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sum" s - ^now hnm d Now UWAS low an" some hm" hood Approved For Release 2001/08/10 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000600010061-0 No. Pages : SECRE /`. COPY NO.: MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY - I MISSION B 1344 4 DECEMBER 1956 Declass Review by NIMA / DoD HTA-MCS-8-57 27 FEBRUARY 1957 WARNING: HANDLE VIA TALENT CONTROL CHANNELS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY I_I This document contains information usable only within the TALENT CONTROL SYSTEM. It is to be seen on a MUST-KNOW BASIS ONLY BY PERSONNEL ESPECIALLY INDOC- TRINATED AND AUTHORIZED. Reproduction is prohibited unless approved by the originator. DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. ^ H DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS & C~~ ~O NEXT REVIEW DATE: HR Avon, TOP' SECRET--40~ Approved For Release 2001/08/10 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000600010061-0 This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espions ge laws, Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, the trans- mission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 2001/08/10 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000600010061-0 27 February 1957 Mission No. 1344 err 1r..~ ~Ww 0 6OS4 6 i T crC r J Approved For Fd~eQPe 3%~'N8R'F6TChec-Wit04753A000600010061-0 Mission Coverage Summary HTA-SP Date of Photography 4 December 1956 Report Nom Epp. or 33-19 Long. E. 43-25 Country Possible military installation located 7 NM NN of Amman A/F SPB Form No. 10-Revised page 1 of --- Print ID Description T-2 A/F. no A/C activity. PM station located adjacent to T-2 A/F H-3 AA., no A/C activity, near construct- ! end old ~51ii RN. 27 Qebiale~ of _- Ry - - J. 1,F. -- Pumping station located adjacent to R-3 Rashid A/F. 4 C-47's BliDHDAD coMPLEX ghdad A/F. 7 A/C, 3 C-47, 1 C-54., 1 B a U/I ME, 2 II/I rS!.,L!4'ar installa neon adjacent to fielc. possible military warehouse & storage ate- K-1 (old) A/F, no A/C activity' Rashid A/F, 4 U/I A/C gnaw A/F, no A/C visible Mafraq (new) A/F, . ]14 A/C, 1O vampires, 2 II S/E 1 C-54.,-1 poss. Meteor. Matraq old. , no activity. Approved For Relea.T l1 1C: A'PG@' Q 3A000600010061-0 *MW tomw *mow r..Al a" .w ?ft Ie pcT ' ^ ~M c Now ` w wood W; +rw.r Approved For Relels1s~200'F~8/El~~E~Q-RB~~7>9'4~3A000600010061-0 Mission Coverage Summary HTA-SP 27 February 957 Mission No. 1344 Print I D Coordinates WAG Ex .or Cam. Tie Lat. N. Long, E. Country a Description 447 3152 35-28 Jordan G Jericho A/F, no A//C visible 3152 31-57 35-28 35-59 Jordan G Jordan F JF~FtICHO COMPLEII: Aanan A/F, 23 A/C, 16 Vampires, 3 U/I SE, Ir.-I, t r 31-57 35-59 Jordan F Amman military depot located west of 72 Vecicles 31-56 3559 Jordan F AMMAN COMPLEX 31-56 29-33 35-59 3459 Jordan F Jordan G Aimnan military depot S/W, 40 vehicles Aqaba A/F, no A/C activity 29-33 3459 Jordan G Aqaba military installation, 188 vehicles; T1 tan- axics, 38 pleees 04 artillery. 29-32 3459 Jordan IG Aqaba POL storage area 30-25 47-37 Iraq G Shaiba A/F, no A/C activity 30 47 Iraq G I Port of Basrah, 1-tanker (450'x65') & 1 cargo ship (97_5~L 30-30 47-49 Iraq I G AL BASHAR COMPLEX 30-34 47-46 Iraq G Basra A/F, 1 U/I 4g A/C 30-24 47-36 Iraq G Pumping station located 1 N.M. SSW of Shaiba AIF 30-25 47-37 Iraq G Shaiba A/F, no A/C activity SPB Form No. l?-Revised Date of Photography 4 Neember 1956 Report No. ms #8-57 Date of Report. Page 2 of Approved For Release/ RIE,D 4MA000600010061-0 %Duo imw `m rW ftw p ncrll p ,cr ir..r r.~1 Sri Irnl Ire. Approved For Release t6 QO8f~ QlAiR~P ZX00600010061-0 Mission Coverage Summary Date of Photography -4 December 1956 Date of Report 27 February 1957 HTA-SP Report No. rocs #8-57 Mission No. 1344 Print I D WAC Cam Ep.or Coordinates Lot. N. Long. E. 31-58 44-55 Country Iraq 1 a G Description Diwaniya A/F - 2 pipet Club type A/C 31-.8 44-55 Iraq G AD DIWAN17A COMPLEX 30-21 48-13 Iran F Abadan A/F - 1 U/I A/C 30-21 48-13 Iran F ABADAN COMPLEX 340 36 43 Iraq P Mosul Satellite "A"'A/F - no Alt 36-19 43-09 Iraq G Mosul A/F - one C-47 (taking off) 36 43 Iraq G MOSUL COMPLEX SPS Form No. 10-Revised Page _ I Approved For ReleaseT2)POfb'ES1000600010061-0 Uj LwJ 6,j 6a Approved ForRelease 2001/08/10 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000600010061-0 T P SECRET- Approved For Release 2001/08/10 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000600010061-0