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February 24, 1976
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Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : C
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Tuesday - 24 February 1976
Page 3
10. LIAISON I spoke with Vern Loen,
Deputy Assistant for Legislative Affairs (House) in the White H.3ou,usse
Office, regarding the Security Assistance Acts of the ,senate and House
and discussed with him the various problem areas and our concern
about them.
11. LIAISON I took a call from Bill
Keener, in the Austin, Texas. office of Senator John G. Tower
(R. , Texas), concerning the disappearance of the husband of a
constituent. I told him I would look into the matter and call him
1Z. LEGISLATION I attended the final
mark-up session of the Senate Government Operations Committee on
the issue of congressional oversight. At the end of the meeting the
Committee voted 12-0 to report a resolution establishing a new Senate
Committee on Intelligence Activities. (See Memorandum for the Record. )
13. LIAISON Prior to the Senate Government
Operations Committee mark-up session, met briefly with Jeff Record,
Aide to Senator Sam Nunn (D., Ga. ); Walker Nolan, Aide to Senator John
Glenn (D., Ohio); and George Patten, Legislative Assistant to Senator
Lawton Chiles (D., Fla. ), regarding the pending mark-up session. All
three of these men were sympathetic to certain Agency concerns, but
rejected other concerns such as the annual authorization requirement in
the Committee resolution.
14. LIAISON After the Senate Government
Operations mark-up session, received a call from Jim George, Aide to
Senator Bill Brock (R. , Tenn. ). I had earlier mentioned to George that
the Agency was not happy with certain provisions of the Government
Operations Committee's resolution, but we had not discussed our concerns,
as George had said Senator Brock would not be able to attend the mark-up
session. Senator Brock had asked George what areas gave us problems,
and I explained to George our major concerns were with the disclosure
section and the section requiring an annual authorization.
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Approved For Release 2001
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Friday - 27 February 1976
19. LIAISON Scott Cohen, Executive
Assistant to Senator Charles Percy (R. , Ill. ), called requesting that
the Agency prepare a 25X1
E: I is can be presented as a briefing.
he request was discussed with DDSGT,25X1
Acting Chief, AF/Division, will prepare the briefing
in coordination with AF/.Division:. I called Cohen back and
confirmed the briefing for 3:30 p. m., Wednesday, 3 March 1976.
20? LIAISON Received a call from
Duke Short, Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Internal Security staff,
advising that the Canadian Broadcasting Company had called him and is
I at an agreed meeting place in Northeast United
considering the possibility of arranging a television interview with
They will also consider giving a small remuneration.
SE/DB, was advised.
22. HEAR.MG Jina Michie, Senate
Judiciary Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure staff,
called to ask if I had seen the 27 January letter to John Warner, OGC,
from Justice offering no objection ? to the Agency's release of the documents
of destruction of the Agency's files on drugs. I told him I ha.d not but the
letter would allow our providing the documents which were already declassi-
fied and awaiting Justice's decision.
23. I LIAISON Called. Frank Slatinshek, Chief
Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and. alerted, him to the fact that:
we would be sending up to him today our Soviet Defense Expenditure paper..
He appreciated the notification.
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Monday - 23 February 1976
1.1 I LIAISON Spoke with Shelva Hoffmann,
on the staff of Representative Hamilton Fish, Jr. (R., N. Y.). She
had called to request an Agency speaker for of high school
students who would be visiting Washington on 23 and 24 March,.
After checking with OTR, and with Mr. Gary's
approval, I told her that would be happy to speak
with the group at 1:30 p.m. on 23 March. Ms. Hoffmann said that
she would try and find a room on the Hill. She said. there would be
approximately 50 students and that they would like the opportunity
to ask questions. I told her these arrangements were fine with us
and have relayed them tol A member, of OLC will
LIAISON Received a cail from
Carla Reames, on the staff of Representative William V. Alexander
(D., Ark.), who requested a copy of the Agency publication entitled
"Potential Implications of Trends in the World Population, Food
Production, and Climate." I told her we would be glad to send her
a copy, and in answer to her question, said it was our most up-to-date
paper on the subject.
