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} IIIIIIIIII~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IIIIIIII~ ~ IIII- IIIIIIIIIII' ~\ ~. Approved For Release 2002/01/02 :ILIA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 No. Pages : ' COPY NO.: ~ ~~' TOP SECRET MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY (u11SSION 6 4059 10 SEPTEMBER 1957 I NTA-MCS-30-57 24 SEPTEMBER 1957 WARNING: HAN?LE @/IA TALENT CONTROI. CHANNELS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This document contains information usable only within the TALENT CONTROL SYSTEM. It is to be seen on a MUST-KNOW BASIS ONLY BY PERSONNEL ESPECIALLY INDOC- TRINATED AND AUTHORIZED. Reproduction is prohibited unless approved by the DECL~Pe~~rREVIEW by NIMA/DOD . TOP SECRET ':~v~:~ '~eccr,,, Approved For Release 2002/01/02 :CIA-RDP78T047~i3y4fld07d$6'1//,, 000~5'~` ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ r ~ ~ r' r ~ Approved For Release 2002/01/0$ :CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 ~ t ,~ ~~i4..?'.:Sr' '1i This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Secs..793 and 794, the trans- mission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 2002/01/02 :CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RdP78T04753A000700010005-1 ~~' ~ i ?L SECRET CHESS CIA /RR-HTA 25X1 D M ISS I OIV COVE RAGE SUMMARY Dote of Photography l0 September 1957 Report No. era-MCS-30-57 Date of Report 24 September 1957 Mission No. B ~+Q59 WAC Photo Ident Coordinates ~ o - 8 . C t t - oun ry ~ _ .o ~ Description BE No. Cam. Exp. Time Lat. N Long. E d a o. ~ _ 235 ~+8 ~-6 USSR F Saratov-Astrakhan RR line 235 1+8 >a-6 USSR F Prob bombing range 33 miles NE of KAPUSTIN YAR; appros 100 bomb craters 235 ~+8 1+6 USSR P 2 pose electronic tracking sites extending approx 7 1~2 miles NE of u~i installation connected with launching sites (see camera 25X1 D 25X1 D 235 1+8 46 'USSR P Double-fenced area with 2 poss missile-launching pads' one pad containing u~i object; 1,500 yards 1VW of launching area are 5 ware ouse- ype s~ bldgs~ 1 Prob water tower, ,and 23 vehicles within ' double-fenced area; 1 poss tower outside area (see camera r 235 ?+8 ~+6 USSR P 2 Prob double-fenced storage areas connected by road 235 ~+8 ~+5 USSR P SAM site with herring-bone pattern similar to sites around NfiUSCOW; YO-YO is also visible;_ 2 poss secured storage areas and additional facilities 235 ~a8 ~+5 USSR F Prob test stanr3 in small gully 5 miles S of KAPUSTIN YAR 235 ~+8 ~+5 USSR F KAPUSTIN YAR; extensive new construction, RR yard, and u~i installation with 2 RR spurs E of town. SPB Form 10 (Revised) NOTE: Pags 1 bf..~ All exposure numbers are title Trna(m~bers. r ('HF~ Approved For Release 2~~/0~~~~~fA-RDP'7'~04753A000700010005-1 1 ~ Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-R[~P78T04753A000700010005-1 ~- ~, i fl~ SECRET CHESS CIA/RR-HTA MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY 25X1 D Date of Photography lu septiemoer ~y7 ( Report No. era MCS-3o-57 Date of Report 24 September 1957 Mission No. B x+059 WAC Photo Ident Coordinates o 8 . C t ,... s oun ry ~ = c Description BE No. Cam. Exp. Time Lat. N Long. E d a a ~ ~ 235 (+8 51 USSR F -open-pit mining area; 3 large and several small pits N and NE of Ozero Seder (reported. borax production here) ~Y paths 235 ~+8 (+7 USSR F Pontoon bridge on marsh, near establishment with 3 large and numerous small. bldgs; numerous tracks, continuing on next five exps 235 USSR F Secured inst a on gyn. 25X1 D 6 bldgs, 3 u~i small structures; 12 miles from a similar area on camera 25X1 D e 235 ~8 (+6" USSR F SHUNGAY Sta on Saratov- Astrakhan RR; settlement with group ~of (+ large, 9 small bldgs in fenced area; open storage, 3 tanks; heavy rest ns 235 48 f+6 USSR G Poss electronic tracking 5X1 D site; straight road leads ' ~ into road network on exp 235 (+8 ~+6 USSR G Prob launching pad u~c at SE corner of triangular area, consists of s tower . be$ide a block centered on a pad 200' square, several concrete revetments or entrances around pa$ with paved ramps to 2; 2 excavations in hexagons]. areas each approx 1,000' from oppos a corners o 25X1 B pad, with which they are " - connected by trenches which u c; . ence guar owers n n rtion fences around hexagonal areas; several revetments outside 235 ~+8 1+6 USSR G Prob square launching pad at NE .corner of triangular . area, similar to one u~c at SE end; with loop access roads and revetments or SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page- 2 of _37._ ~.: ~:. Approved For Release 2042/O~fO~RefA-RD'P7S'f04753A000700010.005-1 a '~ Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-R~P78T04753A000700010005-1 ~ ;; -T ~~ SECRET CHESS CIA /RR-HTA MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Oate of Photography 10 September 1957 I~ntp of Rannrt 2~ September 1957 B X59 Report No.. Mission No. . ? o +. D i i z .o pt on escr o as ~ ~ entrances; underground " components suggested by surface configuration and color tones and maximum security fences with guard towers see camera exps 25X1 D G Missile-launching complex with 2 prob launching pads at 18E and SE corners of " ~ ~ triangular area; network of paved roads and tracks linking secured storage "area, prob instrument bldgs, support bldgs; (see ~d25X1 D This entry summarizes rece entries 235 ?+8 ~+6 USSR G Two adjacent maximum security areas north of triangular area; prob storage and administration 235 1+8 ?+6 USSR G Maximum security area W of W corner of triangular area, with paved road leading throw 2-level bldg approx 25X1 D 235 ~+8 1+6 USSR G Secured bldg group with ' 6 large, several. small bldgs, motor pool, tower,: and stack; trench scars lead E across road to a maximum security area with 2 bldgs and u~i structure and E toward launching complex 235 5 USSR G RR line from Stalingrad; Volga flood plain 235 ~$ 51 USSR F Much track activity and surface working, poss borax and salt recovery SPB .Form 10 (Revised) Page ~_ of ~"~ Approved For Release 2G62/0~~2"RCIA-RDP'78T04753A000700010005-1 '- Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-R[~P78T04753A000700010005-1 ~. .~ i ~~ SECRE? CHESS ' CIA /RR-HTA 25X1 D MISSION COVE RAGE Sl1MMARY Dote of Photography to September 1957r Report No. xTa-MCS-30-57 Date of Report 2~+ September 1957 .Mission No. , B . ~-o~~ WAC Photo (dent Coordinates o .