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X1 X1 X1 X1 X1 X1 X1 X1 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300080016-1 CIA INTERS h! L' SE ONLY CONFID~r- ri .~ -AL Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 14 July 1976 Paget 7. LIAISON Together with Jim Lilley, NIO/China, and OSR, I briefed Clark McFadden, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, on Chinese defense programs, defense policy and their reaction to the Soviet Union. We discussed in some detail various things Mr. McFadden might expect to encounter or not encounter on his upcoming trip to China. I offered to provide him with several item. s pertinent 25 to his trip. 8, I LIAISON Sent to the district office of Representative Andrew Young (D., Ga.), copies of the Agency publications entitled, "A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems," and "Potential Implications of Trends in World Population, Food Production, and Climate," per their request. 9. LIAISON Delivered a copy of the. Department of Justice opinion on the ACM to Charles Snodgrass, House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense and Guy McConnell, Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense. Included with the opinion was the Office of General Counsel's letter and Robert Gambino's, Director of Security, memorandum. Snodgrass commented on the DDO investigation and stated that he would take up their request with Chairman George H. Mahon. (D. , Tex. ), House Committee on Appropriations on Monday, 19 July. Snodgrass also commented on the need for atotally independent Intelligence Community staff which would include supporting services under the control of the IC. 10.1 LIAISON Met with Tom Susman, Chief Counsel, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure. Susman suggested publication in the Federal Register of intent to destroy documents. Susman suggested Federal Register publication to be under Section 553 of title 5, so as to open our plans to public comment for 30 days. Susman also requested information on the amount CIA paid. to retain I told him I would get back to him. 11. BRIEFING Called Marian Czarnecki, Chief of Staff, House International Relations Committee, to inform him of the request from George Berdes, Subcommittee Consultant, for a briefing on an article in the Wash!.ng on Post with respect to the possible use by Egypt of nerve gas. He saw no problems in our briefing Berdes to the extent necessary. Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300080016-1 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300080016-1 CIA ""T ONLY ADDENDUM TO.! JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 20 July 1976 1. I LIAISON Charles Snodgrass,. House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee staff, called and inquired as to whether the Agency had gotten an amendment from OMB raising the budget figure of I for our CIA Retirement Act amendments legislation. I told him that OMB had last advised that no amendment will be forthcoming. He made clear that the Appropriations Committee will not authorize an appropriation beyond He indicated that we might be able to still get the authorization for FY 1977 even if the retirement bill,. H. R. 13615, is passed after the Defense Appropriations bill becomes law. 2. I LIAISON Delivered to Katherine Leroy, on the staff of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Civil Constitutional Rights. (the FBI oversight subcommittee), a copy of the Agency's last annual report on FOI to the Congress requested in connection with their hearing on 29 July from the FBI as to their problems in implementing FOL We may add an addendum should. we so desire. 3. FOIA Delivered to Representative William Moorhead (D. , Pa.) the Agency's response to a constituent who submitted an FOIA request, for Mr. Moorhead's forwarding to the constituent as requested. 4. LIAISON Delivered to Maxine Dean, in the office of Representative Carlos Moorhead (R., Calif,), Agency recruitment brochures for a constituent interested in Agency recruitment practices. Approveidy orWe1e' se 2004/10/12: CIA-RDP78MO2660R000 80(x1 1 .,Y - z ST ~_ .. Qppr y F ekease 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300080016-1 r' ?L AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Thursday - 22 July 1976 Page 2 5. I ILIAISON Took a call from. Mark Ginsberg, on the staff of Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D. , Mass.), who wanted to cancel the subscription to the Sub-Saharian Africa but added that he would like to receive the Western Europe one. I called Liaison and informed them of the above. 6. LIAISON Took a call from Susie, on the staff of Representative Michael Harrington (D. , Mass. ), who said she would like to get a copy of the Agency publication. entitled "International and Transnational Terrorism: Diagnosis and Progn.o:sis, rr I told her I would put a copy of it in the mail to her. 7. LIAISON Took a call from Carolyn Kelley, on the staff of Senator Mike Gravel (D. , Alaska), who said she wanted a copy of the Agency publication entitled "Indonesia IC165 - The Coup That Backfired. " I told her I would mail her one. 8. LIAISON Spoke with Dean Drake, on the staff of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, Senate Judiciary Committee, regarding his request for statements that Mr. Colby had made in the past year on the Church Committee and referred him to Mr. Andrew Falkiewicz, Assistant to the DCI. 9. EMPLOYMENT Received a call from Angie, in the office of Representative Joseph M. Gaydos (D. , Pa.), requesting the status of application for employment of constituent, I called OP and they informed me that they .were . sending a letter to I to ask for a current address, as she was to be relocating about this time. I asked the Representative's office t relay a message to have OP oni I 10. Received a call from Mr. George Jackson, from the office of Representative Edwin D. Eshleman (R., Pa.) requesting; an employment interview I For constituent, for F ri zz ay . I later asked Mr. Jac cson to have call me on Friday for the time of the appointment as it via3 later in the day when I was able to make arrangements with to s e at 2:30 p. r on Fr lay. ST ST 1ST ST ST Approved F'or,Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000300080016-1 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300080016-1 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY4 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Wednesday - Z8 July 1976 AT AT AT AT AT AT AT 12. INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING Werner Brandt, Legislative Assistant to Representative Thomas Foley (D., Wash.). called to request a briefing of members of the House Agriculture Committee, of which Foley is Chairman, on the Soviet crop situation. He asked that the briefing be scheduled for sometime between 9-1Z August. I told him I would get back to him on his request. OCI, has been advised. ST 13. LEGISLATION Talked to Jim Oliver, OMB, to find out the status of the two deputies legislation. Oliver told me that the legislation was being considered in connection with the problem of Executive Schedule positions on the Intelligence Community staff.. I reiterated we were quite anxious for this legislation to be transmitted to the Congress as soon as possible. 