3.1 I LIAISON Talked to Jack Marsh,
Coun _ .x' to the Prasideff, who returned the call of Mr, Cary, and
told him of our concern with respect to the assertions by the Budget
Committees for jurisdiction over Agency and intelligence community
budgets. I explained the contrary advice we were receiving from our
Appropriations Committees and asked if it was possible that the
Administration had taken a position with the Senate Governmxxent:
Operations Committee on the topic of authorizing legislation which is
a related topic. Marsh agreed that we needed. more Executive Branch
coordination and suggested a meeting between the Director, Mr. Cary,
himself c.nd Max Friedersdorf, also of the White Zlou:;e staff,. I urged
that any ,session be held soonest as the Senate Governnnxent Operations.
Committce would be considering this as well as other topics as early
as tomor:?ow.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Wednesday - 18 February 1976
4. I ILIAISON Tried to reach Paul Myer,
White House Office of Congressional Relations staff, regarding the
u ge ary meeting on Friday, 20 February. Mr. Myer was not in
and I requested that his secretary ask him to call Mr. Cary Thursday
morning regarding his presentation at the budgetary meeting. I `
reminded his secretary that we would have a car pick Mr. Myer up
and return him after lunch.
5.1 LIAISON I took a call from Bill
Florence, on the staff of Chairwoman Bella S. Abzug's (D.,, N. Y. }
Subcommittee on Government Information and Individual Rights,
House Government Operations Committee, who wanted to know the
status of the response to Chairwoman Abzug's,`letter re classification.
I told him that the response was in the final stages and, hopefully,
it would be completed by the end of this week or the beginning of
6. LIAISON I spoke with Denis
Neill, AID, regarding and the various amendments thereto
which affect the Agency. He really had no additional information of
value and suggested that I call his assistant, Bill Espinosa, for
further insight into the status of the matter. I placed a call to
Espinosa but was unable to contact him.
7. I I LEGISLATION John Childers, Senate
Government Operations Committee staff, called to inform me that the
morning mark-up session on congressional oversight had been postponed
for one day.
8.1 LIAISON Talked to Winslow Wheeler,
in Senator Jacob Javits R. , N. Y.) office, about the Senate Select
Committee formed in 1971 as a result of Senator Mike Gravel's (D. , Alaska)
reading of the Pentagon Papers at a meeting of the Subcommittee on Public
Works, Senate Appropriations Committee. Wheeler said he thought he could
find a copy of the report and I could pick it up tomorrow.
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Tuesday -- 17 February 1976
1. 1 I LIAISON Left with Jim Michie,
Senate Judiciary u c~ ommittee on Administrative Practice. and Procedure
staff, a declassified version of part of the Agency's response to the
questions posed by Senator Edward Kennedy (D. , Mass. ), in his letter
of 25 September 1975 as per the request of the Subcommittee. This will
be an exhibit to the Subcommittee's report and should close out this
matter with the Subcommittee.
2.1 I FOIA Called Wayne Schley, in the
office of Senator led Stevens . , Alaska), and discussed Senator Stevens'
letter of 3 February 1976 on behalf of I I explained to
Schley how requests were handled and the reasons for the
delay to his FOI request. I also clarified with him that ' F -
letter to Senator Stevens was actually
of our office, with whom Schley had talked to concerning this matter.
Schley felt that he will clarify this personally with Senator Stevens and
assured me it would be no problem. I told Schley that: our full. letter of
explanation would be sent shortly. -
3. I I LEGISLATION Called Ken Lazarus,.
Associate: Counsel . to: the 'President, and inquired as to the status of their
review ot our draft letter to the Chairmen of the Senate and House Judiciary
Committees commenting on
duced by Senator Charles McC. Mathias (R., Md.), and Representative
Goodloe E. Byron (D., Md. ). I was referred to the office of M_r. Ed Schrnu1t:s,
Deputy Counsel to the President. His secretary said she would check and
have him call me back. I made clear to her that we had heard nothing to
Later in the day, Ken Lazarus called me back and asked that we give
some rationale to justify the amount of compensation and suggested that
we coordinate our response closely with Rex Lee and Mike Uhlmann, Department
of Justice. He asked that our letter he finalized. by next week.