~ ~ . Countr D i ti y ~ t ,o ~ escr p on BE No. 'me Lat. N Long. E ar o. a ~ 235 1+8 ~+7 USSR G Lame bombing/missile range ~/many craters and approx 10 circular ground zeros; ~+ large squares w/smaller squares in center 235 ~+8 ~+6 USSR G ~+ pose down-range stations 1+8 ~+7 5 miles apart aligned in N/S direction and a 5th station approx 12 miles east of this line; poss . 25X1 D cable scars connect stations 235 4$ ~+6 USSR G Two prob cable sears, one extending from down-range station near small pond, the other connected to E/W cable which parallels Saratov- Astrakan RR; both converge and run approx 25 miles to missile-launching site 235 ~+8 ~+6 USSR G 6 aiming points, ~ a/c silhouettes, 3 u/i a/c 235 ~t$ 46 USSR G Missile-launching site u/c in large double-fenced area w/guard towers; one launching pad appears to be complete and another in ear],y stages of construction; site served by rail and highway many tracks and cable scars (see 25X1 D 235 USSR G 16 empty "U" -shaped revetments 235 1+8 46 , US5R G 3 aiming points SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page ~- of_~ Approved For Release 2002/0~/02"RCfA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 a i Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-R[~P78T04753A000700010005-1 ,~ r i t~R SE~CR~?~ CHESS 25X1 D 2~+ September 1957 Oate of Photography 10 September 1957 Report No. SPA-MCS-~o-57 ' Date of Report . ,Mission No. B ?+059 WAC a Photo Ident. Coordinates o ~.. . Countr y c c ,c ,~ Description BE No. Cam. Ex Time Lat. N Long. E o a a? ~ 235 t+8 ~+6 USSR G _ Poss missile launching site u~c, rail-served; several secured storage areas nearby 235 ~F8 46 USSR G ~+ Bulls, ~ Beagles, and 2 MIG-type a~c in open field 3 miles SE of Vladimirovka A,/F 235 ~+8-18 ~+6-10 USSR G Vladimirovka A,/F; concrete runway approx 7,200' x 250' oriented NW1SE with GCA system; loop-type taxiway w~2 small parking aprons on either end of runway and 3 large parking aprons in center of taxiwayy; firing butt et end of taxiway extension w~2 handstands SE of field; fence mainten- ance and poss storage facility w~2 parking aprons within fenced area; 2 POL storage, 1 of which u~c; 1 lar e h ar-t e bl w~rail service through bldg; a/c: 8 Bulls, 36 Beagles, ~+ Cabs, 1 Crate~Coach, 16 poss Flashlights, 6 Badgers, 8 MIG-type, 1 Colt, 2 prob Hexes, 1 u~i swept ~~ing jet, 6 u~i s~e, 1 poss u~i s~e 235 ~+8-17 ~6-13 usSR G Akhtyuba A,/F; nature]. surface runway approx 7,540' ' x x+00 ; a~c: 7 Beagles 3 MIG-type; field poss used as auxiliary landing ground 235 ~' ~+6 USSR G VLAD?1~IIROVKA; extensive new construction;, prob support facilities for missile-test area 235 /1.8 ~+6 USSR G AKE~YUBA; RR classification yaxd and prob brickyard; b00' steel-truss RR bridge SPB Form 10 (Revised) CIA /RR-HTA MISSION COVE RAGE SUMMARY Page ~ of 37 Approved For Release 2~2/O~~~R~IA-R~P7">~04753A000700010005-1 ~ t f Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : ~IA-RD~P78T04753A000700010005-1 TOE SECRET CHESS CIA /RR-HTA 25X1 D MISSION COVE RAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography 10 SeAtember 1957 Report No. ~A-MCS-3o-57 Dote of Report 24 september-1g57 Mission No. B 4059 WAC Photo Ident Coordinates o . Countr tion D i 8s y ~ z .o escr p BE No. Time Lat. N Long. E o a a ~ o: 235 48 46 USSR G PETROPAVLOVSKIY; dock facilities on Volga River; barge-repair yard; poss salt mill; POL storage 235 48 45 USSR G STARITSA; agricultural village 235 48 USSR G CIRaR1VYY YAR; dock facilities on Volga River 247 47 51 USSR F 11 POL storage tanks; prob fish cannery on Ural River 247 47 51 USSR P GURYEV; heavy clouds 247 46-55 51-40 USSR G Petroleum port, sand island axes; basin and dockage for two large tankers, one occupied by 290' tanker; POL storage with two 100'-diem tanks, two smaller tanks; poss pipeline leading NE 247 46 51 USSR G Workers' settlements along Kurilkin River 247 47 52 USSR G Workers' housing and salt working along Ural River 247 46 51 USSR G Lighthouse on small bar SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page 6 of 37 Approved For ReleaseT2~2/~170~R'CIA=RdP7$T04753A000700010005-1 Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-R~P78T04753A000700010005-1 i ?R SECRET CHESS CIA /RR-HTA 25X1 D MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography to september 1957 Report No.~ aTA-Ntcs-30-57 Dote of Report 24 September 1957 Mission No. B 4059 WAC Photo (dent Coordinates o .. & . t C .. i ti D ry oun ~ t ?o ~ escr p on BE No. Cam. Ex Time Lat. N Long. E v a a o= 247 46 51 USSR G Approx 10 cargo-type boats 247 47 51 USSR G Salt workings 248 45 43 USSR F DIVNOYE; 6 large warehouse- type bldgs pose for grain storage; small RR yard; turn- . around; approx 40 open grain- storage stacks adjacent to RR turn-around; 4 round storage tanks; 7 poss POL storage tanks (2 larger 5 medium) 248 45 43 USSR F DERBETOVKA; a large area of the village has been abandoned 25X1 D 248 44 43 USSR P PYATIGORSK; mining activity' u~i industry storage facilities along RR, NIPS 248 44-03 43-O1 USSR 'F Pyatigorsk F; see camera 25X1 D 2 7 U SR G KE[~ B 248 46 43 USSR G BISLYUR~A; prob RR line u~c~ graded and drained 248 5 3 USSR G - Small u i mining operation SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page _~ of ~ Approved For Release 2002/~~~R~IA R~P7'8T04753A000700010005-1 ~~ ....___._.' Approved For Release 2D02/01/02 : CIA-R[IP78T04753A000700010005-1 i OR SECRET CHESS CIA /RR-HTA 25X1 D ~ M ISS I ON COVE RAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography 10 September 1957 Report No. Date of Report 24 September 1957 Mission No. , HTA-MCS-34-57 B 4059 WAC photo Ident Coordinates o .. a . C untr ,. ti D i y o ~ r ?o ~ escr p on BE No. Cam. Exp. Time Lat. N Long. E car a a ac 248 45 43 USSR G vozNESEivsxoY~ 2 3 USSR G Pyatigorsk uranium mines; and 42 mines, spoil banks, and 249 exploration trenches encircle Gora Beshtau and Gora Sheludivaya, NW~of ati orsk? new roads? new settlement of multiple- - housing units u/c N of Gora Sheludivaya 248 44 43 USSR G ZI~LEZNOVODSK; RR apur and 3-track terminal 248 44-03 43-01 USSR G Pyatigorsk A,/F; sod landing area approx 1,700' x 1,800', can extend N or W; one terminal, 1 other bldg; 4 revetments; prob POL storage; ace 1 Colt, 7 u~i light conventional a c (see camera 25X1 D 2 3 USSR G PYATIGORSK; RR station and yards, warehouse group, lumber storage area with bldg group u~c, two lime plants, quarry N of town 248 43 43 USSR G Abandoned RR line; rails gone, most bridges out; f=er junction, X1D 248 43 43 USSR G Diversion dam and Ter canal 248 47 45 USSR G TSAGAN-NUR and TUIQUNSK; poss salt workings SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page $ of.