14. ADMINISTRATIVE - DELIVERIES Delivered to Hal Ford for Anne Karalekas, both on the staff of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, a list of the names of Agency and Intelligence Community staff personnel involved in intelligence production or evaluation- 15. LIAISON Dropped off for Elliott Maxwell,. on the staff of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, a copy of the secrecy agreement which Agency employees sign at their EOD. Maxwell called later to say that he had made some changes in the Agency's draft memorandum of understanding regarding the CIA's role in security clearance procedures for the Committee, and would like me to pick it up. He also said the Committee wanted to print as much of Mr. Knoche's answers to questions submitted in connection with his confirmation possible, and ;asked me-;to., notify hime: which, of the answers could be published. 16. LIAISON Kurt Suplee, in. the office of Senator Hubert Humphrey (D., Minn.), called to advise that the former wife of an Agency employee had now received her support check and the matter was now closed. Judiciary Internal Security Subcommittee staff, and gave him the employment dates of an .!agency retiree who has applied for a staff position with the Senate e ect Committee. I also noted that his employment record was entirely favorable. hort made the inquiry on behalf of Senator Strom Thurmond (R. , S. Car.). CIA ~117- q,1 1jLF 0l'~,1~1 A'pproved' For etease 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300080016-1 Approved Fo4~ Release 2004/1 b1 }~d1 D148M02660R000300080016-1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Tuesday - 3 August 1976 18, I LIAISON Called Randy Shaw, in the office of Representative Michael Harrington (D., Mass.), in response to his earlier cal asking for comments on ambiguities concerning Vietnam. I told Shaw that everyone at the Agency felt that the major questions regarding Vietnam had been raised and sufficiently covered. Shaw thanked me for checking. 19. LIAISON David Martin,ESenate Judiciary ,Internal Security Subcommittee staff, called and asked me to check and see what s doing. Martin had gotten a letter from Bill Stoneman, a personal friend, who had inquired about I told Martin I would check and get back in touch. I is handling. 25 25 20. DMINISTRATIVE Russ Rourke, White House staff, called regarding the proposed IC staff move. We discussed the application of a waiver and Rourke mentioned three alternatives: 1) have the President issue a waiver under his authorities, 2) have the Agency issue a waiver under its authorities, or 3) go to the Appropriations Committees. 'I told him I believed Tony Lapham, our General Counsel, had decided that Agency authorities did not apply in this case. Rourke also asked about the House Appropriations Committee. I told him that they were in favor of a separate Intelligence Community, but the subject of a Presidential waiver had not been raised with them. Rourke also mentioned that there was a 2 August deadline and asked whether this was the date when the bid would be awarded. I told him I would check on all this and be back in touch. After talking with Lapham and Chuck Snodgrass, House Appropriations Committee staff, I called Rourke back and told him that the move is consistent with the House Committee's feelings, although Presidential review-had not been discussed, and their only problem was the cost which they asked be reduced. I told Rourke that language had been included in the House Appropriations Committee report. Lapham said that the 2 August deadline was the date when contractors could withdraw their bids, but there is no indication that any will., Also Lapham said that Agency authorities are not applicable here but. the President has a different kind of determination on which to base a waiver. Rourke appreciated the response and thanked me for my help. He said. they would make a decision tomorrow. 21, I DELIVERY Delivered to Charles Snodgrass, House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee staff, a package concerning questions on the 1977 CIA Budget Justification Book for the Office of Corr_-` :J?1er. Approved For Re ase 200 '(1112' CIA-RDP7$M02660R000300080016-1 A roved Fo Release 2004/1 0 1 21": ETA-RDP78M02660R000300080016-1 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 6 August 1976 6X LIAISON Frank Slatinshek, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, called referring to an article which appeared in the NID on 5 August describing a recent Soviet nuclear test. Slatinshek said several of the members had questioned this article and asked if we could prepare him a short paper giving more background on it. 2. I ~ LIAISON Called David Martin, Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Internal Security staff, as a follow- up to his call to Mr. Cary for information on I told Martin that I understood he was interested in whether or not still alive and I told him he died in a plane - crash of 1972. Martin also asked whether he had had any association with the Agency and I replied I thought his only question was whether he was living or dead. I told Martin there may have been a very brief association with the Agency in the late 1940's. Martin said this would take care of his needs. 3. LIAISON Scott Cohen, on the staff of Senator Charles A. Percy (R., Ill. ), called to advise that the Senate passed a resolution on 2 August expressing support for the Government of Tunisia. He asked whether there had been any foreign press reaction to this. I called and asked them to check into it and told them that if they came up with anything to mail it to Cohen directly. I then called Cohen and advised him that he would be receiving any infor- mation we could find. LIAISON Charles Sorell, Congressional Budget 0-"ice staff, called and made a very strong pitch for an additional briefing on the Soviet Pacific fleet capabilities and patrol patterns. He said he -ould like to have it the day following the one scheduled for 12 August or early the next week. I reminded him that our resources are limited and that we were already looking into providing him with this briefing at the earliest possible time. I then talked to Q OCI, and she advised that the naval briefing is being scheduled as an additional part of the 12 August briefing. 5. LIAISON Spoke with George Armstrong, on the staff of Representative John M. AAshhbbrookk((R. , Ohio), and told him that I hack, pro ed` oe~tel?ae loc said 4hegP-co'a~e our 16~0'OebOlb~1r communi-s- In 25, 25, ST 25