I subsequently called Tom Martin, Department of Justice, who
prepared State's draft r>port. We discussed the thru:>t of the Agency's
letter. I will send him u copy of our draft tomorrow for Justice's review
and comment.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4
Tuesday - 17 February 1976
14. LIAISON Les Janka, NSC staff,
called concerning an inquiry they had received from Jerry Warren,
now with Copeley News Service and former Deputy Press Secretary
for Presidents Nixon and Ford, for identifying information which would
help to refute an allegation to be made in an article by Jack Anderson
that some 26 employees of Copeley News Service were CIA employees
or on the Agency's payroll.
a call from Peter Hunt, on the staff of the Subcommittee on Energy
and Power, House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, who
had some additions to make to the outline of the briefing previously
submitted. The addition concerned the impact of non-free world oil
and gas production on the international energy situation. I told him
that since it was of a technical nature I would have OER,
who will do the briefing, call him. I notified
Mr. Hunt also asked if we could include in the, briefing anything
on silent aircraft. He explained that the Alaska pipeline would need
to be patrolled by aircraft but the environmentalists were raising issues
of the destruction of flora and fauna by the noise from the aircraft.
I told him I would check into the matter and call him back.
16. LIAISON I called Sam Goldberg,
State Department, and iscusse with him the status of Senate S. 2662
and the Tunney and proposed McGovern amendments on covert action.
He was not aware of either of the amendments but suggested that we
perhaps should contact members of the Select Committee on Intellige ice
who are also members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and
explain to them the problems inherent in the amendments.
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Thursday - 12 February 1976
1. I I LIAISON Called Mike Cornfield,
on the staff of Representative Michael Harrington. (D., Mass, ),in
connection with his earlier request for a list of the recipients of
the National Security Medal for the past ten years. t Based on
guidance from Mr. Jack Blake, DDA, and Mr. Cary, I told him
that the award is presented by the White House with the approval
of the President and, therefore, he should direct' his request: to
the White House. He said he would do so.
2. I I BRIEFING In the absence of
Marian Czarnecm, an jiifuur-0-r, House International Relations
Committee, I spoke with Jack Brady, on the Committee staff,
with respect to a briefing requested by Representative Lester L.
Wolff (D. , N.Y.), Chairman, Subcommittee on Future Foreign
Policy Research and Development. I told him that this was in
furtherance of our policy to bring such requests to the attention
of the Chairman of the full Committee. I told him the date set was
19 February and that it would be in executive session, with no
attribution and that it would cover the Soviet-Chinese-U. S. power
triangle but that nothing would be said with respect, to U. S. policies.
He said he would pass the information on to Representative Thomas E.
.Morgan (D. , Pa.), Chairman, I-louse International Relations Committee..
3. LIAISON After checking with the
Office of ersonne , I ca e Mae Sykes, Congressional Relations,
State Department, in connection with her request of yesterday regarding
being an Agency employee. Ms. Sykes was not in her
office so I left a message for her that was not employed by
this Agency.
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Journal .. Office of Legislative Counsel
Wednesday -- 18 February 1976
Page 4
15. LIAISON Met with Chuck Snodgrass,
Defense Subcommittee, House Appropriations Committee staff, and
brought him up-to-date on our assessment of the questions raised by
Prime Minister Rabin with respect to the Agency's assessment of the
Arab/Israeli military balance.
I also briefed him on the declaring as excess to our needs to
GSA assets of a sensitive project.
16. LIAISON Met with Scott Cohen,
Executive Assistant to Senator Charles Percy (R., concerning
the Senator's request regarding mercenaries in Angola. Cohen will
pass on to Senator Percy some information I provided and will let:
us know if the Senator would like a further briefing.
17. LIAISON George Gilbert, 0Ml3, _
called and asked if we had received a request from the White House for
200 copies of the proposed legislation to protect intelligence sources and
methods. I told him we had not. He s.tid he would check further with
the White House and not to be concerne l unless he calls back. I offered
the Agency's printing facilities if necessary in order to make the
President's timetable. Later in the day, 200 were sent to Mike Duvall,
at the White House.
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