~ Approved For Release 2~b~/O~~~R~IA-R~F~'/>~04753A000700010005-1 Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : ~IA-RdP78T04753A000700010005-1 i ?~ SECRET CHESS CIA /RR-HTA 25X1 D - MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography 14 September 1957 Report No. g`I'A-MCS-3o-57 Date of Report , 2~+ September 1957 Mission No. . B x-059 WAC Photo Ident Coordinates o a . C t ~,,., oun ry c c ?~ ,~ Description 6E No. Time Lat. N Long. E ar ii a ~ 2~8 ~+6 ~+ USSR G SARAKHA; pose salt workings 2 USSR G HIiARAmBULUK; MCS 2~8 ~+6 ~+ USSR G TROITSKOYE; MCS; storage facilities 2~8 ~6 ~+ USSR G STEPNOY, 2~8 /+5 ~+~ USSR G VAZDVIZFIENSKOYE; mainly agricultural 24$ ~+5 ~+ USSR G APANASENKOVSKOYE; mainly agricultural; MCS 2~8 ~+5 ~+3 USSR G KAZGULAK; mainly agricultural 2~8 ~+5 ~+3 USSR G STAVROPOL-KAV KAZSKIG 2~8 ~+5 ~+3 USSR G MALYYE YAGURY; MCS; agriculture storage 2~8 ~+5 ~+3 USSR G KAMBULAT? MCS? agriculture storage SPB Form 10 (Revised) Approved For Release 2~b2/0~1D~R~lA R~P~>~047 Page 2_ of ,~Z i Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-R[SP78T04753A000700010005-1 ,~ ;4 i ?R SECRET CHESS CIA /RR-HTA 25X1 D MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography l0 September 1957 Report No, a'rA-MCS?3o?57 Date of Report 2~+ September 1957 Mission No. B x+059 WAC Photo Ident Coordinates o a . C t +. oun ry c c ,c ,,~ Description BE No. a t_at: N Long. E a, ii a. ~ _ 2~+8 ~+~+ 43 USSR G MINERALe NYYE VODY; mining ` activity, cableway lea,di.ng from mine along RR, large RR locotomotive and car repair shop, POL storage, new c?nstruction 2?+8 ~+~+ml~+ ~+3-06 USSR G Ma.neral ? n~ye Vody. A~F; sod runway NW~SE 6,500' x 150' in a Poss landing area of approx 10,000 x 1,500; one hangar, 2 parking pads a ca 3 Coach Crates, 13 Cabs, 1 pass Cab, 3 u~i a~c, approx 5 fuselages stored in open, puss GCA facilities at both ends of field 2~8 ~?~+ ~.3 USSR G Poss military camp and storage; new construction 2 3 USSR G ALEKSANDRIYSKAYA; mining, u/i industry 2~8 ~+3 USSR G Power line 2~8 ~? 43 USSR G NEZ~OBNAYAe mining; explosives and POL storage; grain storage and puss mill; u~i industry 2~+$ ~+~ /+3 USSR G GEORGIYEVSK; Poss them plant, mina.ng, rail yard and repair facilities, u~i industry, storage w~10 large tanks 2~+8 1+~+ ~+3 USSR G GEORGIYEVSKAYA ., 1~? SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page 10 of 37 Approved For Release 2~U2/O~~~R~IA RUP~8T04753A000700010005-1 Approved For Release 2?Q~Oa/0~~ ~lA I~pP.7S8ST04753A000700010005-1 '~ ` 25X1 D CIA IRR-HTA MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Dote of Photography 10 September 1957 Report No.. RPA-MCS-30-57 Date of Report 24 September 1957 Mission No. B x+059 WAC Photo (dent Coordinates o & . ~ C t ~.. oun ry ~ _ ,a ~ Description BE No. Cam. Exp. Time Lat. N Long. E v a o. oc 2~+9 ~+5 42 USSR F Il'ATOVO; 11 large ware- house-type bldgs used pose for grain storage; RR-served 2~+9 ~+5 42 USSR F 5 large warehouse-type bldgs east of KNIGINSKOYE; RR served 2~9 ~+5 ~+2 USSR F KUGUL'TA 2~+9 ~+5 ~+2 USSR F Poss strip mining acl.,jacent to the town of PELAGIADA 2~+9 ~+5 ~+2 USSR G 6 underground storage tanks connected to new A~F u~c - near MIICHAYIAVSKOYE; Poss concrete plant for construc- tion of A~F adjacent to POL tanks (see camera. 25X1D 25X1 D 2~+9 .45 ~+1 USSR F Agricultural storage NW of MIKHAYIAVSKOYE 2~+9 ~+5 ~+l USSR F 1 large "H= shaped institutional-type bldg u~e, and 9 large bldgs and l0 small bldgs; this area adjacent to Stavropol West A,/F 2~+9 45 41 USSR ~' Agriculture storage west of STAVROPOL 2~+9 45 ~+1 USSR F Poss small hydroelectric plant S of SENGILEYEVSxAYA SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page 11 of..3~ Approved For Release 2Zfb2/O~~~R~IA R~P~~04753A000700010005-1 +~I rr I~ I~ [~ r I~ +~Ifi ~ r r ~ sw lid rr Approved For Release-2002/01/02 : ~IA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 '~ ~' i O~ SECRET CHESS CIA/RR-HTA 25X1 D Date. of Photography MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY 10 September 1957 Report No. , Date of Report 24 September 1957 Mission No. B 4o~A WAC & Photo Ident: Coordinates untr C c o } i ti D BE No. Lat. N Long. E y o ar c ~ a o_ ,~ ~ escr p on . 249 44 41 USSR P ARMAVIR; RR classification yard . 249 44-58 41-07 USSR P Armavir A,/F; 2 POL storage areas, approx 16 handstands, est 6,000' x 195' concrete r~w extensible at both ends, large parking apron,-poss a~uno storage, modified loop taxiway with 2 interlinks to r~w, poss firing butt, smaller loop on SW side of r~w with a prox 12 hard- 249 44 41 USSR F New RR and poss new pipeline between ARMAVIR and KONOKOVO 249 44 41 USSR F Poss agricultural storage; 12 large warehouse-type bldgs adjacent to KAZ'MINSKOYE 2 9 1 USSR F Agricultural town of - BEIAMECHETSKAYA with approx 7 warehouse bldgs (poss agricultural storage) S of town 249 2 USSR P CHERKESSK; poss mining; 11 warehouse-type bldgs, poss agricultural storage 249 44 42 USSR F Agricultural village with - ;~~. 5 poss tractors 249 44 42 USSR P YESSINTUKI 25X1 D 249 45 42 USSR G MIKOLINA BALKA and SHVEDINO SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page 12 of 37 Approved For Release ~d~b~/O~TO~R~~A-RD~I"$704753A000700010005-1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ 4 Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : ~IA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 '~ '` T?P SECRET CHESS CIA /RR-HTA 25X1 D MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Dote of Photography la September 1957 Report No. x~Amr~cs-3om57 Date of Report 24 September 1957 Mission No. B 4058 WAC Photo (dent Coordinates o . & . C t ~.. oun ry 7 r ,o Description BE No. Cam. Exp. Time Lat. N Long. E o a_ ~ ~ ~ 249 45 42 USSR G ~BLACC3DAT NOME and KOi~Sl'Ai~'I'ITiTOVSKOYE; approx ~ miles SW of BLAGODAT NOYE are 2 sim~.lar towers 1 1~4 miles apart 249 45 42 USSR G K.AMENNYY; agricultural village, L grain elevator, 10 large warehouses, 4 small POL tacks 249 45?06 