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No Pages: 6 ~~ Copy Ntprv&F& use 2001/08/10: CIA-RDP78TO4753A000600010027-8 ,WP SECRET MISSION COVERAGE SUMMARY MISSION-1316 OF I NOV. 1956 Declass Review by NIMA / DoD DOCUMENT W. 6 _.,. __.., NO CHANGE IN CLASS. D DECLASS!F1ED CHAN ED ! G .ASa. TV. T8 a r v ~` C NEXT REVIEW DATE: f~? e-urH: HR 70-, DAM: VREVIEwER: SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/10 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000600010027-8 HANDLE VIA TALENT CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY CIA/RR - HTA - M C S 23 A -56 Approve PorU2911W ill -PD TTAO ZTA",QPN Inssion Coverage Summery Date of Photography 1 November 1956 Date of Report 19 November 1956 HTA-$P- Report No. #23a l ission Hb. 1316 DBecription !B lbrm flO (revised Port Said and Fort Said A/F, 3 ships in harbor Road & KR approaching Gaza Strip, V. of E1'Arish Military storage area southwest of El'Arish El'Arish All? - no A/C visible EL'ARISH, town on coast Fortifications of Gaza Strip, S. end, S. of Rafah SUEZ CANAL (partly cloudy) EL MANSURA C/Y and POL storage Bir Mamma A/P - no A/C, new R,/W completed TANTA - C/I KAFR EZ ZAIYAT - industry Desert hyw. Suez Canal (partly clouded) 2 ships tied jjk_ib -pass El Firdan & Ismailia A/Fts (NE of Cairo) RR shops & radio station Inchas A/FF - 5 fighters (, Fagots, 1 U/I) Bilbeis A/"F - 54 fighters disbursed over field Poss. Vampires 5 pass. Meteors, 5 possible Fagots, 0 U A/F - noAld Military camp & storage area S. of Great Bitter Lake Page 1 of 6 A d 2001/08/10 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000600010027-8 Toy ~t6ftlf CHESS - LTD. DIST. NOFORN I 4P Approveed`Fbr 4~ 9901/ QA~&ASRD 1 47 A~~600>!QU'ZQRN fission Coverage Summary Date of Photograph 1 November 1956 Date of Report 19 November 1956 Ismailia w.. __ ;,1 Firdan 1/F's (in distance) 30 32 Egypt I P I Military camp S. of Great Bitter Lake ApnrnvV F (ease 2001/08/10: CIA-RDP78T04753A000600010027-8 TO SECRET CHESS - LTD. DIST. NOFORN B.B. Catego Hr*. Report No. MCS #23a ]Sssion Nb. Description 1316 Egypt ' F ! Kasfareet A/F - 1 probable Beagle visible smoke from par dng area Egypt ! G 1 Whse a storage area Approved For F~eleaase'ZDU1108' ~A~-Ffb4$-P4753 960NQfiQRN Fission Coverage S immary Date of Photography 1 November 1956 Date of Report 19 November 1956 PB Nbrm 110 (revised). B. E. Catego Ap e OF r lease 2001/08/10 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000600010027-8 ~ S Release 0-lESS - LTD. DIST. NOFORN 29-57 1 31-16 HTA-49P= Report No. MS #23a Mission Nb 1316 Military storage area Military camp (Huckstep) and ammo plant Cairo Inter. A/P., bomb damage and wrecked planes on runways--4 fighters (2 Meteors and 2 Fagots) 13 transports T3-C---47- I s, 5_C_-5_W_1 s, Crates 2 bombers (Beagles) A..maza AIF, bomb damage and disbursed Planes. 37 fighters 31 transports, 3 bombers, 13 U I S A/C. Cairo (partly clouded) Cairo - West - A/F (clouded), 6 fighters, (5 prob. Vampires, 1 poss. Fagot, 3 Suez Canal and Suez - 5 tankers and 1 patrol boat Shallufa A/F - (clouded) Helwan and He, wan A/F, in distance Cairo - (partly clouded) Inchas A/F & Bilbeis A/F - no A/C visible Textile mill and chemical industry near Kafr Ed Dauwar. Industry U/C !i Adi military camp TOP Approved For d47 h5016oNQ QRN a ease 1/ Mission. Coverage Summary Date of Photography __L November 1956 Date of Report 19 November 1956 HTA-SP` Report No. MS #23 a Mission. Mo. 1316 VW Tn Coor tes . o Cam Tine Lat. N. Long. E. B.E. Cate_-or: V Description _ 447 30-05 31-21 Egypt G Almaza A/F -bomb damage, 3 C-47's burning 30-05 31-25 Egypt G Cairo Int. A/F - bomb damage 30-20 31-29 Egypt P Inchas A/F - (clouded) 30 30 Egypt F Small military camp near Rosetta Nile 30 ho 30-00 Egypt G Desert hwy. 1+48 31 29 Egypt G Dekheila A/F - slight bomb damage. 5 fighters, 7 transports 31 29 Egypt G Alexandria - cargo ships - naval craft in harbor 31 29 Egypt G Alexandria A/F, 1 transport 17 31 30 Egypt G Abu Qir beach 31-22 30-15 Egypt G Idku landing ground, no A/C no A/C 31-22 30-18 Egypt G Idku radar station 31 30 Egypt G Beach - probable mine fields. (fronts Lake Burullus) 29 31 Egypt P A/F (in distance )(near pyramids) 29 31 Egypt G Sugar and alcohol refinery and small arms plant 29-30 31 Egypt G MaAdi and arms plant 30 31 Egypt G Cairo - Imbaba A/F in distance 31-20 30-15 Egypt G Abu Qir A,1F and Point - no A/C 31 30 Egypt G Beach at Rosetta mouth of Nile 30 32 Egypt P EL Firdan A/F - (clouded) 30 32 Egypt P Ismailia and Ismailia A/F -no A/C visible 30-32 32-19 Egypt F Probable wreck crossways in Suez Canal FB 'Form (revised Page 14 Appr~ F~9 .1 S1 C ESS~- LTD. DIST. NOFORN ripore a / AR 9L9W , nn nntCC Approve RU~~ lw9' 47S8b~0~60WRN Nissic'r Coverage Su nzary Date of Photography 1 November 1956 Date of Report 19 November 1956 RU-SP, Report No.. MCS 123a !fission Nb. 1316 Description Fay id A/F., 13 f ightsrs disbursed. or. field. 3 prob. Vampires, 3 prob. Meteors, Vampires O y . Port Said - no shi.-,s (p=rtly clouded) Suez Canal (partly clouded) 1 ship in notion - no wrecks visible Suez Canal (partly clouded) 3 ships tied up in by-pass. No wrecks visible Beach at Has El Barr mouth of Nile B arm #10 (revised) Ap I VPFpr~ J~se OMg S I- LTD TDIST. NOFORN Approv~e21"F'or ~9CPUQ'IU~GIS-RDk7T-D473~6NGN Hr1ssion Coverage SuiTmary Date of Photography 1 November 1956 Date of Report 19 November 1956 HTA SP' Report No. S #23a Aission Ho. 1316 6 of 6 A' ,pd?gC f2 tg CIA1 95 7$?I 753AO0 OFORN S *, a. R Approved For Release 2001/08/10 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000600010027.5 SECRET SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/10 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000600010027-8