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APproved` For Release 00002-4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AG E, Y WHITE HOUSE SUPPORT STAFF SUBJECT` Cambodian Military Situation .25X'1A Route 5 on the same day and reported no progress being made by the 7th,,Division.-:Fighting in the rest of,-the country was light and-the capital area. was quiet. Item No near KoinPongSpeu, where it is engaged in'tryng to reopen Route g. Limited progress was made toward that' goal. visited 25X1A A Mekong river supply.convoy is schbduied to bring rice and military supplies on Thursday: On December 28, Takeo and discussed the situation wth:its-governor-military' commander. Thy governor"' reported' that in'n` numbers.: he was about,. evenly matched with attacking troops, but that the z>.igrale of;, the defenders was lot and. his forces were lacking Distribution:. 25X1 A? 64) 1-4 %Zlcaf-f 7 /O G I?Z' tiara',' Jan 2 4 DIF ECTOR: WHITE" HOUSE SITUATION'gOOM Lt. Gen. Waltefs ^ EAP ,FILE The Hdefenders da not a'9.11.1 y.n.rel duifl.". I. 1 I. . 0 I07 niyyllan c ITgery~ 651 f1I. A U).r li Ilcb "e or.l 00.,. M.p..lr6l~~lpp II.~ e ( Impnt.lbl., In,nl dm."u.~rIM) Warning Notice Sensitive Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved proved `ForRe'lease 000109/1-RDP78S0192AO0I Ap r ued F9 Rele se 2000/09114 fiA~B0P 8 '1 3 A A ' 1 2a0002 # believe .they can take. offensive f action unless the Cambodian high command:sendsthem two more-battalions from the general reserve.` The._governor said he would , be' fortunate to hold Takeo for two 25X1A more weeks without fresh troops, and a large resupply of ammunition. does not consider that the Cambodian High. Command will send Takeo, because it places a higher priority on reopening Routes 4. and 5. Planned airdrops should replenish said'. his ultimate military goal is to expand his defensive perimeter some, seven kilometers to' secure rice paddiesr'and fishing areas that, could sustain the.population of 50vi000 during the dry season. He does not believe he,can accomplish this goal without, reinforcements, however.' SECRET Takeo's ammunition supply. Despite his pessimism, the governor Approvedfor. Release 2000109/14: 'CI-A--RDP78S01'932A0001'00200002-`4