42-06 USSR G New ~P under construction 4 miles E off' MIKHAYLOVSKOYE; ruciway oriented E~W will be concrete, approx 8,200' x 2408 when completed; POL t fenced area approx 1 mile N of the field containing 17 ~aarracks-type bldgs, E wa~?ehouse~type bldgs, and 3 equiprr~ent yards 2~E9 45 42 USSR G RR line from junction E of MIxHAYI~VSKO~'E into SI'AVROPOL, several gaps in line 249 45?02 42-O1 USSR G Stavropol ~P9 sod landing area 3,700e x 2 200", 1 terminal bldg, ~ service bldgs, L bldg u~c; a~co 7 Colts, 10 Creeks, 1 u~i Light a c see camera 25X1 D 249 45 41 USSR G S~AVROPOL,~ RR terminal, 45 42 yards and shops, new RR u~c Leading SE and NE, POL an,~ gas store, industries and warehousing near RR several bl sin city and new housing area on S border u~c, quarries or strip mines S o~ city with large u~i processing plat adjoining one 249 45-O1 41-53 USSR G Stavropol West A/F; a co 3 Creeks, 6 u,/y light a/c, 1 u~i gl3.der, 2 s~.lhouettes; sod landing area 4,000' x 5x000? SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page .~ of 37 Approved For Release ~0~2/0~/+9~R~IT -F~04753A000700010005-1 i w +~ rru s ~ ~ ~ r~ I. r~ r ~ r ~ r r Approved For Release ~QQO~/01 ~ ? ~q ~p T04753A000700010005-1 ~~ ` I 25X1 D i U~ S~~F~~! LI-I~$~ ' CIA /RR-HTA MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography to September 1957 Report No. BTA-MCS-3o-57 Date of Report ~~' September 1957 Mission No. B 4059 WAC Photo (dent Coordinates o . & C t +. oun ry ~ _ .o Description 6E No. Time Lat. N Long. E o o_ a ~ ~ 249 44 41 USSR G TATARSKOYE; new highway leading S and RR line u~c leacl.U.ng W 25X1 D 249 44 41 USSR G Nevinnomyssk Canal? section on wx wo constructions s still open 25X1 D 249 1 USSR G NADZORNX on Kuban River; Canal Nevinnomyssk enters -here, does not re ~uAn to river as I~TL 37-12 of AMS Series N Ol shows (see 25X1 D 249 44 41 USSR G Station and ~-track yard, .Rostov-Baku RR 25X1 B 249 44 41 USSR P BOGOSLOVSKOYE; 4-track RR G yard and warehouse group 249 44 41 USSR G Nevinnomyssk Canal and diversion dam, Kuban. River 249 44-40 41-55 USSR G Nevinriorr~yssk A/F; concrete runway 39200' x 26ot u/c using prefabricated blocks; prob drainage u~c; construc- tion-materials yards SE of A~F; present A~F 49200" x 6,500', expansion poss to NE and, NW; no a~c 249 44 4i USSR G NEVINNOMYSSK; RR function and Kuban River bridge, yards, shops, and locomotive repairs; warehouse area, POL and gas storage; several bldg groups u~c SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page 14 of 37 Approved For Release ~~b~/O~ID~R~IA-RD~$"f04753A000700010005-1 25X1 D Approved For Release 200201/02 : ~IA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 ~- ` TOP SECRET CHESS CIA /~R-HTA MISSION CG'/ERAGE SUMMARY Dote of Photography to September 1`~Report No. ~ ~A-~S-3o-57 Dote of Report 2~+ September 1957 Mission No. B x+059 WAC Photo Ident Coordinates o 8 . C t } t oun ry ~ _ ?o ~ Description BE No. Time Lat. N Long. E or a. a. ~ 24.9 ~-~? ~+2 USSR G GORA BYIC uranitmt area NW of PYATTGORSK; approx 10 active mines 2~-9 ~~ ~+2 USSR G Thermal or thermochemical processing plant RU of G~ora Sheludivaya, with coal storage, thermal power plant with 2 stacks, battery of 8 small tanks, 2 eooling towers, 1 large and 2 smaller warehouse-type bldgs, 3 large monitor- roofed bldgs, and 5 others, all connected by overhead pipes or conveyors, and administration and support bldgs; area served by extension of RR branch 249 ~+5 ~+2 USSR G PE1'ROVSKOY; mining; NFrS; puss mofior-vehicle repair; u~i industry; RR yard and poss RR shop; new construction 2~+9 ~-5 ~2 USSR G SPITSEVSKOYE; mainly agricultural 2~+9 5 1 USSR G BESHPAGIR; RfiPS, agricultural storage, mining 2~+9 ~+~ ~+1 USSR G High-pre Sure-head power plant or. canal approx 3 25X1 D SE il f O A m es o B G SIAVSKOYE; also sma:~,l transformer yard (see 2~+9 44 ~-1 USSR G BUGASLOV~i~OYE; mining; mainly a~.:,icultural 2~+9 ~~ ~+l USSR G OL' GINSKOY i;; mining, u/i industry, .torage facilities, approx ~+fl0" rail bridge SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page _~ of _3~ Approved For Release Z~ 09'/~~:`EI14-F~Y7P~8~04753A000700010005-1 i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ f? ~ Approved For Release .~QQ~/0~~~~~~-~2HESS O4753A000700010005-1 ~ t CIA /RR-FiTA 25X1 D MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY "Date of Photography 10 September 1957 Report No. ~E=-ly~cs-~o-57 2~- ueptember 1.9 Date of Report 53 . B X059 Mission No. WAC Photo Ident Coordinates o 8 . C t .~. i s oun ry ~ _ ,o Descript on BE No. C ime Lat. N Long. E ar a o_ ~ ~ _ 2~.9 ~~+ ~+2 USSR G mail yard w~approx 130 cars 2 9 ~+2 USSR G KTJ..~cS~UKA.; rail yard9 u~i industry,, poss storage area 2~-9 ~?~? ~+2 USSR G U~'i fenced area 32~+ ~3 ~2 USSR P Poss uranium mining; mines located south of YRSSENTUKI 32~- 3 42 USSR P KISLOVODSK 325 ~3, ~+3 USSR P 3 poirer lines from PYATIGORSK to KYZBURUIV PERVY 325 ~+3 ~3 Ussx F ZOL'SKAYA 325 43 ~+3 USSR F Iv~~ " 325 ~3 ~-3 USSR F xuBA ` 325 ~+3 ~-3 Ussx"; P KYZBURUN VTOROY and KYZBURUN PERVY; expansion is present in both towns SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page 16 of._.~Z TOP SECRET CHESS Approved For Release 2A02/01/02:CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 I? i . ~ ~ li ! ~ ~ i ~ ~ r? i i . _ _... pp ,-. A roved. For Release ~ Q02/01/02 : ~IA-RdP78T04753A000700010005-1 ~~ z i U~ SECRET CHESS 25X1 D CIA/RR-HTA - MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography l0 September 1957 Report No. ATA-MCS-30-57 Date of Report 24 September 1957 Mission No. B x+059 WAC Photo Ident Coordinates o . & C t ~.. oun ry c o .~ ,~ Description BE No Cam. Ex Time Lat. N Long. E o a a ~ _ 325 ~+3 ~+3 USSR P BAKSAN, STARAYA KREPOST, and KYBURUN TRETIY 325 ~+3 43 USSR P SAKSANENOK and KISHPER 325 ~3 ~+3 USSR P CHEGEM VTOROY and CHEGEM PERVY 325 ~+3 ~+3 ussR P NAL' CHIIC, VOYLAUIN' ALEKSANDROVSKAYA, and NARTAN 325 43 43 USSR P New. u/i town NW of KAKI~NN . with a large industry serviced by RR facilities 325 43 ~+3 USSR F Poss abandoned or dismanteled military camp east of AZTUD 325 ~+3 ~+~+ USSR P PROKHLADNYY; large grain storages approx i+3 prob - grain stacks; poss.motor vehicle repair shop; brick-25X1 D yard and 2 prob agricultural stor a areas see camera 25X1 D 325 ~+3 44 USSR F Prob Nf.PS i I 325 43 ~+4 USSR F Hi~hway bridge approx 320' 1~j ng over Terek,River from 1~QZDOK to PREDMOSTNY, with other bridge pose u/e n~arby SPB Form 10 (Revised) ~ Page ~ of .