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1, 1 Approved For Release 2001/08/10 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000600010059-3 COPY NO.: _2-- No. Pages : JQP SECRET`; MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY MISSION B 1331-A 18 NOVEMBER 1956 Declass Review by NIMA / DoD HTA-MCS-6-57 4 MARCH 1957 WARNING: HANDLE VIA TALENT CONTROL CHANNELS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS This document contains information usable only within the TALENT CONTROL SYSTEM. It is to be seen on a MUST-KNOW BASIS ONLY BY PERSONNEL ESPECIALLY INDOC- TRINATED AND AUTHORIZED. Reproduction is prohibited unless approved by the originator. D(?CUMEIV ivv. ;l CHANGE IN CLASS. iTOP SECRET I CL DECLASSIFIED CLASS, CHANGED TO: TS P,IEXT REVIEW DATE: Approved F6F in 8T04753A000600010059-3 This material contains information ' affecting the National Defense- of the United States within the meaning of the espiona,F-;e laws, Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, thy. trans- mission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 2001/08/10 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000600010059-3 Approved For Release'Adl?o ~ ,T ,q.- RU3A000600010059-3 Mission Coverage Summary Dote of Photography 18 November 1956 Date of Report 4 March 1957 HTA-SP Report No. Mission No. MCS 6- 57 Print 1 D Coordinates WAC Ep_or Cam. T6 me _-_ Lot. N. Long. E. Country 1. Description AL.Ladhigiyah (Latakia) 6'tankers .426 35-32 35-16 Syria G , 2 patrol boats in roadstead; 3 cargo s ips, other, in or. 35 35 F Concrete Dar. 35 35 " F Oil Tank Farm 34-54 35-52 " G Tartus 34-35 35-59 Lebanon G eiat A/F; no A/C; runway extension /C 3I 35 it G Tank Farm 34 35 Tarabulus (Tripoli) town and port; I ter - G .6argo ships in :ha`rbor; r.r. yd.. 33 35 G yrut Harbor; 19 cargo ships, 5 coastal -raft. 33-55 35-29 Lebanon G yrut. About 20 ships, (tankers & cargo hips) in harbor. " G eirut Intern. A/p, 6 Vampires, 2 prob. ampires, 12 C-1i-7?8 3-0541 s 2 C ' t 9 -97 , s, tankers anchored offshore; 2 tankers in of 4 anchorages consisting of half- irc es o buoys or pile clusters. Mooring lines show faintly. ' 4 -.F yI u FUJIII ny. iv-iwvuseu Page I of Approved For ReleJs v,l RE - SS53A000600010059-3 Approved For Release 2 0 /0 MW Mission Coverage Date of Photography 18 November 1956 Date of Report March 1957 Mission No; MCW-57 1331-A Print I D Coordinates WAC Ep.or Country Q a Description Cam. TIm Lat. N. Long. E. I_ Mafraq (old) A/F; large installation; 32 36 Jordan No A/C on field. 31 35 Zerga A/F & camp, No A/C 31 35 Amman A/F, 16 Vampires, 2 C-17's, 1 C-511., 3 transports 33 35 Lebanon F Metulla A/F in distance 33 36 Syria G Damascus Intl. A/F, 5 Meteors, 1 C7, 27 U/i SE A/C Sahl es Sahra A/F; no A/C 33 36 G 33 36 G Damascus 34 36 Syria G Underground irrigation conduits. 35 36 G Pipeline pumping e.ta (Hama) 35-07 36-43 F !'A 35-32 35-46 Syria G Al-Ladhigiyah (Latakia) 3 ships in harbor, 6 tankers 2 patrol boats in roadstead, 2 cargo Zips outward bound. 35-25 35-56 Al P Hmeimne A/F (aband) No A/C. (clouds) 35 35 G Tank farm & boat harbor. 34 35 Lebanon P rabulus (Tripoli) 33 35 F t SPB Form No. 10-Revised f r s wood to" ONAW 000600010059-3 Summary HTA-SP Report No. Page 2 Approved For ReleasTOP/ISECRIE *RW.SA000600010059-3 Approved For Relea 1 R Description Mission Coverage Summary Long. E. Country Metulla A/F; no A/C on field Date of Photography 18 November 1956 4 March 1957 anin A/F. No A/C egiddo A/F. Part of field. afraq (new) A/F (on edge of frame) 5 Vampires, 1 TE transport, 1 SE A/C. 8 vehicles, camp and installation. `OWN .mod 1rr HTA-SP Report No. MC57 Mission No. 1331-A A/F, end of runway Damascus mil. depot with 130 vehicles & 18 prob. artil. pieces. Sahl es Sahra A/F, 11 U/I A/C92 appear swept wing. Underground irrigation conduits. Hama A/F, no A/C, construction continues. R.R. c/y Ramle A/F, ll Vampires, Rehovet mil. camp, 4+1 tents 11 vehicles, approx. 80 'Poss. field art~ll nieces c_ _ Approved For ReleasT/o&:,.RE'NDR6846. 3A000600010059-3 6w 6=w 6now 6wo boo anaw bona Wood Approved For Release- 2AOY0615QMDAi'S9'A000600010059-3 go" Mission Coverage Summary 18 November 1955 HTA-SP ort No Re "06-57 ra h Date of Photo . p p y g 4 marcn 1y' ` rt f R t D Mission No; epo a e_ o Country Description area. 5 U/I SE A/C. Fgron A/F, 20 Ouragans, 12 Meteors, 6 C-54's, 19 C-47's, 1 C-119, 4 helicopters. Beersheba West A/F, No A/C. Jerusalem A/F; part of one runway. Jerusalem A/F; 1 C-47 transport A/C on SPB Form No. 10-Revised Page Approved For Release *&PB/ ~`1,R7 00600010059-3 Approved For.Release2001/08/10 blA-RDP78T'0 53A00060001 059- I:1 fl T SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/10 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000600010059-3