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_ it - ao lid "=No Nomw pproved For Release 2001/09/07: CIA-RDP78T04750 No. Pages : I I SECREf LISTING OF TALENT REPORTS DOCUMENT NO, NO Cl~:4?4G - HTA/L-8/59 AUGUST 1959 ri.AS$. CHA ![:Fri T(1- TO NEXT F EV,E1V DATE: Q __- 1 O/i DATE: 30 r'tet- =~!L _. REVI AEf: W9 WARNING: HANDLE VIA ~ CONTROL CHANNELS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY PHOTOGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE CENTER This document contains information usable only within the TALENT CONTROL SYSTEM. It is to be seen on a MUST-KNOW BASIS ONLY BY PERSONNEL ESPECIALLY INDOC- TRINATED AND AUTHORIZED. Reproduction is prohibited unless approved by the originator. DECLASS REVIEW by NIMA/DOD pproved For Release 2001/09/07: CIA-RDP78T04 09AT 9-T 1 I* I" I I" I" "" I Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Sees. 793 and 794, the trans- mission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000500010033-2 LISTING OF TALENT REPORTS AUGUST 1959 PREFACE This listing includes all TALENT Reports received during August 1959 from the various components of CIA, the U.S. Air Force, the U. S. Army, the U.S. Navy, and the It is compiled and published in response to a reque from the ARC/UAB. All items listed. are on file in the central TALENT collection at the CIA Photographic Intelligence Center. The documents referenced in this compilation are listed by Originator and by General Subject. Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000500010033-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 EXPLANATORY NOTES Entries under the TITLE Column include the city or location of the subject of the report, followed by the type of installation C subject described by the report. Abbreviations frequently used in the TITLE Column are as folicws. I A/C ASK BW CW EXP GM GRND INSTLN PSOB MAW W PET PLT POL FOSS PROB PWR SAM SHPG SSM STA STGE TRNG U/C U!G U/I aircraft atomic energy air-to-surface missile biological warfare chemical warfare experimental guided missile ground installation microwave order of battle petroleum plant petroleum, oil, lubricants possible probable power surface-to-air missile shipping surface-to-surface missile station storage training under construction underground unidentified weapons yards 25X1 C The next columns are used to indicate the type and number of the report. "Symbols used for the various report types and their meanings are as follows : DPRI & DFIR-SP Detailed Photo Intelligence Report EIM Economic Intelligence Memo ELINT Electronic Intelligence Report IPIR immediate Photo Intelligence Report MCS Mission Coverage Summary MP Mission Profile MRR Mission Review Report SPIR Special Photo Intelligence Report STAB! PI Summary Photo Intelligence Report TCER Target Coverage Evaluation Report W U other report types, such as; Alerts, Briefs, Memos, etc. are carried in this column but are not abbreviated. LU The last column is used to record the report date. U W This is expressed as a six digit figure: the first two digits indicate the day of the month, the next two indi 0 cate the month, and the last two indicate the year in which the report was written. A report date of 10 duly 0 1956 would therefore appear as 100756, IWPNS YDS Following the title, the country location of the subject of the report is entered as a three or four letter designator. The next entry is a four digit number expressing the number of the mission from which the information was derived. Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 Approve lSFf Igpe ~/p19 07FyCI 1 [ P7&TP66 53A000500010033-2 j5X1D 0"7'1 I N A T 0 N^ CTRY TITL E V) W 'U W cy- W ~U CL Io 16-T USSR? GROZNYY AIR DEFENSE SITE 4315N 04543E 17-T USSR ORSK AIRFIELD AIR DEFENSE SYSTEM 5115N 05837E ul) U w ce- U W Lf) 0 0 F- Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 21X1D ORIGINATOR NO Ap Y2001/09/07:TQI DP78T04753A000500010033-2 ARMY BRIEF 5?59 USSR SVERDLOVSK MILITARY DEPOT PROB 5659N 06047E ARMY BRIEF 6-59 USSR MARY STORAGE FACILITIES 3736N 06151E ARMY BRIEF 7-59 USSR MARY AREA TRAINING CAMP 373ON 06142E ARMY BRIEF 8?59 USSR SVERDLOVSK ORDNANCE DEPOT SOUTH 5645N 06038E ARMY BRIEF 10?59 USSR CHELYABINSK MIL EQUIP STPG AREA PPOP 5307N 05223E ARMY BRIEF 11??59 USSR SVERDLOVSK AIRFLD 5647N 06038E ARMY BRIEF 13?59 USSR SVERDLOVSK MILITARY GARRISON 5646N 06034E ARMY BRIEF 14-59 USSR SVERDLOVSK STORAGE DEPOT 5653N 06032E ARMY BRIEF 1559 USSR BAYRAM-ALI MILITARY INSTL 3737N 06211E ARMY BRIEF 27?59 USSR SVERDLOVSK ARMS PLANT 8 5632N 06037E ARMY BRIEF 28-59 USSR NIZHNIY TAGIL RR CAR PLT KAGAN 183 5756N 06006E ARMY ARMY PIB PIR 4-59 9?59 USSR USSR SVERDLOVSK SERPENTINE COMMO FACIL ARMENIAN AREA STUDY 5655N 06038E ARMY PIP 1559 USSR CHIRCHIK ORDER OF RATTLE 41 N 069 E ARMY REPORT 1f`=59 USSR LENINABAD MILITARY INSTL 4017N 06930E I Approved For Release 20019/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 rTsW.2001/09/07 : IA4 DP78T04753A000500010033-2 J'INT BRIEF 11-59 C !T REP RT 1659 JOINT '?EP PT 21-59 UoINT Tp 1?59 .USSR TYURA TAU MISSILE LA'?N"--w rOVPLEY 4555N ~631PE USSR L K -1.IL SP 'accP URA.. YTS PEA S"5ITES FISHEBQNE ANTENNA CONFIGURATIONS 5 Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 2tXI D r'0 -1 NAT0P NO WaWy2001/09/07 :1QIALRDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 1'PI ` 4?`~i t S t'r.ri r ,, nIFRFLi 7,3K E E. F- Si 1 E 4Z,250y 130032E Approved For Release 2001//07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 2TID 'RIGINATC? SAC-1 DPIR 2-59 SAC-1 OPIR 3-59 SAC-1 DPIR 4-59 SAC-1 DPIR 6-59 SAC-1 DPIR 7-59 SAC-1 DPIR 8-59 SAC-I DPIR 9-59 SAC-1 DPIR 14-59 SAC-1 DPIR 15-59 SAC-1 DPIR 16-59 SAC--1 DPIR 16-59 SAC-1 DPIR 17-59 SAC-1 DPIR 18-59 SAC-1 DPIR 19-59 SAC-1 DPIR 20-59 SAC-1 DPIR 21-59 SAC-1 DPIR 23-59 SAC-1 DPIR 24-59 SAC-1 DPIR 25-59 SAC-1 DPIR 26-59 SAC-1 DPIR 27-59 SAC-1 DPIR 28-59 SAC-1 DPIR 29-59 X001/09/07: ff~f T P78T04753A000500010033-2 SSP PETSAMC GM SITE 6931N 03117E USSR KALININ GM EXPERIMENTAL STA. 5650N 03555E USSR PECHENGA GM LAUNCH SITE 6938N 03121E USSR MOSCOW USSR MURMANSK GM SITE USSR PETSAMO GM LAUNCH SITE POLD GORLITZ GM LAUNCH SITE PENZIG 25X6 48N7 03~ 25X6 6858N 03305E 6924N 03058E 5114N 01502E USSR KAUNAS GM LAUNCH SITE 5445N 02356E USSR PRIENAI GM LAUNCH SITE 5438N 02357E CZEC JOACHIMSTAL GM SITE 5021N 01253E CZEC OSTRAVA IRBM ASSEMBLY AREA POSS 5019N 01257E USSR TALLINN GM LAUNCH SITE 5920N 02444E USSR PALDISKI GM LAUNCH SITE 5922N 02403E USSR GOLITSYNO GM ASSEM & STRG AREA 5538N 03654E USSR SHEPELOVO GM LAUNCH SITE 5958N 02907E USSR SEVEROMORSK GM SITE 6903N 03329E POLD KOLBERG GM LAUNCH SITE 5410N 01535E CZEC BRDY MTS GM LAUNCH SITE 4943N 01355E POLD KOLBERG DEEP GM LAUNCH SITE 5408N 01515E CZEC GZYZOWICE GM LAUNCH SITE 4956N 01811E USSR BALTIYSK GM LAUNCH SITE 5441N 01956E POLD SCHNEIDEMUKL GM LAUNCH SITE 5309N 01.645E USSR KOLOGOMPYA GM LAUNCH SITE 5949N 02831E 1 Approved For Release 2001/69/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 25X1C Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 Next 9 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033-2 W SECkff oved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033 SEC pTroved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78TO4753A000500010033