~ TOP SECRET CHESS Approved For Release 2002/01/02 :CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 ~ ~ ? III ~ III r ~. I~ i _ III ~ I~ Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : E~1~4-R[3P78T0475$A000700010005='I ~ 1 ~+?~ SFC~~~~,,CHESS r' CIA /RR-HTA 25X1 D - MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography 10 September 1957 Report No.. Date of Report 24 September 1957 Mission No. R ~~ I~ ` Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : (IA-R~P78T04753A000700010005=1 { 4 i OR SECRET' CHESS CIA /RR-HTA 25X1 D MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography 10 Septexber 1957 Report No. HTA-r~~es-~o-57 Date of Report 24 September 1957 Mission No. B x+059 WAC Photo (dent Coordinates o a . C t +. oun ry ~ z ?o ~ Description BE No. Cam. Ex Time Lat. N Long. E a a a ~ 25X1 D _ 325 1+3 1+4 USSR s Prob pipeline pumping station see camera ~X1 D 325 ~+3-~+~+ ~+4-~+o USSR G ~ ?~Iozdok A,/F; concrete E'vJ runway 7,800' x 250', taxiway, and apron x+,800' x 250', all parallel, with connecting taxiways; firing butt; poss underground POL storage; motor pool; ? 5X1 D t 'several small bldgs with a least 3 Prob u~c; a c: 0 Bulls (see camera 325 ~-3 ~-4 USSR G ~IOZDOK; 8-track RR yard, warehouse and POL storage ? areas; ceramics plants near clay pits 325 ~+3 ~+5 USSR G Secured POL storage and 25X1 D Prob pipeline pumping station; i eline leads N & S 25X1 D 325 ~+3 ~-j USSR G ISHCFiERSKAYA; RR station with 6-track yard and turning Y; pipeline crossin.~ of Terek River u~c, appears to have deck for highway 325 Zx3 Z5 USSR G Oil field on summit and ' - N slope of Khrebet Terskiy, 8 I~~I N of GI;OZI~YY; at least ~~0 derricks, with collecting tanks, access trails 325 ~-3-21 1+5-~+O USSR G - Grozr~yy P~Iorth r~/r; sod landing area approx 2,540' x ~+, 500 t ; 1 hangar apprcx 110' x 160', several sma]_1 bld.gs; a~c: 1 Creek, 6 poss 325 1+3-22 45-;8 USSR G Groznyy Northwest 11,/F; sod landing area; end adjoining Grozi~yy North F shos~rn (see camera SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page 22 of~3_ 25X1 D Approved For Release 2~02/01TO~~~IA RDF~~~04753A000700010005-1 ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ I~ '~} illy 25X1 D Approved For Release 2002/01/02: CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 i ?~ SECRET CHESS CIA /RR-HTA - MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography to September 157 Report No. HTA-MCS-3o-57 Date of Report 2T~ September 1-957 Mission NO. B x+059 WAC 8 Photo Ident. Coordinates o } r Country c c ,c ?~ Description BE No. Cam. Exp. Time Lat. N Long. E o a a? cr 325 ~+3 ~+5 USSR G GROZT4TYY; petroleum-refining complex covering approx 2 square miles; RR station with 26-track yard, shops, 2 round houses for locc.motive repairs; industrial and warehouse-bl rou s see - camera 25X1 D 325 ~+3-17 ~+5-46 USSR G Groznyy East A~F; 2 parallel ' runways 6,x+00' long, 1 3,200' x 250' of concretes 700' x 165' of prepared base and 2,500' x 150' of natural surface; the second of older, u/i surfacing material; a/c: ? 1 Beagle, 1 Creek, .2~+ Fagot Frescos, 1 prob Mule, 1 prob Colt; south of field: 3 hangars, 5 small bldgs, 1 _. 8-gun AA battery; north of field: prob military h~ with 6 large, numerous -sma11 bldgs, revetted st e 1 motor ool 325 ~-3 45 USSR G South Grozr~yy oil field, wells, gathering tanks and related equipment; approx 20 sma11 POL storage areas; field lies south of settle- ments along ridge 325 ~+3 T~5 USSR G One 8-gun AA battery approx 3 T~1 S of center of GROZAdYY and 1 NM SE of 1VOVYYE ALDY vil~.age - 325 ~+3-11 ~5-~+~+ USSR G Grozz~yy~Goyty A~F; located 8 NM S of GROZBTYY; sod . landing surface approx 10,000' x ~+,ooo~ to 6,000'.; a~/c : l~+ Creeks, 44 prob Max; L storage, 1 large and se~veral small bldgs, equip- me"nt sheds; no hangars ~~ - ~~ ~?e _ SPB Form IO (Revised) T_ Page ?~ of.~ ~~ TOP SECRET CHESS ~ Approved For Release 2002/01/02 :CIA-RDP78T04753A000700b10005-1 _ ____ }~ ... is Approved For Release 2002/01%02 : C:IA-R P78T04753A000700010005-1 ~` i C~~ SECR~ CHESS 25X1 D CIA /RR-HTA M ISS I OIV COVE RAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography l0 September 1957 Date of Report , 2~+ September 1957 HTA-MCS-30-57 B x+059 Report No. , Mission No. WAC Photo (dent Coordinates o .. 8 . Countr i ti D s y ~ z c escr p on 6E No. Time Lot. N Long. E c~ a a ~ ~ 325 41 ~+ USSR G Defences of Tbilisi perimeter; 8-gun AA battery located E of reservoir; 6-gun AA batteries 2./+ and 3.O NM N of Tbilisi~Orkhevi A,/F; -gun battery 1 NM E of last; 6-gun battery 1.~+ NM S of reservoir 325 ~-1-~+0 ~+-57 USSR G Tbilisi/Orkhevi 1~/F; NW-SE concrete runway 8,000' x 200'; taxiways and hard- stands; 3 lattice towers in line with. and approx 2,700', 3,500', and 3,900' E of, runway; terminal bldg x+00' x 60' and loot u/c; 2 hangars, 1351 x 220' and 100' x 100'; equipment shed, other bldgs, 1 with poss radar on roof; small fenced bldg in line with and approx .l, 5001 W of runway; a~c: 12 Cabs, 9 Coach Crates, Nktles, 5 Creeks, 1 Colt, 3 Hounds; radar on hill N of terminal bldg; 8-gun AA battery S of field; revetted explosives .and other storage in max3.m~un security area W of field 325 ~+1 1+4 USSR G Communications station; consists of bldg approx ~+5' x 65' , with ~+ towers, and small bldg with 2 towers, in secured area approx 3 NM NE of Tbilisi . Orkhevi A~F and 4 NM NW of Tbilisi~Vaziani A,/F 325 ~+1-41 ~+~+-53 USSR G Tbilisi~Navtlug A,~F; E half of natural surface land3ng2 5X 1 D ground; no a~c or bldgs; revetments old not maintained ( see SPB Form 10 (Revised) Poge 2~ of ~Z -TOP SECRET CHESS Approved For Release 2002/01/02 :CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 Approved For Release.2 0~?/01 ~ ?S,SW1~Q~z~T04753A000700010005-1 ~ ' ~, s~~.~~; (..tt-71 J CIA /RR-HTA 25X1 D MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography 10 September 1957 Date of Report 24 September 1957 B 4059 Report. No. .Mission No. WAC Photo Ident Coordinates o }. 