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Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000700010023-1 No. Pages : TOP SECRET MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY MISSION C 1729 16 APRIL 1958 HTA-MCS-19-58 5 SEPTEMBER 1958 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY PHOTOGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE CENTER This document contains information usable only within the TALENT CONTROL SYSTEM. It is to be seen on a MUST-KNOW BASIS ONLY BY PERSONNEL ESPECIALLY INDOC- TRINATED AND AUTHORIZED. Reproduction is prohibited unless approved by Mae originator. TOP SECRET DECLASS REVIEW by NIMA/DOD Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000700010023-1 ME ME ME EM ME MOOM ME ME ME MEMEME SEEM Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000700010023-1 This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, the trans- mission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000700010023-1 Approved For Release 2 ~96ERdA- .tt04753A000700010023-1 Mission No. MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Report No. HTA-MCS-19-58 Dote of Photography 16 April 1958 Date of Report 5 September 1958 Country WAC Lat. Long. 0 Exp. -Cam. s o Description a a (Insta llations a re arrang d by category. Wit in ategories the arrangement is as follow : air ields and urban ar as -- al habeti ally; other categories -- (1) by WAC, (2) by expou re numbe r.) 25X1 D Indonesia 920 3-34N 8-41E Medan A/F no 25X1A change in facilities since Mission HTA-MCS-8-58) a/c 25X1 D count: 2 trainer type (poss T-6s), 1 u/i 25X1 D Indonesia 861 3-54N 108-23E Natuna A/F no 25X1A % change since Mission (HTA-MCS-9-58) 25X1 D Indonesia 920 0-28N 101-27E Pakanbaru AJF 25X1A no change since 25X1A Indonesia 920 1-33N 8-53E Pinangsore A/F 13 nm SE of Sibolga; appears inactive; runway 3, 600' x 100', WNW/ESE; no a/c visible 25X1 D Indonesia. 921 0-53S 00-21E Tabing A/F no 25X1A change since Mission 25X1A 25X1 D Indonesia 860 0-55N 104-33E Tandjungpinang A/F no change since Mission Indonesi 921 0-18S 100-15E U/i A/F; 1 nm N of Tobohgadang; appears abandoned and returned to agriculture; 1 runway 4, 500' x 300' oriented N/S, 1 runway .., 4, 500' x 300' oriented NW/SE Indonesia 860 1-05N 104-30E Bauxite mine on Bintan Island; I cargo vessel at wharf 25X1A Indonesia 920 3-35N 98-41E Diesel power plant 5X1 D located just N of Medan; consists of 5 large gable-roof bldgs, 1 large gasometer, 3 small storage tanks; plant rail served; no; transformer yard visible Indonesia . 920 3-35N 98-41E Machine shops at Medan; located directly E of power plant; machine shops comprise 3 SPB Form 1?/Apr.58 Page 1 of 5 Airfields Industries Approved For Release 2;9/PO1 ii :P&X-RflP~B 4753A000700010023-1 M - M - - - - - - - M - - M - Approved For Release 2-OS!EREiA-1 04753A000700010023-1 MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Mission No. , Dote of Photography 16 April 1958 Date of Report, Report No. 5 September 1958 Country WAC Lat. Long. Exp. Cam. s o Description aa- or large gable-roof bldgs and numerous small bldgs; rail served 25X1 D Indonesi 921 0-41S 100-18E U/i industry at Loeboekaloeng; 4 large single-story bldgs, rail served Indonesi 921 0-57S 100 -29E Prob cement plant located 3 nm E of Bandarboeat; approx 12 processing bldgs, 2 silos, 1 Dorr thickener; road served; associated open-pit mining Indonesi 921 1-45S 101-14E Poss agricultural processing plant 10 nm NNW of Sioelakderas; 17 large processing bldgs Indonesi, 921 0-37S 100-45E Sawahloento; coal mine and RR classification yards Indonesia 921 0-41S 100-47N Sawahloento largE25X1 A processing plant and numerous open coal mines; area served by rail and mines served by overhead cableway Indonesia 860 1-1ON 103-54E POL storage island on Sambu 27 large tanks, 25X1A 3 small tanks, 20-30 associated bldg s Indonesia 860 1-03N 104-17E Tandjunguban POL storage 17 large revetted 25X1A tanks, 6 small revetted tanks, power plant, 6 oil-bunkering piers, approx 12 associated bldgs Indonesia 920 3-47N 98-41E. Oil storage at Belwan consists of 8 large and 2 small storage tanks on S edge of city; 50 latex and palm-oil tanks are located directly S of large ocean quay Indonesia 920 3-35N 98-41E POL storage located on N edge of Medan; consists of 4 small storage tanks, 2 large gable-:. roof bldgs, numerous small bldgs SPB Form 10 /Apr.58 Page 2 of 5 Industries Liquid Fuels Approved For Release 2 IB01/&f-R&4- i~04753A000700010023-1 Approved For Release M~Ogpepeii4f T04753A000700010023-1 25X1 D Mission No.. MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Report No. Date, of Photography -16 April 1958 Date of Report, 5 September 1958 Country WAC Lot. Long. Exp. Cam. r 'S ~; Description o_o.a Indonesia. 