploy- ment, it is estimated that the Soviets can occupy a field type MRBM position and attain an IOC in approximately 24 hours or less. As far as the IRBM is concerned, a period of approximately three months would have been required to com- plete the type of sites observed in Cuba. How- ever, there is tenuous evidence that an earlier emergency firing capability might have been possible had the Soviets so desired. 2. IRBM/MRBM Hard Sites a. Sequential photography of the vari- ous stages of hard site construction is available to a greater extent than is the case with soft sites. We are therefore able to postulate a time scale for their construction with a greater de- gree of certainty. b. As in the case of the soft sites they are located, whenever possible, in heavily wooded areas and require initial clearance, provision of adequate access, delivery of build- ing materials and plant etc., before construc- tion can begin. c. Broadly, we believe the time re- quired to construct a hard site is at least 15 months, but that in certain areas, due to climatic and terrain difficulties, a period up to 20 months is necessary. d. The construction time scale, we believe, is as follows: Early Stage Area cleared of vegetation; levels established; earth moving equipment moved to site. Ac- commodations for construction personnel built. Excavation starts; access roads constructed or improved. Construction starts on off-site sup- port facility. Mid Stage Excavations completed and construction of fa- cilities starts in excavated area. Control bunker and silos appear. Progress continues on off-site support facility. Site secured. Late to Complete State Construction work in excavated area completed. Area back filled and control bunker mounded Approved For Rele~OQ~/fT C'A PRP:FA:FA 471W AAA Q D 9004-2 "J, U", "' ""()f 25X1 Approved For Fq9se,3~3126 : CIA-RDP78T0475 ,PM0010004-2 25X1 O over. Installation of launch equipment com- understanding of the operational requirements pleted. Site area landscaped. Off-site support of a hard site, it is quite possible that although facility completed. a site is assessed as complete, this may apply e. Due to deficiences in our present only to its external appearance. Four round launch pads, in-line or offset in-line-no direct access from Ready Mis- sile Buildings (RMBs) - two drive-through-to pads. (MRBM) Four round launch pads, in-line, direct access from RMBs - four drive-through - to pads. (MRBM) Four elongated launch pads, in-line, direct access from RMBs - usually four non- drive-through - to pads. (MRBM) Four elongated launch pads, in-line, direct access from RMBs - usually five non- drive-through, four behind the pads with the fifth positioned centrally in the launch area - wider pad separation than the A3 configuration. (IRBM) Four round launch pads in rectangular formation, usually only two RMBs - drive- through-each serving one pair of pads. (MRBM) Four round launch pads in dumbbell formation, usually only two RMBs - drive- through-each serving one pair or pads. (MRBM) Four round or elliptical launch pads in irregular formation, usually only two RMBs - drive-through-in launch area. (MRBM) A hard launch site near an existing complex of soft MRBM launch sites, similar in appearance to Launch Site 4C1 at Kapustin Yar. A hard launch site near an existing soft IRBM launch site, or one of those forming a complex of three hard launch sites, similar in appearance to Launch Site 4C2 at Kapustin Yar. NO. LAUNCHERS COMPLETED NO. LAUNCHERS U/C Soft Hard 149 41 596 82 584 60 12 22 *Should hard MR/IR sites contain 3 launchers each the total would read 719. Should hard MRBM sites contain 4 launchers and IRBM sites three launchers the total would be 740. Approved For Release 2003/09/26 TOP SECRET 000300010004-2 25X1 Approved For ReI IA-RDP78T04757A 00300010004-2 ANNEX 3 - SOVIET ROCKET FORCES ORGANIZATION AND TRAINING A. The SRF has separate chains of command for its deployed ICBM and IR/MRBM weapon systems. The only complex which has a mixture of ICBM systems is Plesetsk and it is also the only location where the SS-6 is deployed. Soft launchers arre deployed in pairs to form a site. It is believed that most complexes will contain a division of about 15-18 launchers although two of the older complexes already have more than this number. Locations of suspected SS-8 de- ployment do not as yet appear to involve as many launchers as those where the SS-7 is deployed. Both hard and soft sites are found within SS-7 and SS-8 deployment areas. B. At Annexes "A" and "B" are the various regimental organizations as indicated by the photographic evidence. It is only in the IR/MRBM organization that there is good evidence of a divisional type structure. deployed in Cuba gave a good indication of the state of training of the forces engaged in this operation, it is not possible to determine from available intelligence the number of trained crews available for the weapons systems in the strategic rocket forces. Number of Launchers* per Complex a. Hard Hard H ard 6 - 9 b. Hard Hard S oft 8 - 10 c. Hard Soft S oft 10 - 11 d. Soft Soft S oft 12 BN BN Soft Soft Very little progress has been made in the past year in determining the level of training in the strategic rocket forces. Although the speed and facility with which SANDAL missiles were ** Number of Launchers per Complex BN BN BN a. Soft Soft Hard 11 - 12** b. Soft Soft Soft 12 *Low figure reflects two hard launchers per site; upper fig- ure reflects three. **Low figure reflects three hard launchers per site; upper figure reflects four for the hard sites. Approved For Release 2003/09/26 : CAI - 0300010004-2 TOP SECRET 25X 25X 25X 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/26 : CIA-RDP78TO4757A000300010004-2 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/09/26 : CIA-RDP78TO4757A000300010004-2 Approved For Release 20 38 /26~JQ- P78T04757A000300010004-2 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/09/26 : CIA-RDP78T04757A000300010004-2