8 . t C i ti D c oun ry ; = c ~ p on escr BE No. Cam. Exp. Time Lat. N Long. E o a a ~ 325 41 44 USSR G TBILISI; RR junctions and associated industrial area25X1 D at E end of city; pipelines and wire lines leadi E (see camera 325 41-38 45-02 USSR G Tbilisi/Vaziani A/F.; W end of runt see camera 25X1 D 325 41-39 44-56 USSR G Tbilisi/Soganlug A/F; concrete runway 5,80C' x 250'; taxiways and hand- stand; no hangars; 1 cheek-out shed; a/c: 2 Cabs 325 41 44 USSR G RUSTAVI; W side along rive~?~X1 D bridge and concrete dam; water works and settlement W of river (see (Note: area 25X1 D reported on some maps as pose Agtaglya A/F, W of RUSTAVI, is cultivated land) 325 41-32 44-50 USSR G Tbilisi South A/F Site; bombing range with 4 bombing targets; one group of 10 plane silhouettes, 1 group of approx 15, Frith numbers beside most; other numbers, also the Cyrillic letters KP; looks very clean, ~rithout craters 325 41-28 44-47 USSR G Tbilisi/Bandar A,/F; concrete runway NL7-SE 3,200'; second .. runway, oriented 1~E-SW, has 3,200' x 250' concrete surface plus. 3,200' x 250' natural surface extension; l_0 mist bldgs, 1 zrith a mast; equipment sheds, motor pool; POL storage; 1 pose firing butt; a/e: 3 Fagot Frescos, 2 Greeks, 1 s/e a/c u/i SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page ?~ of 37 TO? SECRET CHESS Approved For Release 2002/01/02 :CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : ~:IA-R~P78T04753A000700010005-1 s Q' SECRE; CHESS 25X1 D CIA /RR-HTA MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Dote of Photography 10 September_1957 Date of Report , 2~+ September 1857 HTA-BZCS-3o-57 $ x+059 Report No. Mission No. WAC Photo Ident Coordinates o & . C t } D i i oun ry ~ _ ,o escr pt on BE No. Cam. Ex Time Lat. N Long. E car a a ~ o: 325 ~+1 ~+~+ USSR G SADAI~ILO; RR shipping point for quarry or open pit mine approx ~+ NM W of RR 325 ~-1 k-4 USSR G BEIVDIK; mining activity E - of toim, prob explosives storage, two warehouse-type bldgs within fenced area, new construction activity 325 ~-0 ~+~+ USSR G U/i to4ra NE of AKORI, u~i industries and storage, ~ POL tares 325 40 4~+ USSR G TS~3'ER; 2 shaft mines and large ore-processiz~ plant . 2 miles N of town, strip mine E of town, flood- , control dam on the Agzy- Reyu Paver diverting water to power plant on Bambah River S of TSATt=-'I~t. , trans- former substation for electrified 1~R, RR bridge 220' to 325 ~+0 ~+~ USSR G _ I~IROV.taFi.~N; large prob chemical plant; military barracks area in center of tozra Frith 15 barrack-type bldgs, 30 warehouse-type bldgs, 3 prob trucks in - area; military barracks area in the W end of town with 7 barrack-type bldgs, g warehouse-type bldgs, 30 artillery pieces,. 25 prob trucks; power line extending from TSATER to chemical lent see camera 25X1 D 325 ~+0 ~+ USSR G Prob sawmill SE of VARTANLU 325 ~+0 ~E~ USSR G ~ Militaxy training area in mountains S of KIROVAKAN SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page 26 of~.'~ TQP SECRET CHESS Approved For Release 2002/01/02 :CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 sC ~ irr ~ w ~ sis' ~~ >lriit ~ iM~ +~t~ ~ ~r ~ ~~i ~ _ _. Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : t~lA=RdP78T04753A000700010005-1 t ~? i Oil S~C~~; CHESS CIA /RR-HTA 25X1 D MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Dote of Photography 10 September 1957 Report No. - H`j'A-MCS-3G-57 Date of Report 24 September 1957 Mission No. B 4059 WAC & Photo (dent. Coordinotes o ,._. Country o o .~ ,~ Description BE No. Cam. Ex Time Lot. N Long. E ca r a a ~ 325 40 44 USSR G _ Gyumush hydroelectric plant 14 miles N of YEREVAN; 5 penstocks connect with plant _:nd 6high-tension 25X1 D lines lead out of trans- former yard; smaller hydro- electric plant immediatel S see camera 25X1 D 325 40-1$ 44-34 USSR G Yerevan~Yegvard A~F; 2 graded earth runways each 3,1}00' x 260' oriented N~S and NE~S~:;, loop taxiway and 11 revetments; no other facilities visible; a~c: 1 airship; prob communications center with ' 1 large transmitting bldg and 2 antennae NE of A~F; W to a large bldg 400' long25X1 D by 150' at the widest part; small hydroelectric ~ lent (see 325 40 44 USSR G Communications center; 12 bldgs and 2 tall antennae . within double-fenced area with guard tower adjacent 25X1 D to military camp (see camera 325 4G 44 USSR G Military camps on N edge of YEREVAN; largest camp contains approx 75 barracks and warehouse-type bldgs~ 40 artillery pieces and 1$0 vehicles; radio station N of camp with 6 bldgs and 1 antenna, within fenced area 325 40 44 USSR G YEREVAN~ hydroelectric plant; 4 penstocks connect to plant, and 7 power lines extend from transformer yard; aluminum plant SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page ~of~Z_ Approved For Release 2002 012 RCIA-R~P78T04753A000700010005-1 Approved For~Release 2002/01/02: CIA-RdP78T04753A000700010005=1 ~= OP SECRET CHESS CIA /RR-HTA 25X1 D MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY 10 September 1957 Date of Photography Report No SPA-MCS=30-57 , _ . 24 September 1957 Date of Report Mission No B 405 , . WAC photo Ident Coordinates o f . & t C ti i D oun ry ~ = c escr p on BE No. Cam. Ex Time Lot. N Long. E d a a ~ oc copper rolling mill, synthetic rubber and chemical plant, underground POL storage, electrical machine plant, numerous other industries, storage and rail classification yards; military gimp in center of town with 55 barracks or warehouse-type v s? communications center E of town with 1 transmitter bldg and 1 ta11 lattice- type tower approx 500' high within fenced area 480' x 5b0'; 2 large highway ~~ bridges 1,100' x g0' and 620' x 95' located in city 325 40-07 44-28 USSR G Yerevan ~/F; hard-surface earth runway 7,200' x '~ 200'; 2 hangaxs, terminal bldg, shop area, POL storage, 36 revetments, ammo?~ storage; hard surface fighter strip 6,200' x i50' parallel _ to earth runway; a~e: 2 Crates, 1 Coach, 3 Cabs, 2 Colts, 1 Creek, 28 Frescos, l u i a c 325 43 43 USSR G NOVO-PAVIAVSKAYA; grain storage, u~i industry, poss mining activity, Mt'S with poss repair facilities 325 43 43 USSR G New dam, power plaint, and canal system in the ORIAVSKIY-PEGUSHIN area; new construction; NIrS 325 43 43 USSR G SOLDATSKAYA; large MrS, menu trenches and empty revet-~~ ments, rail yard approx 2 miles NE of town, u~i industry and poss storage SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page ?$ of.~ TOP SECRET CHESS Approved For Release 2002/01/02: CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : EIA-R6P78T04753A000700010005-1 i ?