920 1-44N 98-46E POL storage at Sibolga; consists of 1 large and 2 small storage tanks Indonesia 920 0-34N 101-27E Oil field camp area, 2.5 nm N of Pakanbaru, consists of storage bldgs, equipment repair facilities, personnel quarters, 9 small oil- storage tanks, and poss power plant; approx 200 bldgs in area Indonesia 920 0-40N 101-25E Oil field. 8 nm N of Pakanbaru; approx 100 wells covering approx 10 sq miles; numerous bldgs associated with field Indonesia 920 0-40N 101-25E 5 large oil storage tanks in association with oil field, 8 nm N of Pakanbaru Indonesia 920 0-38N 101-35E 3 large revetted oil storage tanks 2. 5 nm N of Tebingtinggi, connected by pipeline with oil- field and oil-bunkering pier; pumping facilities present Indonesia 920 0-37N 101-36E Oil-bunkering pier on Sungai Tapung-Kanan (river) 2 nm NNE of T ebingtinggi; pipeline connecting pier with oil storage area; pumping facilities present; small tanker moored at installation Indonesia 920 0-44N 101-51E Buatan; fuel-loading facilities on Sungai Siak; 1 T-head pier, 3 large and 2 small storage tanks, I tanker 25X1A Indonesia 921 1-00S 100 -22E POL storage at Padang consists of 3 large and 25X1A 3 small storage tanks, 3 large warehouses, rail and berthing facilities 25X1A ORS Indonesia 860 1-09N 103-54E Sambu port facilities - 25X1A 3 large T-head bunkering piers, 5 small piers, 2 tankers moored at piers, 4 river-type tankers moored at small bunkering piers, approx 10 river-type tankers moored seaward of SPB Form 10 /Apr.58 Page 3 of_ 5 Liquid Fuels Approved For Release 2dQi8lM0 gFAlRg 4753A000700010023-1 = M - - - - Approved For Release- 2pfgt0'IQiE-~04753A0007E1Ofl9flfl33-1 MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY' Mission No. C 17Z9 Report No. HTA-MCS-19-58 Date of Photography 16, April 1958 Date of Report 5September 1958 Country WAC Lot. Long. Exp. Cam. r o Description pore facilities 25X1D Indonesia 920 3-47N 25X1A 98-41E Port facilities at Belwan 1 large ocean quay approx 3,0001 long with ware- house-type bldgs along quay, 1 large marginal wharf 100' long, A T-hea.d piers,. 1 marine railway located at W end of ocean ,quay;, port' facilities rail served; 10 cargo ships moored along wharves and cargo type vessel leaving the harbor in NE direction; cqn- crete groin. extends approx 6,0001;;in,a NE direction from the har.bprl..cargo type ship sunk-in NW-Section of port. Indonesia 920 1-44N 98-46E Port facilities at Sibolga quay approx 300'25X1 A long; numerous small craft in harbor 25X1A Indonesi 921 1-OOS 100-22E Padang port facilities ' - 4 marginal wharves , 25X1 A 1 graving dock, 1 covered marine railway, 1 quay wall, 1 portal jib crane, 1 gantry crane; concrete groin extends 2, 500' 5 into harbor; I sunken cargo ship located 2,900' off- shore, 2 cargo-type vessels appear to be blocking entrance to harbor, N Indonesia . 920 3-46N 98-41E Highway bridge 25X1A over Sungai Deli; steel truss approx 500' long; 3 spans; 2 lanes Indonesia 920 3-37N 98-40E RR equipment repair plant approx 1.5 nm 25X1 A N' of Medan; approx 20 large gable-roof bldgs ,25X1A Indonesi 920 3-35N 98-41E Medan RR yards RR engine. shops at. N end of yard and large warehouse- type bldgs at S end SP8 Form IA / Apr. 58 Page _ of,. Ports and Harbors' ~ ~F p~~c Transportation Approved For Release 2E~Z/01Y0`1C'NZ R&78'F04753A000700010023-1 Approved For Release 2qep1_"CpRBRT504753A000700010023-1 25X1D MISSION. COVERAGE SUMMARY Mission No.. Report No. Date of Photography 16 August 1958 Date of Report 5 September 1958 Country WAC Lat. Long. C Exp. Can. r ?o Description a. a or Indonesia 920 0-40N 101-25E Oil pipeline connects oil 0-37N 101-36E storage area (0-40N .. 101-36E) to oil-loading area (0-37N 101-36E); pipeline appears to be on s urfac e Indonesia 921 0-44S 100 -19E RR bridge near Soengaiboeloeh; steel truss approx 950-1-long; 3 spans; 1 track Indonesia 921 0-44S 100 -19E Highway bridge near , Soengaiboeloeh; steel beam approx. 650' long; 2 lanes 25X1A Indonesia 921 0-57S 100 -22E RR yard at Padang small classification yard adjacent to RR repair shop Indonesia 921 1-OOS 100 -22E Padang classification yards numerous RR 25X1A cars and storage facilities Indonesia 920 3-47N 98-41E Belwan 25X1A Indonesia 921 00-1.95 100-22E Fort De Kock Indonesia 920 3-35N 98-40E Medan 25X1A Indonesia' 921 0-58S 100 -22E Padang 25X1A Indonesia 920 0-32N 101-27E Pakanbaru Indonesia 920 1-44N 98-46E Sibolga 25X1A Indonesia 860 0-56N 104-28E Tandjungpinang SPB Form 1?/Apr.58 Page 5 of. 5 Transportation sir ~~C Urban Areas Approved For Release 269P 1~vz~: 7-~FV4753A000700010023-1 Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010023-1 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010023-1