~ SECRET CHESS CIA /RR-HTA MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Oate of Photography 10 September 1957 Report No. Date of Report 2~+ September 1957 Mission No. IAA-MCS- O- B x+059 MIAC photo (dent. g Coordinates Country ~ o .- ~ o ~ Description , ~BE No. Cam. Ex Time Lat. N Long. E ar . a a?. ~ near rail yard 325 ~.3 43 USSR G PROKHI.~ADNY; locomotive 25X1 D repair shop, poss grain storage and flour mill, many trenches (see camera ^ 25X1 D 325 ~+3 ~+~+ USSR G Poss hydroelectric plant 325 43 44 'USSR P Pumping station with 3 large tanks and several bldgs in fenced area approx 5 miles from Mozdok A~F (see 25X1 D 325 ~3 ~+~? USSR G 1 poss Bull in flight 25X1 D 25X1 D 325 ~+3 ~ USSR P Laxge fenced storage area w~approx 60 bldgs, approx miles from Mozdok F 325 ~+3-~+7 ~+~+-3~+ USSR P M~ozdok F (see camera 25X1 D 325 ~+3 ~+6 USSR F GUDERMES; rail yard w~poss locomotive-repair facilities 325 ~+3-2~+ ~-QG USSR F Gudermes A,~F (far oblique); NE~SW poss black-top runway approx 6,000' x 150!; a~c: 21 M'[G-type, ~ poss u~i 325 ~+1 ~5 USSR F Bridge across Iora River, approx ~+,800* long SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page 2 of~~ Approved For Release ~0~2/0~/~2"RCIA-R:DP78~04753A000700010005-1 ILL ~- ~ tlr~ ~ ~ rrr ~~ ~ ~ r. r ~ ~~- ~ ~ Irr Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-R~P78T04753A000700010005-1 i ~~ SECRET CHESS CIA/RR-HTA 25X1 D Dote of Photography Date of Report MISSION COVE RAGE SUMMARY 10 September 1957 Report No. x~rA-tics-3o-57 24 September 1957 Mission No. B 4059 WAC Photo (dent. ~ Coordinates ~ o ,.. Country c o .~ .~: Description BE No. Cam. Exp. Time Lat. N Long. E car a a ~ 325 41 45 USSR G Power plant; canal feeding water to plant winds along base of mountains and in ,. several cases tunnels through mountains 325 41 45 USSR G Poss military camp with approx 200 vehicles 325 41 45 USSR G Two bridges,each approx 500' long, across Iora River 325 41 45 USSR G Poss military camp and training area; much activity, several gun positions (AA and field artillery) which appear empty; new construction 325 41-42 45-10 USSR G Tbilisi/Sartichala A~F; appears abandoned, Poss asphalt runway approx 3,0001 x 1501, 23 empty revetments, no a~c 3~5 41-3 45-02 USSR G Tbilisi~Vaziani ~/F; 1VW~SE concrete runway approx 7,2001 x 150', concrete taxiway w~approx 60 hard- stands and 2 parking areas 130` x 601, 2 large hangars; a~c: 13 Beagles, approx 74 MIG-type, 5 Flares, 2 puss u~i; POL storage area 3 NM N of A~F; douole-fenced poss amino area 2.5 NM N of F see camera- ~~X~ 325 41 45 USSR G Iaxge fenced communications center SE of RUSTAV7 contains large number of pole-type antennae and large communication bldg in SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page __3.0 of 37 TC?P SECRET CHESS Approved For Release 2002/01/02 :CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 Approved For Release ~QQ~/0~~~~~~A-Rp,P~S8ST04753A000700010005-1 CIA/RR-HTA MISSION COVE RAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography l0 _September 1957 Report No. ~A-MCS-34?57 Date of Report , 2~ September 1957 Mission No. B X59 WA_C Photo Ident Coordinates o . 8 t C ... D i ti s oun ry ~ = o escr p on 6E No. Cam. Exp. Time Lat. N Long. E car a a ~ ~ _ center of area (see 25X1 D 25X1 D ' 325 41 45 ,USSR G RUSTAVI; complex, 25X1 D metallurgical works,, nitrogen plant u~c, thema,.t power plP.nt (see camera ^ 25X1 D 325 ~+l ~+5 USSR G Krug DF; approx /+ NIK S of RUSTAVI communications center 325 ~+l ~5 USSR G ~droelectric power plant at base of hill; canal feeding plant runs along base from dam approx 2 1VM away 325 ~+1 ~+5 USSR G Poss mining activity 325 ~+0 ~ USSR G $ydroelectric development, including diversion canal, reservoir, penstock, power plant power line (see 25X1 D 3.25 ~.o ~+~+ USSR G RR construction 325 ~+0 ~+~ USSR G Industrial plant Poss ~a~c 25X1 D 325 ~+0 ~ USSR G Secured communications installation (see - 25X1 D 326 ~+0-0~+ 53-2~+ USSR P Yangadzha A,/F; concrete r/w', approx 6, x+00' x 1~0' , extensible at both ends; taxiway SW of r~w with 2 connecting access taxi SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page ~1 of.~,Z Approved For Release ~ab~/O~iD~R~IA-R~04753A000700010005-1 Approved For Release 2002/01/02: CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 i ~R SECRET Cl-oESS CIA /RR-HTA MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography 10 September 1957 Report No. ~A-MCS-3o-57 Date of Report 2~ September 1957 Mission No. B x+059 WAC . Photo Ident Coordinates o ~. . & t C ~ ti D i oun ry ~ = c escr p on BE No. Cam. Exp. Time Lat. N Long. E d a a ~ o: strips; arrow=shaped alert apron at each end of r/w; POL storage; firing butt; no hangars visible; served by both RR and hwy; approx 15 barrack-type bldgs; a c: ? 28 u/i fighters 25X1 D 326 _ 40 53 USSR G New u/i installation 6 miles E of KRASNOVODSK; extensive strip mining serviced by RR and hwy 326 ~+0 53 USSR F kpprox 17 a/c silhouettes, (10 bomber and 7 fighter type ) 326 ~1 52 USSR G KAR1~1-BOGAZ-GOL; town appears to be abandoned; approx 10 bldgs still standing, ~ appear partially sand _ covered; 2 boats?approx 50'- 60' long 326 ~-0 53 USSR G KRASNOVODSK; RR terminal and dredged harbor, with 4 large piera with track; 1,350' wharf with 6 large cranes; 1 265' ship, 2 230' ships, and approx 20 smaller ships in port; RR yards, shops, and locomotive re air see WAC 39, camera 25X1 D 326 ~+0 52 USSR G KRASNOVODSK; petroleum refinery and tank farm with RR siding; underground storage adjoining on NE ~ 326 ~+0-03 52-59 USSR G Krasnovodsk A~F; runways: N-S, 8,200' x 265' concrete; N-S, 3,200' x 265' concrete; old E-W runway used as taxiway; unpaved taxiways SPB Form 10 (Revised) ~ Page ~of~ Approved For Release 2002/O~IO~RC~A R~P7'8'f04753A000700010005-1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ s ~ Approved For Release. 0 /01 t~ DP78T04753A000700010005-1 ~ i ~~ S~~R~HESS CIA IRR-HTA MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography 10 September 1957 Report No. , I~I'A-MCS-30-57 Date of Report 2i+ September 1957 Mission No. B X59 WAC Photo (dent. Coordinates Countr ~ c o .- o ~ Description ~ BE No. Cam. Exp. Time Lat. N Long. E y o a a?. ,~ o~ , with 72 revetted parking slots, 20 handstands without revetments, ammo storage area and GCA system; POL storage and a/c repair shop; a/c: 2 Bulls, 2 Beagles, 20 Flashlights, 42 MIG-type, 2 Cabs, 1 Colt, 7 Creeks, 1 Hound, 10 Haze, 7 u/i s/e;.also~2 Hare and 10 MIG-type in shop area; defensesz 2 AA battexies,.l unoccupied; pole line leads 25X1 D N (see 25X1 D 326 ~0 52 USSR G Two communication centers, 53 located approx 2 NM E of and 1/2 NM W of A/F, each with 1 revetted bldg and 6 other bldgs; approx 20 poles 326 ~0 52 USSR G Electronics center.y very large u/i screen-like structure in fenced area approx 1 NM W of A/F; 2 tall masts - 326 ~+0 52 USSR G 2 poss radar sites; 1 W of Krasnovodsk A/F and N of co~rumxnieations center, 1 _ on bluff E of petroleum refinery 326 ~+0 53 USSR G Strip mining 326 40 53 USSR G 2 bombing ranges -326 ~+0 53 USSR G U/i mining activity, consisting of rectangular pit?near large pond from which a trench leads toward pit; looks abandoned; poss sulfur site SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page ~~ of 37 Approved For Release 2002/0~/D~"RCfA-RDP'78T04753A000700010005-1 Approved For Release 2002/01/02 :CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 TOP SECRET Ct-IESS CIA /RR-HTA 25X1D - MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography 10 September 1957 Report No. _ Date of Report 2~+ Sex~tember 1957 Mission No. . B4059 WAC & photo. Ident. Coordinates Country o o .. ~ c ; Description 6E No. Cam. Exp. Time Lat. N Long. E o . a a ,,,, ~ 326 ~0 52 USSR G Prob communications station; 2 towers beside a quonset- type bldg; puss power line from Krasnovodsk ends here; group of smaLt bldgs nearby 32 0 52 USSR G Poss communications station; 6 large and 2 small bldgs; _ ~+ prob trucks 326 ~+0 52 USSR G Salt recovery; 2 large ponds with d:rains9 narrow- gauge RR 326 ~+0 52 USSR G Dredged channel with "Y" mouth W of KRE1aNOVODSR (see 25X1 D 25X1 D 326 ~0 52 USSR G 2 large revetted bldgs (see 25X1 D 326 ~+0 52 USSR G l secured area w 2 bldgs (see 326 4~0 - 52 USSR G KIYANIY; lighthouse; salt workings; narrow-gauge RR; loading pier ~+ miles S 326 ~+l 52 USSR G REK-DASH; u~i pons research ^- station; new construction; several power. lines; electric power lines being erected 326 ~+l-3~+ 52-32 USSR G Bek-Dash A~F; 7,0001 x 110? black-top runway N-S; no a~c. 326 ~+1 52 USSR G Lighthouse on island approx 89000 yds off shore from ? Bek-Dash; 15 other lildgs on island SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page ~ of _.~3. TOP SECRET CHESS Approved For Release 2002/01/02 :CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1 _ I~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ Approved For Release2 / ~~ ~ T04753A000700010005-1 ` ~~ ~~R'~9~~~ CIA /RR-HTA 25X1 D MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Oate of Photography Date of Report , ~Am~tCS~30-57 s ~+~ 10 September 1957 2~+ September 1957 Report No. .Mission No. , WAC Photo (dent Coordinates 0 4. . Countr + ti n D i a y ~ ? ,o ~ escr p o BE No. Time Lat. N Long. E ~ . c a a. ~ 326 $1?~+5 52-30 USSR G Landing area; 6 bldgs, 5 tents; a/ct 1 Colt 33$ 39 53 USSR P CAELEKEN; oil field w/approx 1~F POL storage tanks, 8 oil, ~~.w.~:~~~i.sks; puss pinQli~.e; new _ construction and 1 pier; new city complex SE of CHELEKEN? minim activity 33$ 39 53 USSR P DAGADZHIK; mixv.ng;. approx 10 POL storage tanks; pipeline from C~T?F'~+'?~ to DAGADZHIK 338 39 53 USSR G Tower approx 50H high near E end of sand island SE of KIZYL?SU; prob navigation a.id 338 39 53 USSR G KIZY.LmSU; Yishing village, small boat harbor, and fish cannery; lighthouse; dredged channel to Krasnovodsk Bay (see 25X1 D 338 39 53 USSR G ~'OL port 3 NM E of KRASNOVODSK; 16 open re:servo3_;~ s, approx i00 tanks of various sizes3 RR sidings; dredged channel and turning basin with 3 piers9 1 with RR track; x+00' tacker anal 1 smaller ship alongsic~.e; reservoirs empty, poss repairs or u/c; s position AA batteries, prob radar site with u/i device on tall mast, supporting bldgs 33$ 39 53 USSR G N:~ys Krasnovodskiy; 13 bldgs in walled compound, incl lighthouse, lattice antenna, and poss radio station SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page 35 of .~Z Approved For Release ~OU~/O~~~R'CfA RDPT~04753A000700010005-1 >~ I~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `r ~ w r ~ ~ rl w "~`- ~ - - -Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-R~P78T04753A000700010005-1 z s ?~ SECRf? CHESS CIA /RR-HTA 25X1 D MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY Date of Photography to September 1.957 Date of Report 2~ September 1957 HpAWMCS- 0~ B ~+?~ Report No. NIIISSIOn No. , WAC photo Ident. Coordinates Countr o o t. 'c c tion Descri & BE No. Cam. Ex Time Lat. N Long. E y ar . _ ii ~ ,~ ~ p 338. 39 53 USSR G KIZYL-SU; small boat-bldg and. repair .facilities; dredged channel through I~ys Krasnovodskiy 8,000 yds SE of KIZYL-SU; poss 25X1 D f~..s3~. cannery in village S of KIZYL-5U (see 25X1 D 25X1 D 339 39 52 USSR G Dx?edging operation in channel through Krasnovodsk Peninsula (see 339 39 52 USSR G Two vessels, one sri.th large deck cargo, in Krasnovocisk ~' 339 39 52 USSR G KRASNOVODSK; military area W of city; fenced ammo storage areaa HQ?type bldgs, 12 - barrack-type bldgs and 98 small living quarters; motor pool with approx 66 vehicles; battery of 16 u~i AA weapons near shore, somewhat similar to installation in training area at CHIRCHIK,csee flTA- Mcs-29-57, p6, ~ 25X1 D _ 8-gun AA w positions occupied; dredged channel to 2. sm~.ll berths W of military ax?ea, with tracks to area and inland see WAC 326, , 25X1 D - 25X1 D 339 39 52 USSR G Channel through Nays Krasnovodskiy; dredging - operation underway with dredge and barge in channel; approx 5 barges, one-dredge, and 3 tug boats E. of mouth of channel (see - 25X1 D 25X1 D SPB Form 10 (Revised) Page ~6 of _~ Approved For Release 2Qd2/0~/D~R~fA ~DP?8T04753A000700010005-1 ~ ~, '' -- - Approved Fo~'Iea~00~02 ~ ~8T~3A=00~05~ ~ t 25X1 D TG~ SECRET CHESS CIA /RR-IiTA 25X6 MISSION C?VERAGE SURAPr~ARY Date of Photography 10 ~pte~be.r 1957 Report No. , HTAmMCSm30-57 Date of Report _ 2~ septem`~er x.957 Mission No. B 40~~ PB Form 10 (Revised Description Walled coffipound, pose w/guard towers; trenches in nearby area Qamichliye A~F; no a, Page 3? of.~Z Approved For Rele~~P149~i~~'~~: LC~~P78T04753A000700010005-1 ~pp~d ~e1e~201/,~~IA-~78~53~70~00 TOP SECRET T?P SECRET Approved For Release 2002/01/02 :CIA-RDP78T04753A000700010005-1